HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-03-24, Page 44 Gl1llttos, News -Record rcezg 13aufielli Happenings* Miss Mamie Macdougall who is at- tending Narmal at Stratford, is llozbe for Easter holidays. �Q Miss inde, who has spentthe win- ter at Thamesville and Oshawa, re- turned to the village last week. Don't forget the bazaar and soeikl under the au.sp ices of the Ladies' Guild of Trinity • church on Friday ev- ening of next eek. Rev. Fortner is conducting special servicrs at Bethel this week. Mr. J. Worsell of Goderich spent Sunday in the village. Messrs. John Spencer and John Hailey, left on Wednesday, the form er for Wapella, Sask., and the leeker' for High River, Alta. Mrs. Dolan of Michigan is the guest of her sister, Mrs. James Johnston. COC Wall Paper Opening Son Saturday, [`larch, 26th. AMINENEVEM Your invited to inspect our new line— by all odds the finest we have ever shown. COOPER'S BOOK STORE CLINTON Mrs. Rhynas of Brantford was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,John Ferguson, a few days the past •week. • The Irish social held under the auspices of the Ladies' Guild of St. Andrew's chime!' on the evening of ,St. Patxt:ek's day, was an enjoyable and successful affair. Mr. R. J. Rich- ardson occupied the chair in his usual affable manner andunder his direction the following program was given : Solos by Miss Emma Peck, Misses Lauta Richardson, Miss Beatrice Brown and Mr. X. E. Irwin. Reading, Dr. Smith, Recitations, Misses Pearl Taylor and Lula Palter. Addresses, Revs. Kelso, Condell and Fortner. Mrs, Brown played an auto barp ac- companiment for her''daughter. About the middle of the program a dainty lunch was Served by the lad- ies and the excellence of the refresh- ments and the program made the ev- ening a very enjoyable one Brucefield. A well attended and enthusiastic football meeting was held in the "Boys Own- Club Rooms" of the vil- lage on Saturday evening last when it was decided to once more - enter' a team in the Intermediate series of the W. F. A. J, W. Turner acted as chairman and the minutes - of last meeting read and approved. The fol- lowing officers were elected for the ensuing year : Honorary President, Alex: Mustard. President, A. T. Scott. 1st vice, Bert Staubs. 2nd Vice, P. elowey. • - See -Treasurer, W. 1). Swan.. Curator, W. Berry. Captain, ,Geo. Swan. Manager, G.W. Turner. Field Committee—Wm.. • McIntosh (chairman), John McIntosh, Jas. Bowey, J. Cr: Kaiser, John Said- . . er, ,Jemes Thompson. W. S. Swan was appointed delegate 'to the W.. F. A: meeting to ee held in Galt on Good Friday. Mr. Bruce Bossenberry kindly offer- ed his hall free of charge to the foot- ball club for the purpose_of holding -a concert or dance in. the interest • of the same in 'the near future. ' this week... Mr. Byron Waldron. is • in Toronto. Stanieug Township. Sorry to hear Mr. Thos. Stinson is not improving very rapidly, Making maple syrup is the order of the day. • • Misses Eva Stinson and Cora Nich- olson of Clinton Collegiate arrived home to spend the Easter holidays. Miss Maggie Peck .has returned to Seaforth after spending 'a few days at her home,- - emmonmaseamommansionees LADIES Q.. 1(Ilin1l P A GARMENTS. b U. 0 Dry Goods Millinery. Dress -making • THE GREAT SUBJECT y IF INE WE have been receiving congratulations all week,. Everybody seems to approve of our Millinery. Our hats strike tasteful people as true examples of the styles for 1910, chosen with an eye to.ladylike elegance and dignity, that reputation we have worked hard to create. We cordially invite you. We'll be delighted to have you whether you wish to select yonr hat now or not. We want you to form your opinion about our hats; we think your friendly criticism will do more for us than an thing 3 we can say or do ourselves. So please consider yourself at perfect liberty to visit'our show room as often asyouuplease C -C a La Grace Corsets for Spring C -C A La Grace is a name that means something, It means something because every section and every gore of every corset has been carefully designed and as carefully put together to fit the figure like a glove, Priced at $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00 New Spring Coats Our I ' Spring Coats for ladies and Misses • are now on display. Prices ranging Prom $0.00 to *10.00 EVERY COURTESY AND ATTENTION AWAITS YOU HERE. Co dericlt Township Rev. W. H. Dunbar has removed to the Arthur Cantelon property, just south of Clinton. Mr. W. IL Lobb went to Harrow on Monday to buy a carload of good dairy cows and may not .return un- til next week. The great quantity of snow which fell fast winter has now almost all disappeared. It slipped away grad- ually and, contrary toexpectations, there will be no freshet. . Mr. Joseph Colclough has rented . his farmto his son Wilfrid for a term and purposes takirg up the buying and selling of horses He a •'ay take a carload of horses. to the west and will thus combine l+usi:.ees t,ith pleasure. Service will be conducted In St. .James' church on .Friday evening at 7.30. There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion. On. Wednesday evening of this week "Fairview Farm," the home of Mr. and Mrs, H. C. Holland,was the scene of a very •quiet but pretty event,• when their eldest daughter,. Alwilda Clara May, was united in marriage with Mr. J. Percy Cole, son of Mr. P. Cole, Bayfield Line. Promptly at 7.30 to the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march, play- ed by Miss Flossie Cole, sister of the groom, 'the bridal party took their places before a bank of ferns and flowers. The eeremcny was performed by the Rev, Wesley T. Cosens, pastor .of. th:- tario street church, Clinton, in the presence of • the immediate relatives and friends. After the ceremony and congratulations were over the wed- ding party repaired to the dining room where a sumptuous repast awaited them. The bride, who wore a long bridal veil and carried a. large baguet of bridal roses, looked very charming in her gown of crepe de chene trimmed with satin and overlace. Her sole ornament was a gold locket set with pearls, the gift -of the groom. IIer going away suit was of ITunter green broad -cloth, heavily braided, with large black bat. The bridesmaid, Miss Olive, sister of the bride, dressed in Ohl rose silk organdie and carrying pink carnations, looked very girlish,' while Miss Gladys, as ring bearer, looked very sweet hi white silk. Mr, Randal Cole of Collingwood, brother of the groom, . acted as groomsman. The gifts, which were very mimerous, show the 'high esteem in which both- bride and groom are -held. They will be at home- to their friends - after April 15th at their hone, "Willow- hurst," • . • Their many friends wish them a long and prosperous married life. - Spinmerhill.: A very, .interesting. and enjoyable en- tertainment was held in the Orange hall on Tuesday evening, in connec- tion . with St. Peter's phurch A.Y.P. • A. Rev, W. H: Dunbar occupied the chair and . in his remarks expressed his pleasure. in witnessing ;the . • bar - many which. .. existed amongst the young ,people. • l Ie felt that great credit was due .IIlr. Lindsay for, the interest - he was taking .in the work, and' hoped he would long continue in the office of president. The program was 'rendered ,in a very pleasing man- na.. . Proceeds .amounted to $0.00. Mr. W. J, Mcferierr delivered .a fine horse to a Seaforth buyer on. Moa- day, A number -.around here are busy making maple syrup. ' • Miss .Bella Ball is visiting Goderich friends. - Miss J. Straughen of Goderich is visiting friends here. ' Mr. leddile F + 1, d 1 arr quhaleft last .week. for C)klahama. 1VIr'.- C. Beacom had a wood bee last week. Mr, and Mrs.Thos. Mason Sr. of Clinton are visiting their sono Mr. Tony. Mason. Mr. Forbes of Goderich has taken. possession. of the farm he- purchased from Mr, J.. Little. "'• Mr. Janes S. Miller has sold his faun of eighty acres to Mr. Charles Lindsay of the 16th con., the . price being $3700 or a little better, - ilr. Miller reserves the housefor a year, but will in all probability try, the west in .the. Spring. Ile nrty locate en that gauntry, . He and hisesteemed, better half have been. life-lpng resi- dents of this part and will :be missed,. Holmesvifle. The Holmesvifle - Rifle- Club will have a shoot on •.their range on Thursday, Friday and Saturday . of this week, Captain Sweet and - offi- cers wish all the members to attend and finish up as the returns must be sent In by April 1st to entitle ,the Club to the Government grant. - Mr. Wm. Crooks is spending the Easter time with old friends inthe vicinity.of Elmira. - Mr. Robt, Acheson is, we aro sorry to announce, quite 111 and under the doctor's care, The prospects for the cheese fat- tory look bright and it is expeetea that last year's output amounting to $10,000 will be exceeded. With a good patronage, a skilful maker,, and a shrewd salesman there is no reason why the factory should not make money this season. The directors are G. Acheson, W. H. Lobb, 0. R. For- ster, O. P. Gould and O. Holland, The president and salesman is Mr. G. Holland, the secretary Mr.. N. W. Trewartha and the maker Mr. Ed. Wifliams. London Road. Mr. 'Byron Waldron is in Toronto this week on business. Mr. John Stanbury paid friends here a short visit last week. Farmers are making good use oC the sugar making `season. Mrs. Chas. Layton ot Seaforth spent a few days with friends in the West end. Mr. P. McGee disposed of a horse to Mr. J. O. Steed of Goderich township this week. Running A Big Risk. The News -Record has been informed several times of late that a large number of dogl in. Stanley township are allowed to roam about unmuz- zled, contrary to Iaw. The owners surely do not realize the risk they run from. n infection by """byes and also of a visit from an inspector and a fine. The matter is too serious at the present time to run any unneces- sary risk. In this connection a Stanley farmer writes to us as fol- lows : "Is it fair that some people or a greater part of the people have to muzzle their dogs and others let them run at large '1 Why not enforce the law ? There are about one tenth of the dogs in the township running without muzzles." a Varna After an absence of ten months. Mr. J. T. Reid has 'returned from his ten months' sojourn, in the Bh:itish Col- umbia, Oregon and Washington. He. saw- a great deal of the west, had a pleasant time and re- turned in the bestof health and spir- its. His host of friends hereabouts are glad to see him back again, Misses Alia and Laura Richardson entertained a number of their young friends the other evening. Miss Charlotte Brownett of Goder- ich spent. Sunday week at her home. Ex -Treasurer Reid and two sons delivered two fine horses to Mr. O. J. Wallis of Clinton, on Monday, for which they realized handsome figures •a Porter's dill. - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Betties gave a social hop to their friends last Tuesday everiing, All report a :most enjoyable evening. Miss .Spaeknnan of Stanley spent a few days the past week the guest of Miss Grace Torrance. iilr, Herb Bennett returned honio last Thursday, having spent the win- ter months in- Oshawa, Miss .Eva. Weston is visiting friends in this vicinity -at present, Mr. Mowat • MacclougaII returned from Detroit last Saturday to spend the Paster holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Macdougall, Mr. Jas. Harrison has moved onto the farm he purchased from Airs. Arch. Macdougall,. .Revival. meetings are being held in Bethel -church this week, Mr. John Sterling left Iast Wednes- day, for Port Stanley.' where he. has engaged - on a fishing tug -fpr.. the Season,. • 'Mrs, Hall Rutledge has been under the weather lately- but is all right - again... her many friends, will be pleased to hear. • - Making • maple .syrup• is 'the order of the day in this vicinity. • Kippeu • _Last. Last, :Sunday Mr. Pritchard a student • of • Toronto- . University, preached very -acceptably in- the Presbyterian church here and in- . Ilillsgreen. • These congregations have given: a call to the Rev. Mr.- Richard- son of 'Toronto, who will probably be inducted in May:. • . - Mr, and Mrs. Robert Dick attended• the funeral of .Mrs. 'Dick's another, Mrs. Mohring, in Beninitter. Mr. James Barrett and bride ` of Lanebton•.. were visiting '. his sister, Miss McKay, - last week. They 'leave for the west where M. Barrett has a good -position. . • Mr.Geo: Jukes lea/es this wrek for Saskatchewan.-_ • It is becoming increasingly • dititcelt to Secure men f r o farm. work. Last Thursday evening several of the .young men of • the neighboriioed -met in the hone of Mr. J.' 1Vlo!fatt and presented Roy Furry • with the. following address and a love token in the shape of a ring. .Roy leaves this week with, their car for Kindeesley, Sask. , • . 'Dear Friend, -On this the eve of. your departure from our midst, we, a few of your friends and neighbors, have gathered hereto express to you our deep and abidingaffection as well as• our high appreciation of your val- ued. services en many occasions: dur- ing the short years thatyouhave gone in and out among usas • neigh- bors and friends. During the years that are past we cannot but recog- nize the kindly spirit that 'has al- ways- characterized you as a coni panion and, your readiness at all time es to do. all : in your power for those -heeding-your help. Yot 11eparture from among us isea cause of deep regret and - sorrow, • We will greatly miss you and your companionship in our social circles. We cannot let you depart howeverwithout expressing in some way our high esteem for you. Would you therefore please accept this gift. we present to you, not for its value,. but for the Iove of true hon- est hearts, embodied in the gift. Our united wish for you is that happiness and prosperity may attend you in your new home and while you may meet many new friends may you sometiimes think of your friends of this vicinity, Signed on behalf of the neighbors and friends Crow pres- ent —J, Moffatt, W. Deitz, The following is the March monthly report _of S. S. No. 14, Stanley. Names are in order of merit : 5th—A, P. Petrie, J. W. Kehl, A. E. Mcl3eath. 4th—lre A. Fisher, II: 0, Kehl, L. I. Itathwell. Sr. 3rd -J. M. Collins, A. M. hood M. E. Parsons. Jr. 3rd (a)—L, T;. Wasmann J. M. Collins, A.. Me1VTurtrie.," Jr. 3rd (b)—A. L. I+'isher, G. O. Ross, W. (2. 13. Johnston. Jr. 2nd --•G. L. Mcray, W. R. Coop- er. Sr. P. 2nd—W. Par'so'ns, M. A. Cooper, B. Collins. Jr. Pt. 2nd --A. Parsons, W. II, Collins, N. Hood. The best spellers in the monthly spelling matches were: ' 5th and 4th--Tlerbert Kehl. Sr. 3rd -Anna flood. , Jr. 3rd (a)—Lawrence Wasmann. .It. 3rd (b)' -Gracie boss. Jr. 2nd•-Oladstoae McKay. moommompoomos Bluth. Last Thunsday °morning Miss Bella McGill paseed away in a very sud- den manner. The remains were laid in the F,nglish church burying' ground on Saturday afternoon last. A male quartette from London is billed to sing in the Alethodist church on Easter Monday evening. A good program is expected. On Tuesday evening Lime -light views will be given in the Presbyter- ian church. Mr. 'Phos. E. McKenzie of Clinton, Sundayed with friends in Blyth on the eve of his departure for Medicine Hat, Sask. He left on Monday morn- ing. Mrs. McKenzie and child are staying a short time with friends here. Mr. Robt. Ferris of the 13th of Mullett, a former reeve, left on Tues- day morning for the West with a "nixed car of settlers effects. Mrs. Ferris will remain with her son on the farm for a, time. On Tuesday Mrs. H. McVittie left for Goderich where her husband has secured a job. A latter was received from Dr. E. Wilford, by his parentslast week, posted at Chung King on Jan. 27t'h, in which was given a full account of the death of the late Mrs. (Dr.p 3. L. Stewart, who died at that place on her way to the mission field -• in company with her husband and oth- ers. Mrs. Stewart was known in her girlhood days fn Stanley township, as Miss Dunkin, Heart failure, was tire; cause of death. The remains were in- terred in a native • burying ground about two miles from where site died.' They were followed by her sorrowing husband, the other men of the mis- sionary issionary party, whioh numbered six, the British Consul, 'a squad of Brit- ish sailors from a gunboat and - all the resident. missionaries. Mr, John Hartley, principal or Clinton public school, was in Blyth on Sunday. Auburn Special Easter Service at the Bap- tist church. The pastor will preach on "The power of Iiis resurrection," and the choir will render appropriate music, A .S1'CCESSFII'L TEACHER, The following taken. from the Lone don Free Press referring to a former Cliatonian, Mt', Israel Taylor,.. will be read with interest by many The "Amity" Bible Class of Askin Street 14lethodist Sunday school held their annual, banquet last e0 inempers of the class -and n few oth,. er invited guests being present, Prete tily decorated tables in ehe 'iit'ing-- room ofthe church were surrottnde°I, by a happy ...crowd -of girls, .and un- ique -little programmes .made pretty souvenirs of the event. - The toast to "The Host .+nit (loste ess", was proposed by .Miss• A -da Nash and 'wee made the occasion t• e the presentation to Mr; .Israel Taylor of a - handsome gold locket and of ' a beautiful boquet of powers to Mrs. Taylor.-- The: presentations were made' by Mrs. Q. beacon and Miss Buelah,. Newans: Mr. Taylor made a suitable reply for Mrs: Taylor - and himself; • The "Amity" Bible 'Class.. has, grown from • a membership: of 15• or 20 till . ii .now has 84 in the roll. It is one of the inost successful organized Bible .classes in the city." • .• + • SPRING BLOOD IS BAD BLOOD. IIow to Get Now HealthWand New Strength in the Spring.' • Even 'the most robust find the win- ter months trying to their health. Confinement indoors - in often over- heated and nearly always badly* ven- tilated room..—in the home, the of- fice, the shops and the schooistt-taxes. the vitality of even the 'strongest. The blood becomes thin and watery,' or ' clogged with - impurities. Some - tithes You get Up the the morning just as tired as when you went to bed, Sonnepeople have headaches and a feeling of languor; others aro low spirited •and nervous; •. still. others have pimples . and skin eruptions. These are. all spring symptoms that tha blood is out of. order, -Many peo- ple rush to purgateve medicines in the spring. This is a mistake. You can't cure these . troubles with ' a medicine which .gallops through your system, and - is sure to leave you weaker still, 'What you -need to :give you health and strength in the sprzng` _ .aw Is- tonic znedictne" "ilii """thii` one always reliable tonic and ,blood - builder. is Dr. Williams' Funk Pills. Thew pills not only banish spring ills but guard -you against the more serious ailments that follow, such as anaemia; nervous debility, indiges- tion, rheumatism, and other diseases due to bad blood, Dr. Williams' Pink • Pills actually -make new, rich blood which strengthens every nerve, every organ and every part of the body. Try this medicine this spring and you will have strength and en- ergy to resist the torrid heat of the coming summer. Mr. Geo. W. Johnson, 'Ciernford, N. S., .: says: "A couple of years ago when I came hone from a lumbering camp where T had . been employed my blood was in such a condition . that nay whole body broke out in boils— sortie six and eight in a nest. These were so .painful that I was confined to the house and for three months was treated by my family doctor. I. got no better; in fact the sores be- gan to eat into my flesh, and at. times were so offensive that i refus-; ed to sit at the table with my rant - Dee A friend asked the one day why, I did not give Dr. Williams'' Pink Pills a trial and T decided to do so. I got six boxes and before theywere all gone the sores began to disap- pear and my system was much strengthened. I eontinued using the pills until I had taken twelve boxes when every boll and. sore bad disa - peered, and I have since enjoyed the very best of health." Sold by all tnelieine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or sis boxes for '52.00 from The Dr. Williams' M'eulcine Co., Brockville, Ont. 1 Terms s CASH March 241h, 1910 IRWIN S ONE PRICE ONLY BLAZING THE WAY OVER A quarter of a century ago, we began tailor- ing: clothes for men.- We have been. so successful in pleasing our custom- ers that to -day we own and operate the largest individual tailoring plant. in all Canada. We employ the most capable designers, whose ideals find expression in the artistic, stylist and well fitting garments we make to or- der.. We demand and maintain the very highest standard of efficiency in all the work leaving our work- rooms. The magnitude of our business is indicated in the fact that over one thousand retail merchants and tail- ors are today representing us in var- ious cities and towns of the Domin- ion, Our organization and methods of business enables men in the most remote parts of Canada, to obtain the same advantages of fashions and . good tailoring as those residing in. the City of Toronto. Your atten- tion is particularlycalled to some of the styles shown for tie Spring and Summer season of 1010.. They _ are our own creations andcannot be shown : by other - concerns, If you will honor us by calling : upon our local agency, they will be pleased to show you our entire assortmet of " new and popular weaves in English, Scotch and Irish Woolens. • Awaiting this this favor, we remain, Yours faithfully, TI -LE HOUSE -OF HOBB1 RLIN. LIMITED. 8 Tailors'To The Canadian Gentleman" Toronto, Canada, 'J. A I R IN AGENT Ci,INTQN. Gent Furntshings. WE carry a very.select, line of ♦ - gent's farnishingt--collars, ties, suspenders, socks, overalls, un- der wear an dn ha dke rchiefs as well.. as all the latest • designs in men's and; boy's fancy shirts: We have 'just received an excell- ent assortment of caps, Call in an inspect our stock, • - iRIN'S W. Walker's B3a,rga jn Column. For Sale- - 1 Goocl Squa, a Piano, solid Rosewood cave, heavy carved legs, full everstruttg scale, 7-1-3 oct, and in good condition, was $400, offered •at - $138 • 1 Upright Piano, praetically new, only in use a short time, large cabinet grand, 7-1-3 oot., patent retreating' action. You eould not tell it from new. Apply quick or it will be picked up for it is a ehaanee of a lifetime. Was $450, now offered for $225, part cash and baat- anco on terms to snit purchaser. . 1 Doherty Piano -eased Organ, d octave, mahogany ease, not in rise over 6 months. Re filar price, a12ti, offered for $65, part cash and -balance to suit. Dont miss this ehance., 3 Seeond•hencl Sewing machines, nearly as good as new,'fuliy guarahteed - $13 *Id $113 3 others, not so up to data but in gond condition, #s se s3 1 Complete Bedroom Suite in polished. ash. British Plate mirror. A big•snap . $1 3 Iron teas, new, regular- price $3, for itg tach The Store of Quality. W . Walker Furniture Dealer and undertaker Phone as Night or Day