HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-03-17, Page 6W .
1-1.1.1-11, ;;;4_-------- ... � ����
I ...A"k � I . . .. .1 .. . ____ _ , 1,
. . 6o 0 * &��
peer 0 , A ri A OR 41OHNS041 'STOW, ""'ON $11noverm � AUSTRALWOW MOW—
The career of Lord , Lyveden, whose ' - i 0 4. . ! ,
. Ifluorolng the Viff9relics 136tw V4004 ThW Clood to 1D6 on �4$t. Pan- ' Oofe "� is r,kw
� ' : � . "ty *e"ond "" wa4 oeiebraw so", I _ the areet Qkjastwa
. I f .
. . i been more. Ad- Assertion aind Argumerit. ***"$ Ow fu moole Enqlwid.� � I n the Antipodes.
r'eoe;tl'y , . -
. . . . L � I watorLshatshtt of f b141 Aniong the anecdotes of Dr. To)m- I". we'"Isdam. it 14 were xmt for She , Quo *1 taw M04 Apteworm* diepts
. � brother p"rs. In his- tir"y 0 6
I 'he 1)"" JW.PWANOW ea
I been, a soldier in the ral*s, AL c. on is Que wrift*n not by his ,bie- ow iables Apf Ole sue- of 444, fed"sum of Vaa Aile(mbeft
driver, a nurserYmAll, it. pulmer, a graPhOT. Boswell, but by another con. "1614 bh6er Awd of Us, welmw be st"Ute Ime )sew the oiaernwat4y in-
, *1*4' t0mWQrY, Dr. John koors. It is to owvw-t of the ,sooWremoe et .9youpW jnsesw4 xa *e question at
. rman, an innkeeper, a. etewartim and
, , illustp,ative, of Johnson's )?FQ" T190191W. but i 0* days of "WO"' )W Slay k`Qa ;L*eL CA'ated
I . I c Manner and 3%,
. " L � I I a
a, public recitoer; and he has loom the jjnportanee he gave to argument Our F"IMANAtlim ilae ease -Aus ver ev"Womo, L Whiek isew
shipwre,eked, been in an earlhquatte, ,y 6 centrols the
, ProPerly oondueted. Dr. M66re sgid (Wffl1`a*k 8114 imm74 were the wboU ad tha naval and miliitsry de-
ad yellow fever. Oourbenay ltob� fhat
and ,b, he Was One" 0 and Uuee,�*A ,"stums **"*us we In*os, taken the wbole quis"Ga.
ert.Percy Vernon began life wft met- Hoole-,,. Men I & e0WT)MnY at Mr. whicill Ism .
. . gre prospects of becoming a lord, and Opa was made that. outm. marleed &e dow. . a* fM" 4p, b" Ow puh&c )lave out conis to ,
. sel were to be heard in a wrtain ea.qp. M041 401cils,00% pffl&4ps, of We tkiat it jibe of little we to " on
. . I -
. . in 1900 ornewhat unexpectedly found at the bar of the House of Commons, Sliro ot ous$mw weie the xreat d"ailopme the T"k torritery wh" ,
I himself raised to tho, peerage. Before 011e 44 lile company asked Sir James footbaN ma4ehm- The game. ho,wever, . $hey Own unlaw thiay 1*4 proper .
;%t. b . I ,
- . this, luck came to bim he had been Johnston if he intended to be ines. Was 6007"O at the kind wbioh woum -steps U deAmd lbeir ueutihi apd
. I I - .1 � writable rolling stone. On Aomigrat- ent, Sir James answered that he be. be. Teeacnined b7 the I Footilqua Ameeig.. lloines Agaimt all comers. L
... . Ing to New York he tried his luck lif,ved he
, . a, . . . . . 11 , should, not, because he nald tiono pLrto*ir,g as it d14 moro at the� WJ&m Lusatentant-Geaseral ft IFA.
. - L I as A waiter in the Bowery, but And- little regard to the arguments of coun. strevwv" character foo*an go *y. ward lffutk", X.O.M.0
.. . . L . . , C.B., seesna-
. L
... . 11 ... LL I � Ing ' this post none too remunerative, sel at the bar of, the House of Cpm, ed in Amperift. ed *qnsm" of. the troope at on six
. � � ". - — Ito went to North. Carolina, having mons � I I Freoluatitly, am gattjori6y of t1se &We- , staAes, #f the cvzomomwee3a sevost,
. ,only $2.50 in I his' poe . 4et. "Like ,it "Wherefore," Psked Dr. Johnson. bodied . of a town Uok part ist Yea= 040, 1 be Sound in exie6apee six
.P I
*********+"**"'*<8��* ** Young fool," he says, "I went to the "do You pay little regard to their these Homeriq eontests.. aud the Wd diffeRe" mysiswas *1 mu-awtry orpA,
L . . .
* * best hotel in Charlotte, and stayed Prguntents, airp" eztended several rclIes. unuots'. w4ia it Was Jas to& to ee-
* ABOUT AUCTION SALES. 0# there three days When the bill *ASL " Bee& . use," repliM Sir James, "they TIMS, St, Perth, a. match meed always ovdiahoio ilato l Vitale.
* . i�ne
. put in front of me, I 'had no money arimo- for their fee." to be pkred beirem tv�arns poproseett- A xmmmmmwammmm now utes je-
* - -_ 4 . ing, respeetrelT, I 11 . - . L
* People having sales get their 4� to , pay it with, and my 7outhful cheek' "What is it to YOU. Sir," rejoined ,, lRite Batbesom RA'd sued by the Department of Etesenoe
P Benedi,eew 0. the town. The kiek.oX 4M lise'lisiIiiawy defence of Austauli-a
wk,z gone. I Was tuinedL out, but As L Dr, Johnson, "What they argue for was a* , L
* bills at -The News -Record office * wgs leaving the door, the clerk pras3- You have nothing to do with their M40", v two o'clock, and *e 0*"Sie a3mi JIM peopie" ones i0aeratiom.
Jaged Imul fwwet� the alm, of tho- AxA a very onditable stled gratifying
* because for the same price they 4 edL fifty Cents in my hand, sapnig, 'I Aive, U!A,t YOU ,Ought, to 'weigh, their. Inirri" Uedng to deposit ibis SO"Unt it is. w1lere" 191sr 39dwaxil
* get a free notice of it in the, 4t� guess �on'll Want a bed to -nig L ht, old Argument. Sir, you geom to eowfountl . . . hen
I ,
* paper. People . wanting to * inan.' I lodged over a .stable *at 4rgumeat With a' in. a hole .in ak adjainiag Hathon, Was, Seseed to 1 �, I i in L%l
. ssertion. Bvt fhere m"r W)Iae ,be goal .tewa unk the W810M of 0aixinig in b4k
* know what sales are to be held * night, ana in the morni,,,,! got to WOrX is ain eencrilial distinction be*rem vc)s wQGh
* always consult The News-Rec- * driving a cab." A bl, breezy fei� them, ,&V$ertjL I the. �� ma#e w" it "" Gfile,ass und neen wm bat* =4 that
on is like an arrow shot � A sibudlar stma)e used to. "*be &@SOOAOW in OqUiPMMIA 810310,
t that if * 1<4, of fine physique, and determinecl. f m a longbow-4he force with.-whi take - . . I
re ,I'll puee lee6ween *M ef Vne isi-ra "w- an to place thO. 310ilitOoli
* there is to be a sale at all * charfleter, the future peer tbroughout. it skikes depends upon tha air ,
11 his bardship was never Csrasyta, of the ari.ia that draw, L i it. ]But enril' ifjileS i% Deft, Md 'be L$Wt Whiek $0 00mmenweaft as at
* worth while there will be a no- * 4 id eventually, "the luck of Ith* Ver- ment is sr9u, won Osa day was t % Frootaim PION" easaft4ed on = imaigni-
* tice of it in this paper. If you * a' I . like an arrow from a ero"- the Inot bF --7o - the U10, dee�oed .he** pips of 'efficiency,- % i8,9b-
nolm" arri,qpd, b,ow, which has bqual force whether wit), . I . "
* intend having a sale get the * . - 2 schwool n to *0 op&e of vious from 1111111 x0emorGriAm that a
_____:_ . shot hy a bay or by a giant.,, - to very "erenA mis prowails
* bills at The News -Record * A Story of the "Koh-i-neor." 1. The narrateer of this intiaent wai�l the pa;yiat I 1'"m Mae Colt, . U of 01bW -
* office. If you get the bills else- * I iller" mz were not to he ox4ladmei to4ay, Following the. P&M aderted
Sir �Tobn Lawrence (afterward -.k Lord the wkol* oempally vas &Jruck bV from Ike defielis of She Tund4ky ill C*st Nr . i6mis, the 011108 Of 60121-
* where, have a notice of the 4 tile rptuoss and beauty of t1ii i football, and a lamrseh Unit - to Us.
Lawrence), arcording to the accented , a Illus. mum"-in-ckief has been abobehost,
* Isale in The News -Record. It * b,li,f, saved India for the British tration, which certainly Wns fhx_"V*1111� p1dyed e"ry year beluseest the ma. and a lKilitury Board esbWiabed, :
* costs only fifty cents or a d9l- 0* Crown in the Sepoy rebellion. Yet ed in clear and forceful English and trans m a of Inveratess. Wilk the Xbnis6er of Mato. fox Do- .
, -
with few of the Latin five$ with - As in fenee at As head. Rvery -2
ay add many dollars 4 he came,neaf to losing another nre- deriva rimute6ebw of Vhe mae, the I I
* to your receipts. 4) ,ciods jewel of the British crown, the which, tka. good doctor delighted t4) P)aym V�we allorwed to *44pt ally , was vabjewle to a 0peent* 0&41
I& ,Q> � famous Kob-i-noor itself. Amonst Pit- ornament 1. his sentenees, . . . I -
. weam ibey pi of propemag tile aeoselding ouquiry. . The seed for so,
*****"**4��*****,t** ".stv.te jewels of the Sikh Court waa . One of the company said, "Thstt is ban, soad as taekling w- ustanny were tion at eatee.Vacame oppaxotst, amA
,tile fa,moids "Mountain of Li&,ht," Indeed *ne of the most julst-gad I'd. thill, virwe", esetwiks occurred, � the coeveenitA404 proeeedhod without
— — whiell, P.fte.r passing from the Mogul miratdo illustrations that I ever Even iia tke asoulk, dietrie6g, th dcla,Y to Previt" the nosonswY fun&g.
to the Persian, and thence to tb'r Af- hrard.'! . . . " T%6 *O&sw . Jortifica4isons w4we
I Match" mwg4 hw" lbeelft something
1, "Sir," said Dr, Tialingon, '!the Milt; -of a tpW 4- 4.1-__a,_ ____ fow%d to he -axand wilh obsok4e guw,
Seillous charges -kf tampering, with glian. from whom it was wre�sted b -11 . .- ..._ -7 no
. Rmift Singh, ivas now tAr) the m s 11 . T Land" the
the voters' list are inade against -eimf- tratien , i is none of mine, . You wi , arld the oompk6e rearnmonent w,u
J,mo_n it in Bacon. . " MM29 tastes; while i&' forthwith Uegun.. Obwe foderrAi*x
Town Clerk Knowlson of Lindsay in ed , to Queen Victoria, The d . (T find . . I I V. Avers 66"ched to ibe pose6ae were
;,r, placed in the charge of Sir Henry. . .w gzeat tbe4t the Giviu - &mWioritiag is- the saw of F-M,01V INM bma spent
connection with the local option vote. w in U"s direet;ion allne, and in spest.r.
(Lawronce), who, deeming his brather Wealth at the Bar. . sued on order, 10ftidding, -under .
Mr. Lloyd Harris' co-operation bill, the stronger Rnd,more 7)rp.ctical guar- Just entered upon his .seventi-th 1*.Pvy porlatties, *0 P)"*"C of foot, Ing an zmanwrhtion res-erve, exeood�-
was killed in coni'mittee at Ottawa. dinn. entrurtedAt to Sir Jobn. whn Year, Mr. Justice Bigham is one of thA ball in the sirevk. . I Ing I scale. Tkis type of :
pocl�etpd the Jittle box arid strn.iabt- many eininent lawyers who have fi"t In the old day%, Shve" Twead;xy' gun ade her the hwbor'loriiessee
.Mr. Arnold .Toole was found dead, .waY tf)rg'ot it. Someweeks Iati-r came -itnrte-d on other careezq. Before' cle- was the o0casion of mamy qut�int ob� Was the 04n. B.L. Mark Vlr., a ,
officlial letter from TArd DnIhousip nt riv, .. qldek-llri I I .
near Lindsar.- His horses had als R n veting himself -to.law he spe , aor,wpor-a at achoola, eveoially in Sir Edward HuV,on recommended
. ordering that 'the diamond b-. sent years 'on the Liverpool Exch,ange.. Ed. I the Nft-A Of Engiftllfi- ThRm, At 491110
perished krom exposure. .q onc-� to Her Maesty: The. pro.-Odrilt tUat Z525,MO. sismid be spent during
, neated in PRris and Berlin,- b schools, it was cufftommry - for . tile
, r �nd_ .."ils : -
� I � .; .,-1"f1""�(,.sn e during a ni-nt- ,dread pr, �,;A . '6-.:, 1 A 9 I try -to "bor ont" their teach- a period of five years in bringing thi- �
. I I . �
bw of the board, and Sir Sohn adyisf�d
J ,1 - 11�. ls� .0 an- �
fniages that was to prove Of * exe-1111--nt
I rem equipmeiat up to a
ers, antl if they s��d in 'ibis ,n- wurlike 00
sakisfactory lewd. The aeUtal ez�
Repeat it :-"Shiloh's Cure will al-
him to send it .off promptly. "Why,
you've got it " szid the s6ni4)r.lnern-
-T o h the courts, Bilt it
was not ,destined to be all -rinin stZil-
deavor they were iallwa,ed. to plaim an . .
indu1j,0006. of a day or tWQ,6 eXtTa penditare -between 1903-4- and 190&9 -
ways curE r2y couabs and .,o[014."
bpr:'. �Sir Jo�n's clear intql1ect. t�ok
-Ing for him ilt 'the first. "What on
holiday. As.some o . amapenzat4on, bow� .Was 4719,465, including the-orAloy on
which we use for both the Fir"tFences. So
in the. full herror of the"sitinatibn.
'Ppxth bas'Indliced you to -come to tjj�.
..ever, to the master, every pupil had. rearmament.' . .. .
A mnall arras factory is in course
and hi feared be was a 'ruined man.
t.Lr?` � was tile discouraging filt7eation
to pay it small.sum bf mcaley, knovin
"Cook- of crovWm at.Lilhg�w, in New Sow�h
Two Alontreal constables who were.
for the grrn had. never- been -%*Pen bv
him since the day it bad. been riven
asked by Laid. Riissell of Killowen
whe-n fhe future Justice Bigharn en-
as a penny," wh" went to-
t000hors. Wo,les, at a cost of Z97,000, and it is
arrested for druilk-enilpss and fighting
froni the force
ii,j, 1,.i- '
., keeping, Yet, without -a givil
tered the char,abprs of.the-fFIVIOULA Ad -
Perhalm the'best4mvwn gehool cus- hoped to be ,able to produm, riflo.q.
toryi , "towing and boymelis at a lei -per ONA ibaft
have been dismissed
of plIrturbation, he casually mfflod:
vo-ente as. a pupil. It.was it qut�ation
'Sti-11 extan't "', that Of tlie. imported article. A'corAile Ue.
and filled.
"Oh, yes, of course; 1 forgot all about
thilt took the pupils some years to an-
the at Weatraiztater, the tory " being established: at Marl -
Archibald Muir, formerly of Toron
it " and calmly proceeded to discuss
t�e business before the meeting with
gwor!. DuTin -welve month,,
at the BRr ; his first t awyer earnpd
the young I
. pancake being af*rfwards serambled
for, and the appmpaia�or, of the larg- byrtlong rsear Melbotirm, on wh-kh
'11nati oil
ested at Cinci
all -1ii-s. usual alertries.s- and Without
only.eeven irtiit�,as, though latnt I Dn
be expended, ,nd the
est portion revrarded. - .. 966,M . .
Colorial, Ala'Ennniticli Co., which. ii
charge of bigamy. ,
aljy f,ign of preoccupation. At flip con-
when lie bad succeeded Lord,Russoii'
A rather brutpal sport; whiek. ix now, . .
. � eqtab,liah�ed , o:i Foobsemy, - riot , far.
A sub-eommittec of congress has
clusion of business he hurriod In .
search -of his who chamed*
of Killowen as leader of the N6rthern -
01rcuit, his income was of, thp,
fortunately, exiihok "wa's, tliat of
"eoa . kohying." By Means of a lowt from.the Victocian is:pma, is ai4ewd-;
declined to grant Commander Peary
I remey�ber taking a small -box from
.one -
largest ever earned at the Bar: tTTvtil
piece of string, orte-ind of'which wa$ to. pknt' and premises. so as'to
: ingkei in, self
ma Austral- -iontained as to
any reward until he has furnisbedi
his master's discarded clothes. He
a few Years there was ft�eeTtAiii
. I
fastened to its let. smA the' other to the'.xwAvtwtnre. of UWA araw am-
proof that he reached the Pole.
. ,,�plained -he - bad put the
judge dilt,4911hed among other
.a stout post; the uttfarumAte bird-'wns muni**)A.� The company a* pregmt �
ation. I " - 0
"rthle,s box containing Ole bit of,
things for the unpniiatuality. with
confined within a*xrr6w Orale, whilo sup ,
16,0",0.68 rounds*anaumlly.
. glas& aud,llip- Kok-i-noor was safe.
w eh he beran the:iudicial div On
Ole empetitore *=�w short, . thick �plies
I � __' -
14AVO 17W 19-10 0
Buv Ffost Coiled Wirq,.*,aap
And No Other �
. --
'We now. Make aoil "vital;
, a our own
Frost virwit will sipail a greater straist,
Vrtm So. when you buy Caged Wire, tell
pad Acht #41 rust looter, than pay other I
your dealer that you wast Frost CQ;6.d,
wire soads, I
Wiro-and so other.
We Wun a trap 13"Jilet 04 Frost Wire.
This me- Frost Wire is the panq kind
It taus all about W". It iisaWaii you, to,
which we use for both the Fir"tFences. So
buy " Iright kind or W ire, ,at *4 riFlit prips,
you can be sure that it is the best Wire in
That is
. I
Any stian wit* ease roads this now Frost
SOMMO WO 1ARV41 filrUrq4 Out the gorrect
Doublet will be ab4 to hey Wire intelligently, �
. .
roaso.it wky'soarly all Wire fails . to make
Saki SaybOdy`4 wad for iL
wx 59
go" in t1tis vountry.
We should really eliarro for thin BoDkiett I *W
And wo have lostalW a process of`A�aeat.
if* so yaluablo� , Rut if you'll write for it
log and a process of Galvanizing to ever-
, I .
to.any, wWg send it to you free. wr for �
L He .
come this vitql weakness.
It sew. .
Frost Wire is Annealed to the only degree
I of temper which will make good in CaJOL-4.
The Frost Wire Fence Co., Ltd.
And it in ralvamizeil soo per stat. thicker
H-rn, ton, Ontario., 29
than. okay other Wire. Yet it will not "&.Is ,
� I . I
.. 1. � . . . . .. . . - �. � .
: , , . . . I . . . .
or chip off.
Agents 'WAntc;1 in Open Dist4cts
I" q . I . �
&I .
,Z..JAr0,.,aEw1"U.Feztve, _--a
. . -
. T.*eal Dealers,- . . .
W. H. Stogdill, Varna; Wnt. Stoulay, Holmeaville, Win. Addison, Londestforo
. 1. I
a , -.-- ___ - — . _ I I ""#--- .
� .
The not earnings of the American THOUSANDS DIE . � . .
Tobacco - Compan7 foir 1009 amounted` . OF CONSTIPA16W.
to 50i per cent. -on its common
stock. . . I . N9 souditiox causes so many ix,-
Mrs. Benjamin Stock of Ottawa was mrable diseases as sonstipatioll, 1,t
fatally burned by, a, lamp -upsetting lko� only prevents the !kidneys from. *'I- - . I .
over her clothing. . iminatinX -the poisonot* waates, ),tat
� ,
. .
. — causes anatma, stoxhack .trouble ARA I
. . indigestion, Why ypn't you use Ar,
Repeat it :-"Shiloh's Cure will a& Hamilton's Pills and get egr". ?
ivays cure iny coughs and colds." .
I . . I � This excellent medicine renter"
� ... I . . . normal bgwel-'action in bne xi&,t.
. .
The Commons vo , ted down the am- Thousands -say so, ''Your system wkt
endracii-Cs by Mr, Borden and Mr. be pure -and clean, you'll be free fi.pat I I
Monk to the navy bill, I headaches, no .more sour stomack�- ' I " I
. . I . . I . . . in short you'll have jovial spirt.k � . I
An. avalanche at Field almost . ovor� and perfect good health., Dr. Hamit- I . . I
whelmed a railway qngine. The crew ton's Pills are sold everywhere, 25c, 1
. I
had a narrow escape. . . a box. I .
. . ___ _____ ____ __ .
. .
. .
Brewed from se -
I 9
lected hops, choice
I �
. I , I
. barley nialt , and
I .
pure: spring water.,
. .
. _
. .
with .the. utmost
car--.. Bottled at
. .
. I .
the brewery depots'
I � (LONUON) .
to .ensure prlppe�. �
. . . . ..'handling.
. .
That is
. I
� . I I I � . .
... � I
. why Labatt's Ale.
. I
India Pa'le Ale ' �
is equalAo the fin-,.
I I .
eA, surpassed by.:
. .
. .
. : I . . ..
. I .
tionp, , though it
. costs consumers only about half ag much. as imported goods. - . I
. .
. I . I
. .. . . .
W. . . . I . . . 1. I
. P �
. 1�
. . �
. �
. .
. . . I
� . . . . . . . I . M Sisice re,deration the . Uge VAUEUM � - .- . . . .
I I . I casion Mr. Bightim: then - one sticks t it, fvlv a di's ce Of ibOut - the -Milftary' fore" has )DleeK 1P 1. .
. I . I.Me 00 a
. � . evi9t of . . �
. .
HOW'S THIS ? . I I of th� busiest advoeatt-s & the C . w wits was 411c_. -1��- 17M ON 7� TO -0 +,I- _�&A_ 1 � _- . . I . I . I . . . . . I : I
We after One.11undred Dollars Re-
;ard for aoy of Catarrh that
. � . . I .
. . The body found in the .river near
mon L*w Courts,,waited twr.nt;.y_f1v8,
mi-,nutca for .'his arrival. Having a sp.. .
mg, We cock over- I I . .
Oess 1. in knaeki I 'ma+os were E899,Ib%. and in the cur-
and in scouring it befem it.esald re-* he eA ii
� rent (1909-10) t in tes
annot be cured by Ilall,'s' Catarrh
Montreal was that of Albert - maitse
.. -
' �
cona canii-to attend to in axotlier court'.
gain it.s.fte�, was the wina4r. . yes.r
� I I . reach a io"I. of iei,306,666. Under
I F. J. CHENEY At Co., I
agcd twenty-one. His -father identill;
he watit oitt,to see 1ow it w -ds fnTlmg,
. . . - . � -- � The seliectne of reorganiont4oll n.ow in'
,ure. . Toledo, 0.
. t , H , , . . .
ed- i . e had been associating . With
and'while he was gone the unpune-
t;aal juiv, vitade his app.CaTanCt on the,
, . I .. I
14arnentd.' ,grom, . one importwA
. .I. I I . . . I 1, I .. pTa of tile 100A
We, the undersigned, bave known F*4
evil companions, it is suspected
his death -was 'due to violence. -. .
. ...
beneb. "I have waited ,fivs min-atos
:,� -of uAli.
A.0,sat y&eh*m*m and eq4eakian. JeTiAities is t3se co' -ordination I
the tarl at Dudloy,.:G&vw%,w-Genarai twy .twining and practiee' in Anstra- '
. Cheney for the last 15 years, 2,nd
clieve him perfectly honorable in all
. . .
I . . . .
1, . .
Col. J. E. B. Seely, Biritish Colon-
tor you, Mr. Bigham," exclaimed Iiin
lordship impatiently when the busy
a fbain'and
(11 Australiti, has bttia o" a visit to li wit -b 'that in Great Drr
. .
0eylort, His lord6hip, wipe wful all the Other s6e.tes of the Empire undtr
usiness transactions, and financially,
ial Under Secretary,� was elected - - in
eounsel returned. "My 16rd," was tho
bold retort, "I. waited five ti I "a
Lord Roberts' stiff:hurinc die Saitth the -1=perW-.'Gehen1 Staff ischeme.
It is
ble to carry oui any. obligations
0. . .
I .
the .Ilkeston division of Derbyshire
- . . . �. .
long." . .1 .�A"
Afriern War, has liad several -nar- . Pat -04 that the annua.l.
row *20m,pag frozn Arowning, ,X.,� bas. cost of the. defenees--and this mewe-
. lade by his firm. . .
Waldingi Kinnan M Marvin, '
yesterdil.7. . - . .. .
,. .. " I � .. � . , . . . 1� . .
. . .
I � . I �� �
ridden his own horse tic vietory at, the I randAun .takee no aeeount of the
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O..
� I . I
.. 1. � . . . . .. . . - �. � .
: , , . . . I . . . .
i Dickensind Pickwick4m Caurt.
, . * .
. m toweid Tovad`-the I .4sOUch-ulfiking event. of. the setabliteh-
'of trae. Aus*ali4n -
- Leopt.r4stowa'ract- ' vy
ure is taken inter-
I ....
I - . . .. . � I I
.. . . - 1. - .�'. . .. .. .
,.Tl'l()SE '
WhAf ii porhips the' nnst'ix bs�ext-'
Ing. pie,ce of. furnitureAa. 'the'..'lincau
Ww6rld*, amtd studiWAahe outposti of �niml ..a .na
, '. - . � . ''. `Will . rL- *o�,abvat.- z9_1,742'(W i* 14-,.
T'In it I r*sxters., :Lord. And . I .1.9 .
ally acting directly iipon the blood
. . . .. .
. . . . .
. '
eentre of London b0olii�s*fo Mr..H;n
I . .
.. , .
1915.-Stand&rd.. Of Emore, , ,
LiLdy Dindley ava,]�Oth exiceinely faild . . . .. .
I .
I Tid mucous surfaces of the system.
. � � . .
. . . . .
, I I . .
ry Fietdi ng' Dickens;. X: C., wbome six-
'1irthdFY *e6lCbTitted
- --"-�� . . �.. I
of - t",Als and pets_-aad they have - . ' .1W . I � .
. I
lestimonials sent free. Price, 75c. per
External al3pheitions ' * . -
will n ever re�
. ty-fili-st V'RS- .a
ft�oandtry which -came'.1ate ih;ir Dos- . . .. Hecklers... ht I English :Eloctil"..� .,
. . , .
ottle. Sold by all druggists. . .
. I
Inove pimpl" .�or blackheads" Only
shorf time ago. It is-th6 d-sk an
-which, his. fafhei, Gliarl" Diekens,
,. �
.qpsa2on4A,a di6idedly*�euri6lix,fnallion .
Sever -&I ago'L�id'ar id La�iy ljud_-' *. T)ie most systematic method of deal -
Take Hall's Family Pills Io,: cOnsti-
by stimulating circulation a'nd,.puri-.
wrof,- nearly all his novels, Whpro
y&&rs . Ing the questions of elcootj=
116y.&J�mt.a*'.aveliiag with ik PRAY *of beckleri wRs devised -by i&e late Sir -
ation. I " - 0
.fying the blood 61n it .be done.
the.famout Ilowlist..penrird "Martin
�frioncla 'at..a"eertain T�bndon varietv. 'Jobn Rigby,. who' was Solieiter-G-en.
. �
quick sure please. om.'these pests
. . .fr .
Churzle-.wit,", with As cle'lijihtfifl' dp�.
&hextre, One,of th.6 re:rforikanees wasi. 4�ral in the � British Adminiatraticit of
News -11 & IF,_ "
ecor n armei s
usc Ferr6zone ;.',it drives all humors
. .
scription 'of the Temple. fnuntain; his
that given.bi some Se-paxese Jugglers,, 180
. ,. When he. was 'a Paxii"antary
.. . _.
froin th(,� , blood, makes 1he .skin
".oil, Uie distinguished K.C., bs?A pre..
in one, Of whose trias a Pretty can- eaildidut,m be6,wi.is accustomed to mk*p
Lo rd Plunket, Ohief Alstioe Sir R,ob�
Buell was the Inatactic force of tilf'. ert Siout would have been sworn in
speaker. -The effect, I used�*f,6 t1liall.k' '
healthy, tones tip flic ,systsern. With
T.)oye,d many a sfatement of cIr.iryi atid
, I I ,
Pry . wax elnDldYed. Tble can- ,I note of the. questiolis that we're put.
11% 5S
� ''
the ,Pure -. nut.ritiowf blopa -m I adc b
* y
a,pf-,fice.' ' Mr. Dickens was'obcr, bri-f-
-d b"auke lie .was his. fsther'm' son.,
. exv iappt,.are(l to be in a reckless inood t.6 bital and then, after reading thern
i this. particular evening, nnd, escapi
1119 again to -the andience, lie "Zd a,A-
ific Railway, a new terl.itork full of
( !rrozoiie it's. irnpossiblr� to -er
'A fbe base bore
llutter�-_d to
f rqm any skin dicease. You'll have
witness -in the narat
of Pickivick, *,Ind. Mr. Dickvns -was
. from its masters, a
. wav -Ile IiAlf-a-diazen of them at, once, His
alipht on Lp,dy Dudley's lao. Lord
i- be'soniething like
a smooth.. delightful skin, . healthy
I .1 .
, . Re. hvpppned
clio."n t6 exarrinie him.
. answer would this:
Dndley, uaable to ioiist th appeal, "To the., question -1 ana�wer, No:
color and beautiful - complexion by
�to be eiigagrd in anotbpr court wlig-al
. oift%r6d Ao % buy it, but -the mana4rer 'he s,� ' .
t cond, Yes; the thira, wo; the
is to bt-. ftnTimner-d, What can I savi".
using For-roy,one-and you'll 'feel ini-
the case was reached, bnt-Sir Fiank, .
of the theatre gallailtly requeat(t,d bor fourth I 4o 'not comprehend, aud J
better as well. 'Fift cents
Lookwood, who. was particulit.fly .-.nx-.
ladyship �to accept the bird as ft -1110- do not suppose the. queatAoner does �
. . . � L . L
. ly ions m Of the pleam-, mento of the evening. Lord Dudlmv . . . I .
buys a'b.ox., Lconitainiiig� fifty chocolate ot to be. depriveCl . eithei: the fifthl.will coitsid& when - ----.--- __ . _________ . - .. . -
M MHU urp of -seeing Mr.,LDicken,t examine jugeniously coustructed. a t6mpora.rv.. I see the -Bill; as to the sixth_.Ce,r_. I . . . .
coated tablets at any drug�store. Mr. Pickwick addr ssed a note to I.,Tr c4ge Out of's prM,ram and the can- ,-. i & " . . . I
Much good reading
for little rn--,ney.
I .
Justice Hawkins, asking him. to nd.
. . .
journ the. i2ase, and the learned judge '
entering into the's,T)irlt of the request,
. I E y no .
ary ,v�ax borno off in triumph to its
1. . The result was that, -while.Sir Sohn .
nqw -home. I ., . . could not be aecue6d *f. evAtion, both
- , , - I . . - , the audience and the hecklers tbem-
� __
. I �
. .
I k
at once emilted it. When Mr.' 7);,-),.-.
. . . Gladstonels' Magnetism. . selves were unable to realize at the '
1, .
ens was able.to attend and called
Mr. Pick'
wick the whole coun
-Ohn inagnetism. with' which Mr,' ill-oblent what his replies' T"My. L
. S E T T 1, E R S ' . ..
I . "' .
delighted wifli the coificidenee. "'T
Gladstone Always ' amounted to, and. had to wait until
seerited to invest ills
News -Record and,!Aladl and '
. . . %.
. ... I ONE-WAY .
not kn4bw gentlemen;'? ab�,,r,�t
.'words is illustratiedAy* the following 'the paper -the_nckt. mornir4 kove -
Empire ................ $1.00
. . .
.do . ed
. Nib, Dickettis "to the jury,' "whoflier
curious little stari. At A opportunity of -sifting .out'
' ' . Hawarden the them
News-Itecord and Globe ... 1.75
, .
1 ,. I . '
. TO
-: Pickwick will
Mi s Jr.41
in bi *f-
eonversation. once Juraed to wttlillifs, questions and answers.
I . I
. .
News -Record and Familv .
Herald and Star witli '
. .. . . . .
era." Tht�. iagcrly400k6d-foi wit-ness
. .
and Mr, Gladstone, in it pause, sairf. ..
, -
in .th,illi i�
, ng tones, "I have Itat 08,011 'Dick" Sedd6nos Manoeuvre.
Premium .............. 1.7.5,
. .
�. . . . I
MARCH 8 '15 22ND AND 29 1�1__
proyed to 'bt,, one of the thinn'4�st mc,n
that eyer__g�fpped. into_thF.__Witn6ss_
� it walnut *in(-- I Wks a bay of sjy- I . .
The appropehing repi nation of Lord'
News -Record-and Witaless 1,75 -
News -Record and Sun..... 1.75
- ,., .,_�_".,-----�ff-.-.�--l�tl.,..'r.,�'.., _... - -- -',r .
. L6. . . , I
i 'C-- �. � 1- I I
. . .. . . �
__ _g__, _'__
--teen"; astd-,thest--achled- Ax--&-ciidw. ce 'Pluiiket" ,W' -h'0 ha -S -Bben,-, " Fs , , -i_ , -
It ' - i ' uOvernar 0
Of 1110142161101y diM 7, "nor, adeed.
News -Record and Free
. . I . .
AND ' 12TII . I . 1:
A Match For -a M . .
Now Zealand since ISM, re"lls an
A nut ai any kind," ."The auditor grausi,ng nianoi§uVre on the part 01 the
Press .................. 1.75
News -Record and Adver-
1 .1 . I . .
. From stations in Ontario,
r�he story is told by.Allen Aynes.
w),O Aold me the *W-y/'.40ay& Mr, late Mr. Seddon, when his loxdMuP
Bonson, "said that the reju"k wail
tiser ........ � ......... I 1.75
Kingston and West to certain
, worth, the British dramatist, ofhow
first arrived to.take up his appoint-
reeeived like an oracle, &lid th' .
at bl* ment. Aud. there been auT interv.61
News -Record and Toi -onto
Saturd% Ni, lit 2.30
points in Saskatchewan and
a well4nown peer who ,was the prey
of match-Insiking mammas for a long
hiLd for tih, mawent t&a '�Wls""� between' the departure of'Lord Ran- %
that- he had been the raci*ent
News -11 & IF,_ "
ecor n armei s
Alberta. . � �
. I � .. � . .
tim(- and wh6 Wits imprudent enOu9J)
of a inTly, Lord PlunkeVs ptedecessot, and
iiingnIar &lid morwerriom oon,Uelace,
Advocate .............. 2.25 ,
News -Record and Farni
to show mare than ordinary atbeinf,,on
0�%coped r" nsibility. One day.f.np
Lo rd Plunket, Ohief Alstioe Sir R,ob�
Buell was the Inatactic force of tilf'. ert Siout would have been sworn in
speaker. -The effect, I used�*f,6 t1liall.k' '
and Dairy ............. 1.75
is called to the fact that these rates
apply -to points on Grrand Trunk Pac-
. .
motber-of thployoung lady hi quostion,'L
had trump *to
. _ I as acting governbr. Mr. Seddon and
Was skurseeinted. by the foraiMe burr Sir Robert were old poLitiel rivals.
and Cana-
ific Railway, a new terl.itork full of
.thinking she a P�ay,
nl�.t I)i *1 .
4 ordsbip and observed:
witli whi;th the kiter wQv pro� I "Xing Dick" was doteTnilued. that Sir
nownetd, which gave a ourious rich'. "boai"
'10oldent Opportunities,,, .
"Peolole Are talking a good fl(%.ad
Robert shoidd. not be his even
ne,ss to thol.whole intonation."
. for twenty-four hours. Ito, therefore,
Secure tickets .,and I .
About y,gur attentions to thy daughtpi
and an- o4king when your ongatrarrieni
. I I
A' Woll-Guard'od Bank. '. go arranged mat4ers that Nyhen Lord
News�Record and Mail and
Empire 4.25
full information from : .
. . ..
is to bt-. ftnTimner-d, What can I savi".
I Ranfurly was steaming out of the ,
Tho- Aatik f B1191"d is considered harbor of Wellington Lord Plunket
News -Record and Olobe... 4.25
Abtliorizo you to sny, nindam.,
replied -bis lordship, 'ItIvit'l asice,d var.
to 1i 0
M* bile �Df the most bearly im. was steaming in, I .
News -Record and News . _ 2.'30
- A. 0. PATTISON, D10pot Agent.
1 .
for ,your idaughter's hand and thp,t Y0.0
preenable vaults Of any bank ju Lilt-
' � - ' .
iv-)rld. It is sixtY-six feet below -the
News -Record &lid Star .... 2.30
News -R -cord and World 3. 5
.1 1. . . . . .11
reduseLFit !"-O'Connor's Weekly.
Our Oldest Freernaton.
� I
level of the strea. Above it is twelltv
. . . � . . I . . I—.
.. -9
Ne,%Vs-Becord and Morning I
Froe Press 3.25
I .
I Russia.
Dr, Xingd,on, of Hen vitree, Exeter.
Dot -of concrete, holding seven fapt ' n Ian , w 6 has reoclitly reached
6f wAter, &lid below the same COncret,� ,
' '
Newq-Reeord and Evenin'g
6 k"I I I
I 0 Iffilt
llus,%ia took its donornifiation frorr.
btirrie,r and detAh of wat(,,x,. In this his ninety- ,venth year, it, said to be
Free Press ............ 2.75
the Itlisd, or Russi, a PPOPIC Of tilt
soutli of Russia, who possassed tbein
? e Oldest reelliason in the world,
nianne,r.tonneling becomes impossible. Dr. Xingdon was initiated into the
while with' the soldier guArd posted
News-Repord and Adver-
Passengers Jor :- - I
selvPi3 of thth, country in the dealkiiii;
B,dinburgh Lodge, Oatongate, X11win.
every night tile conservative .. Britoil
tiser ................... .. 3.00
dAys of the Greek Bet,19 til( ,
ning, No. 2, in the year the' late
has roason to believe in the sftarit,y
prodorninaut inhabitants, tbey iinpw,
Queen came to the throne, so that he
(if HA "Old Lady of Threadneedle
ad their name on all the rek I
AI'Ve.-k." � . Ila, both long membership and ripe
. . I
�p C��Ilis record.
News -Record ant] Lippin-
.. ___ 1. — . � -L ... __ __
cott's Magivine ....... 3_95
" - , — . 1
4 '� . . -
. -Via-
If what you want ia *not, in
St., Clair 'Tunnel and Chicago I
Cholee froi;1110re.
'' � - I - -1 -
Tlic 10sq Of time and comfort cau- Whell asleep, people that snore
, �; it d.e,
sed by A' Corlir njakf" -keop; I) - Inolith instead
ar to brva V throUgh 'thd
this list let na know abont it.
We can snpply yon at less than
of routes
Any aelihig tooth call be .relieved
histAntly with Nerviline. Vill the,
Better invest in putnam's (1,0C11 1,,,,.K- of t1le llostrils which are choked with
it would cost yot,i to send dirt.cb.
vity with batting dilipped In Nervilino
and cure that corn. Put. catarrh, Just,. use "Catarrhozonell
nam's is painless and, acts in tWen- before retiring and you'll quickly cure
In reill=pleftsn CIO so by
and rub tho gunis with Nerviline also.
ty-four hours ; use no Otlle�r than the stibring. habit, By destroying the
PO4-offive , Postal Note,
P=6.5 through principal Canadian
It the face is swollen and sore bathe
Putnain's," cause of vatarrh and healing the:
Exprom Order or Regimtered
lAtter and addross. .
and United States Cities.-No,pono.
thO Painful Parts with Nerviline ,,Ind
inembrants, Catarrli67,one Makes a
* i ony.
cover 'With a flannel, This tan't fail
. . ' ewnplete cure in every case; it elea,ns
r I
because NeTvililip, Jcills the pain out-
. The bv%uraiwe bill- has 1)&.q%#.tl J)16 1:1)(1 nosti'lls, Hiolis th . diseharge and
W. j. Mitchell �
For rat( -N, tichets, and full Mforma.
rigli6 and prevents it from r(tturning.
,k4(.1latp, inevc-ut-i dioppijig in tile throat in
. apply to- I
stronger, quicker, uiore�satislactory
I feut litinuhs. Nothing so pleamnt
Ne,ws.Record. - CLINTON
I a any cother liniment, 1101son'.4 Ner
� _��_"., �. oil (11 rt; Ill' to cure snorin I g, catarrh . or
-1011N ItAN-SPORT), Town Ag011 d
.t,1)1i:1b baa been flic largest Geller for
ReVoitt it :-"Shiloh'a. Curo '0,111 volda as C 'I'llozone--tbat's worth
. .. -_-1 I -.1.1-11
. A 1% 1)A#Vf1ATQ?%1k1 T% & I 41
. �
fi ...
. 111 1, �. Make Each Animal Worth. .
1�il . .
, .
" I I M&
, . 1� : "I .
I - '. .� 2 5 .V/O Uver Its � Cost - ,
11 ,,�... . . .
, ^ ". k, On Y3 of a'Ce nt a D I .
it., . Nobody ever iieird of "stock food" curing the bots or colic, making
I q : liens Jay in winter, increasing the yield of milk five pounds Per COW a day. ,
� I I 6� restoring run down anitnals tb'Plumpness and vigor. .. I
__ � _. I—. � - ."?k_---* A, 1, .#-1_A-,*__,___-_..__-_ _;__ � _ _, �._
you are rnemy teemns tnem wnat YOU 2re growing on your own farm.- - I
r anlfn.l
"THE You 'Is do need not more fecd, but something to help their - . . . I
r . EEL" Vi bodies get nll the good out of the feed'you give them so they can get fat .. I
. 2AZJ and stay fat all year round; also toprevent disease, cure disease and keep , .
Largest Ws'nner of them up to the best V)s- ble condition.' N6'!stoqlc fcod" can do all these - .
. any pacer on thingg, ROYALP 0 LE STOCK SPECIFIC can and does. ,it is . .
.Go, I and Cir �cuil,� log. Not a "Stock Food" B'u.t a "Conditioner".. 1. ; .
ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC contains no grn*ln, nor farm Products - Itincreaseg'
yield of milk from three to five pounds per cow per day before the Specific has been used two �
weelts, At makes the rhilk richer and adds Bash faster than AhY other preparation khown. �. ' .. I
Voung calves fed with ROYAL PURPLE are as large at sixw.ecks old as they wbuld be. When .
fed *ith ordinary materip1q.1tt ten vieeks
. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIPIC builds up run-down animals And res I
plumpneSS 21MOSt magically. tcr�slhcrn to *1 *
Curei bots, colic, worms, skin diqenses wid debilitgerminently ,1 - '
Dan McHwan, the horserdan, says., 'X have u"d ROYAL PURPLF. STOC SpEClplt! �
persistently In the feeding of'The L�el.l 2.(r2j. largest winner of any pacy an Grand Circuit in 1 � .
!908. and'Henry Winters,' 9.09ii brother of;Alleq Winters.' Winner of $36,000 in trotting stalces .
in lq&q. These horses have never been off heie feed since I comnlenCt'd using ROY111 Purple* _4&
-Specific almost a year ago, and 1 Willalways haveitin mystables.11 1. � I
. . . . I � � . . I
- � . . �
I , ,
Afk . .. '
I OY � I Pli rpil V I . .
it . I
. . - - f 4
d 0nc50d.padlrageQf ROYAL PURPLP, SPTOC�l�KS�Pr=ECUIrPIC�%vitillIngtothleitnimaI tie I
� - a wa q � L 0 "fi c"t , V nty
� .. . __"� L I I
r 0 A IV 0 L LE SPI 6'4 *
U - qcl(�Ic "
10 a or � 6 a h tur times
Iq q q � nrease .1
H c ds n d 'k f 00 i ' ft
s. M n RP STO
a a 04 Jil c nt int g
n I a - R,PLE V, ; I" lue
a n Is " u ok a me q M a hg! I i a
4 tit ti f,J he P tu and t e 4
tfp ,_A�
I q I A - t �t� 42 .. tj
V a M P
t%vo th ir of cc & Y
� �V'1� c d, i
ayS6u _1 - I --i � �
Which isft, MOO M111 two-th irds of a cent it d%0 SM
1� I � E '
'Ist t bft d y. a d "a Ive th times ,9 stock foo
Is given once d , and I . ts il ' n s A-0 A� 1.'
" $
1 oft " ftJ y t P, oft h I F - I 0 . Y, . y L P
anlautit Z gew 2A d r'
stocic 5 . cc it js a . t i I I '� g I f t
of your hin �te
r fb� . aq - g t t 0 . � ly n � no q
-relish in ..istin h tire 0 1 ta tttr fe I t -
._ ... . � _ d ge.q nd fle. V A hAd -Zo _ �
I'LL; is our other Specift for oo
heriS 70,da S, or Rpail Costing $
material Flor anhY th,on +,-A,
h is four tinics-more
" out of your hens
- _.. --- - - -_ . — -1 __ 0 A wt, r. ornf. I r lu. or r4j U J_ I X y 5PECI F1 C i,q
ROYAL PURP1.9 on one ofyout I * anifitiliq and any otheWoMnotion dn nnother
e. annid condition -. trifter ct)rnparing rasultg you win say A PURPLE has
t to death, oFelso bacltcQn1es*Aut r4naeV- PRER-Ask .
rit or write us foe oue valuable 32-pnge booldet on c.,tttlo P
rind t3otiltry dkeasp. coranining also I .
rpcoimo4aw hil naoicularsnboilt ra �
onnItin zr.,�',
110YAPURPL ST0CK&uaP0'UL, ... - ,---
TRY SPECIFICs. I . , 7,11111 � "�J .
, ��e -_ t
I � i - ,�I,
, -
It YOU cnnhot got P�qyaf Purplob �,', . �,j ,
SPecifles frorn rneechants, oe a0enta, we I , ,:, �; ow"_
, . ,
, 1, �
Will qtIonlY Vott direct, t�xprm,, preo.Md. 'I., I" '.., "', 11 r, ,
0"', V ;.�� �,�
Oft r& i�)t Of $110 ft Pail for elther Poultry .1, " , , ,
�;to� , ; , �"j
L c e i
or 400cifico. .. .11 I 1'� , 4, 1,1'-,,,'�
Make tilorl f0tinA Ito oue olgent la � . �� 1. '�,, "I
yout'dintrict, IWO foe tarihs. y ,��t , - ,,,,�
Iyor sale by all up-to.daL6 met-ell.111tS, � � . 1; I
Z A. MkIRS Mfg, 00,1 LOW% Cal
001111101101101 I . t IUIPV witi, - nowit y slity years ; try it yourait, WAYS cure My 06100W tat olis", lonlonibbring. Utsal Ilurpl#11106k 404 P001tQ SpMfib #AA Oft lworklot *a hoot in stophby IV. S, 1100UA04
� . I