HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-03-03, Page 66 11.111101.1111111111111111111111111.110,1 • Y . M, C. A. Wins Out. 1 Cleveland, 'Feb. 28.-W1ien the mil - %makes, newsboys, doctors, clergy- men and merehants who have been "canvassing the town for a $500,000 *Ridding fund for the Young. Menh sOaristian Association wound uptheir neempaign last night, they had $530,- r51_69. $83,000 of which was raised .yes - day. The rnoney was raised at the crate of $130 a minute. The full amount had to be pledged AA midnight tO retain $100,000 given Mel John I). Rockefeller. CliAton News-Rocord . March ard, 1910 AT THIS TIME OF THE YEAR Everyone needs something to create and maintain strength for the . daily round of duties. There is nothing better than an Ale or Porter, the pu 1 ity alnd merit of which has been ::t tested by chemists, physicians and experts at the great exhib- bitions. ASH FOR. (teortooN) alientlaMMXIWItna • 1 Plan to Raise Treasure Snip. ' Seattle, Wn., Feb. 23. -An expedi- tion has been organized by an ex- pert diver to raise the steanier Is - Bander, sunk ten years ago in 320 fa- thoms of water near Juneau, Alaska, while bound for Seattle with $2,000,- 4000 of Klondike gold hi her strong box. The location of the steamer is iknovrn, but the depth of water has I orbidden attempts to salvage. The plan proposed is to lift the vessel with a. huge metal seine. 'Workmen's Kindness to Distrgssed.• Galt, Feb. 23. -Mrs. Freure. who Ilost her husband as u result of a . net - ural gas explosion ,at her home. and I.lames Basitin, whose wife and (laugh - 'r died from a like cause, were band - Y. al checks for $330 and $122 respec- ' : ively, representing proceeds of sub - 1 icriptions from employes in several work li II WAS. THE NEVISAIECOHO'S 1. RUBBING Llif I FOR loomo Much good reading for little n-vmey. WieF.Kinms News-Reeord and Mail and Empire Nn ws-Reeord and Globe 1.75 News-Reeord and Family Herald and Star with Premium 1.75 NPWS-TtecorcT and 'Wit neeS 1.75 - News -Record and Sun 7.75 News-Reeord and Free Press 1.75 News-Reeord and Adver- tiser 1.75 News -Record and Toronto Saturday Night 2.30 News-Reeord and Farmer's Advocate 2.25 News -Record and Fermi and Dairy 1.7$ News-Reeord and Cana- dian Farm 1.75 I./Armies News-Reeord and Mail and Empire 4.25 News-Reeord and (lobe4.25 News -Record and News . 2.30 News-Reenrd and Star 2.30 News -Record and World 3./5 News-Ileeord and Morning Free Press 3.25 News-Reeord and Evening Free Preaa 2.75 News-Reeord and Adver- tiser " 3.00 oNTrt LY News-Reeord and Lippin- cott's Magizine '3 25 .11111111111111111111111 lf what you want is not in this list let ns know about it. We ean supply you at less than it would eost you to send direet. in remitting please do so by Post -office Order, Postal Note, Express Order or Registered better and address. W. J. Mitchell Newselaecord • CLINTON fELEORAPHIC HAM L. P. Brodeur has one to Pinehurst, South Carolina, for a change. ' Two officials of the Austrian Gov- ernment fought a duel at Vienna on Saturday, in which, one of them was killed. At thcs. annual meeting of the Peel Liberal Associatiou resolution enders - ng the Government's naval policy was adopted. An elorining gate of affairs pre- vails along the Turlto-Bulgarian fron- tier, where a copdition approaching a state of war exists. Two .Toronto girls were arrested as "white slaves" at Black Rock while on their way to Buffalo. Two Toronto men were taken into custody in con- nection with the case at Buffalo. Fire in the Gier block at IVfaeleosl, Alberta, did $10,009 diunage. The American Hotel at Moncton, N.B:, was damaged to the extent of $20,000, and a blaze in Naylor's factory and the Standard Glove Works at St Johns, Quebec*, threatened the de- struetion of the town. Hon. Mr. Cushing explained the reason qf his resignation in the Al- berta Legislature, and a lively dehate took place, in which Mr. Boyle joined the ex -Minister in attacking the Government's railway policy, which was defended by Premier Rutherford and Attorney -General Cross, Gesto Methodist Church Investigating. Windsor, Ont., Feb, 28. -An invege, gation committee composed of Rev. J. Philp, chairman, of Essex; Rev. ‘a. Blatchford, of alottam; Rev. D. Wren, of Maidstone, and Rev, S. T. Toll of Walkerville, met at Essex Saturday, at- ternoon to investigate the affairs of the Gest° Methodist Church, and the condition in which it was left by the erstwhile pastor, Rev. David • Hicks, who is now occupying a pulpit of the Methodiet Church io Corunna, Mich., Mr. Hicks will be given an opportun- ity to explain matters at a court of trial which will be held in Essex in three weeks. • . The inveetigation cominittee discov- ered thet the missing pastor ht debts to tlit• emount of $.1`,200. The commit- tee formulated three charges-agalat Rev. David Hicks; first, cbtaining money under false preteness; seeend, .faleeliotel, and, third, leaving the wora irregularly. A lecer was received from the To- ronto missionary authorities in whieh. they denied that they -ever 'repaived., $210 from the Gest° peopt-, .• • me issues �t tne Uemocratic Party. Buffalo, N.Y., Ef.b. 2e. --Chairmen Norman' E. Meek ef the Denmeratie National Committee, makes' it evident in the March number of his mega - zine. The. Nrtionri Monthly, that he bAioves tho tariff reform ail(' Oa, high cost of living al lyj • Iwo _of the principal issues of the D,;niceratie congressional campaigns, of the pro- ent year. • . Ancient Warrior. Dead, • Fredericton, N.B:, Feb.• meReozie... a. veteran --of .•the British army, who spat more than 66 yeers in the serviee, died yesterday, aged 80. He was through the. Persian campaign and the whole of- the In- dian Mutiny. Of late years be had twu caretaker of the drill ball here. - A Positiue Cure for Indigestion If you have innigestion., your food erments in the stomach and bowels. It doe e more : It decays and .the nuts etious matter which should: go 'to make new blood decays with it, and this leads to •an impoverished • con- dition of the blood; to nerantisnese billiousness, constipation; sielr' head- ache, bad breath- which disgusts -your friends; and other -disra,greeable, and unpleasant condition. • • And all this trouble. is caused by the food that doesn't digest, but fer- ments and ()Mines rots in -the stomach. And fermentation is -eauM by. 'tit tomach not being strong enough an nergetic enough to thoroughly ini he food with the digestive .tatees. M -I -O -N -A is responsible for tens of bousands of. cures. In fact, it is such positive cure for indigestion and all stomach troubles that it is gnarante ed by W. S. R. Helmes to elite • o money back. The price of a larg box of Mi-o-na tablets is 50' cants. and they are sure io promOtly re ieve the worst case of indigestion o gastritis. Try them. (flAvacip 11/01 -OWE) CURES _CATARRH, ASTHMA, Bronchitio,-Croup,. Coisgh.s and Colds, or money back. Solcrand etAranteed by 4imututahafamerailLei; caalsaloak GRAND -TRUNK RALLWAY SYST E M • ......ftiontwor..• WINTER 'POI.TRS to . Mexico, Colorado, California and Pacific Coast Points, Grand Trunk Railway System is the Popular Route from 'all point east through Canada. via Chicago. FEATURES Double track, Fast service, fines roadbed, modern equipment, unexeell ed dining car service. All elements of safety and comfort. or Tickets and fell iatormetion- A. 0. PATTTSON, Depot agent. JOHN nAlsTsvottD, Town Agent GRANDTRUNK Ritritreft% Passengers for :- MANITOBA, -SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA. USE THE GRAND THUM( RAILWAY sYsirmi. St. Clair Tuntiel and Chicago. Choice of routes from there. NEARLY ALL DOUBLE TRACK CONTRIBUTING TO SAFETY -SPEED AND COMFORT. Popes through principal Canadian ahd United States Cilies.-No mono - any. -MODERN EQ 1PM ENT - Pot rates, tickets, and full informa- tion a,pply to - &MIN RANSFORD, Town Agent. A. 0, PATTISON, Depot Agent. BATTLE OF LAWYERS. Csiunsel In Foster -Macdonald Case Present Argument. Toronto, Feb. 26. --Friday was sum - Ming up clay in. the Poster -Macdonald libel suit, and it was a battle between COUnael by eloquent passages on both sides. E. F. B. Johnston, K.C.. ad. dreseed the jury from 10 a.rn. till 1 o'clock, and Mr Hellmuth, K.C., fat the plaintiff, toek up the cudgels when court reopened at 2.10 and eon. chided at 4.20. His lordship will sum up this morning, and the case trill then go to the jury. It was notio,able that Mr. John- ston was careful in his addreee, ae he had been throteehout his conduct of the case, not to impute dietetic:ay to Mr. Faster, or to attack hine in his private character. There was no tinge of bitterness in his words. The re- view WES characterized by a =rehab ing of points in the evidence and by a spirit of fairness in presenting them to the attention of the jury. He opened with a series of eloquent passages in condemnation of looseneee M the morals of public men as shown by their guarding of public and pri- vate trusts and pointed out the need of electing men to public office whose public p„nd private acts were above re- proach. In foroeful language he de- fended the right of the press to dis- cu,ss and criticize the vete of men in high places. His voice, rising and fall. ing,to climaxes, he pictures the hein- ousness of juggling with the money of widows and orphans. The addrese was an admirable piece of forensic oratory constituting an arraignment of mored turpitude and rapacity vrhich eharacterized gambling with trust funds, rather than a broadside against Mr. Foster personally. Mr. Hellmuth, counsel for Mr Foster, was on the other hand nOt So ()artful to avoid cutting personal referenoes to the principal in the oth- er eide of the ease. He went after the defendant, Mr. Macdonald, lianimer and tor,gs, insinuating that he wale the "mad dog" of the press; the -rue tore that was out to kill by feir meens or foul, the assensin whoh quarrel arose from malice and hat. red. Mr, liellmuth ably defended the ileolS of th.:, Foster syndicate. as he. ing peravtly legal end proper, and vigorously repudiated the imerenoe ad. yeasead by the ether side that Mr. laotiaw had subverted atie hitherto blarnelizee machinery of the I, O. V. ear his persnnal gain, regerdleen 01 consequence to . the institution or i rightful beneficiaries.. He caw acus' ed °mewing counsel of trying th in. Hanle the minds of the jury hy an ap- peal t4. their political prejuaieee end ties. He ended his adc:reee at 4.2a with en appeal Lor substantial dal& rates for Inc client. A large crewci heard the aaelreeees of both ef.mits.A. Tired of Debate. Ottawa, Feb. , with the long drawn out nature oi the naval debate is b.,coming.genersti.: A move is expected to be merle to- • day in the House by. D, A. Gordon the Liberal membor for Kent, who will ask that the debate be broaght to an early termination,. At the present rate . of progreas it will continue tor severe:, -weeks to berne. Meanwhile other public horsiness' .is falling behind. The estimatesare net half disposed of and all thotte thai are to come are contentious.. Yet the • financial year will close on March 31. The revision of the. Bank Act is to tome yet. Another important measure • is 'Hon,. Mackenzie King's •anthoom. bine measure. . These will occupy a censiderable time and it isebardly' poesible 'if ail proposed measures are .dealt with that Parliament will prorogue before June. Sunday Papers.. Barred. '•Buffalo, N:Ya; •Feb. 28.e-Caneda has given the thumbscrew on the Sunday lid another twist. :Sunday papers are barred absolutely. from . Fort ,Erie, Ont under an order jost isoued. • •• The orders; which Atte Government has just issued, prohibit the sale of.. newspapers .in Fort Erie on • Sunday - and forbid all persenssto news- papers into the village on. 'Sunday, ' even for their owo use •Theforegoing law, relative to Sunday newspapers, has been more ter less enforced in other parts of Ontario for two. years, but heretofore Fort Erie has. been ex- empt because �f the many Americans living there. • Jt is belieVeil that the recent pro- test of the ministeand association at Windsor; Ont.,. over the intro -tenon of Detroit papers. 'is -the catese for the new order. of enforcement al1. along the.line. A CANADIAN SCULPTOR. A, Phimister Proctor Has Found Suc- cess Acrosi the Line, Lag year at the exhibition given by the Canadian Art Club, one of the most intereeting feature e of the dila piay was a number of piece's of ets. tuary by A. Phimister Procton This %yes for many'people probably the lee- gionipg of their acquaintance with the work of e Canadian artist, wile has found a very wide acceptance in the United States. It is rather un- tortanate that there should be so couch foundation for the statement one aometimes hears to the effect that Canadians do not know their own ar- tists. But the case of Mr. Proctor would certainly seem to bear it out somewhat He has now ,for a decade and more been turning out work which stands comparition with the very hest products of American btu -- dices, as is evident from tho prompt amt generous recognition it hai met with, and the hapset:tot commissions he has been given. But how many Cliitiaians know that he was born in Canada? Mr, Proctor has had a veryhinter- eating career, and one which may be called instruetive in a very viyisl sense of that rather hackneyed' terra, It is a story of earnest effort and quiet and faithful Work finally crowned with artistic success. He was born in Boaanquit in this province, but the family moved to Michigan in his childhood. From there they went by wagon to Des Moines, Iowa, and later on to Denver. People who lay great stress on tbe importance of early en- vironment in the career of an artist, will see much to suppoet their thee). ries in this childhood of a man whose greatest success has been in the pre- -sentation of wild animals, especially those of the western plaint and of the ilocxy. Mountains, But whether or, not his genius receiyed its bent dun. Ma this time when he lived with his Dames practically in the open air, certainly his boytinocl was spent in scenes where his love for outdoor life was tostered in every possible way. It is said that he began to draw almost. es soon as he could hold a pencil. He was also very fond of nurita/g, find when he was oat euough, 110 speet whole surnmers in the Roexy .Sionntains with sketch -hook and p.en- cit. It. was then that he • began to make those studies of wild lite widen nave mince brought him fame. or was into achievement as a hunter lim- it et ea) the bagging of drawings. At , age ot sixteen tie kilieu agrikaly Le ar and a buil elk in one day -a teat aich when toil to the Indians of the weetarn plains by a brother ambit Wild` V". WA; travenng With nim not mug ego, . won I.or 01111 the enthusiastic auitura- Lion ot tne rd -men. And it iinglit well do so, Nor has Mr. Proctor losi nib e,...rty• skill with • the ritie or tils to:lanes., for the chase. In feet, it is only. a few months ago Diet lie went on a hunting anu sketching tnp in trie Canadian west, During part co " the tune tie traveled in company with heinune Morrie, you taws tnen tu adding to -Ins spletioni ec,,ection .cf !Milan portraits, a num- ber of which were last year on ex.- lithition in Toronto. Mr. Proctor has alvraya been. fond .0f going off en hunting trips ell alone, and in his early manhood-ased to spend months in this way in the mountains of Coioraeo.He would do his own cooking, and hied almost en-. tirely ,on game. Pun week): at a ante he woutif not see a human being. ihis is about as severe a•test as could be devised to trY, the reality.. Of a inan's fondness tor nature and hia sympathy with her Varying Moods. On these trips be..uesd, cu euetcri•the animate he shot, awl also tile hunt - ere and Indians wan woom 1i aiigtfl foregather. Militia 'Quells Rich. Eldorado, Ark.. Feb. 29. -,Following the- wounding of three white men, the formation of a mob and aii .attaek on the negro section Id. the ;cite; Eldora- do Sattirday nial't weut under con- trail of the militaty. A NvIlite men was crowded From the sidewalk by a negro. Bystanders took •a- hand, and the negro plunged at One- of his adversaries. with a knife. •No one was injured,. and the negro Evacaped. Early Saturday night citizen's start- ed to 'search for the negro anti when the. party entered a resort they vere greeted with revolver slices. 'three al Um- peety-- werte- Wcanidede essee-e - A mob formed and had bsgun the destruction of the neon (Thins and property when the iecal militia eorm, pany ,was orderad out.. • To Breed Tailless Cat. Now -York, Feb. • determine the effect of elarkiless Amon varionS forms of animal hie, experiments ;lee being conducted with ioseete, and fishes at the Carnegie Brraeli of the Experimental' . Evolution at Cold Spring Harbor, LI. The experimental are in 'charge el Pr. A. M. Bents. A conerpte cave has be ,n b int. 42 by 10 feet, and eight fw..t in height. It is live feet widergroured. .11 is equipped with tanks in It hieh live fishes of serious kinds have, b ent pleas. ed, while crickets end other initeete have been placed in compartments that are dry but without a tay oi light.' Oilwt odd exp.olnients have •b..en in progress for some time, one of them being the effort to a tailless eat. To Make Chicago floteeleas City. Chieago, 111., Feb. 28. 11;(rt ement to make Chicago it "Nolselves eity."' came, 0110 Mee, nearer. realleatam Sat- urday, when 'Chief of Police Steward issued eh order for the r,gi.1 enforeei- mut of the eity'e "'loot -shouting" ordiriiinee. menos that eeddlers must not Yell out tinir utile s. The ordinance wns to have gone into effeet on Jan. 1, hut its enforee- moot was poskioned to' give peddlers it hearing. • WHY IlItONCIIITIS IS SEdtIOUS„ Because it becomes a chronic con- dition that verges dosely on eon- sumption. "Catarrhozone" is the most pleasant, °blink and certiin cure. Try Catarehozonc. NTIND OFFICE 43KES. The Compositors Have Wide Field For Hoaxes on Bach Other. 10 eyery• printing•- office the corn- positore indulge in little jokes by set- ting . items. and advertisements which are not charged forpie the Union seal, and which, of course (un- less by some untoward accident), never appear in the newspapfrr. One. night, or rather one mornitig, about .Three o'clock, two compositors were proceeding .hon -ward on Queen greeteeast, Toioete,. when. they CAltle UPOT1 ani old emit. it owner had, einparently been in that state of mind in which outer gerninns seem a sup. erfluops birden, and he had calmly taken it '0 110,1 dropped it on the driewelk: •Tha printers picked it up and found in it the time card of some _man evidertly enraged in mechanieal pursuits. St. Prul's Roman Catholic Church was hord by, so they hung the Coat on the church fence and prO.. ceeded ,lionievrard. They happened to mention theancident in the office, 1111(1 a night or two later the assistant foremen called one of them over and showed him a condensed-. advertise. ment set up on the galley. It deserib ed the coat and the time card, arid asked for the return of the garment; stating that there had beeii $500 in • the inside- poeketrand-that-thenonea 'returning. it would be liberally re - 'warded. The two "eomps,1! sp:,ni the . rest of the night in cursing their over- sight in having failed to examine the inside pockets. They even made an examination' of the churchyard. On the way 'home on.tin off:chance that. the coat might be kill there. The adver- tisemmt, of course, did not appear in the paper next morning, and then they twigged the joke. A favorite 'hoax 'in large Composing monis, when some particular person - ego was showing signs of "cheeti. ness," used to' to set up a fake advertisement from the management for a successor, and by some means ettraet the individual's attention thereto. It usually had the effect of making him extremely anxious. for an hour or two. Okasionally a joke of this kind would slip into the col. nmns of the peper in the burry of gettiog out a form, and then Ahern wont(' be trouble downstairs. For thie reason the foreman of a well organiz- ed Composing room looks with a de- Pr‘\"iimg eye on jokes with th. type. . , WATER IN YOUR BLOOD ? Lots of people have thin Watery blood -they eat plenty but don't di- gest. When digestion is poor, food is not converted into nourishment -ie consequence the body rapidly ' loses strength. Pro positively renew health, nothing equals Ferrozone. It excites uharp appetite, -makes the stomahh digest, forms life sustaining blood. Abundant strength is sure to follow. If you need more vitality, extra en- ergy, 'better nerves, then use rerroz- one the enedieat triumph a the age. cents buys it box ot fifty ohoeo- s lite !mated FerrOeatle tablets. Loyal Citizens Say It Is Bound to Be a Big City. The people of Nanahno claim that their city is eleatined to be the largest 101 Vancouyer Island. 'Whether or not that comes to pass it now seems very likely that it will grow into a place of first elves importance. Its situatiOp is both beautiful and commanding. It haa a water front on two bays whieh, being sheltered by islands. afford excellent harbor.. In every direction the ecenery ie charming. The city is well built anal well kept. The climate is delightful, free %rem extremes of heat or cold and with a Modegate Its commercial advantages are nu- merous and important. Perhaps next in importance to its situation is its coal. Near the city are the oldest and beg equipped coal mines in the west- ern part of the American continent. Four new mines, all within a few miles, of the city, have been opened up during the past year. Near by aeti also deposite of copper a,nd iron. Nanaimo is also the seat of the larg- est and most profitable herring fish - era' on the Pacific coast. During ,the herring "run" the fishery gives em- ployment to five hundred persons, and the total. catch per season is about lefty million pounds. It is the centre of the Island railway system, and it has connection by steamer with all porta on the Island and with Van- couver 0I1 the mainland, 58 nines distant. The city has a population of 8,000 People, and this with the population of the outlying settlements brings the number up to 11,000 people. Already Nenahno is the seat of a ccinsiders,ble industry and progress in this direc- tion is being steadily made. It now has electric lights, gas, telephones a,nd ihp own water system, unproved this yeer at a cost of $90,000. The surrounding district contains much fertile farming and fruit lands. Prilo oily is noted for its pretty homes. Over sixty-five per cent. of the houses are OWTINI, by the occupants. Wei- dential property can be bought at motierate prices. It is an attrective centre Ow sportsmen. Fish abound in sea, 'eke. river and stream; deer end feeeliered game ere plentiful with- in a few miles, andin the interior of the Island big game can be found. Nansinio is a coming -on place. The dietriet lute its own representatives in the Federal and Atte Provincial Parlia- ment. A DRUMMER'S COMPLAINT. The People at His Hotel Were Too • Busy. by Far. • It was in a littleWestern Ontario town, the other evening, after supper, 'when the traveling men gathered around for a quiet smoke, that one of their number started the ball roll- ing with the following: . "When on the road I deli.% like. to sleep in 'a hotel where the railroad trains sound as if they were shaking: the chimneys down and the building., rocks as 11 .one were .sleeping in a hammock or where the porter comes around in the morning with a knock like a sledge -hammer. Why 1 know a hotel man not very far from here who always, taps on the door 'With a lead -pewit, and it is quite enough to get an ansWer. If he -doesn't get ait the first time he taps again. I was a hotel.down • near the Falls last -week and felt pretty seedy when 'I landed there, abouthalf-past. eight inthe evening,: and' thought 1- would, eetire early; so I asked the proprietor for a nice quiet renoin as 1 wanted to. get a good night's rest." . "Certainly, sir," said he. ' "So he showed me up to a toom at the back of the house, and 1 -had no sooner got into bed than a fellow tie 'the next room. began hammering away on a piano, and kept it up until elev- en' o'cleck.•and te make Matters :worse ..a •bowling alley got busydirectly be- low me and rumbled . away -until. twelve. . About half -past fiat) 'next ' morning the,proprictor bellowed down the hallway to ,get the •girls up to get breakfast, and shortly after that a kitchen mechanic came out doors just outtOde my window and dumpeu some tee in a tin. can and bsgan breaking it up there. Well; about seVen.thirty, 0. chambermaid put.: a key into the lock of my door, and yeu know how some -of Wok* leeks are built... The key- goes clean - throagn causing ir greet old rattle to get it out Vailen I bellowed out' to know who wee there; she' said :heaves:time to get up as she Wanted to make the ne ropin up. As the :busiss man 1 'bed to cello -,to call -on .woult not be around More nine o'cloek I had an hour to stump around town:* feeling as though I hail been through a thresainh machine." PROVED IN MOUNT FOREST. Every doctor in this town tried his best to relieve Mrs. J. Without of Asthma; none succeeded, "For years she states, "I was a dreadful sugererp nothing gave relief. At times I found - it necessary to have all the doors and windows open to get my breath. When in despair I beard of "Catarrh - ozone." 1 used it and now WO per- fectly curled."... This proves beyond doubt that any case of Asthma is curable with Catarrborone. No rem- edy so pleasant none so absolutely arrhozone" yourself; it's guaranteed'. ' • BerroWed Money to Smuggle.. ,Witideor, Feb. 26 Th smuggling of Chinaznen from Canada to the L - el , Statee; whir/1i for some time past has been known to United Shitee im- migration offiatials as tieing a profit- able business for certain young men in Windsor, .eante to light in such a manner yesterday,' Ma judgment sum - mane court elt•SP, as to implieate a- . nomber.of _merchant& in th Information as to how the .01tinese smuggling game is Mutilated wae. giv- en by Geofge Letour, testifying un- der bath, and in hie own: be,half in' a jUdgment brought age.inet him by D. D. -Brouillard. a Winds -or butcher. Lebour was sued by Brouillard for re- covery of a $20 loan. Letour &dared he baerowed the money frpm lard, giving Abe latter to understand that he wanted it to help pay the ex- Penses of smuggling a load of China- men in the States. Letour said that if the "load" went through, as plan- Drouillard was to receive $40 for the $20 advanced. •Letour says be ought not to pay back the leen, ns the vigilance at U.S. officials spoiled his plan. Letour also said that' this plan had been -worked by him with the beln of other meichants. ITI OW' of 1 ailure" be got nothing frozn hiti ehargeei anu those advanced money lost out in in- veetnient as a result. Brouillard de- nies all knowledge of the scheme. The Root of Neuralgie Headache. Is an irritable condition of the ner- ve's 0,aused by cold. Relief comes quickly from Nervitine; the great pain reliever of to -day. "I consider Ner- viline a magical remedy for hound- gia," write e Mrs. E. Ca Harris of Baltimore. Ilut I never worry it Ner- viline is in the house. A few applica- tions never yet failed to cure the pain. I can also recommend Nervilise tor stiffness, rheumatism and ntuscular pains." In 1lSe *early My years ; try Nervilia° youraclf. Repeat it :-"Shilolt's rure vt:11 a ways core my coughs and colds.") The Chairman of the Massachusetts ininocrahic State Committee is try- ing.to have Congress memorialize4 to amend the Payne law so that the maximum tariff need not apply to Canada. Siv great packing companies and twenty-one packers were indicated by a New Jersey Jury on a charge of conspiring to limit the supply of meat and poultry, Repeat it :L-"Shiloh's Cure will eh ways cure my coughs and 'colds." 0 Edward Ball of Brockville west blind after jumping oft a runway about fifteen feet high. It is said his brain. was affected. HOW'S THIS We alter Oie Hundred Dollars Re. iard tor aoT case of Catarrh that *aunt be cured by Hall'sC .roivedo,o tarrh . lure. F. J. CHENEY & Co., We, the undersigned, nave VilOWn F. . Cheney for the last 15 years,- ant elieve him perfectly bonorable in all ubsiassos arraratany-actiOns,ad toofinuga aseit jaolAt iet lade by his firm. Waldinig,4yeluDnra-unggjaist5M7,rryore4, vaoeo0, 0, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken anter ally acting directly upon the bloost nd mucous surfaces ot the system. 'estirnonials sent free. Price, 75e. per ottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills tor Onsti- ation, - et - The Manitoba Government has been asked to'restrict local option cox, tests to once in three years: Galva,nized Rust Proof - But Won,tt Ext eme weather changes in Canada is the reason why so much Wire Pence rusts about 12 or 5 years sooner titan it should. , Nearlyevery Wire Fence is Galvanized too thinly to fight 4 the result of these weather extremities. Two-thirds of the life ora Wire Fence de- pends upon its Galvanizir.g. Yet, because Zinc costs four times more khan steel Wire, much wire is wiped almost clean et its Gal- ' vanizing. • And, besides this, nearly all Wire is merely "coated" with • Zinc. This "Coating" will peel off years -before the Prost Fence begin to even show signs of wear. You see, all wire, because of its process of :manufacture, has a greasy surface This dirt and scale must be thoroughly removed before Galvanizing will stick. • You can't expect Zinc to adhere per- m.inently to greasy, scaly \Vire, can you? But Proat Wire goes though three differ- ent " Pickliag" and "Cleansing" processes before it ever sees a Galvanizing•Furnace. These three critical Cleansing° clean the surface of Frost Wire as clean as a pin. This enables Frost Wire to be Double -Galvanized, without fear of peeling off . Scale _When Frost Wire goes through jts doubleGalvanizingproo: Ms, the Zinc not only spread e over thesurfacc, but goes into the Wire, becoming A part of the Wire itself. The Frost Pence will now endure those awful weather variations from TO to 15 years lon4er -than any other Pence made. We are the only exclusive Fence rnakers in Canada who Make and Galvanize Wire. The Wire formerly used for the Frost Pence w was made under our on specifications. It was the best we could buy. But we knew that we could make better. so . we built and equipped our own Mills. We are now malcing the best wire ever used tor a,Fence in Canada. A Frost FenceAvill last from TO toyear • longer than any Fence wekW Of. . Write to -day for free booklet and samples. The Frost Wire Fence Co., Ltd. Hamilton, Ontario 27 ' Agents Wanted in Open Di. Wets. rOS ' LOCKI Dealers,- . W. El. Stogdill, Varna ; Wm. Stanley, Holaresville; Wrn. Addison, Lontleshore • Where is there an individual who is as capable to act as the executor of your will as this Com- pany, which was organized and developed especially for this pur- pose? This Company will carry mine the last letter the terms of Your. will. It will manage the estate efficiently and economically, and avoid' legal entanglements. It will not be tempted, as an individual might, to speculate with the funds held in trust. It is debarred .by la.vr from specie - teflon. This. Company cannot die, get ,sick or take a holiday -always ready to faithfully perforin its trust. . Charges are never greater,.but usually less than the remuneration allowed individuate. Services of Family Solicitor always retained: Correspondence receives prompt and careful 'consideration.- • Managed in connection with the Huron ae Erie Loan and Savings -Co. LONDON, ONTARIO. 477.11XIMM.AIDAWIRMEWMAMAIIIMMTIMISOIMMIVIIIII -- "THE EEL" 2:04 1.111Preal Winner Of It WV pat er on Giand ake Each Animal Worth 25%. Over Its Cost. On V3 of a Cent a Day. . Nobody ever heard of "stock food" curing the Wits or colic, making hens lay in winter, increasing the yield of milk five pounds per cowa day, Or restoeing run-down animals to plumpness and vigor. When you feed steckuood" to. your cow, horse, swine or poultry, -you-are merely -feeding t hem -what -you-are-growingon-yourowmfarin;--- Your animals do need not more feed, but something to help their bodies get all the good out of the feed you give them so they car: get fat and stay fat all year round; also to prevent disease; core disease and keep them up to the best Possible condition. No "'stock food" can clo all these things. ROYAL PIJRPLE STOCK SPECIFIC can and does. It is Not a "Stock Food But a "Conditioner" ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC contains no grain, nor farm products. It increases. yield of milk from three to five pounds per cow per day before the Specific has been used two weeks, It makes the milk richer And Adds Hesh faster than any other prePatatiOn known. Young calves fed with ROYAL PURPLE are as large at six weeks old as they.would be when fed with ordinary materials at ten weeks. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPgCIF1C builds up run.down animals and resteres thetato plumpness almost magically. Cures botlt colic, worms, skin diseases and debility_permanently.' Dan AlcEwati, the horseman, says: I have used ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPaCIF1C persistently in thc feeding of 'The Eel,' 2.021, largest winner of any pacer on Grand Circuit in 1908, and 'Henry winters.' 2.00, brother of 'Allen Winters,' winner of 06,000 in trotting stakes in 190. These horses have never been off their feed since 1 commenced using Hoyai Purple Specific aimost ityear ago, and lwifl always have it in my stables." al.Purplej. STOCK AND POULTRY SPECIFICS One sec, package of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC will lest one animal seventy days, which is a little over two-thirds of A cent * day Most stock foods in fifty cent packages last hut fifty days and are given three times a day' ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC is given but once a day, and lasts half again as long._ A 81.se_sail containing four times- the amount of the fifty cent package will test 280days. ROYAL PURPLE will increase :he value of Your stock 2.51i. It in an astoninhingiY quick fattener, stimulating the appetite and•tbe relish for food, assisting nature to (tient and turn ieca into flesh. Ann heli fa teener it is n lender. It willsavd many times its east in veterinary hills. ROYAL PURPLE POULTRY SPECI- FIC is our other specific for penury, not for stock. One so tent package Will last twonty.five hens 70 days, or a pail costing $1.S0 will last twenty-five hens 2/10 days. which is four times more material for oniv three times the cost, it makes a -laying machine" out of your hens summer and winter, Jarevents fowls losing flesh at nal:Wing time, and cures poultry dineases. uvaerraYn teted.kagt. of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC or POULTRY SPECIFIC is ,Just use ROYAL PURPLE on one ofyeite entreats and any other teoperation on Another thetatnwirelaaliiinbeattsoa dnieett t ehtr odrbi fel oi sr ; feti re ot .r no ertryaot.m orti, ngr en si y. pm t ylou tual lA ss yROYA L 'PURPLE has your merchant or write us for ou.. valuable ga.pagct booldet on cattle and whitey (thanes. containing Out choking rOCI`InOq and fall ne rude lars abnut IRROvyAsLpPELIcRIFFitc,Es.STOCK and FOUL - If YOU cannot get Royal Puerile Specifice trona merchants or agents, we Will ationly ttet direct, reore,v4 prepaid, on reeeipt of Size a pail for either Poultry or Sto,k Specifics. Mahe money n•tine ts elle agent in your district. Write for terms, Pot sale by ell toatheate merchants. W. A, Jenkins Wg, Co, tandonl Cai Ito) al Purple eldik and Poultte Speelitt nal feet bOaltlet t.lSIt*pI. hi stook by WS S, k, 11o1no