HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-02-03, Page 8A Budget From 3r. ucefeld.
Ur. and Mrs, Tyle f Myt'i. hafted Additional i3rucefreid news on page
"Mrs, John Gibson for a tow.days lastfour.
week. fff The Oddiellows' supper on Ftliday
Mr. Jack Hill is home from. the night was a great success. Quite a
west. number of brethern from Seaforth at-
McKenzie of Mooselaw, ,
Sack- -4s--the teal-of—itis pother nd"j,� .Miss •114-- Caise�e ci Moo
other friends. • 1 Sask ,, is the guest of her uncle, Mr.
Mrs, John Gibson and Miss. Berth)! Jas Swann.
ale visiting London friends.The concert in the Presbyterian
Mr. John Rouatt of Moosejaw, � church on Fr day night was 'well at-
Sask., is the guest of his brother, tended and much enjoyed by those
Cdr. D. Rouatt. present.
Mr. John Akinliead intends moving Quite a number from our village at-
back onto his farm in the spring. I tended the dance in. Kippen town hall
Mr. Furry, who had it rented,, in- on Tuesday evening.
tends going west.
The annual meeting of Union Pres-
byterian church was held on Wednes-
Mrs. Bossenbery has quite recover-
ed from her recent illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burdge are home
day. The reports from the session, from the west for a visit.
managers, W.F.M.S. society,. Sunday A.trss Gertie Kaiser of Hensall vis -
school and building committee were ited in our village last week.
very encouraging and $1,450 was Some of our local hockey fans at -
paid towards reducing the mortgage tended the London—Ingersoll game in
on the church. the former city last week.
Miss Laura Swan, who had the mis- '
fortune to have her shoulder hone The open air rink is again in full
broken two weeks ago, is progressing Swing,.
very favorably. Mr, D. Boyne, engineer on C.P.R.
A number of our citizens 'attended at Moosejaw, Sask., is visiting his
the Division Court at Clinton on brother and other relatives here,
'Thursday last. i Our sawmill i:, now going full blast.
The many friends of Mrs, James A number of foxes ;have been seen
Broadfoot will be sorry to hear she in this vicinity during the last few
is very ill at present. weeks..
Co1rleatlier Slioe SpeciaiLI
We are showing
specially suitable:for
vi inter season.
a big range of warm shoes
tree hard cold ;of the .mid -
Pelt shoes for Ladies , buttoned, laced and • gaiters
at prices ranging from $1.00 to $145.
Felt shoes for men, some laced, some gaiters, prices •
start at $1.75 running as high as $5.00..
Men's work shoes, specially suitable for farm work,
heavy wool lining, Williams' make, at $2.40.
I3oys' shoes, good and strong, "The Xeep .you Dry
Kind", heavy wool lining, Williams make, $1,75.
Tor children and infants the choicest of warm shoes
prices starting at 75c reaching $1.25.
See us for the best in Footwear.,
" Always Reliable." CLINTON
St. Valentine's
Day --Feb. 14.
Clinton News -Record
February 3rd, 1910
Ike Papa/44Am ASr,..wia-/----‘
7e have all kinds
Y and prices of Val-
entines and post
Cards suitable to the
day. Some adapted
to the expression of
almost any kind of
ridicule, others which
are yearly more gen-
erally used, convey
more refined senti-
ment and delicate
feeling. The assort-
ment is as varied in
price as it is in kinds..
Jan. 22n .
15 pairs Ladies' Felt House
Slippers, regular $1.00 and- $1.25
to clear Saturday at 85'
12 pairs Ladies' Felt Bal and
Congress Foxed with leather reg
. $1.50 reduced to - $1.35
1 case of Ladies' Rubbers in
stormand low, regular 75c and
A 80c, special - - 65C
1 24 pair Men's Box Calf Bluc-
her,.regular $2.25 and. $2.50,
special f
c i or Saturday P
Y ..
For Saturday;
Other special lines to clear u
a big reduction before Stock
taking. •
When you• buy a'
you want the best.
We heey a stock of
Violin Supplies
for Harmonies
Tr us
prices from 25c. to $11
N••••••ON* ••••••••NN*NO NNNN••••N••ON* •N•
J. B Hoover
on lief
It's the
That gives chaiac-
ter to the home.
The stateliest man-
Bion will not attract.
if improperly fur-
Iny our house we have furniture that will add to its
beauty and in addition to its attractiveness every piece
of our furniture is built solidly and
honestly. Long n
•service is as much of a, requisite as beauty ' with most
people. W e.provide both.-
The cheapest spot in Huron Count
to buy all
kinds offurniture.
Hoover St Bali
O1`'X.111• 43XLA.T., I3 llapCM011•
-W. D. FAiR CO.
Often Cheapest - Always the Best
pit lace aammannuni,
irmuUl ho.
Mr, A. Seeley was in Aisle Craig; on
Mr. James Hamilton was in Goderich
on Monday.
Mr, A.. J. Morrish was in Toronto
Thursday and Friday last.
Mr. A. T. Cooper made a business
trip to Toronto this week.
Miss Belle O'Neil is home from the
Business College, Stratford.
Mr, and Mrs, T. E. Jowett of Bay-
field here ii town on Tuesday.
Mr. S. Crane of Toronto was •the
guest of Mrs. Shannon this `week.
Miss Pearl ;O'Neil ' has returned from
St. Margaret's College, .Toronto.
Mrs.. W. Ross is in Toronto` this week
attending the Menilelssohn concerts,
Miss Gertrude Chant has returned
from Stratford for a fewdays vis-
Miss` Eleanor Broder attended.a dance
in Woodstock on, Thursday evening
Miss Annie .Cook of Toronto is . en-
joying a few - weeks at her home
• here.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Jackson Jr. visited.
a few days this week. with Toronto,
friends. •
Mrs. 1 ogridge is, visiting her daugh-
ter; .Mrs. William , Hesk of Hullett
Who is ill.. -
Misses Maggie and Mary Miller of
gtalfa are guests of their cousin,
Miss Mahaft`y.
Mr, Chum Sheppard was the guest of
Mr. H. Weston of the . Bayfield Road
on Saturday.. -
Mr.... Archie •Cotsens . left recently,
for Flint, Mich:, where ire has tak-
en a posittion.
Mr. Isaac Jackson, who has been suf-
fering from- an attack `of la grippe,
is recovering:
Miss Florence Cunninghame Ntsited
with Mrs. S: B. Gardner of • Col-
borne over Sunday. •
Mrs. John Beatty and Miss. Moffat,"
Varna, .were guests of Mrs. I)•, B.
Kennedy this week.. •
Mr. Oliver Johnson is down • in the
Chatham •district buying horses for
the western market,
Mrs. (Sergeant) Welsh and Master
Wilbur have been visiting London
friends the past week.
Miss Lizzie Reed is in Toronto this
week, having gone down to attend
h Mendelhsohn :concerts.
Postmaster •'Scott was in Wingham
on Tuesday -attending a meeting of
the Huron Postmasters' A ssocia-
Miss' Daisy Middleton left on. Mon-
day for Toronto where she purpos-
es ' spending . a few weeks with
friends. '
Mr. W. J. Paisley returned home
' from a business trip through . the
western part of the county on Sat-
urday. -
Miss Minnie _W..eston,llas..xetwued,_ to..
her .home on the Bayfield Road af-
ter a pleasant visit with. Miss Bes-
sie Levis of town.
Mr. and Mrs. T: B. Macdonald of
Griswold, Man., aro visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Archer of Hiillett
.and other • friends. •
Mrs-, Crich of Huron street, had the
misfortune to fall on the icy walk
Aura on Sunday,
breaking a couple of ribs.
Mrs. 'Perdue of Clinton, who has been
ill for the past flue weeks at her
daughter's', Mrs. Dodsworth, is
gradually-liiriproving. - Seaforth
Mrs. (Dr.) Thompson 'is spending a
few days in Toronto this week and
w111d tlakc advantage of the oppor-
tunity to hear the Mendelssohn
Rev. J. Greene conducted mission-
in Brussels
last Sun-
He will take Rev. I)r.,' Doug -
all's regular work in Goderich - on
Sunday 5
nada next.
Captain Mortimor of the 5. A. was
called to Toronto last week owing
to illness at her home. C p
Stewart, her efficient aide, has been
In charge lar o
during her r absence.
Mrs. Sharman of Lethbridge, Alta.,
formerly Miss Challio McNaughton
of Clinton, has been visiting friends
in town and vicinityand is now the
guest of Mrs. John Wiseman.
Mr. Percy Towns, Butter for Toyer
etL Brown, returned on Friday last-
from• New
York •k wl
Jere he
took a
post graduate 'course and al ter -
wards ward attended a o )
t ntiC n of the
C t'Vr
leading cutters of thec country.unciY• This
additional experience will enable
him to give even better satisfaetion
than Heretofore which implies a
good deal.
!:lHEi..: cent. O1FSALE
White waists, Fancg Linens,
Ladies Mantles,. Carpets,
Lace Curtains
Rugs and Furs
During the month of January we take stock and in order to reduce it as low as possible we
offering a 20 per cent cash discount off the above lines. This is a money -saving proposition that you
should take advantage of if you need'any White Waists, Fancy Linens, Lace Curtains, Mantles, Car-
pets, Rugs and Furs. We have a reputation for honest dealing and under nocircumstances mark up goods
for a sale, and we live up to the letter or.our advertisement.
'White Waists .
100 Ladies White Lawn Waists, balance of
this season's baying, several very dainty styles
in the lot, all sizes, 20 per centoff regular price
Silk Waists -
25 white and black Silk Waists, regular
$2.50 up to 4.00 clearing thein out at each 1.59
Fancy Linen
- 100 pieces Fancy Linen in Doilies, Lunch
Cloths, ld.unners, Shame, etc, clearing the lot
at 20 per cent:off regular price
Muslin Shams and Runners •
50 Muslin Openwork Pillow Shams and Side-
board Rnnners, in several . designs, clearing
them out at 20 per cent off
Lae Curtai n:3
About 100 pairs of Lace Curtains left from
this: season's buying, all good designs, soma are
slightly soiled from displaying. choice of the
lot at 20 per cent off-•
Tapestry Curtains'
25 pairs Tapestry Curtains in red. green
and brown. good full size, while they last 25
per cent off eegular price•
_ -
Ladies' Mantles
50 Ladies Winter Coats of Beaver Cloth, in
black, blue, green, brown and red. all this sea-
son's styles,not an olp one, • in the lot and we
guarantee and stand behind every coat, During
sale 20 per cent off regular price
Children's Coats -
35 Children's Coats, beaver cloth. •' in" red,
blue, green and brown, every coat " new this
season, all sizes, 20 per cent off reg price
20 Per Cent. Off Every-..FUr--Articie
In Our. Store.
Carpets, Rugs, Matts, Jap Matfings, Stove Matts.
I0 patterns Tapestry Caroet, all good de-
signs and colorings, 20 per cent off.
10 pieces. Briesels, 20 per cent off ., • -
20 pieces Wool Carpet. one yard wide, 20
per cent off - .
10 pieces Union . Carpet, one yard wide, 20
percept off"
4 only seamless rugs, 3x4, . Red, Green,
Fawn and Blue, 20 per cent off -
•., 8_ only Tapestry Rugs, 3x371, 3x4, 3x4, good'
pattern, 20 per cent o1 •
0 only Axminster and Velvet Matts, .tell
new designs, 20 per cent off
5 piecee Jap Mattings all different patterns'
reversible, 20 pea cent orf
$ stove Matts oilcloth, 36x36, 45x45, 72x72,
20 per cent ,off
9 only Remnants oilcloth length run from
1- up to 5 yds long, clearing at 15c a yd -
' 15 Remnants' Wool and Tapestry: carpets
length runfrom 2 to 10 yds, worth from 25c up
to 75c per yd,• choice ,at 18c per. yd •••
20 per cent off all Carpet Sweepers
Additional Local News.
The carnival in the skating rink on
fairly Tuesday evening was a y well
tended and all, appeared to be- having
a real merry Utile. The prize winners
in the different ,events were
bodies' -fancy' costume --1st, : Grace
Walker,: Angel ; '2nd, Jean Morrison,
Scotch • Lassie ; 3rd, Helen Crawford,
R, R. Hood. -
Best lady and 'gent' skater, - (cos-.
tunic considered)—lst, Mrs.. Chowan
and N. Davis ; 2nd, Mr. and Mrs. II.
Alexander; 3rd, Miss • Cantelon and
Gents' fancy costume• -1st, N.
. 2nd, R. Moore. ,
Gents' comic costume -1st, "Cap"
Cook ; ..2nd, Otto Fink. -
Best; lady skater .in costume -Lulu
Best gent skater in costume—Matt,
— Raycon 1 .
Potato race 1st;. !I (, Dei ,
Ross Forrester.
One mile -racer , boys ' 16 and tinder
1st, A. 'Doherty, 2nd, .1t. McConnell..
Fat Mans race—Dave Crawford. .
A meeting of the Huron Distrfet
Postmasters' Association was held in
the town hall, % tnghain; on Tuesday
last, Mr. W. A. Irwin, Gorrie, the
vice-president, in the chair. A live-
ly discussion was introduced by Mr.
Thos. Iarrow, Brussels, upon the
question, whether or not to have two
organizations in the District, northrth
and south,' and it was decided to de-
fer action until the next .meeting. A
thorough canvas of P. M's in the
district for new numbers and - rev
newals was derided upon and commit-
tees were appointed for this pur-
pose with instructions to complete
the canvas before the. next convention
for the province. The action of the
provincial executive respecting the
establishment of an organ in the
interests of P. hI's was endorsed.
The officers
list year
were con-
tnned in office until next meeting.
hln of
( coo
The active `1 p
a ed for
, was asked
sympathy and support of M. 1 s and
and 'its
Association It o
fort C Asse
aims. Tho next meeting is to be
held on the 14th June in Clinton.
The engagement 5s announced.. in
Tu sdaY sDai1Y Star, ofMfss Lour
Jackson, eldest daughter of Mr.. and
Mrs.' J. S. Jackson of Winnipeg, •for-
merly. of, Clinton, to Mr, Harry A.
Bright, manager Wile Notre . Dame
Ave; *branch' of the. Dominion . Bank'
Winnipeg. The marriage.takes pltt,ee.
iMarch. Miss. Jackson- is a.nativc
of Clinton and will be renu'nlbered as
a child by many of our readers,
Tho annual meeting of South Huron.
'(County L. 0. L. *was held in Exeter
on 'Tuesday with a largo attendance.
County. Master C
oureey presided and d
his address dealing with' matters e-
recting the order ,;Mowed eareful pro.
partition. The various reports show-
ed t)rnngelsin 10 • be In a healthy con-
dition itt South Moron. It: was
intus] decided to spend the next
12th of July in Stratford. •
The cl-
ectien 01 officers resulted - as follows
Mas ter, W. '('oureey, Intuit.'
Deputy, 1)..C. Galbraith, llayfleld.
('haplain, Rev. W. It. ])unbar, ('lin-
ton. •
Il on, ('httplitin, W. Lewis, ('redl.lon,
Iter. -Secretary, 1'. ('001elon, - ('lin-
tort. •
Vino-Seeretary, T. i"lynn, Credited.
Treasurer, A. Can Whin, Itohliesville
Lecturer, It, tilclur ay, Mayfield,
. • ,
,Jr. l,erturcr, ,l: load, C liutott: .
The- following. were present, • Errnn
Clinton :, 1'. E. u.t. t, lnn, It. ;1. ChM,
Rev. W. IT, Dunbar, Fred, Vetter,
Josh. (Cook, 1). 5. Cook, W. 8. IL,
Hai nes, W. O. ,Smyth, John Ford
and Carnet Doherty.
Hullett - Township.
Mrs. D. S. Carter of the 2nd eon,
had awood bee one afternoon fast
week at which a good Supply -of wood
was cut. nI - t eVening c t.ntng it da
given which was immensely enjoyed
by all present. esent.
Mr. Wni. Morrison sold a ifn5 team
Jof two-year-old colts to Mr. Robert t
Reid of litltCk orio dny last week.
IV price paid- was $400.
The News From LOndesboro
Miss IL Brogden. acid. W. Cockerline
r D.
Sp ant Sunday with Mr. and Mrs-,
Moody of Blyth.
Allan Bros. of Harlock and A. As-
quith each shipped a car ei evaporat-
ed apples-
-this week. •
Miss Ozzie Mountain,. who has been
in Toronto, is home owing to „ill-.
health. - ; • - '
. .Miss E. "Hill. and M. `Mountain are
v'iitting the latter' -s -sister, Mrs. Jas.
H. Pipe of Miteheil. .
Dr. E. . C
1. C. AlacCallum
h bar.
been spending the last twwho o' weeks its
Kingston owing to the illness of his.
home. Hismanyfr
mother-xs i
will be pleased to know ,that Mrs.
MacCalluin is improving
Mi..Robt. Townsend is laid up with:
a sore foot having -,had' one of leis.
toes '.amputated.
Summerhill News.
Mr, Armstrong of Brussels is visit-
fug .at Mr. \\tm. I,tiwson's.
.The: iteld its regular meete
A,1 .1 .�\. 6
ing illi -'Tuesday evening and the main
feature of the program was a Oct
ing nnateh,, the sides being 'captained
by Messrs. Harry Mayes and Norman
Ball, and resulted in a victory for
the former, . There is to. he a debate
at the next meeting oh the subject,
"Resolved that Character has more
itifluencc in • the wort 1 than 'money."
The captains are Messrs, J. Mair and 1
Ed. Ball. The members have been in- (
riled to pay a visit in the near fu-
ture to the sister society at St. Jain -
es' church, Middleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bingham are
icing .friends in the neighborhood:
Mr.. and Mrs. Win. Lawsonare vis
iting - friends near Brussels. -
•-.A number of dogs have disappeared
iii the neighborhood. Where have they
• A number from around here attend-
ed the Fair in-I3lyth on Tuesday. -
Mr. A. Townshend visited Ins bro-
ther in Goderich this week'.
Mr. and Mrs: John Scott and son
of Winnipeg are, v:ritti,g at Mr. W. II.
13aWs. -
Constance Concerns.
Mr. Wilbert "Taylor and family of
Minto, Ulan., are spending some weeks
visiting the forerts grandfather,
Mr. Geo. Clarke, and other friends in 1
the vicinity.
On the eve of her departure for the '
west, where she expects to remain for
some time, Miss Charlotte Nilson was
Aresented with a gold watch bye the 1
League' and Sunday school, t s a slight
token of appreciation of her faithful
work in these organizations. Miss
anaddress andnd
Clarke read , a
Evelyn n C.la
Mrs. Bert Lawson made the presen-
Mr. and Mrs. R. Indersoi spent a
1 at Fullerton attending 4
,.w cos
thelatter's of fat ers father.
Iti1iss Annie ILa.wson of Summerhill'
Mise I. to1} t :Clarke a ft
days last week.
Mr.- 'V4 m. McIntoshniosh � v as indisposed:
for a few days last week.
Quarterly meeting will be
held here .
on Sunday. afternoon at the ' usual
Mr. and . Mrs. James . South-
combo and 'Miss Washington of
t st.,.
(lttspent Monday the guests.
of their friend, Mrs. John Britton.
There will bea pancake social nt•
the Baptisttest church on Wednesday
ening next under the direction 0f Mr.
J. I), Lansing of Clare,
Mich, S
bits for particulars.