HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-03-17, Page 6W . i� �-" , 6 � 1-1.1.1-11, ;;;4_-------- ... � ���� a I ...A"k � I . . .. .1 .. . ­ ____ _ , 1, 11 . . 6o 0 * &�� peer 0 , A ri A OR 41OHNS041 'STOW, ""'ON $11noverm � AUSTRALWOW MOW— A, The career of Lord , Lyveden, whose ' - i 0 4. . ! , . Ifluorolng the Viff9relics 136tw V4004 ThW Clood to 1D6 on �4$t. Pan- ' Oofe "� is r,kw � ' : � . "ty *e"ond "" wa4 oeiebraw so", I _ the areet Qkjastwa . I f . . . i been more. Ad- Assertion aind Argumerit. ***"$ Ow fu moole Enqlwid.� � I n the Antipodes. r'eoe;tl'y , . - . . . . L � I watorLshatshtt of f b141 Aniong the anecdotes of Dr. To)m- I". we'"Isdam. it 14 were xmt for She , Quo *1 taw M04 Apteworm* diepts . � brother p"rs. In his- tir"y 0 6 I 'he 1)"" JW.PWANOW ea I been, a soldier in the ral*s, AL c. on is Que wrift*n not by his ,bie- ow iables Apf Ole sue- of 444, fed"sum of Vaa Aile(mbeft ­ driver, a nurserYmAll, it. pulmer, a graPhOT. Boswell, but by another con. "1614 bh6er Awd of Us, welmw be st"Ute Ime )sew the oiaernwat4y in- , *1*4' t0mWQrY, Dr. John koors. It is to owvw-t of the ,sooWremoe et .9youpW jnsesw4 xa *e question at . ­ rman, an innkeeper, a. etewartim and , , illustp,ative, of Johnson's )?FQ" T190191W. but i 0* days of "WO"' )W Slay k`Qa ;L*eL CA'ated I . I c Manner and 3%, . " L � I I a I a, public recitoer; and he has loom the jjnportanee he gave to argument Our F"IMANAtlim ilae ease -Aus ver ev"Womo, L Whiek isew L shipwre,eked, been in an earlhquatte, ,y 6 centrols the , ProPerly oondueted. Dr. M66re sgid (Wffl1`a*k 8114 imm74 were the wboU ad tha naval and miliitsry de- ad yellow fever. Oourbenay ltob� fhat and ,b, he Was One" 0 and Uuee,�*A ,"stums **"*us we In*os, taken the wbole quis"Ga. ert.Percy Vernon began life wft met- Hoole-,,. Men I & e0WT)MnY at Mr. whicill Ism . . . gre prospects of becoming a lord, and Opa was made that. outm. marleed &e dow. . a* fM" 4p, b" Ow puh&c )lave out conis to , . sel were to be heard in a wrtain ea.qp. M041 401cils,00% pffl&4ps, of We tkiat it jibe of little we to " on . . I - . . in 1900 ornewhat unexpectedly found at the bar of the House of Commons, Sliro ot ous$mw weie the xreat d"ailopme the T"k torritery wh" , I himself raised to tho, peerage. Before 011e 44 lile company asked Sir James footbaN ma4ehm- The game. ho,wever, . $hey Own unlaw thiay 1*4 proper . ;%t. b . I , - . this, luck came to bim he had been Johnston if he intended to be ines. Was 6007"O at the kind wbioh woum -steps U deAmd lbeir ueutihi apd . . I I - .1 � writable rolling stone. On Aomigrat- ent, Sir James answered that he be. be. Teeacnined b7 the I Footilqua Ameeig.. lloines Agaimt all comers. L ... . Ing to New York he tried his luck lif,ved he , . a, . . . . . 11 , should, not, because he nald tiono pLrto*ir,g as it d14 moro at the� WJ&m Lusatentant-Geaseral ft IFA. . - L I as A waiter in the Bowery, but And- little regard to the arguments of coun. strevwv" character foo*an go *y. ward lffutk", X.O.M.0 .. . . L . . , C.B., seesna- . L I ... . 11 ... LL I � Ing ' this post none too remunerative, sel at the bar of, the House of Cpm, ed in Amperift. ed *qnsm" of. the troope at on six . � � ­". ­ - ­ — Ito went to North. Carolina, having mons � I I Freoluatitly, am gattjori6y of t1se &We- , staAes, #f the cvzomomwee3a sevost, . ,only $2.50 in I his' poe . 4et. "Like ,it "Wherefore," Psked Dr. Johnson. bodied . of a town Uok part ist Yea= 040, 1 be Sound in exie6apee six .P I . *********+"**"'*<8��* ** Young fool," he says, "I went to the "do You pay little regard to their these Homeriq eontests.. aud the Wd diffeRe" mysiswas *1 mu-awtry orpA, L . . . * * best hotel in Charlotte, and stayed Prguntents, airp" eztended several rclIes. unuots'. w4ia it Was Jas to& to ee- * ABOUT AUCTION SALES. 0# there three days When the bill *ASL " Bee& . use," repliM Sir James, "they TIMS, St, Perth, a. match meed always ovdiahoio ilato l Vitale. * . i�ne . put in front of me, I 'had no money arimo- for their fee." to be pkred beirem tv�arns poproseett- A xmmmmmwammmm now utes je- * - -_ 4 . ing, respeetrelT, I 11 . - . L * People having sales get their 4� to , pay it with, and my 7outhful cheek' "What is it to YOU. Sir," rejoined ,, lRite Batbesom RA'd sued by the Department of Etesenoe P Benedi,eew 0. the town. The kiek.oX 4M lise'lisiIiiawy defence of Austauli-a wk,z gone. I Was tuinedL out, but As L Dr, Johnson, "What they argue for was a* , L * bills at -The News -Record office * wgs leaving the door, the clerk pras3- You have nothing to do with their M40", v two o'clock, and *e 0*"Sie a3mi JIM peopie" ones i0aeratiom. Jaged Imul fwwet� the alm, of tho- AxA a very onditable stled gratifying * because for the same price they 4 edL fifty Cents in my hand, sapnig, 'I Aive, U!A,t YOU ,Ought, to 'weigh, their. Inirri" Uedng to deposit ibis SO"Unt it is. w1lere" 191sr 39dwaxil L L * get a free notice of it in the, 4t� guess �on'll Want a bed to -nig L ht, old Argument. Sir, you geom to eowfountl . . . hen I , * paper. People . wanting to * inan.' I lodged over a .stable *at 4rgumeat With a' in. a hole .in ak adjainiag Hathon, Was, Seseed to 1 �, I i in L%l . ssertion. Bvt fhere m"r W)Iae ,be goal .tewa unk the W810M of 0aixinig in b4k _ * know what sales are to be held * night, ana in the morni,,,,! got to WOrX is ain eencrilial distinction be*rem vc)s wQGh * always consult The News-Rec- * driving a cab." A bl, breezy fei� them, ,&V$ertjL I the. �� ma#e w" it "" Gfile,ass und neen wm bat* =4 that on is like an arrow shot � A sibudlar stma)e used to. "*be &@SOOAOW in OqUiPMMIA 810310, t that if * 1<4, of fine physique, and determinecl. f m a longbow-4he force with.-whi take - . . I re ,I'll puee lee6ween *M ef Vne isi-ra "w- an to place thO. 310ilitOoli * there is to be a sale at all * charfleter, the future peer tbroughout. it skikes depends upon tha air , 11 his bardship was never Csrasyta, of the ari.ia that draw, L i it. ]But enril' ifjileS i% Deft, Md 'be L$Wt Whiek $0 00mmenweaft as at * worth while there will be a no- * 4 id eventually, "the luck of Ith* Ver- ment is sr9u, won Osa day was t % Frootaim PION" easaft4ed on = imaigni- * tice of it in this paper. If you * a' I . like an arrow from a ero"- the Inot bF --7o - the U10, dee�oed .he** pips of 'efficiency,- % i8,9b- nolm" arri,qpd, b,ow, which has bqual force whether wit), . I . " * intend having a sale get the * . - 2 schwool n to *0 op&e of vious from 1111111 x0emorGriAm that a _____:_ . shot hy a bay or by a giant.,, - to very "erenA mis prowails * bills at The News -Record * A Story of the "Koh-i-neor." 1. The narrateer of this intiaent wai�l the pa;yiat I 1'"m Mae Colt, . U of 01bW - * office. If you get the bills else- * I iller" mz were not to he ox4ladmei to4ay, Following the. P&M aderted Sir �Tobn Lawrence (afterward -.k Lord the wkol* oempally vas &Jruck bV from Ike defielis of She Tund4ky ill C*st Nr . i6mis, the 011108 Of 60121- * where, have a notice of the 4 tile rptuoss and beauty of t1ii i football, and a lamrseh Unit - to Us. Lawrence), arcording to the accented , a Illus. mum"-in-ckief has been abobehost, * Isale in The News -Record. It * b,li,f, saved India for the British tration, which certainly Wns fhx_"V*1111� p1dyed e"ry year beluseest the ma. and a lKilitury Board esbWiabed, : * costs only fifty cents or a d9l- 0* Crown in the Sepoy rebellion. Yet ed in clear and forceful English and trans m a of Inveratess. Wilk the Xbnis6er of Mato. fox Do- . , - with few of the Latin five$ with - As in fenee at As head. Rvery -2 ay add many dollars 4 he came,neaf to losing another nre- deriva rimute6ebw of Vhe mae, the I I * to your receipts. 4) ,ciods jewel of the British crown, the which, tka. good doctor delighted t4) P)aym V�we allorwed to *44pt ally , was vabjewle to a 0peent* 0&41 I& ,Q> � famous Kob-i-noor itself. Amonst Pit- ornament 1. his sentenees, . . . I - . weam ibey pi of propemag tile aeoselding ouquiry. . The seed for so, *****"**4��*****,t** ".stv.te jewels of the Sikh Court waa . One of the company said, "Thstt is ban, soad as taekling w- ustanny were tion at eatee.Vacame oppaxotst, amA ,tile fa,moids "Mountain of Li&,ht," Indeed *ne of the most julst-gad I'd. thill, virwe", esetwiks occurred, � the coeveenitA404 proeeedhod without . — — whiell, P.fte.r passing from the Mogul miratdo illustrations that I ever Even iia tke asoulk, dietrie6g, th dcla,Y to Previt" the nosonswY fun&g. to the Persian, and thence to tb'r Af- hrard.'! . . . " T%6 *O&sw . Jortifica4isons w4we I Match" mwg4 hw" lbeelft something 1, "Sir," said Dr, Tialingon, '!the Milt; -of a tpW 4- 4.1-__a,_ ____ fow%d to he -axand wilh obsok4e guw, Seillous charges -kf tampering, with glian. from whom it was wre�sted b -11 . .- ...­_ -7 no . Rmift Singh, ivas now tAr) the m s 11 . T Land" the the voters' list are inade against -eimf- tratien , i is none of mine, . You wi , arld the oompk6e rearnmonent w,u J,mo_n it in Bacon. . " MM29 tastes; while i&' forthwith Uegun.. Obwe foderrAi*x Town Clerk Knowlson of Lindsay in ed , to Queen Victoria, The d . (T find . . I I V. Avers 66"ched to ibe pose6ae were ;,r, placed in the charge of Sir Henry. . .w gzeat tbe4t the Giviu - &mWioritiag is- the saw of F-M,01V INM bma spent connection with the local option vote. w in U"s direet;ion allne, and in spest.r. (Lawronce), who, deeming his brather Wealth at the Bar. . sued on order, 10ftidding, -under . I Mr. Lloyd Harris' co-operation bill, the stronger Rnd,more 7)rp.ctical guar- Just entered upon his .seventi-th 1*.Pvy porlatties, *0 P)"*"C of foot, Ing an zmanwrhtion res-erve, exeood�- . I was killed in coni'mittee at Ottawa. dinn. entrurtedAt to Sir Jobn. whn Year, Mr. Justice Bigham is one of thA ball in the sirevk. . I Ing I scale. Tkis type of : pocl�etpd the Jittle box arid strn.iabt- many eininent lawyers who have fi"t In the old day%, Shve" Twead;xy' gun ade her the hwbor'loriiessee .Mr. Arnold .Toole was found dead, .waY tf)rg'ot it. Someweeks Iati-r came -itnrte-d on other careezq. Before' cle- was the o0casion of mamy qut�int ob� Was the 04n. B.L. Mark Vlr., a , . officlial letter from TArd DnIhousip nt riv, .. qldek-llri I I . near Lindsar.- His horses had als R n veting himself -to.law he spe , aor,wpor-a at achoola, eveoially in Sir Edward HuV,on recommended . ordering that 'the diamond b-. sent years 'on the Liverpool Exch,ange.. Ed. I the Nft-A Of Engiftllfi- ­ThRm, At 491110 perished krom exposure. .q onc-� to Her Maesty: The. pro.-Odrilt tUat Z525,MO. sismid be spent during , neated in PRris and Berlin,- b schools, it was cufftommry - for . tile , r �nd_ .."ils : - � I �­ .; .,-1"f1­""�(,.sn e during a ni-nt- ,dread pr, �,;­A . '6-.:, 1 A 9 I try -to "bor ont" their teach- a period of five years in bringing thi- � . . I I . � bw of the board, and Sir Sohn adyisf�d J ,1 - 11�. ls� .0 an- � fniages that was to prove Of * exe-1111--nt I rem equipmeiat up to a ers, antl if they s��d in 'ibis ,n- wurlike 00 sakisfactory lewd. The aeUtal ez� Repeat it :-"Shiloh's Cure will al- him to send it .off promptly. "Why, you've got it " szid the s6ni4)r.lnern- i -T o h the courts, Bilt it was not ,destined to be all -rinin stZil- deavor they were iallwa,ed. to plaim an . . indu1j,0006. of a day or tWQ,6 eXtTa penditare -between 1903-4- and 190&9 - ways curE r2y couabs and .,o[014." . bpr:'. �Sir Jo�n's clear intql1ect. t�ok -Ing for him ilt 'the first. "What on holiday. As.some o . amapenzat4on, bow� .Was 4719,465, including the-orAloy on which we use for both the Fir"tFences. So in the. full herror of the"sitinatibn. 'Ppxth bas'Indliced you to -come to tjj�. ..ever, to the master, every pupil had. rearmament.' . .. . A mnall arras factory is in course Canada, and hi feared be was a 'ruined man. t.Lr­?` � was tile discouraging filt7eation . to pay it small.sum bf mcaley, knovin "Cook- of crovWm at.Lilhg�w, in New Sow�h Two Alontreal constables who were. for the grrn had. never- been -%*Pen bv him since the day it bad. been riven asked by Laid. Riissell of Killowen whe-n fhe future Justice Bigharn en- as a penny," wh" went to- t000hors. Wo,les, at a cost of Z97,000, and it is arrested for druilk-enilpss and fighting froni the force ii,j, 1,.i- ' ., keeping, Yet, without -a givil tered the char,abprs of.the-fFIVIOULA Ad - . Perhalm the'best4mvwn gehool cus- hoped to be ,able to produm, riflo.q. toryi , "towing and boymelis at a lei -per ONA ibaft have been dismissed of plIrturbation, he casually mfflod: vo-ente as. a pupil. It.was it qut�ation 'Sti-11 extan't "', that Of tlie. imported article. A'corAile Ue. 'Pmeake". and filled. "Oh, yes, of course; 1 forgot all about " thilt took the pupils some years to an- the at Weatraiztater, the tory " being established: at Marl - . Archibald Muir, formerly of Toron it " and calmly proceeded to discuss t�e business before the meeting with gwor!. DuTin -welve month,, at the BRr ; his first t awyer earnpd the young I . pancake being af*rfwards serambled .- for, and the appmpaia�or, of the larg- byrtlong rsear Melbotirm, on wh-kh �vill '11nati oil ested at Cinci all -1ii-s. usual alertries.s- and Without only.eeven irtiit�,as, though latnt I Dn be expended, ,nd the est portion revrarded. - .. 966,M . . Colorial, Ala'Ennniticli Co., which. ii . charge of bigamy. , aljy f,ign of preoccupation. At flip con- . when lie bad succeeded Lord,Russoii' A rather brutpal sport; whiek. ix now, . . . � eqtab,liah�ed , o:i Foobsemy, - riot , far. A sub-eommittec of congress has clusion of business he hurriod In . search -of his who chamed* *to of Killowen as leader of the N6rthern - 01rcuit, his income was of, thp, fortunately, exiihok "wa's, tliat of "eoa . kohying." By Means of a lowt from.the Victocian is:pma, is ai4ewd-; declined to grant Commander Peary -servant, I remey�ber taking a small -box from .one - largest ever earned at the Bar: tTTvtil . piece of string, orte-ind of'which wa$ to. pknt' and premises. so as'to : ingkei in, self ma Austral- -iontained as to any reward until he has furnisbedi I his master's discarded clothes. He 'where a few Years there was ft�eeTtAiii . I . fastened to its let. smA the' other to the'.xwAvtwtnre. of UWA araw am- proof that he reached the Pole. . ,,�plained -he - bad put the judge dilt,4911hed among other .a stout post; the uttfarumAte bird-'wns muni**)A.� The company a* pregmt � ation. I " - 0 "rthle,s box containing Ole bit of, things for the unpniiatuality. with confined within a*xrr6w Orale, whilo sup , 16,0",0.68 rounds*anaumlly. I . glas& aud,llip- Kok-i-noor was safe. w eh he beran the:iudicial div On Ole empetitore *=�w short, . thick �plies I � __' - 14AVO 17W 19-10 0 Buv Ffost Coiled Wirq,.*,aap . I ' And No Other � . -- 'We now. Make aoil "vital; , a our own Frost virwit will sipail a greater straist, Vrtm So. when you buy Caged Wire, tell pad Acht #41 rust looter, than pay other I your dealer that you wast Frost CQ;6.d, � wire soads, I Wiro-and so other. . . We Wun a trap 13"Jilet 04 Frost Wire. This me- Frost Wire is the panq kind It taus all about W". It iisaWaii you, to, which we use for both the Fir"tFences. So buy " Iright kind or W ire, ,at *4 riFlit prips, you can be sure that it is the best Wire in That is . I Canada, Any stian wit* ease roads this now Frost SOMMO WO 1ARV41 filrUrq4 Out the gorrect Doublet will be ab4 to hey Wire intelligently, � . . 'thOut . roaso.it wky'soarly all Wire fails . to make Saki SaybOdy`4 wad for iL wx 59 go" in t1tis vountry. We should really eliarro for thin BoDkiett I *W And wo have lostalW a process of`A�aeat. if* so yaluablo� , Rut if you'll write for it log and a process of Galvanizing to ever- , I . to.any, wWg send it to you free. wr for � L He . I come this vitql weakness. , It sew. . Frost Wire is Annealed to the only degree I I of temper which will make good in CaJOL-4. The Frost Wire Fence Co., Ltd. And it in ralvamizeil soo per stat. thicker H-rn, ton, Ontario., 29 than. okay other Wire. Yet it will not "&.Is , � I . I .. 1. � . . . . .. . . - �. � . : , , . . . I . . . . or chip off. Agents 'WAntc;1 in Open Dist4cts . I" q . I . � , . . '"M &I . . ,Z..JAr0,.,aEw1"U.Feztve, _--a . . . - � . . T.*eal Dealers,- . . . W. H. Stogdill, Varna; Wnt. Stoulay, Holmeaville, Win. Addison, Londestforo . 1. I . . a , -.-- ___­ - — . ­­_ I I ""#--- . . � . The not earnings of the American THOUSANDS DIE . � . . Tobacco - Compan7 foir 1009 amounted` . OF CONSTIPA16W. to 50i per cent. -on its common stock. . . I . N9 souditiox causes so many ix,- � . � . Mrs. Benjamin Stock of Ottawa was mrable diseases as sonstipatioll, 1,t fatally burned by, a, lamp -upsetting lko� only prevents the !kidneys from. *'I- - . I . over her clothing. . iminatinX -the poisonot* waates, ),tat . � , I . . . — causes anatma, stoxhack .trouble ARA I � . . indigestion, Why ypn't you use Ar, Repeat it :-"Shiloh's Cure will a& Hamilton's Pills and get egr". ? ivays cure iny coughs and colds." . I . . I � This excellent medicine renter" � ... I . . . normal bgwel-'action in bne xi&,t. . . The Commons vo , ted down the am- Thousands -say so, ''Your system wkt . endracii-Cs by Mr, Borden and Mr. be pure -and clean, you'll be free fi.pat I I Monk to the navy bill, I headaches, no .more sour stomack­�- ' I " I . . I . . I . . . in short you'll have jovial spirt.k � . I An. avalanche at Field almost . ovor� and perfect good health., Dr. Hamit- I . . I whelmed a railway qngine. The crew ton's Pills are sold everywhere, 25c, 1 . I had a narrow escape. . . a box. I . I - . . ___ _____ ____ __ . . . . . - Brewed from se - ASK FOR I I 9 lected hops, choice '. I � . I , I . barley nialt , and . I . I pure: spring water., . . . _ I i . . with .the. utmost . car--.. Bottled at . . . I . . the brewery depots' I � (LONUON) . � i to .ensure prlppe�. � . . . . ..'handling. . . That is . I � . I I I � . . ... � I . why Labatt's Ale. . I India Pa'le Ale ' � is equalAo the fin-,. ' I I . . eA, surpassed by.: . . . . . : I . . .. . I . tionp, , though it . . costs consumers only about half ag much. as imported goods. - . I . . . I . I . .. . . . W. . . . I . . . 1. I I . P � . . , . . . I . . . . . . 1� . . . � . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . I . . . . I � . . . . . . . I . M Sisice re,deration the . Uge VAUEUM � - .- . . . . I I . I casion Mr. Bightim: then - one sticks t it, fvlv a di's ce Of ibOut - the -Milftary' fore" has )DleeK 1P 1. . . I . I.Me 00 a . � . evi9t of . . � . . HOW'S THIS ? . I I of th� busiest advoeatt-s & the C . w wits was 411c_. -1��- 17M ON 7� TO -0 +,I- _�&A_ 1 � _- . . I . I . I . . . . . I : I We after One.11undred Dollars Re- ;ard for aoy of Catarrh that . � . . I . 1. . . The body found in the .river near mon L*w Courts,,waited twr.nt;.y_f1v8, mi-,nutca for .'his arrival. Having a sp.. . .. mg, We cock over- I I . . Oess 1. in knaeki I 'ma+os were E899,Ib%. and in the cur- and in scouring it befem it.esald re-* he eA ii - � rent (1909-10) t in tes .-case annot be cured by Ilall,'s' Catarrh . Montreal was that of Albert - maitse .. - ' � cona canii-to attend to in axotlier court'. gain it.s.fte�, was the wina4r. . yes.r � I I . reach a io"I. of iei,306,666. Under ' I F. J. CHENEY At Co., I agcd twenty-one. His -father identill; he watit oitt,to see 1ow it w -ds fnTlmg, . . . - . � ­ -- � The seliectne of reorganiont4oll n.ow in' 'Canary.,as ,ure. . Toledo, 0. . t , H , , . . . ed- i . e had been associating . With *and and'while he was gone the unpune- t;aal juiv, vitade his app.CaTanCt on the, , . I .. I 14arnentd.' ,grom, . one importwA . .I. I I . . . I 1, I .. pTa of tile 100A We, the undersigned, bave known F*4 evil companions, it is suspected his death -was 'due to violence. -. . . . ... beneb. "I have waited ,fivs min-atos :,� -of uAli. A.0,sat y&eh*m*m and eq4eakian. JeTiAities is t3se co' -ordination I . the tarl at Dudloy,.:G&vw%,w-Genarai twy .twining and practiee' in Anstra- ' . Cheney for the last 15 years, 2,nd clieve him perfectly honorable in all . . . I . . . . 1, . . Col. J. E. B. Seely, Biritish Colon- tor you, Mr. Bigham," exclaimed Iiin lordship impatiently when the busy . . a fbain'and (11 Australiti, has bttia o" a visit to li wit -b 'that in Great Drr . . 0eylort, His lord6hip, wipe wful all the Other s6e.tes of the Empire undtr usiness transactions, and financially, ial Under Secretary,� was elected - - in eounsel returned. "My 16rd," was tho bold retort, "I. waited five ti I "a . Lord Roberts' stiff:hurinc die Saitth the -1=perW-.'Gehen1 Staff ischeme. It is ble to carry oui any. obligations 0. . . I . the .Ilkeston division of Derbyshire - . . . �. . long." . .1 .�A" . antici Afriern War, has liad several -nar- . Pat -04 that the annua.l. row *20m,pag frozn Arowning, ,X.,� bas. cost of the. defenees--and this mewe- . lade by his firm. . . Waldingi Kinnan M Marvin, ' yesterdil.7. . - . .. . ,. .. " I � .. � . , . . . 1� . . . . . I � . I �� � * ' ridden his own horse tic vietory at, the I randAun .takee no aeeount of the Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.. � I . I .. 1. � . . . . .. . . - �. � . : , , . . . I . . . . i Dickensind Pickwick4m Caurt. , . * . . m toweid Tovad`-the I .4sOUch-ulfiking event. of. the setabliteh- 'of trae. Aus*ali4n - - Leopt.r4stowa'ract- ' vy ure is taken inter- I .... I - . . .. . � I I .. . . - 1. - .�'. . .. .. . ,.Tl'l()SE ' WhAf ii porhips the' nnst'ix bs�ext-' Ing. pie,ce of. furnitureAa. 'the'..'lincau Ww6rld*, amtd studiWAahe outposti of �niml ..a .na � , '. - . � . ''. `Will . rL- *o�,abvat.- z9_1,742'(W i* 14-,. T'In it I r*sxters., :Lord. And . I .1.9 . ally acting directly iipon the blood ANTXOYING I - . . . .. . ­. . . . . 1. . BLACKIIEADS, . ' ' eentre of London b0olii�s*fo Mr..H;n I . . .. , . 1915.-Stand&rd.. Of Emore, , , LiLdy Dindley ava,]�Oth exiceinely faild ­ . . . .. . I . ' I Tid mucous surfaces of the system. . � � . . . . . . . , I I . . ry Fietdi ng' Dickens;. X: C., wbome six- '1irthdFY *e6lCbTitted - --"-�� . . �.. I . of - t",Als and pets_-aad they have - . ' .1W . I � . . I lestimonials sent free. Price, 75c. per External al3pheitions ' * . - will n ever re� . ty-fili-st V'RS- .a ' ft�oandtry which -came'.1ate ih;ir Dos- . . .. Hecklers... ht I English :Eloctil"..� ., . . , . ottle. Sold by all druggists. . . . I Inove pimpl" .�or blackheads" Only I shorf time ago. It is­-th6 d-sk an -which, his. fafhei, Gliarl" Diekens, ,. � .qpsa2on4A,a di6idedly*�euri6lix,fnallion . Sever -&I ago'L�id'ar id La�iy ljud_-' *. T)ie most systematic method of deal - 'with Take Hall's Family Pills Io,: cOnsti- � by stimulating circulation a'nd,.puri-. 'For. wrof,- nearly all his novels, Whpro y&&rs . Ing the questions of elcootj= 11­6y.&J�mt.a*'.aveliiag with ik PRAY *of beckleri wRs devised -by i&e late Sir - ation. I " - 0 .fying the blood 61n it .be done. the.famout Ilowlist..penrird "Martin �frioncla 'at..a"eertain T�bndon varietv. 'Jobn Rigby,. who' was Solieiter-G-en. . � quick sure please. om.'these pests . . .fr . Churzle-.wit,", with As cle'lijihtfifl' dp�. . , &hextre, One,of th.6 re:rforikanees wasi. 4�ral in the � British Adminiatraticit of ... News -11 & IF,_ " ecor n armei s usc Ferr6zone ;.',it drives all humors . . scription 'of the Temple. fnuntain; his . .. that given.bi some Se-paxese Jugglers,, 180 . ,. When he. was 'a Paxii"antary .. . _. froin th(,� , blood, makes 1he .skin I . ".oil, Uie distinguished K.C., bs?A pre.. I in one, Of whose trias a Pretty can- eaildidut,m be6,wi.is accustomed to mk*p . Lo rd Plunket, Ohief Alstioe Sir R,ob� Buell was the Inatactic force of tilf'. ert Siout would have been sworn in speaker. -The effect, I used�*f,6 t1liall.k' ' healthy, tones tip flic ,systsern. With T.)oye,d many a sfatement of cIr.iryi atid . , I I , Pry . wax elnDldYed. Tble can- ,I note of the. questiolis that we're put. 11% 5S � '' the ,Pure -. nut.ritiowf blopa -m I adc b * y ro a,pf-,fice.' ' Mr. Dickens was'obcr, bri-f- -d b"auke lie .was his. fsther'm' son., . exv iappt,.are(l to be in a reckless inood t.6 bital and then, after reading thern i this. particular evening, nnd, escapi 1119 again to -the andience, lie "Zd a,A- ific Railway, a new terl.itork full of ( !rrozoiie it's. irnpossiblr� to -er Stiff 'A fbe base bore llutter�-_d to . lnlcnscly� f rqm any skin dicease. You'll have witness -in the narat of Pickivick, *,Ind. Mr. Dickvns -was . from its masters, a . wav -Ile IiAlf-a-diazen of them at, once, His alipht on Lp,dy Dudley's lao. Lord i- be'soniething like , a smooth.. delightful skin, . healthy . I .1 . , . Re. hvpppned clio."n t6 exarrinie him. . answer would this: a Dndley, uaable to ioiist th appeal, "To the., question -1 ana�wer, No: GLUBBING WT color and beautiful - complexion by . �to be eiigagrd in anotbpr court wlig-al -first . oift%r6d Ao % buy it, but -the mana4rer 'he s,� ' . t cond, Yes; the thira, wo; the is to bt-. ftnTimner-d, What can I savi". "I using For-roy,one-and you'll 'feel ini- the case was reached, bnt-Sir Fiank, . . of the theatre gallailtly requeat(t,d bor fourth I 4o 'not comprehend, aud J . JOHN RANSFORD, -Town Agent. I better as well. 'Fift cents Lookwood, who. was particulit.fly .-.nx-. ladyship �to accept the bird as ft -1110- do not suppose the. queatAoner does � . . . � L . L . ly ions m Of the pleam-, mento of the evening. Lord Dudlmv . . . I . buys a'b.ox., Lconitainiiig� fifty chocolate ot to be. depriveCl . eithei: the fifthl.will coitsid& when - ----.--- __ . _________ . - .. . - M MHU urp of -seeing Mr.,LDicken,t examine jugeniously coustructed. a t6mpora.rv.. I see the -Bill; as to the sixth_.Ce,r_. I . . . . coated tablets at any drug�store. Mr. Pickwick addr ssed a note to I.,Tr c4ge Out of's prM,ram and the can- ,-. i & " . . . I � Much good reading for little rn--,ney. I . I Justice Hawkins, asking him. to nd. . . . journ the. i2ase, and the learned judge ' entering into the's,T)irlt of the request, * . I E y no . ary ,v�ax borno off in triumph to its 1. . The result was that, -while.Sir Sohn . nqw -home. I ., . . could not be aecue6d *f. evAtion, both - , , - I . . - , the audience and the hecklers tbem- I � __ . I � F�� . . I k [21 at once emilted it. When Mr.' 7);,-),.-. . . . Gladstonels' Magnetism. . selves were unable to realize at the ' WrrRLIEW 1, . .11 ens was able.to attend and called Mr. Pick' wick the whole coun � -Ohn inagnetism. with' which Mr,' ill-oblent what his replies' T"My. L . . . S E T T 1, E R S ' . .. I I . "' . delighted wifli the coificidenee. "'T Gladstone Always ' amounted to, and. had to wait until seerited to invest ills News -Record and,!Aladl and ' . . . %. . ... I ONE-WAY . not kn4bw gentlemen;'? ab�,,r,�t .'words is illustratiedAy* the following 'the paper -the_nckt. mornir4 kove - 'an. - Empire ................ $1.00 . . . EXCURSIONS - , .do . ed . Nib, Dickettis "to the jury,' "whoflier curious little stari. At A opportunity of -sifting .out' ' ' . Hawarden the them News-Itecord and Globe ... 1.75 , . 1 ,. I . ' . TO -: Pickwick will Mi s Jr.41 in bi *f- eonversation. once Juraed to wttlillifs, questions and answers. I . I . . News -Record and Familv . Herald and Star witli ' . .. . . . . . WESTERN CANADA, - ,appear era." Tht�. iagcrly400k6d-foi wit-ness - . . and Mr, Gladstone, in it pause, sairf. .. , - in .th,illi i� , ng tones, "I have Itat 08,011 'Dick" Sedd6nos Manoeuvre. Premium .............. 1.7.5, . . �. . . . I MARCH 8 '15 22ND AND 29 1�1__ proyed to 'bt,, one of the thinn'4�st mc,n . that eyer__g�fpped. into_thF.__Witn6ss_ . � it walnut *in(-- I Wks a bay of sjy- I . . The appropehing repi nation of Lord' I News -Record-and Witaless 1,75 - ' News -Record and Sun..... 1.75 - ,., .,_�_".,-----�ff-.-.�--l�tl.,..'r.,�'.., _... - -- -',r . APRIL 5TH . . . . L6. . . , I i 'C-- �. � 1- I I . . .. . . � __ _g__, _­'_­_­­ --teen"; astd-,thest--achled- Ax--&-ciidw. ce 'Pluiiket" ,W' -h'0 ­ha -S -Bben,-, " Fs , , -i_ , - It ' - i ' uOvernar 0 Of 1110142161101y diM 7, "nor, adeed. News -Record and Free . . I . . AND ' 12TII . I . 1: A Match For -a M . . atchrhaker. Now Zealand since ISM, re"lls an A nut ai any kind," ."The auditor grausi,ng nianoi§uVre on the part 01 the Press .................. 1.75 News -Record and Adver- 1 .1 . I . . . From stations in Ontario, r�he story is told by.Allen Aynes. w),O Aold me the *W-y/'.40ay& Mr, late Mr. Seddon, when his loxdMuP Bonson, "said that the reju"k wail tiser ........ � ......... I 1.75 . Kingston and West to certain , worth, the British dramatist, ofhow first arrived to.take up his appoint- reeeived like an oracle, &lid th' . at bl* ment. Aud. there been auT interv.61 News -Record and Toi -onto Saturd% Ni, lit 2.30 points in Saskatchewan and . a well4nown peer who ,was the prey of match-Insiking mammas for a long hiLd for tih, mawent t&a '�Wls""� between' the departure of'Lord Ran- % that- he had been the raci*ent ... News -11 & IF,_ " ecor n armei s Alberta. . � � . I � .. � . . tim(- and wh6 Wits imprudent enOu9J) of a inTly, Lord PlunkeVs ptedecessot, and iiingnIar &lid morwerriom oon,Uelace, Advocate .............. 2.25 , News -Record and Farni I I PARTICULAR -ATTE NTIOX . � to show mare than ordinary atbeinf,,on 0�%coped r" nsibility. One day.f.np Lo rd Plunket, Ohief Alstioe Sir R,ob� Buell was the Inatactic force of tilf'. ert Siout would have been sworn in speaker. -The effect, I used�*f,6 t1liall.k' ' and Dairy ............. 1.75 . 'News-Reeord is called to the fact that these rates apply -to points on Grrand Trunk Pac- . . motber-of thployoung lady hi quostion,'L had trump *to . _ I as acting governbr. Mr. Seddon and Was skurseeinted. by the foraiMe burr Sir Robert were old poLitiel rivals. "r" and Cana- ific Railway, a new terl.itork full of .thinking she a P�ay, nl�.t I)i *1 . 4 ordsbip and observed: witli whi;th the kiter wQv pro� I "Xing Dick" was doteTnilued. that Sir nownetd, which gave a ourious rich'. "boai" I '10oldent Opportunities,,, . , "Peolole Are talking a good fl(%.ad Robert shoidd. not be his even ne,ss to thol.whole intonation." . for twenty-four hours. Ito, therefore, DAILIES Secure tickets .,and I . About y,gur attentions to thy daughtpi and an- o4king when your ongatrarrieni . I I A' Woll-Guard'od Bank. '. go arranged mat4ers that Nyhen Lord News�Record and Mail and Empire 4.25 full information from : . . . .. is to bt-. ftnTimner-d, What can I savi". "I I Ranfurly was steaming out of the , Tho- Aatik f B1191"d is considered harbor of Wellington Lord Plunket ................ News -Record and Olobe... 4.25 . JOHN RANSFORD, -Town Agent. Abtliorizo you to sny, nindam., replied -bis lordship, 'ItIvit'l asice,d var. to 1i 0 M* bile �Df the most bearly im. was steaming in, I . News -Record and News . _ 2.'30 - A. 0. PATTISON, D10pot Agent. 1 . for ,your idaughter's hand and thp,t Y0.0 preenable vaults Of any bank ju Lilt- ' � - ' . iv-)rld. It is sixtY-six feet below -the News -Record &lid Star .... 2.30 News -R -cord and World 3. 5 . .1 1. ­ . . . ­ . .11 reduseLFit !"-O'Connor's Weekly. � Our Oldest Freernaton. � I level of the strea. Above it is twelltv I ­­­ . . . � . . I . . I—. .. -9 Ne,%Vs-Becord and Morning I Froe Press 3.25 I . I Russia. Dr, Xingd,on, of Hen vitree, Exeter. Dot -of concrete, holding seven fapt ' n Ian , w 6 has reoclitly reached 6f wAter, &lid below the same COncret,� , .......... ' ' Newq-Reeord and Evenin'g 6 k"I I I I 0 Iffilt llus,%ia took its donornifiation frorr. btirrie,r and detAh of wat(,,x,. In this his ninety- ,venth year, it, said to be Free Press ............ 2.75 the Itlisd, or Russi, a PPOPIC Of tilt soutli of Russia, who possassed tbein ? e Oldest reelliason in the world, nianne,r.tonneling becomes impossible. Dr. Xingdon was initiated into the while with' the soldier guArd posted News-Repord and Adver- Passengers Jor :- - I selvPi3 of thth, country in the dealkiiii; 'empire. B,dinburgh Lodge, Oatongate, X11win. every night tile conservative .. Britoil tiser ................... .. 3.00 MANITOBA, dAys of the Greek Bet,19 til( , ning, No. 2, in the year the' late has roason to believe in the sftarit,y I SASXATCIID, IVAN prodorninaut inhabitants, tbey iinpw, Queen came to the throne, so that he (if HA "Old Lady of Threadneedle I MOWTHLY . . . ALBERTA, ad their name on all the rek I AI'Ve.-k." � . Ila, both long membership and ripe . . I �p C��Ilis record. I News -Record ant] Lippin- USE VIR, GRAI" 1� .. ___ 1. — . � -L ... __ ­­ __ I cott's Magivine ....... 3_95 - TRUGK RAILWAY SYSTNZI. " - , — . 1 4 '� . . - . 9EM0100 . -Via- I CORN IS DEAR , WTIAT CAT'SES SNORING. If what you want ia *not, in I St., Clair 'Tunnel and Chicago I I Cholee froi;1110re. I ITOW TO (TRE, TOOTITACITT-11. ­ '' � - I - -1 - Tlic 10sq Of time and comfort cau- Whell asleep, people that snore , �; it d.e, sed by A' Corlir njakf" -keop; I) - Inolith instead ar­ to brva V throUgh 'thd . this list let na know abont it. We can snpply yon at less than . of routes KHARLY ALL DOUBLE TRACK Any aelihig tooth call be .relieved histAntly with Nerviline. Vill the, Better invest in putnam's (1,0C11 1,,,,.K- of t1le llostrils which are choked with tractur I it would cost yot,i to send dirt.cb. CONTIUBUTIN(Ir TO SArm.n,y ca- i vity with batting dilipped In Nervilino and cure that corn. Put. catarrh, Just,. use "Catarrhozonell nam's is painless and, acts in tWen- before retiring and you'll quickly cure In reill=pleftsn CIO so by -.41110,ED AND COMFORT. and rub tho gunis with Nerviline also. ty-four hours ; use no Otlle�r than the stibring. habit, By destroying the PO4-offive , Postal Note, P=6.5 through principal Canadian It the face is swollen and sore bathe Putnain's," cause of vatarrh and healing the: Exprom Order or Regimtered lAtter and addross. . and United States Cities.-No,pono. thO Painful Parts with Nerviline ,,Ind . inembrants, Catarrli67,one Makes a * i ony. cover 'With a flannel, This tan't fail . . ' ewnplete cure in every case; it elea,ns _110I)EIRN EX, TITTIM1,111NIT- I r I because NeTvililip, Jcills the pain out- . The bv%uraiwe bill- has 1)&.q%#.tl J)16 1:1)(1 nosti'lls, Hiolis th . diseharge and P W. j. Mitchell � For rat( -N, tichets, and full Mforma. rigli6 and prevents it from r(tturning. . ,k4(.1latp, inevc-ut-i dioppijig in tile throat in . apply to- I Ion stronger, quicker, uiore�satislactory I feut litinuhs. Nothing so pleamnt Ne,ws.Record. - CLINTON . I a any cother liniment, 1101son'.4 Ner � _��_"., �. oil (11 rt; Ill' to cure snorin I g, catarrh . or . t -1011N ItAN-SPORT), Town Ag011 d .t,1)1i:1b baa been flic largest Geller for Atal ReVoitt it :-"Shiloh'a. Curo '0,111 volda as C 'I'llozone--tbat's worth . .. -_-1 I -.1.1-11 . A 1% 1)A#Vf1ATQ?%1k1 T% & I 41 I %I. � . � , fi ... . 111 1, �. Make Each Animal Worth. . 1�il . . , . , " I I M& , , , . 1� : "I . I - '. .� 2 5 .V/O Uver Its � Cost - , � . . 11 ,,�... . . . I , ^ ". k, On Y3 of a'Ce nt a D I . it., . Nobody ever iieird of "stock food" curing the bots or colic, making I q : liens Jay in winter, increasing the yield of milk five pounds Per COW a day. , � I I 6� restoring run down anitnals tb'Plumpness and vigor. .. I ­­__ � _. I—. � - ."?k_---* ­A, 1, .#-1_A-,*__,___-_..__-_ _;__ � _ _, �._ you are rnemy teemns tnem wnat YOU 2re growing on your own farm.- - I r anlfn.l "THE You 'Is do need not more fecd, but something to help their - . . . I r . EEL" Vi bodies get nll the good out of the feed'you give them so they can get fat .. I . 2AZJ and stay fat all year round; also toprevent disease, cure disease and keep , . Largest Ws'nner of them up to the best V)s- ble condition.' N6'!stoqlc fcod" can do all these - . . any pacer on thingg, ROYALP 0 LE STOCK SPECIFIC can and does. ,it is . . .Go, I and Cir �cuil,� log. Not a "Stock Food" B'u.t a "Conditioner".. 1. ; . ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC contains no grn*ln, nor farm Products - Itincreaseg' yield of milk from three to five pounds per cow per day before the Specific has been used two � weelts, At makes the rhilk richer and adds Bash faster than AhY other preparation khown. �. ' .. I Voung calves fed with ROYAL PURPLE are as large at sixw.ecks old as they wbuld be. When . fed *ith ordinary materip1q.1tt ten vieeks I . ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIPIC builds up run-down animals And res I plumpneSS 21MOSt magically. tcr�slhcrn to *1 * Curei bots, colic, worms, skin diqenses wid debilitgerminently ,1 - ' Dan McHwan, the horserdan, says., 'X have u"d ROYAL PURPLF. STOC SpEClplt! � persistently In the feeding of'The L�el.l 2.(r2j. largest winner of any pacy an Grand Circuit in 1 � . !908. and'Henry Winters,' 9.09ii brother of;Alleq Winters.' Winner of $36,000 in trotting stalces . in lq&q. These horses have never been off heie feed since I comnlenCt'd using ROY111 Purple* _4& -Specific almost a year ago, and 1 Willalways haveitin mystables.11 1. � I . . . . I � � . . I - � . . � . I , , I � . � Afk . .. ' � . I OY � I Pli rpil V I . . it . I . STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS. ' . . . - - f 4 d 0nc50d.padlrageQf ROYAL PURPLP, SPTOC�l�KS�Pr=ECUIrPIC�%vitillIngtothleitnimaI tie I � - a wa q � L 0 "fi c"t , V nty ­ � .. . __"� L I I r 0 A IV 0 L LE SPI 6'4 * C tl U - qcl(�Ic " Cl 10 a or � 6 a h tur times Iq q q � nrease .1 H c ds n d 'k f 00 i ' ft s. M n RP STO a a 04 Jil c nt int g n I a - R,PLE V, ; I" lue a n Is " u ok a me q M a hg! I i a 4 tit ti f,J he P tu and t e 4 tfp ,_A� I q I A - t �t� 42 .. tj V a M P t%vo th ir of cc & Y � �V'1� c d, i le - ayS6u _1 - I --i � � Which isft, MOO M111 two-th irds of a cent it d%0 SM 1� I � E ' 'Ist t bft d y. a d "a Ive th times ,9 stock foo t6 . Is given once d , and I . ts il ' n s A-0 A� 1.' " $ 1 oft " ftJ y t P, oft h I F - I 0 . Y, . y L P anlautit Z gew 2A d r' stocic 5 . cc it js a . t i I I '� g I f t of your hin �te r fb� . aq - g t t 0 . � ly n � no q -relish in ..istin h tire 0 1 ta tttr fe I t - ._ ... . � _ d ge.q nd fle. V A hAd -Zo _ � I'LL; is our other Specift for oo heriS 70,da S, or Rpail Costing $ material Flor anhY th,on +,-A, h is four tinics-more " out of your hens - _.. --- - - -_ . — -1 __ 0 A wt, r. ornf. I r lu. or r4j U J_ I X y 5PECI F1 C i,q ' ROYAL PURP1.9 on one ofyout I * anifitiliq and any otheWoMnotion dn nnother e. annid condition -. trifter ct)rnparing rasultg you win say A PURPLE has t to death, oFelso bacltcQn1es*Aut r4naeV- PRER-Ask . rit or write us foe oue valuable 32-pnge booldet on c.,tttlo P rind t3otiltry dkeasp. coranining also I . rpcoimo4aw hil naoicularsnboilt ra � onnItin zr.,�', 110YAPURPL ST0CK&uaP0'UL, ... - ,--- TRY SPECIFICs. I . , 7,11111 � "­�J . - , ��e -_ t I � i - ,�I, i , - It YOU cnnhot got P�qyaf Purplob �,', . �,j , SPecifles frorn rneechants, oe a0enta, we I , ,:, �; ow"_ , , . , , 1, � Will qtIonlY Vott direct, t�xprm,, preo.Md. 'I., I" '.., "', 11 r, , 0"', V ;.�� �,� Oft r& i�)t Of $110 ft Pail for elther Poultry .1, " , , , �;to� , ; , �"j L c e i or 400cifico. .. .11 I 1'� , 4, 1,1'-,,,'� Make tilorl f0tinA Ito oue olgent la � . �� 1. '�,, "I 1��, yout'dintrict, IWO foe tarihs. y ,��t , - ,,,,� I Iyor sale by all up-to.daL6 met-ell.111tS, � � . 1; I Z A. MkIRS Mfg, 00,1 LOW% Cal 001111101101101 I . t IUIPV witi, - nowit y slity years ; try it yourait, WAYS cure My 06100W tat olis", lonlonibbring. Utsal Ilurpl#11106k 404 P001tQ SpMfib #AA Oft lworklot *a hoot in stophby IV. S, 1100UA04 . � � . I �