HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-02-10, Page 3February -10th, 1.9.10 Clinton News -Record What' vtro',--' Told. You Last . Week. 3 11.111111111111.111111.0111.110111111141111.111.1111.11111. and what we have to tell you this week about the dissolution of partnership sh.ould be good news to every man and boy in, Clinton.and the surrounding townships who want to save money. The retirement of Mr, Crooks from the firm, and the necessity of raising several thousand dollars by:March lst, to meet bur obligations to Mr. Crooks, cblnpels us to make a big sacrifice on our stock of goods to do it. It will be just as one man said on Saturday last in our store after he bought and paid for a suit and overcoat for himself and a suit and pair of knickers for his boy: "I did not intend buying an Overcoat this winter, but 1 did intend to buy a suit in the spring, but thought if 1 could sive some money and get what I wanted, I would buy now." This man got what he wanted- He bought it on the first day of our sale, and he certainly sa,ved, a good deal of money. Ile bought a 20th Century $20 Suit for $15.90; a $17 Overcoat for $1.1,90; and a Lion Brand Suit, $7.50 for $5.75. If that was not saving money, or making, money, then we dont know what it is. We don't blame some people for not believing all that is said now -a -days in, newspaper advertisements, for there is a lot of stuff put into print that is not so, but we detyp:nYone to say we exaggerate in our stateraents.through the press. There is no firrn to day that more fully appreciates the confidence of the people than we do, and if the people of Clinton and surrounding Townships will believe us when, we say this, that our Dissolution Sale, a sale we have put on to raise money, is a genuine money -saving chance, there would not be a doubt about raising twice the ainount. We want several thousand dollars by March lst, and we will raise it by lowering our prices to such an extent that there will not be a man or boy who comes into our store who won't feel tempted to buy NOW and thereby save a good deal of money. Our store contains everything a man or boy wears, and at any time of the year, It contains goods that you can depend upon. Our motto: "A Square° Deal for .Every Man and Boy" means a continued growing business. Are you going to come and see us, Mr. Reader, and see for yourself ? Look around, everything is marked in .plain figures on a red ticket, you can. wait on yourself, or that matter. There are no two prices. There is no credit business or goods on approval, but moneyrefunded if not satisfactory. "QUALITY" Every Coat Must Go Ordered Clothing Dept. Men's 88.50 and $9 Overcoats dissolution sale price$5 90 10.00 and 1,2,00 4C " 7 90 15.00 . ,4 " 10 90 17.00 .‘ " 11 90 22 00 ., ., 15 90 24.00 c. (‘ 17 90 Bogs' Overcoats Boys' $8 Overcoats, dissolution sale price 3 90 900 " " .490 6 00 " " 3 90 5 00 4.4 " 3 69 Now is your opportunity to save on a Overcoat or Odd Trousers : Men's $20 Suits, dissolution sale price 22 00 " • 25 00 " 28 00 " 34 00 44 • 25 00 Overcoats 28 00 " 32 00 iC 5 00 Odd Trousers 7 00 " 8 50 " 44, I< bait, 515 90 17 60 20 00 22 50 28 00 19, 50 21 75 . 25 00 • . 3 90 • -525 6 75 6 only, Boys' Fancy Over- coats, regular 55 and $6, dissolu- tion sale price - 3 50 Men's Rain Coats Men's 510 Raincoats, dissolutiOn sale $6 90 750 " " 4 90 500 (g 2 90 4 00 " 44 1 90 Fur Lined Coats,. regular .$100 for 75 00 " 65 00 49 00 55:00 42 00 lt 14 Children's Toques and Tams • Children's 25c Toques and Tams for • 61 60c " 60e Tams. " 75c Tams Men's House Coats 4 only Men's House Coatsreg $6 00 for 1 only If 000 for ft 400 for 1 only o 7.50 for 1 only 11 • 10.00 for Men's Odd Trousers Men's 1.50 Trousers for . . 2.50 • 5.00 15 pairs Odd Trousers, regulas 1.00 for /9 39 45 55 4.50. • 500 290 490 750 1 19 1 44 • 1 179 •. 320 79 t1=111•=1, Men's Heady -made Suits • LOOK! and see what a look will save you, Men's $7 50 Suits dissolution sale price $ 4 90 8 50 and 9 00 Suits ' 5 90 10 00 and 12 00 Suits ". 7 90 18 00 Suits 13 90 20 00 Snits . 15 90 15 Men's Sults, mostly small sizes; in broken lines, re- gular price from $9 to $14, you can have yonr choice of the lot for 400 6 only, tnen's black morning coats,. tailor made, at less than cost of making, your choice for... . . ... . „II.2 00 Hosiery It's difficult '.to advise 'a man in regard to his hosiery. Tastes and fequirenients differ. We appreciate this and keep, 'therefore, a full line of the best Men's Hosiery made. Men s all wool Cashmere, regular 25c for 90 : 375: 00 ..... . .... 29 50c Men's Fancy Cashmere " 50c for 7 . 39 for 39 59 Heavy J3Ik Worsted " 25c for 19 Extra heavy wool " 25c for 19 " , 35c for 25 6. • Men's and Bogs' Gloves Men's 50c Wool Gloves 39 750 1. 55 $1.00 Kid Gloves 79 • • 95 350 Buck Kid Gloves ' 2 50 75c White Kicl Gloves 55 .1,00 1.50 Gauntlets for 3 dozen odd sizes Rid Gloves, reg ;50c and 75c for 25 "QUALITY'.' 1.25 • 'ffe don't want Pro0.-t.740• Sant .1t's.yOur Oppott.uplfy-*tfhe: Our Underwear Prices Tell a Story of Saving Men's Fleece Lined, regular 50c for . 39 All Wool. regular 85c for 53' Stanfield's regular $1.25 for 9,5 Hewson's regular 1;25 for. 95 Wolseley regular 2 50 for 1 75' Union wear, regular 75c for42 BalbrigRan, regular 50c for 39 Boys' Fleece Lined, regular 25c for 19 regular 35c for 25 44 Wool, regular 50c for 39 " regular 75c and 85c for 59 Boys' Underwear in small sizes, mostly drawers, in odd sizes, to clear at 15 Smocks and Overalls Men's CV) Overalls and Smocks 1.25 .1 1.00 75 79 95 1 25 59 Coats Leather Coats, 2 only, rogular 6.50 for 4 90 Sheep skin lined Coats, 1 only. reg 3 75 for. . . ... „ 2 90 1 only,. rev 7.50 for 5 75 Whip cord ()oats, 2 only corduroy lined, reg 400 for ... , 2 90 Fish Brand Oiled Coats 4 only, reg 3.00 for ... ..... 2 49 , 2 only, reg 4,25 for 2 90 Men's Shirts There will he no better time than right NOW for a man to select, his spring shirts, Men's .75 Shirts for. 59 1.00 " 79 .125 89 1,50 " • 1. 19 Men's full dress Shirts, laundered or unlaundered _some slightly soiled, reg L25 for .50:1 15 White Shirts, odd reg' 75c arid -1.00 -form ;Tr.; 25 -- Men's .50 Work Shirts, assorted patterns for .75 " 35 .. 1.00 ,a 1.25 66 • 41 59 65 79 84 Hats to Fit Ang Head young or old, large or small you can find a right Hac for any requirement. We ars sole agents for: "The Ring" Hat "Borsalir o" "Fit-Vt ell" Mews 3.50 Borsalino hard or soft Ladies' 50c Hats for. Men's 1.50 Winter Caps 1 • " 100 ' it .7* 61 • ' .4 • 6i.0 44 4dozen Caps, odd sizes, regular 36c and 50c, for .15 2 40 39 I 19 80 ' 79 4.9 39 Men's 25c Suspenders for 10 ' 50c Suipenders. for ... . , . , 39 10 dozen. Men's Suspenders, swell patterror, regular 35e and 50c, while they last 25 Men's Ties Reorififo .._ Buy your Spring Hat Now Aimee5025c Ties ffor 19 c Ties or 39 Men's 1.00 and 1.25 Soft Elate, dissolution'sale price, -.... 70 0 dozen odd Ties to clear aillic, tegulat‘ 2.5c on.ci 50c 1.50 . ... 1 75 41 . 1 19 75c Silk Scarfs for 50 1 29 1.00 8, 75 2150 Stiff and Soft nate if. 1 69 1.50 " 1 15 2215 Tweed 41 1 49 850 1 75 Our Prices are Tonics for the Overworked Purses. Clothes for Little Men We want every mother to inspect our Boys' Department, We will touch your pocket books as lightly as, possible, Boys' $3.50 and 3 75 two-piece Suits' for........ . . ... . . 2 00 5,00 and 5.50 3,25 three.piece Suits for 2 49 385 4 29 ,5 6 75 44 .. . . . 800 450 • 6.50 plain or bloomer Knickers 150 all *onl Hew: on1s ' ' 8.50 and 9 5C .. 15 Boys' Single Br eatted.3-piere Suits, reg $5,00 and 6.00 for . 4 6. .. Boys' Fancy Suits, $4.50 and 5.00 for ....., ..... ... . ...... .. 6 00 and 660 for 2 50 250 350 Bo pairs Knickers, regmlar a 50e nd 60c for ..... . . ......... 35 40 pairs KTItC1011.44 regular 75c for,. ....... nu"' 63 pairs Knickers, regular $1.0(rand 1,2.5 'for 79 No Goods sent out on approval Everything Cash "Lion Brand' Money Refunded if Goods not Satisfactory. Bos' Sweaters Boys' 50c Sweater% for .... .... .... . . : .. 75c " . 1,25 " 1.50 Men's 1.50 825 '1 39 09 79 ...... .. ....... 4. 1 15 ,115 .0.0041idgpidfd ....... ........... 250 Cardigan Jackets Men's Cardigan jackets; reg$1.00 for 70 1.75 for 12o 1 2.25 for.. 1 50 Children's Hose Children'S all Wool Hose, reg 25e for ' 10 50c for 6 • • t d 19 39 MORIfl& cRoolcis "4 Square Deal For Every Mart," dlmad .7611: ckiNNVILLe. SAN la utrAtAl.