HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-03-24, Page 22 «-PURI' Y'ee .-ACCURACY•- NIN "."*" INNMIN" 1 1 25 Per Cents 1011 2 t 'oua I Investment 1 moo. I. Any farmer can add 2u% to the value of his stock I by feeding Z DOUGLAS s I STOCK INVIGORATOR, The cheapest and best pre tla'a l� t on theujarket ion You can have a pail for 75 cents. I IIt's best for Horses, Cattle, Hogs. and Poultry. Our Guarantee stands behind it. W. ,S. R. HOLMES Z ♦= Manf'g Chemist. i •M••••• •N•••••tN•.• —RELIABILITY EXPERIENCE.-- ,. W. CUTTLER, PAINTER AND Paper hanger. All work done guar- anteed to give satisfaction.. Prices, moderate. Residence nearly opposite Collegiate Institute. Clinton. • 83 W. H. Watts & Son We are still in the shoe repairing business and carry a good variety ofcstock, thus we are able to do all repairing without delay and annoyance to our customers. A trial will oonvince you of our prompt- ness and the neatness of our work. Boot Made to Order. Opposite the Post Office To our customers at Londesboro. Leavy all your repairing at Mr. R. Adams' or the Post Office and it will . have my best attention It can . be left and called tor at any time. Please give us a call. W. H. Watts - C Son MONUMENTS` CRASTE DESIGNS. BEST MATERIAL: JAMES DO • IG OPPOSITE POST . OFFICE. `1 . Winter Term a.3 -CENTRAL �Tf:A••~1'r eees Write us at once for our free catalogue and Iearn the nature of our courses in Commercial Shorthand or Telegraphy departments. We have the leading, practical, training school in Western Ontario. Courses are thorough, Instruc- tors experienced and we assist graduates to positions. Stu- dents are entering each week. You should enter now. D. A= McLachlan, PRINCIPAL Tile BcsC Coal IF YOU WANT TIIE BEST COAL AND PROMPT DELIV- ERY SECURE YOUR SUP- PLY FROM US. ORDERS LEFT AT L)AVIS & ROWLAND'S HARDWARE STORE PROMPTLY AT - ...TENDED TO. W. J Stevenson WE WAN? YOUR GRAIN for which we will pay the Highest Market price. Cali .at our store next lelorrish 8a Crooks or at our Elevator. -We keep on hand a full -- -stock of Flour, Feed,-= --Etc. We are agents for the Canada Car- riage Company Buggies and Stan- dard Wire Felice and Posts. • FORL? & MoL EOL ARE YOU GOING WEST.? If so, exceptional opportunities are now being offered by the Grand Trunk Railway System (via Chicago) in 'the way of "Colonist Exeur- sions", "Settlers' Excursions" and "Homeseckers' Excursions". The for- mer rates are one way secan4 class applying to certain • points in Cali- fornia, Mexico, British Columbia, Or- egon, Washington, etc., daily until' April 15th. The Settlers rates are also one way second class and apply to principal points in Saskatchewan and Alberta (including certain points on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway), and in effect March 15, 22, 29, April 5 and 12. The Homeseekers rates d as applying s cl s ,are, round trip coon to principal points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta (including certain points on Grand Pacific Rail-` way), April 5, 19c, and range learn Winnipeg and return, $32.00 to Ed- monton and return, $42.50. Tickets good for 6Q days. Secure tickets is oraddress from Grand Trunk Agents, J. D. McDonald, Dist. Pass- Agent, Toronto, Ont. MORTGAGE SALE. -UNDER AND by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there titin be offered fpr sale by public auction by D, M. Watson, auctioneer, at the town hall in the town of Clinton on Saturday the 16th day of April, 1910, at the hour of 2.30 o'clock in the after- noon, the following property Parts ot Lots numbers 205 and 206 on Albert street in the town of Clinton, 011 the property is erect- ed a two-storey building, the ground floor of which is used as a bakery and confect'ioner's store, the upper storey being used partly for resiidential purposes and partly as. assembly hall. For terms and con- •. ditions-of sale apply to W. Brydone, Vendor's. solicitor: Dated .17th day of March, 1910. ONTARIO LIQUOR LICENSE ACT. -License District of Centre Huron. Notice is herebyy given that David Crawford of Clinton has made ap- plication for permission to transfer his Tavern Iicense for . the premises known as the Commercial Hotel to J. B, Reynolds of Detroit, Mich., and that said application willbe considered at the meethig of the Board of License Comissioners to be hold at Clinton on Thursday, the 7th day of April, 1910, at , the 3 hour of 1.30 p. in. All persons rin- terestedwill govern themselves ac- cordingly, -A. Asquith, License Inspector. • Dated' at 'Auburn this 16th day of March, 1910. NOTICE.UNDER AND I3Y. VIR- tue of. By -Law No. 4 of the town= ship of Hallett, notice. is . hereby given that all dogs within tho mun- icipality or Hullett be securely chained or kept under lock and key or constantly muzzledwith effective metallic muzzles, and kept on the promises •of the owners orharbor- ers. Any dog • or dogs . found runn- ing at large in this municipality,. contrary to the provisions of : the said By -Law, may be shot oe oth- erwise• destroyed during the tine the Government regulations relating to rabies remain in force. All pre- viously existing notices or pro- clamations . issued by this munici- pality respecting rabies in dogs are hereby withdrawn;. • By order of. the reeve. -James Campbell, Clerk.. FOR SALE. -4 YOUNG SHORT- horn .Bulls,. got by imported Scot- tish. Volunteer 55044, by Gulden Prince. ' (83609) . alt ;fit for service and from good'milk-strains, the kind the people are after: --slag. Snell. 11 FOR SALE, -LOT 27,. 'AlVIES and lot 6, Victoria street, Clinton, containing afour-roomed house wish woodshed, hard and soft water, also a good stable. Will be said on easy terms. Apply at The News -Record' office or: on .the premises. to J. W. Reid. 11 FARM FOR SALE. -LOT NO. 6, 'Westside Lake' Con., township of Stanley, containing one hundred and twelve acres, 95 acres cleared and in good condition, 60 acres. ked a ..plc:_eg _ ..zed ready .tar .:seed, __.a field of fall wheat in and a field freshly seeded down to alfalfa and oat grass. There is a good two-storey brick house with furnace, two barns, one nearly new, aid other out buildings. A good orchard, mostly Northern Spy. Seventeen acres of bush composed . of Maple, Beach, Baswood, Elm, White Ash and Hem- lock. The farm Will be sold at a reasonable Brice. -Apply on the pre- mises or to .Win. Evans, l3ayfield 16 FARM FOR. SALE.•, --ON THE 1.0N - :don Road, one mile south of (Minton, 132 acres, fine shape for cropping, no better land anywhere, fair build- ings. Must be sold as owner cannot work it. Will be sold cheap. or will rent to a good ,tenant: -II. Plum - steel. WIIAT IT COSTS,. News-Reeotd subscribers can obtain city dailies, weeklies or monthlies at the following rates : Dailies Mail and Empire d 0.25 Globe . 8,25 World 2.25 Star 1.30 News 1.30 Evening nig 75 Morning 2.25 liven,'. ng. 1.75 Weeklies Globe Mail and Empire Spectator Free Press Fun amily herald & Weekly Stair Canadian b'arrn. Monthlies Varmers' Advocate Free Press Free Press Advertiser .60 .50 .75 .75 .75 .75 .50 1.25 t ► inton News-Recor'4 ron County News Gathered for News -Record Readers March. 24th, 191,0 18 its Aao From The News -Record of March 23rd, 1892 Clinton, Mar. 93rd, 1892. Thej Missed Rtrt'ledget and Kilty, to referred_ t last week as being con- fined to their residences by illness, are again able to take up their du- ties in their respective places of business. Messrs. Walton and Morrison, who have been carrying on a tailoring business for the past two, years, will this week leave for British Colum- bia. We regret to lose such good citizens and wish them success in the future. It is possible that reparation will be demanded from Mr.. Searle, the own- er of the building opposite , the town hall, by Dr. Worthington for. injury sustained by a Nock of hard snow falling on the Doctor from the roof of the building as he was passing a- long the street with Mr. D. Forrester. We have not learned the extent of injury to the Doctor, but understand that he is not incapaci- tated from following his pro- fession. • The Clinton Shooting Case, in which Chas, Chambers was charged with shooting Constable Bulmer, at the Com,merciai Hotel here some time ago, resulted in . an aquittal. Tho- ugh Bulmer positively,identified him, several reputable witnesses swore that. Chambers was in Manitoba• when the shooting: took place in Clinton. Tho . Drainage Commision, consist- ing of Messrs. McGeorge, Rankin and McIntyre, met in the .townhall here last week and took evidence regard- ing defects in the existing Ontario Drainage Act. Engineer Weeks' of Clinton was one of those examined, and Messrs. Milne, Rata., Eilber and Torrance appeared as a delegation from the County Council. It is . un- derstood that information of consid- erable importance was gleamed by the Commissioners: Goderich Township, Mar;23rd; 1892, Mr. John Thompson who has been ailing for some time so • that he was. confined to the house, is, we . are glad to ' see, able • to get out again, though not so .rugged as his many friends would., like fo see .him. Mr. W. J. Emmerson came home from Sarnia one day last weak. It is probable that his next move will be to this Northwest, He is quite a favorite here and we are all glad 'to see him, ' and ,*ill miss : him when he again takes hideparture to grow up with• the wild and: wooly west.. Repeat' it :- "Shiloh's Cure ,wig al. ways cure my coughs and colds." Dungannon. Thos. Elliott had a good" woodlice :on Tuesday of last week. Elva ,Johnston; ' of Clinton, spent a few days with her parents here. Mrs. McConnell, of Kincardine, is visiting . her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Gibson. Donald. *Nevin, R. Reid. and J. R. McNab were in Seaforth one day last week .attending the. horse sale. Miss Ida Whyard and Mrs, N. F. Whyard were. " visitors at Mrs. H. Turner's, Goderich. Mrs. Mallough and Miss Pearl Mal- lough have returned from their visit to friends at Petrolia' and Detroit. ' D. Hardy and family have moved to Carlow;• where Mr. Hardy is en- gaged with Mr. Burns. • A well-known resident of this "sec- tion passed away on . the 13 inst. in the person of Robert Lowry,' who died at the age of• sixty-three. The service in the Methodist church a week ago Sunday evening was well attended. - The - male ehoir was well 'trained and their singing great- ly appreciated.. The sermon was in keeping with the service of the even- ing. WALL PAPER CHEAP but :not cheap wall paper, • In order to clear nut list year's stock toe will place it on.sale at 20 Per roll Up. NEW WALL .. PAPER .. Aktay have 111co ,e stock of New Wall Paper bought. from two of the hest firms Y WCanada. Finest1 - R in C,,t,na clr Y tteru ird. best quality. hall atird eee before buying elsewhere TILIMMTNG I)ONB FREE OF C liAI:ta (14, E, Harnwell Rcnoral Merchant, VARNA, Belgrave • Mrs. Fieming of 'Toron to vrited her March r sister, Mrs. Carlisle, last week. Rev. and Mrs. Cook spent a, couple of days with friends at Lucan, Mrs. James Wilkinson of Ripley was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Whaley. ff� Mr. and' Mrs. John Shoebot'tom en- tertained a number of their friends one evening last week. Mr. Dave Dunber delivered a bunch of cattle to John Armstrong. recent - 1 for .hie h• cei•over 0 0. y, o which h e re vel �1 0 Mr, and Mrs, John Garniss have moved into Eelgrave. Mr. Garniss is a son of Wm. Garniss, 2nd line of Morris. Mr, Thomas McKenzie of Goderich was a visitor at Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Stewart's. Mr, McKenzie is a broth- er of Mrs. Stewart. Morris Township. Herb Wheeler attended tho A.O.L', W. Grand Lodge, which met at Tor- onto last week, representing Bel - grave Lodge:' A new steel bridge will be built next summer to . replace the present Cruickshank bridge,•lst line, as the old one has served .its day. At the last Council meeting 'Wm: Bird was granted $20 towards loss of colt that broke its leg by the up-• setting • of a sleigh 'and had to bo killed. A dozen applications for telephones in Morris have been received by. the Brussels Grey & Morris Co.: Work will be pushed along in installing them as soonas the spring is fully here. A ' ear.. of ffne . cattle was bought from S. Walker and Ii,,. Nichol, 6th line, by Geo. Dickson, of Atwood. $700 was received by Mr. Nichol for the ten head he sold and we presume Mr. Walker did, equally well for lass 13.. IGilbert and Mrs. McCallum, old and worthy • residents on the 8th con., have moved to the .farm recently purchased by. their son on the 9th I con., near Walton. -Their daughter, Miss Kate McCallum, of Bruesels, is ,keeping ' house for them, Two ,sons and a daughter continue to reside on the homestead'. TownsGreyhip. sluA• R. and Mrs. Houston entertained a load:. of young people from Cranbrook on Monday night of last week.• W. J, Sharp, 1'lth con., received a nasty, •kick• from .a : horse recently. Ray , McNaught has . bought Lot 24, Con. 13, .'from his brother-in-law, D. Be • McNeil, and willmove his'. family there. Harry Buttrey,' of Moose Jaw, who has • been visiting his parents, ''WM. and Mrs. Buttrey, 12th con. of. Grey, left last week to resume duty on the C.P,R. where•he has been employed for the past seven or eight years. Time and the West deal .. very kindly with Harry, ` A pretty home wedding took place on Feb.•'23rd, .at the home of .the Bride's: parents on- Lenneel St. Thani- esville, .when Miss Georgina, daugh- ter of S. B. and Mrs. Ripley, Was united in holy bends of matrimony to John W. McTaggart, 'c'1` Bree- den, Man. The ..ceremony was perfor- med by Rev. J. McInnis in the pies clic° of the 'immediate relatives. The happy couple' left in the afternoon on a honeymoon trip after which they will take .up, their residence in the west. The groom is a son of Dougald and Mrs. McTaggart, 16th con. Repeat it :-"Shiloh's Cure will al- ways cure my coughs and colds." The C..P,R, steamerimpress of Britain is. expected to make her first trip to Quebec for the season on April 29, • Repeat it.;-"Shiloh's.Cureewill _al- ways .cure my coughs and colds.". Cure. Was Quick • and Complete. Dame Parent's heart Disease Cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills. She Suffered for Two Years but Now Advises All Troubled as She Was to . Give Dodd's Kidney' fills. a Trial. • St: -Robert, Richelieu Co,; Que:, Mar. 21. .(Special), -1 recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to all' my friends." Those are the words of Dame Joseph Parent of this ;,lace. And the . good dame- gives excellent reasons why she does so. "For two years,"*ho says, I suffered from Ilea - rt Disease, Headache, Backache and 'a dragging sensaifion across the loins. Seven boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me. 1 hope all who are troubled as I was will give Dodd's Kidney Pills a trial," Some people may ask how Dodd's Kidney, Pills,. which are purely a Kid- ney remedy, can mire heart Disease. And the answer is simple. Diseased Kidneys fail to drain the impurities out of the blood. If these impuri- ties are ;left in the blood they not only increase the work of the heart in propelling the blood through the body, but act on the valves causing, disease. Putt' blood removes the catmse of, the disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills make, pure blood by putting the Kidneys in condition to strata all the impurities out of it. Zurieb Mr. Joseph Kipper of the 14th left last week for Manitoba. Miss Luella Ruby of New I:Iamburg visited with her aunt Mrs. Fred Wit- wer. Messrs. 'William Weber and Harvey Weber left for Cleveland recently. Miss Freda Thiel, of London visite ed her parents Mr, and Mrs. Henry Thiel. Messrs. Ir d. Dodman and family and Mr, Geo, Lrissoa are . leaving for the west. Mr. Joseph Dowson and family have moved into their dwelling re- cently vacated by Mr. William Schenck, Mr: John Gellman ' and family have moved to Mrs, S. Rannie's re- sidence which he has leased for a year. Mr, J. J. 'Werner intends taking a trip to the west shortly. Mr. Mer- ner is heavily interested in land in the Western provinces and hisfore- sight is being well repaid. Mr. Albert Schwalm, son of Mr. and Mrs, William Schwalm was a- warded $4000.00 damages for injur- ies received last summer in, a colli- sion . on the C.N,R., in New Ontar- io. The Mennonite congregation have purchased a lot from Mr, Oscar Koehler at the north end and intend erecting a church. 'The new edifice promises to be a fine structure' and will be acredit to the town as well as to the flourish- ing congregation. THE OHLO Of NATUE "Among the noblest in 'the land . Though. they count theniselvee the least, . That man .1 hon. or and revere Who, without favor, without fear, In•• the great city dares to stand' • The friend of every .friendless bea t. -Longfellow, Mr. Editor :. Sir :-Permit me. space in your colum;is for a few ,thoughts on a .subject which .does not receive the due consideration which so. pro- perly belongs to it,.' That to which I rrefer, is a • topic upon •which a representative 'of .a so- ciety, in Toronto discoursed in your •town recently, vis : the humane treat- ment 'of the lower order of God's creation, or • rather,• the inhumane treatment, as we find. is 'too frequen- tly the ease. 'This is too often a tat- ooed question and we..are many times pained to witness • the .cruel- ty practiced upon our own domesticated animals; such as dogs and cats and as well upon those which are given to man to render greater service, horses' and.cat- tle. We often hear the question ask- •ed : "Why is, it• that there ins such a spirit of mischief among children. to- wards dumb animals and as well for the various species .of • birds and in- 'sects?. but is it not the greater won- der that'. there is not more cruelty practleede when parents, by their demonstrations 'of cruelty, teach the to their children; sihce we find' that any small animal n rotected issmib - jected to abuse; and many youths find their chief pleasure in hurling. some nrissle at the unoIYending ,dog or car? Again would we empliiasize• that the soles tion of 'this deplorable state or aft- airs is found in the home.. Do :•we not find at this .season of the year particularly, many' very neglectful of. cats.' Perhaps the' argument ,may be advanced: "Let them hunt for a living," but..thcre:are many cases where . these animals cannot do so because, of the absence of prey, and when around the house and barn', pleading for generosity to be shown them, are the -recipients, of severe blows from the • feet •of both adult and 'child.• I have `even heard of an individual,.getting angry with a cat, holding 'it by the ',:ail -while he beat its head to a jelly with a stick of wood •Should not the individual :_guilty ...ot such,.:heinous.__andeilnianeottt_ treatment of the clump, 'animal' re- ceive the extreme penalty of the law which thecrime so richly deserves" Ortake • the instances 'of Cruelty,. which until recently, have been found all about us of so many dogs, which bespeak neglect and ill-treatment gonerally: and one good has ale ready resulted from the Order -in- Council, as passed recently witit re- garci to the care of these animals; in that many of these sadly abused and half-starved animals are being and have been. disposed of. Should hot the" helpless and unprotected ani: mal receive first consideration? We think so. Here is en animal which is one of man's tnost faithful and truest friends. Goldsmith, In his most touching and -eloquent plea for the dog, says, among other fine things: "The dog is the •only animal which will leave his own kind volute tarily to follow man." and he might have added to protect man,, as lm alone can. Mr. Blake, •in his' his- tory of the dog says; "where will you find a person always grateful always affectionate, never selfish, pushing selfabnegation to the uttermost limits of the possibilities for*etfic .of _injuries .and mMOO on- ly ref benefits received? Seek them not, • it would he a uselees. task, but take the dog, and from the moment he adopts you as his master, you will find in him all ot these quail -- tics, He will love you without cai- ulation. Bella Collie, Toronto, has expres- sed in beautiful sentiment in her lines "To My Dog," thoughts, to which, if mankin`t generally would contribute more careful consideration and study and become permeated' with their true emaning, there would be fewer instances of the verification of the words of the apostle, when he says, "The whole creation groaneth. and provaileth in pain together.,, "Could 1, poor Fido, worship God E'en as you worship me, Or fellow where my Master trod With your sincerity. Could I sit fondly at His feet M you, poor dog, at mine, And serve Eine with a lover as sweet, Mylife Would grow divine. The Prides of Scotland. As the question of better reads is becoming a live one wo insert for the benefit of our readers this, clipp- ing, In the green hills oe Scotland are to be found some of the finest roads. in Europe. This is the case not only in the well -populated districts, but in the craggy mountainous parts where poor highways might be . ex- peeted. The farmers of Scotland do not have to spend their time improving the roads, but work where their training tells to the best advantage, namely, on the farm. The roads are under the manage- ment' of the county and borough counu:ls, and are looked after by .en- gineers and inspectors in charge of staffs of workmen engaged because of their knowledge of this class of lab- or. Where the work is not done by the councils themselves the inspectoe advertises for tenders for so many\ miles . of . road, and the contractors must do the work up to specifica- tion. Particular attention: is paid on the Scottish roads to, the mater- ial which enters into the foundation and the surface dressing, This is al- ways of the hardest material obtain- able in respective I ocalities• through which the roads pass. • The moment that a rut or hollow is noticedd it is immediately repaired and in consequence the Scottish roads have become the pride of the country. ry. Scottish roads aro as smooth as the floor and represent just the type of highway required in the .settled portions of the Province of. Ontario. ' • THE NEW `NORTHERN ' MESSENGER' Our good old friend, the 'Northern Messenger,'. published by John Dou- gall & Son, 'Witness' Office, Montre- al, and for• over forty years a favor- ite With Canadian' people, has since the Now Year taken on suchan al- tered appearance .that it :realy, looks like a new' publication. Color°cd • • illustrations, . made poss- ible by the new press recently in- stalled add very greatly to the a- traetiveness, as also does the fact that it is now pasted and cut, and that the number of page's increased to sixteen for, ordinaryissues, and twenty-four for special numbers: The. matter contained'. in this popular, lit- tle weekly is of the same high 'cher- eater as ever, and whether for the individual subscriber, or Sabbath school' distribution,. it cannot fail .to please. Wlifle :• entirely suitable to all - clas ses of.Sunday schools', it offers one of the best aids to Sunday school work in new districts where an 'undenom4 inational paper, adapted to all ages, and edited from a Canadian stand- mm t . ..' : pox :is greatly ; to be desired. A. three week's •free trial and specially low rates are offered . to any Sunday school . in Canada, ,and the publish- ers' special to new schools is 'well worth .a note of inquiry, Annual subscription rate for individual .sub- scriber's is forty cents. (40c) a year. • • Repeat it :-"Shiloh's Cure Bill al- ways cure lily: coughs and coins." Mr: David Evans, „proprietor of The Age, has been appointed Postmaster at Strathroy, • Australia t:s considering the estab- lishment of .a Military Academy. The. wage bill of the United States Steel CoiS oral eii --roe -1'949-Wee-civet- 150 -1949-"viasover"150 000 000. Hood's Sarsaparilla Will purify your blood, clear your complexion, restore your appetite, relieve your tired feel- ing, build you Up. More than 40,000 testimo- nials received in two years are the broad and solid foundation for this claim, Be sure to take Hood's Sar- saparilla this. spring. Get it today. Sold by all drugglste everywhere. lop poses if:. Forty persons were drowned through the foundering of a Portu- guese emigrant ship ole the Island of 'Pico. Nine Indians and two white mere havebeenarrested ar es ed in the vicinity of Fort Frances on a charge of buying wolf' skins in Manitobb and collecting the bounty from the Ontario GOY"- eminent. i OMESEEKERS S EXCURSIONS' ---to— WESTERN C'ANADA (Via Chicago) including certain points on Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, April 5, 19; May 3, 17, 31 •,(Tune 14, 28 ; July 12, 26 ; August 9, 28 e September 6, 20. Winnipeg and return $32,00 Edmonton and return $42,50 Tickets good for. 60 days. Proportionate rates toprinrmpaf points in Manitoba, Saskatchewatz. and Alberta. For pamphlets giving list and parti- culars of "Free Homesteads" "Lands, for purchase along the Grand Trunk ruffle Railway, apply to - JOHN RANSFORD, Town Agent, A. 0. PATTISON, Depot Agent.- Or address J. D. McDonald, D.P.A.,; G.T. Ry. Toronto. +++++♦♦♦♦♦++++♦♦+♦♦♦♦+ ♦ STATIONERY for FARMERS- + 4' {. ♦• ' As the years go by it is ♦ pleasing to note that' more far- •tt - + mers •'write letters on printed + ♦ Tetter -heads and have their 4- + tardaon their envelopes. It +' } was once thought that no one •,, +• • could do this unless he was en- • gaged in the production of: some ♦- ♦ speciality or breeding some ♦' pure blood farm stock. , No + ♦ . one .believes that now. Let the ':farm be named and then. give ♦.. ▪ that with the name :of the own- 4- er and his postoti'ice address 4- + and the business is, done -The +. ♦ cost of printing istrifling in its�} ♦ . comparison with benefits. 9. ♦ ' Let The News Record attend. to ♦- + it for you, _. ; *. • *▪ 4++++44-4-++++++++++-444- •m TRY` THEM BEFORE` ,YOU BUY THEM Gin Pills Sent Free Yes, we send Gin Pills free to every 'sufferer from Kidney arid Bladder Trou- bles, Rheumatism and Lame Back. We want all suffelers'to test Gin Pills, and see fat themselves` that these pills. ac- tually tuallycure all such diseases. No matter" what your experience has been with doctor's medicine and advertised reme- dies, wewant you to try Gin Pills. And we let you see how, much good they.will do you by sending yetia free sample, because we think your experience will be exactly like.that of Mr, Webster's: Skipness, Ont„•Dec, 16th. "I have used the sample box of Gin Pills you sent me and have received great re- lief. I enclose you P, 0. Order for $2.50' for half a dozen boxes,” RICHARD WEBSTER, You see, Mr. Webster first wrote for a. free sample of Gin Pills. He tried them. They 'did him so much good that he was glad to send the money for 6 full sire, boxes because he felt that he had found a cure for his trouble. Do the same. Write the National. Drug & Chem, Co. Limited (Dept. A.) Toronto, for a free sample.Then you _will be in' a position to decide whether Gin Pills are the right remedy for you, 27 A AwwwY • , ag You Can Depend upon a watch bought from W. I. Counter, who sells . the best tnakes.I which are accompanied by a;lgood as gold guarantee. Will be Pleased to Show You Our Goods. ♦• Jertreier and f3ngrnver. 0B9 tei' CUNT() Issuer of Marriage Licenses. weareeketeateeseetevkAhniveasiteweesieWessoasteveeevweAivvVeseeesweieeeMe --eseseekeeasseestileilissase.----