HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-04-28, Page 8, e liovii,00.~................,...,,,,.......,,,,,,,,....., . 1 After Ten . Years,Tri _.:_,.m' • , # We have proved the INVICTUS Shoe to be the # # best for f 1 t, • style; comfort # and wear. Cliatea New rd April glItb INS • I All SOLE AOENT IN CLINTON. - • .4IIT I0 O. • • ' ft/Obefts, likeftoft",ft•ftellbft,lbelOw4O,/,‘, illo 'lir 111/48011441.4,14•11111001.$ . • ' • 410ftOrq0o4PWIDKVOOPOlarijeZhwaraearese,evietameeree‘eie*eieteleets.a eiti..84‘tit . • ° ._ Spring is bre.. • t A Long List i of Short Prices t ; • Await you at this store during the corning week.. :Space will 4 r only permit of mention of a, very few, but we aim that each sale A made shall be a sale to advertise this store as, the store el big.values co .e, . ; g About 200 yards of beautiful pure bleached Table Linen, 62 in V f; • r:•'; A Table Linen Special - • toes wide and extra good value at 65c, priced to clear at .42 i Two Specials in Lace Curtains a ;and a regular $1.60 curtain, special this week * Also about 20 pairs good large Lace Curtains and extra value at 90c a pair, special this week .09 . $1 Corsets for 69c . A Another shipment et these corsets has just arrived and are a 4 superior lot to the last shipment, which everyone pronounced -wonderful value" but rather than put these with our; regUlar stock, out they go this week at . t..../.. ..1136 long Directorie style of nice quality white eoutil with 4 hose support- . , Don't fail to see our 49c CoPsets. They are wonders. made in ere and big value at a very saiall price. Special values in Prints, Gingham, Wash Linens, eth.. all week Some big snaps in the Clothing and Shoe Departments. Don't e . buy without seeing them. ialriireaosresooKaregrera.agi.erta.dAarerar.zawit>0.4649Karskiwgiva.iime-ibes I Pro" fits 0 Plumsteel Bros.. . . . Small # 0 More # Busineis. rtgeeeraege.seeteerersibeeireeeetee-oele4.0.eeeem,eialearaesibeek..-erceleeeer: 25 pairs extra fine Lace Curtains, 60 inches wide, 8i yards long • • • Millinery Store This store is noted for ---- High Class Millinery, • Also we guarantee -- Good Satisfaction and • very moderate Prices. MISS OANTELON & Q0. •••• •••••••• •••• •••••••• •••• •••••••• *Si ifei •11+•••• J. 13'•Hoover ' ". Nelson Ball When Selecting Furniture' 1 I 1 1 I. You need be concerned only about, its appearance. The quality we guarantee. So when you come to choose the new library table, the new rocker or Morris chair, the new suite for the parlor, don't worry about the quality. ' 1111101 1111111111111111i1111111111 t 1111 f -Yr "!lp !You Can Leave , That to tis. ND with it comes the decoration of some room in your borne, If Ws New Wali pap. er—we have it in la r g e assortment,. pretty and practical designs and colorings most appropriate, they also have the charm of fair value for the price. We ask your inspection. W. D..FAIR CO. Often Cheapest — Always the Best • • • Rest .assured Nye -. will sell you on- ly furniture'that will wear as well . as it looks. The 'cheapest sped in Huron County to buy all kinds of furniture. i Hoover & Ball • X.71:61sTA.VCriltla tSI14,1i10%'0XtfiS ••••••••040.444***illa0414441••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Advertising in The News - Record brings good resuips. Miss Ruby Cook- has returned from Toronto, Mr. Frank O'Neil was in, Peterboro this week. Mr. Geo, McLennan is in Toronto this week. 1V1iss Pearl O'Neil was in Goderich on Monday. . Mr. W, Brydone w -as in Goderich on business on Monday. Mr, Karl Wilken of Goderich spent Sunday at his home • here. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Cantelon visilied over Sunday with their son -in Hensel'. ,• Mrs. McHardy-Sinith and Master Frank returned from Toronto Sat- urday evening. Miss Florence Cuninghame 'Was with, her friend, Mrs. S. Gardiner of Col- borne, over Sunday. Mr, J. C., Armour and daughter, Migs Maida, • spent the week end with Windsor friends, . Mr, Jas.. Howson, who has been. suf- fering from a severe attack of ery- • sipelas, is now better. • Dr. Carr , has gone to I4os Angeles, Cal., where he 'will ,take a position in a veterinary hospital. Miss Agnes Obidley of Seaforth was •, in town on Tuesday, having coma up for her brother's wedding. Miss Edna ,:Copp came up from • her school near Guelph for the Chidley- Forrester wedding this week. Mr. A. 0. Pattison, the genial and obliging agent,„,has been "Off with an attack of la. grippe. Mr. A. J. Holloway returned on Monday from Fort William, where he has been located for the past few moeths. ' Mr. T. Jackson Jr. returns this week from his annual trip to the Coast in the interests of the Jackson Mfg. C. Miss Helen Bowers of Ingersoll/ at- tended the Chidley—Ferrester wed- dieg on Tuesday, and is renewing old acqurentancen in town. • Mr. Erne -Twitchell is home from Woodstock and 'having disposedof his :photographic business in that town he purposes taking a prospec- ting trip• to the Coast.. ' Mr. R. H. Coates of Ottawa has been re-elected sec. -treasurer .of the Canadian Civil Service Federation. • Mr, Coates is an lold Clinton' boy and brother of Registrar Coates, Mrs: Adam Cook, Goderich, after a few days visit with her son, Mr. Arthur Cook, town, has gone to Toronto to spend some time with her daughter, Mrs. W. Pridham. The following from town attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Thos. Brown, Seaforth, on Friday . last Mr. and Mrs. James Flynn, M. Brown and J. J. McCaughey. Rev. Father Hanlon was in London on Monday attending the. imposing • ceremonies in •connection • with the coesecration of Bishop Fallon, the new head ef the diocese of London: Misses Jessie Wiseman and C. and Agnes Chidley went *town to London to see Forbes Rehertson in the fine play "The Third Floor Back," one evening last week. They report it an excellent one. Mr. W. D. Steven'son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Stevenson of town, who underwent an operation in St. Joseph's hoseael, London, is improving rapidly and may be able to return home this week, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.. Archer left yesterday to virit their daughter, Mks, James Macdonald of Griswold, Man., who has been in poor health for some tiine, Their youngest son, Grant, is now at Laird, Montana. Mr. Ernest Staeicy of Hensel!, who has been with the. Morrish Clothing Co, since Easter, and who has made many .ftiends in teem, return- ed to Hensall on Tuesday and leas this week for Saskatoon, Sask., where he has secured.a posi- tion. Mr. James Flynn left yesterday af- ternoon for Saskatoon, Wilkie and other points in Sask. and as the trip IS a prospecting one he •may. locate if . he secs something that would tempt a capable smith such as Jim is. Success to him wherev- er he may decide to hang out his e' shingle. Mr. Prod. Corbett, New 1Viexico, Mr. and Mrs. ,John Powell, Mrs. Mc- Donough and her son, Mr. Eddie Dickson of Detroit, Mr. Edwin Sit- zer of Mount Forest and Mr. Mar tin Sitzer of Owen Sound, who at. tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Corbett. on Saturday, last, were: the guests while In, town of Mr. and Mrs. W. Doherty. 0 House - Season.- •"Di Carpets Rugs,Curtaifts Linoleums 1 OUR stock of House Furnishings is now complete in every detail in'ALace Curtains, Tapestry tirtains, Brussels, Tapestry and Wool Carpets, Rugs, Mutts, Linoleums, Oilcloth, Jap Mattings, Door Matts, Carpet Sweepers, etc. The range is large and you are not confined to a. few,: designs,tand anything you may want, we do not stock, we can easily get it for you. We solicit your inspection and will be pleased to show you our range.. Lace Curtains You will find the patterns we have assem- i ., bled have been chosen tastefully and care- fully. ' Every new feature is represented, though of course the conventional designs are amply represented. Our purchases were made direct and involve Nottingham, Brussels, Nets, Tamboured. Nets and others Prices run from .25 up to 6.00 Tapestry Curtains • In plain colors and two tone effects, in red, green and brown, several new designs, from ....... , ,,,, . ,, , .2.75 up to 6.00 Carpets We Make and Lay all Price Carpets Free - We are showing an exceptionally good range of designs and colorings in Tapestry, Brussels and Wool Carpets in the different qualities, and invite your inspection whe- ther you purchase or not" Prices • run from .35 up Jap Matting's For bedrooms Jap Mattings are becoming quite popular for summer use. They are • pretty, clean and cool." We are showing a splendid range at per .20 Japanese Yuta4e Rugs. We are showing an exceptionally large range of Jap Rugs, With border to match running all round, in sizes 1 yard by 2 yards at .80 2 yards by 3 yards cit. 1:50 3yards by 3i yards at ,, . .. .3.00 Ask to see this range. Linoleums Ten new spring patternaof Nairn's Scotch Linoleums to choose from, two weights, at per square yard .50 and .00 - • . . • Floor Oilcloth . • Floor Oilcloths in 1, 1, 1, ig and 2 yards , wide at per yard • . , .25-: Floor Mans SPECIAL -25 Wilton Floor Matte: sizes 27 inches by 54 inches. No two alike in flora animal and maple leaf designs, splendid quality, fast colors, worth $3.50 for 2.75 other Floor Malts from . .50 up Rugs We are showing the largest range of Floor 'Rugs in town, Brussels, Tapestry, Velvet and Wool, at 'prices that clefy com- petition. i If you are n need of a rug come when the range is the largest • • • Mdence of the Splendid Values team' .best be Learned by. a Visit, to the SOre. • 4 Nremisiuminmaimieni mememseis inionammieMelame • , . • Personals. • Mr. William. Duncan,, who has been apple packing id -Toronto for some time, is in ton the guest of Mr. James Steep. • • , Messrs. Thos. and J. F. Sheppard drove to the Nile this morning to visit Edgar, the son of Mr.. A. P. Sheppard, who a short time ago got caught in a horse -power and was very badly injured. • Brucefield. ‘• • The Farmers Bank, which has branches at Brucefield and Dashwood, will on Tuesday next open a branch at Shipka, a wealthy centre in Ste- phen township. • Mr. R. T. Dunlop, who has worked up 'a large business for the Bank in South Huron, will be in., charge of all three brandies. He has the entire confidence of • the communities in which he ‚has - resided and his personnel has been a factor in the increasing patronage accorded the Farmers' Bank. The first town league game of foot- ball of the season was played on the park grounds here last Saturday ev- ening between the' teams Stanley and Tuckersmith, resulting in a tie, score Although the gam.e was merely an amateur .one, yet it was one of the fastest and cleanest ever witness- ed here. Mr. John Snider refereed to the satisfaction of all. The lineup was as fellows Stanley—Goal, Clark ; hacks, G. Swan, J. Innis; halves, Murdock, Swan, Thompson; forwards, McEwen (eentre), O'Neil, McGregor (tight),' Mustard, Innis (left). Tuckersmith—Goal, Kyle ; back, Turner, tossenberry ; halves, W. Swan, McKenzie, Papple ; forwards, Aikenhead (centre), Wright, McIntosh gright), Wilson, Turner (left). It is remored that another team will shortly enter the league, this will make matters even and so much more interesting.. Tho return game of Tuckersmith, vs. Stanley *111 be played on Satur- day evering o'clock sharp. gev. Mr. Tibb occupied the pulpit at Blake and Varna on Sunday last. Messrs. Douglas and Sparks are each buying another load of horses for the west. Mr. A. E. Erwin of Bayfleld was n Dlakp one day, looking for a hearse horse. Hullett Township. • Mr. Wallace Allen is nursing a sore' aim' at present. He got kicked on the elbow by a horEvetresulting ja a broken or misplaced bone 'in his elbow. Dr. McCallum is attending to the patient. Mr. C. W. Rogerson left for, the west last. Tuesday to look after his property there. While plowing with a spirited team Mr.. Robert" Hamilton was jerked up- on the handles of bis plow and as a result is nursing a couple of brok- elirrisb.s. ' Mrs. Wm. Carter attended the 'Women!s Missionary Society district meeting at Blyth as delegate •from, the Constance auxiliary. Mrs.„ John Hesselwood has been very ill with pleurisy, but we are glad to report that she is improving: The funeral of the late Mrs, E. Me- Vittie last Friday was largely at. tended. The following from Ilidlett attend- ed the funeral of Mrs. Thos. Brown in Seaforth on Friday last : Mids Brown, Miss Morrison, Mrs. Thos. Carbert, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tighe; Mrs. Blake, Jos. Blake, Jas. Brown, D. Flynn, Geo, Carbert, W. Morri- son, John Shannahan and Robt. Ate dersoa. London Road Mr. George Turner had the mis- fortune to loose a valuable horse last we The loss of a horse these days I s: not unlike loosing $200 in cold Cash and represents a year's profit on the ordinary 100 -acre farm. , . Mr. Robt. Hunter will remodel his straw shed and move it a little to the south of its present site. Mr. Frank Reys of Varna is doing the work. Our progressive farmers are getting in a Ouple cars of tile from a Cred- iton yard, The first car arrived 19 Clinton on Monday. Mr. Wm. Nott and Wm. Dale left on Thursday last for Scotland •with the object in tfew of a large impor- tation of Clydesdales. They expect to be back in about sic weeks. Mr. A. Wiltse has improved the apo. pearance of his property by a wire fence on the front. Mr. /mac Weav- ers is the builder which accounts for the neatness of the job. J. G. Steep called on friends here last wok. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stanbury Sun- dayed in Clinton, the guests of Mr. R. 1Tennison. The News From Londesboro • . • Mr. •Hutton has engaged Mr. Clark Mr a: Scott spent Sunday with of Auburn to finish sawing. , friendsitssLe in Winagrishamheving some., re- pairs made to the ,verandah on, herheougsreis. Th t mill was running night and day last the vicinity: He has ehweek owing to the. Iipped several rush of work: Mr. A. 0adzo, formerly of this vicinity, is visiting friends ,and rela- tives here. Mr. H. Grieves. is pressing hay be car Ioads this week. Mr. R. Scott is laid up with a semverre ja.ttLa.eckipeorf wgarisppaeround Monday Mrs. Moses Brown. As this is thee next at 2.30 p. re., at the home of of this week looking after the inter- last meeting of the regular Institute. ests of the rural telephone Dine, which year, it is requested that all mem-- we hope to see erected in the near bers be present, who possibly can. future. Mr. Thos. Sampson was in Goder- MrJC. Hutton of Toronto ich on Wednesda3r of this week... . . . is Mr. Wm. McArthur of 'Detroit- is home for a few days. - visiting friends in the vicinity. He returns to Detroit -.in a few days where he intends starting sailing for the summer. Mr. 'Wallace Allen. had the misfor- tune to be kicked on the arm by a. ' horse, dislocating it at the elbow.- Mr. John Manning purchased a new' buggy from Mr. John Brunsdon, SenoR enes.v p. jClinton occupie r‘61"Yfe.ts of nd Kno d thurches on Sunday Iasi an the Methodist church itt the evenin Sunday last was missionary , Surt, day in the. Methodist Sabbath mho& Miss A: Bell read a very interesting paper on the Mission work in China. • Mr. J. Ritchie of Wingham, was in the village an Wednesday. The officers of the Londesboro Ep- worth League for 1910 aro as fol- lows President, Miss Alice /loll. 1st Vice, Derwin Carter, 2nd Vic Miss Minnie Lyon. 3rd vice, W. R. Lyon. 4th viee, Mrs. C. Watson. Treasurer, Miss n. Carter, Secretary, Charles 'Watson. Organist, Miss Della Whitely. ,Assistant, Miss M. \redden. • Scribe, Miss Mary Brogden, The League meets every Wedfiesaay evening at eight &dock. iilverybody *clothe. The regular meeting. of the. Women's. Institute will be held on. Thursday A meeting of the township council was held Saturday of last week, Rev. H. E. Currie and wife were suddenly called ,to Flesherton owing to the severe illness of Mr. Preston, brother of Mrs. Currie. Mr. R. Rurnhall of Clinton was in the village Tuesday in the interests of the Bell Telephone Co. Miss Steinhoff of Myth was the •guest of Mise Minnie Lyon over Sun - 'day. Mr. Samuel Lee moved his holt' hold goods to Clinton on • Monday whep he has secured a position on the section, Mr. Geo. Johnston continues very low. Miss V. Phillips is, we are pleased to learn, able to be out again after a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism. Mrs. D. Nicol of Blyth visited . at Mrs. Geo. Lyon's Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Doig of Clinton were callers in the village on Priday of last Week. Mr. Wrn. Moon hail the misfortune' to loose a valuable horse receiliy. Mr, J. C. Adams is making t.ome repairs on the inside of his house. Mr. Samuel Woodman delivered a quantity of nursery stock last week. There was -aban a quantity delivered from the temperance house Thursday of this week. Mr. D. Cantelon of Clinton shipped a ear of hogs this week, the price paid was 8.60. Messrs. Jas. Cummings and E. Watson of .131y.th and Geo. Chesney of Shaforth, each shipped a ear of tattle Saturday last. Mr. Thos. Shaddick Of Henan spent Sunday M the home of 'Mr. Wm. BrunibIey. A GREAT SCARCITY. Although the Clinton. Business Col- lege is affiliated with a Chain of SchcroIs training eleven, hundred stu- dents per year, Mr. Spotten InfOrms us he ts unable to flhl hundreds et . excellent positions offered his grad - Oates. reports a great dearth of' male stenographers.