HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-03-10, Page 6e 6 QixtOa Newi�-Record Marsh 10th, IRI A large number of people were in- jured in Berlin in a fight between the Socialists and the police, The Guggenheims are said to be at tho head of a great merger of Coal mines in West 'Virginia, The Progressives gained twenty-one sea's in the London County Council. elections. " THOUSANDS DIE OF CONSTIPATION. No condition causes so many in, - curable diseases as constipation. It not only prevents the kidneys from el- iminating the poisonous wastes, but causes anaema, stomach trouble and indigestion. Why yon't you use Dr. tlamilton's Pills and get cured? This excellent medicine restores normal bowel action in one . night. Thousands say so. Your system'will be pure and clean, you'll be free from headaches, no more sour stomach - in short you'll have jovial spirits and perfect good health, Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills are sold everywhere, 25c. a box, I 5000 FACTS ABOI'T CANADA. The public will warmly welcome the new 1910 ' Editien of that indis- pensable booklet "5000 Facts About Canada," compiled by Frank Yeigh, whoso writings and Lecturers on Can ada are widely known. The popti,ar- ity of the publication is shown by its sale o1 nearly 50,000 copies, not only in Canada, but through•the Em pire, and indeed the world. The 1910' Eldition contains a large percentage of new matti'r, under such heads as - agriculture, mining, banking, trade, railways, wheat growing, ediucation, religions, etc., while a new feature is a budget of Empire Facts. The book is a revelation of the riches and resourses of the Dominion. It is pub- lished at 25 cents a copy by The Canadian Facts Publishing ' Co., 667 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Canada, or may be had from Newsdealers, HOW'S THIS ? We after One Hundred 17ollars Re- ✓aad for any case of Catarrh that anaot be cured by Hall's Catarrh :ure. F. J. CHENEY tri Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, ?rave known F, Cheney for the last 15 years, and elieve him perfectly bonorable in all usiness transactions, and financially ble to- carry out any obligations lade by his firm. Wattling, Kinnan &d Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, .Toledo, O, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter - ally acting. directly upon the blood nd mucous surfaces of- the .system. 'estimonials sept free. Price, 75e. per otfle. Sold by'all druggists, Take Hall's Family Pills for .eonsti- ation. a ' ' . NEWS-111110110'STHE . CLUBBING LIST' E06 1909-10 Much good reading for little m iney.., WEEKLIES News -Record and;Mail and Empire. ... . ..... $1.50 News -Record and Globe ... 1.75 News -Record and 1''anril Herald and Star with Premium_..... _ _ ........112"5.-_'I News -Record and Witness, 1.75 News -Record and Sun.....;, 1.75,.1 News -Record and Free] Press.. .. ; 1.75 News -Record and Adver-! tiser................... 1 1.75 News -Record and Toronto Saturday Night ....... 2.30 News -Record and F'armer's Advocate.... ... 2.25 News -Record and Farm and Dairy.. ... 1.75 News -Record and Cana- dian Farm ............ 1.75 DAILIES - News -Record and Mail and Empire. ... .. • . Clob 4.2`205 45 - News -Record and e.. 4. News -Record and News ... 1.0 News -Record and Star ....2.30 News-RQcord and World . • 3.25 News-Becord and Morning r ,• 1'ee Press ....... . .. 3.25 News -Record and Evening g Free Press ............ I so News -Record and Adver• User................... 3.00. MONTHLY News -Record and I.ippin- cott's Magizine ........ 3.25 a■mf If what you want is not in this list let us know about its. We can supply you at less•than it would cost you to send dircet. In remitting please do so by Pos"flice Order, Postal Note, Express Order or Registered Letter and address. of W. J. Mitchell Newg-Record - CLINTON I#.MNSVI KI1G OF INDIA, Curious Claims of Europeci;n Kings to Long Lost Dominions. It Iq it curious fact that thr morn. arch of the' preatest and most imnort- ,.nt n; tion ill the world alas almost the s•hort"t and ,least -imposing title of nny. Afo,t ,if the crowned heads of 7:u- rop • r•v,•l in It multiplicity of styles. and digniti"'s; but, apart. frons Isere pelt w-, the ruler of the mightiest. emlvr•' in the world has ever seen has to It content with the Simple fornluln, " Ed -m rel VII., by the Clrace of God of Ow 1 nitod. Kingdom of Great Bri- tain and Ireland and of the Br ltr la Dominions beyond the sees, Kin, Do- i'endnr of the Faith, Buiperor of In- dia u. Even in these titles the reference to the Britains overseas was ridded only oil the present King's accession, and the style of Emperor of India was cunferreil on the British Sovereign hitt' in Queen 'Victoria's reign. Queers Victoria was crowned simply "of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and: Troland, Queen, Defender of the pnitb," though OR some of the early .oinarP of her reign--tbe florin,:: for instance -she is styled "By the' Gree - ')f God of ,all the $ritains, Queen. Do. ;ender of the faith" -a fine .dignified, . :nd comprehensive style. Besides his regal appellation, King 'Edward has, of course, many lesser titles; but even these are not nearly so numerous as in the case of most foreign potentates. ' The fall list of these diRnitips iq. duke of Cornwall (in the. Peertage of England, creation 1337),. Duke of Rothesay. Duke of Saxony, Prince of Coburg and Gotha, (the dukedom lie resigued in 1863), Prince of Saxe -Co burg Saalfield, Earl o_ f Carrick, llaron of Renfrew, Lord of the Isles, Prince of Wales., Earl of Chester, Duke of Lnnct:ster, mid Earl of Dublin. All . of these titles, except the last two. %00eh date from 1841 and 1919 resp �c. to i ly, are of long standing, an(], it is interesting to note, embrace dirnjti­ in ei:ch- division of the United Nine :lona, But, long aG the list anpearq, it is lay no means as long.as'that of inaiiy ,in Ordinary peer of the realm, the Pulte of .Argyll, for'one, easily qur: f ssin,�i it with twenty-seven. separate I itle. When one turns to other monarchs, the li••t appears very trivial, the Oxer= umm 1?nipx ror, for instance, enjoying the luxury of seventy-five subordhinte tulles. the King of Spainforty-two, the E'niperor of Austria sixty-one, tint' Saltaii of Turkey eighty-two. Of. overeigns who .claim British t -r. r •tor iea, the worst offender is '.the young` Ding of Spain,. He is, amongst, ofhvr things, "King .of Gibraltar. '. "Ding of the East Indies," "Kina of Oc-aiiilt."'ring of the Voest Indies." nn.l "King of India," the last title b•'init also owned by the King of Por- tagal; whilst .of titles formerly -borne by th-cc monarchs of Britain; the King of Sptdn is also "King of , Castille. "King of Arragon," and ""Iting' of Nltvarre." . . .. . One' of "Q's" Stories, Mre,Qu ller.Couch, the'.novelist, was recently presenting certificates to the members of an ambulance class at ii,owey. "Years ago," he said, "all old Cornish fisherman at a similat class was asked stow he. would treat the apparently - drowned.. `Well,' he ,,eplied,•`the first thirrg.we'ahvays did was to empty the man's pockets!' ' 1.The cocoa ,planters of rinidad would like reciprocity. with: C autida, but are .'afraid of reprisals on ' the part of. the United States: . • "THOSE .'ANNOYING - 'BLACKHEADS External applications will never rc m'Ove :pimples. or •blackheads. Only by stimulating .circulation and puri lying the -blood. -can it be done. For quick: sure ,release .from these pests , use- Ferrozone ; it drives- all humors from the blood, makes the skin healthy, tones up the systsetn. With the pure nutritious blood made by Ftrrorone its .impossible' ,t0 . snider from anv skin dicease. You'll have a smooth delightful slain, .healthy color and. beautiful :complexion, . by using Ferrozone=and you'll feel im- mensely better as well, : Fifty cents buys a .box containing fifty chocolates coated tablets at any drug store. let ' • T' . S E T T L E R S' ONE-WAY , EXCURSIONS . TO WESTERN CANADA APRIL 5TH I . AND 12TH" From . stations' sa in Ontario, Kingston and 'West to certain points• in Saskatchewan and Alberta. PARTICULAR ATTENTION .is calleei to the fact that these rates apply to points on Grand Trunk Pac- ific Railway, a new territory full of `'(`olden opportunities,'r Secure tickets and full information from: " . JOHN RAN'SFORD, Town Agent, A. O. PATTISON, Depot Agent, __ F l 11 g Passengers for t- . MANITOBA,.' . . SASKATCHEUVAN . . ALBERTA, -- _ -- z..- 'HE 11NTIl.ATED PIrA.TFOI!?, �' I*-j►�r-�.j� i .% 11111111 I I.!1. . 1 {. �r % 0, ;T t e % l Clean and it Ir�•��1 �.✓�L; ri. os#� a��r Frames i�r� •! �����'.�'M .Tbt*. Ke Pas the ye 1 C e n a f " •cr.,,,,....nes suras Pure Water at All �NE lR f Coupled I have discovered a way tq keep the TCI M'6 W1FE'$ MOTHER,, it, tip, TWi1 BNI®Y'8 NAaME, y I Not ­ - well, clean and pure at all ti.now, Pays -- Frost Gates aro made of Steel IRYM inch --hinges, latches, and ali- a writer In Farm and Home, I make Nib , morn, at breakfast" RR wly-martled P.;Wn- Tubing. ,In every other Gate this are put through thin same Galvanizing the fraise of the platform of 2xi's, al- she announced. raotia W die train; to Tubing t connected, .by threaded . , Process. ,_.,._,• "Tom, soother comes to" i0orio . joint9r, Those threads put half -way 4. I a Froat Gate will now fight Off rust day,! 'What nanno to glut, vwlr into the Tube. " ?,., •iter husband stirred his tin t;born cl lld,, lint ' osselet, e . , - a . "N11 1 every Hama t t, tt ed And looked the other 'Wan food for tails unit nr^ WILY' This dee or many,. many Then. folded u his napkin , aigl all till tr�c:tJa - p 'i years, and last A Qirl all dcolaro, thread -cutting a- Mire'tthananY - and /° ` That they wero melt of deprives it of other Gate the Had a �,r.. no 0 t word to Cay, ^.,,.,•., ane -bait of its' know of• taut about the: t:antin„ :� ,,, i eon and hear, �' a��a. formerstrength, ,r And when sub. The finish of w., And Tom had read. of l- jected to,straln, the Frost Gate , t '-. mothers -In-law, •"No better name than Devoured eyery word, „ - away go those is beautiful. It David, she said, threadedjoints. is smooth and y�' .;�;; And it was not eurprisinq "'We'll over find,." But the Frost Gate silverr, and makes the r .-+^ he � Till he suggosto4l . Solo- has no couplings. his Frost ornamental as Well ^- • 'V 8holtli join the common mon, and then oro Welded. to ether. The as uaeft�l, .",•'t.. f herd g • Who. at. the name' of chanced her mind, Severest strain will not Whes ordering, don't : Deelaring that on BerlL^ Becausethe'oiats,theweakesthis el art ofothor I another -in-law, ture names they hover Could atlrue, hl p merely ask fora metal Geta. Say you want a Frost Galvanised 1+ Have vlsiostu .dune absurd. " Gates, are t estrobge;t parts of the rest, Y Y t '` From Adam to Saint Peter, than, we'll t. ato.. M + . r `' out 'em out," said he. All Frost Gates have a Galvanized finish The Wire used is the Frost Gate is No. 9. Out she was searaelr in their home, -nut art imitation paint. This Wire is muse and Galvanized by, our. , . Insures Rure Water Aalwayo, Tens opened wide itis eyes, silpe liked her fatally name{ "No, I can't selvew. It /stloestroagestWtreof,taatzetn De4larittB he had found in her , stand for Smith," said he. The Frame, when bent or shaper!, is use. towing a space two to six inches bs Avery creat • surprise. ., scourd clown of grease and state. "I atto oenve A.., • It wont go well with i tob#nson. that's JDrop us a card today for free Booklet. . tween the top and bottom parts of the rt i, dear, In you r,; true," a000del she. Tke Zinc Gaixauizing will naw adhere�ee- , sides. This space is covered on the I hero ° isnbfe pt lie." They ansa served 4n xoho twas elm» 4* TheFrogtWireVenc,eCo. . y mT esZY to this thoroughly cleaned ate Ltd I inside with a flscreen to flee out Ple, strong and Plato. Frame. And the Zinc not .only spreads over tieaditw, Onrush s8 Y p go let the jesters bay* their Jekee, Then when at last the baby carne, they the surface lout ons into it, becoming apart dirt and insects, and .outside o1 this CAve hunwists their till, called It-ldarY Jana. of the Pipe itse�f Agents Wanted }n Open, Distrkta with, a larger meshed screen to keep rbey're always iekod about her, I out large vermin. This gives: good 'Suipiose they %1W%rs' will. 'The "EatiW-House" party. 6, '9 lout a egod moth4w-his or here, Thin if wt xUracUys and noyal Idea A% OS t ventilation to the well, which neves' ReonAl is a bleeesag stiLl, • In aerving refreshments for a oard becomes, foul. In the winter I govex " the platform with straw and snow, party. Indeed, it to suitable for any Should College Ginn Marry? eventing gathering, but preferably t7e"eisedT itaootloamly' oald: "If any- where score cards are usied, _.L I 1. I . G­LatCAS CARE AND FEEDING OF TEAM. bods will ask 'on, yes." Blit many ' Irirst, the, guests. are provided with „ Local Dealers,-- . -- people thlak that higher education. un- tiny purses instead of cards, and in. W. H. Stoildali, Varna ; Wm. 'Stanley, Hi!Imesv,iue; Won, .Addison, Londestopo Rallot.G Receive the Proper a Horses Do fits glrir, Lor >teutsefrork, and .the care stead of punches when a game is Won, R rop A entton of ehtldren, and tete manifold distrae- pieces o! cardboard are given marked ` Alia Them.• tions of homte life. with figures. indioatia¢' various money Thomas Collier Platt, formerly Re- neptat it :--",s'hiloh-s Cars will a1 . ' . But; otter &Ii, does it not seem ab- values. „ These are used later at ria- public" "boss" of New York State, •I a]s cure Illy toughs a:ld eolitJ.tt . Perhaps no subject is of more ira- :;lard` to even ruestien it? freshment time,' for the dining W dead. . portance to the average. farmer. thast Somebody has said that study of room is arranged like a. station Rating ---�-- -- --- ' the proper care: and .feeding of the an so w - house, and the guests bur their re- . - . y rt as useful only. as a stimu The German Chancellor stateel iii teams that are relied upon to do the oats, and i1 the mothers of the race do tr�pshments with the motley which bas r"r farm work, and as a rule I do not be- not treed mtontai stimulus, who accumulated in the purses during the Ii�epeat it • Shiloh's Cure will • al- the Reichstag that he wan anxious to ' lieve that these .horses receive the ,1(100? Domestic soteltee'takes men- game• a ways cure my coughs and colds.". cultivate'the frieirdship of (Treat Bri care and consideration .that they. tal , aLnerrgy "and the roost trivial ` The dining room may. be arranged fain, - should, says 13. Lara: A good horse .auk is the 'better Lor }fringing simply or elaborately a:s the hosts s -w I--�-- used in A common sense manner rg, It a mind stimulated by study, Im- finds time. and means tit. her disposal. + should live to an old age and be in droved by reading, and broadened b Boards arranged around three sides Because of a speech in the Chamber , . - condition to, perform good work at all rl iitact wit � the Y of the room,, and fitted up with stools an Italian Deputy has been challen ed Repeat it:--t`Shil h' Cur times, h , rs in the college Y g I P . q $ e,. will .; al - :;els, around it'.nray be. used in lieu of ta- to ,fight free duels. ways cure my coughs and colds," Ing The essential requisites for .a -work: The underlying principle is . the bles, and the guests are served by I . 1. g horse are good size, quick action waitresses, appropriately fitted -with . and strength, Ahigh=spirited a -4-kl name -to bettor ooa.dlti<tns for the or. one of great value is not t:ie most desirable animal for the farmer. What we need is a good walker, as much of the usefulness and' efficiency -depends. upon that. quality, 'Tris fttztity Is quite as muco a mat•wer -of education as inherited qualities. Under ordinary circumstances It is judicious .to nae mares.for working teams upon a. farm. Except for a short time during the period of parturition acid immediately .after they are fully as well adapted to farm _ work as are' geldings. .They also ' possess. the ad- vantage of anniially bringing colts; and hi evetit' of their being incapacitated by accident or labor they may ctill leo .kept with profit as breeders.. VI ELL AIRANCED SWINE I.O1fS race, to. live' up to the best that is in >q, ; .Arid, if our • education has been along higher lines, was will make be= cr"r. Wlve�s and mothers. As Emerson m s '.7e can rnow'e easily stoop to a '^.6'r, thili rise to -it," Havo we not all heard mothers say: •1. feel lilie a back -number with my eb :dren; I wish; I could keep pace ~'shit, diem, enjoy their reading, their i;tslts, help. them 'wfth their school!' tint f did not begin early enough!" ,.n` that Pitiful motil of the Mather ilos th.e -answer,-te the gliestion. , e , - 6 di'0114, � � A� �_Vw: - r' . IE `e aprons and bows in, the hair, who stand inside the Improvised counter. From this may . be served doughnuts, pies, cake;- apples, hard-boiled eggs, sandwiches' of buns and ham -all the array of 'the conventional "eatin'- house," but It .may be of the best and most palatable; .and the unique serv- ice,' and novel surroundings *111 adcl zest to the. fare, .. On ,the wall may .be hung placards; - "No Smoking Allow : ed,' or. "Not Re- sponsible for Hats and ilmbrellas"-- anything which carries out the station Id". : ..1.. a. f 0 f '.. . .0- -V Q1v� , l k;i1- ' . � JE Sketch Showing 'How Breeding', neral i;NIE*� ��� Fattening' Shotes Can- Be 1P $ R kv Separated. ' '' . - A QUPSOAR•D COURTSHIP: E"'. .PH'S PHILOSOPHY.o'e%ney.. oan ., X ep. the piss to long houses Wkieh :. M . to - , . are divided' into compartments. Open• ` 'Ygny 'wlwnine tnaldes : AZ Ephraim:, "As : I sit . - ing into small lets. The sketch dhows • she, hose, . The jewel, of. my seal: And leek out o' this hogs they Ietand: Breeding hogs and ,r A, alant..eyecl •maid from winder, on Mcirtgal'ges Of $teatState• at Cu r'>r'ent . Rates fattening shotes are allowed the ran f% e'er the sea I see two kinds o' folks; - . of their erre lots, as well as oecaRiolgal There painted , on ' the• the ones - . • s m " , . ? bowl. the help, and them 1.11,...,Bus"' '' �u lr� t,.Y ��t� s Confidential In gayly flowered kimene, that hinder. �% k And It don't make 'no dif 'r ' kiehtd w'ith"t hat or ctLp, Terence, . ` � Like picture In a. rieiier Bout: soak, or•• age • I• see E "t For there's. the Wldirw 51agw:.:.- � L>:b rat-;. 7t er>:rss.. QfRepayment- 'i .kw aatta, who lives TStis eufinine little ,Jap..' . ,.:%r, r, Right • stralglit ,a'crosf': . . +. ' v A C) ' from me, .�, mrd duce, the. fair requite - , ,. p " . ttrY leve. tL 1 LI ��� 'V .' Ah, ,no, I've never. told � .Stie .never was '-a bit o' . .. . . her,I. count: ' -, So' tar: froth me she is: Ju&t left it all' to• Stain, '. .1 , �' _: . .. ahor•e, • • I'm, .not surprised ':lte uD .. �."ti a's1e c9 �.®+a '¢'��.�: . ` � 5h•c:•a dl'sLa ce'I behold her.. and died;. . . :r- � • 'r',tr tb• fair. lady fids the posf • He''couldn't stand the strain. .. ' , . I Ariel Lizzie 6erugges' Youngest boy, Full ixifOiG-Wation gladly fives w .. 7f tenor, by herself, 7tist work fr "III lits Pig Houses and Pens.,' . ' r,.lranges into the Larger', field shown It the bottom of, the sketch; which is n timothy and clever. pasture. It is better to have pigs In separate quay= tars in small bnnches,.for in this "way I can be better attended to: and the growths are more uniform.. NOTES ABOUT ZHErp. _'A "' The man who goes. into the sheep business has a reasonable assurance LAM good, priers fpr mutton. and wool •. . Will. con.lriUe for'same.time Much of the bllsiness of feeding sheep milst ,be learned by associating vtith the stock and studying their hab- its and chameteristies. The most careful man will devote itzuch time to the study of his sheep, t"Id-it-ie--unwlse-'for-a-'man--without elporience to undertake' the sheep basineea on a large scale. : The safest' way 1s.'to buy, say, 25 . choice ewes 'and. an -excellent stunt, and secure your education with a min- imum amount of expense, . P.-Uture that is ideal for cattle: Will not be ideal for -sheep. Sheep will thrive better on aborter and finer grass, than on coarse grasses.. 'There are very fear farms but what would be better by hriNfhpSy a few $hoop on them. . • USEF JL LIVESTOCK NOTE-$, Pigs may be pastured on rape with a certainly of their rapid. growth. If sed some protein food. at . the san:.a time it Is still better, Hos finished for market at Hogg seven or eight months old and weig'hing 250 to $00 pounds, r -t-9 the moNo Vrofitabls to the grower, ' Sheep can be fattened on grain alone witAw;st', a.*y close fodder what. over. - .. • USE, THE TRIC GX GRAND RAILWAY SY8TLM. end HOW TO C RN' TOOTHACHE'. St. Clair Tunnel and Chicago. Choice of ,routes, frO10 there. Any aching tooth can be relieved Xr-,ARLY ALL DOUBLY: TRACE instantly with Nerviline. Vill the ca. vit I CONTRII3UTINCI TO SAFETY y with batting dl:pped in Nervi.lino �Sltf'1h7I3 AND CU1vIIr'UIt7', and rub thtigums with Nerviline also. Passes through principal Canadian Itrho facts is swollen and sore bathe sand United States Cities. -No mono- the painful parts with Nervillnc and 1.0ny. COWT With a flannel. This can't fail "•-NIODMIRN QUIPN E,M)[7 •- because Ncrviline kills the pain eu't- Pfor rates, tickets, and full informa- right and Prevents it from returning. tion apply to-� Stronger, .quicker, more satisfactory than any other liniment, Polson's Ner .TOIIN RANSFORD, Towlt Agent, vilfno has been t1w largest seller Or A. O. I'ATTISON, Repot Aleut, nearly fifty years ; try it yourself. i'; LAIC; I sun aaly ;,raze, at most; • o s om - rn ng _ . hrern cif2 the lowest shelf, • The others ;all depend on him, . . • , , • . To' .make the house. go • right. .. .. ,. Sou Its,k iso wiry thl.4 maiden coy 1. ��' . . Doo. Robbins' wife hel s @ver o \\ \ \' �.�� •"t `.i'!ai navwr IuoL naY way, p Y ne:. \ N ��" �. `\�, ro .:.I •$'m JvM a little shephord boy Tier family, defends ��\r � \ \ ���\\\'r' " � `�t� • On her advice, and bel so.doec . \ �, i, . \l \� �� e \:a.::L siert a laruueied t.raY•. P' \� S \ \�' ��\.\ . .r\ : The Doe. and all her. friends. \\ \, I notice ha1P the fetes are 'Weak, :'. \t\\ \ \ \\�`.�� \ \\'"The Cra> a for Baskets.' Lack gri.f; and tail and doubt. ��� \.,.. �. y, \ . �.�:�� • . But thank God.. for the other halt * gy fir„ inpu, nowadays, seem to have who always "help 'eta out!" I.oaln. a811� Savin S CU. LoYs.�ion Ont ri:uv d --ft about baskets. And not as . g . - . . i platter of souvenirs; not merely a - arl for the sake of a collection. The tiwsket, on the contrary, .promises once r:;ore .to take its proper• ..place in the world's •neaessary utensils. .Nearly c': erybody realties now the advan- wj;e of the -hamster ,for. linen , in pref- rrendd to the cloae, ' musty laundry i 1gL. ,&,nd a• basket holds, most things snore 'conveniently than a bag, any way. It 1e serrauck easier to get any- tlling out. Eashet,s for the table are fashlon- I. bread, nuke o'r nary food which :leaves meat 0rumbs only: .The baskets are found • in moderate size,. shaped like b6ats, or of the ordinary round phage. On the bottom of these Is placed a doily, For the boat -shaped ones can b4p. made fitting Iiving# of 'line, and , these are pretty if finished with a frill of lace to hang oyer the basket, Ger-netimes this frill is **Ide enough to adtult of Its being lifted up and spread over the eonteato of the basket. These are especially aloe for put -of -door luncheons." di cr Doilies ff ettoe in It 10 the fast anal le .tieing • now to 'lave the doilies of different style, size I nd shape. Small pieces of linen set around the lunclk table are very ef- fective, .and'nownriays fashlou allows variety evem tri color. This will be welcome ' newts to the woman who liar a dearth of the UU.ssu»'al "sets,'" A WW.. -1, ,a--0,_ '. CORN IS DEAR. Tlie loss of time and comfort Cau- sed by a corgi makes it dear to keep, !letter •invest in Puttlam's Horn Mx - tractor and cbre that corn. ,Put- nam's is painless and acts in twee. ty-four hours ; use no other than Ptitnam's,tt . LJ ...H;..,� .... _,. .. Ex -Mayor Frank McDougall died at Ottawa. W"lu'at it :.. 118hiloll's Curb hill Al. ways cure my coughs alld ,;61Adt,.11 A Word on Toast. In the first place, the thin woman or man should not -eat toast:. It is not conducive to flesh,. exc6pt=7arid of course, like 'Moet things., the state meet Must be qualified -except that any food which is' easily digested, is more easily assimilated. Toast, However, Is chiefly valuable because it is partly -predigested by the action of. the heat, and agrees with most stomachs. .It is, however, nom dneive to--constipation•,--and-•should--not- be on .that account, • too brown. Heat the toast slowly, thoroughly. The ef• feet' is bad if browned quickly before being cooked through. Oven heat is best, For milk toast, do not boil the milk. Let' come to the boiling point, then pout over toast, previously but. tered and salted or sugared. Children' will eat toast with sugar whena they will refuse It any other' way, . Hints on. Cabbage. ' Cabbage, is,.ln the. -first place, mord 1 easily digested raw than when cap ed, but there are. ways of cooking ti,hIch preserve the best in t a vegetable-- riot as indiestible as Its been popu- larly supposed, If water is bolting and well salted, die cabbage will not haveh t e disagreeable able or wv r g do bileco k o - 1119. , Leave it uncovered, and , cook until tender and white. If it turns pink it has cooked too long. dl.4. c �- WHAT CAUSES SNORING. When asleep, people that snore breath through the mouth instead of th(* nostrils which are choked with catarrh. Just use "Catarrhozone" before retiring and you'll quickly cure tho snoring habit. Ily destroying the ,audb of catarrh and healing the nombranes, • C'atarrhoxone makes a complete cure in every caso i it cleans the nostrils, stops the diselill,rge• and ,)invents dropping in tho throat in I few lulnutrs. Nothing. ser pleasant or tilt,! la to cure snoring, catarrh or Bolds as .'C"atarrhozom-that's worth refneinbering. . I'' aka Ea -ch Allimallrlerth,.. /� r . Over Its Cost .. 1. I - . - . .�. `. On of a Cent a �IA.. . .- I Y ' Nobody ever heard of "stock food" curing. the bots or colic, making t"4t hens Jay in winter, inorvasing the yield on milk five pounds per town day, or restoring run-down animals W p ump ess and Vigor. When you feed "stock rood " to your cow, horse, swine or poultry, ..,, _ ..y_ou are merely feeding them what you are growing on your own farm, TAE... Your animals do "need not"mace fed 11, but"soi55ethitig tS"help ti o k. ` " 11 .EEL" , bodies get all the good out of the food you give them so they can get fat 2:o2} and stay fat all year round; also to prevent disease, cure disease and keep. 'J-argal IYircner.nl them up to the best ssible condition. No stock food" can do all these a #.q y a s c i o n things.. ROYAL PImJRPLE STOCK SPECIFIC can and does. It is ' . Grasal- Circuit, "og "Stock t t t . �1otaFood But Conditioner . ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPRCIFICcontaiosvia grain. norfarm products. itincreasc.4 yield of milk from three to live pounds per Cow per day before the Specific has been used two weeks, It maltes the milk richer and adds flesh faster than .any other preparation knoavn. Young calves fed with ROYAL PURPLE qre as large at six weeks old as they would be when fed with ordinary materials at ten weeks. . ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC builds tt run'down animals hnd t th plumpness atmbst magically. cures botal co Dar! MCEWan, the horseman, says: I h persistently in the feeding of ''Che Rel; 2.0'21;. 1908. and'Henry Winters,' 2,09}, brother of In 19!18, These horses have never been off t Specific almost a year ago, and I will always. STOC One lino. packrige of ROYAL PURPLtt rias hiel is y , W t alit le t over two-thirds yds oP last but fifty days and are given three times a cc is given but once A day, and lasts half again amount of the fifty dentpackage will last 280, Of YQue stock YS¢• It is an astonishingiy relish for food, assisting nature to digest and i It will save many times its cost in Vaterinn VIC EsOurother SpeciAC for poultry, not for hens 50 dans. or a Moil rantinos i_kn tr,; i t.,.4 w. your p res Ores em to sic, Worms, skin diseases and debility ermanently. ave used ROYAL PURPLE STOCK�SPECIAt largest winner of any pacer on Grand Circuit in - Allen Winters,,' evitiner of $36.600 in trotting stnkes heir feed since I commenced using Royal purple" have It in my stables." . „ , ,, 1. pa Irv% Ift . A111 ir �t AND F�O�ILTRY SPECIFICS: ye• TOCK SPPCIVICwit] last one animal seventy r nt a da Most stuck foods 'n 9B t t c a •' eat. cin y , c e day, ROVAL P119PLE d STO�KSP� ]�C Y CI i as son • A 8t 40 at1 cont i am n Cows s d ___ . - •._s_ __ _ g four Imo the :� It mere bens Iso ur ----"- s..+acra.ts .3,1Vt.4 Jt•C.4;tr-16 or, I -vu L-1 kcy SPI3GIFIC is ROYAL PORPLi1 nn on. ofybur animate Sind anyothee trrporntion nn annthoe e satire condition- rafter «entparing resultsyoc avill sayROVIAL PURPLE has t to death, or else back comes yourtnoney, PREP -Ask of or write us for nue valuable 32•page booldet on cath, f . and poultry diseriges, containing naso .. r' nankin,I veceloe4 and full nnrticul4rtnhout ROYAL PURPL8 STOCK add POUL+ TRY SPECIFICS, S� w If. YOU cannbt'Ott Royvt Purple ' -�;�1*14 `' I\ t S"peciffeq froen merchantsi.i. i' or n' Grits t °';�. �Will estePly yell dil'CCt, ex(YrlR9g pre0aid, "iolalis, .' ����..' t", Oil receipt of $1.50 a pail for either Poultry "', �' �I i . �t ..Or .�'teClt 'S'pCC1IiCe. ';..p°l l�• i ,' V lu he money a-tiogaq Ctrs Agent 'ln •:.'„ i, i your district. Write for terms. I 1 I ..... �iJ For state by all Up•tb-date merchants, t W. At Jenkins 119, Car, tondonf Cant Ito, al I"Urplo Stoak and poultry SM dfic and free boaWt tts't "Wo A46k'111 '1%g, A. Holmok