HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-03-17, Page 5"O a r _W MoLrob 17tht 1910 . . Clinton News-Reocira ------ - - 11 ____ - , ­., ,, � ;_­­ L' � W., I _ - ____ - . # . $ * . I. ` �' _­_ _ , _,_ , , -, ­ , �` , " , "' " - - , , , - I ­ 11 11 , ­ -1---.4—�_ .. ­ ­. I. � ., __, I . -", I ,- � _�_`�, . I.. I I. . — _ -_ - - - I _. - . I � I � - -, I—. 1. ; .1 . 1, � I "I I --- - _. _. - . I I � I 11 .� . � .­ � I - �7 1 __ .- - , , , "04" ##"'"."#"#*#"400090(0 ##"*"#*#", _1 Tbe. FarmervIs laterw 501d4f, 0oh0lar and Athlete. . � _­­­ . � � ­���� . .; '' ; � ,AU4'Qxl W. B. T. Mapaula'Y, Who died Seaforth 0040fich A MOTHER'$ 1X"r*r1rzJ?,., TJ I ­ * eetin Pure Seed, orontO rl�MLUIIY. was known to Mr. Rudy, Manager of 11elatzman Miss Irene Fowile of Bayfleld was A-f"s, $41,490110 V49neov A,rafihical& V The News From, Goderich big intimates in Montreal and Toron� o.. Stratford, accom�panied by , ' . . . I I For The News�Record by T. G. to, 48 a man of many parts. A keen 9'r'La!1R(,'dy spent Thux aolgly'in town. in town last Week as the guest of I **Scribos the illnfss and tho roe". $ Raynor of the Dpliartractit of Agri. student and accomplished vq"sic, miss Hattle, Walker of Stratford Miss Falconer. ory of her daughter. , ,11 401SR. A, $KWIMINOS il;erraopoadeat I culture, Ottawa : . scholar, he was also an enthusiastic visited friends in towa over Sunday. , , I I all-round atWetO and a good soldier. Rev. McIntosh of Mitchell occupied Messrs. Schade and Buggins have All Mothers SlJoI&I .Read. 4, , V rom now to the, end of seeding the lie ,served several years in The Sect the pulpit, at ,the Firs purchased the Lyric Theatre from, � r � t eresbyterian �. .:. .. i_:. . .. . I ;, . � ­­ -1- , -active, and it tish volunteers before coming to Can- church on Sunday last Mrs. W. IT. Wmith, who is opeulrig� ::..;- , - . . ­ :j.": �.7 �: T.": j:., .*+"-. * — . . 0"4`0001000900+" I +", #*""� *##*"#*"1##""*##*,"7' t ado in seed will be . .:,.,:: ::.: � " I .-:-_:... .1: . : -1 :..-,:-1.!`. ;:.::, . ,.*. behooves every farmer -to take ,stock ada in the middle eighties to take a Alias Lai -kin bag returned home from out a Wonderland In Blenheim. .. I . 1. . � . �:��.:.'., , Frank Dodge's son was bil ten, ,4owe I . � � ­;;, , . igned , I.: :::: �,'.. k I Miss Mary A. Dark haa res, of what he has on hand to sow or IT a; visit to Londoni 1. I I :,: 4ays ago by a dog, 4ad, th uga Vie I her position as clerk in the rek ISMOA in the staff of thi, Montreal. I .,;��:; 11 . �) ,ristry what lie has to buy. ghSchQol. The wor� which brought Mr. William Crich left on Wednes- , - I ��::: ,:.. r lee, for the past 26 -years, holding In many places lealers say that Jun into public notice most vroxnArt- . ruain about a niontli. . I � __ ; animal's . teeth did not b C34 Me! off III day for Idaho where he expects, to re - skin, it is thought better to be ou the record lot long service, Miss the seed which is now coming in ently was. that in connection with A man, his wife and eight children, p I the safe aide, as the dog's lw4d, Dark, is building a handsome Alias A, Glue returned home on Sat. all � , new quite freely, from the farmers is more the cadet movement *1 J857-9. About urday last. . I . colored, were burned to aeath - ....... 7­.::%.:�.�:�..!.:,-�:. "I'll, I . �� . which was sent to Toronto for oxwn- brick residence on her lot, 'a the tirue of the Trent excitement : when their house was -destroyed by .;:;­�::, �'...;."",.....--..���':���:�:ii,:.:...... , WN, ..%;..-.:,::, �:: .......... .;:.: . _ , :.::.-.7::;.:,:,::.;..,, .-.::::;::-,�:;-;:: - ":;::,:.!;::;..;�.::,::::,::.;:.::..":,..7::;:,::�::..., . portiott polluted with noxious weed seeds cadet companies were formed in con. Mr,JoeDaw9on Ahd Mr. Trelaven ,re in North Carolina. .1 :::::: - � ination, was reported by Dr. Amyot of' the Garrow estate. We wish Miss than it has been for several sewsons. returnedfroni 4 trip to .04ngitind on 11 :,.­'':.:� *:,;� 1 --:- neetion with several of the higher pub. I .:$j:-:�!:.:::%!*:,:X:. �;,:.;;:.'__ .:.,.::.. .. aa suspicious of rabies. Dark health and prosperity. As a consequence there is heavy loss lie s.ehools; -but they all gr Monday, :;.'.:::;,;�;:.;:::-% ,:!::.;...:.!.::.: '; :X: : . ;�j,,, , I . ;.;';;':'Li:'�;':':.7.:''.":':;: `,".'.j::!. %�;;.' ; � . ,�',,., :,:::,.- .... � ,. ... .1 I . .. , , ... . During the absence of Rev. James in cleaning, and high c ass No. I died out, ab adualAv Mr. Curtis gave a very interestic James A. Patten, the Chipagn :.:,;.:. .. - ... �.'!;:..',.%:.:,:�:. - .'-:.�:, ':.�i'� �,:, r. .�.:,:: ,..? ;11 I Jacob J. Wilton, a Brussels mail, I :<': . ", .::::, : ',�:. - out th last to go un 9 '!:::;;:*::;X.;,. ..:7:�:.:�::_:.::, . ,::. ..;:.% ,a der lecture on Nature Study at the Young wheatking, was hooted and bustled .:,:,:::,::::..::.:.:::�,:,:;:!�:::::,:".:: . �, 'i. ,�, ., *:. : -.,:_�.: "��;- . i;�!�!�:::�iii;i�i!:, w .,­ ::::,:*�-i� . : .; .... " .... _ ,�t � -, bus been sentenced by His Honor A. Anderson a metallic ceiling is seed will be expensive. in view of being the old historical Montre.al ffif.rh Fee 'a Guild on Tuesday evening. on the Manchqster Cotton Exchange I....- -;;-IM, " , . . ....... .... to replace the present, one. . I these conditions it is APIae - Judge Molt to seven years in King- likely that School CadetRifteis of three cominanies t 0 . _ M,�%.;­:.:%�;.;,� _ , auction sale conducted in Sea. by brokers -who blamed his manipula- ,:i:�*i:-::�iK;�:��$; `0X::::i;-.:i� *,e,:-., .5, , The 11711 social hold at '* �'*-.:.--:,:- .�x­:�;-.­,X . ....." ­.­ . ..::_- , ­ 11.11, � I ,::"..9,M.A� :.: n I , ,:`::.;v:2 . K' --.':i*;: ,, ,'�, . .. . ­ . a "; _, , ;- , I , � .... ::;::, 4 cc , . :,:;!::;.:%X .: . ��,, . ston penitentiary, the cliarges against , Knox there will be a smaller proportio which disbanded in i88O. After the forth on Tuesd my by Mr., Thos. BrowD, ti , ons for their losses. �A* N, I I : him being'that of incest. church on Monday of last week, lln� than usual of No. I seed placed on Worthwest, Rebellion, 11385, the people prices. as follows were reAllzed:-Foar I :,:�,:��.�:::::7:::�::::�'��,-..�'..,::���.:�i:i�iii��;:��:;: I&, .. . . -1 . I - ;,..:;;:�:,:;�.:!�!:::!::�:.:�:i:!:;::�;*::::7 .%.1Ti:i ;:- :� ,.,.' , , -1 ". ..' ��,�;��:. �;�:. �4 .:.., ., :.:;i.:.:;:::;:::.:!::,;;:!:::,:::,:.!;:.:.. .: .. . Fire brokV out in the sanctuary in der tile auspices of the -IMeGillivray � the market, and considerable of the se- of C4nads began to take more interest year old to J. Murray, Bennington, for .1 .... I ;.:::�::. w:..X :,�:,:-i§�f.i in the in —, ___ - :.;:::!:::;::,:::�::...::::.�.;:.:.;.!.:.''......:..,.:.;�;.;.'. " ... , , . , " . -%X.:-:, � 111tia, and several cadet corps $280t f6uryeair old to Chas. Anderoon, * :i:��-:iii::,i.:..i.i:�:i:�:�:�::i:i:i:i::�;,,::.**"", � .� ......... i..'.' � . St. Peter's Roman Catholic church) Mission Band" which'was the anni- vond-rato seed will prob4oly lhopretty were organized in Ontario. L :1:t_.1 :��...:*::::�,, �-n.:;,., r, versaryof its inaugura leut. Vorest, for $2-W, three year old to R. i:;:::;::::,:::.,];;;:-i;:�;�:i:.!i:::�:�:�,:�:.::,*;:::;: "' ql.. ­ I ...." :!�::�:., Saturday afternoon, and did a great , tiou, was 4 � close to the prohibitive line. It is Gregor ( Auction Sale R i::;�::.:i:i�i:il�:i:i:�::.i:::;.::�;i.i.::]��it::��--i.:;i�.::.;:::::::�!1, ,::.::;:: .now Prof. Gregor of McGill), McLellan, Tuckersmitb, for $220, tbree ,� . egister W: � �,:: .,,;.::,�, " � .: r_:...;;,..'.- , . , . ... 1. � ': - ::::::x, in: " I .:.:::;,::�;:.,*.,::i:�;�:::i:i;i;:,:;:::.*:.:;.:.;,�.�..�.;...:.,... :,:�iii.ii. . .. ..� ;:, I.: '1.:;:;;;-; ,; .. , - . i....- !�: -��,:,7:;:j; ::. amount of damage, The parish priest, soven fold success, Those who kind- therefore especially important this it member of the High School fa- 17eaSPA111 to W. Hamilton Crowarty, �il;:i::����i��::]:�:�����:�i�:�iii�i�:�i:li��:::����: , -, ,;_, ;:,� ly took part in the program ' were : year that larmerq, who have to buy w" or Saturday, Mar. 19th, at the Grip ;III-;:-:;; _;.,�;..;. ..,...: " Rev. Father McRae, was at dinner cuity., and was instrumental in secur- a team of four year old greys :i*:�::,!:::�:�:�:�:�::::�i�:j�i:�;;:i:�::.::,:�:�:i:i.: . : � : -:,;:.:;: . .,:.;: :: "::: :j. ::!;�:;;:::. ��:.�.*:"- " �....; Frank Doty, Violin solo ; Miss Lot- seed -should use every .p ecaution' to ing cofficial recognition of the linvort- . to D. Fotheringhaw, Tackeramith, for .......... ............... . .... ...,:.i:�!�::: ., , at the time, and when ,he wentl into r House,. 6eaforth, a choice 100-icto i::i:il::i:i::i�:i�:i:i;�:i:iii;i:iiii;i�i�l�:i::-:i:i:*"!,::!:;::�,:�.::::*.-;.. ::-!j:;;j..;;:::` :,.., .: .;::j: - .. '.,.'.-� ............. * . . ,;,.:., : **:,-;:..:,�%;.- . . . . the church thiD main altar was alroadl tie AfeCreath, vocal 0010; "Soven see that they do not get a supply -ot &Ace. of military drill among the vV. $400, five year old to. J farm in, McKiziop,-E, j. Murphy, 3��' "." `:::j:-:�:�t :�. , awes Scott, � :�:����i:i:::�:::;:i:ii�::::��::,::::..,..;.;�.,,.- , ::;:� falling. The beat caused 4 large numbers" Misses BlMe Galt Isabel :of weed seeds, If you want h Pils. Wbeit Mr. ,:j:�:!,::i::::::.:::::::.-'.'�...",:,.;:.....,. !:%%�X ;:...­ ._'. :- ....�,.:,:,.;.::.:.;::;i:.,....- :$" .;t:::ii-::i!:�. � . . :�:i . I , �i i:.*: i.'.� .1 igh Macaulay joined. the for $262, six year old to, proprietor ; T. Brown, auctioneer. �,..':�::�:�:,:::.,-�,::::�77::::�:;:;�:':�:�:�,�:::�::..;.. . . ....:;� :.��:-;� j;`::;jj;;::: '% . ainount of plaster to, fall, and the Matheson, Viola MoOlacilierty, Paisy class pure seed, and are willing t6 staff he divided the drilling and oalis- 111)r111)m1i46111t3yr10s,, McKillop. for$245, four � !�;;::::::::.:.:;7:,:.:.:..,;.:;:.:�:;:;::;:::::::.:�::���. :*,... .:*:.::::�:.:::.,:� - ..�:i�.....,. heat and water damaged the ' d Masters Percy i3eattio -pa ' thenio work with his colleague and year old to James Norris, Hibbert, for I - I . ii::i:�,����ii�i..-:�i�i��:�::::�i:::������:.,.*�i�iiii��,::�-�:"�.�.!. . . 1. , -.%,..:.:;:-�!: ..:. �:i::!:,� i.: "U... � ;::*i*�;:�;i:�;i:i:�:i:�:i::�:::�::i::*::;:::::i.�;,::::.::;.i;.�:::.*:,- ­::::�::::i!:::i,S,i,.., I ; wood- _y the price, place your order early keen rivalry developed between the' $218, three year old to John rrow, , :,:;;�:::-::.-:�' :; -�::: ­: . work badly. The loss is fortunately and Horace Kell. The Idtter and Is- for gua-ranteed No. I -seed, and 'to c4sees of , the two 1;i:;.,;"...,..!;,."..iiiii,'i�:i;iii�ii:iii�;::,:.:::.�.i;;:.:i::..::::�, ;_::.:- ii�,�.:i"� .1 1. ; '" n cc I ::�:�:j�j:;::�.� . ..... :;:;:.T ..... - McLellan for $220, af ".:�:�i:::. , .:.. .... * : Staillev, for $251, -three year,, .... .. , . :;::, Young wasters. Com- ma to A: NOTICE .-UNDER AND BY VIR- ":"';':"';"*":""""""'**" ::::,.. '. .... . .. ... .. , .... �.�.-.'.'.-...; jil: covered by I surance. . abel Matheson Illustrating their reci- a that the sced is up to standard, pe"Utions were held, the military train� terwards sold to tue of By -Law No. 4. of the towii- :::;::.::!:i::::::: . "' X",:.X.:.X. . � ` i: "", * I., � . �::�.j;jX`.,..'.'.". . . 1".. tations. Mrs. Rev. :i�ii::i�::�-`:ii�:�i�%.:.. ,...;::. ", .111 .. " Hamilton gave send a sa James Dow. oromarty, at.Anadvarice, ........"..!..". 1 .._ - .1 ... ...' ;;. ..'... .,:..,: ;X% .. - . .. . , .:: ` :":;'�"".".""�':,-..'.-.':.:'.,!-,.,.,.,........, Z:, . .. ., . . . ".. , . - . . On Saturday Mr. F. H. Spence, ,, I mpler to the Seed Labora- ins developed and in course of time ship of Hullett, notice is hereby .:.��i�. ., � .. .... ,,, � ... .. . . Inland Revenue Inspector, Mrs. and A Fresh Air" reading I 'Mitutie, tory, Department of Agriculture, Ot, the old High School Cadet Rifles were two year old W Jae. Cameron, Tucker- given that all dogs within't1i mun- . . � : .. . the Misses Spence, accompanied, by Quinn's Farm -,. vocal solo,, Miss'Nor- tawa, and., you will be sent a report revived by Major Macaulay as a bat. Smith, for S18D. Hve year old to Hugh a Miss Conner, of the Berlin and Wat, ma Whitely ; even days In the weelc giving the grading and the kinds and talion of four companies, and as such Stewart, Walton, for $100i three )vear iciPalltY of Hullett be securely . s they paraded before the Duke of Con, old to, George Muldoon', 13ruBsels, for chained or kept under lock and key emloo hospital, returned to Berlin. illustrate ' d by the seven memm num e ent, if any, I I . 4195, four yehr old to Geo, Muldoon for or c6nstantly muzzled with ,effective On Tuesday of last week at-, the bers, e , .naucht. The militar- enthusiasm I . ' oraing prepared ' for the The standard for No. I seed is .. not spread from tive High go;bool and b A home work of each day, ,k lititle tot ' -e- $200, three year old to L. Elliott, ('ro- metallic muzzles, and kept on the DAUG"rAft, OF MRS, SAMLIEtt.4 VIONL24U. .Y.P.A. mleeting held in St,'Geor- more than one norious weedsceA per fore long thwe were ovpc 1,000 uni tnarty, for $IM, two veor old to A. Mo- promises of the owners or harbor,- I se's Lecture Hall, Rev. Mark Turn, with a Bible under her arm represen- 1 . ,500 of g9od . - Lellau for $2 118. SAM UELLE VIGNEA U, Am. . � W, a team of five year old ers, Any dog or dogs found runn- horet, Isle do La �vI4 seed, while in � the formed cadets in Montreal, ,Most of � M bull, read an'interesting paper on ted the Sabbath Day. Game of second quality five weed seeds. per the senior officers of the greys to Ji%mes Colquhoun,'Stratford, ing at large in this, municipakty, writes: I � gdaline, . Can., . � Militia in All, $400, three year old to D. Crawford "Literature, its Choice and Useful- "Buzz" explained by Miss. Morris, af- 1,000 are allowed, or 7i tirries . as *he Montreal district did their first contrary to the provisions of the III write in tell yon, (bat I am per- ness." , ter which refreshmn . many. Farmers who h4ve sced for ,oldiert" ,,, , MeRillop. forS191, three yearold to' * , . . a' cadets about this time. D. Bruce for 82W. five, year.old to John . said By -Law, nxay be shot or oth- felctlY Well- I took only three bottles I , Mr. King, formerly of Wingham Robt. Brown has purchased the sale, or even if they have oulv enough . Strathcona Likes Masons. . Cook, Dublin, for $248, four year.old to erw . ise dastroyed during the time I of Your Feruna arcor(flug to your ad - but for some time of Goderich, in' 'King E (1ward Hotel on Kingston St. for their own use, should also have We sometimes bear of 0011-Mosons W. L. Grinney. Usbc,rne, for $196, the Government regulations relating vice and tile ollmOtions in your book, . � . � . taking an interest in the *charit4is (it I bree year old to J, Dennis, NoKillop,. to rabics rema nd It rgstored -my hoalth. . tends removing to Mrs. W. Craig's- frc�m ex -Mayor Thompson for ;4000. it i.vsted fox purity, be0re, selling oir .the -order, and it must .b6 i)1vasint, for $304, ware bix years old Jn in force, All pre- a house on.West street. -. . . .Mr.. and Mrs, Chas.. -Watson left sowin'g. It this is not tl,)ne there, is . to 3 obn for their home to the ,craft to know that Lord Stratii' NcOluskey., -Goderich, for $260, five -viously .existing . notices or pro-' "It also cured iny daughter, who Is 17 . Mrs. and Miss Amey, who - have . in � NeV I York last dariger. of selling seed in viohitioll, t-1 c�olla, himself 4 non -Mason. has coll_ year old to John Norris, Hibbert, for clamations issued by this munici- years old, She took one bottle accord. � ; been living at Burford for a, couple week. - I . I __ the Seed Control Act, 6e farrlier.s tributed the slim of $5,000�14wards $238, re -sold to John Rogers ar, an ad- , pality respecting rabies in dogs Ing to directions. i ak;auYe yo I u that no 11 � ing to their real, Xrs. Sam, Ward has disposed r, her are quite as -liable to prosecution for the orection of a Masonic. temT)le ut .vance, four year old to -John R. Ellis, are. bor�by withdrawn. By order of doctor is equal �to your book and your . I . dence on East street. . property on Picton street and Brit- selling low gra46 clover Lecol a-aseed Aberdeen. Althoueh, not a membi,l, j), Parkhill, for $243, t'hree yearold to the reove,-Jaines Campbell,. Clerk. advice, I have ret,oininierided your rem- I , I . I I . Motto : When you, find fortune favor annia, Road,. to Mr. Wni� .Bell of Dun- dealers, I . I the order. Lord Stratbcona says that Frank Allan, Grideiich, for $239, six . . . . � 1 -2 edy to a nuni t)er of persons.- I you, extend vour usefullims, .. gannon, L I � . .Ribgrass is one of the o6ranToapst nlany of his friends are ardent mfmi. year old to James Norris for 228, three . � ... . I .. 20 1 1 L And now It is Beckett and Co. Mrs. Fred. Davis is in Philadel-. weed seeds found in. clover seed r of Freemasonr:' . � - — .� I I ' . I N, s of the craft v - year old to,lawes Smillie Hensall, for I A Woman's Rernetiv. . . L ' having accompanied her daug4- one. of the in' and .The No*rthern,Freemasbn.' . $215,'tbree year old -to Ge�'rge Muldoon I I I I . '�Alr$.A.L,.Stoufter,CapioLaa,KanslLip, I Mr. Beckett came to Croderich a few phia I oa arate :, ,. . . I . I tor$200.foUrLyear-old.t6 FrankAllan I I . . Writes: e staff of tile tki: there some Weeks ago, and Mr-. by machinery. Where a farmer has �. . for $175, three year old drivin .1 . . 11 '. "Peruvo has .gevea me health and I . . � .". K. F. factory. There he tried to in- Davis has been the guest of'relatives. only a small (lu,antily of 4- . . . D McNaughton.L g colt to I ' , L I t,ced to . Chiselburst, for $73., rengsh. it Is lopbess nieftlelile tbatwaa . I . e gramophohe. A� In Seattle, They *111 probably re- handle, tile following method of snp- �' I 1. The pacing snare. , Baliv, Wilkes, was � . - 8" " . couple of years ago be managed' "Ye turn about Bastj�r to prepare f6r aration might be found practicable : Marriages. . I eold to 0. Psarce, and a Mon Bars colt I �BRIE_A . I ever Made for women. My triinds say I I I ,.f Oldo Curiosity Shop," arid now their, summer ' guests, . Wrap a few fanning mill sieves with RILE, -Y-WRIAGHT-A, t the manse wa;.­aJso'aold', lomb. at a good pi lee. .;_. I they never saNv such a change in & I .P Mrs, Thos W E. Rot of Afeltilinp bought the driv. A continued increase woman. I caaacit say too Mach for ' I he is keeping two ,places of business . Harnwell of Saskatoon, two or three ply cheese eloib. Dam, McKillo,p, Mar. .2nd, by.Rev. D log pony. I ., . . I .. 0 mers . I I . I I . O.; on Hamilton street and instead of G. Sask., ;whospent the past winter the Pon the cheese cloth and sprinkle the , Carswell,. Elizabeth Wrig t , cl .: . . . I I f satisfied custo Parun,A.11 I IVV. Beckett, it is Beckett & to, 94est of her mother, -Mrs. 'MoT4vish ., . I , h , * I .. . 1. iroves Agnew's I X L,. . .. I I .� clover, seed containing r1bgrass over .AfeKillop to Joseph Ril I ey . of - ­ . � . I I liread cannot be equalled . ' . . . ". On Monday Rev. James A. Ander.: of Kincardine, and of *Mrs. D. Fergil- Jt, In;a injilute or tWo.the moistur I .. . . . Trouser at$4. I I I , . i . e liallett. " I I . . .. . � . . I for its fine. flavor, texture. . S I I -o, her home In 'will dev6lop the mucilage of, the � � . I . � . I � . .10 .son left for Montreal to attend the son of town, returned t I PAPPLE-AIONK-At Alio fininsel, Eg, � Brucefield, - 4nd keeping qualibies. . . We biwe placed in stock a few pat. . � Board of French Evangeliz.,otion, and Saskatoon- last week. - . ribgrass,. causing- -it 'to stick to . the - moiidvillc,. Mai. I., I . . . . . ­ � ., . . . . . � 1� J . � - h, by Pev.. N� . Oar ot Ctotis Bung ' terns of importecl trouserings, includ- . . I 0.1, � � I at which he will receive the degree of On Monday afternoon of -last Week *cheese cloth.- With a little dryin by . Shaw, Isabella 'Monk, dauglaii'r o' once I - foothill * . H - ing light, inedinin, and dark grey- 11 . . . g I again the season, is, : . ill be -a. I . Doctor of Divinity. . I the W.M.S. of North street church wind or heat the clov r seed -will fall ' Mrs. .Robt. Monk, to 'J)avid dra�wing nigh' and we are led . . W .winner Out, or- . worsteds *hich Ive cit . e to believe , . � . Rev. Mr. Elliott will officiate at had � their' regular - , monthl . G'* that once) again Brucefield will enter a . . ders are coming fast, - ineasure 'for $4. This is* exceptional ' .y 11160ting, off and leaVe the. ribgrass sticking to' Papple, all of Tuckersm.111. . - team in th* ' I Aet us haveyours. - . `J Knox Church morning and evenipg on when a,4 13aster DrograinAvas rendpr- , I . eltitermediat6series of .the . . . . . value and worthy of your inspection it - - - -1 � I the cheese cloth,**Th6.ribgrass .can SHAW­m-PIPE�--Irt Morris, Mar, 9thf W,F.A.' This being the case, it, is nigh ; I . I. — � .. you are n�eding a pair. . I I . 1. � . Sunday next. On the Sundays,follow. ed and the Ea ' st�r- offering taken.. The then be scrapid oft.'and the ol)eration by Rev. Ai C. Wishart, . 'Ptail, Uffid for "organization,. as doubtless - , ' I Wo.a,l90 have it full -rang�. of SpAnIr . . I . . . ing Rev. Dr. Ramsay of Ottawa will. . samb evening , -a tea; was. given At r0peatcol with as man I y sieves as 6an - . . da4liter of Mr. and M . rs. mvid Spring 'will soon open up, I a , , �Svitings'in the new browns arid greys. � . . I . . ; . , Ilzvid nd..the . I � bc� kept -going, This, method, of '. Pipe of Morris,'to J. .S. '81mv ct greater majoritt of thoi football fans of.' - - ' Our special. blue serke, suithigs, guo6r!!- , . � fill the pulpit. . which .'. a mos * t' interesting, program W. Hi. AONEW I I . . . , . . I ' .. I - 1. . . , Mr. M. 0. Johnston, barrister, has. was rendered. - , - � .1 ; course ig ,slow, but. it can be used . .'Brussels, � our villagemill. o bdsily. engaged in - '' PHONE 42. . anteed Indigi)(1ye, Are a winner at $M : I - . . ..'On Tuesday evening R.ev. Dr. Doug- for ' . . I . ' � farwitigbperations, Which will ket$p ., .. . . . I . been made a K. 0. I .afih'all. lots'. , . . I I . . . I . . 11 The suit Aisliallysells at$25- - KZSTLE�HALL-�-In, Exet � I . I . ot � I .. . 0 . . . I or North,: theip away from the' burg more� or less' � I . .. . . . . 1. . . . . .1 .. j. I e . - I : . The horse Fair on Saturday- was a all gave an address. on the w rk 'of Care 1�n Ahe seliection of. seed'is the . �farch 9th, by Rer. Mr. - Fear very night (if the week, It will be re- � . . . . I pronounced success. ' . . John G. Paton in the NeW.Hebrides, first . ess I - in .the. production of ir .. t . . . . I . I 11 I I . * . . - Mr. Dobson of Vancouver is * the which Wai most interestin . and - i . entia , . Emma .H.; daughter of .. a, n d Ineftibeied-that the loeill Rovers were, - � - - � . . . � . .G. W. BARGE & CO, I . - . ,g , .;. il- clean crops; but to produce a ' v1dan Mrs,'Iiaiah I -Tall of Exet' obt'of the r ' ------- I- . . � . . . I er North, ' ; list y6Ar by ilio, #+##"00040*"## 1 e tsfor British Americah Dyeinir . . � guest of Dr. Walter Turnbull. . structive. - . .1 � . . "' n untinil . I I . g n I . I .1 .: clover seoid,riop this niust besupplc� to John.�Kcstle. . . Pu .Intermediates from Brupselai .. . . 1. .; "Polly" the pet of Mr. and Mrs - brick house .on Nowigatq mentek b " seeding on well prepared, DOT)(-�-DYKE--At, ­ . h ky b'games the Roverd'did - all in . and Cleaning Co., hl(liltreal. I � The 60W . Aiabqt . : . ­ . .1 y, . , Knox. - chlirch, t he men from . el : � . George Williams of Odd Follows! ha� street, owned by Alderman Mun ings, ,clean land and w�edhig. in .the. field.- , ' - Goder . belf power -to Overcome t A. Hligh. -Grad , , I .. . I " .. I - 1ch, on March 14th, tty Rev. tbeNorth, but *despite all effox Ui to con. .. . I . I # ": . .. . � . has called "Emma" for the laist has.. been.. purchased by Mr, Alfred Teb- ­ - - - �- 1. I I I . . I . . � 1. . I 5 � '. . . � . .7-T..G. RAYNOR. Jas. A'.- Anderson,. Gr2.tce Ik) �0, quer, the Northerners proved tnem- . , "O' t, . . � � 1. ... I . ' 0 ,� * was . . . - I Y .. . . I . - :. � as pure . I . � � � . Douglas, to, Charles Doi . � frow Brucefield, but won the trophy. 11 ... �� # : , �. human being. Mrs. Williams was so Peen in .Toronto for some-. time under ' ' ' . , ­ . .. I I ­ . ­ y . . - .. to the boys of this year. to pltky p. - . I ctors In . � ,� . . . . RIO t'IQVO'R- LICENSE ACT ... . . .. I The three . fa the . , , Out , I . I . . � . . . gr e r line. The speech of this bird.,b.utt *of Godel(ch township, . I : 1. . .1 ana-riele . of 'Misi .' . -School ' as that of � , 6 .' Lighthouse -keeper : � Campbell - has . . Torrance tbebette�tearo,' and n6r, onl won' - ., . I Z I 6NTA It is up . atch � I careful. of the sced that she gave it the care of.a. specialist, ., - - ­. -Lice'nse'Pistrret of -Centro, Huron' .. . . . Births... . . as they never did before and set before , acquiring, of an ed I tication . � . � � . . I I . . . . . I . � . . ' .1 . . . .. I . . I I. . . . . � .. . . . .. . 11 . for food, that she never had any On. Monday of last week the rc� Notice . is hereby - given that David , - . . � them the one motto ,!Detertnination to I ,.are teacher, text -book and' I . . I ­______--1W*--6. 4900— . . . . . . , . I . . trouble with "Polly"I but one day pains of the late Miss Zeda. Spiznce, . Crawford bf Clinton has made ap- DAIX.-On the Huron Road,' -Tucker- succeed" and if this be done, Brudefteld . . atkident. Hker since, its in- 'O . I I I .1 � . � . ­ ­ . , I last week she gave t a little boiled eldest daughter of Mr. and - Mrs. F. . smith, �on March 16th, to Mr'. and at large will once boasi of the Ititer- . � :, ception the'Qintou Bubiness , -' . are'.now itt. our * - . I plic�ation for piermission to transfer Mediate Champion6hip and the 'boys , � . I corn -which she thinks caused its. IT, -Slicnee of Berlin, were brought to . . Mrs. Chris. Dale, a son.* I College has secured leacbers. I We . . I . . . his -Tavern license for the premises . 'will surely bring the Silverware to our . new. store, 011le . . . 1. -.1 . . of the widest experience aind I . . . death. . ­ town. ,for interment. TIi6 funeral, .ROWLAND-In Brussels, on, - March village. lb 16 also rumored that Bruce . ripest Scholarship.. Theltext. . outh of: our oldr . -khoWri'as th6 Commercial Hotel -to- . . . d0ior s On Sunday evening in, spite of" the Which was, priVate, t6ok ' place . on . * � I �. 5th, to, Mr.r and Mrs. J. F. Ro.w- Held. will Ile represented. in. the Junior � . � Tues(l .. . - Reyn t, 2 Mich. * . .1 . 'pub . . - ­ . . J. B: olds of'D4rol hooks used are the best. - . . storm Knbx church had a 14rg�'at-" ay ,afternoon from tho:home 'of' . .. 1. ;, land :- a daughter; (still born.). ' series of theW.F.A, ' This therefore is Relied, � consequently . their stand " an'd with : the, ., in- .- - I . .., . , . and. ;that said application will be � I � 9 ,. . -of .. th(, , 'poWbL47-14 Seafort � .. raduates-bavireceived the . . .a . _. - . � % - .1 j . I g - , .. . . . I te ening. chose"n. Mrs. Henry 1V1a:rlto1l,. grandmother . of. i con�iddre'd at'Ahe meeting� . 11, on*&ar. �tb, , new question to be oliscuskied. This . �, . nolance, it b6ing'the ev . . . . . . Wage I � creased sho . . . vi .can -easily put two teams in tl$e- the beat positions. and I their � W case, room I by Rev. Jas. A. Anderson, on which tile I - deccaspol '­ Rev. Mafk . Turnbull . - .. ' . . to Mr.- and.Aln. .John- Pdwe I . . I I I � .. ... . . i. .:. . . . . : r ' . Board. of License Com-issiorier.8 '-'to son . . i* '... . . . 1 % , � A field, and if the, plaver.4 do.th�lvpart to , � .success lins.'lle. . I ... -, . . eu unrivalled. are more P.reparedi'to.dis- . . I ''. � . - - buse and ­ . .Ct . . giTih9 boubr to the rown, it .is ni�od- This school receive -9 addition- . . . . . I to preach a "special". sermon -to. the' r6nd.ucting the strvicep at h . be held at Clinton on. Thufsoldy, the I . . 1. ' . . . I . LBERT-At'St', Hel ,. . . ­ . . . . : . . . . . Sailors 'and Fisbernien of our port cemetery.*. . The pallbearer , 'were Ith day of April, 1910, at, tile at prestige.bvibeirig affilial:46d play QUI ; large, Stock of '.' ' . .' I .., - Saunde, s u 177 , . . . ens on March .less bo'say that the many. warm 6up. . I with the Co ial Educa- . .If . : . . � . t - : and for it he chose a pamage, fro ' Alei�sr%; Chas. rs, James C 5th' a,.daughter to Mr. and Mrs. ters inAhis vicinity.of this urieq'ual I I in 11 . _ hour of 1.80 p. in. All. persons (In- - . ­ . . . I 0or . mulbre I I I � � ti . , ike, 'Frank Lawrence and. Fred. .DOy. , �qam. Cylbert. . . -SUMn . 3et, . . . .. Proverbs. He told thein that lis I 11 � . '. � I'd out-do0f Sport will be -only, 0 tors' Association of Canada, - 'Watiche,s'i- Jewelry� SiNe -- - - . - was the season for the captains .to Many bcautif& floial offerings '*ere ,.� .teresteft, ,,vill. govern.',tli6inselves ac, � . I , , . . I � . -too glad to secure bile., ,,hard .cash", I . ".. which comprise.4 Canada's : . .. . r I . .. , , get their shipping all ready to. -go placed ,upon- the casket, , Miieli*. cbrdingly­.k. -Asquith, . License i. �4Deathq ; * ' . ' ' which is necessary. in the makliig of greatest ebain of High Grade " # ware, Clocks and Pane . I I � I . . - .- . . .sym- Jnspector. Dated at* Auburn this . I . � 11 , . I . �. . . . . anyLbirigasuceess. No' . .. X - , ­_ . out on the waters, and the fishermen pathy is .expiessed for'the parcritIs � . vv let us -one - Modern Actual Business _�'. � . -16th day of March, 11Y10. OLSON-In Clinton 'on March 13th,; and -all be up and doing. Call a, rueetr : .China. We will bepJeas.' . . and frlcnd;�5 in ..their � sudOn bereave . . . I . � . . # - Schools. - . .. , , . 0 . . . 1. . . I to get their nets all in-readin6ss for . �. .� . I . I . . . . . . Gladys`- Honrietta. Matilda, .daugh-. ing to elect Officers, notainate a DO&- : , - - , I 0 ed to hav*e all our fr .. . I . � ­ . . I - � 9K . . ... . the different places in which their ' meht. 1* . . . ., ae.to the Annual weeting of tile . . . jends.' . - duties lie, and to thank God that ­ ,..� . � . .1 1. .% I ... .I . I .� . I :. ter of Mr..'.and Mrs�. 'Carl' Olson, . Western Football, Associad id the : THE SPRING,T.ERM OPENS I *.' . .. . 9: . . .. . - . . .. a.ged �-months alla 9, .lays. . Jon at . . ' I. andclsW lm.'.ers call . . I I .. . . .. they, have been blessed with good I � I . . � 31ORTGAG,E..SALH.-tJNDV,R AND . . transaction of all necessary business. . . I . March 29th and April 4th. . . I . � . 'at. any I . . . . i I . , . . I . .1 � - by virtue of the poW,ers contained GRTFF1.TU-1n* Goderi6h 6n March AlissSadieBowiery.who is engaged . I lime,-, - . I . health during the. past s.mson and 0000000 00000000 000000 001 . . . . I . . io put all their trust in God for of 0 . . . .. � . I in a certain morigage: NVhich will -� 5t1t, Charles Elvin Griffith,.aged with the firm of Tozer &:. Brown of . :.4 . ___ . � . 0 1 . Write for Particulars. I I . ' ng,. 0 � A'.WORD TO ;MOTHERS. 0 , ental -roof . . . � I . . ' themselves they could do nothi i bo'prodqcpd 'at the time of sale, *. 8 years inu 8 months. . I Clinton, spent Sunday under the par I. . . ' A . I . . I . there - iii'll ,be offered for sale by 1100PER-4n.Exoter, on March 2nd' I . . . ­ I . . CLI.NTON . . ... . I'll ! reed he said, would make a good 0 ­ . I � . 1. � .0 �� liu6lic Alariii G� Pedler, wife of Air. f " Sinion.AleKenzienfid friend visited .. . . I A -IJ, GRIGG I � ... .1 � I basket, but of what avail would it. 0 - No matter whether b"aby is - O - auction by .D. M.; Watson, I , . Wil- 'Blyth and Wingbarn friends tbisw k Business C . . � . . . .. 1. I auctioneer, f,the town. hall in.the liani H. P,"Hoopoi, aged 66 yea ,e -L , .61.1ege - . ' � L . . .1 . .� . .. I . be if they were in danger jor tiw -,in- 0 �sick or well, Baby's Own Tab- 0 � -a - . rs Mr. Chas, Gibbons bas t�evered 11 I - -, GEO. SPOTTON PRIM ' � 1 .9, months' I'l Jewler and 0.$idaii � . chor which does such good service to. 0 lets Aould be kept in the home 0 toWn'of Clinton on Saturday the . and 8 days. . . connection wibb Harry Little on the . I . . . I . . I I 16th - day of April,'J,910, at the .MOFIRING-At Beilmiller on March Government Stage and has began. 'his *,#"0#**"*####4 so*, Issuer otlarriage Licenses. . a boat -w'hat would it do.. in the 0 always. They ,not only 'ctire 0 � . . I . 1 3W of duties with Mr. ueo. Weir. . .. . � . *"** . . . hands of a man avlone on the water' hour' of .2.30 o'clock in -the after- . 8th, Catharine Mobring, w1d4 I.. ­ — . � . I . - . I . . . I . . . 0 tale minor troubles* to which 0 ' I thelalb Manue 'Tile sacranleiii; of the'Lord's supper - � . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . His sermon was full of good guidance 0 babyhood and childhood is sub- 0 - noofi, the following property ,. . I I Afohring, in her wa* -dispensed -in the *Presbyterian. . 11 � . Parts of Lots 'numbers 205 and .. . a — . I . � -inow . � . ' — for them as well as for the lands- 0 ject, but will prevent them 0 . .. . 200 , * I church on Shbilath morning last when . . ... . __ . om -�_- . . . . I .. � I in danger of tempta- .0 coming on if ihe'child is given 0 on, Alb.cr.t strect in tile town .of WAT�ON_in , Goderich, -on March oodly .'number of the r�ernbers of , - . . I I . . . .. . I . I . 4th, James, Watson, � aged years a . . % . tion and keep their,' hearts full of 0 an occasional dose of,the'rnedi- 0 Clinton. On the property is erect- RO thg, congregation -were present. Rev. . . . * . I courage by daily, asking God's guid- . 0 cine. � -Mrs. Geo. T. Walker, .0 Zed d ' t�vo-storey building, - , t � . I month and .7 days. I . . % 5 Particular Women Buy - - . � he * � Mr. Sharpe. of Exeter conducted Ore- RLa ons' . Why . . . . I I . . I �. � . . , ­ ance. Ile also g�ve them a couple of. 0 Mascoucho , Rapids, Que., say . a: 0 1-ground-fl.00r of.whidi is used as : a -LEATHERLAND - In Tuckersmith, Paratory services on Fr.;.day last. . � . . . . I . .. ;.. . . . ... . ' . illustrations of persons trusting in 0 111. have used .Baby's , O'Wn Tab�- ,O bakery and confectioner's store, the on March, 4th, Robert.1t, infant � . I I �.. . . � . . . . I 1. .� . . . . � I , ' � . .1 . � I I . .. . � � - . . . . . i - God in the midst of danger one of 0 lets for constipation'mid other 0 upper storey .being used partly. for son of Mr. and. Mrs. Edward _7� � Ij ; . .1 I .. . I � . .. � I . I ' �� � ' � . . . .. I I � I . . them being published fn a book en- *0 disorders of .blitldhood and arn. . re,:Adential purposes and.partly * .as Leathekland, aged 3 inonths and ' ­ RELINDO " I I . 0 assembly hall. For terms and. con- 10 da�s. .... I WANTED. -AT ONCE,. .A. , GOOD , . titled "Nailed to the Mast" by* an -0 so pleased with them that I 0 . , . . . ' I . . I . "Old Salf," -A, full clidIF-i4fig, iy dltjnns�_ol LOWEIRY-1h '� girl to . do housework.�Apply to . I 11 . '__a_J-O­dLTw' ... a`y's�-Ibcil-lbd�-TidZlctirift A'li --Or --- __saLe_p J , Seaforth on .,March Oth I . I ,pply__&�% 5!xVii9pj�,.. _­"Jil � -1.1---L � - ----- . - I ­!_. I - .. � . beautiful anthem, 0 Vendor's solicitor, ow6iY;-aged�-71-y6a,xs. ---.-M-rs-All�-J,acksoti-,J-ri.;�H,igh,-.street-'..- TWOK MW - � EMW I I I At the orLcrv*0iy .house."'Sold by -medicine deal- 0 1. . Dated 17th . , ­ �. .­_ ­ ­ �­. . __ ­­_ .- ­ I . I I . I 1. ---1 �, I - ­ � I - I.. . day . S : A osep i , . . -1 I ­­SROES the quartette was sung "Fierce were 0 ers q by mail at 25 ccnt�. a� 0 ... of Mardl, 19106 1, , , I . . . M LLACOMBE-In Exeter, on I . . I I . . I. .. ., I . . . � � �­ - __ � � I . I . . I ­ � - . the wild billows." As the congrega- 0 box from The ,Dr. Williams, 0 . — March 2tid, John Smallacombe . . . .1.. . . F � . . I , a c 79 years, 4 month . .. ". flon filed out "God be with you till 0 Medicine Co.; Brockville,, Ont. 0 . I . . �., 9.4 . and 14 T8 NDERS.-TE NDERS WILL BE A I . I I was ming 1,y ' the I I . , . I . , (lays, . ,eived by the council of Mullett �, Re i fido Shoes add to ihe grace and charm I .­ . I we meet again" 0 OKE -In. ,Exeteri on' March 4th rot, . . . I . . . � . ,choir. J 00 000 0000, . I R up to April 2nd -for .the job 'of rais- of e'very 'Woman wearin them.' That eas .; . .. I I I � - . . core, relict of the . late. ing the Loild,esboro bridge about one . . . 1. . y ' . !--------�--.�---..--.-----�---.--� _________.._1___-_,- ­­­_­.­_ . . . . , I . . . . 0 The' 15th - . I Mary Sh foot higher and for flooring the I . - I � James Oke, aged .67 yeats, .1 . gliding Wa , so characteristic* I � . . . I -1 . " I It . . . . I ____ -, I inonths and 13 days. �- � same, with Elm pl if lness, is .a sure evi- I . . I . l I ank, wbich, will C . . . . . . . QTOR�--In Goderich -township On be supplied by the xotincil. on. the . .... 1�, . . ] 111�0( , . I , . Anniversary . . illiam Proctor, aged spot. Also offers will be r'c'oeived . 11 ". i . I � I . 1. .. 11 . March 18th, WI ­ , dence of shoe comfort. . I I . - . '. 1 61 y*ears, I . . Ithi � . . . . � ApApe , - . . . . � w in, the same time for painting , 6) W - . . 0 Em '16 %W %wo 4-P . . McCARTHY-1n, Goderich ou Ivarch 'the said bridge after -being raised. I �. i I I -1 . ,y I 19th, Thomas William �"vjcehy�thy, The lowest or any tender not nee- , . ! . _.. ., Rehndo 8hoes embody &0,ry. , . P ; . . . " - . . I .. I 1, . I . aged 84 years., - . . . - I point that makeS for shoe . I I I . I . I . I On MARCH 17tho 1895, - . I ossarily aeceptcd.�James Campbell, . I started in business I . . I . E.. I - Clerk. ­ perfection — besides having .. I I WANTED - I I . . I . . . I I I 1� many exclusive feawres. � -, . . in my pref,ent 'etore an,d bt,, WANTED AT ON=- A SUXTABLru I . . . . . J dwelling house in good repair. -n. Ho � . . I keepitig the best qualit of USE TO. RENT ON PRINCESS . The 11 Last," ori ivhich eVery . Youtig: women who with good stead,y em- . I y lilitzslulons. . 19... street. Hard and soft water and �- .. I I A,)ots and Shoes inade in thd � , 11 modern conveniences, Occupled at Relindo Shoe is inade, is . Plo,vment 'With ,good wages—for good work . IN-Minlon 1 am still stiietly WHAT 17� COSTS. I Proselit by Mr. W. Collyer. -Apply � 11WAMi moulded from the human . . . I I . I operating Power Machines on .86ys, C* . to Arthur Cantelon. 1 20 ; foot, thus insuring perfect' fit, comfort and style. can findsudt empl&omenj .With 16tung i I n ft. I . News-Rococd- subscribers cah obtain I - .1 I 1. . I I I . I . � . . __1 ul�. Will pay, . . I . I I city dailies, weeklies or Monthlies at � . I I f good W -194S at stal'itt'hy to beginnem while on- � I . the tollowing rates : . The exclusive dittrieterlstic of RefindP Shoes is the ' . der instruction, . I I ANt Pow doing repairs oi) Dailies I NOTICE. -ANYONE POUND CUT- "Nerve-tase" pneumatic heel. , I . . , . . . I . M941 and Empire $8.25 ting timber,'digging or otherwise . . �. "."... � � . , � I all goodi boii�,ht in mv - , .1 . . . A 406d Chance -, � r '010ts -Who vilsh to earn I Globe . 3.25 trespassing oil lots 12 and 18, con. I This Ifeel is honeycombed with 1- ,1 . I their own UvInst. ro . store and Anarantee the best World - ,1 2.25 cession 9 . , Hallett, will . bo.proseicut- air eel -is. You literally Walk o1i air' "I :11 . . 0 # 4. ... . . ' I of satisfaction, Star 1.30 (-&. , . 20-4-7 when you wear Refindo Shoes, * I k � , * I . .. Nows 1.80 ­ I.. I . � �. � , . � .Atl PerSO= interOsteif Will bep'oen fiffther - . Evening Frte Press , 1.15 � � .1 - _j: , - The Cushion Ileebbeing "Naffleass!" . ,� 0 . . 1� InfOrmatilk W04 exPlainedand,shown through � . . __-_­____-As*____Z __ Morning Froo Press .9.25 A QUANTITY OF CUT STRAW FOR . % � . . . 11 I . I I I ;, the fadot.y. . . Vvoning Advertiser 1.75 sale. -Apply tot Hiram Hill, 01in- also adds. considerably to the lifie of I . 0 . � I I tbank w Wtekllos . . ;6ur hosieiy. The soles of Relindo I . . I 1 1. . I . . . y cuatorners tor Globe .60 toll . . .. : V . 11 . $* 1 ' :for thpir patronage and solicit Mali and 1.,,mlilre . .60 ­ -0 . �110e$; are hexible, yielding readil . #*" . I I I . .1 I , I I I �, I I , I I . , 6* I I ,a emithmance of tho same, Spectator 75 . ,,,, to every movenient of the foot. iat's Wh- dt . 71he ACKSON Free Press H8, 01�'FIVN AT TH , I women call Relindo Shcomes—it es -71 O.- L feet. , . I f, I M-Mco, :75 TO AN"NT,-T I . I . I . Sun 75 rear of the Royal Bank, at present , . � Youre rrul'u, Family Heraid & Weekly Sf�r :76 occupied by the Y. M. 0. A. Pos- I � * ' MCLEOD#. Sallotintendent, CLINTON . , Clahadian Farm 46 session cab be had April Ist, Ap. FIRED4. JACKSON . .,-----,-,�-�---�.---Iiiii-_------�-li&�----.--- .1 IRO 4 ipillt/rF11.0fithlies , ply to tha Roy4l Dank of Canada, 1 41' � I . . 11 � UL # 104irloors' Advocate 1.26 elliltok, , 20 Always Reliable 11 A I CLINT09 I . , '. V f . . .