HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-05-05, Page 4t 4 Stanley .Township.. Mgrs. Thos. Nicholson and son, Mas- ter Chester, were in Clinton last week. Mr. Thomas Stinson, who was ser- iously 01, is slowly improving, Miss Pearl Dunkin of Varna, visited an Saul)le Line for a week. 1# number of the Sauble Line sports ,arc out canvassing for the Rural T'olephoete. - Mies Mabel Reid of Clinton spent a, few days last week at the home Reid. - of her father, Mr. Andraw Re. d Miss M. Kennel of Blake, who spent past month at the home of• Mr. W. Reid, has returned to her home. Misses Edith and Clara Spackmaa oi Bayfield spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. L. Clarke, Mr, Wm: Clarke of the Goshen ' Line sports a dandy new buggy. No doubt there will be something ado - • COOPER'S • The Newest The Best The Cheapest WALL ' PAPER 1s to, be found in our stock. 1 ALL PAPER TR1r1r1ED FREE. 0 BOOK STORE CLINTON Mrs. David Welsh of Sapdusky, Mich., who has spent the past two weeks with her brother, Mr. George ge Johnson, id ohn an, is visiting friends in Clin- ton and Goderich township. Miss Arlie Peck of Stratford spent a few days at the home of her father, Mr. Henry Peck. Mrs. David Welsh of Sandusky, Mich., spent Friday afternoon at the home of Mr. 1Viz1, 'Rathwell, - - Mr. William Clarke ;s sporting, a new buggy. . Viliiam� will have to handle the reins carefully to avoid any more runaways. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mellveen, Watford, (formerly of StanleY will be soot tohear that ' they have sold their farm and are all '•going ,to take up land in the West, .. - Mr. Jas. S. Delgaty is at present confined to the house. We hope soon to see him around again, Mr and Mrs Jas. Jarrett -cif Hills- green' were guests of Wm. Douglas on Sunday last. Mrs. Alex. - Thompson„ of Uensall bisited her brother, Mr. J,S. Del- gaty, last week. The by-law passed by Stanley town- ship's fathers is not being enforced. When such a. measure is passed it should he rieadly enforced and deli- quonts brought to time. The- regular meeting of the town- ship council was held on Saturday last. The .chief business transacted was the pase.ng of Bylaw No. 4 7, amending 'Bylaw No, 5, re dogs. This bylaw makes the • maximum, fine for all g g g un owrn dogs, to o zzled mu , 50.00 • fine tte to, be .;Cued at the d�escre- %ion .of the magistrate; but the law to be strictly enforced. It wase also arranged ' that the members of the council will, - next Saturday, inspect the bridges in : the township and de- termine on the repairs needed. Mr. Wes. Stevens of Clinton; pur- chased a fine borso : from John Reid, our genial - ex -treasurer. ' Miss •Etta- Peck, who is - attending Stratford Bus:nets. , College, spent spent Sunday at home,. - - Mr. Thomas ,I3rownette TanrpL`ses veneering his house with ecn ent blocks in the near` future. Miss Annie Turner of the Parr line was the guest -of her cousin, Miss Mary J. Reid, on .Stniday task: Miss Marguerite. Peck of Seafertle :spent a .few days at borne recently: - The following is :the report ;.of L' S:S. • No,: 9 for themonth of April.: • • 5th Class.—Mary Douglas, .4th Class. -Emma • Bechler, Pearl McBride, Jacob Brenneman: - 3rd Class, -Lorne . Manson, Jacob Moyer, Edmund Oesch. Si: 2nd: —Roy McBride, Alberta Finlay, Menno Pesch. .Jr„ 2nd, --Gladys Douglas, Ada Ken nes,. , Clarence `Parke. . . - Pt. 2, a.—John Moyer, Ruth Zirk, Ada Meyers. - Pt; 2, b. --Laura. Oeseh, Eva .Boyce,' Sarah Erb. ' • Pt. 1.—Herb. Moyer, - Gordon Zirk, Carl McClinchey. LADIES Ready-to-wear GARMENTS. Coudli Co `Dry Goods Mi1Iine�w~' - Dress -making Hosiery of Quulit and STYLE The woman of style this yearwill• pay more at- tention to the choice and quality., of her hosiery than... for many a season for not in a, long timehas. the styles tended to bring into such prominence the Hosiery — The fashionable low shoes especially. M.anufactu.rers.. and designers possessing this knowledge have protium - td the most beautifulqualities and effects, of which we were quick to avail ourselves and in our display of the flner grades of Hosiery you will see beautiful embroid- ered effects, plain Black of elegant • finish or colored hose as your requirements .call for, Prices range from 12ic to 75c per pair. More New Spring Coats for Saturday Saturday. you Will be greeted with an assortment of styles in the New Spring Coats, neat semi fitting, the • popular length lapel collar and new sleeve. Handsome., fashionable Coats and excellent value at these low prices. $6 $7 $9 Each The right thing in rlillinery at the right time and at the right price can always be had at this store. - EYBRY COURTeSY • AND ATTENTION TENTION AWAITS . YOU HERE. i 1 Coderlc i To' nshlp Mr. and Mrs. James A. Fulton of Brown City, Mieb., are visiting at the latter's old home, Mr. and Mrs. Bobt. Thompson's, 16th con. Messrs. Roland andHervey Jen- kins e-kins of the 16th eon. have been add- ed to the Rural Telephone system. Mrs. H. Murphy was called to Port Bruce last Thursday to attend the funeral of her brother. Mrs. William Holland of Vancouver, B.C., visited 'at Mr. Chas. Holland's last week and is now in London the f guest s her brother. Miss Tiehburne has been re-engaged by S.S. No. 11 at an increase of salary. Mies Craig of the 16th con. has been very ill, T heales.for h the . R ur al Telephone extension are finished as far as Mr. John Stewart's, Bayfield Line. Nelson, Beatrice and Ethel Mose spent last week in Stephen with their grandmother.Mr. Lous. AAnderson has sold his driver and will buy another. ` Mr. Chas. Switzer purposes going to the west 'shortly. Miss Emma Peck spent a few a few days ,last week at Mr. :las. Switzer's, Miss Edna Hudie is busy dress- making oxo the Bayfield Line. The township council met on Mon- day with all the members present. . Yeo•—Rathwell---That the Reeve. and Clerk be in,ttructed to make inquiries at the registry office .and - any • other necessary inquiries in regard to pa- tients of the 'asylum whose mainten- ance. is being paid- illy the munrcipel•. ity.+—Carried. .1 Hudie--Yeo—Thai, tie following ae- eounte be passed : R. Porter, gravel, $4.41 ; 11.,elleibbs, gravel, $1.50.—Car- ried. • Hudie—Lobb—That the council ad- journ to meet - as a Court of Re- vision May 26th at 10 o'clock, a. m. Bylaw No.:4 was amended and the constable instructed to strictlyen- force it,.• - Olinton New;. Reeeril a May 5th, 1910. --N. W. Trewartha, Clerk • Porter's Hill. - Mr. John. Cox. attended' an. insur- ance meeting at Dungannon on Tues- day. • Mrs. ,,Milton Woods spent Tuesday nt. Dungannon at her aunt's, Mrs. Mc- Lean's. - Mr. Clifford Lobb accompanied by his two sisters, Misses- Minnie and 1lisie,_,speet, Sunday at Mr, . ,John Cox's. Mr: , • Robert Beacom r•eturneii • to Clinton last Saturday after spending a month at London, He looks - hale and hearty. • • • Mise, Marion Macdougall, daughter of Mrs. Peter Macdougall,. gave • a birthday !arty • to `some of. her little girl friends, om Wednesday and all report .a. joyful tilde. Mt, Gcasge Proctor had a ' bee Tuesday raising .1 is .house and mov- ing it. He intends building a cellar. Miss Clara Glidden of Holmesville is spending a few days in our vicinity renewing old acquaintances, Mr: Rogers of Seaforth addressed the. S. S, last Sunday afternoon. There was quite . a , turn mit. - Mr, Robert Marshall Sr. has dis- posed. of his horse for a fair figure. Our merchant, Mr. Geo. Vander - burgh, as -sailing ali colors of paint thissummer and especially the alum- inum.. paint for ranges and staves. ' Mr. and Mrs Ben Cos of Colborne spent - Sunday. at his father's ` Mr. - James Cox's. Mr.- Robert Cox •attended the quar- terly uar-t rly hoard meeting at Bayfield Mon- ' day • afternoon Mr: Theron ''13ettlee was going down grade with the team and wagon, the bolus started running and he jump- ed off hurting his knee. - Summerhill, • •'Mr, J. Hartley of Clinton is ex- pected.to conduct the church servicr next Sunday evening at 7.30. -' • • At the meeting of the A.Y.P.A. on en Tueeday evtning Mr. Dunbar gave an address on "The Leaf," The tree in nature- and the ,tree - of -humanity were held up In comparison and many practical . lessons were drawn which might profitably lee:applied to the life of each individual. KCippen T. E. Clegg is at home after put- tang in another strenuous year in the Medical School, London. The result of the exams as just published showing that he has taken an excellent stand at the end of. his second year, -having Obtained honors in every. .subject. Mr„A, Mc13eath.has returned after 'a 'trip to his timber limit and saw mills . in Powassan, New Ontario, where he found everything prosper- ing. Mr: - Sex.on's Views. Editor News -Record : Sir,—Mr. Sexton in his recent. Tee- tura did not say there was no hell but he defined what hell was accord- ing to God's word, and he did deny eternal torment. Neither did he say that heaven was not reached until af- ter the millenium, but that when the Lord came to set up .IIis kingdom the dead in Chriet would be raised first and would meet the Lord in the air and the saints then living en the;. earth would be changed with them to ti'to divine nature and reign forev- er with the Lord-. 'This is the first resurrection. He did , not say that'. everybody gets a fresh chance after' the'1 ' ten i it enit m and that the : •. v 1 e g is e held the dead until then, but be did say that all that did not have the gospel of glad tidings of good news presented to them in this age would then have it presented to them in the millenium for the gospel must be preached to every ereature for there Is no other name by which we can be saved except the name of Jesus who redeemed u:' from death by pour- ing his old o d unto death for us and through his deans and resurrtce tion are we -brought bark to life. Ragfii eld The annual meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on Thursday, af- ternoon next at half past two o'clock at the home of Miss L. Cameron. As the a ect' 1 Conc r will ofoil'ieswtake 1 a r ce at this meeting a full attendance is requested. Mrs. William Ferguson and son of Seaforth are visiting friends in the village this week. Messrs. Ken. Moorhouse, H. Jen - pings, Ed, Broekville and Aif. IIuret of i,ondon spent Sunday in the village. � Rev, D. E. Cameron f m r n A Brussels will occupy the pulpit of Trinity church on Sunday morning next in the interests of missions. Rev. Rogers of Seaforth occupied the pulpit of the Methodist st c arc b on •Sunday evening last. Professor Patterson of London oc- cupied the pulpit of St. Andrew's church on Sunday last. A quiet wedding took place at the rectory on Thursday evening last when Mrs. J. Walmsley was united in marriage to Mr, John Wesley Rob- ertson, formerly of Winghain, by the Rev. H. J. Condell. The monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church was held at the home- of Mrs. Parsons on Thursday afternoon of this week. Mr. Robert Penhale, who took a car of parses tothe west a short time ago, returned home last week having disposed off them all. 7 Mr. and Mrs. George Brownlee of Tuekersmith spent Saturday and Sunday the guests of his daughter, Mrs. H. Little. - Messrs. -George and John Sterling and sister,Mrs . Joh �ton of the Soo, were called home the past week on account of the serious illness of their father, Mr. William Sterling of this village, • London. Road Mrs. Hugh : McConnell has: been visiting at her mother's, Mrs. James Nott'e. • Cudmo're's hay press has been, busy in this neighborhood 'packing what little hay is left. ; • , - Mr. and 'Miss Livingstone. of „ Hul Iett visited at- Mr.' Will Stanbury's on Tuesday. - ,.Mrs. R. Jennison of Clinton :visited old ' friends here' this week, •Rev. Mr. C"osens of 'Clinton coni- ducted the .meeting of theelaague held at l\Ir. Will. Stanbury's on Tuesday even?ng and afterwards christened three of Mr. and Mrs, Fred. - Nott's children and Mr. and Mrs. Stanbury's babe - born .on the 22n4 of Jeuttary Mr. Henry Peacock has torn down tile' .piece of board fence in front of his property and is erecting a wire fence' " instead. • With one or twoex- ceptions • the London• Road is -now free • of - those Old snow -retaining fences. Auburn•. The Quarterly Official Board of the Auburn-Circait met' . in Auburn on Monday eventing for the final meeting the year, The +circuit as in a flourishing condition .and . the financial schemes are well sustained. After the business was fraesacted the:members repaired t� the; parsonage-where'they and their waves' were very pleasantly entertained • by the pastor and , his wife,. Rev. A. t.and 1VIrs.: Jones. After: a very dainty lunch, toasts Were proposed: to- Auburn, Westfield and Donnybrook appointments, Auburn -Circuit and thea retiring pas- tor and. were responded to by . the various ;members of the board. , Rev. ' and Mrs. • Jones. leave Auburn alter a four years terns with sincere regrets of his people arid the best wishes for their :future success fn the work of the ministry. Mr. John Kernighan of , Godei ch is spending a few days- at the home of Mr: John Sturdy. - The Epworth League elected the officers for the ensuing terut as fol- lows : President, 'Miss M.' Errat-t. - 1st vice, Miss E. E. Knox, 2nd vice, Mies May 'Ferguson. • • •3rd vice," Miss Agnes Ladd,., .4th vice, Miss C. B. Ferguson. • ' Sect re ar is • 3 , Miss Mary Robinson, Treasurer, Ralph Munroe, ' • - Organist, Miss Lottie -Jackson. ' Rev. C. Ii, Dainard of '1'crronto• was. a guest at the home of, Mrs. John Ferguson Last week. Misses E. A, and.Susy Blair spent. Sunday at Benm'iller, the guests - of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Baugh. Mr, 0. E. Lrratt has been confined to the house with an attack of, lum- bago. • Mrs. Win. Icing is ..on the sick list at present. Mr. Jas. Fulton.of Brown Pity aiid Mr. R. G, Thompson of Clinton were -the guests of Miss An- nie Sturdy on Sunday. Rev. T. W. Charlesworth hao chos- en for his subject next .Sunday after- noon, "Daniel, the faithfut Servant."' The Lord's • Supper will tie observed after the Metal service. East Wawanosh . Mrs. Alex, Patterson is very ill, at tinge of writing, and is not expected to recover. Miss Maggie Taylor, who has been in poor health for :the greater part of the spring, is slowly regaining` her usual strength. Mr. Robt, Johnston,'s little daugh- ter was bitten by their dog a few days ago, but nothing serious result-. el from the bite. The dog was phot shortly after. Mr. Harvey Bentley of Blyth spent Sunday under the parental roof. On looking up the cattle that he hadshut sirs i n the woods Mr, Jae alio Doerr had the misfortune to find one with a broken leg. It had to be killed. It is interesting to note how the dog owners have become attached to the once hated dog 'nuzzle. At first when the ward mad -dog was on every tongue the muzzle was placed on the nose of the dog for protection' whereas tto it is hun g about the neck of the dog as an ornament. Yours, late., SAMt'EL WILSON.' -.....- i • • Hullett Township Mr. Thos. McMichael's' three-year- old Clydesdale, Glenrae,was awarded first prize at Brucefield last Friday and hst a thus won the xt tickete in his class at air the Shows held in this county this spring. Black Band Sensation and King Lorne won first and second prizes, respectively, at Brueefield, thus repeating their rue - cess at other Shows. In these three colts Mr. McMichael est Sen have a trio that they may well be proud of. Owing to a sh or f a e of pasture landss i r Zv e s Denby ,and Cornish have rented the Wallace homestead on the 7th con. for the season. EC • FEMA IS CAUSED BY IMPURE BLOOD IT IS BANISII'ED BY DR. WIL- LIAMS' ^ PINK PILLS BE- , CAUSE WHEY MAKE. - GOOD BLOOD. Ask any doeter and he will tell you that eczema is caused by impurities in the blood ; that nothing can cure it that does not reach the blood— that outward applications are worth- less. That is the reason why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have always proved so successful --they act on the blood, and in acting on the blood they banish those eruptions• and pim- r 'ples, relieve the irritation and itch ing and give perfect health. They have cured thousands of cases wher poor blood has resulted rted i n disease ase Among those they have cured is Mrs James Wilkins,. Aylmer, Ont., who says ; "I suffered a good deal wit eczema and did not get anything to help., me until I took Dr. Williams Pink Pills.: These freed my blood cl all impurities and gave, me speedy re- lief. I am, therefore, naturally very enthusiastic in, praise of these pills." A medicine that can make rich, red blood will cure anaemia, rheumatism, eczema, neuralgia, indigestion; heart palpitation, the ills of girlhood and of womanhood and a host of other troubles—simply because these trou bles are the result of bad blood—that is why they .always cure the above troubles and bring the glow of health to pale cheeks. Sold by all medicine .dealers or direct. at 50 cents a boar or .six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Ca., Brockville, Ont, SI, A B S for sale Cute in right length for range. JAS ; HAM1TON Coal rierchant • 1 PHONE 52 Your Patronage Solicited weee IHAVING .- PURCHASED D .7.3E 13LACK,SMITIIlNG B1.'SINESS OF MR. JAMES FLYNN, WE -WOULD RESPECTPULLk SOLICIT! • THIP' PATRONAGE OI+` TILE TOWN OF CLINTON AND WCINI'rY. We make a specialty of. Shoeing Lame and Inter- fering Horses and , guars• antee satisfaction in that line,. CARRIAGE MAKING AND REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, GIVE tTS A CALL. CHARGES MODERATE:. • • ✓, sAuaaEes. Buggies `aud 1agolls for sa,.. WE SELL THE JASKSON WAGON - WHICH IS 'CONSIDERi;1) THE BEST ON THE: MARKET, ALSO I3IKE, BUGGIES WITH AUTO SEATS.. i WE • The Buggies we sell aro made by the best factories i and are in the latest styles, Ile:ng a pratical , man of long expetfence, I lrnow Trow to buy the good arb' ele tha t which wig 1es suit t su t the eoi ittlltittit itt which we live. HAVE A FEW S'pLE iDID ST'IC- ?:ND-IIAND Btr(,G/ES FOR SALE. Call and see my sterk at. my works, Huron street, Clinton. JOHN LESLIE C�' I IRVVIN'S ONE PRICE ONLY The Increasing Interest Manifested in our Saturday Morning Specials encourages us to further effortsto advise as many as possible to shop early. For the benefilt 1 of those who were disappointedin not'• ettin g g here till our underskirts were all sold NEXT SATURDAY MORNING -we will plus on sale ane dozen onsy of the Baia line at the same price 50c each,- ReMen„ber a full sit, ,e White Underskirt, deep flounce, clue- . ter of tucks, lace trimmed, Saturday forenoon lc only at above price. We ` Have in Stock Left over from .our last sale, six only, . Dress Skirts, manufacturer's samples, not one f .these skirts was made to retail for leas than $4.00, some $5.00 and $6.50. Away they go on Satur- day morning to the first six customers who want them at each - $1,98 Oil Cloths and Linoleums Another shipment of new .:desi' ns to hand for. big selling .for the next few days.: They are - here in wall widths and beautiful designs, front 18 inches to' 4 yards wide, • Hearth Rugs, Floor Rugs, Jap Mats and :Matting in the• most desirable patterns and at popular prices. Lace Curtains Very special value at 50c, 75c 1,00 1,50 1.`75, 2.00 and up. See - Our Windows for New York's Latest Novel. ries in in WASH 'GOODS. 1RWIN'S THE ` PEOPLE'S STORE r # S. C. Rathwell, Shoes C. Hoare, Music 1 t The Regina shoe for women "Fit for a Qtzeetl" - No matterhow nice your spring costume is, it will not appear .at its best unless you have dice fit- ing- shoes, Try it pale of Regio Oxfords orpumps. We have them in all si2Ps and widths, Regales Wear- Well,. Nit Well and Look Well. Derby Shoes for Men. The Derby is a man's shoe that fits and wears, We have them in Pat, Colt, Velma. Coif and Vici Iiid, Plaice $4 to $4.50 0. RATHWELL The New Manutno- th Folio of Music ' The new mnsie book. li Music lovers are 'delicehted with honk, Come and see them. a, The price is 7$c Harmonicas Yes, tae have them in All lett r aria kinds. Price 23c to $r rs e N A t'q'Co e and Sherloc r Mand' 1n Pianos 3 p always in stook. H r - HO ARE eriiv • a• -e se esaaele '+ r'+i'wle weeelaareasia • ,' ; I