HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-05-05, Page 8••
CHM.* News -Record
now be wit
401401.4), Sitoe8
We can express in, one word the reason
for the wonderful success of "Relindo
Shoes" for women, and that word is
"Satisfaction." It means everything,
right style, perfect fit, and the knowled-
ge that your shoes are correct and will
keep their shape, while you wear them.
No matter what price you pay you won't
•get more in Shoes.
We are Exclusive agents for Relindo Shoes
Our Quick Service is a Winner.
10,21.49461.04,1100,41frilikerige.44P41.44b1Plibelli.1104-11.4pctios-zr Alba Albevilbe
A Long List
f Short Prices
Await you at this store during the corning week. Space will
) n per mit of mention of a very few, hut vie aim that each sale
m 1 shall be a sale to advertise this store as the store of big values
A Table Linen Special
About 200 yards of beitutiful pure bleached TableLinen, 02'in-
e ches wide and -extra good value at 65e, priced to clear at .42
• Two Specials in Lace Curtains
25 pairs extra fine Lace Ous Lane, 60 inches wide, 3e• yards long
e ' and a regular $1,50 curtain, special this week .98
Also about 20 pairs good large Lace Curtains, and extra value at
• 90c a pair, special this week * .89
e $1 Corsets for 69c
Another shipment ot these corsets has just arrived and are a
e superior lot to the at shipment, which everyone pronounced
"wonderful value" but rather than put these with our regular
• stock, out cheer go this week at * 69
e Don't fail to see our 49c Corsets. They are wonders, made in
n) long Direetorie style of nice quality white coutil with 4 hose support -
w ers and big value at a very saran price.
Special values in Prints, Gingliams, Wash Linens, etc.. all week
0 • Some big snaps in the Clothing and Shoe Departments. Don't e
# buy without seeing thein. ' . • If
Sall ft More 0
Profits ; Plumsteel Bros. ;• 'I
Business. „
se at _ai
prig is bre,.
AND with It comes the
decoration of some
room in your"home.
If it's New Wall pap-
er --we have it in
la r g e assortment,
pretty and practical
designs and colorings
most appropriate,
they also have the
charm of fair value
for the price. We ask
your inispection.
1 Millinery Store
Look Here
If you want a Stylish Summer
Hat we handle them. We are
selling at the lowest prices.'
... •
MISS CANTE401*.(11.:c0;.....
Often Cheapest - Always the Best
reelee• •••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••4•••••••••••••••
J. B Hoover Nelson Bali 61
1 When Selecting Furniture
You need be concerned only about its
appearance. The quality we guarantee. •*
• •
So when you come to choose the new •
library table, the new rocker or Morris
chair, the new suite for the parlor,
don't worry about the quality.
Miss Mac Brahler Sundayed Se See -
Dr. Thompson was in St. Mary's on
Misa Young of Woodstock is the guest
of Mrs. Jas. Twitchell.
Mr: Wm, Johnston went to Exeter
• where he " es accepted a poeitione
Mrs, Braneen And son of Bayfield
were in town yesterday afternoon.
Il/r. Keene of London was the guest
of Rev, ancleMel,—CrailessivTifir last
Mr. Milt. Oliver of Thessalon is the
• guest of his sister, Mrs.'Frank
Mr. H. W. Cook has returned home
after several months absence in
Miss Hannah, Harrison -spent Sunday
at the home of her parents near
BayAeld. ••
Miss Winifred Goodwin left Om Friday
• for a few weeks' visit with friends
:in Detroit.
Mr. Will. Wasrnan has gone 'to London
to take a course,in the School of
Telegraphy. •
Mrs. Geo. Powell of Blyth • visited
her friend, Mrs.. John Hartley, on
• Friday last. • •
Miss Edna Holmes of Seaforth was
the • guest of Miss Pearl tCantelon.
over Sunday:•
Miss Mande Ferguson went to God-
erich today where she has accepted
• a ,position.
Mr. John . Mullholland returned on
•Monday from' the wet, where • he
spent several weeks. • "
Mrs. , J. W. Treleaven and little 'daugh-
• ter, Norma, were in Lucknow with
friends for the week end.
Messrs. Robt. Lyon and . James. Mit-
• chell, of the 0,I., .spent Sunday at
• their homes in Lucknow. •
Mr. John •Irwin of London visited
his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. J. A. Ir-
• win, during the past week. •
Mr. Norman. Jolliffe of New York is
spending a brief holiday * with his
parents at Wesley parsonage.
Mises Helen Sheppard and Rita .Jor
dan of Goderich, were the guests
over Sunday de Miss Daisy Middle-
• ton.. • • . •: •
•Mr. C. J. :Wallis returned on Satur-
day last from' a business trip of
• several weeks to the Province .pf
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parker and fam-
ily left on Monday for Stratford
where Harry will become G. T. R:
Mr. W. J. Paisley 'was in Seaforth
Tuesday acting as valuator for Mr.
• Jas. Dick who has! disposed of the
Dick House •.
Coustablq Elliott was in Clinton yes-
terday and paid a• visit to a• farai
a short distance out in. his eon-
stabular capacity.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson spent
" Sunday in Egmondville with • the
former's brother, Mr. J. gimps*
who is seriously ill. •
Mr. A. A. Alexander, Montreal, fath-
er Cif Mr, Alex. Alexander, former-
ly of" Clinton but now of Montreal,
• was in town over Sunday,
Mrs. T. A. Greig and little daughter,
Hattie, are in •Kincardine, having
been called there Saturday owing
to the illness of Mrs. Greig's fath-
er. •
Mr. Robt. Penha,le of Bayfield Was in
• town Tuesday, his first visit for
some time as he recently returned
from a menth'n business trip to
Mrs. John Wiseman returned en Tires
day froin St. Marys, where she has
been staying with her mother since
the death oi her step -father, a fort-
night ago.
"Mr. W. D. Skevenson, who underwent
• an operation in St. Joseph's hos-
pital, London, was able to return
home Saturday and is now rapidly
Miss Holmes, daughter of Mt 22obt.
Holmes, and Miss Gertie Chant,
daughter of Mr. 14, B. Chant, aro
members of the office staff of the
Canadian Farm, Toronto.
Mr. Lorne Welsh was home from Til-
sonburg yesterday. ric .has cam-
, pIeted his course in tetegralthY.,
• \ passed his exams and is now ready
to take a position.
Mr. T. •Jackson, Jr., left on Tuesday
• on a business trip to Toronto and
• Montreal. He was accompanied as
far as Toronto by Mtn Irene, who
• will spend the week therewith
The Messrs. Jackson and their super-
intendent, Mr. J. McLeod, visited
their branch factory at Exeter the
forepart of the *eek, .making the
trip in Mr. Bert Langford's Ford
auto, Bert himself being the chant -
1111i, 1111,.
You Can Leave
That to .us.
Rest assured we •
• will sell you on-
•ly,furniture that
• will wear as *ell
as it looks.
The cheapest spot in Huron County to buy all kinds of furniture. i
Hoover Sic Bali i
.........„..t.T.i., .A..mr. V'T.71•1-MEIR.A.TA blmnaroltet
Advertising in The New's-
Record brings good
jpzuezAN ST
. Cleantit
• Carpets
Rugs, Curtains
• Linoleum
OUR stock of Hous, Furnishings is now complete in every detail in:Lace Curta4Ins, Tapestry
Curtains, Brussels, Tapestry and Wool Carpets, Rugs, Matts,tLinoleutus, Oilcloth, Jap
Mattings, Deor Matts, Carpet Sweepers, etc. The range is large and you are not confine4, tut
fe•-• debigns, • •want, we do not stock, we can easily get iffor you. •
• We solicit your inspection and will be pleased to show you our range.
Lace Curtains
You will find the patterns we have assem-
bled have been chosen tastefully and care-
fully. Every new feature is represented,
though of course the conventional designs
are amply represented. Our purchases
• were made direct and involve Nottingham,
Brussels, Nets, Tamboured Nets and others
• Prices run from , .25 up to 6.00
Tapestry Curtains
• In plain •colors and two tone effects, in re&
green and brown, several new designs,
2.75 up to 6.00
We Make and Lay all Price Carpets Free
• We are showing an exceptionally good
range of designs mid colorings in Tapestry,
,• .Brussels and Wool Carpets in the different
• qualities, and invite your inspection whe-
• ther you purchase or not. • Prices run
• from ••. . .315 up
Jap Mattings
For bed. robins Jap Mattings are becoming •
Floor Oilcloths in 1, le, 1e and 2 yards
quite popular for summer use. They are
pretty, clean and cool. We are showing a • wkIe at per yard „ . ...... , .28
splendid range at per yd .20 •
Japanese Yutake Rugs Floor Matts •
Floor Oilcloth
Wo are showing an exceptionally large 'T
range of Jap Rugs, with border to match SPECIAL -25 Wilton Floor Matts, sizes 27
running all round, in sizes
inches by 54 niches. No two alike in floral,
animal and maple leaf designs, splendid
1 yard by 2 yards at • .50 quality, fast colors, worth, $3.50 for 2.76
2 yards by 3 yards at. — 1.50 other Floor Matts from ...BO up
3yards by gi yards at • 3.00 •, •
Ask to see this tange. RUMS
Linoleums •
Ten new spring patterns of Nairn's Scotch
• Linoleums to choose from, two weights, at
per squate yard •.60 -and .60
We are showing the largest range of Floor
Rugs in town, Brussels, Tapestry, Wilton,
Velvet and Wool, at prices that defy coin -
petition. If you are in need pf a rug come
when the range is the largest •
Evidence of the Splendid Values can best be Learned by a Visit to the Store.
411111111111 - AG.
Of Personal MentiOn
• • ,
Mr.' and Mrs. Wilken visited in Hen -
Mrs. Launce Lavis and family arriv-
ed from Oshawa yesterday on a
visit to relatives here.
Mr. W. 0. Henry, alter:a week's .vis-
• it to his home' near town, return-
• ed to Toronto on Friday afternoon
last to ,renume his studies at. Var-
sity where he is in his third year
in arts and ,medicine. •
Mr. S. Davis has returned from a
visit of several weeks with a son
and daughter who • are resi-
dents of Toronto. Mr. , Davis
• Jr. has established himself in, the
hardware business in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cook and two
children of Regina, Sask., have been
in town this week visiting Mr.
Cook's uncle, Mr. John Stevenson,
• Huron street, and other friends. Mr.
Cook was a native of Clinton but
• has 'not been here for many years.
They are travelling in tiner big
• new auto and aro accompanied by a
chauffeur. • •
Mr. Chas. Donaldson; Wingharn, •re-
presenting the J. 1, Case Co. of
• Racine, Wis., was in town Tuesday
• and while here sold to a McKillop
farmer a complete threehing outfit
• valued at in the neighborhood of
• $3200. The machine has a straw
blower, band cutter, self feeder and
a straw bruising attachment, which
the Company's experts claim is
much ahead of cutting the straw.
Mr. Dobaldson has disposed. of sev-
eral of these • expensive machines
this season.
Mrs. • Christopher: was a caller at
Mrs. Brownlee's f ram Tuesday un-
til Friday of last week.
Mrs. Norman Fair and Master DOug-
• lae have returned f rona a visit to
• her brother inNew York State.
Mrs. Walter King of Albert street,
accompanied by little Miss Margar-
et Ball; visited Mrs. Oaten in Sea -
forth on Saturday, •
Mrs: John Hodgens Of Goderich, who
• has been visiting" friends in Toronto
for a• few weeks, stopped oft at
• Clinton on her way home and • has
•" been busy greeting old friends dur-
ing the Past Week.
Mr. and Mrs, • S. Kemp and their
• daughter, Mies Nellie, visited at
• Mr. Thos. Stewart's, Bluevale, on
• Sunday last, 'making the trip • in
• their Russel car of which Mr. Kemp •
• .has become an expert driver.
Mr. George Erwin 'of Bayfield and his
daughter, Mrs. • Ross Beattie of
Trout Creek, were in town last
evening, having come over to meet
Mr. Beattie, a Grand Trunk agent
• jadnadyrnsetotently a man of few hob -
Mr. Carl Engler, B.A., Dominion Land
Surveyor, Ottawa, has been appoint-
ed by the Dominion Government to
establish the northern boundary of
Alberta. He starts for Athabasca
Landing • immediately and will be
occupied most of the summer. Mr.
• Engler is brother of Mrs. W. Mare
ciuis of Hullett, and was a one-time
• student of the Clinton Collegiate.
Uullett Happenings..
It is with much regret that we re-
cord the death of Mrs. Elisha McVit-
tie of the 16th' eon, which took
place on April 20th. Shu had been in
failing health Tor about a year, per
Melons anaemia being, the cause. Mrs.
MeVittie was bona in Perth county
55 years ago, moving from there to
Grey township 'in 1868. 28 years ago
the subject of this' notice was united
in marriage to her now bereft part-
ner. rtfie ourviving children are
Mrs. S. Carter, toridesboro ; George
and Miss Ruby at home. The funeral
took plaee to :Londesboro cemetery,
Rev. H. Es Curry, the family
pastor conducting an appropriate
service. The pallbearers were
William GeO•rge, henry and
James 'WM, Robt, Caldwell and
Simon Mc•Vittie. Mrs. MeVittie was
a woman of many excellent qualities
and enjoyed the esteem of a wide
circle oPrelatives and old friends. She
bore her illness with patience and re-
signation and passed away with the
Christian's hope of a blesseni immor-
tality. The bereaved family have the one in Clinton on ThorsileY night.
sincere sympathy of the whole corn- Rev. W.. 7'. Percey, pastor of the
munity. Presbyterian church here, arrived
Monday. The induction took place
Mr. James Leiper exprets to leaVe at Burns' church Wednesday after -
in the course of the next fortnight noon.
for the Ohl Country to purchase , Messrs. .las. Brown, and Robt, and
pedigreed horses, He is a good judge Frank Gibbs of the' G.T.B. employ,
of a horse ,and knowing.what this spent Sunday at their homes here.
country most needs will no doubt Mr. Frank Lee was in London on
bring baek some excellent stock. 1 Monday of this week.
Mr. Wm. Plunkett spent Saturday Mr. Geo. Johnston continues very
and Sunday with Goderich friends. . poorly,
•The News From• Londesboro
. .
• Mr. Thos. Nott is confined tb iits •
dowing to -a severe kick from a
Mr's. Joseph Lyon,. who ha,s been ill
for the past week, is we are pleased
to learn., improving.
Mrs. John Spindler of Lucknow is
visiting her parents, Mr.• and .Mrs.
Jos. Lyon.
• Mr. John Johnston was in.,Clinton
Friday of last week. • •
Miss Erma •Kaiser of Clinton visit-
ed her friend, Miss M. Brogden, on
Monday of this week. . •
On. Saturday last the following men
met and -covered thegrounds where a
drain is to be constructed and which
is of interest to each : Jae. Camp-
bell, Wm. Brigham, Ches, Watson, R.
G. Smith, Moses Brown, and 14. 14.
Hill for the • township. • A. -.portion
of the place owned by Chas, Watson
and the field recently purchased by
• R. Smith from R. Adams bas' been
flooded every spring fer years and the
water would stand for months. An
agreement was reached rendering it
needless to call on the services of
an engineer.
Mr. • A. Hantn is assisting J, D Mel-
ville with his painting.'
Mr. John Nott has engaged with
• Mr. John Hutton,.
Messrs. Caldwell and Moon shipped
a •car of potatoes this week for
which they receive 20e per bushel. •
Mr. Relit. Caldwell is spending the'
week end in London disposing of ' a
car of potatoes which they shipped
there. .
Mr. «John Nott and wife spent Sun-
day with Blyth friends.
Mrs. Pearcy is visiting her son,
Mr. W. T. Pearcy here. •
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Manning, who
spent the 'winter with their son Chas.
of the 18th con., have moved back
to the village. •
Mr. Thos. Sampson attended a
Masonie meeting in Blyth on Tuesday
.night of last week as did alai Messrs.
Wm, Riley and John Hutton attend
• Rev. J. L. Small of Myth occupied
the pulpits of Burns and Knox chur-
Ches Sunday last. • -
Owing to the absence of Rev. 14.
E. Curry the pulpit in the Methodist,
church was supplied in the morning, '
by Mr. J. Jenkins and in the evening,
by Mr. R. Clark of ,Constance.
• Miss Mary Scott, who has had an.
attack of pleurisy, in, we are pleased.
to learn, improving. •
Mr. R. Scott is also improving at --
;ter having had an attack of grippe.
Mrs, • Jas. Brown of • Clinton
is spending a few days • Nctith her
mother in the vicinity.
Mrs. H. McKenzie of Cleveland,
Ohio, is :visiting her parents, Mr. and.
Mrs. Geo. Johnston.
Rev. 1-1. E. Curry has returned af-
a week's visit with his parents
at Hanover and relatives at Flesher -
Owing to the death of a relative,.
Mr. John Taylor was called to Pet-
ereburg on Tuesday of this week.
On Wednesday morning while •Bert
Nott was driving into t vil. is his
horses • became fri
away throwing -him 0 ng
considerable daniage to the rig. The
horsey ran against the fence and weal
stopped after only going a short dis-
Mrs. Thos. Moon purchased a fine.
rubber tired buggy from Mti:31:. J. .•
Brunsdon & Sons. • •
Mr. and Mrs. E. Manning of Blyth
have moved to the village and will
occupy the house recently vacated by
Mr, J. Bowcock.
Hullett Towttship.
Mr. Fred. Plaetzer, who had a
severe attack of grippe is able to,
be at work. again.
Miss Mary Patterson of the Canoe',
giate Institute, Clinton, Sundayed lune
der the parental roof.
Miss Myrtle Pfeffer visited, Miss
Annie Doerr On Sunday last.
Rev. Mr. Hiest, who has been nes--
tor for the Evangelical churches of
•Hullett and Colborne for the past
two years, preached his farewell. ser-
• mon in the Hullett appointment on
Sunday last. 'Bev. Mr. Meat, Wife
• and ,family Will be greatly, missed
• from this Totality and will • always
be remembered by their friends even.
when, they ate in the •distant way,
where they intend going.