HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-03-10, Page 8a Watch Out, are now in our Iry *00 new store, one door south of our old stand, and with the in - *teased show case room are more prepared to dis- play out large stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver- ware, Clocks and Fancy China. We will be pleas- ed to have all our friends and customers call at any time. A. J. CiRlfirCi WANTED, ASSISTANT MATRON and Nurse.—Applications for the position of second assistant 'nitro* .,and nurse for the Huron County House of Refuge, will be received at once by John. Torrance, Inspec- tor, Clinton, P. O. ,Applicants will be requiredto furnish referrences. Personal applications preferred. A liberal salary will be paid. By or- der of cormittee -Jas. Watson, Chairman. Dated, March 2na, 1910. 19-2 For a liigh Grade Suit at a price you will pay for an inter- ior one g oto G. W. Rdrg8. Jeweler and Optician MERCHANT TAILOR Issuer of Marriage Licenses. OLI T2'O' " isairsi.zifri si.org soKsraDa•Ea'ar,•Q'4W C►4 Sq C� s'cii..s"s rW,liop es,'O•OVI4 m e 0 New Spring Shim e -s d A t d 0 0 d 0 Were $1.25 now 79c Having again been fortunate enough to secure a few hundred of the famous "Hagen Brand" Shirts at a ridiculously low price, we now ass them on to our customers at the donne great saving. These shitts are made regular in size, quality and workman- ship but are lines of which there were not enough to make full boxes and are therefore broken in pattern. Choice of the lot only - - SEE THESE IN OUR SOUTH. WINDOW ' • 79c 12i'e and -15e Prints. About 4000 yds of these beautiful prints, millremnants. 8 to 15 yds in a piece,. all new spring patterns. Choice of the lot Oats yd See Our New Spring Dress Goods, Ginghams, Ladies Lawn Waists, Skirts, Gowns, etor A Few Ladies' and Children's Mantfes'to be (Neared at Less Thanjialf Price: . o Boots, Shoes, Clothing and Furnishings. 0 PLUITISTEEL Dont tail to sea what we are showing in these lines as we can save you money, and can offer, you a larger. and better assortment of styles and prices than ever before. Small Profits and More, Business. Olz1b.64viilK1..®•o. Ab13v.m11b. owv.i•cs w v►:6)v 'Mrwei d. 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 ilio Mot 11 Illusie Dim • r S. C. Rathwell, Shoes Hoare, Music Travelling Goods. Are you going travel- ling this Spring? We have just placed in stock a nice line of Trav-• elling.Goods consisting of Trunks Suit Cases Telescopes Come in andget our m o r prices before going else- where.a W e can interest you.. A Full Stock of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers at Special Prices. i S. C. RATHWELL. 0 0 IF:you want any of 0. he popular songs, if try' our Sheet Music .9 Department.. . A full supply of : Vio- lins and Violin sup .lies always on ha rid 0 C HOARE THE PLACE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR ALWAYS DOES ITS DUTY 00110AribAlielb lb/41w%, lb, Try us forsweet tont edao H >rm nlcals •N• ♦•NN••.•N.N.NON NNNN MN NNNNO N•N•• • 1 1 i . t• a•J^'� � r ��� V S,It i l ". i'. • ,t�•� f � � 8 d' a. fit :;� t? That gives charac- : • g v h ter. to the home. r I'� ., • • The stateliestman-. i ,� r. �- n J r l i sion Will n ot attra c t if i mr�roper1 fur nished. • oi FOR EVERY ROOM I s 1 i i I i t Y 31 1 1 1 1 14N144*♦40•4►4404 4N10,41,...4N do104144•44.*4N J. B Hoover Nelson Ball Inst e Fur•-Furniture y e J..l1v✓ In your house we have furniture that will add to its beauty and in addition to its attractiveness every piece of our furniture is built solidly and honestly, Long service is as much of a requisite as beauty with most people. • We provide both. . qt, The cheapest spot in Huron County to buy ciil kinds of furniture. Hooverli Sc '''f ' zatt,A.TJ Xsxi C7' "Ol I man is not correct' ly judged by his ..:, outer dress.. • .All Fountain Pens look much alike. The difference de- pends with use. and is why- we .can. h always s Y a d wa,th assurance recom- mend a Water- man ideal. • Ione lower than ep r inn price} ta$ .60. Other makes as low as $1,.25. W. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest Always the Best Miss Delle O'Neil, of Stratford was home over Sunday. Mr, Frank Hoclgens of Goderich was. in town on Tuesday. Mrs. A. P. Gundry is spending this week with Brantford friends. Mr. `Geo. Dobson of Vancouver, call- ed on friends in town this week. Mr, Simpson Rennie of Toronto was in town. last Friday and Saturday. Mr. W. D. Milts of St. Catharines was in town on Tuesday and yes- terday. Mr. Will. Lyons, G.T.R. agent, 'Lon, decsboro, was in town Saturday af- ternoon. Mr. Jay Coghill of . Stratfordspent the week end with Mr, and Mrs, K. W. Cliowen Mr. Geo. Iledgens spent a day or so in town greeting old friends early in the week, Mrs, Chas. Smith, . Seaforth, was the guest of her sister, Mrs, fi'hos, Mas- on, on Tuesday. • Dr. Thompson was in Goderich on Monday as a witness in a' ease in the High .Court. Mr. Wm. • Smill'ie, Brttcefield, has tak- en a position with the Morrish Clothing Company. :.Mr.. John Rumbali of Varsity,' spent a few • hoursat his home in ' town ono day last week: Mrs. John Hodgens. of'Godcri:h• 'fs ' spending a few days in town; the guest of Mrs. Shannon, Mr.. and Mrs. Walter . Townsend and Mrs. ,Stewart left yesterday ` for, London where they will reside. Mr Stewart Jackson came up from Toronto on Tuesday morning and is holidaying at his home here. Miss .Mabel Kerr returned from God- erich on Monday after 'spending a , few clays with friendsin that town. Miss Hagan of ,Zurich, for:leafy a nurse. in Clinteir 'i0so til a as nn Own ' last week the guest of Mrs. (Dr:) Gunn Mr. •J, 'A, Taylor ,'of .Toronto, Cana» dian representative. of the Chicago, Milwaukee •& -St. Paul :It R,. was in''town last week. • Mrs; E. Kemp; Louden.. Who was very ill is now recovering, her, num- :, Brous• friends hi Clintori and .vicin-. sty will be glad to hear. Mr. Jas. McCool, who has .been,visi t- ing in town and :vicinity for, several weeks, leaves s for his • h at e ve one Crossfields, Alta,, next Tuesday. Mrr T SFp . hos. he ardof .t. he Nile vis- ited ,relatives hep.e this arcek: and yestelyday. morning left for St. Ct ar s toalien • the L. L. a h true d e O, Grand Lodge. ,ge Mrs. 'L.. Greig 'accompanied iilr and Mrs. J. T. Clark to Seaforth on Stuy afternoon., . ,hetots a rda"R they ail spent Sunday. the gues t,s of Mi. and. Mrs. J. C. Greig,. , Dr.Temic tof London, Provincial Inspector was in townlast week in connection with the ease of rabies in the dog which was .destroyed here a few weeks ago. Mr. annd;Mrs. J. T. Clarke and little son of Toronto; spend a few days hi town -last- .•'week, .the guests Qf .i14r,•; and Mrs. T. Jackson Jr., and of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cantelon. Mr. George Smith, Pt. Huron ; Mr.. and Mrs. flamer Smith, Toronto ;. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, Stratford,who care to attend n up the funerl of Mrs. Peter Perdue, toto their ho s on returned moMon- day. day. Mr, and Mrs. G. W. Davis have mov-• ed to Exeter where Mr. Davis is superintendent of the Jackson Mfg. Co s' branch factory. Mr. • and Mrs. Davis made many friends while res- idents of Clinton who were sorry to see them leave. Plate ,r Izra d left n• M�amda t I nc ro 0 Y push business in thenew provinces in the west for the Morrish Cloth- ing Company' and will be absent a month or so. It is his first trip, but havingthe ability and desire to make good,he will undoubtedly. do so. *.�C,.aptain Stewart is now in eomniand C of the S. A. local corps, Captain Mprthnor having been transferred to Toronto because of illness of folks at home. Captain Stewart is one of the most efficient of the 8. A. officers and is greatly esteemed by the soldiers. Mr. Bert 3 rt Mu ih mother. wrr,: e xl y: ids It. Murphy, and his sister, Miss Jessie Murphy, returned on Friday last after a year or two's als ence in the Canadian west and North Dakotand have taken uptheir a a abode on the old homestead on .the kith eon. They had a very pleas-. ant p sojourn on the prairies where J they tnet numerous old Huron friends. • Clinton News -Record Irmo PopwrzAm ksse)r March iOtk 1910 5 w Spring 'Prints,. Musilus, Ginghams, and Wash Goods... TUB new spring lines are now in stock in all their glory. Buying in large quantities as we do from direct importers, enables us to pass on to our patrons many little savings, besides select patterns and degigns. This season has been no exception despite the fact that all lines of cottons, linens, etc., have advanced in price, we art able to again serve you with all the new spring goods at old prices. Small profits and quick returns is still our motto, Come in as often as you please, whether you buy or not, and see the many New Spring. Novelties, • .. New Spring Prints English Prints in stripes, scroll and check, in black and white, In- digo blue, black, lilac, red; brown, pink, etc., 27 inches wide, at 10c and l2'lc • New Spring Cinghanis 100 pieces New Ginghams, stripes and smiill checks, 'also a beautiful range of large check ;in two.tone effect, at 10c, 12- c and 15c. . New Wash Goods 50 pieces New Wash Goods in Shan -Su,' 'Indian head, Gialetea„ etc., in all the new shades, at 20c 25c and 35c. New Whitewear Our complete range of New Waists Skirts, Corset Covers, .Drawers, Etc,, are now in stock.. Never before have we shown a more complete range at popular prices • New Lace Curtains The new Lace Curtains are now sere waiting your inspection. Space- will not permit of. description. If you need new Curtains this spring it will pay you to seeour range. Prices run from 25e to $5.00 New Carpets Our new spring Carpets, Rugs, Oilcloths and Linoleums are now.in stock and we invite your inspection when requiring floor coverings. • New Dress Goods The new spring Dress Goods are. now all herein all the new shades of old rose, rainen, wisteria, onion, etc. We are showing the nattiest range of new spring goods that it has ever been our pleasure to display in past seasons. • Prices run from. 50c to $2 Dress -Making • Miss Smith has returned from her. holidays and is again ready . to serve her patrons as in the past Millinery Miss 'Baker' : has taken charge of our new Millinery Department, with Miss McCullough as head trimmer. Miss Baker has lately reiitirned from Detroit and Toronto Openings, and is thoroughly in touch ,with the very newest styles. Opening announce went later. • • egAirEA0) • •:4 •:e1,10e...,.. E Constance Concerns. Qwing to the very -bad bad state of the roads Rev. M . L urria did not get to the' Constance appointment last Sun- day. a -day Mr: Robt, .Clarke conducted the' service: . A young son of Mr.Owen Flynn n had the misfortune to fall and break his arm. Dr. Gunn was at once phoned for and under the •Dr's : caro we hope the little fellow will soon bel again. .t5 aan. Mr, Peter Lindsay recently . pur- chased from Mr. J. Elliott of • Clin- ton a handsome driving 'mare. ' Mr. John Medd has left. for :British Columbia . after spending ;the winter with bis parents here- ' Miss Kate. McMann of Walton is at present the guest of Mrs. Thos. Pol- lard. Dame Burner states that wedding bells -will ring- shortly -in -.our --Village.. Miss Belle Sutherland is home now. Mr. Samuel PalIard and family ex- pect to move ve from our village • in about a week to the tor they re- cently cently purchased from Mr. Samuel Cade of the 13t1 i con. of Hull'ett, We regret their r roznovai from our midst b thereby the'Joss we sustain wily be a. gain to those in the neighbor- hood wherethey are about to resi de: 'Spooner Mr. Elliott apooncr started Tues- day of this week for Sask. He took a ear of horses, implements, etc. and expects to go into the farming. on a large scale. We wish him every Suc- cess in his undertaking.• Mr. John Riley Jr. was quietly married on Wednesday to Miss L. Wright of Seaforth, They will take up housekeeping as soon as Mr. S. Pollard moves to his farm, near Blyth News From Auburn. Miss Dine Knox entertained .a num- ber of young people at her home on Fridayni lit. The avenin g evening was spent playing carpet balls. Owing absen g to the ce of Rev. Char- lesworth on Sunday the service in the Ba church li Baptist c h rwas conducted cted by Mr. John Raithby. Qnlte a number msec of young people from the village lage spent last Friday evening atthe home of Mr. Robert u st- H e on Nile. . Rev. T. W. Charlesworth will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday. The subject will be' "The. Glorious hope of the Church." The Lord's supper will be observed after the usual service. Mr. Chas. Howson's mill has comw minedoperations e th's 1 Ck. week. Mr. I3orette of the Sterling ink has been transferred to the headof- flee Toronto. 7 J or nt ri r. e] 0 0 ornJ Jackson a o of Ooderleh is supplying the vacancy at present. Mr., Win. Windmill and family have returned to their home in Sas- katoon. Mr.Wm.' sa-.b and Ar51r rnl)o John ark- , walk n c a J son of Witmer are loading a ear of settlers' effects, intending to make the west their future home. Miss,;r,. has re Mabel Erratt 1 a covered from an attack, of tonsilitis. Last Thursday. p. ni. a number of were count- dairyy cows' from Kent � disposed of by auction at the Auburn hotel, See school report on page 2. The "off leers of t hour u A b n Home Circle are as follows Leader, Mrs.. Straughan. 4 Past Leader, Mrs. Riddell. Vice, Mrs. Jackson. Secretary, Miss Alice Mole. 'Treasurer, Mrs. Medd. Ir n.-Secr eticy, Mrs, Clark. k. Chaplain, hl ' ha, ain, Mrs. Robinson.: Marshall, a shall, Mrs, Jas. Howatt. Warden Mole. John Torn 140 e Gttard, Mrs, Asquith. Sentinel, Mrs. Jos, Lawson. The News From Londesboro Miss Bessie" Garrett visited her sis- ters Mts. John Medd and Mrs. D. Gonnclt ' "of � Clinton Tuo.,day of this week:'' Mr. E. Watson of Blyth shipped a car of hogs Wednesday of this week" and will ship o a 2 carload f cattle Sat- urday. Mr. Jas. Cummings will; al- so ship, a carload on Saturday,' Mr: Be 'amiBrandon tlJ n Lyon of who has been visiting relatives here forthe*pasttwo months, f o - a .n n ts, let .Mon- day, Mn da .on his r turn journey. e o rn, 1� ' • will 1 YJ Y visit '. relatives at Guelph, "r orento and other places. Mr': Geo. ltcVittie left Monday for Schrieber, Ont., where he has secur-' ed a position with the C:P.R. M ono of their divisional stores.. • Mr. Wallace Allen, who has ' 1 een travelling for a London •firm, is laid 'oft wortC'Tthis,week • owingAre the 'ill- ness of his mother. Her many friends wish for her speedy recovery. J. Brunsdon & Son delivered a car- load of machinery Monday of ' this week. Mr. Jas. Cummings of Blyth ship- ped lr -ped a ear of cattle Saturday last. 'Mr. Joseph Gray took a carload of cattle to Toronto Saturday last where he will dispose of them. Very few farmers in this v tieinfty handle as many as a carload of fat cattle at ono time, The ser lees inMethodist h ' e vthe rt odtst chtirrh Sunday were well atfended considcr- ing the condition of the roads. Mr. George Milian had the misfor- tune to break his harness while driv- ing to the village Sunday last. . Miss E. 'Goyim. of London is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. H. -Longman. Mr. Frank Ilibbert, who has been ! employed as clerk with Mr. .1. O. Lo shery has sewered his connection r with the firm and leaves shortly for ()halite where In; expects to engage Mr. McCurdy made a half hour's flight with Baddeck No. 2 at Baddeck Bay. Statements regarding this nunbe'P'of fatalities hi the ltogcrs•I ass accident vary from 45 to 03. James Watson, a farmer, aged sev- enty years, hanged himself near Ow- en Sound because. he could net pay his rent. With the subscriptions" of a number of generous Iingsiniiaps t o endow - remit fund of Een,s *University has been made tai to $400,000. The supporters of the racing inte r - rats at Ottawa have presented a draft' bill to the committee to take the : r.Mi:.l. r` 1 plaee ofthe Miller bill. ,The people of Monaco have de ntend . a bnstftttioo from their Prince. + A scientist and a military officer I fought a duel at Nice. 1 lin the same business, . Miss Minnie Lyon Is assisting Mr. LoiurSbcry in the store herr. Mr. Jos. 1.fammng attended the, sale of Minch Morris Monday of this wee].. On "4 rein s t c d,iv evening �the members hors ' of the Epworth I,oague event a very pleasant social evenitlg. The, pro- gram i~ am of a Bible Einestic)n match and vocal and instrumental znusie and readings, . - Mr. Ii. M. Snell is. hauling a gtianw tity •ot wood to this village. Miss Bertha leio ;l en spent Sunday ay with her Mend, Mrs. D. Ploody of Blyth. a. M r W. Granthu m spent Friday Iasi with his motherli inC intoe. • Messrs. Frank i . " G bbs and James. Brown BrownsPent Sunday at home: • They' returned. Monday to Sarnia where' they, are . assisting in repairing ' the tunnel. • Mr. and Mrs,, D. Mountain.- arc vis;»- iting their daughter, Mrs. Jas, Pipe of Mitchell ' , Miss A. Lawson visited friends its Mitchell last week. . Mr. Jet. C s uinpbelI was in Godert- •ich on business this week. Miss Alice Waite returned to God- erich afterspending a week with rE latives in this vicinity. Mr. Wm. Voidden .is spending a few days with Goderich friend's. Mr, Howard. Lee is visiting relatiy- _es,in..Goderich and .-vi_Gintty... The fine weather of Iast week star- ted a number of the farmers thinking. of the sugar bush but the cold snap has caused them to alter their plans f- or awlino. Mr. Geo. S ott en ri ' p ,. nci ai of the p F Business' CoIleges of Clinton, Wing - ham and Walkerton was in the vcolleillageges.Saturday in the interests of Mr, Chas. .Watsoni l as disposed 4'osol his driver to Frank Garrett for a goer' o d fiu re Messrs. R. G. Smith and M. Braithwaite were inClinton q ue< dap n Business. rin ass: Mrs. John Manning, ,we are pressed to learn, is able to lie .,et ;:s:nei af- ter an illness of sev,.,ial weeks. Mr. Frank Hibbert visited friends in Clinton Tuesday this week. The attention of dog owners in the township is directed to the notice oil page 5aFthtS issue. CherC Matrons are strict but the matter is too set- ious to be trifled with. Mullett Townsiaio Mr, torn Medd, who spent several Months at the }come of his parents, r Mr. and Mrs. .Tolin Medd of the '7t]t con,, Ieft last week for Conduit, Sask. \.o regret very mucic to hear of the accident d width E'of betel one of the sons I Mr. Owen Flynn, who happened tis fat Flynn,rr 1'� a,y.n his g irs arm. Mr. I ly who sustained serious injuries last l fall, is, we are please to state, able. to be around again.