The Clinton News-Record, 1910-02-03, Page 7February 3rd, 1910 Clinton News.Record O. D. MAT.A.CIOART AL D. IdoTAQQART McTaggart Bros. —BANKERS—" -se,- 'A GENERAL :BANKING BUS!. !HESS TRANSACTED. NOTES geSCOUNTED. DRAFTS ISSUED INTELEST ALLOWED ON DE- POSITS. SALE NOTES PURCH- ASED. ... -----,- - - - H. T. RANCE. - - - NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- ' .ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL VSTATE AND FIRE INSUR- •ANIDE AGENT. REPRESEN, TING 14 FIRE INSURANCE 0011IPANIES. DIVISION COURT OFFICE, CLINTON. a..e.......... -- W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY. PUBLIC. ETC. OFFICE -Sloane Bleck-OF INTON. CHARLES B. HALE ••• REAL ESTATE and • INSURANCE DFFICE — - HURON ST. DR. W, GTILN-1,t . L. R. C. P., L. R. C. S. Eidinburg , Office -Ontario street, Clinton. Ntght walls at front door of office or at residence on Rattenbury street. 111•••••••• 7—DR. J. W. SHAW— i-OFFICE--; ' RATTENHURY ST. EAST. . -CLINTON.- ' .............• DR. C. W. THOMPSON. . PHYSICIAL, SURGEON, ETC. Special attention peven to dis- eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. . Eyes carefully exhmined and. suitable glasses prescribed. 5ffiee and residence: 2 doors west of the Commercial Hotel. Huron St. ' -DR. F. A. AXON.-. (Successor to Dr. !lotuses.) Specialist in Crown and Bridge work, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Honor graduate of University of Toronto Dental Department. Graduate of the Chicago College of Dental Surgery Chicago. Will be at the Commercial hotel Hayfield, every Monday from 10 a. m. to IF p. m. • GRAND TRU Nic.6s.'.Vs`r" -TIME TABLE-. - Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as follows: BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV. Going East 7.35 a. m. ; 1 4 l 3.07 p.m. it it . 5.15 p. m. Going ,West 11.07 a. m. e e 1.25 p. re. 41 / I 6.40 I pan. ii II • 11-2g p. m. LONDON, !HURON ak BRUCE DIV. Going South 7.50 a. m. 4 t I a 1 . 4.23 p. m. Going North 11.00 a. in. 1 l I t 6.35 .p. m. • ,60 -YEARS.- 1 EXPERIENCE . PATENTS . ?RAD( MARKS ' i DEMONS , COPYRIOHTS &C. , euAtonren estlelgitntit glIV'OlgtOndttirelirgig3rig ravenuon is probably patontab 0, Pommunica. Mons strictly oonadentlal. iirilfrOOK on Patents "Pl= ? I IV agog goAtRun rig getieeng. 'Pedal notir.t althont onarao, lathe ' " scientific Jinterican. ' A handsomely Illustrated Wooklie Largest otr. ggra°43)%nyresetireVtiatie proltiturVtal'a A21 now caters. . MUNN & Cot.36/arclidwaY• New York Pewee ones cas F St.. washing/ton. D. 0. , ....-... ....-.--.— • .....................i.s.s...irms LIPPIkCOTTgE MONTHLY MAGAZINE. A -FAMILY LIBRARY The Best hi Current Literature 12 COMPLZYC keen.* 'YeAttLY i MANY SHORT STORES AND lPAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 WEN YeAie i ge &es, A COPY 'NO CONTINUED STORMS. tvtity Humniuttatsittrtrric ite lYsitt, Exisrottio.n In •Tntirtel. Fishkin Landing, N.Y., Zan. 22. - Fifteen men., three Americans.' were killed late yesterday afternoon W premature explosion Ot nitro-glYeerine in. a tunnel whieli is to torM part of the great aqueduct Which, will carry water front the esheitan dam in the Catskills to New York City. Five were terrible reetilated, but were so near the inouth of the Muriel that they were rescued alive. The other Ofteeti Were 1otrad-betteath- 0148s of rock an4 debris, just a bleed, bag mass. It is believed that one of the work- men, carrying a torch, fen, igniting a fuse and setting off a eeries of charges of nitro.glycerine, which had been placed preparatory to an exodus trom the tunnel.; A squad of twenty men having drill- ed the. holes and placed the explo- sive, was trooping from the excava- tion. As Ave neared the 'mouth of the tunnel, there was a terrific roar, the countryside ahoqk for a quarter of a mile around, and the five foreigners were hurled senseless to the ground. Inside death was instantaneous to the Mem semsemeeememismemmeememmmumme... LONDON, ONTARIO Business & Shorthand SUBJECTS Re.aiciettt and 'Mail Courses Cateloeues Free J., W. Westervelt, J. W. Westervelt, jr., CA., Principal. Vice -Principal, Rubber Tires. Having purchased a machine for pplying Rubber Tires, we wish to say that we are new prepared to fur-• ish and put on suck tires at reason- ble rates. We also do all kinds of Grinding, nything fromsa pair of scissors to a ircular saw. This week we installed machine for grinding horse clippers which does perfect work. • We likewise do an kinds of lathe York on short order and at reason- ble rates. Machinery repaired, Horses shod. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Seeleu & West *THERE IS BUT ONE• Every farmer should know & that the price offered by the dealers for cattle, hogs, etc., is a fair one. How can he know this if he does not take a farm business paper? What doctor or law- yer or businees man would .be without his basinesa paper? • There is but one farmers' business aa market paper, that is The Weekly Sun. Start 1910 right by subscribing. Kidney and Liver Medicated Pads Cure all Kidney and urinary Weakness, Pains in back, Lunosa. Rheumatic. Neuralgia. All 1,,i- er and Stomach complaints. All Vetnale & weakness painful and irregular periods. Men , Women and Children are benefitted alike. Price one pair one dollar. But o quickly introduce win man with first order One Pair free -that' is two pairs on• receipt of this advertisment and one dollar. order today this Cheap and reliable treatment 36 Address -THE MEDICATED PAD COMPANY 90 vicloara AVE., wrIvoacm. Our., cArtana '1110MAS BROWN, LICENSED AUC-. tioneer for the counties of Huron and Perth. Correspondenee -prompt- ly answered. Immediate arrange- ments can be made foe sale Slides at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling phone 97, Seaforth. & Charges moderate and • satisfaction guaran- teed. The MoKillop fautual Fire inswance Companu --Farm and Isolated Town Property-. -Only Insured- • • -OFFICERS-- J. B. McLean President, Seaforth•P 0.; Thos. McLean, Vice-Presidetee Bromfield P. O. ; 'r. E. Hays, Sec. Treasurer, .Seaforth P. O. • -Directors- ; William Shesney, Seaforth ; Joh Grieve, Winthrop; George Dale, Sea, forth ; Jar Watt, ellarlock; John Benneteles, Brodhagan ; James EVan Beechwood; dairies' Connolly, Holinesville. -AGENTS- Robert Smith, Harlock ; PLllin- chley, Seaforth ; James Cummings EgMondville ; J. W. Yeo. Holmes- ville. Parties desirous to effect Insurane or transact other business will be. promptly attended to on applieatio to any of the aboVe officers addressed to their regpective postoffices. Losse inspected by the ditector Who live' nearest the scene. Clinton News -Record CLINTON ONT. Terme of Subeer1ptiOn-$1, per year in • advance $1.50 May he charged if not so paid. No paper discOntimied until all edema are paid, unlete at the Opihien Of the publisher. date to evhich every subscription is paid is denoted ort the label. Advertising rates -Transient adver- tisements, 10 cents per nonpariel line for first insertion and 3 cents Per lint tor eaeh subsequent insert. ion. Small advertisements not to exceed one ineh, such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stblen," Ste, in - toted once for 35 cents and each Subseeuent insertion 10 cents. CettentutleatiOns intended for publica- tion must, as a guarantee Of good faith, be ateeirepanitel by the IMMO of the writer. W. J. 1VII1C11ELL, tditot and Proprietor. (lark side first. the Oilier seems all the brighter. Please don't worry. Well pull through with dying colors or my naroe's not Pbilip Kirkwood." "I have every rules in you." she in, formed him. flawlessly sincere. "When 1 think of alt you've done and dared for me, on the mere suspicion that needed your help" - "We'd beat be getting ready," he in- terrupted hastily. "Here's Brussels." It was so, Lights, in itttle clusters and long,,wheeling lines, were leaping out of the darkness and flashing back as the train rumbled through the sub - Prim of the little Paris of the north. Already the otber passengers were he. themselves, gathering together wraps and hand luggage and prepartng for the Journey's; end. ' Rising. Kirkwood took down their two satchels tram the overhead rack and waited, in grim abstraction plan - He lifted his hat and bowed Jauntily ning:and counter planning against the machinations in whose wiles they two bed heeteMe so perilousie entangled. • - Primarily there was Hobbs' tobe dealt with -no easy task.. for Kirk- wood dared not resort to violence nor In : guy way invIte•the attention of the authorities, and threatswould be an • idle waste of breath in the case of that corrupt and •malignant little cock- ney, himself as keen as any needle. adept In alt the artful resources of the underworld 'whence -he had sprung. • and further .primed for action by that •• master rogue, Calendar. The -train was pulling slowly- into the station when he. reluctantly abatis, aoned bis latest unfeasible scheme for shaking off tbe little Englishman .and concluded.that their salvation was only 'to be worked out thrOugb "lasting vigilance, incessant „Movement and the favor of .the blind goddess Fortune. , • .. • He WM nothing of elobits as they .aliglited and hastened from the. sta- tion andhardly had ;time to waste'. looking for .him since their train bad failed to make up the precious, ten minute's. Cousemiently be dismissed the fellow frotn his thoughts until -e. _with Bruseeis lingering in ,their mem- • ories a garish vision of brilliant streets and glowing cafes, glimpsed furtively from their cab whidowsdur- ing its wild dash .over the broad 'mid - city boulevards -at midnight they set- tled -themselves In a earriege of the Bruges express. They were speeding along thtough the open• eountry with n noisy elatter; thee a minute's inves- tigation sufficed to discover the mate of the. Aletbea serenely ensconced in the coacb behind.. The little man seemed rarely coin- . . .placent and impudently greeted Kitts- wOod's scowneg visage as the latter peered through the Window in the coach door, with a smirk and a wag- gish wave of his hand. The Amerlean by. iltainestretigth ,or will power mas- tered •itn impulse t� enter .and wring his neck and returned to the girl tuore disturbed than be cared to let , her know. . , • There resulted from his revlevi of the- ease but one lean for imtvvitting Mr. Hobbs. and that itty in truetieg to his confidence that Kirkwood and. Dor- othy Calendar wined proceed es' far towaed Ostend as tbe train would take thein --:namely, to tbe limit of the run, Btuges. • • Thus in.splred, Kirkwood toek teen- sel with the girt, mid when the train paused at Ghent they made an tines- tentatiouS exit front their coeds. find, ing thetuselves when the express had rolled on IMO the west upon a station platform in a foreign city at nine min- utes past 1 o'elock in the morning, Mit St length without their sluelow. Mr. Hobbshad gone On to Bruges, Kiriterood Sped his jonroyings with an unspoken malediction and collected himself to cope with a situation which wfts to prove hardly more happy for thern than the espionage they had just eluded. 'The primal flue!) et triumph white) had saturated the American's humor on this Menai auecess proved but fictIve and transitory when in- quiry of the statiou attendants educecl. the infornuttion that the two earliest. trains to be obtained were the 5:09 for , Dunkerque and the 5;37 for Ostend. A Minimum delay of four hours Wes to • be endured in the titre of many cote tingent features singularly unpleasant to eantemplate. The station waiting room was on the point of elosing for the night, and Kirktvood, alarmed by the rapid ebb Of the money be bad Olen frolm Calendar, dared not subleet his finances to the Wein of it night' lodging et One Of Ghentl hotels, Ito Ity—triCus Josep4 ir:Ance copyrioht, 1908. by the Hobbs -Merrill Co. folios) bitiiieff fenced to 6 Cruel to.be entatinual disappointment that lie did kind to the girl. and Dorothy's cheer- Dot even let the girl Into his plans un- ful acquiescence to their sole aiterna. 111 they were aboard the 5;09 in a com, tive of tramping the street until day. pertinent all to thetuselvese Then, hate break did nothing to _alleviate Kirk. Ing with his own eyes seen Mr. Hobbs wood's exasperetiOp, dodge into the 'third compartment in . It was permitted them tie occupy a the -rear of the same carriage, Kirk - bench outside the stollen. There the Wood astonished the girl by requesting girl, her lime piliowed on tbe treas. her to follow him, and together they ure bag, napped uueasily, while Kirk- left by the door opposite that by which wood plodded restlessly to end fro, they had entered. up and down the platform, addling his The engine was running up and poor, weary wits with the problem of .down a scale of staceato snorts in the future -not so numb his own as preparation for tbe race and the cars the future or the unhappy child for were on the edge of moving, coup - whose welfare he had asSulated re- lingo clanking, wheels a•groan, ere Mr. sponsibility. Dark for both of them, Hobbs condeseended to Join them be. In his understanding tomorrow' loomed tween the tracks. darkest for her, . • N. Wearily. disheartened, Kirkwood re, Not until the gray, formless light 01 opened the door, flung the bags in and the dawn dusk was waverieg over the. ' helped the girl bolt into their despised • land did be cease his perambulations. compartment.- The quicker route to Then a gradual stir of life, le the cite . England vM Ostend wits nowout of streets, together with the appearance the question. As for himself:be Wait, of a station porter or two, opening the ed for a brace of seconds, -eying wick, waiting rooms and preparing them edly the ubiquitous Hobbs, who bad agaiest the traffic of the dayewarned popped back into his compartment, but him \that he must rouse his charge. . stood ready to pop out again on the He paused and stood over her, relue- least encouragemeet Intim meantime tant to disturb her rest. such. as it was, be was pleased to shake a friendly toot les heart torn with compassion for at Mr. Kirkwood, thrusting that mem- ber, his soul imbittered by the cruei. ber out through the half open door. Irony of theli• estate. . . . Only the timely departure of the ' If what he understood were true, a train, compelling hint to rejoin Dore - king's ransom VMS secreted within the thy at once if at all, prevented the cheap imitation leather satchel which American from gilding murder to the served ber for a pillow. But it availed already noteworthy catalogue of his her nothing for her.consfort if wbat high crimes and misdeineaners. he believed were true, she was abso- Tbeit eimple meal, communed to the lute mistress ot that treasure of jew- ultimate drop and ersitub while the ' els, yet that night she had been forced • Dunkerque train meandered serenely to sleep oti a hard, uncushloued bench through e sunny, smiling Flemish In the open air, and tbis morning he countryside, somewhat revived their must waken her to the Me Of a bunt. Jaded spirits. • . ' • ed thing. A week ago she had had at For a time they laughed and chat - her command every luxury known to tered. pretending:Mit the present belt] .the civilized world; today she • was no cares or troubles, but soon the girl; friendless but for hisinefficient, worth- nestling her head in es corner- of the lees self and in a strange land. . A - dingy cushions was sealing ever .more week ago, had he. Ithownher then, he drowsily on Kirkwood• And presently, bad been free to telt her of his hive, she slept in good eatnest, the warm to offer her the,protection of his name blood ebbing and flowing beneath the as well as his devotion; today he was exquisite texture of her cheeks,- the an ail but 'penniless vagabond and ghost of an unconscious smile quiver - there eould be no dishonor deeper than fug about the sensitive scarlet mouth, to . Jet her know the nature of his -the breeze through the -Open window heart's desire. • . at her side wantoning tit will in the Was eeer lover hedged from a dec- sunlit witchery of her.hair, And Kirk-- laration to his tnis circume wood, worn with sleepless watching,. stances so hateful, *. entowa • ' e • dwelt in longing upott the dear; inno- could have rage a d railed against- cept allure of her until the ache in his fate like an adman, for be de- .bis heart bad grown well nigh 'bleep - sired her greatly, ;and she was very . portable, then instinctively turned his lovely In his sight. She was to him 'gaze -upware, searching • hM heart of ill created things the Most weeder- treading the faith and desire of it tio „tut the most desirable. . . that at length • knowledge and Muter- ' •The temptation of his longing seem- standing mite to him of his weakness ed more than be could long withatandand strength And the clean love that But resist be roust or part forever be bore for her, and, gladdened, be sat with any title to her consideration -or dreaming in Waking the same clear his own. He shut his teeth and knot- dreams that Modeled her iineonscions.. tee his brows in 'a transport of desiee. lips secretlyfor laughter and the Joy to touch, if only with his finger tips, • of living. - • • . . the woven wonder Of her hair. • When Dunkerque halted the'R• prog- •.• And thus she sate hire..when, with roes they were obligedto alight aud• opt warning, she awoke.. . • • change mars, Hobbs a discreetly'sinis. Bewilderment at firstinfortned the ter shadow at the end of•the platform. wide brown eyes, then; .. as -their . . • By .schedule they were toarrive in drowsiness vanished, a little laughter. • Calais about the ;middle ef the fore- . . . a little tender mirth. • - - ' noon,' with a wait of three hours to be. . "Good morning, Sir. Knight of the , Somber •.Cotintenance!"she cried, standing up. ' "Am 1 so Utterie &rep- utable that you find It necessary to frOwu on me so darkly?" • Hp shook his head, smiling, "I know I'm a fright;" she asserted,' vigorously shaking out the folds of her plaited skirt.. "And, its for my hat, it will never be on- straight; but, then, you wouldn't know." . . "It seems all right," he retailed. ea - cantly. - " . . a . ' "Thep please to try to look a little :happier slice you find - Me quite pre- sentable." ' . .. ' • • ' ESI do."& . . Without lifting hershended head she looked pp, laughing, not III pleased. "You'd say so really?" . . Far down the railway tracks. there rose a murmuring that waxed to a remblixtg rear. A. passing porter an- swered Kirkwood's inquiry;.it was the etight boat .tritin from Otiteed. He pleited up their bags and drew,the girl into the 'waiting room, troubled by a - sickening foreboding. . ' Through „the window tho . watched •the train.' roll ip and stop. ' . Among others alighted, .srairking. the unsp.egisable Hobbs.. • He lifted his hat and botved jaunti ly to the waiting' room window, Mak- ing it plain that his keen eyes had dis- covered them instantly. . . • ' gating to the girl the duty of esettp- . . CHAPTER XXVIIng when he could provide her the op- . the. railway .dliectorates of De ceeding to England with the gladstone portunity, of keeping tinder cover en. til the hour of selling And then pro- IIIKWOOD'S heart sank with K rape conspired against them, bag alme if l'irksv°°d "8 "able* °I. the hopelessness of it all. 11. what chatiee had they? If the night thought it inadvtsable to Joie her on boat train front Ostend etti ohad the beat. • , the decency to be ttifentve minly nutes In furtherance' of this design a tett- late, instead of arriving prcimptly on Jority of the girl's belongings were the minute of 4:45, they two nsight transferted front ner traveling bag to kerque and Calais. • b plot, and the yotteg man provided ,her Dun., Kirkwood's, the,gledstone taking their have escaped by the 15:09 foe "Miss •Caleedar," said Kirkwood . ,vitll voluminous ' instructions, a re, from his heart, "just aa soon as 1 t, get velvewhich she did not know how to you home safe and aound 1 am going handle and deelared she would tuner totake a dtty oiY, hunt up that little use for any eousiderntIon atul enoug,11 %Olean Mitt flay him alive, In the miler to pay for her aeconneodation at the Ter Meantime 11 forgot to dine lot night minus hotel. nem, the pier, Med am reminded that we had better and for two passitges to London. It forage for breakfast." was agreed that she should secure the Hobbs dogged there at a safe dis- steamer booking lest icirkwood be de. lona until the last momnt, tance while they sallied forth sand in e a neighboring street discovered tin etne ' These arrangements concleded, the ly bird bakery. .1Iere they were able pair of blessee idiots '401 Steeped in to perches° roils steaming from the m6"ellnlY "en"' arrlitil" ene" °th. oven, fresh Pats of golden butter wrap- er's eyes, until the train drew In at P00 in elean le-leavea and mills la . . .tbe all" eviilfilit'' eniul' twin bottles, all of which they prosaic-. in. proioutel. -silence, ten, they left their eemeartment mut passed through' tbe Station into the quiet, Attu drenched etreets of the Seti pont, Dobbs boverlhg solicitously in the offing. Without eomment or visible relief a niftier they were a Wale tillif their ford had been 'without apparent fourelatiott. They enw 00 sign of Cal- endur. Stryker er elultendy. The che eetnatatwe, however, counted for belle log. One or all of the ildrellturers Might arrive In CBIOS at any 111111Ute. •.... bridged before the departure of the - Dover packet, Tbat•would be at] anx- ious the e' The prospect of it rendered i . both Do othy and Kirkwood doubly. anelous hroughout this final stageo1 their 'flight in- -three hours anything could bappen & or be brought about, Neither could forget that it was quite ,within the bounds of possibilities for Caleadar to be awaiting them in -Ca- lais. Presuming that Hobbs had been actite enough, to guess their plans and advise his employer by telegraph; the latter could readily have anticipated .their arrival, whether by sea & in the brigantine or byland, taking the direct route via Brussels and Lille. if such proved to be the case it were scarcely sensible to count upon the. arch ad- . venturer conteatieg himself with a waiting role -like Hobbs'. . With suoh unhappy apprehensions for a stimulant, between & them the Men and the girl contrived a make-. shift counter eratagem, or it were more accurate o say that Kirkwood proposed it, -while Dorothy rejected, disputed and at lertgth aceepted it al - emit with 'sad misgivings, for it in- volved a sepat•ation that & might not prove temporary. Together they could never escape the survilliance ef 'Mr: Hobbef -Darted he would be obliged to follow one or the Other. The task of misleading the Ale- thea's mate Kirkwood.undertook, dele, idly serried with them back to the sta- tioe, lacking leisure as they 010 to par- take of the food before train time. IWithout attempting concealment (Hobbs, he knew, was eavesdropping 'round' the & corner ot tbe 0000 Itirit- „ Wood purchased nt the ticket window passages on the; OunkerqUe train. Mr. I/ebbs promptly flattered him by kW- tation, tted se jettiOne Of his hick WO KirkWood by this., time grown through 1110•61‘.... 'NNW •• ••••• 7 ••••••wienimmilmion voniiiimummoimminwommill MO42001,31 more intseramit 40 tne time of parting drew nearer, dumb with unhappiness, they turned aside from the theist thoroughfares tat the city, leaving the business section, gad gained the sleepier eide streets bor- dered by" the reeklences 01 the Prole- tariat, where for bloks none but chit- dren were to 49 Seen, and of them but few -quaint, sober little bodies play, Ing almost noiselessly in their door. yards. -AtlengtkPritWO011 SPCke•-- "Let's make it the corner," he sal -Tri without looking at the girl. NICS ElhOrt block to the neat street. You hurry to this Terminus and lock your- self in your room, •Rave the manage- ment book both passages. Don't run the risk of going to the pier yourself. i'll make things interesting for Mr. Hobbs and joie you as soon as I can, if I can." "You ',nest," replied the girl. °I shan't go witheut you." "But, Dor-Miss Calendar:" be ex- claimed. agbast. "I don't care -I know I agreed." she declared mutinously, "But 1 won't -I -can't Remember I shall wait for you." "But -but perhaps"-, "If you have to stay it will be be- cause there's danger, won't it? And what would you think of we if I de- iterted you then afetfter all y -you've done? Please -don't waste dale argu- ing. Whether you come at I today, tomorrow or a week from tomorrow 1 131)1111 be waiting. You may be sure. Goodby." Teey tind turned the corner, walking slowly side b'e side, MIAs, for the first time mingle co'ff hie guard, had dropped behind more than half a long block. But now Kirkwood's quiet: sidelong glance discovered the mate in the act of taking alarm and quicken- ing his pace. None the less the Amer- ican was at the time barely conscious of anything other than a wholly unex- pected furtlee pressure of the girl's gloved fingers on his own. "Gooeby," she whispered. Ile caught at her hand, protesting. "Dorot hy !" "Goociby," she repeated breathlessly, with a queer little cateb iu her voice, "God be with ;von. Philip, and -and send yen safely hack to me." , And she was running away. CHAPTER XXVU , DDM FOUNDED With .dismay„ seeing in a flash how ell bis plane might he set at naught :by Dorothy's tinforeseelt in-. subordination, Kirkwood took a step or two after her, but she wee fleet of root, and, remembering Dobbs, he halted.. By this time the mate, tie>, wt.ls Mo- iling.- Kirkwood could 'hear the heavy peunding of his clumsy feet. Already Dorothy had almost gained the farther Corner. As she whisked relend It with a .flutter cif skirt's Kirkwood *dodged hastily bebin'd et gatepost. A thought .later Hobbs appeared, bead ' down, chest out, eyes strainingfor sight of his quarry, pelting .along 'ter dear life. As, rounding the Corner, he stretch- ed out in swifter sti•ide Kirkwood Was inspired to put a spoke in his wheel. and a foot thrust suddeniy out from nebind• the gatepost eccoraplished his •purpose With more success than ' he . had dared antieipate, Stumbilng, the mate plunged headlong. arms and legs a -sprawl, %and the tnomentum of his - Pace. • though checked, eatried•• hint • along the -sidewalk, time doeSuward, a' • full yard ere 'he coeld stay himself. : Kirk weed stepped out of tit's. gate- way 'and sheered off as .11ohte; picked himself pp, something whieh he did . rather slowly,: as if, in a dale, without comprehension ot . the...cause of els 'tnisfeetutie. And . for; a nenneet , he stood pulling his:. wits together and. swaying as.tlaingb on the poen of re. stuning . his rudely ittrertepted eimee. When tbe noise of Kirkwood's. heels; - brought him about face. "Ow, It's yore oh!”. be snarled tit a temper a§ vicious as his eotintenenre. • '• "alseelf," admitted Kirkwood fairly. andtben.. in a gleam . of huteor, "Weren't you looking for ree?" , .' His rage seented to take the little colt:lee-and seako. him by the threat. He trembled - front bead - t0. foot, bis face shoeititiglyevougested, and spat eut,dest ane 'reign -tents or lurid hies - ii homy tike- an ittfUritt 641 ent. Of a Sudden ••`W'ere's t be gel?' -'be sputtered thiekly AS his quick shifting eyes for the first titite tioted`Dorothy'S absence.. '.. :. . ' "Miss Caleedar has Other 'btisines*e., none with you. Teo taken the liberty of stoPplug you‘betetuse 1 bave-a word • or two"- . "Ow, you 'ave.' 'aye you?, Pee a wore for. you toe *And 4And over that bag ;este& loeleutppe 'kir ill nit ke you pye • . . . . . . ' ter YeirVe danelki. 010. 111 Wyke you nye!" be iterated hoarsely, edging. closer. "'And it over or" - °You've got A11001(47 guess"- Kirk- wood began, but saved his breatia in deference to au imperative ileutand ota him for iittlitlitt defensive actiou, for a; ta ineh Miele of tarnished steel was. winging toward Kirk wood's throat w - the speed of light. instinetIvely he stepped back, as stinetively-Me-git a rded-witb-hisi-right itt- furenrtn, liftlatt the ttand tbat heiti tee, satchel. Tee knife, catching in his sleeve, scratched the arm beneath painfully and simultaneously was twisted from the tuate's grasp, whiie In his surprise Kirkweiers grip ou the bag handle relaxed. it was torn forci- bly trout ohis tingers Just as be re- ceived a heavy blow on his vilest from the trate't fist. He staggered buck. By the time he bad retevered trout the shock Hobbs was a score of & feet away., the satchel .tucked under his arm, his body bent almost double. run, ning like a jack rabbit, Ere Kirkwood mule get under way In Pursuit tbe mate had dodged out or sight mind tile corner. When the Amertean eitught sight or him again he was far down the bioek and bettering els pace with every jump. (TO BE CONTINUED.) SICK HEADACHE A Symptom el Troubles Which are Removed by Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills. Sick headaches are not merely afflictions to be borne as, patiendy as possible - they are ,danger signals. They never come unless the digestive system is out of order, and their regular recurrence is proof positive of serious trouble and a Warning that These terrible head, aches ohrManenfir should be heeded banished by Or. Morse's promptly. Indian Root Pills, Sick headaches are caused by Indiges- tion, Biliousness or constipation, and no • amount of ,(Iteaciache powders" wilt do more than temporarily relieve them.. The only way to get rid of them entirely is to cure the Constipation or Indigestion; that is causing them, and nothing wilE do this quicker or more effectively than. Dr. Morse' Indian Root Pith. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are purely vegetable in character, and are free from any harmful drug. For over fifty years they have been in constant use in Canada, anti have proved most effective in regulating the bowels, aiding digestion, banishing sick headaches and restoring vigorous health. Dr. Morsels Indian. Root Pills'have stood the test for over fifty years. 25c. at all dealers. W. H. Comstock Co., Ltd., Brockville, Ont: • • • • Why Cook Didn't Game. • The Ametican newspapers have.beiat '• • recently • making investigations- ipto • • • the financial gaine that have fallen te Dr. Frederick Cook through • his assertion that he discovered the North - Pole, and it -has' been shown that be getting into the 'lecture field • quickly he has 'been ableto mint the susai- eions. which have been cast epee hi , narrative into gold. Acoarding. to all accounts hie present Inc is $300 a night for pablie appearance. and he appears to .be finding •local managers- 'willing te take the risk of. getting .out 'with H. -profit even with such a guarantee to face. , But .he appears to. have &comt., down in'his figures even et that. When the -controversy • was a nine days' wonder a Tweet() spotting editor wlio has had some.experience in hand- ling Maratimn tailors. and wrestlers with. profit thought ' there 'night • he • money in bringing Cook to Toronto., •:' •He wired Dr. Cook for bus terms and. • . the latter's manager replied, offering • to give one lecture for the Sum of $4,- & . 000 in eold cash. The sporthig .editor •'- Vent as high as $2,500, estimating. that. • thet-was the highest sumthat could ne paid, and even at that the chance* of • lose were conaiderable. De -Cooke. however, declared that •the lotvest of-• fer he:would entertain Was $3,500 - For. this reason • Toronto has So fat . . been depriyed Of his presenee, and it is probable, that the sporting editor and his 'friends who were wifling es take a chance in bringing him are money in pocket. . • , Madam,- Stop Buying Your Flour on a Guess Which do YOU buy, Mistress -Housewife? Flour on a GUESS? Or Flour on a. GUARANTEE? & &, When' you hand Over the. Hard-Earne4-suppose & you, guessed Wrong? If you can purchase flour that is guarenteedpositively, surely you will not buy a "guess" brand which leaves you no recourse in the event 'of dissatisfaction ot loss of good matenal. As a thrifty kitchen manager, Madam, YOU will buy FIVE ROSES flour every time -the only "money- back" flour where you take no chanoe sista every sack is warranted We know, Madam, FIVE ROSES will save you time, trouble, disappoint- ntent-ay, and MONEY, too. We know what it is doing for thou- sands of happy housewives, in Canada, in England, in Scotland, even in South -Africa. A household help for 21 years. * * * * The label on every sack or barrel is very lest grain at the boffin*. Even if it mites you Slk months to reech the bottom, the guaranty still holds -the strongeseguaranty ever given by any miller anywhere. FIVE ROSES, Madam, will " make good" every time. Try it far bread, cakta, biscuits, puddings, pies, • puffse-abything you like, Use it down to half the sack. Thee if you don't want the flour after that, your grocer will take it back and refund the full price charging you nothing for the flour used, Surely, that's fair enough, isn't It 1 oe * * Do you know, Madam, why the LAKE OF THE WOODS MILLING COMPANY, a responsible and hen- •orable concern backed by 21 years your absolute guarantee, as redeemable of "square" dealing, can give this 4$ a signed statement, that the flour is bindin,g pledge, which no other -miller RIGHT, the packing righl,l'ie baking in Canada cares to give right, the results right. & Beeause FiVg EdSES doesn't need a When we say FIVE ROSES !aright, guarantee. Decide NOW, Madam, whee ther to continue buying on a dUgSS- Or - Get FIVE ROSES which guaranteeS YOUR sueetsrevetyttote. We mean It Is all right. Not one pound, or two pounds at the tots of the sack, but the tehote sack, the entire barel from the first cupful to the LAKE Of The W0408 MILLING CO., LTD., MONTREAL a . '