The Clinton News-Record, 1910-04-14, Page 22' Crllatoa Nows-Record April 14th, 191 ^, -- --- *-PURI"' Y--40CUnAcy" I j . *1 • Per s U ppX t 03 I Your F Investment I I Any fanner' can add 25% I * to the value of his, stock Z by feeding t x DouGl.as t S STOCK II INVIGORATOR The chewpest and best prepare- tioi . I r on the market. You can have pail for Iii cents. I It s best for Horses, Cattle Hogs and Poultry. ; stands Our guaranteeadsehind it. b a Z! i W. S. R. HOLMES Manf'g Chemist. I I**" **"* #**"N *###0 RELIABILITY -- EXPERIENCF. _ r' S. ' i '. - - � L Ij Our sale of Seed and Grain .has more than doubled this season evidence that it is of the best quality and that our price is lower than that of other dealers. FORD&MeLEOD W. H. Watts & Son. opposite PostofCice. Store opens at 7.30 a. in. Closes at 8 P. in. We are ,practical Boot and Shoo! Makers and repairers. Boots rnadn to order in from 1 to 3 days notice and repairing done while you wait. FARMERS ATT13NTIO We have several pai•:s of -fur ovni Brake or Boots which i,re just the thing for spring w,ar. Vome in and see them. All repairing left at the Postoince ar at Mr. Adams' store will have our hest attention. One of the firm will. be at our Londesboro store on Fri- clays. Kindly give. us a trial. • H. W. H Watts & Son T L6 hNING G RODS Lightning Rods ar'e a ovin- rr,)tpe- • tion to your builditlt; during Eleo- tric Storms. Barns rodod from $1500 upwards with w COPPER ROD througli and. through. A written guarantee gwen. . Also Galvanized Rods much cheap- , Pr. Satisfart.!on guaranteed or money rofuoded rur particulars Apply to . W, H. Stogdill VARNA MONUMENTS CHASTE DESIGNS. BEST MATERIAL JAMES DOIG OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. _____... Winter Term fromJan, 3 C��ITRAL r4l ONT. ' Write us at once for our free catalogue and learn the nature of our courses in Commercial Shorthand or Telegraphy departments. We have, the leading, practical, training school in Western Ontario. Courses are thorough, Instruc- tors experienced and we assist graduates to positions. Stu- dents are entering each week. You should enter now, D. A. McLachlan, PUINCIPA L • IF YOU WANT THE BEST COAL AND PROMPT DELIV- ERY SECURE YOUR SUP- Pf.Y FROM US. ORDERS LETT A'1' DAV3S & ROWLAND'S HARDWARE, ST(JR1J PTi01VYPTLY AT- -TENI)ED TO ....._. . W. d k3tevenson,l «. _T They Took i i . Out of His �. o (�. Spring HuMO M me to most people and eau a ztaanlr 1)0,40's Kidney Pills cured Mr. F. Me- troubles,-�-pimples, balls anti other I Aulliffe's. Lumbago, ,eruptions, besides loss of appetite, that tired feeling, biliousness, in . for ,. Lachute man, after fourteen years �*1 I*% S The sooner you get rid of them the a suReco,107d Reader ffering, hods health ahli strength better, and the wax to get rid. of theta i11 in an old reliable Kidney remedy. and to build up the.system is: to take `i Lachute, Que., April, 11th, (Special.) 1______,______._Food's Sarsaparilla -,•,•the 'Spring Xedi- --•After fourteen years of suffering, I tgrave cine parr excellence. 14toxr s Township. A I,itUe Sootch Philosophy. It effects Its wonderful cures, not mitlated in Lumbago and confined , John Robertson left last week for ? Miss Lizzie Speirs was .a visitor "A man's life is full of cress s. nd simply because it contains sarsapa- I ed by dropsical swellings, and cul- UAmonton Alta. e a hick started front ,curls • follow- , with Toronto relatives recently." dinappofntments. He comes into the i'iila, but because it combines the ut- hfm to his ..bed, Malachi F; McAul-0Irg, Gee. Daley has purchased a driving While cutting wood the other day world without his consent and goes most remedial values of more than I iffe, a well-known resident of this From horse from Joe, Miller. Milton Watson had the misfortune to otat of it against his will, and the twenty different ingredients. place has entirely recovered his r The LNevi's Reeord of Robt. Carr of Grey visited his Ws- cut an ugly gash in his toot with the trip between is a hard one, "When he There is no. real substitute for ♦ 1 health, and he says without hesita- Aril x3tk1 x892 y %i0 d S j� x. tion, "I am .sure I owe it entire, to r ' as little the big girls kiss him. When Q s Sar Sarsaparilla a it er, rs. Win. _ ates rirentl a e. „ y Mr. W. Jordon left on Tuesday of Miss Minnie Walker, 6th line who he is big the little girls.,kiss him. If Dodd's Kidney Palls, last w.mk for Winnipeg, and other has been attending Business' College he is poor he is .a bad manager, , if ' Get it today, Sold by all. druggists I was laid up with Pleurisy, Aril 13th 1892. g he is rick, he is dishonest, I£ he everyzrhere 1Q4 Doses, #i, i which affected m kidneys," Mr. Me-' Clinton, p . points. at Toronto,. has. been Name on a , A Y Y , Mrs. (Dr.) Stewart spent a week visit. wants ctedit he can't get 4t, if he is I u Mrs. . Grigg, C, i t n r o c 'nags. s» r M Wm Clinton, s e • .ul if continues. I u e ed a eato has e n f, rb , g ins a nus everybody wants x ev i z t to o P P Y b ns d +he n Joe ell' r with r ret a To id K n t n 's Y deal of pain,. especially in my back, on a few weeks visit to relatives in parents t wbr ge. g o i home an a visit 1, him a favor, If he is in politics, he is I was also ,terribly troubled with Ridgetown. John Scandrett has purchased a to his mother and other relatives, 4th The July 4Xail 1A&tloil3, driving horse from Wnr. Watson, . line, after an absence in the North. 3 a grafter, if he keeps out of politico ' dropsical swellings, and finally, after Mr. John She and Las been re- g lie is no• good to . his county, I. f lie The department of education has is- 1 PP man attem is to et rid of m , t'roub- ' land of six years, g y• y P g Y modeling the inside of his dwelling Brgdes Brothers have sold their r does not give to ahaxfty':hcj as a sued the time-tablt> for the. July axe- le, I found myself compelled to give on Huron street, entire horse. it goes to Manitoba. Misses Dotha and `Willimina Camp stingy cuss, .if he does, it is for show. amrnations, to which hundreds' of a bel f l 4Kincardine u ai d w confin to i as ed m d 't , :.t o .. , be wi hattended nded t students for - Lumbago. he ns in Ontario i n ra r looking Y J s 1 na are k n for. Mrs. i4crxi;ot•t of St. Mary's visit- n . Wi kinso o£ Hensall spent , °If he as actively religious he is a g Lumbago. I ,tried many medicines ed her ,sister, Mrs. John Wiseman on Sunday with his brother, James Wil- <.ampbell"Skelton wedding. hypocrite, not interested in religion ward with varied feelings. The ex 'Government but they failed to do me any good, A inspector was a vis'- , amination for entrance to Norma I , Good Friday, lkanson•he is a hardened sinner, Cares for tor here recently ecezrtl seeking s ekm The I -turned o D d n the f Thent ads Kidney Y g acts of, people, soft disposition, cares for no schools begin on June 27, at 9, a.m., Y Master 1). Cantelon is now eagag- Mr, and. Mrs. Charlie Bell of Aub- the case In reference to the mad dog one hardhearted, 'Dies young, ret and are concluded on Jul 4,• with ;. Pills, and after taking one box I felt ed with. Mr. Cuninghame in the Ex urn visited with Mr, and Mrs, Win! p + y g, g a Y r reit, relieved. I tools ,several more a efts as it is related to the death Latin cpntposition the last subject. j'1 boxes y and found myself completely press office. Proctor. of T. Bielby's cattle. loss, 1. Ito. old age, outlived h a For entrance to the faculities of ed - 1. i! y the. brick clling. t he save;; money,,h's hes ucat£on the examinations begin on' cured." Mr. R. Heywood will oda' Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Bryant of Hut- M. S. Watson, postmaster and mallI work of Mr. Whiteheads new block grouch, if he spends ft, he's a loafer. g tett visited at Mr. and Mrs. J. A. contractor of Sunshtine bas resigned If you get it, you're a grafter, it June 27, and ,are terminated, on July Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure which fact is assurance that •iit will. Bran'don's. his job as he intends leaving short, + + i any and all forms of Xidney Das- be put up "ship shape and Bristol 1 g y you dont get it, you re a bum. So 11. Honor and scholarship matricu-° ease. - ashion." Mrs. Win,, Fowler of Sea,forth is for Northern Ontario to try his luck what's the use, latlon "exams" begin on June 27, I " Alex Hlllen has -passed over to the, visiting her brother, David Sproat, in the gold fields of 'that country. •arid end on .Tidy 12, while for pass silent -majority, having died. Wednes. for a few days. The oil tank wagon driving from ""--^-'-- matriculation the first paper is da last a Garner Nicholson sold a fine heavy Wingham, to Brussels last week broke on June 27th and the last rr Mrs. Alex. Ingram, a woman of 99 Y aged 53 years, Deceased y through the flooring of the Clegg SAL. 71A, THENEW AMERICAN is on Jul 8th, Commercial 4I leaves a , wife also several of a farm» draught horse last weak for which he gg HAIEt VIGOR. Y years, was ikflled at .Brockviile by a ' realized ;215. bridge, 5th line. Damage was xep'ai - specialist examinations begin ou 41 train. fly pretty well grown tip. He was ed but a new structure will soon be Ladles can now have: a luxurlant June 27 and are concluded cn July a well-known character about fawn. Miss Jennie Proctor has gone teat.' . head of real fluffy, sparkling hair ' Catharines,' where she has secured a required. + Y g + 4, The art' specialist examination i and of excellent, natural parts, There free from Dandruff, by using this d good position. Miss Jessie T)casen, who is recover- far 1910 rytll be held. oh Aug, 0, 10, is scarcely one an .toren that will not g P new English-Amcrfoan %lair Vigor, 11 and 12 at the department of the ll Repeat ft :-Shiloh s, Cure will al- Mrs, Proctor of Brussels has re- ing from an attack' of typhoid fever-. SALVIA. Go to Mr. W. A, Mccon- P „ drop a word of sympathy in memory at Toronto hospital, .covering ik wags cure my coughs and colla of "Alec." He had not an -enemy in turned home after visiting friends weeks is here on an extended visit at ne,l's drug store and purchase a 50c summer school at the University of _ the world except himself.. 2n )3elgrave .and vicinity. S welker's,' 6th line. • bottle. A guarantee goes with every The' annual meeting of the Huron Mr• and Mrs. S. W. Code was the, bottle. -�+- --.--.--.�_.I - _ .j W. CUTTLER PAINTER AND guest of the former'- sinter. Mrs. William M., youngest son, of George , . + Rifle Association was held at the - Kelly, 8th line SALVIA contains henna and ,Sage.' , Pa er han er. All; work done. uar Chas, Grasb last week: .. Y+ ,passed away at the BAI<i+IA is used b the elite of Repeat it. s Cure•will al. P g g Grand Lnion hotel an Friday evening. Miss Rachel Bates .has returned parental home last Saturday at the y „ , anteed to give satisfaction. Prices Capt. Todd wao elected president for early age of .25 ears. 14e has been New York, ways- cure my •coughs. and colds• moderate, Residence nearly opposite a fourth term; JohTt. F, S ooner vice home after visiting with friends and Y Datrarun can. be cured in ten days. g president; , ' y; press failing lrcaltih fax a few months The hair is made•soft and huffy: Collegiate Institute. Clinton. 83 resident' Lieut: Combe secretor relatives in and around Brussels, N, �tobson, treasurer; Lance -Corporal Malcom Walsh visited his sister SALVIA toil, grow hair in abund- One da last week the barn on thehP I1Tittlnk,ei' Of Li UO Ball. official scorer and a good work, and brother.in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Y anee. q g farm of James Lawson 8th line had SHORTHORN. BULLS FOR SALE. ingcommittee, with John Johnston, Grainger, at Henfield, for a' 'few days. ' A non -sticky, daintily 'perfumed.. a close call from, being des ed bLlcenaeS DecreaSin , 2 good red calves, ,9 and 12 months chairman, ,Thera will be practice at Miss hazel Lindsay of Kinburn ha g y hair dressing.. g returned to her, home after calla fire• They, were using the ateam cn- old, sired by the Cruickshank Bea- the 200 yard range on Friday at one g gine to run the grinder when a spark A targe bottle only costs 50c,, `and • The annual report of the 'Ontario . o'clock: Z be season's practice- will a couple of weeks with her aunt, Mrs: p a money back 'proposition. with Bud buil "Merry' Dud" -67395 P Nill. • from, the former alighted on the roof. . Liquor License department shows how' -sire and dam imparted and from comiricnao the. first".Wednesday in May, � unnoticed and another into a it � ' to continue ever Masses, Lizzie aid Kathleen 10w -ens pile of the. liquor laws of tri( Province are , of up-to-date Scotch breeding• lye y alternate morning fence rails setting to work in real' 9 also; have a • few 'good heifers for and evening on that day of the week. visited their uncle and aunt, Mr, and . operttting. These- show that a redu+c- g Mrs. G.eo, Peacock in Morris recent- earnest and when the alarm was giv The Briglhtin�ess of tion of 112 tavern and she licenses sale. Apply fo W .J• Biggins Box The highest eight scores at' practice 1 ' on -it took a goad •sUiFf fight for a . + P O. Elmhurst Farm, Clinton P. 'during the season 'ta be for a medal Cla t`a Pr few. 'minutes - to remove the danger, .1 Halley 5. Comet., was made psi 2988=09. as compared O. .or cup; Y n octar of, Stratford g .. . . ,2 P Normal School, spent his holidays at About eight o'clock on .'Wednesday I Ithe brilliancy of 'i comet as it ap: with the prev£qus year, and for. the I- - � - ----*- - the home of ,his parents- Mr, and -Mrs, evening .' .of East week the .death oc- j pears to our eyes. depends - on * two current -license year I909-10 to date ' 'C'W, ,C. •Proctor, curred of Iiannah D. Hodden, relict (. factors: first its distance from the- there .have: been issued only . 183 t'av RARE OPPORTUNITY TO PUR- .: Tuckersmith, April 13th, 1892. of -the late Geo,r a McMann ' at the Y Mr. John 1VIeCallum and faintly bawe g + sun, and, second; its. distance from ern• .and 2.44 shop licenses ; which re - chase achoice farm .in the couritq moved to Wfn ham, His son . John home a£ `her her. John Short- the 'mirth, The: nearer to the sun : the . resents a ftp t reduction- - of Wellington.. --A splendid farm of .Selina. Crich is down with la g + , P r her x. d coon of 149. who. was recently married remains reed, 9th sou:, with whom ,he had more • does our sun act .on the comet This, is accounted -for by the increas- grippe• •. Y , •. past three two hundred and five acres, The on the homestead.. been residingfor. the and increase its intrinsic brf htness ` fn •number of munici alities � 'in Wm; Townsend is til with .a comply-. g g P soil is . good, clay,. . nicely rolling. John Cunnin ham G.T.R: operator years' • Deceased, who was in her 79th -and, of course; lie nearer any body .which local o Lion is being brought cation of diseases and will'have have to g + . p g g There is on' the premises a . •good at Win ,mile ' and Stowart ' Pender, year; had been ailing for some lime:' is 'to out eye the brighter will it' be, into force and the. reduction of liven- .. make a strong pull to get through, g brick'dwelling, '2, good. Srame burns, kith chances' against •him.' He died Sundayed with .the ;formcr'•s parents;' Air..11lcMaun ,died about six years ago Halley's comet is nearest ,the sun, on ` ses authorized 'by the. municipal 'by- one 45"x 45, good steno wall and g and fora .good many years they were A + cad the Ilth - - _�„� Mr, and Mrs. Jas; Cunningham: April 20, .when of 'itself it will be .laws: there ,were 237 more commit stables under. the other 50 x 40, old log Mrs.. Ausk and little noice, Miss!Ne1 :well known, resident ' or 1VIcKillop: - most: luminous. But aftcs that :dato . menu to 'ail, f r drunkeness in 1909 comparatively new .all in good or, The old ,log ease on the London J _ o g is being pulled dawn aid cut ..into Tie Richardson o£ MaxkdaIe, visited at ft gets closer and closer to.; us . •till than in the previous year, throughout .:, der. Good. streams of water and the home of their cousins 'Mr. - and . • May 18.. Immediately after that date the province, and 1297 . more than in two good wells. The above proper-; -wood in order or take advantage of the comet .should .be ver brilliant '1885p There were 252 cash of ittfrar- g P P the high puce for timber fuel. This Mrs• Chas, Grasliy during the Easter Grey Tovvinsh(p : y. ty is 2 miles from. Arthur station was about. the last log house used far holidays. and it will be favorably situated ' in tion of .the litfuar license act• proseeu- and three miles from Arthur which a residence fn t e s `i Geo: Dalgarno !had tht' misfortune R; • C,. Armistrong of Henfryn' sold a the evening sky for us to � see it, The ted last ear 168 .bcirn convictions is a good market Town; For fur- h town h p, having y g „ been. vacated about two . years a o to fall and hurt his hip so badly that valuable stallion one day last week comet in 1835 was less bright than and. 84 dismissals, The aggregate e- ther particulars and price 'call . on g be will be : confined to his. bed for ' to Ed, Wood of the 8th line:. it had been in ' I759, •w.hen it had a . mount recolved for 'licenses in all mun when the proprietor, Mr, . ,lltioi e, Mrs: J. I Armstrong', Mr. John Torrance, A To ane ClintonCli t n , no , some time. and fait 50 d r •1 ' m and r t 6th a ees iii en th of be nus Mr. David T. Small,. Arthur ; 1VIr. movefl,.into. a :nt w. Axa zpe house , _-,., c he Ars, cera, g, 6 line, g g n c o t.cipalities last year was . $923,263,23, Thos. ` T. Lon Port Ho Mr o`seph Townsend is going to re- Robt. McMurray has returned from, who has been in. failing .health for it' had intrinsically decreased -in brit- of which the. province received $40:1, Long, pe © shingClo Lis ,barn .this summer. a trill to • Bolieville and Napanee, the past year.. . 'we are ;sorry to . liancy , but because .the earth was un- ti54, 19. above property will'be:.sold at a where he visited If$ sister and other learn, ,quite low at. present. favorably- in- orbit to give, • bargain as it must be sold to telatives, r, McMurra reports oar ti3r:• M. Iihtchinson' has gena �u the as a near view. While nothing as y. . P g wind. "u . an cstat . e 2=4: 2 P s, n . tl•eto a r se.' n v '1 looking fill o ctim� tit: known n alis � rut . .:: o g all wheat. meai•Iy;. all clang, P P 1? P. lt.. w. 11 o eIy o:f, how ,�brighi::;the . Summerhill;: Apirl 13th, 1892: the line, . see Alberta' and 1.ossibly may lac ate contiet' will'•:be, astrononicrs. are .gen _. e C ® t �1 there if lie_ finds, hat suits him, orally. agreed that it will be a. ,splen-. vAYED ' 1F�/�� �� F��iN17 ... Messrs. T,igs: 11'cI'llvoea and `.X:ph: •, At the vestry meeting' of .the .];ng- ,., g . P . MORT�,AGE ",SALE -UNDER AND lrsh church ,fere; hell last Monday, John' Savage has. returned . 'hom"e did- object readily visible. to the oak pp �4 j(ttt Butt, wino made a business trip to �� ii� OLD 1(p L. by virtue o£ the powers contained. R. Proctor and R. McRae' were el- 'from .Con where' • he has leased his . ed .eye, 'with' a tail at least 30 cte Manitoba, have returned. They were • : , in a certain mortgage which : will both .successful and s eak .'i'n lowin ected Wardens and It, McMurray Lay. property, fol a term of years, . grecs in length. ' In .fact, the coarct he produced at the time of : sale, P g g Delegate to'.. •Synod. The sidesmen " 'will ' be seen. better without aisle- Gin Pills cured him. , . t toims ' •o£ the. . Prairie: Province. Mr. .-�-,. • _ there Roll be offered Sor .sale' by 'James Manning, who went' with them, aro H. Johnstbu,' R. McMurray, A, scope' than .with ono, and. £or these i public Auction, ; .by D. M. Watson, Brydges and. C. Johnston.. John Mc- who are not astronomers a look Annapolis, •N.S.,.May14; 1009.' has rented' a half. section, out there Fast WaWlinosh through a big lass would be disc - I ani over• 80 years of age and have auctioneer,. at .the town hall in 'the _and `intends •'to reiziain, -UWe; wish Gill is .vestry clerk: The congrega- g g g p t town of Clinton 'on Saturday tha...f+ r, tion is in good' heart' and appreciate Councillor .Peter W. Scott of East pointin From• "The Return of I4al- been suffering from Kidney and Bladder - y Jim . suc(ess. g Pp - trouble for fifteen years. I.took doctors i 16th '• day of April, 1910; ,at,the There ,.will be divine service in the their rector, Rev. W. H. Hartley 44atvanaslr. finished' 5ectiing.;. Tues- ley s. -C.oniet, by S, •A':.Mitcheil,'in medicine but of no her' , I want o ' g A t. hour of 2.30 `o'clock in the after- Episcopal. church here ori Goocl Fri- who; comes from Blyth, day of '. last week. This .is surely • a the American Review of Reviews, for. thank you for sending me the sample Ilex noon,.. the following property : day evening •lit• 7.30, record for this section. to .have fin- April.. of Gin Pills, which helped,me. Parts of . Lots numbers 205 and 206 Nearly all the men in our- village . . . • ished the work of seeding on the 5th I have taken six boxes of Gin Pills alto on' Albert 'street in . the town . of ,have secured positions fpr the sun -of April. geth of are, of before I bad taken' Clinton. On the property is greet- P t�iillrgham near e that amouttt. I had to et up P P Y trier: • _ Thcotforc+ Iiiarcy, formerly of, T-iamil- some nights every. fifteen miuntes and ed a two-storey building, the Miss ,Mary A. Watkins has -recover- Mr. Thos. Weir has purchased the � had to use an -instrument before I could ground�fioor of which is used as, a ton; ecu:dcntlq shot himself at Wind- urinat Now, ed from • her regent severe. illness. Wm,.Robinson farm: in Turnberry at Lame Back, Painful Stitches. Cured �, • a , I can lie in bed four or bakery 'and confectioner's store, the Her. many friends are, pleased . to .see Glenannan. The present tenant, Mr. in Ten Days or Y our Money sor, anti rs in a critical condition,, live hours without .getting up, 'I can say upper storey being used partly, for her amongst them* more. - Youn will have • that Gin Pills have. nearly cured me and g g; possession until Back• shall always keep :a box in the house. resddential .purposes and partly as The singing school under the ' able next spring. The moment y°ou suspect any I{id- Thanking you for our .time, her I assembly hail. For terms and con- management of 'lir. S. • Butt of Col- :The remains of. RR,ichard Mallough, ney or .Urinary .disorder, or feel GOOD REASON FOR ITS . am your sincere friend .and well-wisher ditions of sale apply to W. Brydone, borne, ..closed on Monday evening. who died at London passed through Rheumatic. pains, .begin,ta,king. . ' SUCCESS, . . ,' ' Vendor's solicitor. Dated 17th day Mr. Butt leas made ,a. very favorable Wingliam on Monday 'to Whitechurch Fig Pills. W 13. PIERCE. of March, 1910;" impression here and we will miss his. and . interment was mado fn the ,Lang- FIG PILLS are .void with a guaran- Without doubt' the'largest largest selling And all as a result of sending for a free _ . catarrh medicine in Amenlea M Ca- Sample box of Gin. Pills; pleasant face amongst us; sides cem0tery: 712r: Mallocigh: was 70 'tom to cure •all Kidney, Bladder or D you suffer with 1 ".ears' .of age and' a native: of Ire-. Liver troubles Indigestion and all tarrhozonc. 1Vat advertising but lion- a y your Kidneys or g Bladder?. $enc, to the National Drug FOR SALE, --4 YOUNG S'H'ORT- .• land, coming to Canada when a lad. Stomach disorders. est merit has' made the faint of'"C'a- ' & Chemical .Co: of Canada (Dept. A), . horn Bulls,' got, by. imported Scot Mr. John Armour ' has sold his FIG PILLS are sold at : all lead, tarrhozonc which is guaranteed to Toronto, and get a sample free by return t yt Beautiful imitations of .natural cure catarrh in an cart of the s tish Volunteer 55044, by Go.1dea wood ifnished with varnish may rhe house and lot at, the end of Victoria- . Ing drug stores at 25c, a box, or y, 1 ys- 1mail, Regular size, at all stores, 50c, a Prince; (83609). Fall fit, ror•a.c;,iso y street to Mr. Win. H. Densmore of: five for X1.00.. tem; try it yourself. boik-or 6 for $2.50: 3 obtained. by applying one coat of 1. and from good milk -strains, the Campbell's: Varnish Stain, Harland Westfield who will _ Y _ ._ _. __ _,. ....:_____. „. _.. get possession. _.. kind. the 'people sic after,--w7i 5: next fail. Mr. Densmore wflL move • Snch, all calors • . Bros, carry a full line of i1 and, size cans. Color card f town, reciting a house from Mr. U: reg. Zt1Y'ie AI11M1I1h WwVIA ^wwHo ..� . . Sherk far the summer months. . . ' Twelve new members were initiated . . . FOR SALE, --LOT 27; JAMES ST, into .the: C.O.F. here last .week.T and lot 6, Victoria street, ,Clinton, Beth _ . Misses Clara and Mollio Schilbe, helk Yvu'Ravt . containing a four -roomed house with .. .1� � left an Saturday week for Detroit; woodshed, hard and soft water, also The annual. convention of tine Gode- Mr. Miln& Rannie, Inas taken a posi- . a good stable. Will be sold on easy p rich District Women's Missionary So- tion in his. brother's general store, at >t - , 1 OHEA / Hensall. terms, Apply. at The News -Record clot" wall be held in.. the: Methodist ' ` . Allythijl,w-�� office or on the premises tri J, W, church on April 21st. Miss Arvada Weselolr' returned to .. iReid. iz A thanksgiving service will be heli' London after a' shorn visit with iter - ,� . bLt not cheap wall' at the morning niggling and business p T11 .Teieler o1' Japanese apanese Ware ` Mrs. 0, . Vritz and daughter Miss e . �T^ 1��'per' a Fca;rl, spent last rvcc:lk with relatives , t AnM FOR SALE, -LOT NO. 6, transacted. At 11.30 a.m. Mrs., I++er- . ` lot 1.18 show you QL1r goods and • pertaining to the soviet will be g .., guson of Goderich will conduct a anti friends At Dashwood: .` . Westside Lake Con,, township of In order to -clear mit last Mr. lleatarr of Clintonhas taken C 11btO p 0005. �'i" a ales re. we can Stanley, containing one hundred sears stork we. will .►daces consecration service, . and twelve acres, 95 acres cleared it on sale at 2c'per roll .op. At the afternoon sassibn Airs. Ilar- 'eharge of the. school as principal, p16I,sO y0ii. - and in good. condition, 60 acres rison of London will give a Bible Ile is a young man with plenty tit - and is said 'to :lir well cur' ploughed and ready for seed, a field reading; an address of welcome will energy i t,f, •- -•, 4 of fall wheat in find a field freshly be read by a Blyth delrgate fo which feed for the* poaiti'ou. �• seeded down to alfalfa and oat - WALL Mrs. •('Rev,) Conway of Nile will 'fire Lutheran eburch has beat oluip„ „ +� r� . I' LW ed with a member cif hatidsomil neer ixilf' R (. + ' grass.. There is a good two-storey reply. The district organizer will be p • brick house with furnace, two nominated; invitations as to the, c itght� chiindeliors, il1Yd tither fur . . tri barns, 'one nearly new, and other out PAPER next place of tura+ting will be offered; n1shings wlut'h a(Itl grrttllyto'tilt, "G r"ta "`�'goad time - buildings. A good orchard, mostly . there will be greetings. from sister app(vtranee of that vdrUce. a , Northern Spy, Seventeen. acres of sociOns, to which Mrs. (Rev. Dr,) The ticath of',MI.N. R1.11i ..:v. '11411ut111 11 t, � )6r�,, the kind you can de- bush composed of .Maple, Beach, Dougall, of Goderieh,. will reply; Mrs'. of ,.Sauble line. ,snaday week, rtttut, pond K)11$ ° 13aswood, Elm, White Ash,and Horn- W;, have also a. stock of 5parling, of Wingbam, will giv(+ a, as i gt t ;tt Alin h it, ht i wilui fi trod., laalc. The farm will be sold at a New Wall Paper bought, paper on 'AThe White Slave Trallic." Atr%. Denomy watt is torten it 1� tnitlr • � , M , .. �. � in C rive , Fitiestp flans a paper will be reatl b Mrs. Tie» previous and acemed m the livr,i ,1f WILL ���1 ���•�.t�`�," 1�It � �� HAVE VOU CALL reasonable prlcc.-Apply on thr, pre- in C:tnat9tc, I1'irrest 1S:tttel'na Y m'ises or to WM. Evans, Bay,feld 10 and beat titialify. (tall and wartha, of, llolmrsrville, and thee tlues- health and spiritti .\bout X 11,01111, . gee before buying elsewhere tion drawer will he answered by Miss oil .,41»iday bhe t'vevivrd tt ` 11t11,sh 1 ke . , . _ _. _.._..�......._ ,._.._. �......._.•..._. ____._ �- •�-�-» titx`olce trail licfcrl•t+ tuts►tr t.lu1 rttr, ti It roeman of Goderic h r TItIAfMTNCi DOT�GR4 p`ttT:l: C)h' In tilts evehing the chair will be. 'Corptie, ;,iC lvavri,, brz+tdvt A 111'1 hu•. IV tARirt'0R SAII:,-=ON'TkTLY I,ON CIIIARC#f1, taken by Ttev. W. II, ('(raper; ori - bated, tt lltrge S1unilr 11> rh1111ttit, 1+,1. d, otic mile south cif C,Crntan, - ___._,..•,,,_-- . .'Muc0i teft �_ -' sionary concert t+xerrise.�• will Iic eiv- rltourii tilt% doalh tit tt 111r11u1 \rill+ MIA 1,32 acres, fine shape for . rappitrg, rn by t1iA 7llyth Mission Band; Mrw. .pnother. Situ rvllri bt 11111 1.1i111 t 1=e11 ,+l r no better land anywhere, fair build- L%� (Rev.) 1+'. J, Oaten will gdve an nil- lrer agr, ee%\ ot'Attd 111tAttiver, W - CLINTON 11199. Must be sold its owner cannot r r 1 / U l i/ � dress on "'Woman's place In World- � . . It. orwill ," work i . Will a sold clic w 11 b ap, a winning,-," and Airs. Iliirrlsott, of T+nn- ii �r `l"I_ 10r,,ICense t+ trent tri a goad t. -H. Plum. yh�N4 don, will sptak ono 1 Our VolitliIikv- repeat it 11411utt'rr 1'1110 tt•ill 'Al, ael,e"tel NerChat, » r3ion.'" wn ii cele 111 °tat 11:t trod t'nitl�t."` , ", I N