HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-02-24, Page 88
Additional Local News.
The ladies of the Ont. street church
will have their usual weekly sale of
fresh how -made bread, buns, pie;
sakes, pressed meats, to. at Mr.
Wipe's store on Saturday aftereeon.
Mrs. S. Crich desire's to thank,
through The News -Record, her many
friends for the kindness and sym-
pathy shown heft, and for the beauti-
ful flowers sent during her recent
On Saturday last there died in
Flint, Mich., a former resident of
Clinton in the person of Mr. W. H.
Cole. He was born in Durham, Grey
county, but came to this town when
a young man and learned the trade
of blacksmith here. About twenty-
five years ago he moved to Flint (be-
bo-ing the first of the connection to lo-
cate there) where he became foreman
et the blacksmiths in the big wagon
factory which position he held up to
the time of his decease. He was a
passenger in the Wanstead railway
wreck a few years ago and there sus-
tained injuries from which he suffered
for several months. His wife, who
survives him, was a daughter of the
late Samuel Cook and a sister of
Mrs. Geo. Cook and Mrs. Cudmore.
Victoria street.
?ir. W. A. McLean, Provincial En-
gineer of Highways, successor of A.
W, 'Campbell, will speak in the town
hall on the evening of the 28th inst.,
on the subject of, "Good Roads arid.
Streets." All those interested in the
question are requested to attend.
Prof. W. Glenn Campbell is again
to be congratulated upon the success
of his pupils at the Conservatory
mad -winter eeame. Miss Geetta Keu-
rnedy of Wingliam and Miss Brandt of
'Hensel obtained ist class honors in
theory, while Miss White .of IIensall
passed successfully and Miss E. Lobb
of Clinton obtained honors. The lat-
ter also obtained 1st class honors in
pianoforte and Miss Norris of Blyth
honors in same branch.
Are you deaf ?- If so, we can make
you hear with the Aeousticon, Taube
& Sons wiill gladly demonstrate this
wonderful ' instrument at Couater''s
Jewelery Store on Wednesday, March
Bill Haney, a bandit, wanted in
British Columbia for murder and
teain robbery, has been located in
Seven Italian counterfeiters were
sentenced to prison terms ranging
from fifteen to thirty years at New
man is not correct-
Iy judged by his
outer dress.
AU Fountain Pens
look much alike,.
The difference de-
pend* with use.
Thisis• why we can.
always and with
assurance recom-
mend a Water-
man Ideal. None
lower in. price
than $2.50, Other
makes as lora. as
Often Cheapest - •Always the Best
Co1 eatlier Sho8 Specials.
We are showing a big range of warm shoes
specially suitable,,for tl'e hard cold of the mid•
IN inter season.
Felt shoes for Ladies', buttoned, laced and gaiters
at prices ranging from $1.00 to $1.75.
Felt shoes forr men, some laced, some gaiters, prices
start at $1.75 running as high as $5.00.
Men's work shoes, specially suitable for farm, work,
heavy wool lining, Williams' retake, at $2.40.
Boys' shoes, good and strong, "The Deep You Thy
Bind", heavy wool lining, Williams make, $1.75.
For children and infants the choicest of warm shoes
prices starting at•75c reaching $1:25. -
See us for the best in Footwear.
Always Reliable "
Tile Slioe and Music EMoriu.
$ S. C. Rothwell, Shoes
$ Goods.
Are you going travel-
:. ling this Spring?
We have just placed in
stock a nice line of 't rav-.
e elling Goods consisting of
Suit i Cases
Come n in and
get our
prices before going else-
where. ° We can interest
A Full Stock of Boots, Shoes and
Rubbers at Special Prices.
C. Hoare, Music
II you .want .any, of t
the_popular songs, '
tri our. Sheet. Music $
A full supply of. Vio-`
tins andFe
Violin sup-.
Iles alwayshand.
P on
Try us for sweet ton
ed Harmonicas.
�"......►.r.�......... •vim...�..vr 4.,.....^r.v...•....+►�,..y'
•N•.44. Nil i1N*"MNNN••N••••••l•••»i1N***N __..
J. B Hoover
Nelson Ball'
It's the �
That gives charac•
tete to the home.
The stateliest a sliest man-
,,- ( 4' sion will not attract
� I if i;
• . improperly
� „!. A fur- p p
u. r «r niched.
In your house we have furniture
that 1
wll adci
to its
beauty and in addition to its attractiveness every piece
t furnitureis
of our built solidlyh
and honestly, s n
service is as much of a requisite as beauty with most
people. We provide both.
The cheapest spot In Huron County to buy all kinds of furniture.
Hoover S 8'ali
'"CT1a 1W -TIM :El.Mr)'''[TITZ11.6..X.r MXMCJWC)1=tfig
*INN •••• 441•4•411.411.1140 14114o 44.4410.1140 .114414.40.110414.4.40144140
Mr, Frank O'Neil was in London a
few days this week.
Mr. T. Jackson Jr. was in Toronto
for a few days this week.
Rev. Mr. Rogers of Seaforth was the
guest over night' at. Wesley parson-
age on Monday.
Mr. H. W. Erwin of Bayfield was in
town on business o11 Monday and
again on Tuesday.
Miss Hattie Belcher of. Goderich is
visiting in -town, the •guest of Mr,
and Mrs. G;eo. Laois.
Postmaster Scott 'was in Hamilton !,
last Friday attending •a meeting of'i
the: Provincial P. M. Association..
Dr. Gandier. spent Sunday in Toron.
to, the guest of his sister and bre.
ther-in-law, President and Mrs.. Fal-
Miss . Lucy Stevens attended thel
Meeting .'of the District Epwortih
League Executive in. Auburn on
Saturday last,
'Miss Lily .Hailes returned from God-
-'erich on Monday and will .spend a
few months with her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Hailes of Wonderland, be-
fore starting on a trip to England.
Mr. Watson .of • Brampton, organizer
for the I. 0. F. has been' in
town the past weak promoting the
• good • and welfare • of the order in
general and Court Clinton in par-
ticular. .
Mr. D. , A Cantelon of Hensall spent
a • day or .two under the parental
roof last` week, Mrs,: Cantelon and*
Master. Ferris, who .had visited in
town a few days; returning - home
with him on Friday. •
Mrs. Erne Jackson • returned last
week from London where she undor-
went treatment in the hospital fox
' a fortnight. • The many friends: will
be pleased to hear that she •eon-
tinucs toimprove nicely.
Mr, A. 0. Pattison, • the genial and
obliging station 'agent, is this week
• laid • off with a very severe attack
of la grippe. His sister, Miss Pat-
tison, who has been staying with -
Mr. and Mrs, Pattison this Winter,-
inter,is. also indisposed.'
Mr; H. B. Morphy K. C. of Listowel
was in Clinton on Friday. In ad-
dition to being an able lawyer. Mr.
Morphy is .a . • shrewd and..popular
politician and' in all probability, will
be the Conservative candidate for
North Perth at the next Dominion
Mrs. E. Kemp, 'London,. mother of
Mr. S Kethei, Clinton,. is very i11.
The many friends in Clinton. of this
esteemed lady wil be very sorry y.to
hear this but trust thatshe
soon .recover.. On Saturday • last
Mrs. S. Kemp's mother died at
Dundalkf' which/mention
ois' made
en firsta 'D,.. . • • . •
Pg .
Mrs. George Brownlee of near. • Sea -
forth . was the .guest of her sisters,
theLittle and Mrs
Misses e .White-
head, for a couple of days this.
week. Mr. Brownlee canto up for.
her ori Tuesday, and The News -Rec-
ord was much pleased to see how
well he ' looked; Few men carry
their sixty years just so jauntily as
does: Mr. --Brownlee. _-
Mr. A, W;urrfnear Kippen Furry oppe was
in "town yesterday making arrange-
ments for his auction sale .which
will take place on March 10th.
This is in consequence of his having.'
decided to locate in Sask. where
one of his two boys took, up land
some time ago-. Mr. Furry is an
experienced farmer ' and an honest,
industrious man,, just the kind that
the new provinces require. He and
his good wife and son will leave for
the prairie country the latter 'pard
of March,
Mr. W. J. Crooks returned on Satur-
day night last from his sixth trip
through the west in the interests
of Morrish & Crooks for whom as
didbusiness, even
usual he a big buss es , C e
larger than usual, Having with-
drawn from Morrish & Crooks to
accept an useli ited offer from the
wholesale firni of Nisbett & Auld,
Toronto, to travel for them from
Port Arthur to the coast, he left
Tuesday for Toronto to enter upon
his new duties, He purposes spend-
ing a week in the warehouse famil-
iarizing himself with t,.e' output
and then leaven to take up his tow
duties. It is seventeen years since
L bok'S Carta to Clinton to
learn the dry goods business . and
with the .exception of a year spent
in Exeter and London he has ever
stnco been a resident of this town
and •iso ne o f
0 the popular o pp lar of
our Citizens. That his energy, tact
and good judgment will ensure him
success is
s in his n
ewpt Osii
On the
belief of those who have known
him longest and hest.
'Oliataa News -Re cc rd
February 24114 '19100
6(. Pairs of Curtains
at Half Price
Fifty pairs Curtains, slightly soiled by displaying throughout the store. One curtain only
soiled. Regular prices run from 50c to $8.. Clearing at half price,,
20' Women's Coats
Twenty women's short length Black Beayer and Cheviot Coats.
from $5 up to $8, clearing at each
Prices 1
Ready -Made Clothing
Forty-eight Odd Suits, Coats and Vests and Odd Pants of tweeds and worsteds, clearing
at $.E.50 each, Odd Pants at 50c per pair.
MonewSa'ving. Prices
Ladies' Mantles
Regular $10,00 Coats for , ,y, . 7.00
12.00 0.00
15.00 i0 10.00
Children's Coats in red, blue and brown
Beaver Cloth, reg $5• and $.50 for , , , . . 8.75
Regular 8,00 for 5,75
Save Money on Furs
on 5 dig Bargains in White_ ,
White Lawn Waists
NO. 1-10 only, White Lawn Waists,
lace insertion front, reg 50c clearing at. , -29
NO. 2-11 only, White Lawn Waists,.
trimmed with lace, all sizes, reg 75o and
LOU, clearing at , , , .49
NO. 3-21 only, White Lawn Waists,
embroidery fronts, reg up to 1.75 at ' , .. , .75
NO. 4--16 only, White -Waists, em-
broidery trimmed,. very natty styles, reg
U17 to 2,25 for ` , .. , .. ,1.90
NO. 5--18 only, White Lawn Waists,
embroidery trimmed, very pretty styles,
reg up to 3.50 clearing at f:.75
50c Worsted Hose 35c
Fox Muff, regular $10.50 for 12,50
Squirrel 11.00 for ..... r 8.00
Badger 5.50 for , : 4.00
10.00 for. 7,50
25.00 for . 18.50
00 for e0b0
• 50.00 for 30.00
• 7.00 for .. 5.00
10.00 for . ,7,50 ,
12,00 for 8.00.
3(F;00 for 22.00
18.00 for • I3.00
10.00 for 7.00
0,00 fee 0.50
7,50 for 5,50
Mink Stole
Timber Sable
50 and 75c -Dress Goods 39c
500 yards Dress Goods in black, blue,
brown, red and mixtures -broadcloth
serges, tweeds, etc, reg prides froit•50e to
75c for ' .39
75c to 1.25 Dress Goods 33c
500 yards Dress Goods iu all the popu-
lar colors, from 44 to 54. inches wide, in
serges, broadcloths and Harris home spun
tweeds, reg prices 75e up to 1.25, clearing
all at one price .55
10 doz boys- and girls Black Ribbert
WorstedHose, heavy and will give splen-
did warmth and wear, all sizes, reg 50e at
35c Worsted Hose: 25c
25 doz Boys and girls Black Ribbed
Worsted Hose, a' good warni stocking for
this season of the year, all -sizes, reg 35c
clearing at • .25
Children's Toques •
Children's Toques in three styles, , all
pure wool, in all the popular colors, re-
gular 50c for - •3
$5 Knit Top Skirts 3.50
•- 6 only,. Knit Top Skirts, Forni Fit,
black silk moiri, flounce embroidery, good ..
wide width, reg 5.00 for .. .3.50
$1.55 Sateen Skirts 70c
Black Sateen Petticoats, two rows of
frilling and dust drop, made of good
quality heavy sateen and will give spiel'.
wear, reg 1.25 for
25 per cent off all Top Skirts, Panama,
Voile, Broadcloths, Serges and Tweeds.
Staple. Bargains.
25 pieces of Print, the balance of last
season's buying, in navy, black, white,
red. in spots, stripes and checks, reg 12tc
and 15c, clearing at
loc Factory Cotton 8c
• 500 yards 32 -inch Eactory ' Cotton,
-,good clean round thread, heavy weight,
This cloth has been our special .for the
past year at•10c per yard, and we have
again bought it for the coning season,.
540 yards only at . .08
12%c• Toweling 10c
100 yards:Crash Toweling, with or
without border,` heavy weight, our repl-
ier 12ec value for .. , .:• .10'
Remnants Half Price
Remnants' of Dress Goods
Remnants of Cottons
.. Remnants of ,Prints
Remnants of Muslins
Remnants of Toweling
Remnants of Satteens
Remnants of Flannelette
Of Personal 'Mention
Dr, Gunn went. down to Toronto on
'Wednesday. '
Councillor R. Clarke .of Constance
was in town on Tuesday. • j
Miss Kathleen Gunne iias returned
from a pleasant visit in Toronto..
Miss Mabel .Reid of • Varna i is pe ndin
the week with her aunt, Mrs, -Win,
Mr. Roy Grigg has b and
visiting g rela-
fives in .London St. Thomas
this week.
Miss . Pearl O'Neil . spent a few days
this week with the Misses Garceau
in London. " • •
Miss Leona Elliott of Godericlt has
been the guest of Mr. and Mrs: W.
S. Harland,
Miss Edna Copp, whois teaching near
Guelph, spent the week end at her
mine._in. town.:..:._
Mrs. Wilur Manning Mieditighter
Harriet of London, visited with her
mother, Mrs. Taylor of Kirk street,
over Sunday;
Mr. J. Crooks -of Clinton, Ont., was
calling on friends in the city the
latter part of last. week. -Post,
Wetaskiwin, Alta. •
Mr. and Mrs. 'Joel McLeod returned
from. Thamesford on Monday. Mrs.
McLeod having spent over Sunday
visiting at her home in London.
Mr. Albert May, who has been visit-
ing friends in Clinton and vicinity
for several weeks, left for his home
in Stevensville, Montana, on Mon-
Mr. and Mrs. James Mahaffy spent
a couple of days last week as the.
guests of their daughter, Mrs. Win, •
Sparks of the Brownson Line,
StanleY .
Miss Jean • McTaggart attended a
skating party in Seaforth an Fri-
day evening, remaining rem over until
ainin g
Saturday the guest of her friend,
Miss Marion Watson.
Mr, J. B. Ilbover was 'in London on
Saturday and again on Tuesday on
business in connection with the
Woodmen of the World of whose
Board of Managers s hC is president.
Mr, James .Bingham„ • after a pleasant
visit of several weeks with Clinton
and vicinity friends, left on Friday
last for his home in Chateau
ty, Montana, Should any Clinton -
Ian touring in the west next sum-
mer drop off at the genial Jim's
ranch lie is assured f •
Co SUCH a hos-
pitable welcome as will for ever
abide in his memory.
The News From Liondesboro
• Jas Hill paid :a flying business trip •
to Berlin Tuesday of this week.
Mr. Hutton received a car of Men.
Rebaoba wheat .this week.
e t
ffor Mound
Manning left Pilot n
Mr. W. Man g l
on Monday of this week after an ex-
tended visit with relatives here. Al-
so Walter Cunningham .returned to
the west. •
Miss E. . Walker" of Winghtun and
Mite Elsie Lobb of the Maitland con.
are visiting at the home of I:T. M.
Mrs. .J. R. Riley, who has been un-
der the weather. a few days, is, we.
are pleated to learn, able to ' be
14Tr. •i. Brydono 'made- a, 'business trip..
to Toronto this week. .
Rev. C. R. Gunne is again around
after a severe attack of grippe.
Mr. Charlie Brown has taken. a posi-
tion with Farmer McMillan near
Constance, •
ne, •
Mr. and Mrs, W. Marlowe repent Sat-
urday and Sunday with friends on
the llth'..con.d rich township. •
(lo e o
Mr. of the
M .Robert Ford2nd of Hui -
lett has been ill for several days
necessitating his confinement to •his
Mr, E. M. McLean goes to Toronto
tomorrow :to attend a meeting • of
the knitting goods sectionof the
Canadian Manufacturers' Assoeia=
Mr. J. W. Reid returns to Stratford
this afternoon and will be! aoem-
'Reid and Master
Jimmie who will spend a few days
in the city with him.
Mr. J. E: Cantelon called' off part
of his work this week, driving down
from, Blyth at noon Wednesday. The
weather doesn't often getthe better
of "Shorty," but this • time it was
too much or f h"
Miss Vire Haywood, who has been
visiting .in the vicinity of Hills'.
green for some time, h.as returned
to town and will be the guest of
a n ,Mrs. J. W. Moore, for the
remainder of the winter,
Mr. C. II. Wallis shipped two car-
loads of hos s
r t to Weyburne, Task:,
on Monday and expects to leave for
'that place this afternoon. n, 11a will
have another carload sent out to
him from here next week.
bi'r. Oliver Johnson went down, to the
Chatham district, this week for a
carload f 1
o b horses, tvhieh he had tri-
> p
chased --the second this season, the
first he brought up last week -and
on his way back was caught in a
blockade below London but is ex-
pected home today.
out again.
Mrs. E,:. Mcv ittie, we are sorry. to
learn, continues very ill.
Geo. Snell .of Westfield,had a bee
hauling wood •to the village Tuesday
of this week.• •' •
A number of dogs in
the vicinity
have been put out 6f
business in com-
pliance with the bylaw issued re-
cently by the Hallett codncil.
The regular onthly 'meeting ng .of .:the
Women's Institute will be held• on •
Thursday next at 2.30 p. m: at the
home of Mrs,' J. 0. T.ounsbery: The
subject of spring ' sewing and • inter-
change of patterns, will be taken by
Constance • Concerns.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac MeGavin and
Mrs. Wm. McGavin of Leadbury visit.
atof ' . inn Sunday
the home Wm R
last. • . .
Mr. D. Maloney of Morden, Man.,
has been renewing old acquaintances
in this neighborhood during the past
It is
week. I years since
Mr. Maloney first went west -and like
many other Ontario' boys has pros-
pered there. We hope that when he
Makes another. visitto old Huron ho
'will not return without one of Con -
stance's fair maidens for his life part-
A meeting of the Boy& Association
will be held Friday evening in the
council c
amber at o'clock, Every
member of the s re-
i s
quested to bo present, and also every
bey in town from 12 to 17, who is
not a ernber, is requested to attend
and join a good thing. Business
importance will le brought up.
Mr. and Mrs. -George Dale were at
home to a number of their friends
Wednesday evening.
A number from here attended Mr.
Jas. Letper's sale at Blyth on Satur-
day. All the horses were disposed of
early at a high price.
Tudor r
Mrs. Duncan is at present.
visiting her mother, Mrs, Wm. Stan-
ley of 1rtolmesville, who is very low
and, weregret to say, is not expect-
ed to recover,
The Epworth , League here was with-
drawn Tuesday evening, on account of
the disagreeable weather,
1V r.
t' ' • James Dale has secured h
J s p
Riley for the sufnmer. Hired men are
scarce and wages high.
As a result of the government pro-
c oma io r and also one bylie MI -
fl that all
Litt t wrishi mune tat dogs
are to be put under lock and key,
the foxes in this vicinity apparently
realize that this is the time for their
freedom, as some have made themsel-
ves prominent.
bTr. Geo. Bale sold to. Snell Brosr
•recently, one heavy draught gelding
forreceived which h c h o e co ived in the • neighbor-
hood of $275. This was a good fig-
ure, yet it was a horse well worth
the ppaid.
In viericew, bf the very .high state . of
the roadsthroughout the country, we
believe it would be advisable for all
pathmasters to see that the roads are
kept properly plowed out, so as,A
avoid having them«become impassible
when the ;wanner weather sets in is
the near future.
Mrs. E, L. Farnham, our school
teacher, has purchased the house and
lot recently, owned by Mr. J. 'Stanley
she has beenpyi ccu `n
o g, We are glad
to. have Mrs. Farnham a resident of
our village,
Mr, John Riley has rented Mr. Sang
net Pollard's s house and will be tak-
ingpossession of •
p rotit shortly as a
Mr. E. Atlat s
n gave apattyis
to It
young friends, wo repot 'hving an
enjoyable time,
Mr. C. M. McGregor has bought a
handsome team of heavy draft horses
from Mr. James Archibald of . Sea-
iortlt. „
11Tr. Campbell Sutherland has en-
a ed with bT
gaged r. Ed, 13ritton for the
s tanner..
The I t s r
h oetCsar.
time at their mid -monthly meetings.
Zt takes the glum off the business
part and encourages a deeper interest
in tlheir C, 0. P. among the younger