HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-04-28, Page 44 Surnmerhill News. • Miss Marquis, sister of "Ir. Wes. Marquis, left on Wednesday for the WA. Mr. and Mrs. Cha.S. Johnston. of the 10th spent Sunday,in the village. Mrs. Geo. Vartitillar bad a Very successful quilting bee on Monday. 11,1r . .and MrS. Jae. Johnston of Clinton: sprat Ssinday nnflgr 1•110. 114.r*: enatak,n001. • • • • , Mr. Jas. S. Miller .ateer daughter, Wes' Angie, left for Broderiele; Sask. ,on, Wednesday, being, ticketed : frons J3lyth. Their 'ninny friends wish them a pleasant journey and success at the end of it. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dale spent Sun- day, at nr. Geo. Jonnston's, Mr. D. Lindsay and sister tf.sited at Mr. T. Lindsay's on Monday, Mr. Thos. Easley left for the west this week. COOPER' The Newest The Best The Cheapest WALL PAPER is to be found in our stock. meommem ALL PAPER TRI1111ED FREE. 0 BOOK STORE CLINTON the Ladies' Guild have engaged ?dr. J. Irwin of Clinton! to paint the eburch. Mr. and Mrs. Win. J. Miller of the 2nd con. Hallett spent Sunday at Mr. R. Govier's. • • • Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Archer left fey OrInvirnid. AXan., on Wednesday to visit their daughter, Mrs. Macdonald. Prof.. Richardson gave a lecture in the seheol lentise on. Wednesday even- iing.. # L. Q. L.. On Win meet on Monday eVening. Mr. Woe Jordan speet -Sunday at Mr. Rambridge's near Harlook. 1VIr. Geo. Hayes has•purchased a fine two-year-old colt from Mr. Chas. Clifton. Mr. Hayes handles nothing but the best. °Mr. Chas. Clifton visited the par- ental home on Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. .Tom Churchill spent Sunday at Mr. V. Beacom's. • Messrs.' Churchill and Beacom left for the •west on Tuesday. Miss Rands seient Sunday visiting friends in town. : Address'and 'Presentation, ' On Friday evening last the home of Mr. Jas. Miller was the scene of a very pleasant social gathering, the occasion being:the eve of his depar- ture for the west. About seventy people were in the company and dur- ing the evening Mr. Miller was pre- sentecl with a beautiful gold chain and locket while his better half was the recipient of a handsome set of dishes. The presentation.s were made by Mrs. Jos. Rapson and Mr. Chas. Lovett, respectively, the address be- ing rend by J. H. Lowery. it was a genuine surprise, and 'Mr.. Miller in a feW well-ehosen words thanked those who had shoWn such a kinlily (1)s• position towards him. The remain- der . of the •evening was spent in gimes, social chat and mesie, after •which a dainty, lunelt was served by •the ladies and all dispersed. - The following is the address : • To Mr. Jas. S. Miller : As you are about to sever your connection with this community, we, a few of your friends and neighbors have taken advantage of the, oppor-. tunity and assembled.,at your home that a social hour may be spent to- gether ere .you depart. You have .proved yourself a kind friend and agreeable neighbor, in short, a: wor-. thy citizen in the locality, where 3;ou 'have grown up„, frotn childhood. And now without multiplying words, we would ask you. as . a favor " to accept this chain and locket for, your- self and,'this 'set- erdishes lot Mrs. Miller as elight tokens of our apses. dation of*s'your' Woith'ainengst us and alsb as an expression of •our kindly feeling towards yourself and: family and it :is' the sinceredesire and •eatrxesb prayer of e,acluand . all that, wherever your:lot may be east, success may Crown your efforts in whatever. line yeti, may pursue and -that GricUs rieheit blessing may rest on you and yours. .:s•Yeur frielids"and, neighbors. Goderich Township Mrs. Chas. Cook of the Brat* con. has been visiting friends in •Goder- ich the past three weeks after being laid up nearly all winter with a dis- located knee. The nany friends are very glad to see he? able to be about again. sanimmi ansonsmaisaimisaasanis LADIES C C Dry 'Goods Ready-to-wear • Millinery GARMENTS. 1111C Dress -making What About the Windows Have you decided what you' are gang to do about the wind.': ows ? Now that house cleaning time is near at band . it is.tinieyou have decided about your curtains, We can assist you Wonderfully: lf you will read thefoliowing window items itnclthen came to this attire . and see for yourself the complete range of • patterns we are showing and every yard of cut Lain goods is new ancrextra good value. • Colored Madras - 60c yd Genuine Scotch Madras,- 54.inches wide in -two toned green, gold and green, pink and gold, green and • red. Newest thing for windows. • 'a Coin Spot Muslins 18c,.25c 400 yds Coin Spot Muslin in -every size spot, double width, very fine quality - 18c and 29c, Bobinette Curtain Goods - 25c Frilled Bohinette Cnrtain goods made with insertion and wide lace in plain and fancy, 39 inches .wide 25C yd THE TOP • NOTCH Last week we reached the top notch in millinery sell- ing, and on Satueday had largest individual day's sales iti the history of this • store, There must be a gond eason for tbis record. Is it, too much to say that the reason is becauce, the dis- • cerning women in Clinton have found out that this store leads all others hi 11C1-• . • finery styles and Millinery •values „ . . . EVERY 'COURTESY AND ATTENTION AWAITS. YOU time. The administrators of the estate of the late R. H. Elliott have disposed of lot 30 on the 8th con. to Mr. Thos. Macdouga11,1! the price being $3900. This will increase Mr. Mac- dougall's farm to, 120 acres of good land. • Mr. Thomas Elliott and family of Goderich township wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for their sympathy and manifold acts of kindness during the sickness • and at the funeral of the late beloved wife and !mother, Mrs. Jane Elliott. The death occurred on Tuesday of last week, of another of the Met settlers of Goderich township, in the person of Jane Currie, wife of Mr. Thomas Elliott, at the ripe age of seventy-seven years. The late Mrs: Elliott was born in Toronto -and came to Goderich when quite youne. She was married to. her now hereav- ea husband sixty years ago and has resided on the same farm ever since. M. and Mrs, Elliotn had a family of ten children, all of vihom, are living, this being the first break in a happy family circle. The nhildeen. are : Re- becca, Carrie, Maggie and Frances, Gocteriele .and Elizabeth, 'Jane, gary, Sarah, Emily and William at borne. Deceased had. been ailing; for about two years. She was a woman of • sterling character, who enjoyed the respect and good -will of a large 'cir- cle of friends. The funeral, whieb took 'place from the family residence on Thursday afternoiM to Bayfield • cemetery, was largely attended.. Rev. Mr. Condell and Rev. Mr. Hinde • conducted the services at house and graveside. The • floral offerings. from • family and friends were. very, beautie ful. The pallbearers were : 'Messrs: Thomas Harrison, Alfred Natal, Jas. Wallis'Hall Rutledge, •Geo. Young L andLouis Aldsworth. Among . the friends from a distance who, attended the funeral were : Mrs. Chin. David- son, 13adaxe, Mich., wbo was a sister; Mrs. Haley, another sister, Goderieh; Misses Margaret and Mary and Mr. John Haley, Mr, Arthur and .' Miss Ruby McLean, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. El- liott and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cur- rie of Godelich, Mr. and Mrs. Logan, Mrs. Huston and .Mr.. John IVIills, Auburn, and her only surviving bro- ther, • Mr. WilliamCurie of tne• 7th concession of thi ' Wwnship. The sympathy of .the vole 'community is extended to th lereaved husband and family. • t The following from . a, Washingtoa paper will be read with much , inter- est by many in sthis toWnsnip, the groom being' a son. Of Mr, and Mrs; Chan. Cook ,Of Use 1st. concession : • "A very pretty "wedding took place at •the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. SehWantriger Tuesday evening, when their daughter, fVnise Agnes, was un- ited in marriage to Mr. .jildgar Frank Cook of , Ontario, Canada,. The bride was dressecn In. blue silk; asal wore • a veil and carried brides' race.' •She' was- attended by her sister; •Miss Irene 'Schwaninger, also gowned ' in blue, earrying • lillies of the valley. % Tho groom wore the conventional. •black, arid Mr. Wm. Cook ..acted as best man. Promptly at 7.30, to the straits , of Mendelssohn's wedding March, played 'by Miss Elizabeth. Sage, the •, bridal party assumed their respective places under a largefloret atoll, and in the presence of a large company of friends and relatives, Rev. J. Herbert * pros noueced the. words that 'made theiti man- and wife, After the ;congratula- tions h wedding repast :Was served to these present. Miss. Arc,sa Kennedy received the bride's bouquet. •Those present were t Messrs. and Mesdarnes J. Olson, Nash, A. A. Sage, El, Dill, - cry, W. Davis, Trumbell, Misses Arose Kennedy; Elizabeth Snge, Mamie Cook ; Messrs: Wm. Cook, J. Herbert, R. H. McQueen, Oscar Sage -and, Ed -'- die ' • and Jin Nash. Their many Weeds wish them a long and happy journey through life." • . • .. • • gaRtield M. George McCraney, M. P., and wife of Saskatoon, Sask., were the guests of his sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Smith Saturday and Sunday Iast. Dr. Atkinson and 'wife and sons, Garnet and Casey Atkinson of De- troit arrived on Friday last to spend a few days at their summer home in.• the villege. Mrs. E. Gallette of Durango, Col- orado, WAR the guest of Mrs. Cowie the past week. Rev. Mr. Fortner left this week for Bracebridge to spend •a week. 1V1essrs. Jolla Town and Charles Ferguson. left last week for Erie to join their crew which sails from that Place. Miss Maud Sterling of Toronto was called home last week on account of the serious illness of her father, 111r. William Sterling. lgre. Ross Beattie of Trout Creek is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Erwin. Mrs. Mossop of Stanley was the guest of Mrs. Bailey the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kling spent Thursday• last at Goderich . with friends. Mrs. H. Little spent a few days the past week with friends in Tuck- eremith. • Capt. John Ferguson left last week for Milwaukee to take command of his boat which wintered at pat port. • Rev. Mr, Rogers of Seaforth, chair - maxi of the District, will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist aurch on .Sunday, evening next at 7 p. m, Rev. George Carter of . Guelph oe- mined the pulpit of St. Andrew's • church .on Sunday last. Mrs. Dolan of Iona, Miele, who cm ' several occasions • visited her sister, Mrs. James Johnston of this village, and was here but a short time ago, died at her borne on Tuesday of last week. The funeral took place on Thursday to.Bay City, Mich The death took place in Santa Cruz,' Cal., on April 5th, ofLouise R. Steck, wife -of Edgar A. • Stock of the American Battleship, Ore- gon, Sacr•amento, , Cal., at the age of 25 years, The remains were brought east, 'arriving here, on Friday., the funeral taking place from the home of Mr, John Falconer on Friday afternoon. Rev, Mr. Fortner •con- dneten the services at the house and graveside. .The pallbearers were Messrs. George Greenslade, George Lindsay, -John • Whichlon, Launcelot Reid, Thomas King and George Wes- ton. The friends from a distance who attended the funeral were : Miss Wil- son of: Chicago, aunt of the deceased, and Mrs. Chas Simons and Misses Maggie and Edith Falconer of •Crod- erich. The deceased, alio was a naughter ,of the late Mr. and;Mrs. Thomas Riley, was born in Neodesha, Kansas, fn 1884, She leaves besides her husband, one sister, -Marion, who is the wife of Mr. H.Falconer, son of'Mr. John Falconer 'of this village. Stt11#011 TOW IIShige' • Porter's Mr, Douglas •Macdougall has en- gaged with Me. H. Salkeld for a few Weeks. ' • • Miss Annie McPhail is spending a few days with the Misses Stirling of Clinton. . • • Mr. Howard Cox and sister, Miss Maggie Co,, spent Sunday with:their cous;n, Miss iVfeLean, Dungannon, who is very ill at present, All interested in baseball .are res quested to attend a meeting next Monday evening as the bOys are' trying to organize a baseball . tenni for the season. Everybody welcome to attend, Come and help the boys along. • The meeting will be held in the hall at 8 p. • Miss RuthSbays spent Saturday and Sunday under the parental roof at Dunlop. . Miss Edith Walters of Colbortie spent Sunday at Mrs, Burke's, Master Harold Emmerson, who has been suffering with a severe attack of rheumatisni, we, are glad to say, is imprmeng, Miss Addie Cox spent ' Sunday at Dungannon, • Miss Luella Tichbourne spent Sat- urday and Sunday at hone. Missts Fanny and May Lindsay have returned home' after spending the winter in the West. Miss Millie Halstead is spending a few weeks wi.th her $ister, Mrs. Jas. Harrison of the lst. cons Varna Mr. J. E. Harnwell was in Lon- don on business on Monday. Mr. Wm. Reid has removed to the Parr Line. Mrs. !Rev.) Davidson is at, Mount Forest for a few weeks.. The funeral of the eleven months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry • Erratt took place on Wednesday of last week. Much Sympathy is felt for the bereaved parents, in their loss, Good Morning 1 Are Record subscriber ? you a News.. • • M. and (Mrs. Andrew Stinson of Ripley are visiting the foemer's bro- ther, .Mr: Thos. Stinson of • the• Sauble Line, who is, we are sorry to say,very ill. . • Sorry. to hear that Mr. Jannes Del- gaty is indisposed at present:- f Seeding in this locality isalinost finished; n d the farmers will be' able to take it 'easy. • • , Me. Thos, ,Nieholsen pureheyn, .. a. neiv driver ,iately. , • • Mr...:and Mrs. Thos. Stinson .• and: dmighter of Goderich visited friends 'on. the Sauble Line last week. • April 28tht 1910 Seven License* Less in CeQtre Huron. The license Cenunissionere for Cen tre Huron granted 24 licenses oz Mon- day, seven leas than last' year. Vous were cut oft in Grey and two in Col- borne bechuse of Local Option and Seaforth lost one, •the Grip House because of shortage of population. Three licenses may be granted to a population of 1000 and one license to each additional 600 and as Seafoeth bas a population of only 2,145 one hotel had to go and the axe fell on the Grip IIouse. The lucky licensees are as follows : Goderich: British, E. R. Swartz ; Huron, Mrs. Craig ; King Edward, Mrs. King; Saults House, Ben. Sauits 'Ocean, W. Babb ; Bedford, F. Davis; Union, M. Farr; Colborne, T. Johnstone. Shop, W. W. Saults. Clinton ; Rattenbury House, Joe Rattenbury ; Normandie, S. S. Coop- er ; Graham House, R. Graham ; Conunercial, Jas. Reynolds; Waver- ley, Joe Reinhardt. Shop,. C. a Pugh. Seaforth : Royal, D. T. Pinkney ; Queens, Mrs. Stephens; Dick House, Jas. -Dick ; Commercial, McLennan Si" Broadfoot ; Gip Meuse, F. Carlin, 3 months to dispose of stock. Shop, E. Dawson, ! Mr. Dick has made ap. plication for transfer to Frank Kling, • Seaforth. Dublin*: L. Wolff. Brussels : Central, Gordon Macdon- ald ; Queens, Jos. Querin ; American, H. James, As Brussels has a popu- lation of only 1011 the third hotel bad a close shave, • Blake . 'It is seldom 'that we have to re- • port such sad news as this week we •are, in duty bound to do. • the on of. Mr. Thomas Johnston; took 'a sore leg a few month U - ago which gradually grew worse -and becoming so bad that amputation was necessary. Dr. Wilson of Toronto, assisted by Drs, • Wilson and Campbell of Zurich, per- formed the operation. The synipathy of the comnuinity, goes out to the family in their trouble. • Mr. John Leslie left last week for the "Old Land." We wish him a pleasant visit and a safe return. • Ms. Wm. Dowson is having his boxes of household effects eta out west this week. ' • • Yon • • • West Tuckersmith . • Misses Mary and -Aanie Modeland • visited here :on Sunday. • • Mr. and Mrs, Gif, 'Cinch and family have allbeen laid tip with a severe attack of la grippe. • . Mr. Henry O'Brien visited at his - friends here on Sunday. * • • • A number from here attended the dance at.,, Brucefield given hy the football twain on Friday evening last. Mr. and !Mrs. Reuben. Carter of Holmesville "visited friends here over Sunday. The annual elections held in Turn- er's chinch during the last couple ef weeks resulted as follows: . • ' Sunday,School. — Superintendent, Herbert rich ; Assistant; Thomas Townsend ; Secretary, Miss Lucy Crich ; Assistant, Miss Ruth. Swit- zer ; Treasurer Hosva,rd Crich ; Or- ganist, 'Miss dary Walters: ISpworth League.—Hon. President, Bev. T. W. Cosens ; Presideot, Ilene Carter .; . 1st Vice, Mess Christena Townsend ; 2nd 'Vice, Mrs. F. Plows ; 8rd Vice, Miss Eloreace Townsend ; 40 vice, Fletcher Townsend ; 5th Vice, Ira Jolms ; „Ree. -Secretary, ITovvard Crich ; Cor.-Seeretary, Plet- cher Townsend ; Treasurer, Frank Pleas ; Librarian, Miss Ruth Swit- ser ; Organists,. Miss F. Townsend, Mrs. I. Plews, Miss Mary Walters ; Miss Rose Pepper, Miss Lucy Crich and Mrs, G. N. Turner. Representatives.—Prom the trus- tee board to the quarterly board, George Turner. From the society to the quarterly board, Whitfield Crick 'and Robert Gibbingd. The quarterly Love roast and eeminunion service will be held at the close el the regular preaching service next Sunday afternoon. ••••••=n,mmor,..,...mmotail • Lucky Licenses in • South Huron, The License CommisSioners for South Huron met at Hensp.11 on Sat- urday last and dealt with the appli- cations for licenses. Over the riding there will be one hotel less that, last year, for while Cleric's hotel at Cred- ition is to be cut off, and Tucker - smith loses two because of Local Op- tion, lIensall goes back to its former ' number after its • ex- perience with Local Option: W. • Hanlon of the Commercial hotel, Bay - fn given one month in which to sell out, and the owner of the hotel at Blake three months in which to melee necessary. improvements. The list is as follows : 13ayfield—Mrs. M. Elliott, Albion ; W. J. Hanlon, 'Commercial; one month :to sell out. Exeter—L. W. Palmer, Commercial; W. T, Ateheson.. Central ; J. Morley, Metropolitan. • Hensall—W. J. Perkins, Commer- cial ; Ja$. Cox•worth, Queen's, when completed. • Flay—R. R. Johnstone, Dominion, Zurich ; J. P. Rau, Commercial, Zurich ; Mrs. W. -Nicholson, Blake Hotel, Blake,. three months to make necessary improvements.. Stephen—Wm.. Moffatt; Dufferin, Centralia ; , August Hill, Central, Crediton ; . Ezra,. Brenner,Brenner, Grand - Bend ; Wm: Zimmer,, Commercial, Dashwood ; B. Cunning- ham,' Jos: Ziler, On- tario', Mt. Carmel, ; A. Clark, Cred- itor', .three moiltbs, to dispose of stock, • Good Morning ! Are you a .News - Record subscriber .? •• ' • ' Nervous Diseases in the Spring. `CAN ONLY. BE REMOVED,BY • TONING PP .THE BLOO AND STRENGTHENING TRK NERVES. . Nervous diseases become More common • and more serious in the spring than at any other time of the. year: This is the opinion of the best Medical authorities after long obser- vadat. Vital changes in the system after long winter months. may cause much more than "spieng weakness," and the familiar weariness and ach-. • ings. Official records prove. that . in April and May neuralgia,, St. Vitus dance, epilepsy rand various forms of nervous disturbances are at .their worst, especially aMong those who have not reached Middle age. The antiquated custom of taking purgatives in the spring is useless for the. system really needs strength- ening—purgatives male you weaker. Dr, Williams' Pink Pis Italie a spec- ial action on the blood and nerves, 'for :they give strength and have cur- ed not only many forms of nervous disorders, but also other spring trou- bles such as headaches, weakness in the limbs, loss of appetite, trembling Of the hands, melancholy and mental and bodily weariness as well as un- sightly pimples and skin troubles. : Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, cure these nervotio disorders and spring ailments bemuse they actually make new, rich, red ,blood. Sold by all medicine deal- ers or b m'ail at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine CO., Brockville, Ont. TI -IE IMPORTED CLYDESDALE stallion "Red Ticket" will stand for the improvement 'of stock dur- ing the season of 1910 as follows : Monday, will leave his own stable at lot 40, con. 9, Goderich 'town- ship, and proceed to John Tor- rance's, Porter's • Hill, for noon, then to Itolmesville for night. • TueSchly, by way of Huron Rout to Itobt. Thompson's l6th eon. for noon, thence by way of Summerhill to George Farquhar's for night. Wednesday, to Win. ITesk's, 8th con. for noon, thence to Wm. Brittan't, ICinburn, for night. Thursday, to Fronk Glew's, 2nd con. for noon, Graham House,'Clinton, for night. • Friday, 13y way of Huron Road and 16th • eon. to Jos, Izzard's for noon, across to Ilth • con. by. Bayhleld - Road, thence north to Win. Colelough's for night. Saturday, Across to Oth con. where • he will remain until the following Monday. morning.—N. B. Horton and J. G. Steep, proprietors ; Wm. Farquhar, groom. 1 Terms CASH ONE, nucE ONLY SplUrd#0 Specials Are growing in popularity with the. public. We're ever QI/ the lookout for these speciaiS NEXT SATURDAY—COLLARS. . Four dozen only stook Deteh and Fancy collars and labofS, worth from - 20e to 50c each, to encourage early buying, we put thislot in at. only . 100 each. They were bought atless than half regular price 'and. ought to be sold the first hour on Saturda$T. Don't Wait • Till the season is over to buy your 'new. hat See our tables of special priced mil- • linery for Saturday. Still Another • .White underskirts, all sizes, lawn' 'flounce with cluster of tucks and torchon lace edging; a limited numb€r of this line left. Price only .50c, For, the Men Unbleached cotton underskirts each 25e. Spring weight Merino Shirts and drawers each 50c. Fine Natural Woo unshrink- able shirts and drawers each $1. ..* • . Shirtings English,- Canadian and American .Shirt- ing, fast colors, see the values we are show- ing at 10c, 12ie, 15c, 17c, 18c. , . . . PLEASE DON'T ASK FOR CREDIT. THE PEOPLE'S STORE i.+WwW•sumessimeimmli Ibiller=1111111770. ^ ^ ^ Wi.eafresswr,e•eliviregivia,iasin nrs.ia.‘nw..es~irn • S. C. Rathwell, Shoes C. Hoare, Mask: # The Regina shoe for women "Fit for a Queen" No matter how nice voor spring costume 48, it will not appear at its best unless you have nice fit- ing shoes.' Try a pair of Regina Oxfords or pumps. • We have them in all sizes and widths. Engines Wear Well, Fit Well and Look Well, • Derby Shoes for Men. Th Derby is a inati's shoe that fits and wears. We have thein in Pat. Colt, Volouo. Calf and Viel 1Jd. Price $4 to $4.50 The New Mammoth # Folio of Music $ The new music book. 0 Music lovers are delighted with $ this hook, Come and see them• . do The price is 75• c Harmonicas '1 Yes, we have them in all letters' v $, and kinds, Price 25c to $t • Newsom and Skerloc & Manning Pianos • always in stock. 'S RATHWELI _0 HOARE