HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-03-03, Page 71 6► , Marchi ard. 1910 - 4. D. WTAQGART ' ltd. D. iiiicTAG(IART KcTaggart Bros --BANKERS---• A GENERAL MANKIl!f(3 813SI, INLESS TRANISACTED. ANOTES DISCOUNTED. DRAFTS ISSUED INTELEST ALLOWED ON DE- POSITS. SALE NOTES PURCH- ASED,------------ - - - H. T. RANCE. - - - NOTARY PUBLIC, CONV EY- ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- AI�iCE AGENT. REPRESEN- TING 14 FIRE INSURANCE (?OMPANIES. DIVXSION COURT OFFICE, . CLINTON. a --�+.. I W. BRYDO`NE, ` BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY, PUBLIC. ETC. (WFICE-Sloane Blc,ck-•-Cf INTON. OHARLES B. BALE REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE . OFFiC> HURQN ST. _' DR, W. GUNN L. R. C. P., L. R. C. S. Eldfnburg !OHice-Ontario atrcet, Cliaton. wilgm calla at front door oP offloe or at reAlleace oa Rattenbury street. r ---,DR T. VP. SKA W— t-OFYICE- RATTENBURY ST. EA'ST,. --CLIliTON. I A - DR. C. W. rHOMPSON. PHYSICIAL, SURGEON, ETC. Special attention g; yen to' dis- eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and suitable glasses prescribed. Office and residence : 2 doors west of C ercial Iotel Huron St. the omm i -DR. F. A. AXON. - (Successor to Dr. -Holmes.) Specialist in Crown and Bridge work, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Honor graduate of University of Toronto Dental Department. Graduate of the Chicago ' College of Dental Surgery Chicago. Will be at the Commercial hotel Bayfield, every Monday from 10 a. m. Iso p. m. - -TIME ,TABLE -- Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton. Station as follows : . BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV., Wiping East 1 7.35 a. m,' .. „ 3.07 p.m. 't " 5.15 p. m.. Going ,West• :1.07 a. m. " t` 1.25 p. m. tt '" X6.40 1 p.m. tt "t 11.28 p. m. LONDON, 'HURON & BRUCE DI,V. na u Goi , So th 7.50 a . m ,. .. 1 . 4.$3 P. n... Owing North 11.00 a, m. t. " 6.35 P: m. ER 86 YEARS' !XPERIENCE . 1 TRADE MARKS DaemNs COPYRIGHTS &M Anyone sending a sketch and description easy gltfekly aaoertaiu our opinion free whether an utvent.ion is probably ppatentable. Communioa- tione atrictlyoonadent(al. 11ANDDOOB on Patent■ eont, free. Oldest npency for scouring�pstents. Patents taken tleroaQ h Munn dt CA, teoohe 0 iad notice, vitbout charge, in the gdtititic merican. A handsomely lila-torted weekly. t rgeat eir. culation of any selentile jonival.. Terms for Canada, 'l.lF a yuu, postage prepaid, gold by nn n'.", alere. MUNN & Co 861®roadmy, New York Branch ODloe• 6'25 r•st.. Washington, A. C. CJPPIN�OTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A ,FAMILY LIBRARY Tire Best In Current liter t r sue 12 COMPLzTe NovtLs YCARLY MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS Oi4 TIMELY TONICS $2.60 PER YEAA; 26 CTS. A COPY *NO CONTINUED STORIES, — IN tTeLrLR EVERY NUMBER COMPLETC Clinton News -Record 2N-! o "##+#"" #""#"N - , r THOMAS BROWN, LICENSED AUC- tioneer for the counties of Huron AA in;, the. girl's valise aside, and, rum. and PertH. Correspondence prompt- bristly. eyes moving alertly from face hl!uj with stentorian mirth, stood MOTHER ! t to face, "No matter. You wouldn't 'stn .. meats can be made for sale 'dates dare use anyway Aud ]'m about A Business Education is the t. at The News -Record, Clinton, or by done. Dorothy, my dear, it's high he exclattued, •"this moment. calling phone 97, Seaforth. -Charges greatest, legacy yyo��u can. leave C is %north all it co,; me! My cii4d'ren, -forgive taxes in favor of a big Barrie indus- •tectlon, Whore's that gladstoue 1 you freely Mr. Kirkwood, your children. get dowtr `•in my traveling, bar•" the girl told , felicitate you cordially on uuving � bitn !n a toneless voice. to the bed -rock foundation of cases the real cause .'•Then you may bring it along. You may also say good night to the kind d'you know, I feel as if l ought to. do a little something for you both." - living business science, and as-� • gentlemen `- 'The thick-, mottled fingers tore nem. cedure then," Mr. Lucas flung back remedy that alvtra]s, ' sist worthy graduates to the lnsuraflCe. Com�anC C]3AI'TI:Ii !Geri. ,« -Farm and Isolated Town Property- choice positions. ---•• bent forward', all quiekened by the prospect of for the first tittle behold ° . By- Louis Joseph 'fiance Ing the -tr,ea-,ure over which they had Enter any day. individual tighten beneath the gloves: fought, for .which they bud suffered J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth P. 9 instruction. Home study 0. ; M. HcEwen, Vice -President CoprriRht, INS, 'bY the Bobbs-Merrill Co,. A heady and'lnselons- fra;;raace per• in Senior Teachers, -'Dorotlly!" 'cried the adventurer, vaded the atmosphere.. exhaling froth Treasurer, Seaforth P. O. Icourses: Matriculation and Commercial subjects. Send fol• particulars. *ulaidlv," nodtt#d urentwicif, Yard^- goggtea, and clapped a hearty hand William Chesney, Seaforth ; - John "I heard -you." she. replied" a little „ Eh? Dont come a second time be. - `"Oh, that be blowed!" tine adventur• upou tqq adventuri:r's quukinfi ghoul• pause ended eventually, by a sharp .. wanted to vote on the question, the tween father and daughter. Another er snorted in disgust. ''l can call cin dors• • AfI3liated with Commercial man might not be as patient as 1, lir. cle9 round any tee theft ever blew out "R'PII." bP cried. ••sod are you still Made b W: H. Ccrostock Co.. Y , Ltd.,,. r Educators' Association of Can- Brentwick, There s a law in the land, of Scotland. Yardl Give me an bo>;r't sailing circles round the Alen from Mr, Lucas ---"1 don't propo to r: ada, ff"You dont happen to know is start and you're free. to do all the Scotland Yard, Simmons or Bellows of iio thinks he can . force a vote i t quit I I congratulate you on your success itrnay business you've a mind to with Sanderson or .(alendur or OrumbstanP, this conluiittee• • n evading ic" observed Brentwick, .•,..Scotland Yard!" or whatever name you prefer to rail I Easter Term. Opens. � sundisturbed. "And it was cons[derate , 'Then, you admit," queried i;rent. under? .1 • March 29th. of ou not to emplo It to this In- Y „ y Mance.Then. with a sharp change wick civilly, "that you've no legal t[tle Calendar lared at him a h 8 $ est. then lie pointed out that often he wr,i of tone, Come sir.' he demanded to the jewels fn dispute?" seared a profound sigh, shrugged his attt�ndanico of . tl:e sixty memb•irs o Write Por Particulars, 'Yon have unwarrantably Intruded In e'Look here, my friend," chuckled fat shoulders and bout his head In be sent next summer by the Don►•- inion Government to. sedreh'for Gent. CLINTON this room, which I have engaged for Calendar; "when you catch, me admit. tin an thin g tl g You write 1t down in thought. An instant later he looked up, "You can't do It," he Informed the No," said Lennox. $� Business Coale e my private use. Get through with our business nd be oft ith ou." y, a w Y your little book."and tell the bobby on detective vehewently. "jou haven't 2 2j " All in good time. my antediluvian the corner. ' Just at present I've- got got a shred of evidence against me! j GEO. SPOTTON, PRIN. friend. When I've wound up my busi- , other business than to stand round What's there? A pile of oranges and • ♦ ooNooNHONe,N aoahoN�o nest here I 11 before. )dot, admitting anything about anything. Cap•n, let's have'tbat bag of my dutf- a peck- of trash What of• It? Be- sides," he threatened. '"if you pineb .numb to .le ave behind in conspicuous places. , Gas '& Produce Co,, to give ou, we just to oblige You, we'll get down to ' it. fiirkwood, have ful dangh er's," me you'll have to take tbo girl In too. ordinary purposes, and to fix the' D. N. WATSON you a revolver of mine,. Be good enough to return it" ..+Ere are." Stryker spoke toe tryker 1 swear that whatever stealing was A party of 301) •Salvation :•army emI-, LI TON - - C N , ONT. "1 bare it here, under the table:" „ the first ti a since a the room a , taking• the salise from beneath the done she did lt, I'll not be trapped this way by her and let her off with. . LICENSED AUCTIONEER interrupted 1yrPntwick suavely Shall I band it to you?" chair and depeslting it on the table.. "tit a squeal. T oke me -take her,. d'you for the Count of Huron Corres- `"Bv the muzzle, it you please Be "Well• we shan't take anything that '°'�' pondence pro ptly answered. Charg- es moderate and satisfaction guaran- teed. Immediate arrangements • for sale dates may be made by calling at The News -Record Office or on Frank Watson at McEwan's groc- �y 17 very careful„ 'Chis one'v -loaded, too -apt to explode'any minute," To Iiirkwood's intense disgust Brent- wick quietly slipped one hand beneath : the table and, platin; the revolver on `its top, delicately with his finger tips sboved it toward the . farther edge. With a grunt of approval Calendar swept the weapon up and into his pgcliet r� doesn't belong to us," laughed Calen- dar, fumbling with the catch, '•not even so small. a matter as my owu child's traveling bag, A small -heavy -giadstone bag," he grunted, opPuing' the valISP rind/111119,1119 In one greeds ' hand, '•will -just -about -do for• ming!'" Wltb which he produced the article mentioned "'This for the dl card, eitj)'n," he. laughed contentedly, push- THOMAS BROWN, LICENSED AUC- tioneer for the counties of Huron Any more ordnance. be ingtiired in;, the. girl's valise aside, and, rum. and PertH. Correspondence prompt- bristly. eyes moving alertly from face hl!uj with stentorian mirth, stood ly answered. Immediate a>rasgo to face, "No matter. You wouldn't 'stn beamin; beniguantly over. the assein meats can be made for sale 'dates dare use anyway Aud ]'m about Gted company "Why," at The News -Record, Clinton, or by done. Dorothy, my dear, it's high he exclattued, •"this moment. calling phone 97, Seaforth. -Charges time you returned to your father's pro. bag?" is %north all it co,; me! My cii4d'ren, -forgive taxes in favor of a big Barrie indus- •tectlon, Whore's that gladstoue 1 you freely Mr. Kirkwood, moderate and sa.tisfactiox guaran- `•in my traveling, bar•" the girl told , felicitate you cordially on uuving teed. bitn !n a toneless voice. secured a most expeu,ive wife. finally, cases the real cause .'•Then you may bring it along. You may also say good night to the kind d'you know, I feel as if l ought to. do a little something for you both." - The JUCK11I0D 1�utuaI Fire • gentlemen `- 'The thick-, mottled fingers tore nem. cedure then," Mr. Lucas flung back remedy that alvtra]s, ' Alsly at the catch. Eventually he got lnsuraflCe. Com�anC C]3AI'TI:Ii !Geri. �e bag open. Those about the table -Farm and Isolated Town Property- QROTUY did not move, Her pallor grew more itat-Lir, and bent forward', all quiekened by the prospect of for the first tittle behold --Only Insured- Kirkwood saw her knuckles Ing the -tr,ea-,ure over which they had -OFFICERS- tighten beneath the gloves: fought, for .which they bud suffered J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth P. otherwise her month seerned to'grow . so long, ' 0. ; M. HcEwen, Vice -President more stralxht and hard. A heady and'lnselons- fra;;raace per• Brucefield P. O. ; T. ,E, Hays,. Sec,- -'Dorotlly!" 'cried the adventurer, vaded the atmosphere.. exhaling froth Treasurer, Seaforth P. O. with a touch of displeasure "You the Open mouth of the bag, s silevee, -Directors- heard me?" Indefinitely sustained, lmpress�d itself William Chesney, Seaforth ; - John "I heard -you." she. replied" a little upon the little audleu,ee-a breathless Grieve, Winthrop ; George Dale, Sea-• wearily, more than a little coutemptu- pause ended eventually, by a sharp .. forth John Watt, Harlock ; John Bennewies, Brodhagan James Evans, Beechwood ; .James Connolly, G6derich. • -AGENTS- Robert' Smith, Harlock ; E. Hin- chlcy, Seaforth ; Jam,es Cummings, Egmoadville ; J.' W. Yeo, Holmes- ville. , Any money to. be paid in may be paid to Tozer do Brown, Clinton, or at Cutt's grocery, Goderich.g Parities desirous to effect insurance or transact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above, officers addressed to their respective postoflices. Losses inspected by the director who lives nearest the scene, Kidne and Liver Medicated Pad Cure all Kidney and rine i ° Weakness, Painsin back,IUuntba 1 0, Rheumatic, Neuralgia, All Li• M ver and Stomach compinint§. Alt Female weakness pninful and irregular periods. Men, Women and Children are'benefitted alike. - Price one pair one dollar. •But o Quickly in4roduce will maitwith First order O"ne Pair Free—the t is two pairs on receipt of this advertismen t and one dollar: Order 10 -day this cheap and reliable treatment. 36 Address—THE MEDICATED PAD COMPANY b VICTORIA Avx.. . WINDROR. ONT.. CANADA Folr Mettler S IN . i ' MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN. AL�E]iA How Made and How Reached• ,LOW SETTLERS' RATES Settlers with Live Settlers and Faf flies without Lave Stock and Effects Stock - - , ..... ,:- should use.=.-.- , pecial Trains Regular Traitls leave Toronto 10.10 y 10.10P.M.Tuesdays tIVINNIPEG FLYER during - 39 hours to Winnipeg IdARCH end APRIL Through Tourist Cats COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS In which Berths are Free Apply to nearest Agent for copy of "Settlers' Guide," "Western Canada," Tourist Cars," or write ' R. L. Thompson, D.P.A., C.P.R., Toronto. W.. JACKSON Agent - - - - - . - Clinton. Clinton dews'-ilecord. CLINTON - ' ON`I' term$ of subscription -$1 per year in advance $1.50 may be charged it not so paid. No paper ' discontinued until all nrl''ear5 are paid, unless' at the opinion of the publisher. rho, date to which every subscription i.s paid is denoted on the label. Advertising rates ---Transient ,tdver- tiscment 10 c n l s cuts er no arie . n n line for 'first insertion and 3 cents per line fpr each subsequent insert• ion. Small advertisements not to exceed one inch, such as ""Lost." "Strayed," or ""Stolen," etc,, in- serted once for 35 cents and emh sub�enuent insertion 10 cents. Communications intended for publitma- tion must, as a guarantetr of good faith, be aCCbmpaniod by t'he dnmAe of the writer. W. J. MITCIY> LL, l tlitoc and Proprietor, ousJy. "'Don t mind hint, phase, Mr. Kirkwood!" with an appealing ges- tum. as Kirkwood, Unable! to contain himself, moved restlessly. to his chair. threAtening to rise,, • , Tkni't say any- thing. 1 , have no Intefition whatever of going with this man," Calendar's features .twitched nerv- ously.. ' He chewed it corner of his mustaebe,, fixing the girl with a black stare. "1 presume, he. remarked, aft- rr a moment, with .slow deliberu.tion, ^you're 'aware that as your father I till iii n position to compel you to ae- •ompany ane." "I shall not'go with you;" iterated . fporothy in a level tone. • "you maty hreaten me, but -I shall 'not go � Jir, .'rentwick and Jig. iSirkwood are tak- ng ipe to—friends; who will give Hifi a faille -until, I can find a. way to, talre etre of tnyself. That, is all I -have to .tr to ,von." "Bravo, my dearr' cried Brentwick encouragingly,. - - " Jlind.your business, str!"' thundered Calendar, his face darkening, then to � Dorothy, ."You understand, .1 trust, what this means?" he demanded, "I offer .you a home, and a good one, , Re• fuse and you wort- . for your living, my girl! You've forfeited. your leg- acy„_ ” I know, I know," sbe told him in cold disdain. "1 am content. Won`t .you 'be • kind Pnou;;h to leave me alone?" - : , For a breath Calendar glowered over tier. Then, "I presume," be. observed, "that all these heroics are Inspired by that whippersnapper Kirkwood. Do you know that be hasn't a brass far- thing to ble..ss himself with?" . " What has that"- cried the girl in- diguantly. , .. by,, it has everything to do with me, my child. As your. doting .parent I cail't.consent .to yonr marrying noth- ing a year, for 1 surmise you Intend to marry thJs Air. fiirkwood, don't you?" There followed a little interval of silence, while the warm blood flamed In the ill's face au d the 'red Jt 13 ps "trembled`- as -idle -faced "-lies � iorinenf5F Then.. with a quaver thin escaped her control, "if Air. Kirkwood asks me I shall," she stated vera• simply. "That," interposed Kirkwood, . ''is completely understood." Ills gaze sought tier eyes, but shz looked away. "You forget that I am your father," sneered Calendar, "and that you are a minor. 1 can refuse my consent." "But you won't," fiirkwood told him, with assurance. . The adventurer stared. "No," he agreed after slight hesitation; "no, i shan't interfere. Take her, my boy, it you want tier, and a father's blessing into the bargain. The lord knows i've troubles enough. A parent's lot is not what it's cracked up to be." fie paused, leering, ironic. "But," dellb• erately, "there's still this other mat- ter of the glad9tone bag. 1 don't mind abandoning my parental authority when my child's happiness is concern. ed, bbut as for my property"-• "It Is not your property,' interrupted the girl. "It was your motber's, ddar child, It's now mine," I i. d s ute that assertion I fr - � l�woo p ... a put in, ,"You may dispute it till the cows Come home, my boy, The fact will re. main that I tntenl to take my property with me when 1 'leave this roots, whether you like it or not. :avow, are you disposed to continue the argument, or may i count on your being sensi- ble?" "'YOU may pat Away your, revolver, if that's what you mean," said Kirkwood, "I've certainly shan't oppose you with violence, but 1 warn you that Scotland - snap, of Calendar s teeth. XI w -In! grunted the adventurer Lu ; bewilder. ment Ile beghn to pant, - Abruptly his heavy hands delved Into the contents of the bag, like the paws of.a terrier digging In• earth. To Kirkwood the air seemed ti;.Wponrily tjlick with dying objects. Bengath his astouis.hed eyes at..towel fell upo.0 the table -a crumpled, soiled towel bear- ing oti its dingy . hem the inscription' In indelible ink. "hotel du Commerce, Anvers." A tooth mug' of substantial earthenware dropped to the fluffs' �w!th a crash A slimy soap• dish of, the same manufacture slid across the table and Into Brentwick's fop, A battered alarm clock with neve r a tick left in Its abnse carvass rang vacubusly as It fell by fhe open bag, Tile reuinin- ficr was -oranges. a dozen or mora . sinal!, romid. goidon globoB of ripe frltlt, perhaps a shade oveerjpe, there. fora the more- aromatic. • . 'the adventurer ripped out an oath. "31ulready!" he raged in fury `•Done nil, I swear! Done ,by that infernal sneak -me, blind as a bat!" He fell suddenly silent. the blood congesting in his face; as suddenly broke forth again, haranguing the com pa ny. "That's why be went out and bought those oranges. is W., Think of,' it -me sitting in .the. hotel in' Antwerp and him lugglug in orauges by the bagful because he was fond of fruit. When did he do It'? How do f know? If I knew, would I be here, and bin) the• devil knows where this minute? When my back was turned, of course! That's why be was so hot about picking a fight' on the boat, eh? Wanted to get•, thrown off and take to the ,woods leaving "tae with this! And tbai s why. he.felt so awful done up he wouldn't take �a band at bunting you two down, hey? I'll camp on his trail for the rest of his natural born daysl 1'lI have his eyeteeth for this! I'll"- He swa ed i grin th a h bb wi r e bL5 Y g g c - countens[nite�frigh'tfully--coiTtorted .his fat hands shaking as be struggled for expression. And then, while yet their own aston- ishment 'held Dorothy, Kirkwood, Brentwick and Stryker speechless, Charles, the mechanician. moved sud- i deuly upon the adventurer, Thr f ow w metallic clicks. e e oil ed t o Calendar's ravinjis were abrupted ae if his tongue had been paralyzed.. he fell hack'a pace, flabby jowls pale and shaking, ponderous jaw dropping on his breast, mouth wide and eyes crazed as he shook violently !lefore- him his thiels,. fleshy wrists, securely handcuffed, . Slmultaueonsly the bold. inechatriclan whirled about, bounded eagerly across the'floor and c•allgtlt Itryker at the door, his dexterous fingers twlsting in the captaln's collar as lie jerked him back and trlppt d him. " Mr. Kirkwood," he cried. "here, please, one inoment! 'rake this man's gun from hitn, will you?"' fiirkwood sprang to his assistance and without encountering much trou- ble succeeded in wresting a revolver ' it accid fin Ors. front Ste kers 1 n � fl n y 1. Roughly the mechanician shook the man, dra;gtng bite to his feet. '"�!ow, ` he ordered sternly, "'you march to that corner,. stir!; your nosh In It and be good! You can't get away ff you try. I've got other. men outside, waiting for you to come° out. Understand?" 11retnblink like a whipped cur, Stry- .0t' meekly obeyed his Instructions to the letter.. The mechanician, with a contemptu- ous laugh, leaving him, strode back to Calendar, meanwbile whipping ode 'his "Nut". t Tneuni it, evert worcd i" "'- think." put !n 'the clear, plana ac• cents of Breutwick, "we can houslder that matter settled. , I' have here, my clan,'' nodding to the adventurer as Jae took up the blaek leather wallet- "1,have here a little matter which may clear , up : any lingering doubts 'as to your standing which Sou may be di;t- poled at present to Piltertalu." He extracted a slip of cardboard and at ,arm's length laid .it on -the table edge beneath the adventurer's eyes The latter, bewildered, .bent over it for a moment, breathing heavily, then stralgbtened back, shook himself, laughed shortly with a mirthless note -and faced the detective. "It's 'come' wil b you, now;' I gut ss?'l he suggested very.qui'Ptly. "'Tile Bnlnimer warrant is still ou't for yuu," returned the .d'1 d'1. "That'II be enough to bold'you on till eztradl tion papers arrive from the `;tater." "Oh, I'll waive those, and .1 :won't give you any trouble elther..'i reckon," (TO BE CONTINtIEW) • Fate of An-dre,: An interesting story. connected with the long lost Andre, the explorer who twelve years ago left Spitzbergeli in a balloon .in• search of the north pole, and never returned, has been told ,by Bishop Pascal of Prince Albert, who has b e he. u t h 1 t O n t g os of t o Ob a e Fathers in Ottawa. Bishop Pascal has eharge of an im- mense territory extending. even so. far north as the pole. His story had to do with the country iri the eastern portion of. bis diocese between Sias- kateliewan and Hudson Bay. There is,a. young priest, Father Turquotille, a member of the Oblate Order, who resides a;t Reindeer Lake, who had traveled extensively among the Eski- mos in the northern part of the region in order to learn their language.. On one occasion he went with ,.a , . no .die art about six cin s our. - m P Y Y 7 _lie - o-tli- nor heart. Reindeex_Lake. _ Y_ t. C_. t �tf _ and there met another party of Eski- mos. Noticing a revolver which the priest carried- the Eskimos told him that some years before a `'white house' descended from the sky and eontained: white men who had killed many caribou to supply themselves with food, 'They intimated that the white men were in a .half starving condition. None of the men were now living, they sfated, but the "white house" was still in existence and was itself by members of the tribe as a sort of. supply house for rope with which it was covered, It is thought that this may ex. p�lifn the disappearance of Andre and Isis companions, as Andre may leave landed at the place indicated and perished. Father Turquotille, said Bishop Pascal, will make another journey shortly avid will endeavor to ret all' the facts. befaulter Wore 'Smile. Cambridge, Mass., Feb, M. -With a smile qn his face, and apparently without at care or worry, George W, Coleman, the alleged defaulting em - r ; ati na ity o t o the w eel eel N v 1 C 1 f P y Bank of Cambridge, was brouj;ht to )police lie-adquartprs Here yesterday by U. S. Deputy Marshal Cliarlcs A. Mancroft, Police Inspector Michael Xne.pland and John J. Croning, Cole. man's counsel, Coleman arrived at the hark Bay station, in t3oston, on the Twentieth Limited Chicago ts'ain at Dal a.m., and surrendered to the officers who were waiting for him, Capt, Burley Mated that Coleman since leaving Cambridge 'has been in Kansan City, Chicago, Philadelphia and New York. CALLS LUCAS AUTOCRAT, e Mr. Lennox Tries to Upset 01041 Cult. tt - . M Dr . I�Ore'; i�dZl10 Pul;s i�l� ' " in the private bills committee yestxsr- a day morning, that tit first promised When it iteetr.4' Emom . pox of North York; when Hon. I. B. could not bear tips Lucas announc::cl tlhat lie would al- ' any longerit i5 i` * CALLS LUCAS AUTOCRAT, n"Work" j,�� :NNIi gbp�' Mr. Lennox Tries to Upset 01041 Cult. - torn in Cornfnittev, TNero's Somitilit Wro��M�iR�a Toronto, I! elf. 26,----A "scrap" ensued Dr . I�Ore'; i�dZl10 Pul;s i�l� ' " in the private bills committee yestxsr- , day morning, that tit first promised When it iteetr.4' big things, It eras precipitated by T. II. Len- as if ou tri Y , nz)�1j5' pox of North York; when Hon. I. B. could not bear tips Lucas announc::cl tlhat lie would al- ' any longerit i5 i` * low a question respecting the pro- time to look fix thee posed partial exemption of scllooi cause of the trouw taxes in favor of a big Barrie indus- try, to stand until he had consulted --and the refnedyr I the Cabinet. In an astonishi:nglyw Mr. Lennox etas on leis feet in an in. large number tt0 I stant. "I don't think the chairman cases the real cause of this committee has any right to take that stand -or the claairwan of , of woman s mtscr:ir any cornmittee for that matter." is found to be eons- "You're not familiar with the pro- tipation, and � pike: .I cedure then," Mr. Lucas flung back remedy that alvtra]s, ' at him, "I'll never be familiar with that rhotaeadtofwomes I 100110st11*0 cures is Dr, Morse's• kind of practice," replied the North rbts, Indian Root pills., 1, York member' The chairman, lie submitted, must Neglect of the daily movement ofther go by the wishes of a majority ut bowels so necessar to health troa.a¢ � Y , the committee in every ease. poisons the whole system front dW--- . Mr. Lucas could not see it that impurities retained in the body. , way, and so the war went merrily on. He4AA hes indi estion biliousness wo.4 Mr. Lucas -"The chairman has aI right to withhold the report of any lassitude follow,gand often more serioss committee until the Government has female disorders aro brought on or heard all about it, We have laid a aggravated. rule already in which this principle j is involved. ' Dr. Morse's Indian Root PIAS nett No later than yesterday three bills • only regulate the bowels, but their were sent back to the Government, stimulate kidneys and skin as wclI loot• and this was pointed out by the p ri- vate bills chairman, throw off waste platter and if 11aC" - pm y Mr. Fripp. (East Ottawa) thou flit blond. The result is quickly, apparent - that if the majority of the conlndtf•�v in the disappearance of the headaches and I wanted to vote on the question, the biliousness, and the return of health mu z chairman could not prevent its „ vigor. Thousands of women all over the it is the duty of the chairman t submit the question to the cominitt •f world owe tiuir resent ood healthan. I p g and tvk them to vote either agitins Dr, .arse's Indian Rect Pills.. or for it. 1 have kept out of th' discus. ion b -cause I belong to on a: Made b W: H. Ccrostock Co.. Y , Ltd.,,. r t•he families interested, but i want t Brockville, Ont., and sold by all dealcts; - see fair play," said Mr. Lennox. at zSc a box. �; Mr, Lucas ---"1 don't propo to r: port this bill until •I have -r it th- i tjovernment, and a.ny lnenlb 1 who - . thinks he can . force a vote i t quit I . away from the ordinary practice u- DOW.. east n! 'rttl'nita,o. this conluiittee• The Imo. 1'. r. contended that tha, "If I cannot control this copiuliittc: � board could not snake this order, al . ar,cl deal with a bill, and refer it to it involves the construction iA. a, n,elod i t.bo (Uuvernment if newssary, then 1 station and works at. a point wllema ,~ill retire from the chairmanship, there is now no station or• 'unc ion I J t uid V5w to the wishes of Mr.'Lennox and where interchange of traffic hi i Prnd Mr. 1�ripp," AIr, Lucas annourc- not necessary. .11. lie pointed out that often he wr,i • Expedition to Find Caldwell; ' constrained to have matters stan- ,when ther6 was not a representative . Ottawa, Feb. 26. -Capt- Sam Barr+ attt�ndanico of . tl:e sixty memb•irs o lett, an uncle of the eommaricler of " - tlie committee, and in such a case R, E. Peary's ship, the Roo *velt, will , the chairman should have tie say, ` 14Ir, I.Pnnox A•Ir. I I7pp e•er.� I be sent next summer by the Don►•- inion Government to. sedreh'for Gent. and the first to challenge Iny position," Caldwell, who went into the nort-It:, he be .n. in the fall of • 1907 to investig+,ite ret• - No," said Lennox. porta of mineral deposits'in .tire•, Cop - "No," said Fripp. per River country. '.Che only news rc»- "Yes," said Lucas. celved of . him sinoe he- left (,hatter-• "And I intend #o refer this matter fiAld Inlet with two natives came tin of School tax exemption to th•� -Gov- Hudson Bay traders through Tindians,: . . ernnlent whether it is forced ,, not." who said Caldwell and his two native And so the lnr•,tter stands, companions •had been seen repairing; The whole trvuble- was thea .the their boat at -Baker Lake. . 'was town of Barrio,. a truly peuc>-loving ., Mr. Caldwell supplied .with a- r.of tubes, which he designed:, . comtnunity, desired the comrnitt�e to ratif ' its a reement with the Weber yl";ngine .numb to .le ave behind in conspicuous places. , Gas '& Produce Co,, to give to mats hi' c,aurse. eot,lplete exemption of taxation for . ordinary purposes, and to fix the' school taxes at $20,000, • TELEGRAPHIC. BRIEFS., .. j I A party of 301) •Salvation :•army emI-, . grunts, an advance party of the 10,000 • ; who are coming this season wile•.: . yesterday from London. Hatabtishod 1879 . Sir VC. Ii. White, chief engineer anti FOR WHOOl!iHCa COIIGH, f:ROtJP; secretary i21 the tvork6 deja;tm^nt to ASTHMA, COIIGH3, BrfONCSITi5,5081r ` the Government or• Bombay, has b�2n TIIROAT, CATARRH. !)IPHT13ERiA I ; appaintcd a director .Uf .•the Granit " 1 runt. I itilway of 'Canada.' va orized Crssoleae atopethe paroxyeme,oP '1 Whooping Cough. Ever dreaded Croup can- ;! I The s`,at,mient was made in finr'ncia_! circlos Yesterday that the Gran(' not exist whera Cresolene is used. Itects . directly on nose and'throat. making• breathing Trunk R ilway officials nrla consi•ler- easy in the case of colds,. soothes .the sore t throat and stone the cough. Itia, aboon.,to'. ing the possibility of ext'nding- their sufferers of Asthma. . ' system to BostoIl, e:a well 'as tC Pro- Cresolene.is apowerful germicide.. acting• Eot6 ", ''� v'idenc:'. -'Cal'tilllal LUeIUViryL11C;3n AI'C1' t°�t'O- b p as a curative and a preventive in Contagious' diseasea. Crosolene's best rccommendatiou..ia i r of '11helins, was COTlde11111e'il yest-rday its thirty.years of successiul use. For Bale Ey Pip Drnggleb by tale civil. tribanal to pity $1.001 danmgcs t•o isle pl;bae to for 135' lee Sear! J ive title De- `di .toms- signing the c.piscopul l ttti?r forb`d.din� scripftt'e Tjoo le oa5 Creeolena 'Aotiseptie {l le the use of ei'rtRilt toot b:YOkli iIl the Throat Tablets, simple' t,r �, imblic t.,006l. . and soothing for the , , . The Of(tcial report.9 of the flood dz-un- irritated throat, loc. age in franc: ill 13 out• of 36 dep• rt- , 'Leeming, Miles Col. .ETA Mon - nlellts Show a InuIiet:tr lu-s:, .of $14,- y' treal;Ca -ids. ., trcal;. Can•ida. 3� 600,000. This hieliiil •s the $10,000,000 - • danlag done id' .Pari, but there, as else_whert. .Ifo i:ccount i; Illade of the. - indirect losses, which are..incaleul- .. . ,able. . , . • Both Legs tsrvi:en. ' Peterboro, Feb. 26. -As. G. T. R.' Losei Appeal.. a resu)t• of a tree falling• upon him, Normans Ottawa, Feb. 26. -The appeal in fhe Payne of Warsaw had both. legs,frac-- Grand Trunk Railway Co. vs. t`I;, Aured below the knee. Canadian Northern Railway Co. way; •---.. -. . dismissed by the Supreme Court yes- . Cue y'. terday. The appeal was as to the juri-Mlic• 1' , Now that Great Britain has toW, . Canada what it does want in• the wag. tion of the Board of Railway - Com• . of naval assistance, is Canada going: ° missioners to Inake an order, granted • by them on Jan. 10, 1910, autllorizing to waste money in , furnishing wha➢' Great Britain does not want, and whmt,' the C. N. R, to construct sidings.fronl . `dill be of no use either to the Motliw , the'G. T. R. main line to their right- Country or to Canada? -Ottawa Citi& of-tvay near the proposed crossing of zen, tba railway., in the Township of Sesr- - ""`-' "-" --• . h r n W G, ee Flour -en _ _Yo __ W .1__ - - - - _. _ __ _ �czn Get Five Doses Age is a wonderful improver -in certain things;and flour is one of these: Practically all cheap flours are "' green" flours. i Up till five or six months after milling, good flour will go. on itri1 f, proving steadily in quality and .dryness, developing many admirable traits which it would not otherwise possess: For instance, clearer color, smoother ,, feel," increased absorption, and so on. . It is In obedience to this Same principle that good wine gets better, and a mere "fiddle " develops into a valuable violin. Butitmustbegoodin the beginning. ners declare it aged to proper drys- At the end of a egnfury or more, a ness, without A trace of acidity. • cigar box would hardly become a . Marvels of cleanliness an,d care arm Stradivarius. these storehodses of ours. To visit When a flour is improperly milled or them would gladden the heart of the milled from cheap, off-tradewbeat, most f nkky housekeeper. 'Twould it has lost its keepinggualities before astonish you, Madam, really. it ever had them. * * al ' It can only get worse with age. FIVE ROSES is never '" green, Your dough cannot 'rise ---• shows never weak, nor " dead," nor acid. poor graining in the loaf with a FIVE ROSES is drier, and being crumbling crumb and sickly crust. drier absorb$ more water, prodneing Your best pastry efforts are rewarded more of those light, toothsome + with corresponding pastry evils. flaky loaves and rolls which tickle the knowing palate •And fill a vacant # �t lace m t lea n l os sat . P P Y hen our friend are a to W y s s a d round Those extra loaves pay mare •than •the table, comes the discovery, the the difference in first cost. very embarrassing crestfallen Since you want ah6urfullymatured' apologies. and seasoned, that cannot spoil of FIVE ROSES, Madam, Is milled $our on your hands or misbehave im right from perfect materials in . a any way, that does not acquire the sanitary°plant cleaner than your own "worm habit"butimproves with age. kitchen, if that be possible. If you want thf.t flour,,. ' It Is packed right anti stored Madam, you will insist otn awhile in our own store- " FIVE ROSES from your houses, until expert exami- grocer. ' (A) LAKE OF THE WOODS MILLING Co., LTD., MONTRIUL