HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-05-19, Page 44 C)inton 'News'-R4ord May 19tb,1910
Porter's- HW.
Mr. Milton Woods'intends painting
his house in the near future.
Miss Minnie Johnson is at Mitchel -t-
at present spending a month.
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
0. W. Potter has not been well
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel I•'.'xumerson and
family spent Sunday at Mrs. Charles
Miss Millie Halstead is • spending a
few weeks with ha sister, Airs.
James H. Harrison, 1st con.
Mr. and Mrs. Yates of London
ited recently a
t Mrs. it
let eon.
Mr. Charles McPhail was in Sea -
forth Saturday on business.
Mr. Mowat Mcdougall is engaged.
with Mr. Henry Salkeld for the sum-
Mrs. Donald McKenzie of the 1st
con. spent Monday at Mrs, Peter
• Beef Ring No. 1 started Tuesday,
a fine beef being brought in by Mr.
The Newest
The Best
The Cheapest
is to be found
in our stock.
• 0
Miss Ethel. Gavier spent Sunday at
her hoxne here.
Aiiss Myrtle Beacom spent Sunday
with friendsin town.
Mrs. Hest and son of Brussels are
visiting Mrs. Wm. Lawson,
Mr. and Airs. Tyner spent Satur-
day and Sunday with Leadliury
Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Bill leave on
Tuesday for a visit with their sons
who are homesteading Gear" Taber,
.Air. LJoe. Clifton spent Sunday with
his son, Air. Chas. Clifton.
Mr. Jas. Mair •has completed the
contract of putting a new floor in
the bridge here.
Mr. Geordie Johnston, spent Sunday,
under the parental roof.
't'he Ladies' Guild will meet at Mrs.
J. Rapson's on Friday afternoon.
Miss. S.. Tibbet of fiolmesville is.
visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Hayes.
Mr. Thos. E. Mason leaves for the
west on Tuesday.
Me, Ogle Miller• ',has been under the
weather for 'a few days, also Mr.
Lew, Johnston was laid up with a
severe cold. -
Miss Annie Ball was the guest of
her augt,, Mrs, •'Gotdthrope of . Salt.
ford,. last week.
In view of "itis recent marriage
a number of the young people
of• the vicinity gathered at the noble
of Mr. C. W. Williams, Jr,, on Fri-
day evening last and *resented him
and his wife with a beautiful mantel
clock with an accompanying address
as a mark of the .esteem in which he
is held in the neighborhood. Mir Wille
liams was completely' trale.en by sur-
prise and in a few words thanked
those who had been so considerate to-
wards him and then announced that
his home was at their .disposal to
enjoy themselves during the remainder
of the evening. Thie they did in the
Line of social chat, games etc., after
which a dainty lunch was served and.
alt dispersed. The following address
was read •
Mr.- C. W. Williams :
Wei the people of St. Peters church
and others, are met together in your
hone this evening for ,the purpose of
spending a. 'social it me with you and
your esteemed wife, as we are all
more or less interested ss'hen, as the
!poet says,. "A now household finds its
Plai•e a iit the,
myriad homes �o
earth, • You havealways been
willing helper in connection with . the
church and have Cheerfully borne your
*share of the burden, and we now wish
to show you in some material •way
our p.ppeeciation of you as one of our
number. To this end we respectfully
ask you .ec t r
y to a ep .f oitu us, as a com-
mon gift to yourself and wife, this
Clock. as• • a slight token of the above
mentioned appreciation and we • 01
sincerely; hope•that yoneitey heth
enjoy a long and •prosperous life.
The News -Record excels in local
nand township news.
ar1I LADIES 1:!:
Patent Finger
Are the result of 25 years ' persistent, and painstaking
effort to secure perfection: inSilkGlove making.
The -Kayser" organization is the largest of its kind.
The "Kayser" Glove the standard in the glove world.
All other silk gloves aremeasured, by the "Kayser"
standard, This is Sour assurance that you are getting
the best silk glove that can be produced. - • ...
Don't accept the "just as good" kind. There are no
silk gloves like the "Kayser." •We have them in black
and white, price $1.00 per pair. -
Serpentine Crepe -
Is not only the best fabric made for Kimonq5, Dressing
Sacques, Etc., but also makes very satisfactory dresses
for house and outdoor wear,
"Serpentine Crepe'' is unsurpassed by ariy similar
fabric for, late spring and summer wear.
See our beautiful range 25c per gd
Japarie$e Matting
Another shipment of Mattings this week in neat
desiggis and pretty colorings. Suitable for bedrooms,
verandahs, etc.
Prices 20c, 2Se and 35c gard
oderlch Township
The friends of Rev. W. IL D+'.lar
will be pleased to hear that he ar-
rived safely in Belfast, Ireland, have
ing had a pleaeant voyage over. He
will return by the Lake Manitoba -
which sails from Bangor, Belfast, on
June 10th.
A memorial service for His late
Majesty, King I'.dveard VII, will be
held in St. James' church, Middle-
ton, on Friday morning at 10.80.
Members of other churches will be
Mr.George •oct o the C.}
Proctor t
Line is haeit.ng hie house turned
about, re -modelled, concrete wall:;
placed under it and will instal a fur-
nace. The emirate work is being
done by Mr. Arthur Cante:lon who
will snake a good job of it.
Our roads leading to Bayfield are .
the !nose .extensivcly.travelled during
the summer months and therefore
during that period should be kept as
smooth as possible, Would it not
be well if the pathmastors would
postpone their gravelling until the.
fall and thus allow those who way
Drive to get as much enjoyment out
f it as possible. Suppose ;the path-
athmasters along the lines leading to
Huron's moat popular summer resort
try, the experiment for one ;season.
Messrs. Alex. Welsh and John Cluifl
last week sold twenty-five grass eat -
'tie to Mr. James Connally who will
fit them on fxis farm on the 7th
Mr. Geo. Phillips, who has been
ill, is, we are pleased to say, almost
well again. ,
Mr. Robt. Johnston of Bright has
been visiting at the home of Mr.
Fred. Leonard,
Miss D. A. Ilolmes attended the
W.M.S. Convention. in Windsor last
week as delegate from this society.:
Rev. 1). Rogers of Seaforth was a
guest at the parsonage over Monday
. Rev. Air. Snowden attended the
District meeting to Seaforth on Tues=
day aiid Wednesday. -
'-he League meeting on Monday ev-
ening was a very pleasant and inter-•
e sting one. • Rev. Air. Rogers - Was
present and delivered his address: 'on
the Life. and Work of Rev. Dr, Tal-
mage." A great inany people - aro
afraid- of- lectures and shamibem if
possible, • but Mr. Rogers is a very
pleasing speaker, warmly - httinran, and
on the oees:fon he held the 'attention
of his- audience throughout, and .many
•were the-. 'expressions of .pleasure at
theconclusion. c It ion. Th
o ca gu
J e e (*air
rendered some good tnusic' during the
evening and altogether the meeting
was- most nuccessfnl,
London- Road
Miss Edith Jennison •of Clinton vis-
ited.at. Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Stan-.
bury's on Sunday. •
• Air.. Fred: Waldron. returned . .on
,Saturday from Kingston where he at-
tended the funeral of his' grandnioth
er, Mrs. bangs tth.
The residence on the Pleimstcel farm
is being fitted up and,.. Dame Rumor
says, it will soon have occupants.•
ivrr.rth r Stevenson, A u Ste ensori, was in. Lon'
don iron Saturday- to- Monday,
Mr, Will. Eleoat -of the 2nd con.
is ,re -roofing ' his barn -with galvaniz-
ed: shiirgles, -
•Ms Fred Nott ti
ted her
ents i'n Morris the' past week. •
,• • lrs. ti'.m.: Jamieson and children of
Manitoba, spent a few days the guest
of her father-in-law, Mr. Gavin Jam-
ieson. '
Miss Maggie. McDonald spent lant
week- wi th friends at Brussels.
Alis..:Robt. Clarke: and"Mrs• Duncan
Tudor. agent; Sunday vt:th the lat-
ter's parents at IioIiuest•ille. . •
Mese Nellie Sutherland is at pres-
ent in'Sraiorth. `
Mr; ..John Riley of Londesboro
.moved the driving shed from the
Snell's other Uarnt
ever to the pIae:e
where they live last week•`
The local "Rovers" are busy get-
ting into shape for the Brucefield--
Strathroy game to•"be played in the
latter place' on, May, 24th. It is ex-
pected that. atleaut fifty rooters will
accompany the team to that town.
The heavy frosts of last week -prov-
ed very disastrous to much fruit itti
this part- of the county.
hlr. Fred. Waldron has returned
Ircm Kingston..
'rhe News -Record excels. in .local
and township news. - -
The May Rod aa•d Gun
While fishing occupies prominent
positions in the May number of Itod
and Gun • in Canada, published by• W.
.1. Taylor, Woodstock,.Ont., there is
no lack al" variety, articles appealing
to sportsmen of all taste:+ aitp•earli g
in .this issue. Anglers who ate are
ranging their spring outings wi'l find
ample provision - for their entertain-
ment and will revel in the stories of
good fishing trips told by their for-
tunate brethren. Mr. nonnycastie
Dales studies of Wild Ducks in
ada an -
ads will interest avast numberof
people, - and sportsmen, particularly
wil! find .their knowledge of a fine
gatno bird much increased by a per-
usal of this article. Catching tCfds
of Mountain Goats and . White Water
Men of the St. Mauriec are stories
none should miss. Big game hunting
and protective workrk r
while camping and Moun-
taineering have •.their delights plea-
santly pictured. T'or variety and in-
terest the number is excellent
throughout and frportstnen should
sec to it that a Copy aeeom.paniee
them on every trip.
Mr. Wesley; Beacom of Harlock was
iu the village on 'Monday. When: the
family tined on the old homestead.
on. the Bayfield Line be was a ire•
queue visitor to our village but now
that be lives much further away we
do not see this smiling face so oft-
en. While here on Monday he bought
a driving horse from Air. • George
May 24th will be celebrated in
Bayfield when bauaball - and football
games and other sports will be held
in the show grounds. The
Clinton le'
l ilite Collegiate football team.
ve. the Bayfield team will
Oen the sports after which
Varna baseball team vs. Bay-
field also Zurich Junior baseball vs.
Bayfield Juniors. Come and enjoy
an outing at the lake.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hanlon of the
Commercial stent a few , days
in London this week.
Mr. J'. t . Stanbury, Barrister, of
Exeter spent Monday in the village
the guest of his parents, Dr. and
Mrs. Sunbury. . -
ilaev, Mr, Martin of London oecu-
pied the pulpit of St. Andrews
churoh on Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs, Thos. •King spent
Sunday •at t oderich. -
Miss Jennie Erwin, who spent the
past two months at• Clinton, return-
ed home last week.
Rev. Mr. Fortner attended the Dis-
treat meeting at Seaforth . on Tues-
day and Wednesday of last week.
Mr. W. J. Vl`t:okwire of Exeter , was
in the village on Tuesday.
'Rev. Mr. - Taylor. attended the Dis-
trict meeting in Seaforth this Week,
also Mr. W. L.. Keyes, who went .as
lay delegate from this congregation.
Miss -'`earl -Dunkin is with friends
on the Front Road' this week,
Rev. Thos. Davidson preaches • his
farewell- sermon here eon :Sunday neXt
and, with his•family, will 'remove
next week to iris farxii near Mount
It Fags• to Paint Farm
BuiIc ings.
The S ri
'� r e t of thefernier
op y is
generally reflected in his farm build-
ings. - These can and should, be at-
tractive to the eye. It must be cone
reseed, however, that in most cases
barns and out-bui,!dings are 'a - blot
on the•iandscape. This is net as it
should be. Paint would right mat=
ters, Farm buildings neatly painted
are a .source of pride• t•o,• their own-
er. And this extra touch adds sub-.
•Bally to the value of the larin.
All agree that buildings look much.
better :when painted. - Tlie queution
we want answered is, "Does it pay?"
It inay not pay, directly, ' to paint
our barns. In fact, its prenervativc
effect oe ordingry rough siding wou:',1
scarcely, pay for the paint. - • On new
;smooth siding it would pay. Indir--
:eetly it does pay, however, no ' matter
iflgs addto the value of the farm, a
what the siding, Weil painted 'build -
sum fars 'the a
exce of tl e cost. fcoat
of paint. • •-
Let us look et it in this way: Con-
sider two communities in close . Y`prox-
imit y -do each. other.. " They are
y eq-
ual in every respect; save that. . in one
coar>Onunity .- the s buildings, aro all,
painted; while in the other they. • are
net, Farms. in the former instance
will invariably ceininamt' more, money:.
Prospected buyers cannot but' be ,,aat-
.tracted to such a Section. The busi-
ness man knows Ithe value of attract-
ive surroundings.CCr.
There . are several brands of ready
mixed painte on the market which are
satisfactory. ' These should be used
by those who. have had no experience,
in mixing paints. Those who .Wan to
mix their own paints should . heed the
following suggest ions : A.void, _ cheap
oil. Use good pale -boiled oil even
if it costs a few rents, a gallon more.
If raw oil is used dryer must be add-
ed, •
• The' Spray Pump for . Painting.
When we have decided to paint, the
question arises, "itow 'Shall ' we , ap-
ply it?'.' The ordinary method of.
hand a icat i
1 Ion .'is familiarall.
AP to In
recent years, the spray pumphasbeen
reconthnended as a cheap and , efficient mane of of painting outbuildings. ' It
proves quite satisfactory. • Thi 1pfay
rovers the surface well,..tbough some=
what unevenly, and itis necessary to
brush it if a good job is desired. This
brushing is easily accomplished- by
means of and ordinary whiteYash.
brush to th'e side of which to .long han-
dle has . been attached.
The advantages of the pump . as a
means' of painting are that the paint
is applied.quiek;'y and cheaply. -This
practice has its disadvantages in
that fully one-half more paint ie nec-
essary and one does. ubt get the • fine
gloss possible when the paint is . ap-
plied by hand and well rubbed in.
'Where. a pump is to be used for ap-
olying the paint, the ehean, c•nld
water paints are probably preferable
on account of waste, For purpose:
of whitewashing, the pump is always
ahead of the brush.
When selecting a colon it is well to
remember that red will look well leng••
er than any other shade. A coat of
paint every eight or ten'years will
knee the buildings looting well.
Little Locals,
Good morning ! Ilow dc's your
sub • to:The News•-Tdrevtei :,latae .
If eggs were nowadays r,ild by
weight Mr: Ken Chowen's Minorca
hens would bring a big price for he
has been gathering eggs which n:c•as-
ure 6ii• x 8 and 7 x 8.
Many hone-l'.ekers left for the
Robert Ewers was found guilty of
conspiring to .procure. .
etetrettander Stewart,, U.N., has been
apptgnted to the command, of tate
ilon. William 'l'empletnan• }:r prepar-
eruiser Rainhowv.
Mullett Township.
Mr. John Hutton has secured Mr.
Grant of Teeswater to, assist hint in
the grist mill.
Miss Della McCool, we are sorry
to say, is ;+offering front a severe
attack of bronchitis.
Mr. Thos. Nott is not improving
very rapidly.
Mr. Arthur Allan, who for the
past while has been: foreman at Air.
George Thompson's has engaged with
Air. John Garrett..
Mr. .Jas, McCool was thrown oil
load of wheat
n Mond
alighting in front Of the hind wheels
which ran over- across one leg.
Ile was not seriously hurt and will
soon be around again.
Mr. Samuel McCool 4-ra. Mr. John
1 odden Sr. each delivered a fine horse
last week. - -
Mr. and Airs. William Stevens of
Clinton visited their daughter, Mrs.
Jas. McGill, this week.
Miss Kate and Henry McCiinehey of
Wawanosh spent, Sunday at the home
of Mr. Lawrence Plaetzer,
Messrs. Wm. Fear and Jas.,Leiper
left on Monday for the old. Country.
They- shall combine business with
pleasure and bring home a niintber Of
good horses with theta.
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Seeley and
family • spent Sunday with 14Irs.
Seeley'a'sister, Mrs. Robt. Lawson.
They made the journey in their new
touring 'car.
Mr. Lorne Tyndall attended the
D:strict meeting in Seaforth as lay
delegate from the Ontario street
church, -
Mr. Geo. Carbert purchased a fine
horse recently as also did Mr, Jos,
Reynolds purchase a team,
Messrs. Wilfred and Milton Plunkett.
spent Sunday at the: name • of Air,
Fred. Henry 'or the. vicinity of Me -
.ton, . - .
Mr. Sam. Darr and men aro at
:present making cement blocks for a
house at Constance. •
Albert Doerr, who is stone -mason-
ing- with Mr. Wm. Weber, spent -Su'n-
day at his home ,in this vicinity.
The new minister 'of' the Hullett
Evangelical church preached -lis first
sermon last Sunday. • - •
More Cheaper School Book
Another marked decrease in the.pric
e. ' f publie o p lie school tett-hooks for the
province was, evidenced on Wednesday
of last week when tenders were, open-
ed for° the new arithmetic and gram-
• The Woeld. interviewed Sire. James
Whitney, who happened to •be in con-
versation with Ron. H. A. Pyne, min-
ister of education, and the following
em,ent was as rccei.rcd
"'rile public school arithmetic, con
sisting of 210pages, fermate retailed
at 25 cents. The new one, • Consisting
of 240 .page's, will retail at 9 cents. -
"The old public school grammar of
190- pages retailed• et 25, cents. The
new text -book on a basis of 224 pag
es• will be sold at '8e. rents. • -•
"There .will also be. a discount of 20
•per cent, oft the retail of the, new
books." .. -
Sir James also announced that the
succcssfei lowest tenderers ter the
new books c ar . :
Robert Simpson Co., Limited; : for
the 'arithmetic.
Holland Linen PaPer C,'a.. '
W: JGage�t
Co.,Limited, .. o meted for the
grammar.- .
"The issue, of ,these hooks is eon-
sonant with the, policy et the educe-
tianal-department., to 'bring ail •' high
school ' 'and public school text -books.
up' to date,'
with suchreduction:
as will insure' to tee. teivaatage
of the, people of the province.' :
St. Vitus dance is :a common disease•
in, children and is also 'found ' in
highly strung men . and • women. ' The
only cure Hes in plenty of pure blood,
because pure blood is the lifo food of
th •
e nerves And Dr. Williams'Pink
Pills is the only medleinc to • make
this life food because they contain the
elements that actually make new,
rich, red blood. •' This statement has
been proven over and over again and
now from Port Maitland, •N.S,, comes
another: remarkable puce of evidence
of the power of Dr,.: V, illiams' Pink
Pills over disease. lttr. Lyndon E.
Porter, - is, -one of thee• hest' known resi-
•dents of that town. Ile euffered Trent
a severe attack of St. +Vitus dance,
and got no help from medicine until
he began using Dr. Williams' Pink
('ill's, (Ile says :--"My ease was un-
usually 'bad. ; I was compelled to
abandon work. I found it impossible
to sleep, and night after night would
toss about in bed, I was receiving
medicel attention, but in spite of the
careful treatment I gradually. grew
worse. - My limbs jerked and twitch-
-ed to such an extent that I ,ou1d not
cross the floor without:falling or com-
ing in contact with some piece of fur-
niture. I could not raise a glass of.
Water to my.•elps so badly did my
arms and hands tremble and' shake.
1 cannot imagine more severe. suffer-
ing and inconvenience than one . en-
dures who has int. Vitus Dance, My
father being . a druggist knew of the
many trines effected by Dr: Williams'
Pink Pills, and advised me to try
thein. I did so, and with the , most
happy results. Inless than - two
months from the time I began the use
of the pills I was.a•well titan, and 1
have not since had the slighteit sym-
ptom or- the trouble."
All over the world •fr, Wlt1hfin '
Pink fills are. making' just such
cures as Mr. P.orter!s: • They go right
down to the cause of the disease in
the blood. 1n -this way' they have
proved in thousands of eases to euro,
anaemia, ar
act beatnik's.? e , and backaches,
rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia., nets
vousntss, indigestion, decline and the
special ailments of growing girls, and
women, Sold by all niediefne dealers
or by mail at 60 cents a box or six
boats for *2.(G from The Dr. 'Williams'
Medicine 'Co., Brockville, Ont.
And Passed. Into Stock
This weak another shipment of beautiful
Einbroideries for which our store hasbecome so
would be impossible on, paper, see some of the ---
lines in our south window, or better still, come
in and inspect our entire stock. -You will find
it a real. pleasure to do so,
"yet done so, be sure and see our superbstock of
Ginghams, Dignities and Organdies. They are
the dainty, gauzy, breezy kind that gives one a'
cool appearance in the hottest weather. You'll
be charmed by their beauty and pleased with
their reasonable prices:
u.r" ,
O milliner, McCormick, has prepar-
ed a table of Stylish -Millinery for ladies and •
misses at quick selling prices.
!i1T House
rnisbin.. s .
Our noose .Furnishing Department has ex=
needed all our expectations. It is a baby depart-
ment m this store, but .a very thriving yo.ting-
ster. We shall 'spare no pains to keep it healthy:
Oiloloths Trona 20 to 72 inches.
it m .2 to 4 yards wide, very
carefully selected patterns :and the• celebrated
Carpet Rugs in all sizes
Jap Mattings, Matt's and 'Rugs;'
Laee Curtains and curtain materials
in great variety. -
# S. C. Rathwel 1, Shoes C. 1-loare,: Music
The Regina shoe for The New Mantrnrnoth
"Fit for a Queen"
TNo matter how nice vont spring
costume is. it will not appear et
f its hest unless you have nice tit-
ing shoes.
Try a pair of Regina Oxfords
or pampa. we have them in all
sixes and widths.
Regimes Wear well, Pit well
and Look well.
Derby_ . .
Shoes for Men.
The Derby is .a man's shoe
that lite and *tars, we have
them in Pat. Colt, Velnur Cnle
and Viet Kid. Price $4 to $4.50
Polio of- IV.1: usic
The new music book
Music lovers ere delighted .with
this book, Cone and see them.
The price -is 95c
Yes, we have them' in all letters
.and kinds. Price 25C to $t
Newcombe and Sherloe
& Manning Pianos
always in stock,
. W1q