HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-05-05, Page 1� ., , / vri,-r_� :11 I . J h- � - . 1�� .. � ­# ir .., e. I i k a A,, - J , I ' .,r- , '�7� e . I I � I I Clinton 1'iews-.Reeorc .11 lw fl I . ­­ __ - 1-- Tli4r TOWN COUNCIL, - ' " 11 On Monday lit the Citizens' Band THE LOCAL MARKET, I . ­ , , Wheat 95e to 98c. . 0RAZING'LAND, LEASEb. . The., grazing laud. on the , . ' W. H. TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION, A A91IORTHGRX PURCHASE * .. ­­­ . V. I . -11...., -11- ".... I......-, 11 . . I . , . ) I • , I A , _. - lv� tov�gcourici a0k,ed the I for a grant of or weekly open-air c . I kc;. H. oats 300 to 350, Sit! th estate, consisting of about Owing, -to the desire of the MI I Minister Mr. W. A. Stailbury of tbe- LQuilos Stanbury of 44ucattPil to send a. leading, Road . I 1�lw . y . ... I—. .1. . I oncerta. P I Art Of th01 0'Ouliell thought $150 I Barley 40c to 45c. , �, 1 Y250 acres, has been leased for the Peha 80c to 82e. � season by Messrs. J. MiQ�t,cil, gdu- recently pu from Squiry , castor to Assist in the work of the. BI gins of F,lWhursV Farm t 9 thea prom� I I . I . ,. J I 11 - Would- be ample but Cor apromisled at $125 ; the other ,halt exactly were & Butter 21c to 22c. Son. and Air. Di A. Forrester, . the Eggs 180 to 19C. latter taking that institute, the 1�xe, � I _ cutive committee Ising heifer Russett Rose, a 'Ali& decide.d, in deference to the wish or . 4PeclMcn at the Shorthorn breed eith- I I .. �.. I'— .. $ 1 and of the opinion that $100 was all the town's finances would stand and vot, , portion west or 1XV0. hogs $80. 1 1 , . the Bayfield Road,, I I . the, Mini s1ter, to hold the next insti- er -for . beet Or milk. Thebelfor 1 1 tutu, in October on, the d n . . a, . ate -decided .frolA prizc�Nji.inning . stock both. I I . .00 upwards. . — � . ea 4ccorolagly. Thus neither, of the ,e � MANY HAPPY, R RETURNS, 0 WILLIS CHURCH, by the Department. I ,on sides. I . 'EVERY WATCH 'EVERY. GUARANTEE)) two motions carried and the . yet no grant, I re 10 as . Born on April, 28th, 18,61, on the On Sunday the choir rendered ex- . ' . AFTER 28 YEARS. , � BAPTIST CHURCH, * . . 11 I of Inger , I magnificent displ4 soll Watches fills our w1nolowfor A week There were three tenders for the street watering and that of Mr., G. Huron Read, Tuckersmith, and In• Celle -'it music, the Solo parte in: "the the very room which has I or years anthem being taken by'Miss, MeCor- After twenty-eight years connection . 1 1 . , Rev. T. W. Charlesworthw 11 preach ' with the Standard elevator .. . . or so,, These are accurate timers -l -relic. � tie, , 0 durable and neat all the * L. Walker' At thirty cents per hour being the loWestwas 'There been his bedebarriber, Mr.11J. mirk, and Miss 1K, Wise 4 Ruffles of Sea- 4 )n Thursday last eektira,W vile forty- 'forth sang a solo both mornin-V. and as em- text Sunday, taking As his morning 11 Plofte, tenant and own", Mr. W. suble-ot, ,,Danjel the DiligOnt," sud 0, Smyth 1 , I practical requirements of a, watell . I . I 11 I I I. - 'Mark V n P. 0 P Thos. 001son accepted, was to considerable discussion as . who Should, . � .. �nirith Anniversary of his, birthda eveningall a very y. Pleasing manner. Mr. Wise is & r good farmer, a very Miss Rulg;s will At - ways be retired ' red on Saturday last. to i�e evening he will speak , on, 11is farmer friends' from -the country "Tbe Gospel Provision.,, A,d 0tbr,Vh,'J;',.,M,htrfts : . � � . I . say when tU water wag- on is to make its rounds, So me welcome Prominent And successful exhibitor at in Willis church, The Guild held a I round 4bOut will miss, him from his The Ladies' M Mission Circle will me4b old post, Mr. Smuth has I � Does not %# out of ordori Stands rouitil usage .sold I . . Leadta . g Models ; . 1. it was tihca duty of the street committee, all the Fall Pairs hi Centre and devotional meeting close. " South, Huron, and 4 genial fellow to ' Next Sunday being not � yet At the church oil Tuesday I evening I de, � along"what channel, he will ,next. A full .attendance is desired 2S . ; -, . I &,I I I NaMe is on dial of overy genuill0fogerooll . but Q01MOIllor PaisleyI - voiced the Contrary opinion, $4 1 Why, anniversary boot with numerous friends . who *Sunday, Rev. Mr. McGillivray of direct his energy. 1. important bu . • I I ,sine.zg 'will.be 'brought. ' � . - ;, , % . . I . . . I . , . I . said he, "you -can't exp t Chairman expect with pleasure Wish him. many happy Weston, will . preach on both ossa- MOVINGS, . I the meeting. . I . . . I before - . M". . I I .1 � . . .1 I . . . . � I I Beacom 'to cqMe down town every returns of ,,the day. I l s'Ons. There will also: be .special . I . I . . 1. �;­ � �. I ­ - I � . I . I � .. I I � . I . . .. , I Mr. • G. E. Hall of The News -Record LOYALTY QWNCIL HONORED-- , . . I .. . I : � ­ -- morning to 9.,e about street Nirsit- TliE PRESENTATIONS, music. Miss Laur4 Richard staff has rented the Newcombe cot. . . I . '. W --- - . ..Miss Son will 1 ' . I I - .� I sing mo The regular meeting ;or I,Oyalty, I I I . wring. He gives a lot of his time I I raing, and,evening and_ Prof, . I .­ , : 041- , - bell Will' give a fifteen, tage on North street and -will take Council R. T. of T-.. on Tuesday cvCA- m ., .1, il. , " W as it without any pay. The street On Monday evening the prizes won Camp � I I ­ 'i 11��, , � I Organ recital before the evening possession -as soon, as the paperers ing was honored by the pre encs lot I � , , � � . watering Should be under !he, diree- in the Carpetball competition were. � , . ser - I � "_ f , 41111ar and painters , 0:1 , an# af S. " V1111, I have\11nished. their Dr. C. V. � . Wf I . Firsi, vice. -All are welcome. I . re . tion .:of the street inspector wh' I$. distributed in the A.O,F. hall. . Emory, Dominion See - � I I , I I I a pald official. of the town 0 . . prize wen to, the C OX., who al work,—,Mrs-� Robt. Mennel 1110ves into, tar of the' order, wh I � 81W�- .. - - I - - . w _.11 P - t 1 $0 'A .QUIET WEDDING. the Arch. , o has. been as- � . � . - . . � Cousins pla.�c ()u, Ji%R es slating the local I ..... . . .. I . . 01'enion , Councilldx Cooper,' Chief WhOWey won the Dowding trophy, a handsa;pe � I . . council agent, the . . ' ,,, '' , ''', .1 ,.I 1� I .I.. - ­ .-, has performed That duty as well shield, for the second prize the L.O.L. On Wednesday of last street and the house she hal3 vacated past few days in the insgrarice;.. de- . � - t, 1.11 li , N)07'1�7 i 1. � I I . l g 1. 1'.., . ..M .the' outfit * as I . Week Mr. will be occupied by Mr. Leitch Iran, pertinent: After the initiation exec - I . �­ 7 � I — were the victors, and'thikol went to Frnoi Rumball, a valued and Popular Bayfield.—Mr: J. Saunders h ted cises ' a* short . �,. 7 � I V permitted for years and .. I - . - ,` , .i . . I ... . . -.11 knows what is required. Ile should the W,O.W. Tho presentations were employee. of the Electrlo� Light - the Albert street residence as ren program wao given '11 �. �`,', - I,, 'N� - . . . ' Coal 'IL11 1�� , �11 I . " 1. 1. � . . � I � . -certainly boas, the job. . . V1. t�- When Dr. Emory gave an aQlrcss� �11_4 I . . I I . made by Mr. C. E. Dowding in a pany, and Miss Mary E. Rands,- ly 'Cupird by Mr. L C. Flerning, which was very much appreciated, I . a - `1%e* street wat- few neat .and well turned phrases, daughtef 0, . . P ot- , . � ,,� . . Chef .Whe Wheatley : . at Mr. and Mrs. Edward 19 , . I . 1, .1 . - County. , ecreltary Y.X.0 A. , . . . I "': ..'' �* 9YAL N - •of CANADA and were ,ace ,well in b - I . - . ,,,,-- ­­ � REP - BA K ering I must be done better this year P I . , . 11, I .. I . . I . . I I I e �half of the Rands'of., Hallett, a'very. much re- ' � I I . . . THE BOYS J-U,MpED. . . . 1: eit . � . I HEAD OFEICE,. MONTREAL. ' - I than.in. past seasons or the business C,O.F.. by Messrs, J. P. Sheppard.and sPected young lady who has for scome ST. PALL'S CHURCH. . . . I . I .., . I . I I I .. . . . , � . . . . men, on front otwt will not, cot- H. Glazier, and in behalf Of tiie.L-O.L. time been a resident of to' ' Yesterday evening while Pr - . I . town, were On Frank Me , Suriday next the. services will be Caugllcir and Roy Grigg were enjoy-, . Capital $5,000,006. Reserve $5,706,000,, ' Assets467,000,000 " tribute, They have. t by Mr. Josh Cook. ' When the fire- quietly married, the ceremony being taken i'n Old me so I . .1�1. . I - , .1 I . . I . .1 I . very . plainly but I expect with the Mentations Were over lunch was serv- Performed at the rnan�e, Scatorth, )jy p -the. morning by the Are It .t.. �A . 125 Branches and C4#rrcspondents through9ut, the. World. ' .Cv. ' Very in a little drive arm-, town t'kw � I . � �ed and .some time spent . Dean Davis, rector of St . ., . . I I , � . . . . I new cart and the � waterworks - . in, pleasant the Aer. F. L, Larkin. . The happy- I . Jam, bit broke in the horse'ER mouth and, .. . 4 . I . I . I . I I . sys- I Re . . . .. TeM -tercourse. This., series, bas coupletook a few days honeymoon . ca church the� bridle slipped off. I I We Will be able to give a good social in . , 1,01itton South, and- . in � , The horse, ! . i I � service. . . Caused a good deal of- Interest am- trip toNlagara Falls, Hamilton and I the evening by -the Rev. Canon Hague finding himself free, ,took to hisheels. . ' . 0ounpillor' Paisley reported that ongsit the different societies and has other Places; 1 and have now taken up rector of the Memorial church; LOU- and ran, - The bO S either jumped or . . . a. . . y Every facility for the transaction of Banking in all it'branche fifty, evergreens had been planted a ,lay d with keen zest. * housekeeping don.' Tbe*addresse' Were thrown from the rig, escaping: . I of . . � .been.' p le I .- on Mary street... The ' s will be, on the I Interest allowed on Savings Accounts at highest current rates. the *Cast .side the Cemetery, the . . I - . I News -Re' joins with much pleas- . a' �. . . . . card i P missionary work of the church in the with few slight bruises. The horsy . * Courteous Treatment Accorded to all Custbwe r . a., .1 � Work being done under the directioil HIS DEPA1,RTURE R W1R;V_TTE D, wishes the congratulations and go0A West, and the otterling at. both s8rvic- ran upAthe Huron Road 'a space,:'. . . . . . .1 . � . . " I . . 1. 0 Ps ,will be .applied � to. the missionary jumped a, fence, then turned around . � . I I I . . I . . . ", , Cottic. I . . . Of the well-knowii- florist, Mr, Thos. Residents' of Woodatoek� 1will hear *ishes w�hich are bulng extended to society's work in Canada. , .• . . . : . .with gredt regret ,of - the departure ..Mr., -and Mrs, A. E. Rumball, , . ' and came back to its own stable at. . . - I . . . . . I . I I . . . 1. I .. I . The council decided to dispense with from the -city of Mr -E. F. TWItchill, TEN PISS * ... I . . Rev.. Gonne will be in Parkhill the Commercial-. The horse was vw- ClifttOn Branch. R. E. MANNING, Manager ,* the ,,,,,I,, of the . assistant 'engineer the wellmlinown Photographer, 'Four : I SERIES, I . .. I on Sunday., '' , . .. I . 11 hurt but the buggy is so acs at: . . � and . . .. - .. .. ... , . . . . . . . stoker of the fire brigade. . :'Mr. Phelan rendered a violin' SOIO .a wreck, - , . . gade, The years .ago, Mr. 'Witched took - :The Ten Pins League series of gam- at the evoining, service last . . waterworks plant being now. in Ore- the widely known Silton Studio . . Sunday .. . . . .. . L . . .. fig , and ca was Played Off Friday evening, and- which was ver much appreciated.: ,SALVATION ARMY.` . . . . . fighting shape ..it' is not deem- since time has knore than main the prizes Awarded. In �the contest O . 1. I . . . I . , that t �n . . . ed necessary to further continue those tained I � . ays . f -"The annual S, S. convention and There will - be a special p . its high reputation. At* singles. for th,e'eveningi the Prize Dean rayeir I ofl`16alsr on the pay sheet. ,Mr. Pratt . 'I .cry meeting of the Deanery of � . . . I . - . � � - progressive,; Mr. Twitchell has kept was won. by, Mr. John Hunter. . The. Huron, , will be held St. 'George's Is Meeting 111*1 bile.S.A.11all.on Thursday- . . . . . " -or improvem: - on We e8dav . . as ,waterivorks engineer will also have to the-'frblit and- has, allowed 'no now izes for the winter . - school housci 'God6rich, evening to which all Chriatiane ara- I charge. of the. fire engine 'I Pr series were dis . ' dis- * . I : 9. . .engine . I A ,,the ideas. -ents to escape his tributed during the. evehing to the Of next week. � . . � .. . invited . The subjects next. Sunday- I . .The MOL30NS' BA NK ` ., meantime..- . . . ti . . � I I . . . . I •. . . . . I . . . I ., . . INCORPORATED 1855. : - I - � 1, �. . I I . notice, ce, with the result that today, his .following six. rinks*: . � . I . .. . . I I I I - Will be.: 11 a.m., "The Secret of Vic -a- , . Tho was instructed t,) plitily work is very favorably , known I MISS MAN ED � - for '•' 3 . . VaNtal Paid up - $3400,000 1 Rest Fund . - $3 5,09,000 tie town solicitor li� 1-�-.0 E.' Dowding, 13. Potts, 'K. - , . NmG MA,RRT . . p.m,, "A -.great, CluiltengeTr . - . . I , . I r .. I . . . . . . I . . . ­ or that,'. -, must, lot throughout. the .county.. His depart- � . . . . I once begin . 11 . Erskine. 2 ... 4. Turner, -J On Tue�.tday of . and at 7 P.m , From Poverty .Jo- ' . I . . . his Ed. Cook-, 3-J, ' I I .. . - I ast week tile in . Next Wednesday StalY procebolip,ja to. forclose'the ure will only be regretted I . I Nediger; ar-7 , Palace.?' ' . . . I . . Has -73 Branches I ni'CgOnada - - ' ' - t let on the Thresher 'Company numerous . cli�nta . but also . . B. Roover,. J. E riage .occurred at, : I � 411 th fawn J� . . I I I . . . by a large Cantelon, James . ' . I Jile Methodist." par-. Captain Crichtofi,: London,'DivisionaV And Agents and Correspondents in 0.princlpal� cities - - . piopetty. . •.. 1. � . ;, -Fair. 4-W. J. sonage, I I L . . � : circle Of •personal ftlendsji�whom he Whitby, of -Prances Willard . I : . . StevnW. 'A. McConnell, B. Manning,* daughter -of.Rev. H, M. and Crawford and Brown ofSeaforth . . ,7.-, -, . in the world. .,. � . Councillor . Jackson,has with " - hit has gained: during his residence. here,. - 'book, Stevenson,* ... ' Commander, asslated by. Paptains: . - � I � I . . . usual enthusdau 5-9. D. McTagga,rt, W. Joh.n_ Mrs. -Manning, a0ir . .1. I � 1. . . .1P 1. I I . Will .hold ar � 1�-_­4 .--,,. 1 1._:,` . � i plication .1 .. , I _ . m taken. up the More Mr; .Twitchell has' tranisferredbia ,%ton A. J."Morrisli '6-�,Reuben Gra-: ton of Peterboro. Th6 .ser - W�ks special titeet;ing in of the . I, ­ UUNERAL BANKING", B,TJ XSS TRANSACTED, I E. Middle� Gode-rich, respectively, A_ , , S -IN to Dr, J, . .11-1 '' ' ` ­ :_ _. . . r`P�'YlIght,qpq�t!§,4,.a local ap busln�ss_ to Mr. J. �V-.'Armstronl;, ham,' H-. Glazier,.. John Hunter* ' ' - . performed by the interests . 1. . . - � . I . . . . , I Alie, ..introduced into � the I 111,1..., I . I . " ' I . .. � . . . .of mcasui6' . who, took 'posa.,ssic;n •Yestei.day.-S ' ' ,, the. bride's father, . . , .. ., � I . . . . cll� At* thie conclusion of fli ' ' contest ' Jw Self Donal Effort, to wMeh tfib pub7 Z- ,- SAVINGS BANK . house of � Commons � by I 1%6st -11uron tinel-Review. . . . - . . . e comest the -the"presence of only the mcinbers.'of. Ile are lic-artily invited .. . . I . , I � I � ' , . . .. I ' N­OkES; - ' . " I . 11 . - . . . . .� . .1 I compi � 7 ' L . . I . .. . . . . : AT. ALL BRA' E d. c6ancii1or, Jacks6v believes it . I . .. • lay. 94jolirn6ol to the �.'Graham the -two families and a few intimate I . . . . . . . .. � - . . I . j I I . , . . . . th AN. � E ' ' 'House where an appetizing Would be a good thing* during e . .NJOYAl3�LPu'ZV.ENING*, - :1 � . I supper friends, Little.. Miss Doi -is Milner I , . Interest allowed at Highest current itat6. . .1. mid -summer " . . . .1 I . .. . I I was served and a, Short time spent in ficiod of .time t BASEALL, '. I . .. . . . .. . I months, :and local em-. bride mad made a'charmiag . .. . Mr. Norman Joiliffe of�i4ew York, Pleasant' and informal conversation. The first 'game of the Huron unit I players of labor agreed to co-OP4rate . . I " I . . � h1ttle fowei girl. T'lid W6doling march~I . . . -Dowding,.:*. . � . . . . who was - speneing a couple of days WESLEY CHURJIT-L ': .: - - : . was played by Miss Manning,Perth League to be played in, Clinton II I . . . -a call six, oldlocic , . , . I . will take place on May 24th;'Goder- 'in making. it- a success. In short, with his 'parents. and desired to meet ., Clinton Branch C. E. Manager' the propo-sitiOn Is i r..y I I I. .7 I . -1 . . . slate. or the brid6.. Dr. a n*d , Mrs. - . . . SOT!�c of his Clinton friendg, arranged The League held their ,monthly roll� Middleton left the. -samd . evening for the.opposing �team- Ther& I . in the Morning seven and begin,:work . . .1ch to be. ' . I I .11, I . I � * :work to, gtve aliftlo recital. at Wesley - I will also be two -games, by locQ i - I ,� I . . ,-.i: 1hat hour, .what ' . Pat- call meeting on Monday evening 'With Toronto and , points west, The ., . I . . . . We now call jftvo sonage ori, Tuesday, bvening,- to Which . ti�6 ' � , . .Y* will teams as will be seen by,.the , fol- . I . � , ,. . . 111111111 .11 .. I . - t,,)'b,e'. .the closing -down hidurl'�. ThO6 a. nurnhor , ,pew' prciddea!f 'in the dbair, Dar- ie§ldc in Pet6l'boko,'.whexe both. ar(x I . . . . , . .. `_ . I I . . ' were ,invited. - ' ' . " - ii , , lat. - lowing schedule : ' I I . I " I I . I I �. . . . I I . � would .thus be -one more hour- 'of . . . Mt, Jolliffe !rig the"evening . sol i'lich :w.ere well knoWn And . I . . is wellknb . . I , os W] very, Opu � �. daylight 'for 'recreation: .lThis would . I I I . 4 *�Pjiicciated, were"given' byMiss The b . Tigers: -May. i ,. , . . . I . known in town, havi�g. - for much . . ride is Also, well known 1 - in ,Pira:test vs. 3i;:JuAV , . '' e lead t1b, . , , I. . * Itecessitite bQt,h Lo , * * e Wesley choir,, and � it, McCormick and A . *J..� Irwin.of Lot- Clinton',` her',fait'hier, being a 'to 9.1, July I2,.Aug..*2. . I � . . . . . . � cal And Standard - . � .L It . I . I . . . . I . �.. I � . . 'rime 'but it , ' 't ­ - was with: anticipations of Pleasure don. '.. ., .. . �. I . .1 � . . riner , Giants vs,'. Pirates:�June 3,',� Aiitt . Is no expect6d, by,.. the that his , . . .. pastor of IV�Sl6y: church,, and on bei . I . . . . I l . . I ' friends res - to '. the . . 'half of her many fa 24, July- 15i Aug 5.- . . . , READYMADE � promoters', that. there need ther6y Invitation, Xt the. annVal * niceting of l jh' ends here, ' Tfi e 0, .. , I - .'ORDERED " ' . to. again 'listen to '11 . . � . e, Jun- .. . ba vs. Tigero:�-June , , , I I , ' I CLOTHING The Morrish Clothing . Co _ : . . 'L I be any 'cbrifusilon, -Councillor Jack- -Voice,. For the last 'couple of .is lot. League an Friday evening -file tot- - News-Recbrd extends to the . - I young Jul„- . . 7. a4d . � . sonls* re�solutiQri, which. , wals . � years lowing staff ple'the heartiest abod,wishes. y i Aug. 9. . . . . . . , . I . . I .. . ... I CLOTHING,. , - . . as 'fol- Mr.. Jolliffe has been *9tuaying in - New Of officers . were elected P”) . . - -1 I , .. - ` lows,' carried :without, i" � I which -,'under -the superintendanc ' . , . . q . � � � I I Tigers vs. Giants: -May .-24,., June- . ..,diSsenting y , - - July ff* 'I .. . . . . ork and conceit work '- ,141 . Y - Of 'BOTH .'V -LAWS CAjRRIEb.' .10 and 29 . . . . . — .i....,i......... .. ., .. . . , I . . . : . . .. .. z. . . . I -on, B . . . '. �: . . . voice .1 �, - I 1 la Mialg D. Cantel abbuld be able t . ' ay . . . . . . 'that a petition,, to be .known, , selections the other. eveting'Were Vat-, ' . 0 - � . Cubs vs. .PirAtes-�­M 24, June .17 * . . . . . . I .'' . wk. as. led ; . his inter. . accomplish. some-, good work - during •. -There--was not a Jarge � vote cast Ca I .r . , . . 'the `�Daylight-Petltioh"�.' be,,circulat-. , . ,pi,p,taticil.of each was the: ,'. - � . ,. 1� ' July -.5 and 26. *. . . . . I ­..... I . I ' his 'many friends . . I . . ' Monday but b6th bylaws carried ana Giants vs. Cubs.—May''27, June 17� 1 .... - . I .. ed at once, among our cItUep§, Asking perfect, atol President,. D. A, Cafftelon. I I . � the will - of the People . 11 . � . .delighted in .the development s . . . . . - I Aviiig licen I . . I . .1. . . that from 'Sunday midnight, , .Mik 'lat Alice, Irene in regaull ti) r,jool) July 8 aild 29. - . . . I .. ,fine Voice, which he seems* to. ha�e * .. I ,, - .1 1. made manifest ' 3 . I . I ' . . 30th,. to Sunday midnight, Sept. 4th; i� perfect control; BTowt Ace in- .2ild I Vice,'' LMiketta: 'Barge. - - , Roads it ls.46w up to .16he counell'to - I . � ' ONT. ST. CHURCH. . . . . all. watches and clocks be advanced . . control: Prof..1 . 0 .. I , , . . I . I . . I I- , . ' . grol Vice, Milton Cook.. . - . get •busy. Lot the good w6rk" I . . . . . one hour, the same to be known . .. panted Hin with sympa,thy and .1 -4th Anse, -Lloyd Wilken, . at ca' . Awgin • The pastor will preach next Sunday- . . - don, and. also rendered a sou le , of . - M I - . own,as a . co . . . . rliest possible trion.eut .cq taking . for his' Subjects : 11L 'a.m-,, I . .Secketaryj' Bessie O'Neil, _ ., that as 'much as possible. may be tsTh6� - - - 0 1 1 .. Local ,or. Town Time. " And that piano solos. Miss Plofenco Cuning- Treasurer, Xaudie Cook,. I . . .. completed 'this season.. The "Spiritual Sowing ; ,7 p.m., I .. � fully - representative petition be, home ga,voi two readings'in, her us- Organist, � I . . . P � I - - . . : signed,by the citizens that the Mayor vote 4liding of God's Power." - I 111" ' Merle Moore., ' - : stood as follows I . . officialli declar . u4l pleasing manner, and altogether ' I I I . I . . I assistants, - . C declare the same as so6n as the evening was one of pure Assistants, Doirein Stevenson - and - Go' ' � ,At tbit-meeting. of � tile' q6turly- � ' . . . .. . . I . ,possibl .') I . . ... . pleask- 'trairy Cut, . . , .�.- ad. 11oads. - board held an Mofiqq evening cu - I . I . I ure. . � : I Cutler. . . . I . Against ' ' ' . I * I 'Councillor Jacksbn* caused -a pleas- ', I . . . !'. 'r CID .- For nst couraging . . . . . . . . . I.. , E Convener of Temperance Coniffilittee' - ... . r . reports were . received from UrAle sensation by stating - that be D -ATH OF MR. � OVERBURY. . . I Viola Cook, ' I .... I I * 1� St. James - I 45 *16 � - I . .the different' departments of titer . I . . . . . � .8t. John . - 39 -16 church.. The stewards ivere re- I .. . bad. during the afternoon received,ha . Convener of Floral Committee,, Hope St, Andrew '. . 38.. 14 - . . . ' I . ; ,telegram from aDotroit,capital,ist SIC_ .. Nns Cfha'rles Owilbiry, whose death .' Wown . ., . I � . . .. . . . . � . , . . and #e Ifeenus of the local preach- I . I . . ­ . . 11 S.t. George- 1,38 . 0 era and exhorters were renewed.' Mr. ..' I 0 cepting.the towns, offer for -the pur- occuted on Monday, had been a resl� The. Sacrapient of the Sup. _.. . I . . . . . . I I ... . l .. . . h dent of Clinton , I. . . . 7 — - -Lorn,e Tyndall WAS appointed delegatd'. . I , . , chase of ;the Thresher Company prop- . . n for nearly 1077ty years, per will be administered -at the Close '� - . 1 60 . . I . . . I I The capitalist, . Who havin come hero,,; London, Ont., . . 54 1 1 . Verty". V ,. - I . I . to the District m0eting which will , f byl, lie, way the. morning's'servied on 'Sunday, . . Will the . I .when about 'twenty-two years of age... ' � . . Eleckrie Light. � . ,:be held in Seaforth. Rev. Mr. Cosewo I : . . yvas-d former resident � I The Pastor's morning subject will be . . . . . I of Clintopt is Shortly after locating her he was it St. 40 19 . .. . a member of the Swift. Company, Self -E - - 'accepted a'eordial.and unanimous In- , . � e xaminatl6n 11 in.Ahe eveni , .manufacturers of automobiles. Ac, married to his 'now bereaved wifel, it will I . rig 'St. jobn , . 40 19 vitAtiori to remain for another year.. be, "The Rainbow Around the St. Andrew . . . . . . . 42 ' .12 . . . . cording to the lxhlegram the Own, who was.' Fulton of St. Thomas. Throne."' All are welcome. . ' � The monthly consecration meeting: . I . � . . . � Propertv Mr. O'verbury had but one.survivin . I . . St. George, - 31 10 I was held. in connection* with the Lea . pan want possession of the . 9 . I I . � . . .. — . I I by the - 1st Ore June. - � Child., a daughter., Mrs.' Will, Munroe LITTLE ILEEK., TAKEN. . � . � gue on Monday evening, Reports were, . . In expressing., hia pleasure beemise of St. Thomas and it Was to the . I . I I . 159' ! 60 read from the .chairmen of 'the differ-- . I � ., . . I I of the ,news, Councillor Cooper *,�ajd family of this daughter that Mr On Sunday last Mr. and M's- John PASSING Or, MRS. BRIOXENDEN. ent cominittees, showing their work- . I a' B.'Gardritr . t 9, that while we on Overbury was ministering when the were called upon to give . I for the year just closing, . ought to do all in our . I I . and - tht-, power to Secure such an Industry, husband's death occured. Mr. Over- UP' their eight -months -old daughter In 'the death of Mrs, Edward Blick- neW'Officqrs were installed, and corn-- . bury had beon; in failing health and only child, little Iletin Who died enden, .pn'Frida,v last Hullett town- inittees' arranged for the year. , The. . Clock S op 0 yet weirlust not Overlook the live I . for after a'.Very brief jlltcs�a � another '' of the old reports showed the society to ber lix . and progressive Company which has some years but was not thou ht to I of state ship loses � . . . - i40__,1__,1 � had the property rented for several be worse than usual, andi 'hearing of Pacumonia. Being a singularly bright 'settlers and amotho�i in Israel, .Mrs. a flourtisffiing condition. .. . - I . . . . . I I . . '*� I . . months and rias given employment to the Illness 'of a, little grandson at and attractive babe, she had, .in her Brickend6n, whose maiden name was ' .. . I I a large iiiiinbor of men. St. Thomas, he Insisted on liffs wife few months,of life here, won her way Ann. fluckstep, was born in Wieken- LITTLE LOCALS. . 4ft . I . I I into the heart of all with . Whop, I I . 1. I Councillor Cooper, chairman of the going to them. During her absence Is breau, Rent County., Vng,, nearly Mrs Pugh entertained a number . . I Waterworks committee, reported as he became seriously ill and before she was connected, and her dea,th Is soventy-seven years ago. She, With of her' lady friends on Tuesday evcft� I Ifollows : .. . she could come to him he had pasted k�cnly felt by many, friends. The her *. husband; came to this country ing, Your waterworks committee -report away. Deceased was a. man of quiet funeral. took place on - Tuesday d(t0r- khruddiattly after their marriage, fifty- . There. will be another sale of hould- I . and unassuming character, one who 1160h to Clinton, cometery, the ser- two years ago, and after a sojourn piade cooking at Mr. Wiltsels, store . . I I . that the contractor for ,,pipe laying enjoyed the esteem, . of his. fellows, vices being conducted by Rev. Dr, in Toronto of seven years they set: 01f,the .14th inst, . . I . .. has been at work during ithe . last He had served the town as councillor . Stewart -The pallbearers were tled in Hullett, and for forty. -two Mr. J. 13. Hoover wage . of little girls : Madelon- Shaw, - years they lived In that township, un. cltl7.ea .to . I . three Weeks and over 5000 fleet on Several occasional In religion he . e four the first � % . four -inch main has been laid, also dred . , secure connection with . 6 OW eight .hydrants 9A, There are still was a Presbyterian and in politics Cook, Leota Harland and Hart- til death claimed her partner three. the waterworks system. . I Our wit a I,lbeltal, � The funeral, which was of OantOlOn, The little ,white casket years ago. Deceased was a lifelong I I . 1. coriftlAs% wind about 400 feet on hand to lay, and was Mr. Agnew is improving the inter- . . I . six hkdrantg to set., In -,order private, took place from his, late res� literally covered .with flow.ers, -Methodist Arid a member of Ontario lar of big, restaurant in anticipation IF I . . 1}dense, North Stroeto,6ri Tuesday at- offerings from friends who deeply street church, She always took .of tile approaching lee orearik season. . � � . that muln.9 May lit laid oil two Or tornoon, to the four 0 clock train., And ,Syn1pathlv* with the parents in the the keenest interest in fill WO00 The' local butcher shops will close, ' - will tell roue three additional streets, we rtcom- was under the direction of the Masi. )Ogg of their only child.. Sprays were in connection with church and , . . mend that the Clerk make application by Mr. and M . Mrs. Chowell, Ur 8l.S., being In' the habit of at- except Saturdays and evenings before, , . onic Order, of which deceased was. sent . . -each Week evening at seven o'clock : to the Ontario Railways and a member,, The •service at the house and M S. Jos. 'Wheatley, Mr, - and tefiding 0iol, latter vbenever able� holli ays. . I . I Municipal .Board ,for pe,emission , . ll . . I - -to issue another debenture for was, conducted by Rev. Dr. Stewart, Mrs X11ace Wheatley,, Mr. and Mrs. Mvq� Brjc�enden -had been In failing Murphy Lodge'will hold a ratet- . . I I Interment took place in St. Thomas, A. F. Nrr, BlYth, Mrs, Collyer and health for some 'few years but her ing of special importance on Tuesday , . . ,. . . . $1.006. Tools and supplies- tot The pallbearers ..were. John Hunter Mrs. Miller, Dorli and Audrey Coll- fatal 111ness, ,Which was due to par- evening next at which si. full pAltion- I....'' .Putting "rviccs in the houses . 110116Way, C. - J. Wallis, W. per, Helen and Joan Hagler and, Mrs,was.. I have arrived and the work has A. J ,. � . . g clysis, Only -01 three weeks du` dance is requested. ; . . . . "rh,c J. Stevenson, W. D. Fair and 'rhos: ,Xoaer and Mrs. E gert, Waterloo. ation. A family of two song and , already been, started, twee- 13 M. . Davis; rose buds two daugljto�rs survive, Mrs.' W'. A. An exhibitiou and of. JaPAUC66 . . 0 i tY polea ordered lot ,eleotrje cot- eacO Work, articles made by the girls in - , 1, 'lizabetl , the latt r at the -mission sebools .in Japan, will " from Miss Cuningliarnt.; . cradle of: Date and 14, I .0 . . rection between the Power hou93 and On reaching St. Thomas the re- flowers from the ('radio Roll depart. home, and Edward of Xitsullikelum,. be to at flow- B.C., and Stephen At home.. 'The Irwin an Friday afternoon and even- - I 'THl ' MOOR'l-S the stand pipe have Arrived 0,114 we mains were taken to tho residevee of went of Willis ,g, S, j crad held at the bome of Mrs. J. A. . A boorurt from Miss D - � recommmil that the necessary wire Mr. McLaughlin, a brother-in-JaW , of ergray, Mrs, 1). funeral took place on Monday and fn All . . end the deceased, from whence the Stevens ; .; Miss L' Stevens' run- al ' net ; WteAth, Mr. and Mrs, I Gardner All lovers of the artistic area - I I that the following'supplies for the 'Oral took place yesterday unalor tho B, Gardner, Hamilton. X WAS largely attended by old friends invited. . . . 1. "A Square. Deal ry power The fillehoig who Were anxious to pay 0, I " . . � . � - J I e I e te . last tri- Mr. Frank O'Neil in putting is ijit - . 1. . Jor Eve Man" bou9b b6 proedred ;'12-16t au§pices of the Mmopic L04P. � Th from A,- distaj c who at • tided the buto of respect , . . I , . 11" _0 W0-1 •­ -1 —4, 1 . .- N - 6 rli * djibp I . I . . wooden ladder, float and Index for soilvico of `the Ptegbyteriali Church funeral were * the mother and three hao f6vtol in to One Who% thbY up-toillolate bathrooip, lavatory, stlitie", . . " '' . , Jille ..The 9,,rvice Ait tank,'kAc. in -his kesid6neeewhich li&�'.?! - ,. " . 1� �, . 1. . . Overflow pipe, 2 a9h, palls for pro. was condlueted by Itov. Mr. Cranston. sisters of Mrs, Gardner, Mrs,. Moser, houst.. and graVeAde 'was conducted recently bought from Mr. It. I . duetra, short length of 1} hosts and Thio funetal ' was throughout I Ali Moser And Mrs, R1g9#tb Of W4t- by Rev. T. Wli Cosens. The "'t 411 I 1111111111111111111111111111111111 I - 1-11 I I I . . work bench. Also that T. M. Cullen n 1 188. 0 Pall' and Dr. Gunn is Instailinp twonolm" charge of Dr. Ball who accompanied (1100 Mrs. Carr OfIllyth,,and Mrs. bearera were ,- Ja,q. Stevens, hot I bo paid $906, less, 20 pet. stmt., and the remains to St. Thomas aa. thi5 Robert D- air furnaces in his turchaft from ____ . _._.___.___ .. 93 poles, 11 rt 0ardrier, Mr. 0ardileea E110- Tiplady, Jobit bale, L. Tyndall And ) the Irwin estate, high street. illo I -1 � . . Lobb representative of Clinton Lodge, tot -in-law, of Hamilton. W. J. ,,Miller, . A I land Bros. have the comtrats. . . . . . I I L . I . I , A . I I %I . "3 . v . . .. � , . . . . I . �IL - . . . . r, , pi