HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-04-21, Page 1linton News -Record.
3Iat Year
Whole Number 16Z
Duron County and the Town, of Clinton First, -the Outside World Afterwards.
Ki.• V.C"L 'fLiSWil.•
ay VVRL4.
Assessor Cottle has completed Ids:
roll and from it we learn that the
total assessment has. increased by
$12, 813 and is now $766,011, The
tax on incomes will decrease some-
what owing to the exemption being
increased from $800 to $11)00.
Whist $1.00 to $1,02.
Oats 35c to 38c,
Peas 80c to 82c.
Barley 45e, to 50e,
Butter 22e to 23e.
Eggs 18c to 19e,
Liv Flogs $8.85. •
The Woman's • Institute will meet '
next Thursday afternoon at 2.30 at
the residence of Mrs. John Johnstone,
Rattenbury street, A full attendance
is requested as there will be the an-
nual election of °fileer+s after which a
demonstration of the Vacuum Clean-
cx will be given by Mr, Albert Turn-
Turn -
cr. A paper will also be given on the
washing of fine woolens, blankets. and
About June 1st Mr. Hislop Dick-
son, a graduate of Knox College,
will assume charge of the affairs .of
Willis church for a couple of months,
el. •,«,..;.•,.,+,.ee.e.e.seas,..;♦.,.;++;...,+»;" ,
,�, ,`,
,., The need of rood °ad •«
R s
andaepar- see
'.. i n Clinton( Vitwas f uer sa time
as ent as at the present trine and .
,., file longer we delay the worse
the will
, y get. Talking wont ea
+1, improve them, and as we nnusts *
•+♦ faee the question sooner or , •
1. g
•. later, let us. o about it now .;+•
+,+ in a systematic way. I intend r
.•, votingfor the Good Roads
.;. Bylaw on May 2nd. -Mayor Me- *
•.+ Taggart, ♦e.
+ r•
No matter when-
Watch y y
ivi er ou bay a tee
priced; a guarantee
A few of Mrs, A. J. Holloway's
lady friends, upon learning that Fri-
day, was that lady's birthday, called
upon her in the evening and after.
p grecently
hearty congratulations preseetted her,
Following isa list pf •Ciiuton
people who were successful candidat-
es in grade A, class of the Normal
School examinations held
in Toronto. This examination includ-
- - that it will give
satisfaction g O, @ f3.+
in, honor of the occasion, with a set
4f Limoges bread and butter plates.
When, Mrs: Holloway had recovered
es only those who have had exper-
fence in teaching and entitles sue-
cessful ones to permanent second-
j ,,,e
s / 11
i 8
• ' *co. ' • �,.�
1 '
2 =. i
a> 3
: �� F, •,, 4
,.- ,
5 ;
, •• N• • ' f'
•'°s••. %
icy -
•t �=
• 'with. it.
We evade noevening
s onsibility in our
watch selling. II
it is not what we
say, bring it back.
Every one that
buys here must be
from$ her surprise she made• her guest
, very welcome and a most pleasant
was spent.
One of the most valuable carloads
of horses shipped from this countyto.
the west was consigned on Monday
from. Clinton to Winnipeg byMessrs.Choppers
Rose and Nicholson, the former of
Paisley the latter Lucknow,
class certificates : W. Grant Beaton,
Jean Z. .Carling, Hattie E. Trick,
and Alice Worthington.
The carpet ball team of Murphy
Lodge won their fifth Consecutive vie-
tory on Friday • night last when they
defeated the Cha ors b twelve
oints, It was a contested
p keenly
on . l hursdav evening a number : of
the girl friends •
of Miss Lizzie Trow-
. .�
met i her home and shower»
ed" her with china and linen in an
ttcipation of her marriage, which
took place Wednesday of this week,room
an account of which appears in an-
other coluiiln.
Another happy .lit•tle gathering oc-
carred at the home of Mrs, . E. M.
when a number of ladies
met there on Monday evening, it be,
ing the occasion of her birthday;
Mrs, J. Armour and Mrs. Lappine
were of the company and as it hap-
pored to ' be also the anal-
versary of, the natal • day of .
'the former, and 'the day • following
that of the latter, the ladies v,tselyMrs,
concluded - to "bunch 'em" • and they
presented each with a very pretty
pie.e. of Limoges as a souvenir of
the oceacien. After the presentation
and congratulations, lunch was. serv-
ed and a jolly evening spent,
The Oddfallows• will attend 'divine
service in St. Paul's church on • Sun-
day morning:,: The service, which Will
be choral' 'will commence at eleven
. , , •
• The Ladies Guild of St. Paul's- in-
tend holding. a' five cent tee in . the
S, .S. room ,neat Thursday • .afternoon,
Tea will be served from 3 o'clock to
5.30. All the congregation ale in-
sited to attend .and• also bring • their.
during which time Rev. Dr, and
Mrs, Stewart intend taking a trio
to the Eastern Provinces;
The first meeting of the newly or-
gani�ed .Pioneer Mission Band will
be held this afternoon in the lecture
from 4.15 to 5 o clock,
The Centre Huron • Itemise commis-
$loners met in'•Seaforth .last `'atur"
day to consider the"gragnt ng of liquor
licenses for the enrols ear, but ow-
ing' to the absence of Inspector As-
quith, who has been suffering from a
veep resole attack of sciatica for some
time pant, the ince mg adjourned'
without transacting an business.
adjourned meeting will probably.
be held .at Auburn,.were
The 1W, M. S, held their regular an-
nual : meeting oe : Thursday evening
last, when the following ofii.cers.,were
elected for :the ensuing year : • .
President, Mrs, Jas;. Sheppard,
•1st Vice, Mrs, Pattison, :
2nd Nice, Mrs, Moffat,
Rec.-Secretary, Miss Rudd-
Cor. -Sec., Mrs, J. r: Cantelon,• •
Treasurer, Miss -Porter.
Organist, Mrs, 'A: T. Cooper.
Assistairt, Miss' Greene... •, .
The Epworth League gave hat
'they' called; a- Sowing Seeds in
Danny' •. social" on Monday evening:.
The -program consisted of the. read-..
ing of two or three chapters of Mrs:...friends-..
McClung's inimitable book, showing
<<pearlie'! in all .iter guaint original-
it ' and her extremelyr deal-
Y, practical deal -
A quiet wedding tools place at Ilse
home of IVIr; and lits. Geq. Trowlsiil,
Mary street, at high noon yesterday,
when their dau liter Miss • Lizzie, was
married to Mr. John Inglis of hrita-
g ,�•
des, The ceremony was perforated by
Rcv, T. w`esle Cosens in tiro presenco
of only the' immediate relatives o1
the contracting partr:cs, The bride,
who was unattended, was given away-
by her father, and was tastefully and
daintil arra' ed 'in a ossa of nater-
Y y g
al silk trimmed vvitli taco yolk aa+i
insertion. After •the ceremony : • and
congratulations, all sat down to a,
dainty luncheon,' Among .those pre -
sent from "a distance at the wedding
: Mrs, Mark Williams, Mr. •and.
Mrs.'1'hos. Williams, and . Mr, and
Will. Williams; Brampton ; Mr,.
Thos, Moore, Detroit ; Mr, Tilos. In-
.glias,. Kincardine ; Mr,. and Mrs. Jas:.
Brydone, Mount Forest and Mr-,
Adams and Miss Adams, Londesboro»
The bride, who is a natiFe of town:
and has , many friends here, . though
she has been awaya good
the time .during' the ,past .couple • u '
years; was the recipient • a.. many -
liaridsome gifts. The happy' coupler
lest on the afternoon train for at
shprt trip before starting liousekeep-
ing in Dundas. The bride's '. going;
away dress . was a emit of toupci.
broadcloth" with hat to match.- `
• The Flews-Rceord joins the Manly
of the bride. in wishing .• theu
young couple happy • Years, of
married life .
and o£
game all through- and was}, witnessed
The eighteen horses cost on the aver-
• age over $250, so that .the car-
load aggregated more than $4504..d"
by a large number of interested spec;
stators. The final game between the
L.O.L.LOLand the W.O,W, takes place
, y
/� .a�
�CC2Ue ef" - - - C�in�osa
The most of them were bought in this
distriet, purchases being made from,
amo others William Stec Ben.
Churchill, George Hayes, John Far-
quhar; Joseph Reynolds, Levi Wiltse,
Time. McMillan and Joseph Scott,
this evening :
. The teams and •scores on Friday
night were ,
Fred. Heyward b. Crich
W S• R 1Glolmes W. Sloman
T. Monaghan T, Cottle
J. P. Sheppard C, Wats
7 up.
Major McTaggart and Dr, Shaw
returned • last week froni a verMc7,ean
F. Cutler R, A,' Bell
•�� plcasai:t three weeks' cruise amongst
J. Hartley Geo. Cook
Josh, Look W.
Capital $5,000,000. Reserve $5,700,000. Assets $67,000,000
125 Branches and Correspondents throughout the World.
the islands of the West Indies. The
journey was takenc under the most
favorable circumstances and was one
of pule pleasure. The trip was made
in a 'fiery modern • and handsomely
fitted mail ship, tho "Avon", which
on this occasion about two
, hundred and fifty • passengers, There
. were in. the immediate party,. 'with
J, Finch Jr: J. Bk hoover
• 5 • up.
The L.O.L. beat the W.O.W. again
last night by 7 points and wfll now
be pitted against .the I,O.F,
015T. ST: CHLRqH,
The, illustrated lecture given by
Rcv, Dr: Dougall. Monday
Every facility for the transaction of Banking in all it branches,.
Interest allowed on Savings Accounts at highest current gates,
Courteous Treatment Accorded to all Customers..
our citizens, Dr, Shaw,, Major Mc- on • even-
• Taggart, Mr: Will,. McTTaggart• and ing ie connection with the S. S, • an-
Mr, •J, R: McCaffrey, Toronto, and Dr. niversarY, . was a very enjoyable and
and . Mrs. Robertson of Stratford: successful affair. Dr. Dougall is an
The "Avon" sailed, from• New York exceedingly fluent and pleasing speak-.
cn her third and last cruise :for . the er and. without the views his lecture
season on . Good. Friday... All the would still. have :been • listened to:
Clinton Branch. R. E• MANNING, Manager •ferent
principal cities and towns of the iiii, . with pleasure, •but the lantern views,.
islands were visi ed: •Carrrtg- operated by the Dx. •and thrown . on
es were arranged. •fer to convey the the canvas at just ;the right moment,
tour sts to the different places ",f' in, served to fix' in the mind the wonder -o'clock:
tere tin connection: these towns, fel scenes depicted in the story •:of
Ben have.
Hur, To those who : not
So excellent were the accommodations
lin the ship, 'which was a leritarsle read the story it• was instructive, but
Capital Pald up - $3,500,000 . • . Rest Rudd' r $3,500,000'
Has.13 Branches in Ca>r�ada• �
and Agents and Correll ondentc in all the 'rirloi al cities
g in the world. :p p
"floating,.hotel;" • .that' the. ,tourists. to those who had read it and could.
on most occasions returned: to it for follow with understanding every; scene
ntea•ls even when sight-seeing. the• lecture was an unniXed pleasure.
During the 'evening Miss Wiltse sang
.O.e• 'thing that •struck the obser- in
musical The H• oly City and, Mr,' Will: Har-
va-t tourist was the soft, land • sang`!Roel. of A es" :both .
. g
vol' es • of - the nativesho� oa� theso ' is- which, seemed to -take on a nes mean-
lands. They never shout and a • loud•
or harsh tone is never beard, ' They ing. to those who listened•'by:the fact
will call you across the street byjust of their having been illustrated.
a little hist . made .by the tongue The:annual 'meeting ef the .5•, S.
against the •teethe They never hurry, :was : `held on Tuesday evening when
friends, ..
fine • g Ladles Guild have ape
pointed Mrs, J. McLeod President • of
their-'soei•ety owing to Mrs. A, A.
Hill's departure from Gown. The .
Young ladies consider themselves. for-
Lunate in securing , the services of
Mrs. McLeod. •'
O MR, T ., H GINS,'
. . ..
On Thursday last there• passed away
at his. home in Toronto, Thomas M.•'•
Higgins, barrister -at -law. He .was
born at'. Brucefield forty:=nine years
ago, and is well remembered in' that
district and' i n Clinton:
He attended the.. Model :School' • •in
Clinton.: and -subseiliientl .taught fol,
a term. ,in •the; Scafortliy. Collegiate:
Afterwards • attended Toronto. Liniver-
•sfty and .graduated in Arts; twinning
the Edward •Blake scholai�sliip iii •hie
ings wiili' her. different :char es a '
g g
-pretty little song, by four ;tiny tots,,+;r1N1+:••;..;+:•.;••;«:ii:i4+:+•;+.;+.;+•;«;«:•4 +•4.
a humorous reading • by Miss • Muff, •;. ei.
a 'clever instrumental by; Miss Doha- +;. , 'GOOD ROADS DO AWAY ea
ty, a duet by Miss Ida and Master .1+.• WITH BIG BILL OF . r
Lloyd Wilken and a solo by Mr Cook •1. - REPAIRS. +;•
of Coderich, , which •.was very well •1t •,:
resolved. indeed, After the program .;.. T. have always been in favor ea
coffee, 'sandwiches and cake were ser- +.. of • Good Roads and the first nr
sed, 14 ext week will be the • annual •:;. step .in that • directigii in the •;•
elration of ofTiceis,•',• ... council•'was: taken. when 1 ad- +..
Epssoeth . League .anniversary ser» ::. voeated the. purchase of our ❖
vices will be held next Sunday. The .;+ toad, machine. There was a ♦a
pastor will preach, morning and ev- . big fight .against it, you will .�
ening, . A special offering- will' be tale- +;. remenil er, but I • don't suppose ea
the League., All are •;• •there •is a• pian in town today • .,
cn on:behalf of : .
;welcome, - • •;+ • but• will ,admit ' that it. was. s%
' ; •+•. stoney well •spent --Oliver 4
.1 OF ,SIRS; 'I•I . ...
e... Johnson, • .`: _s
. In'the p assin of Mrs. John Bard ❖• ':
P g. Y .;.,; .;..•...:;:...o.o o.•.oa;..+..o.; .;..;..•..z:.••.�
on Monday last another of 'the • old . • ...... .• + . .
setth'es of • 'township, one
AT ALmuch
interest allowed at HigheSt.Current Rate.
Life •i$ taken very easily but they are the various reports presented -were_ of
most courteou . and obliging.. In a very encouraging nature. The sec-
.Jarrlaica, Major McTaggart was very rotary. Mr, Ralph �Tiplady, who has•
impressed by the su'periox' in -performed those duties very satisfac-
to ieence of the natives, . , Schools .torily for several years, m his report
clotted. all over the island, over sated • that the total numbed. of
Clinton Branch - C• E• . D.owding, Manager ,
wl ch invariably fiie,s the Union Jack, scholars on • the :roll' is 358 with an'
and they are proud of •the fact : •that average, attendance, of 232: During
,subjects..• At tho ear there were 43..additions, 32
they ale Kings• S`
.British .
stn a -visit was'made to -such .ruins' removals•; . and. 5 -.deaths; 3;817
'as'-• are• left "'of the terrible disaster_ Verses•,were:recited;-- twice. .as,'rnany
• •
The Mo�'rish Clothing CO
of 1907; but front. •which• . they` are by :