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The Clinton News-Record, 1910-02-24, Page 4
44101110.09,00111011110101011811101011111 Breezy Baufield npnin. 'gra. John McLeod, who .spent the rest two menthe visiting her sisters at Toledo and Defiance, Ohio, retire - home last week. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Stinson of the Saublei Line entertained' a num- ber of the young people of the oils Cage on Tuesday: evening. The Ladies'. 'Aid of the Methodist cbutcb held 'their, monthly meeting at the • home of M. Jaynes Johnston on Thursday aftcrnooh'fast: Mr. John Watson tSt the Sauble Line sold a horse last week to Mr. sChurchill of Goderich township for $250. Rev. Lindsay of Areona occupied the pulpit of St. Andrew schu rch o n Sunday last. Next Sunday the putt pit will be occupied by the Rev, A. Thomson of Palmerston. Clinton Nows cord. February 24t141 1910 Mr. R. McMurray, Fishery inspec- tor, was at Grand Bend on Thursday business. . s Mr, Eddie Weston, who was married to Misa Nina Johnston of Sarnia (formerly a Iiayfreld girl) returned last week to the village with his. bride and will spend a kw weeks be, fore leaving for Detroit where they will make their future home. 1 The Misses Peck of the Front Road entertained a number of their friends i on Wednesday :evening of last week. 1 A pie social and at-ho'xne under the auspices oI the Ladies' Aid ot the Methodist church, will be given hi the 1 town hall on Wednesday evening next. A good program will be Provided and during the evening thee will be a debate by the Ladies' Aid on the sub- • led, "la Marriage a. Success." As - i mission 20 cents. tanleg. Township. bliss Edighoffer visitedwith her parents at Blake over Sunday. Miss Daisy Scotchmer entertained a few of her friends of the vicinity and Bayfield on Friday evening Iast, Mt. and Mrs. Jas, Porter of, God erich visited at Mr. and Mrs.. Ilam Heard's recently. Mr. and Mrs. William, Sparks of the Brownson Line visitgd this week at the latter's parenta1\home `in Clinton, residence of Mr. and Mrs. James Ma- baffy. Mr. Jos. Richardson Jr., returned 'last week from aant 1 s visit ea P s t with bis brother, Rev. W. T. Richardson of Arthur. gr1 Miss Ida Reid, who has been ill for the past few days, is, we are p' -eased to hear, recovering. Miss Alice Carr of Brucefield, was the guest last week of Mrs. J. W. Heid. .Mr. William McNaughton of Meth- uen, Man., has again bought a car- load of extra fine horses for shipment Io the west and included are some exceeding well bred, From Mr. A. Reid be bought Roxy B', and Black tt Joe from Mr. Coleman of Hibbert and r Mr. Jack Case of L'sborne, which promise to ba very fast'.' Mr. McNattghtou has also cleaned out the stock of Mr. Thomas Stinson, our Honey King, who is celebrated for the excellent stock which he places upon the market.. Honey with the label "Putup by Thomas Stin- son, Varna, Ont.," always commands the highest price. Mrs. henry Peck spent last week with her son, Mr: Richard Peck of Seaforth, Miss Kate Stinson left for Toronto on Saturday last to accept a posi tion as stenographer. She is • a graduate of the Clinton Business Col- lege. . Mr. John Scotchmer was confined to. the house for a few days by illness. 'but is about all right again. Messrs. Leonard and Fred. Reid' of ('linton, spent Sunday at home. Miss Martha Richardson is at pres- ent visiting Clinton friends. Miss Emily Clarke was the guest of her cousin, Miss Maggie Clarke on Sunday last. The young people of this vicinity were most enjoyably entertained by , the Misses Peek on Friday evening last. On the 9th Inst. Miss Georgina Johnson of the Goshen. Line was un- ited in marriage to Mr. Alex, Eng- lish of Binscarth, Man. • The honey- moon included a visit to Toronto, Hamilton, and ether places af- ter which the happy couple left for their home at Bins - earth, arriving there' on -the 15th inst. A meeting of the members of St. John's church was held last week to talk over contemplated' imprgvements in the •church:'. ,.The probability is that it will be bricked and the Rec- tor and Treasurer George Beatty will make a canvas of.the .congregation to raise the necessary funds, A meeting of the Tuckersmith Tele- phone Co.was was held in the town hall, on Saturday afternobn last. From the enthusiasm shown it' seems likely that the project will .go. through. Men were appointed to canvas the differentlocalities for subscribers, Goderich. Mrs, (Lieut.) Parsons and babe are now in- their home on. West. street.. Mr. I. C. Thomson of Detroit, call- ed upon Agent Lee last weekand in- formed him• that. when ' navigation opens; the "Star""' steamer, "Huron" will call at our port. Mr. Thomson's many friends in Goderich were glad to "see him. - Miss Jean Wilson of Brooklyn, N. Y,, accompanied .her sister, Mrs. W. E. Kelly and, party on their return from a visit to that city.. Miss Wil- son• visited in Goderich four years ago. We understand 'that .she .intends remaining until Easter. enireszenswaniraeassegeret en a set ( Couch STAPLE AND MILLINERY r1 ) FANCY DRY' GOODS - FURS MANTLES ewrringress ..4 for 1910 Good.s A dress goods stock that comprises a wonderful complete range of Staple Blacks and Colors, ' and a range of Novelty weaves, so extraordinary broad that it would perhaps be a difficult matter' for any woman not to find her exact requirement here. Black Dress Goods. Weaves. -for °Coats and. Suits. Weaves for women who are in mourning. Weaves for women who like nothing better than Good Black, Spring and Summer Colors • Violet, 'Reseda, "Yellow Brown, .Castors, blue Grey, Steel Grey. Blues, Rosewood, Empire Gl"een and Olive, Now is the best time to order your Spring Suit or Dress, Our dress.. makers are busy but not so rushed as they will be in a short time. New White Cottons.. We have them --lots of them—New Cottons at old prices which ought to create a stir here as with few exceptions an advance of over 4o% has taken place in raw cottons, New English Prints Are now In stock, in stylish stripes, checks and spots in a very wide range, fast colors, - 10e 1230, MO COURTESY AND MENTION AWAITS . YOU HEI2. 1 1 Codei.lOh Township A very enjoyable entertainment: was given on Friday evening last in the basement •ot St. James' church, oMid- dleton, id-` diet n et dewhen h h eIse e s t r society of the A.Y.P,A. at Summerhill visited the society here. After the usual buss'- ness was finished the President, Mr. Fred. Middleton, heartily welcomed the young people from. Summerhill, and then called upon Rev. W. H.. Duns bar to take the chair, Who in the course of his remarks expressed his pleasure at seeing each society 50 well represented, and to see the spir- it of unity that existed between, them. He said that he considered the sinew ;of ,tbc societies due in no small measuretto the efforts of the very ef- ficient presidents, and the deep inter- est taken in the .meetings by the in- d'vid a i ulmbex a �S. m The program, which was given .. by the members from .Summerhill, was • - rendered in a very interesting and talented manner. At the conclusion Carlow Miss Annie Bean has, been visiting her sister, Mrs. Hugh Hilt. Miss Lena Hamilton is visiting friends around ,Auburn. The session meeting of Smith's Hill church was held Thursday, afternoon, of last week. • Alex. Young is busy drawing sand for his new house in Goderich. Janet; Bailie of Nile passed through here to McGaw to load his household effects there, en route to the West. Quite a number attended the funer- al of the date Thos. Campbell of God- erich last week, he being an old resi- dent of these parts. A number from here took • in the pan -cake social a.t• Auburn Baptist church last week. Some of our r tler a t took part in the program. Nile of the program a dainty lunch of ' on the evening of February 9th" a sandwiches, cake and coffee was serve happy event took place at the home ed, • games were played' and a very . et Mrs. Sarah Wilson, her daughter, pleasant social hour was spent,, Be- 'kiss Jane, being united in matrimony fore closing Mr. Lindsay, presiderit of. to J, 0: Jacobsen of Enterprise, Mor the Summerhill society, in a:f w welly tana. The ceremony was performed by chosen words,- thanked the members Rev. J, R. Mann, the bride being, giv- of St. James'for their kindness. en away by ber brother Robert. Mr. Auld Lang Syne and the national an- and Airs. Jacobsen leave in a few days them were sung, and the company die- for their home in Mointaea. The bride persed. has already been in the West for a Rev, W. H. Dunbar Will preach in . number of .years, and on returning to Seaforth on Thursday evening. i make a honve.ior her husband and her - Mr. Alex, Welsh delivered a mare sell.she is accompanied by the good on Monday to . Mr, Chas, Wallis of wishes' of her friends here. Clinton, ig. , Mr. James Switzer has been rather under the weather the past week, The mad do scare is g s ain full force and consequently lot of useless brut- The death of Henry Powell occurred es have been killed and it is , time here on Saturday morning. Deceased something was 'done for this town- was in his 88th year, He was born ship was flooded with worthless curs on lot 4, con. 9, London township, Which followed' their owners' around on November 23, 1823, He was -mar- the country; , . vied ih. 18:49 to Miss Catherine Mc- .Assessor Thompson is on his rounds 'Cutcheon (sister of the late Henry and it is not necessary to say that McCutcheon, London East), who pre- -the work wilt be' done night. for deceased him 17 years, shortly after Mr, Thompsonis one of thi4•best • as- he had moved with his family. to Ore- sessors in the county. gon, He was a loyal Canadian, •a Mr. Ben. Rathw.ell delivered a horse. Conservative and a Methodist. He on Monday. to Mr, . Chas. Wallis of attended Main street Methodist church Clinton, d and and was always found at. each Mrs. 1':. Marshall and Miss A'itna service: if able to be. there. There Marshall of London : have returned; were 'born to hint thirteen children, home after a visit of some time 'seven' of whom survive, Robert, Mil - with her : daughter, Mrs:. J, E. Rob- ton ;' Watson, Oregon ; 'Ernest, Wis-. bins of Chicago. consin r, John, Nevada ; . George; Lon - Mr: Chas.' Switzer is getting to be, 'tion" township, and Stephen., 1' i eter, quite an expert . in breaking coits . so ;; if any one. `should want, them trained' . . that's the place to go, that's if they' Belgrave are quiet. ` . • The 'Thompson boys have got quite .. Mrs. Ceas.ar . and sister, attended a lot of wood Hauled. They eextainry the marriage of their niece, . Miss •got a good bargain.. Maggie;'" eldest daughter of Andrew - ,} ,,hie;Dougall, to' Chas, Carter . of Man- ,,. , o 'a on Wednesday, the • 9t', Phe .,v 4. y, h SumniterhilL'' 4 yoring couple .will settle on the - ;tt groozn,'s farm in 'Manitoba, The Rov.. W. 'fi, liunbar 'will • Com- t•• • , 'Mr: F. Morris of Fargo, �N, Dakota, inenoe a confirmation class on Tues-; Mr, J. Carter'. of Auburn, Mr: R. Mo- tley next: at 7,30 p,' m. 'The.,class will Whinney and Mr. W. McKnight of be held in. the, church'- and candidates •' the Nile were visitors.. at ••Wm. , Wat are earnestly requested..to attend. son's, Belgrnve, one. day recently.,, all. Mr. George Hill's • sale on Tuesday of whom weee old .;schoolmates. and passed off . • successfully, Three-year- ,some . Mr, Watson had"- not met for ,2$ old steers sold -for 'from $60 to $65, years, ' and naturally they had a pleas- year-olds at $20,:sheep at $12 each ant time: . and cows ., at from, $70 to $75; . Mr' I This is like 'an old-fashioned .winter; john . Woon et the Bayfield d Road the snow must ne nearly three. feet bought •two cows; one at $72 and the other at $75. _ • deep...• Mr.' A, Scotchmex 'and his son, Mr. I Mrs.: C. Vannorman of Wingham has • Fred.' •Scotchnier, of Stanley were been spending a few days with Mrs: John ,Hopper. r Jas: Cunningham attended the •.fun tral- ed. his brother, near Londesboro. -' .1VIrs, Day of Killarney; Man., is vis-, .iting.. her sister, 'Mrs. Thos. Hill, for. a few weeks. Mr. P. Budge is spending a couple r Exe e t guests of his daughter; Mrs. Albert. T•'ownshond,, and her husba, nd• _ from, Saturday until Monday Mr: George Hayes sold a four=year olii 'colt' last week for $275 end .bas bought another toreplace. Hayes knouts tow to buy, fit . and sell,in short he 'is a good judge of a .of weeks with his son, Rev. A. Budge horse:. at Hanover, • Cameron Robertson sold a .nice hair Of heavy draught horses to John Den- 'East Wawanosh holm of Blyth for $500. Mr. and 1d's. Bryant of.Hultett vis- Mr. Albert Garland, Who has been' ited at the home of the latter's .pari - spending 'the past week at the home eats, Mr: and Airs. -Wray,: last week. of Mr. J. C. ,Stotts, left oil Friday Clanton Proctor 'of. the Stratford for. Toronto from "where he will take Nornral'Sclxooi, .was a visitor with his a ticket for. ,Swan. Lake, Sask. • parents,. Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Procter. Mr. Wm. Doerr has rented the 100- Mr. Sprbat had a visit last week acre farm recently owned by . Mrs.from his nephew, Mr. /Fowler of North. Wing to Mores Iioltzhauer of Hullett, Dakota, and his neice, Miss Fowler of Mr, Holtzhauer takes possession' the Egmondville. first of March: Mrs. Corbett and daughter and son - Mr; Guy Bentley is at present . pre- in. -law, Mr. and Mrs.l;eker of 1' dmon= paring for returning to the. West. ton, Alta., were visiting• friends at Mr. George Crawford and Bob Deer Belgrave recently, Howard Wightman and his sister, Annie, have returned to their home at Outlook; Sask., after . spending ' .e. month with friends in and around There we're serious riots: in ?hila- Belgrave, delphia Iris r este dgrowing p out f Yo a y , At tbe e last -meeting h . - ofthe 1V&the strf ke of t street ca . __, r trice. dist church Board, Rev. J E. Cook The dxscovery o a irdr in raver or received' a unanimous call to remain ex -President Castro has caused some on the I3elgrave circuit for the sec - excitement in Venezuela, and year. Remember the date of Taube & If the dog seise results, in the Sons visit' to Clinton and if your abolition of a.lot of the useless doge eyes trouble you in any way consult that infest our village and country, them at Counter's Jewelery Store on destroying sheep, it will have served. Wednesday, March 2nd, a good purpose. have been -engaged the past week hauling logs for Mr. Win.. Doerr. .` Hullntt Haprienings. Mrs. John ?ungblut has returned to' her home in 'Woodstock after visiting the past week with friends in this vicinity, Mr, Wrie Doerr has sold his team of horses to Mr, Will. Arshambo of Witnier, who' intends taking them to Alberta in the Bourse of a couple • of weeks. Mr. Wm. i'lunkett bought a horse a few days ago for a fancy figure. Mr, and. Mrs. Waldron of the West are at present visiting the fonner's father, Mr. John Waldron of this vleinity, Tho dog stare has become general in this neighborhood and the whole vicinity is now dogless. We are glad to learn ,that rii`rs. Samuel McCool is improving 'nicely, Mrs, Hlumphirey Snell has been .sick with an attack of pleurisy, but are glad to hear she is better again, Mr. Moses Brown's team got tired waiting on him on Monday and start- ed for home at a lively gvxte,. 'Miss Elsie Lobb of Holmesvitlo' is visiting at'Mr. Humphrey .Snell's, A number of people delivered hors- es to Clinton buyers on Monday. Mr. Ed. Crawford and Mr. Chas. Wey- mouth delivered one each, Mr. T, Mair is busy drawing saw- logs to the mill withwhich he in- tends putting an . addition to his barn. Mr, Thos, H,. Cole intends moving to his new. farni ' on the 100 con. next week. Mrs. John Manning is on the sick list at present, Mr. John Jamieson is visiting bis brother, le. Arthur Jamieson, Miss Elsie Farquhar Sundayed with friends near Londesboro. Mr. Wm. Manning left for Toronto on Monday where he will spend a few days with friends previous to his de- parture for bis home at Pilot Mound, Man, Mr. Bert Nott visited friends on Lake Shore, Goderich township, the bast week. Miss Vina .Stephens of Clintoni vis• iced her sisters Mrs. Jas, McGill, last week. Miss Maggie Mair is illwith an at- tack +f pneuinonia,. Mrs T. Moon entertained a number of Wends and neighbors to an even- ing's sport last week, Considerable talk is going on on se- eount of not being able to nuzzle the dogs in t#unlet t as well as: else'wbere Auburn Miss Lizzie Dempsey 01 Clinton spent Sunday with Mies Maude Fer- guson. Miss Dora, Erratt Is spending ;his week with relatives in Goderieh. Mr. David McClfnchey of Clinton Collegiate Sundayed under the par- ental roof. The officers of the Goderich Dis- trict Epworth League met at the Methodist church, Auburn, on Satur- day last and passed :some very impor- tant resolutions. They decided to dispense with the .summer school this year and substitute Epworth League ln'stitutes to be held on the different Circuits in September and conducted similarly to the Sabbath School In- stitutes. Mrs, ge Plat zer died Su nd ay afternoon at the home of her noon Lawrence. The funeral toolc place Wednesday, the service being conduct ed by the Evangelical minister, Rev'. Mr. Hoist, assisted by Rev. Jones. Rev. T. W. Charlesworth will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday ; subject, "Castaways," . "4 London Road If Dame Rumor is truthful in this instance the ?lumsteel farm is to have oceupaats shortly and ,that the wedding bells are to ring. Mr. T. . J. Elliott will move his family to Bruoefield this week where theywill reside until they leave for Alberta. Mr, Elliott's auction sale will take -place next Monday. 'Mr. Iddo Crich is moving to Clin- ton this week, Billy Holtz spent; Sunday last - in this neighborhood. He spoke ofleav- ing for the west next week, Mrs. John Hunter of Clinton spent the week end with,. the Grant family. Wood beesare all the rage. Lane Bros. have let ,the contract of erecting their barn to ; Mr. Frank Keys of Varna, Miss Pearl Wise spent. Sunday with Miss Luella Walkinshaw of Clinton, Mr. Gordon Waldron, Toronto, vis- ited his father over Sunday. Mr. 'John Stevens has not been en- joying good health of late and the Dr. had to be called in on Saturday. 'fit Helens. Mr. and Mrs. P. Thurlow visited friends around Stapleton last week. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Irwin of Kinloss visited at the latter's father's, Mr. Wn1: Woods, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. 'Sana. Reid of Ashfield visited at the home of Mr. Robert J. Woods one day last week. t. Mr. Geo, Joynt of Hensall return ed home on Wednesday 'accompanied by his inother, Mrs. Joynt. Mr, Will. Macdonald of Jamestown visited . around .St. Helen's lately. Mr. Mid. Humphrey and , Mrs. Cran- ston visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. 'Taylor of East Wawanosh on :Sunday.' Miss Mary 'Woods returned home Af- ter a pleasant visit with friends in Kinross. • A meeting of the ratepayers of S. S. No: 4, West Wawanosh, is called for Saturday to consider the sale of the secant part' of the school' and improvements to the other 'part. A full 'attendance is requested, The Farmers' Institute intend hold- ing" their annualmeeting in the town hall on Saturday of this week, Leadbury. • A .very •pretty event topic. 'place at the• home of.Mr, and Mrs..'McGregor of Manna, N. Dakota, on February, 2nd when neice, Mabel n . ,Miss .abel Rrnne, seeond daughter- of Mi. -and Mrs` John Rinn, of Leadbury, was united in marriage to Mr. John Mc- I(enzic of Annette, N. Dakota; form- erly of Walton, Ont, Their many Weeds , wish them .a long and happy voyage o'er the sea of life, The Misses and Mr. • Johnston. Me- Elroy of. Roxboro, visited at the' home of Mr, and Mrs. W. H. McGee- in's:: A ,number from . around here attend-. ed the Farmer's Institute at Walton last Thursday. Bothafternoon • and evening sessions :were Well attended, - Mr. Colter of Morris, visited' at' the home of his of, Mrs. Win. Tludie, on Sunday. A Terrible Sufferer For Three Years. BUT I3EALTH WAS COMPLETELY RESTORED ' Y DR. WILLIAMS' PIN , PILLS. Extreme anguish ; pains in the joints that all but drive One erasys— thus may inflammatory rheumatism be described. The yietimi Are to be pitied--te them life is On9 long. tor- ture ; they suffer by day and cannot sleep by tight. Such was the condi- tion of Mias'Alida Mercier of Ottawa, Ont. For three years she was a vies tim of this trouble and found no relief till she began using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She says :—"For three years I 'was a sufferer from inflamma- tory rheumatism, During that time I consulted and was treated by some of the best doctors in our city, but found no relief in, their treatment, I began to despair of ever being me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. procured three boxes and by the time these were used . there was enough ininrovement in my conditiori to en, - courage nie to continue their use. Three more boxes completely cured me and to -day I ant ae well as ever WAS. I always keep a supply of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills in the house; and would recommend all Who suffer as I 'did to give thou a trial." It was the neve blood that Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills aotually made that restored Miss Mercier to health and strength, There is . no medicit to equal them in making new bloo and rnatism, heart palpitation, ihdiges- tion, -neuralgia, St, Vitus daike and many Other troubles. Sold by all deal- ers in medicine or direct at SO cehts a box or six bokee for $2.50 front The Dr. Williams' Mediciat Co., Brock- ville, Ont. door south of our old stand, and with the in- creased show case room are more prepared to dis- play out large stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver- ware, Clocks and Fancy China, We will be pleas- ed to have all our friends and customers call at any time. Wilt$4111 That the mad dog snare has reach- ed Wingbam in earnest Is evidenced by the tact that a farmer's dog got lost hi the town, and in running wildly around trying to find his master, was at once presumed' to be suffering from rabies, and three would-be hunters armed with savage rifles, started in pursuit, chat Ing him. to the pond, and up and down the ice on the Maitland River, wounding him several times, and at last killing hizn at a house on the "B" line, wherethe poor animal sought refuge. Information, was received here last Thursday. that Catharine Imogene, wife of C. E. Williams, formerly a ru i d gg st here, had .died in Boston, Mass. No further particulars were given. The deceased was for many years a resident of Ibis town. Very sudden carne the final summons to an old resident of Winghani named James. Watson, at the age of 73, He was around as usual in the forenoon, but heart failure carried trim off with. startling suddenness in the afternoon. His widow andthree sons survive. At a farm auction sale on the sec- ond concession of the township of Morris, near here, four horses brought over $1,000. One team was sold for $600, and a colt less than one year old went up to $150, Oilier. farm stock also brought top notch prices, Toilet Sats Regchoke a� ar 0 designs and JE a $2.98 sia� 'I ionor Sets 8101.10111191111 Wateli Our .•----.,-r �r .rte. I1T are now " in our yV new store, one • Ai. J..• 0-104:0 eweler and Optician :.Issuer ot Marriage. Licenses. 97 Piece Dinner Sets $7.50 set for $ 5.00 10.00 ca " 7.50 15.00 64 tE iu.o0 SMALL WARE AND WALL ;PAPER SALE STILL ON, COOPER'S BOOK STORE CLINTON • A. fierce . battle was fought in r fear agua in :which Gen. Vasquez,. leader of the Government •forces, was defeated.' • For a , High Grade Suit ` ata price. .Yau.: willp • a. for aninfer- ior • - � �x�#er i©r oneg o to • 'urge ."'MERCHANT TAILOR VL -1q VL`- iibv^afrortik,ai ivzsre-ioe• v.a grecs.o•u►..4,,.6yW-z*.e-n►•seerw '►dim i.A dClot - hen tt, g Almost Cud in :Half kki.. .. 1 g' • • a. Hundreds of Men's and Boy's Suits and Overcoats in odd lines and broken sizes that:must be cleared out during February, Men's , 54 5. and _., f3.40 Suits' $S s. � I'ebnrary- sale price 3.99. " '7.00 and •:8.00 " " " 4_99 • 9,00 Overcoats .-- " " . 5.95 2,00 Heavy work pants — " . ' •7 1.29 ," 1.00 and 1,110 .. —equally' . .:: .. .79 All otht?rlines:o1 Clothing equally reduced •in price-. ,See our -1V en s I'Vorking Shirts 'rt .35 — -.i' 25c Wool Sox •': 19. Women's $5c " " " .23. ,, . `15c ,. .. ,.` 19 - " 1.00 Corsets " .69 ;,:aches' anis Children's. Mantles at less than poll pricer 10 Ladies Mantles, rhoiee, at 4 5 • 0 12CIx' rldr•ens Mantles, choice, at 1.98 • ti t Special prices on ail lines of . Boots, Shoes a. a,, and Rubbers, v Don't buy before getting our prices. a d TS. A 1.1110S. i, I 0. Small Profits and More Business: i ABLY we are this Month offering' substantial reductions In House Furnishing hoods, Come early and secure some of the bargains. The Steles of Quality, .a1ker Pttrnitut'e Dexter and Uwdi.rtakbt. Mime 28 Night or bay 1