HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-02-24, Page 51�
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AF4tW04r,y,* 24tho 1010,
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. (;O'derich . inion of Chinese. The ceremony was , I , . .
I I Knox church beld a very successful INHOUTE TO THE CHINE held In a largo open-ai Zurich 'CHRONIC CATARRH - -4
- I Valentine social on the evening, of ,St. , SE s a roof supported by Mr. Harvey Colosky, who has been ,
'! TbONIOWS Froin Godwich N"Alentine Day. The program, which Poles. k,'-verything was Covered with employed In 4 I'Ayth hardware -store 'NOSE AROJIMOAt
, I consisted of A lecture by Rev. Mr. I 94Y colors, yellow, blue, red, purple, is borne at present, "*41 the .4dpjee of F,pyends I rr*ot
IRL'olse A. 5X1r1X1NQ$ correspopdaut R'lliott, entitled "A Visit to Napel- MISSION FIELOS-O et'O. Many COI0r(4 flags were around. Ps-rm---ia and the Resio&s &aV0,80ga .
11 CoWs Tomb," which was well re- The following I When We,arrived a,Chine,q? offlglq.l.met Miss Melvina Koehler returilM,Iast 14 1i 8a1iV'aqPry.11 ' $0 wr�w
Interestinp letters, US and $book hands, then we pa live wceks, visit, wit)) OJF. W1,911.
I - been received by Mr. and Mrs. on a Pioce and were introdticed to her sister, Xvs. Studer, at Ta,vistock.
ceived, and many excellent musical have , ssed. week frorn, 4 171
*"**"*#"***"+**#**"***#*#"**"****#******4 seleeflons by our best talent and WrVpi .
Mrs. Mary Thurlow And -oved itself to b A John Wilford of Blyth from their r I . �
� . daughters, I which pi: 0 as peerless Scotch reading by Rev. Mr. Tiamil- ,on some high offielals. There was a place . Mrs. Heyrovk and Misses Ethel Wil- ��7... I - - .
. -
�� I
Misses Maud and IreAe, will , remove as ever. The young men's Biblevlas$ ton, was . , and wife, Dr. and-Mro. Wilford, writ- Set apart Ior foreigners right near liams and Ella Rannic were in Toronto - - ,
, -
. much enjoyed by everyone. tea upon their journey to ,the platform. Here. Werth 8 .... ::: .- -_ -1 31- 1
about the end of UP x4outll to, Brant- appears to be in a flourishing pQrldi- After the program a the far- . a4bered last week, attVA111119 a temperance "I I
ford, where her sons, John- And George , tion. . " , charming tea away mission fields in the interior of missionarieg, customs an convention. , I I
ning hall. Hearts China - Aials, ,Also the British Am , I
Was served in the,di. ,, 4 shipping 01.
and her daughter, May, have. establish� At Victoria street parsonage On wpre In evidence .everywhere, decorat- . .bassador. Mr, David Schnell has disposed of: � �
oed themselves. Three of her daugh. ,Wednesday afternoon, the' marriage I Ing the salads, jollies, and eakea. The, Dear Parents, -It Is Sunday morn- There were about 0 or 8 tables S,�t blr>. heavy chest I
� . . nut team to 'Mr. John .: I
vers will rem ...:.-.,;�-,.�.'..-.�.**,*.,.*.4*:,::::,.:,: I
. airi, in Ooderich, Mrs. took place of Miss Hannah Sophia pretty waitresses and tile guests al- Ing and we are anchored in Yankste in foreign fashion for us beaped.with McBride, Blind Line, for $485. ..:!:�";:i:�:i*i,*i:.:i:i:::::�:.:;:i:;:;:;:;::-: -
Westbrook, Mrs. Slinon McKay and ,Be , I opposite Sunday island (quffi,- appro- lots of good things. A dish of cigars - ..
avers and Mr. Arthur Evans, both 30t Wore red hearts.. A delightful ev. A dog suspected .to be, afflicted with �,,.-'.*.-':.':.-':-*:.*,..".,�.*-.,*,-i.".'.'.'..,.:..-i:.-:.:.-:�..'- L
. r�.'ii:�i.ii�i:i:..:i:i:,-�:�:*.:iii,ii.�.!�iii�:..- �
Mrs. Smith. We wish Mrs. Thurlow, ,of Godericb, township, Rev, Mr.. Mill� Cuing was spent. priatc.), The water Is so low at was, put beside me. There were a rabies bit a number Of cattle and ,-,*-,-:::,:.,:i:.:i,::i:,:.,..*:*;,:::,::::::::... �
.and family all good fortune in present that we cannot go&ou until lot of speeches made and transla .:.:. .... ...
into . tood ... X.
, colts belonging t'o Mr. Tetreau, . .,� -
their yard performed the ceremony, Th4' Mr. Haacke bad been a resident Of � .1.,
mew home. , , � . we find a channel. 'tile river has a English for our benefit. Then Stephen t0wr0ship. The apimals. 4 of I . , .. I . I
f bride was dressed in, a tailored Suit Goderich township for a number 'Of there . re :*-*
Mrs. Thurlow gave a five , of -solving thi4 troubla Was some terrible music by *:�,';i .
o'clock of navy blue, with hat to, match. Af- years and' 4 carefully watelled but have not yet ,....:. ":* .1
Was much respected. He way as the %."'. 1. .1
.::::: . . . . . . ................. ., I
.,-:_:j:j:j::-. ..:::::: j:j�j:j.'j:j:j:j:.::::.,.:. . ..
. . ::::::.*.::::ii:;:;�;:;.;:;:;:::::.:j I
I 1. , .
Sea street, on Friday afternoon, cannou were fired from gun -boats in 1,1"...'i�i...'�i :::i:i:i:..,�:�:i:i:::i:i:i:i:::;::::::.:,:
long Conservative And wears a new channel &cep enough for , 11" ..
tarewell toea at her re'sidence, Angle -'ter the ceremony the bridal- party. was a life rivei bed is mud and the water soon brass band of Chinese. -X lot Of developed the disease. ,
- to. 4, drove to 00 home of the bridels- took a great interest in - 4 boat - the'place that is only four the river near by and a tremenduous The South Huron Telephone Com- . I : , "".: .1. � ,
. Carey where a dainty luncheon fairs. He leaves thrqp sons and two feet deep, to -day may be t" loot row was kept Up by the explosion, of P411y, limited, - -has, been formed to I I
meet her guest, Mrs. Win , of motber, . municipal af II,
.. -X -1X
Port Albert. A most enjoyable time. awaited them,. * Thet News -Record - daughters : William G. * of Toronto, deep to -morrow. We have:. been -an- Are, crackers So dear to the heart of take over the present system in Zur- . :::::`. .
-was spent. Mrs. Haxry Turner, lateliolits in wishing the young, people long INIwin of Yorkton, Sask. Wilmot 04 obored now Since yesterd4y n! the Chinarrian, Then the car t d with :-
,of Port Albert, was also a guest orning . pot was I'll and the rural lines connec C : ,�'- ,X
, . I life and happiness. the homestead and Mrs. 'Geo, Reason about eleven, We. are witlim eighteen removed from a Piece of ground in same,. The Provisional directors of .. - I
The many friends and ad . :-,
. ..,ii!`-��:'*, .
mtrerst The diphtheria stare is over.' The of Markham, and Mrs. 0. A. Van" miles of Ichang where we leave, the the building and with a ,silver -pick the Oomparly are, Dr. Cautpholl and .***** %'-.*�!111'
. I
bere of Bishop Farthing of Montreal, I cases are said to'have been only in- stone of Colborne, :: .
will note with pleasure, that he is I flamation'of the throat. steamer and embark. In our house, the sod was cut. The pick was then Messrs. P. Lamont, E. Zeller, J. J. .. .
� ,.,.:, -
The funeral of the late MISS Ora- boat. We will probably be in Ichang Merrier and J, Pretter. Stillsoription,q I .,.;, I 1� ,��.
much appreciated there. His stipend I A very successful boi -social , l am, sister of the late Thomas Gra- banded around and I was one of the ; . I "."::::::::::::::�,:,i:,:......- I
.. ,
i -
was. b one or two Weeks, hiring botiseboats, onep to drivt it into-"Motber Earth." for stock are now being faken --- 11 I
was raised from $4,000 to $0,000 at held in the Baptist church .parsonage ham, took place and M. L ILON ,
� � on Wednesday of last transferr! n -passing the This a. M. I was at a native church�: it i8, the intention Of the Promoters
'the closing session of the diocesian on the oveoing of St. Valentine Day. ; week from the home of Mrs, Cush,- Customs, In Chin to go service conducted all in ClIlinese. S the Centre of a rural
ng goods a d I
Synod. - I to make till R- RAOITL PILON, 116 Rue *otro
. A very pledsant 'time was spent with Rev. Mark Turnbull officiated at Some time later I will de ribe it to telephone System with from M Dame, Lacl,ine, p. q., 0au., wrlt,"._ . . �
There is a scarcety of dog muzzles music, Japmes of various kinds aild in house and grave side, slowly, and there is so much red tape S' c � 'four to .
In town and, as a consequence, s . om,e social intercourse, system about their business nijethods., YOU. - In the afternoon I took a big five, hundred subscribers. "I write you a fewwords to exp
I I I rem
I ,The Goderich . sleep and in . .
. hockey team realized We posted your la at Hanliow I tisfaetion at being cured., "
4ers have been shot. . the late William a, tidy sum, tbe proceeds of the Lon- where we changed . a service Conducted for foreigners. - _--h- -- I was. afflicted wis . .
,dogs which were prized by their own- Th� funeral' Of ast letter the evening We went to I to you my sa
, H4acke, of the Huron Road, , � from the Tur,gtin , I I h �&tftri4`01 the
- 9- . throat and nose and suffered in�ch �
The Young Men -'s Bible class of the place on Thursday al . took dori-Goderich match on Friday even' We had toleAve Mr, Harris and wife Have,- had no letters yet 'from Can.- I was greatly discouraged.
ternQon last, Ing, every available foot of spa" I � . ada , . 1 bad a ba
Victoria street church held a box The funeral was in charge of the being filled. ant,Mr. Kern and wife in Hanhow to , �.Ut there ought to be to be some . . - I breath and A bad, taste in my rriQ th in I
. brifig up the freight that had. not ar- $00". Good night. E, C. I Ralph Connor's new *tory I 'The For- � the morn ng. � u
4social in the Y.M.C.A.. rooms on Woodmen, of the World, of which so- -Miss 0011111son left oil Monday to, ' . � . 0 . . I
riled fr(nn Shanghai. They were to ,� - I . "I took treatment for sometime with. .
'Thursday evening. Mr, Towersey was �ciety deceased was a member. Rev, attvnd the millirfery openings in, Ter. leave there, last evening. We at I . I eigner," had been bought by the Fam- .,
the wittiest of auctioneers -and much Mr. Millyard conducted the .religious onto. e . ily Herald' and WeekIv Star of Moll- out obtaining relief. At the advil)e er I
merriment was indulged In. After re- ceremonies at house And grave. The Miss Kellar, daughter of Mrs. Davis trusting they -will not get into shal- Goderich. . treal and publication 'will ' . begia in friends I tried' tile POrulift and the re. . .
. wCe.hs. Ralph Connor's
, essrs. R. Cham- of Hotel Bedford, has gone'to Phila� captain is very careful,, Ted. has been Mrs. Webb. of Cambria Road; has former stories "The Doctor," "The the end offour
freshments were served addresses were pallbearers were M low water'and get stuck but our - ' � two or three Sultobave been higmy satisfactory. At
,delivered'by Messrs. Sidney Belcher bers ' Ginu and Strachan, Benmiller, delphia to train, as a nur4c. taking snaps of some queer sights we been very Ill at the home of her fath- Pt I OsPeCtOr," "The Man fro . in -Glen- cured. PP , months I was completo�V I I
and Bert Male. The music4l part and Will. Blake, Thds.' Goode and Remember the presentation .of "A have ,seen coming up t�e river, the or, Mi� Elroy garry,! ' and e . 1i becomes chron4g. �
�Of the program was good and was Daniel McLarell. of Goderich, . ,.Southern' Re � I , Owen Ivic ... . 11 .. o1bers have Made hi X. glected entarr .
. t queer carts, water buffalo, .etc. We Mrs. Lou, Toriallson,61 Woodstacjk, is .o " 1faVing developed Into the chroult .. I
. Miss Graco Mrs. E. N. Uwls And the Misses (this evening).Miss Loittie McCre . famous as -a st ry writer And .
Tendered by the following illance" on Thursday . . I I
ith, , . ? "The
. �
I . .
1. by many *as treatment will be required to cure it . . .
will send you some it they turn out. the guest of Mrs. Daw of Saltrord. Foreigner" is reg&dc, stage, a longer and rilore'persistent 1.
.and Master Do Lernme Milly,ard, Miss Lewis are spending the,. season ill who Made'lier debut in "Topsy Turvy o. k. There are only four rooms for She has also been visiting, her moth-
Ifeinicke, and the Peerless Quartette,, Ottawa. � - . his best. It is a thrilling story 'of than I4,Lthe djSeASQ Nvere treated at t4e,
- - - I I I Land" will, be one of the Stars. the nine of us and so Ted., Mr. Stow- er, Mrs, .Jennings, on the Bayfield tile Canadian West. It is said that onset. ..
- --.--- , � _11111110011111111111� - I .
____ ___ __� � .1. . . =Blimp art and Dr. Thompson have one, Mr. Road" . .
. r -- - I . � . I �
� � ,I . . and Mrs. Taylor another, � . the, Orice was, the biggest by fat- ever Howinmr, -1 rina generally brings its- � .
. . . � I I .. n I __ Mr. and I . paid for a serial stoty. .It will'be a Ilef ,
. . .. � - Mrs. Henderson another, and . . 1. . . . . a to readers Of Lt , Whether the catarrh is acute or �
I I . . he Family chronic if I .
AWN41kh, � . Mi:s. Stewart. and I old maid)s hall. . Herald and 'Weekly Star 'and those Peru" on 1, YO -1 are 'vise you will keep . .
MVM% .. The boys are enjoying themselves !in- . Mairriaggs. I- who become subscri land and take a; few- doses at I � -
. . . . I ,bers to t1hat great thetirst appearanco.-of a"coid or cough;, .
. . welipely With sand bags, etc. � ThPy TURNER.�-WINT0 R -At the icsi_ weekly during the ' next two, wi'(110; and thus perhaps s4veyouraelf both sut.. . .
,. "'O'D re at r-4a:-�&bruarm,a 1j , - ' are not letting themselves soften any dence - of tile bri'de) will be in tinic, for the opening CI)aP-' ferfng slid exp I anse. . ,� . I I
. . . . . . � through lack, of employment, The .1 ..s parents ' In! ter. The beautiful picture ,,,Tile P. . � .. . I . 1. I I . .
� . . . Leamington on Feb. 10th, George Soul's Awakening" is still ofici eruna is recognized tile wor .1
I - 0 . � 1 Chinese paoriengers ]lave, their own, . . Id over I .
.. I 0 A. Turner, Brucefield, Manager *of .' . .ed as Xs a standard remedy f r catarrh. A' ' I
I quart6rs in the stern of the boat, We. a premium. The eombiriation is the �9
I . I
. I
go near them at . .all . Effie Winter. - . . . - , .
. do not need to the Canadian Flax Wills Ltd., � multitude of people have been benefited
; � , . . to biggest dollar's wqttli in the Inarket by it. I I .
! I 0:0* I , for anything. Out of' a hundred of a I . to-dgy. . -1 - �. . I � I . . �. . . . . I ... . .. . I I .
� , Chr'Darilloo a Sale, I -Ii,',NGLI,-,11---:JOTINSTONT-In Loniilon, : I " . I . I .
. � . I . . . . . . . . I creiv only five are, white rum, Tile ; on Feb. 9th, A:Iexander English of � , I . .. � . . I.
. � .1 . ic" -f 'hinese. . . . ____�__ � . I .
.. � I aining' ninety I�v liching- (� I I I �. I I . . - . . � . ..... . . I I .
� . Z .- , I . The board'is: :cx ellent We: all Binscarth, Mlam, to -Georgina , . We are glad to report. Abat Wk. W� -
I q and . 9
* ' I . . .. i ' , Johnsoi; of the Goshen Lille, Moth'erg Feel Safe . Morrow 'of the firni- of Morrow & - - I
. . .
I URING the the- month of. February we are closin . . I ,have. splendid appettes, - The . first stailley. _:� ., . . I . 1� . . . . . I . 1: . . . . .
out all lines of , night we were. on board liere, Mrs, I� Morgan, is impt
: D . . �g * � . ,VANS-BEAV1C,RA.t *tiui Victoria, With,paby's OWn Tablets. Oving nicely from his I ..
. . I I Stewa .-. . . I . � erloug indisposition. .
I t r � I I . .. , I rt ate Something that dis,agreed, street. Parsonage,. (".)(krieh, oil . . .. I . .- . . � . late .8 � . I I - I
Winter Goods a unheard bf prices. Regardless of -othe . r _Qal6s it will with her.digestive sy�tcm. About 2 . , Mot . . � . . . I . .. , 'Irs'. Henry Hortorl, has ,bAd 'another . . � .
. I
. . I . I . a. ra. I had t6'go after . Ted. and Mr. : Fel�ruary 16tb, hy i1cv, Mr M. -Ii- .hers .Who 'have used Baby's Own ser.lous attack 61 illness. � � � . . .
' � ' '
. pay you well to do �our shopping here for the 30'days and, lay in. a good: ,Stewart. They were rather anxious yard, I-Tannah Sophia Beavers to Tablets say they feel safe'whiln ifley . 1. I . .- .. . � I.
� . . .. . . t . . . I . . . ..to � . � I . Arthur Evans, 411 .' V Oaderlch have. this - Medicine in tile fio'ugt� - �,s . , �. . I � I I - ..
. .r a while bu:t Tc4 -,.gqv(N her WMc- -, � I . I � .. . i. . I I .
. . . .
ist carefully. ALL'SALE5 MUST BE CASH . thing that Cured the phin 'and nausea . 1. I . . � . . . tile Tablets ,are a, never -J ai ing , 'We L ' N 'S -V . . �
: stock. Read the following I' . I . ' '7 1 . for I r 'I' * ( 4 R E ,E'R E D AUCTION SALE OF .�
� I I . . I . . BONU=ciC� '814 -In . Brussels, .the ills of,.babvhobd and chi'dhood. . .
i .. . . . I . . . � . . very soon, She ,had d PrPtty hard . . 1, on . Farm Stock and Iniplements!Mr. . - . .
. . . � . I . . � . . . Feb. 9th" by Re*. E. G. PoNloll, And the mother has �llc �Tjar :� �
. . I ___ I . . . I - I time' for three hours ox so. She has � I . . -111WO C,f T. J, Elliott has instruded the un- . .
'k I .1 I � I . . I . . . . � . I . . I boon resting as in � itch -as possible since . Chas. B. Bone, of Scott, S4sk., to a goverfiniont apalyst -!.hat this 11tcAl- - dersigned to sell by Publi6 Auction' . I
. . : �, . � I .
I'll . . I . . . 1. .1 . ... � -, : " Florence B., daughter oi-Mr. John cille contains, ,no Poisonous 6pi'lles. ` � ' .
.1 .. . � .. I I � I I I . . I I . . , at'lPt 44, London Roild, (3 � . �
� New Sulotings, . . I I . I . � . 1. . . McCush of. Gre township. - . . Mrs. Walt�r Bari,, Mountain Grove, , miles . .
I 1. I - I I . ey , .
i � . 1. . ., .. - , - . . .. . . . . I . . I . pretty badly..' Ted is finishing . thig . . ., . -South or Clinton) at I -o'clock . , oft � . .
. . . .. , � - � I ... . . � .. - " . I I .. Ont-, sa7s�" �.rvd " Monday,. February- 28th, the*jollow- . . I .,
. � . .. . ith I. I ,-"My little'lloy ..'11fil .
. note ,so I wiff close W1 1. . I � � .
Our spring importatt lovc�. Ydu6 .1 . WAS#' " ' ' terribly whem teething and.froni ,c(,,,- ;
on of N!e�w'5ultings. are nOw i n- isitockin all their lovingly. ' - ClAudia".. -, , . I . . .
. ory. . $ � _. .. ' I , ., . . .. 1, . . . . �. 2 . . . �. ; , � - stipation, Nothing - I -,,,-ave hit,) . did . � ing : Horses -2 work ili,�;res in-: foitl * . ' ' ' I .
very - newts * Fancy . , I ne . I I �
gI , VOU'Will filidihe" t colorings and desitns., in .. Deemi4ber .5th. L0Wl,';,RY-At Medici' ITat, Alta., the least good until I gave -11jill 1,,.,1jy,g . rising 12 years, �Gclding ri ing .&, :
. ' . .
. . . . . Sunday, I . . I I
Worsteds and Cheviots In this shiplilint. ..,. -NOW -is the- time: . years, Lady's driver, in f,)SI, tha - .
. . .. I . " pick -out - .My Degir Parents,,'Yestprday .1 got ' , � Prr Feb,, 20th; to., Mr. and. � Mrs. Own ,Tablets and these I]iroilghti 11' . a .
your NEW SPRING. SU,ff,when- thd4tock is ' i � . Claudia,to write you a letter, so I Chris Lo ' I I . .. . stallion I'Tnrantunll� sired by Grcy� -� - �-.
' . comple.te. We guarantee , *guess I will ,a4d ,som, to it. . Last . cricli to wery, formerly of God- speedv relief, Every Mother ..' r stone with a mark of 2.10, a Splon- . .
. � I , . . .. I . e . wilship, a S ' on.'. ' .. -: youni children Should kee -the Tab- . I .
I . 1. I . r , 1. . , 'Go.derich, on F eb. -Ipts in tlieboille.'71 . � � I . . .
fit- and workT'ahsh1p. - S 0E WINDOW D15PLAV - . '. I . , . . . night we, Managed to find a channel SIIEPPARD�At - � ,P did stock hor�e and. registered I*
. I . I . � . I : - I ... I . . . . . 1 . -t, to get. to , Feb, 12th Sold I . .1 , . .
. I I ..., 4 . .1 . . I . . � I . I . and,got 'away, so ,we expee , by mpthellIC' .- Americ .
. . I __ � . . . I . . � I I . . i o Mr. and -s. Fred, dealers'.or ,by mail. at 25 ,cents a . b ox � an Studbook, Colt risini . .
.. . . . . - Ichang, to -night' (Monday.'). So 'ends. - ' rr I � years, Colt fising I year. Cattlom� . . .
. .. I ____ , . " Sheppard, 'a daughtcr.� ' . . .
I ' ' � I . �, - 11 . . . frorn Tile Dr. *.illiams . I Medicine (Io,', Thorobrod Polled-Angus,cow with , - . .
' . I . I . . � . curstearn 'travel,. after 'about 40'days. ROBERTSOX--4n Bast.Wawanosh,.on Brock,ville,, *Ont,,. .' .. , � . . -,foot.' ��
Big Drives In Reaft-madie - '. - *$1-26 Shirts for 980 - , ' I su pose now our fun will Start. - I* ,-February, 13th, to M ' . . . calf at Thorobred -Polled-Aln- 11
. � P . . r. and Mrs, . .
. . . . I I
I Clothing - - : . . I . .. . - .. . . . .. I have enjoyed myselt'immen.sely so fat , 'Adam -Robertson, A son.. I . I . I . . - .1 � I gus heifer , in 61-11, 2 Po'lled-Angus.* I I .
I I � . . . . . � - .
. I -W-Ws I and - Soft Pron ted Shipf,& I -hope. it edrititittes . . A . . bulls..4 .- and 5 !months,' 4-year-oll ' .1
I I I I I . I . Xe5" .. . Claudio is quito SARAR�A,S-At Zq�rich,. oil. the 14-th 130I,TJtI0,N-O'P, PAR,TNERSHIP, Poilled-Angus bull, Tborobx�d ..:Du , * .
� . . .
� .
� - $1.25 - - .�� *01. She says I I ok ii� lot, - atter ., F b. t. . I . . . .
neWeat pa tg 8, - all sizes, regulax I DISI
� Men's $10-00 Stilts for . I ... .". -745 . ; .�!,u * . I . .. � . � - 0 1 I f .6 to Mr. afid . Mrs. I .No h Sar- . I r- - .
.. � � . I left. 11 Me. L I . - �
I 12.00 ,4 . . . . for. - I . . ...... �96 Ilan When NOW if I .a Notice is hereby, given that - the liam cow bred to Mr., Biggins'. bull .. ..
* . . . . . . I . . 11 : .. .
14,00 11 . I . . .._i .8.00 , " � . � . I . . . .1 - I .1 . . ., . . . St . 'O I .. . . y.9 i , al!as, a daughter. , I � ,* c- i . . I .., . . . %
� . , . . ... . don't get a letter. ev.ery'weck don't CASI,]�Iil Mohtreal, o F . � r xlsting.� be -1 -:Thorobred -Ilprefot(I .cow. in calf 3 - . �
I I - , .1_10.00 I I rl eb. Alth -to .partnership .lie etofore , . � .1 . . I I .
� , . .. . � � . �wverl Silas .Davis. and 11-aglan Row-, ,. good, .. grade . . . . I
22.00 Ordered Suits fol. '' , . ,:... 1. 184K) $ 1.00 Flannel Shirts 196� .', " tlifrik tliat-.'Wc don't writ6 �.ve'ry week Mr. and'Mrs. T. R. F � (�ase,-forlrl_ . . cows. - suppoad'.AQ - -
20.00 11 . . . I . . . I . . Z . 1. . - I . � ` ' ' . .
I . . -tI .1 : � land under tile name. and style*, of be in - . I � m- .: , . � I I
. . .�14 . 14.50. , . . � .. . I.. for we do, as you'. van see, - by tile - etly of.Seafoi i, 6 son., � . I � calf,' 3 calves I . .
. . I
. .
� .1 . �� 1. - Row . . Vf
.. I , Mehil".4.101anifeland Wool Work Ing Shirts, , . addresses. Bu't'we keep goijug on!�nd- CI-WROHILL-In Goderich Tp on Davis & ,Iarid,, Hardware Deal- pleinents.' .' Masse.y-44arris. - binder, .. . . . .
Boys'.Suits' 1� I . . I I . with vollai. attached, all sizes. regillia, $1 . , , the . 'letters .have to double. b,!ack so it * ' F ob. 4th, io Mr. . .1 I en, at the -town of Clinton .Ontario ' 0-foo,t, cut -Dverin'g� , .. . I .
. I .. .. . 1. . . . I and Mrs. Welling- - - � .1 . I ,,* - ..nio-wer, . , . ...
, . . .. for I . 11 I I ". 1. . . I � .70 ' . will t�kc .them- longer, ..*We are' hop- - ' ton -Churchill,' a (I . . is by mutual -consent dissolved, . 6 -foot tilt, - Ra"ey- tUrris: Seed drill, . , ,. I.,
Regular $3.50 Suits for . � ' .. . I � . I - . . .
'. � . .. ...... 2.50 1 : . . . . . � Aughter, , I Tile. btlShiess ,vill bo continued . at � hearly' new, ,13-116 ' . I . .
4.00 . . . ..... I 3.00 , . . . . . I fng to have some nems-Uom the home 'AljAWS-In -Seafortli,, on . Fell. 12th, . I e, . Cultiv'atoi,,' still I . . .
� � . land When Nve arrive in Ichang. We to Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Adams, !lie same �plac* by R.: Rowland, .who t6oth,' stcel spring, riearly new V�itk * . ..
5.50 slid 0.00 Suits for .... � I -4.50 50cUn4erwbar for 3 9c - '.", * ' . ' ' a *
, I . I . . . . . 1. - . I � '
. . I . . � . P.Vp6et our letters. will be stopliki . son. . I I � ' two and.'a half .
. . . . � . is responsible for,.all, liabilities and ; and seven: jn�k ,
Out go the Overcoats .. . I Men's F leece.. LinedShirts arid Draw(.�n-_tjli I . there for us. Haven't had a lettvr - '�? . .. .. . � 1. .� . .. . .-Io'whonl, all ate6unts'niust be paid. - points_D0ring . .
, . � - . � . . . . I . . ' . .. I 1, . I � ' 'L rake, Frost . and I . .
. �. . . -sizes, r6kiilar 5Qc f6i� . . . ....... .39 . now for. near any-. I . * 8, . I . . . � �S. Davis, R., -Rowland. ated - W. r. � -
. . . . . Ily' 0 weeks froin . Death , 11), at Wood thro in -Disc, Set of fou'
I I . . '. :
. . �
Regular $ S.W Overcoats for : .... .. , 5.00 - � . . . . . . 1. . . . . . it6n, Feb. 4th� 1910. .' . seckfion liarr6ws, Large steel roller, . . . I
10.00 . . body.. Will *probably keep this 1 1. . . . I 1. . Clil
. .. . � etter I I .. I .
. .
1. ��.:.: 7.(X) I unposited till to� . raorrow till I see.. LE,E'�Tn Clintoil. on Feb 21st, Lil- - - . . . . .. I . 1 . . �. . . Promier. 1-furrdw riding plow,, near-� ,� . .
12.00 $1,00 Wool Underwear 79c � if ' . . I -_ . . . . .. � . . .
I 1. I...., 9.50, 1 . I - . ! ' lian Mary Reid, wife of Mr. Thos, I .
. '
UM 1. . . .;..... 16.56 . 1. . . � I tbeko ii anything to answer; Your I , - _ . I . . IY riewi Fleury Walking plow,. 2 1 .
,, . . Men'sallWool Shirts . . . ,ee, aged ,201 * I . I �
15,()O . .. . I boy, E'. C. -P. S.�Arrived Ichalig.-7-no W. I - '' yc.4�4, 8 rilonths � wagons., T6p buggy neat-ly ii(,w,. 2, . . .
. . ..... I 11.01) . . and DI-awers all �-� ' NNIANTED.-AT :ONCE, A - GOOD .
I. ' . � . . . ' . .. 1. � . � � - � . .
. sizes, regular.$1 for . , ...... .79 -E . .. . and 20', day,�. � 1. I tters, Sot of -Man. bob sleighs, 16- .
25 per cent off ,al Boys' Overcoats and Redfixrs I . .1 I . . . . I I . . luail. ,. . I .. � I girt to .do housework. -Apply , to 4=0 1
' I . . I �. .1. . - - Deceniber Oth, 1009. .1 . �. . BEAC03N1--4n Clinton on Feb, 20th, Mrs. T.- Jackson Jr.,. Ifigh street.. foot hay rack, 2 sets :of double liar- .. .
* , � �
Deep Cuts in Fur Coats, . $1'.,26 Wool Underwea'r 98o .. . . Icha..ng, Dev. l2th, 1909. Catharine Sheppard, .wife of Mr, - .. � - . I . I . . . . I noSs Sot of -single harness, Pulper, I . . I
� , . - , Whe' I
I . . I . David Beacom, aged .81 - years and . .� elbarriow, .2 power ja�ks,, Uneda ,
. .
' . ather and Mother, -We . 10 Months. . . � I . . �
Afell's $65 5.00 Coon Coats for . . . . ,My Dear F. . . . I I .
. 45.00 Men's all pure wool Vnderw'ear, allsizes, have been at the above address neail I y . � A QUANTITY OF CUT STRAW FOR separator, .., capacity 4W pounds, I - 1
35.00 Galloway Coats ' � ....., 'Panning mill, Nurubc-r -
. AIMM Black Land) Coats , ...... 20.50' . - _ regtilar $1.25 for - I '.98 COOK -In lillifit,'Mich'., ' oil F ell. l9th, - sale. -Apply to Hiram Ilill . Ciin- , of good hens,
. ....... Z .W , . � � , a wcek now. It has been a busy.weck . I . .
22.50 Dog Skin Coats I . .. . . I I ' William il, Cook, formerly- ol - ton. . � ., I . Florks, rakes jin -'rous. other, I
. 10.50 � .. I . � .too. fravc, had to do a lot ef ' work *Clinton, aged 52 1 years, . . L . . .. I . . .. �. � d nunu . I
ho.00 Coon Coati . � .1 I . . articles. Terms :-All sums of $5.00 .
� .
. .
. :::.,. S01M I I 75 and 85C Boys Sweaters 59c � in the way..,of passing our goods McL141OD-At Tbamesiord on Fcb� . . . . - . and under,
25.00 Brown Calf Coats I..... 15-M . � I . . � I . . .
30,00 Wallabi Coa . . ' I . through tbe-Custoing as'well as the l5tj� . . . ! L . . cash.; or) ov.er that . ,
. . I . . . .
. 1, Mrs, McLeod, mother of Mr, ' , amount. 8 months' Credit: on; approv- . .
- * Boys Sweaters, hi red, blue and dreen,: . - g6o(is of the-o'ther people up country, .. 10TICE.-ALL. PERSONS DESIR- ' . ' ' .
... 2U.00 .
I . . . Ill Wool And worsted yarns, all sizes, re- . I � . Joel McLeod, n '-- 62 . IN .
� I . . - Also ]lave to transfer them to our ' Clinto , 7 aged . .. . ed .j6intnotes., 6 -per tent. ,per. au- , - � .. I
Linen Collars 3 for 250 ' . . . gular7o'cand'85c f9l, . � ..... .69 ' . years. . . . I I I . ous of beco.inilig subscribers to the � - huni - .for,, cas . h oil credit aniounts,- . . .
. . . .. I house boats.: We have .3 houseboats. � . . , , .. I
m . � .. . SINCLAIR-In Brussels, on February Goderich To-wnafiip Telephone Sys- �T. J, Elliott, Proprietor ; T, Gull- .
Men's and Boys' pure Linen Collars, all ' , - I . . . . � .� I ours being the biggest. Our ,stuff I I . I
. .
sizes, 'A for . ...... .25 1 . Seems to lie *in'prett good .shape cX_ l4th,. Christena Sinclair, aged 41, ;, ton' must - send in. their , ap- ' -dry, .Auctioneer, . . I .� .. I . . I I � .. � �
: I . 500 -Men's Mitts for 390 "' . ., I . Y - ycars, 2 months and 23 days. . plications, . in writing . to tile' . � . .. . . . . �
I I . . � cept our sugar which was put in bags�� SS -In West Wawancsb, on Feb. t 1-101111- . I . . . . . . . . .
Rubber Collars 156 1 Men's, horse lilde and pig skin AN'ork-ing I and the rat's ate some, holes in- It. MO Secretary, N11. Jenkins, A . cs� A 1, . . � - . . I
. .- I . � I -1., .1 .. .- ,ruary 9th, John Moss, ,aged 90 ville on or before,the first day� . of . . . I . . I . . � � . . �
I- I .
Men's and Boys'Rubber Collars, all sizes, , . "'oO1-II1uQ,-IArge-,9Ne4 - . ,2" �- ----- -.130e. However thtre wasn't much ,wasted ' 1. � - I . April .1910,-G.- Holland . , president, ' UNRESE RVI,u). A UCTION. SALE. 00' � -
I I "is' 50c Mitts f6l, . 4- unflok our W. Jenkins,. secretary. . .
- � Ni'L
regular 25c for . Reg, ,r . . 1. , ... and now that we, ]lave I years and 9 months ' * -
. . 1. .15 . 75C " I . . . .. ...... 590 � eyes it ought to be o. k.. We . had 111PNI)EIRSON-In Tuci � � . . . � . 2 .farm stock and imple,nients.-Mr. A. - - .
Silk Ties 1 5c, , . . � $1.00 ". - . .... �'. We - quite a,'tiine yesterday with the cool- Feb_ Ist, - JanPt Henderson, ag6d, . . 1. - I IT Furry has.instrueted the under-, .
__ I -
. � . .. . . . . __ I 0.. I I 11 �
I 1.25 11 . 74 - I signed to sell by.Publi6 Auction, at .
, . �, . � �. - . ...... M' - ties. ,rhey Started to carry the 8tuff years, I . . I � . .
I . . �. . . � I .
men's F olir-in-hand, Khots and Bow Ties L ' . . from the freight down to the boats C.AXPBEILL-In Goderi.ch., on Feb. WANTE'D.-PANT MAKER, ON E , I O'clock'p. in. at lot 23;', LondoiL . . I I
. I
regular 25c and 35c for 11 ... ... I .15 ' . . ' . and aft' r they:,got most of it, out- 11th, Tbonias-Campliell, aged 81 that cin make Vests .preferred. Road, Tuckersmith, on Thursday, .
. I . Men's Hatsat iliteresting ' side one , i ,i6ar's and 11, months,' .. I Price $1.10. all'around.-Tozer & March 101h, the following : 11 .
50C Silk Ties for 25c - I I I . to the ground they Went- on , -In vebruary Brown �. I . . driving Marc 9 years Old,, 1*dri#inr,- . �
. - I .. ' , ' strike. I think they waifted . more GRATIAM Goderiieli on r . . . I 1 17 . , ,. .
ffs'and, now - I ., � 14th, Mary G. Graham, aged 86 . 1.
100 Men's Fonr-iii-band, Pu' . . . Pri0es -pay., While in Ichang 'We are, staying � - . _ . � I I . I . liorse 8 years old, I driving mare 8 I .
Ties, regular 50c for ... ... . . "Ra - A! en's $1 .00 and 1.25'lrafs for . I . . . at, tllt� China Inland Missions so the, years, .� .. I . years old, I driving gelding 2 years .
� . I ..s.f. .75 1 STRETTON-In -.Port William, On PROCLA I old, sired by "Wilderleall, I ,,heavy I
. . � 66 .... out business for its,- I mean with the uc Of 1.11th authority of the Gov- vy filly.
250 Wool Sox7for i9c , 1.4150 . 4. .. IM) ,inissionary in charge is doing most of . MAtIOX-m-UNDF,R AND BY gelding 3 years old, I lica -
A I 10ebi 15th, Capt. James fStretton, Vitt ,
. . . I 2.o(i � ...... 13-1) . tormerly of Brussels, aged 82 c -8' years old, sired.by Colonel Gra-
2.50 I, . � )
Men's Heavy Wool Sox, regulaF.215)c for�. - .10 � ' j.r)d Chinese, etc. Well, I stood &round for years. .. . , rninent. I do hereby, order that all hain, 2'draft geldings 2 years old,
.8.50 (Borsa1ino):::::: 211, M an hour and none of our �ollios were dogs within
. 6 . . � . . . k I . . 1 46 I . RAN�SOM-Tn X.thel, on Veb, llth, tile Municipality of sired by Prince Hereford, I draft
50C Silk Mufflersibr 8*90 , I . I I . . I � .ill t _ Ilullett be securely chained -or kept gelding I year old, 1 driving' COIt3 .1 .
. 0 Sight, so ,when dinner time came.
. '. I Anii,41arker, 'Wife of Robert Ran- and key. in a inannot sat- .
Men's SiIJk Mufflers. regillar 50c for .,.. I .30 ` "* , 'I MOWS and 1307S': Caps . � we went bome. When -we ,caijic I som, age . d 85 years. ,� . under lock . years old, 5 cows hi eg,lf, .3 fres;k. ,
I . I . back we found most of our stuff'car- I . isfactory to tilt,, proper authorities. .
I -
. � . M ap.8 . . � .... .. 1 .115 ried down to ilie beach. They have a - -1 - ,cilved.cows, 5.steers 3 years old, 2
1 (% . 11's &h� wintor C I I AACXT,'.-In God'erich township, on All dogs . found . tunning, at large steers 2 years old, 2' heiters 2
1 I. SM ' ' this
76c Shirts for 40c . 7-3e, 4, 1 " ole of tough wood about 5 feet , urday, Vebruary 12th, William ; witbin this corporation after
. I . $1.(X) � �, .. . .... 1. .50 P ' and -7 years old, 2 Steets I year -old 3
Men's and Boys' Soft. T41ront .411irts, all I I.W 1. . kt . . ...... .75 long. Then a rope, is put under tile Ilaa6kc-, aged 09' years . . date and until. further ri;tico ' may .
slizes and colorn, regular 75c fol. . ........ �46 1.150 , 1, . .... .85 bundles and, lifted, the pole being put lilonths� . - be destroyed, and thf, owners of "heifem I year Old, 8 valves), 46 � I
I I I I .... :: 1.10 un their Shoulders. They carry im- 1. �, I 1, suell (logs will be liable to a fine hens,, I Massey-Ilarris Binder G -toot L
� , - � . I cut, 1 Massey-Ilarris Mower, 1
$1.00 Shirta for *79c . . . I ' Inerlse loads. You romember tnat of not less than $20 and not More Mp
1. . V Men's Rain Coats heavy box of books of Mine. Well 2 LOST, A CIITTE31 ROBE,; ON N,JOX� than $900. By order of tile council.- I isey-tlarri.,; rake, I Wassey-Ilar- ,
Men's tip the rivinlite Soft Shirtq, it, , ,_ .. rirg cultivator, I Massey -Harris boo
. . fellows carried' 'it and another box, day, Feb. 21st, between . tile Ilth Ilugh 11, Ilill, Reeve, Lon.&sboro, dri * 11, .1 roller, I pea Bundler, I set- -
stripes and checks Aijd plain,all sizpg, re- Regular $10A) Rain Coat-, for' � ..... I 6.50 4 men with 2 poles will run along con. of Goderieli towliship, And my 15th Feb., 1010.
gular $1 for ... I o1yo, I . 12.01) 4t ....... 9.(X) . . harrows, I waggon, I .light, wagpit .
. . 16.( ) .6 with a. piano. The stuff has to b e home Olt the Huron Road, Tucker- � 1 - I
. . .1 I . I . ' 1 110� handled pretty oftv�ft. Smith. 'Finder will much Oblige b I I .. I 3, buggles, I pair bob Sleighs, 2
1) I
� � . I . ' I y I 011ttel's, I falilling-illill, I pulper, I
I -.1-1 _ . --.l .. .... .... .... . '' 11 ..... . ..., , - I I I I cavried,out of the storage liouso and notifying MCI and the robe will be I)ROCI'AMATION-11NIDER AND BY hay rack, I griavefbox, one'liundrod .
- I . . I I
I -, - . laid oil the ground. (2) Then carried called for. -Geo. 1)ale Sr., Seaforth virtue of ,
.1 - .. � .. � I x the authorities �Ot tile feet bay rope, 1, sugar kettle, -1
. ... , I I ... . � .. I . � 3, 1 , . few hundred yards �ii) the beach and P. 0. . DOMilli011 G6verninvilt, f do hereby : wheelbarrow, I coo'k stove, I heat -
I I I I . � . then laid down, (8) Next put on a - 1, A . 11. i . order that all dogs within the Mun- ing stove, 2 Incubators, I brootl&, .
. I I .� . .. . . . I . . ! flat ,bottomed boat. (4) T)if,n rowed lelpality of Goderich Township to I crealin Separator,- ,3 set single liar- I
.. . � . . n l th boum-boat. All 1). X. WATSON lie Securely chained, or kept under . nesS, a 411autity of )lay, a quantity
1. I . .
I - I .1 I �. � . 1� . . . . � . . i I I t1his is done for from I to 2 cents Pei- CIANTITON, - - ONT. lock anil'key, or it running, . at Of Potatoes, a quantity of sap buc-
, I I .1 box. They kr,(,p Step as they swing . I.ICI,',N.SR,D At',CTIONXI-Ilt large, 1-o be kept constantly muzzi- ketS and spiles, forks, rakes arid I
I �
I I I ,� __ . I .. . � along and .,%,ng a sort of sIng-song. ol, with an effective Metalic, lliuzv,l(� - other articles. . All will be sold with-
. . I . I On Friday ;e received an Invitation for the County of Huron. Corteq- - in the manner satisfactory to tho out reserv(h as the proprietor is go-
, I � �. . to .go 1.() the ceremony of turning .the pondence. promptly antwered. Cliarg- proper authorities. All dogs run- Ing NVOst. ,I,j�rlllp-All .
� , - � . 'dp]%� * �`2?1; I , suim; of $6 . I
. r 0 1 .4 � first sod of flie railroad,from her(- .P.s moderate and satisfaction g0n,rall- hing at large within tile Corpora- and under vash; on over th t, ,
P - 11 Ift1ho 16 ,. . . to Ch(rigtu. It waq a big aftair. All teed. Immediate, arrangenivilts for floti ill rlon_�colnpliance with this a
I #0" . I, I ftniotint eight ni,outh%' credit on a#- ,� I
11 I
I I -1016"s I __ the higher clas% Chinese wete tbQM .�ale dates may be hinde by (-ailing Ptoelalm'Ition, on or after this datt', provM joint uote.5. ,6 per cent, dir.- I
Ill their gay colored clotlics. I lat The News -Record Office, or ovi will bo ._ �
.1 .... -111. -11- , ... , 1111 L I � immediately destroyed coiint'allow�(I6n credit amounts.- I I
was I " ii I -11 J1111ililssilil" ' " - - -.L. -A. _____ ","..._ . - . . - . I wish some of our people could See- �Iratk Watson at Mel,lwanls gro(,- .4anwel Sturdy, 11ceve. Feb. 15th, A. W. Furry, Proprietor ; T. BroWa .
. . . - - oil""""'"' I— theill they, Inight have. a different. op- pry. I AuctiontTr. -
. . 'i
� I I . I I . I �'A % I i
� . . I I k " .
� . . I
. . . ;
. .. .
. . I . . .
I �. I . � 6
I . . I � - I I