HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-03-03, Page 8*•urw +or►w 4priwe rr•Ar« i rsproo N00 +lar Nri•iregfr rt sw,*•Arlizo0•11.le Clothing Prices Almost Cut» Haif1 Clinton Now Record March 3rd, 19100' si aHundreds of Meii's'ancl Bees Suits .and Overcoats in odci lines � and broken sizes that must be cleared out during February. 0 0 Men's $5.50 and $Q;QQ Suite ---.February sale price 3.143 " 7.00 and 8.00 66'66* ,, 4.95 d " 0.00 Overcoats . SF L' 44 5.95. " 2.00 Heavy work pants• '44 44 „ 0,29r d" 1.00 and 1.10 " s. - " „ $4 .79 d. O All other lines of Clothing equally reduced in price- 0 O See our-Nen's WorkinShirts at .35 0' ' gat WoolBox " 19 -Womeaa's 35c " " 4, .23 0 - .. . 2a0 4, 4, 44 JO 0' " 1.00 Corsets " .09 0 • Ladies' and Children's Mantles at less than boli price:•-- qit 1Q Ladies' Mantles, choice. at 4'.5 0 it 0 12 Childress Mantles, choice, at 1 .90, e O Special prices a n all lines of Boots, Shoes • nd Rubbers, d Don't buy before getting our prices. 3 PLUISTEEL .R��.OS ea a Small Profits and More Business. a si.sKer.iscs c'. isKiri a w4•saak,is rs silos a • Cull Wcalhcr Slioe S�ccials. We are showing a big range of warts shoes specially suitable;for ti -e hard cold of the mid- .% inter season. Felt shoes for Ladies', buttoned, laced and gaiters at prices ranging from $1.00 to $1.75. Felt shoes for men, some laced, some gaiters, prices start at $1.75 running as high as $5.00. Men's work shoes, specially suitable for farm 'work, heavy wool lining, Williams' snake, at $2.40. Boys' shoes, good 4ncl stx'nn , "The Ire Yon Dry Rimes", heavy tv t(tt Woe, 1111440 141x4'43 $i.'fs, For children and infants the choicest.of warts shoes - prices starting at 75'e reaching $1.25. See us for the best in Footwear., REPAIRS WHILE YOU WAIT. FRED. JACKSON " Always Reliable " CLINTON 1 The Shoo 111[111ilsie Emporium S. C. Rathwell, Shoes C; Hoare, Music' Travelling Goods. r$ 1 en' Are you going travel- ling this Spring? We have just placed in stock a nice line of '1 rav- elling Goods consisting of Trunks ks n Suit Cases Telescopes Come in and get our prices before going else- where. lse h e e. We • can r ' interest yon. A Full Stock of Boots. Shoes and Rubbers at Special Prices. I F you want any of 'C the .popular songs,• fa trg our Sheet Music Department. f A full supply of Vio- lins and Violin sup- plies always on hand Try us for sweet ton- $ ed Harmonicas. l s. 8, C. RATHWELL O. H OAR E THE PLACE WHERE YOUR DOLLAR ALWAYS DOES . ITS DUTY •N*.1• 1NN •s• sNSNssNN N••.4...iie.i..♦♦N s.i.i..s J. B Hoover Nelson Ball s Iy t Sr til 4 't .,•t ...-_-_,-.E.,1 . b It .,i'1)1 rt I 4111 1111;91 i • i • e, v •w •• a • e r w o .'rTit2,1•T.i.'1'CTItZ A.L '7 l''t717" I1edA ,4Itzp y".1 omts • rear.: v •••••••• ••••••****44414.46 see*. 14.44•91. 44144 4444 0444440 • That gives characw ter to The home. The stateliest man- : sion will not attract if improperly fur.. : nished. « . FOR EVERY ROOM s. In your house we have furniture that will add to its beauty and in addition to its attractiveness every piece of our furniture i li is brat t solidly and honestly. Long ong .s service is as much of'a requisite as beauty with most people. We provide both.. ' in Huron County ntyto b11y1i kinds of furniture. . • The cheapest spot Hoover all man is not correct- ,ly judged by his __1 outer dress, ,. AU Fountain Pens look much alike. The difference de- pendh with use. This is why we can. always and. with assurance recom- mend a Water- man Ideal. None lower in price than $2.50. Other makes as low as $1..25. V. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest - Always the Best CJIJQMJ) -Il��,'rioty„j�',t�fj�11111tuNwullluAllHlUl�r� {, A!.... I'' ,men O. Mr. Albert Turner was in Goderich on Monday. Miss Hazel O'Neil is visiting milli London friends this week. Miss Daisy Middleton has returned from a pleasant visit in ;Toronto. Mr. Nelson Blewitt visited his sister, Mrs. Will Doherty, during the past week. Mrs. W. IL Farquhar of 'Harlock spent a few days of the past week with her sister', Mrs, Little, Queen street. . . Miss Wilson has returned to her home in Torontoafter spendinga couple of weeks with Mrs. Kenneth Erskine in town, . Mr. and Mrs.' 1I. Jackson from the- west hewest •are at present the guests of the formers sisters, the Misses Jackson of town. Mr, Ike Rattenlairy has. accepted. . a position in Mr. R. Rowland's hard- ware store. . He entered upon his duties Monday morning. Mr.' F. R. Hodgens,. Goddcriclr, .was in . town Monday. He is . always sure of a cordial welcome from. his former townspeople who esteetu- him high- ly. Mrs. S. B. Gardner and two children of Colborn have returned to their home after . spending *a few weeks with •Mrs. Gardner's .father, Mr. Chas. Helyar. Miss Mabel Cantelon and Misses Smith and Wiggington . returned on Wednesday. ' from Toronto where they attended the millineryopen- ings and 'bought the spring's stock. Mr. Stewart Hill of Davidson, Sask., formerly of Sunnlerhill:, is down from the west and' intends taking some horses back with him. He re= ports things .very prosperousin his neighborhood. The following: From town attended the county: court at Goderich on 'Mon- day as witnesses in' a local case t Messrs. A. Seeley, W. J. Pais- ley, 'J.. West, F. Rumbail, A '.J.Tyndall, 'R. Welsh and J, Wheat- ley. •' . Mr. Jas. ,Laithwaite, member of the town council of Goderich, was in Clinton Monday. and, as is usual on his visits. here, was given a most cordial greeting by . his many old, friends 1 . Will e s w 1e wi 1 always bear him in kindly remembrance. Miss Edna Ba i11 ikw Burford, who made many warns friends while vis- itingn ClintonC a couple of sum. mers ago, is again ain g , g spending •several. weeks with :her cousins, Mrs. A. A. Hill and Miss Maud Deverell. The following passengers left for the West during the past week and were. ticketed thr - u h e o byM. � g. . 'V, Jack- -son, • Agent . of the C.P.R.: • John .Perdue and wife to Lethbridge, Mrs, Blake 'to Edmonton, W. Nesbitt '.to Medicine Hat,, W. Newcombe to Vancouver and J. Pollock to • Cal- gary.. Mr. Karl • wilkin, who has been . as- sociated with. the Jackson Mfg, Co., for the pas nine years, "has `"leen removed to the Goderich branch to take charge of an important posi- •, tion there. His many friends in Clinton, while regretting to part with him, will be pleased to hear of his promotion. . Mr. D. C. McLaughlin of. Aberdeen, • South Dakota, who, with his wife is visiting • the Misses • Mason, High street, left on Tuesday to visit old friends at Ripley and Huron town- ship for a few days. "Dave" is having a restful, pleasant time.; but as the spring opens out he will be- gin to grow anxious to take his part in making Aberdeen boom. Mr. .1.. T. Clark, editorial writer on the Daily, Star, Toronto, and well • known to many pdople in town, who recently returned. from England where ho spent a couple of months as staff correspondent of the Star during the British elections, will be the guest of the Clinton Club on Friday evening when lie itiiIi . give an addree.s. It is the intention of the Club to have a number of well- known men address theirs upon 'var- ious subjects of interest during the next few months. Mr, Wesley Walker made a business trip to Toronto last week and while there secured the appointment as agent for the Gerhard lrn- tro7' pianos in this town and vicir.tty and also at Goderich. Ile had only taken over the agency for a few days when he sold a very • hand - r Frank O'Neil 1 ' 'hand- some piano to Mr. li e ar iI whose family express themselves as delighted with .the instrument. Mr. Walker is an energetic agent and will, no doubt, do a big share of the business It, that line. Tmovi )A:L 4TbR4' 50 Pairs ofCurlaIns al]Iaif]FrIce Fifty pairs Curtains, slightly soiled by displaying throughout the store. soiled. Regular prices run from 50c to $5', Clearing at half price.. One curtain only .10 0Women's . Coats Twenty women's short length Black Beaver and Cheviot Coats. from $5 up to $8, clearing at each 166 Regular Prices 1.00 Ready -Made *Clothing Forty-eight Odd Suits, Coats and Vests and Odd Pants at $1.50, each. Odd Pants at 50e per pair. of twekds and worsteds, clearing Mofetj-Saving Prices Ladies' Mantles Regular $10,00 Coats for 12.00 • 15,00 � Children's Coats in red, bine and brown Beaver Cloth;•reg $5 and 5,50 for .... • 3.75 Regular 8.00 for 6.75 Save 'Moneg.on Furs FoxMuff, regular $10.50 for Squirrel ' • 11.00 for . Badger 5.50 for 10.00 for Sable 25.00 for I�i1T11% MtnkStole • 50,00 for 50.00 for Squirrel 7.110 for Badger 111,00 for Lynx 12,00 for Fox 30.00 for Sable 18.00 for. 10.00 for Timber Sable 9°: 0°°0 for. Marmot 7.50 fur 50 and 75c Dress Goods 39c 500 yards Dress Goods in black, bine, brown, red 'and mixtures -broadcloth serges, tweeds, etc, reg prices from 50c tp 75e for ' • • .3 9 75c to 125 Dress Goods 35c on 5 mg Bargains in White :White ' Lawn Waists •1,00 9,00 10.00 12,50 8.00 4.00 7.50 18.50 10.00 39.00 5.en 7.50 8.00 22.00 13,00 7.00 ' 0.50, 5.50 • 500 yards Dress Goods in all the pomp-, lar colors, from 44 to. 54 inches, wide, in, serges, broadcloths at Harris home spun. tweeds, reg prices 75c up to 1:2.5, clearing all at one'price. .5 NO, 1-10 only, White Lawn Waists, lace insertion front, reg 50e clearing at.. .20 NO. 2-.11 only, White Lawn Waists, trimmed with lace, all sizes, reg 75c and L00, clearing at 49 NO. 3-21 only, White Lawn Waists, embroidery fronts, reg up to 1.75 at .... NO. 4.10 only, White Waists, em- broidery trimmed, very natty styles, reg up to 2,25 for • 1.00 $1.5I Sateen Skirts. 79c Black 'Sateen Petticoats, two rows of frilling and dust drop, made of ' good quality heavy sateen and will give splen - wear, reg 1.25 for . .79 • 25 per cent off allTop Skirts, Panama, Voile, Broadcloths, Serges and Tweeds. .7.5 Staple Bargains • 25 pieces of Print, the balance of last .season's l7uying,• in navy, black, white, red. in spots, stripes -dud cheeks, reg 12tc and 151 clearing at NO,. 5-18 only, White Lawn Waists, embroidery trimmed, very pretty styles,' reg up to 3,50 -clearing at , ... , . 50e Worsted Hose 35c • • 10 doz boys and girls Black Ribbed ' WorstedHose, heavy and will give splen-• did warmth and wear, all sizes, reg 50c at .35 35c Worsted Hose 25e 25 doz boys and girls .Black Ribbed Worsted Hose, a, good• warm stocking for this season of the year, all.siees,: reg 350 clearing. at . • • ...,,. .25 Children's Toques Children's -Toques in three styles,. all • i pnre,wool, in all the popular colors, re- - gular 50c for • ..:. .3 5 $5 Knit Top Skirts 3.50 e only, Knit Top Skirts, Form Fit, black silk ntoiri; flohnue embroidery good wide width, reg 5.00 for • 3.50 .10 10c 1• actorg Cotton 8c 500 yards 32 -inch Factory .Cotton, good clean round thread, heavy weight. This clgth . has been our special • fox• the past year at 10e 'per yard, and we have again bought it for.the coning season, 5u0 yards only- at .08 121/c TTOweling iOc 100 yards Crash,Toweling, . with 'or without binder, heavy weight, our regu- lar 12to value for Remnants Half Price Remnants' of Dress'Goods Remnants of Cottons Remnants of Prints Remnants of Muslins Remnants of Toweling Remnants of Satteens Remnants of Flannelette Of Personal Mention Mr. Jas. Fair was in Toronto , last Dr. J. W: Shaw visited Ottawa. last week.• week. • - 11 • Ir Frank n. a 1 O'Neil Ieft for Moose Jaw, Sask., this week. • • Miss Emma Travis . visited `in Brussels with Mrs.' S. Carter last week. Mrs. Donaldson aldsori of Forest spent •Sun- da y in town, the' guest of Mrs. : Bo1cs. Mrs. i L. Greig is visit n i in (~ i g Seaforth • this 'week with :her son, Mr. J. C. Greig Mrs. John Li'lider of Tgronto has been' visiting • her daughter, Mrs,' Jas. Doig. • Mrs, 'Jas.. Rapson.of Constance spent Saturday with her friend; Mrs. John Watkins. Warren and Elmer Finch visited frfeiids`fat""73 ussels 'Saturday and Sunday. 1VIr. Cannan hail of the Royal Bank, Montreal, called on • Clinton friends this 'week. Mrs... A. Seeley. and Miss • Aleda, vis-. ited with Mrs. McGillvray of God- erich a few days this week, • Messrs. C. J. Wallis, Albert Me - Brien and Wm. Colwell left last • Friday for Lloydminstcr, Sask. Mr, and Mrs. George Finch and two children, Seaforth, were guests over Sunday 'of Mr. and Mrs. James Finch, Mr. J. Wasmann of Clinton, visited at Mr. L. II. Bosman's and other friends over Sunday.-Wingharn Ad- vance. ... 7 Miss Pena Matheson, who has been Holidaying in town fora couple of months, is now attending the mil- linery openings in Toronto, ldr. J. A. Irwin and family have taken up their residence in town, and are becoming comfortably set- tled in the house lately occupied by Engineer . Greenwood. • Mr. E. Mutt and his son Lorne left ...on. Monday with a carload of horses for Saskatoon, Sask., where he' will conduct a horse exchange. Mr. Butt has been a such respected res- r:dent of this vicinity for a great many years andt n us his n nt7 cro old friends regret his leaving but wish -.him and his fancily success, Mrs. Butt left the sante afternoon for Ingersoll where she will visit her daughter, tat hte Mi.. • i r s 14t:. Graham, for a' fewweeksand until her departure for her newhose n the west. est. The departure o" this esteemed family leaves a big gap in the social life of- the Base Line. Mrs. (Rev.) .II111 of Aylmer spent a y P few days 'with Clinton friends' the past week. 3 Miss Ida Ewald visited her home at Credito nr f om Saturday until Men - day evening. Miss • Dora Erratt of Auburn, has been the guest of Miss Jenkins of Woodlands harm." Miss Couch of .Exeter is visiting in town the guest of her cousins, Mr. • and Mrs. Percy Couch. • • - Mrs. .I. Cunningham has been confin- ed to thehouse during the past Week with a severe cold. The News -Record requests the co-op- eration of its friends in making its "Personal Coltman ascompleto as•'pos- sible, Miss Mabel Stinson, Bayf eld, • spent a few days of the past week visiting her sister, whois a student at the C. C. I. • Mr. Ja mes� eet. Sw . of the Advocate staff, Exeter, spent Sunday, and • Monday with" his brother, Mr.• R. Sweet. Miss McCormack -arrived in town this week and will,,,have charge of Mr. J. A. Irwin's millinery .department during the season. Mr. It, J. Moffat has taken a posi- tion with Mr. J. IL Petty of near 'Henson and left on Monday to take ! up his duties there. Misses Eva and 'Jennie Brown, spent Sunday Last in lensall as guests of their cousin, Miss Margaret Ilab- birk, who purposes leaving soon for Snowflake, Man. 1\tr, and Mrs. Olin 'Iloopt'r of Ilensall, alter spending some three weeks with friends at Toronto, visited the fornrer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hooper, on Tuesday. Warren Finch, after several . weeks visit with friends hi Clinton and Morris, left on Monday for Flint, Miele, where the faintly now reside. Isoas w accompanied by Erne Law- son. Mr. Lewis Suitter of Glencoe, • who recently y bought the elevator pro- perty, is expected in town this week. Ile is negotiating for the purchase of one of the most sub- stantiai residences std es in town.. Mr. Will. Newcombe of Ingersoll was in towel. a few days this week shak- ing hands with old friends prior to • his departure for Vancouver, where he has accepted a position. The News From Londesboro Mr. G. Sprung left for the west Monday morning also •Wilfred Wallace on 'Tuesday morning. Mrs. R. Adams is attending millin- ery openings in Toronto this week. M. Mains - has ' finished making sruare timber for Mr. Crawford. . Mr. Elam of Blyth has rented and will open up the temperance house in the course of a week or so. 1VIr. Hammend will shoes oes,and harness be- sides looking after the welfare of the travelling public. A11 will join in welcoming him to the village and wish him . every; success. People who •have been put to considerable incon- venience sines the closing of the hoose last November will be pleased to see it re -opened as will many of the ` travelling public, ' • • - Mr. Thos, H. Cole is preparing to move to the farm; he recently. ' pur- chased from Mrs. T. A. Moon. Owing to a break in a portion of Itis machinery Jas. Hill has had to close his . chopping mill for a few clays. He is anxiously waiting for the necessary repairs which he expects from. Berlin. Mr. John .Vodden' and wife, Albert Radford and. Misses I. and J. Bruce attended the funeral of Mrs. J. Cunningham of Belgrave Monday of this week. Miss Wheatley , of Clinton spent- Sunday pen FSunday with her friend, Miss A. Bell, Mr: Robert Smith has put in his 1 season's supply of ice this week. Messrs. Thos. Sampson and W. Riley attended a Masonic meeting in Olin- 1 ton Friday evening last. The members of. Court Pride of the West ares requested ted to be present at their n e annual, oyster supper which will be held on Friday evening of next, week. An up-to-date program is. be- ing prepared for the occasion, . and the price, of • admission -will be only twenty-five cents. , Mr. John Hutton shipped a earof flour this week. Mr. and' Mrs D. Patterson were caIIers - itt thevillageMonday-of-this... week. Mrs. Patterson • (nee Miss Mabel Copeland), eldest daughter of Rev. T. B. Copeland, was a resident of the village for three years. Her. many friends will ill pleased leas edto meet her and extend congratulation`sand; wish her and Mr. Patterson . health and happiness in their western home for which they leave in a few days. Mr. Patterson is a son, of Mr,'Donald Patterson of Auburn and is well known in this vicinity. •Ile has been. in the west some tiime where he has. an extensive business as contractor. Constance Concerns. Mr. Wm. Stanley, of Ilolmesville was in the village on Monday. Miss Evelyn Clarke is the guest of Miss Annie, Lawson of Summerhill. Mrs. James Proctor,: who spent the past two months visiting her son at London `returned helve last week. Our pastor, Rev. Mr. Currie, Was unable to be present on Sunday ow- ing to the bad condition of the roads. Mrs. John Clarke from Seaforth is visiting, friends in and around Con- I stance. . ce - i Tr. C. M. McGregor has secured l George Johnson of ,Summerhill for ' the Summer. Some of the attended young pelc a party at Mr. Wm. Dale's on Tues- day evening. Miss Stella Clarke, has been ' pit few days, i ill forthe past w ay , s, we are I pleased to hear, recovering. • Mrs. D. Cole of Ftliel visited over Sunday at Mrs. T. Pollard's. .,....,.... _..:... y...... . ,....... Auburn School report next week. Mr. John Sturdy, of 'Winghan7 is vis- iting relatives here, Miss Elva stoneliam has returned' fron7t Din rite 7oh. The stifle Club held their Assembly on the evening of Mar. 2nd at Auburn note'. Miss flora Erratt has returned from 0oderic'lr. The Canadian Order of Foresters will have an oyster supper on Mar. Oth. Miss Mabel Erratt is ill with ton. siliti i s. The Epworth League will have a. social evening next Tuesday.