HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-02-03, Page 3February 3rd, 1910 Clinton; News.Reconl 1111111111111.1111111. To the Purchasing Public . of Clinton and Surrounding • Country: We take this opportunity of announcing that the partnership existing under the style Of Morrish & Crooks for the past three years will be dissolved March. 1st, Mr. Crooks retiring and Mr. Morrish continuing under the style of The Morrish Clothing Co. A. J. MORRISII. •o. In connection with the above announcement, we take this opportunity to express our thorough appreciation of the buying public of this town and vicinity for the past expression of,their confidence in helping us to build up so solid a business as we now enjoy. The reputation we have enjoyed in the past and which we hope to retdin in the future, is to give every man and boy a square deal in anything and every thing they require in wearing apparel. Our store is the largest and finest Clothing Store iu the County of Huron and stocked with the most dependable goods that a man wants to v4 ear. We never boaet ot blow in our store, ou the streets, or through the columns of the newspapers, and we believe that our statements which have always been carried W. J. CROOKS aimmumummigriminiamm out, have done much to deserve the public confidence. When we make another statement now, we believe it will be believed by everyone who reads it, and that is, the dissolution of partnership means- we have got to raise a lot of money to meet our obligations to Mr. Crooks. We have got to raise it by March lst, We have got to raise it on our stock of goods, and it means we have got to raise some excitement, We have got to put on a sale, we have got 10 have the money, and we are going to give a reduction in our stock of eveaything a man or boy wears (except shoes). So big and tempting will be the prices, it will be a case of raising some money, Come to our store and help yourself to the goods T at thelprices:we:will have them marked. Commencing Saturday, Feb. 5th, and ending Saturday, Feb. 26th. Everything Marked with RED TICKETS. . 4 114101 "QUALITY" Everg Coat Must Co Men's $8.50 and $9 Overcoat's dissolution sale price $5 90 10.00 and 12.00 " 7 90 15.00 10 90 17.00 44 11 90 22 00 .1690 24.00 1790 Ordered Clothing Dept. Now is your opportunity to save on a Overcoat or Odd Trousers.: Men's $20 Suits, dissolution sale 22 00 " 25 00 Bogs' Overcoats Boys' $8 Overcoats, dissolutionsale price 3 90 9 00 44 " 4 90 600 " 390 5 00 " 3 69 28 00 " 34 00 25 00- Overcoats 28 00 32 00 5 00 Odd Trousers 7 00 " 8 50 Men's Readg-made Suits LOOK ! bu t, price 44 $15 90 17 60 20 00 22 50 28 00 19 50 21 75 25 00 3 90 5 25 6 75 44 k." c( It and see what a look will save you. Men's $7 50 Suits dissolution sale price $ 4 90 8 50 and 9 00 Suits " 5 90 10 00 and 12 00 Suits " '7 90 18 00 Suits .. 1.390 20 00 Suits II • 15 90- 15 Men's Sults, - mostly small sizes, in broken lines, re- gular price from $9 to $14, you can have your choice of the lot for 490 6 only, men's black morning coats, tailor made, at less than cost of making, your choice for ff 2 90 Hoaierg . It's difficult to advise a man in regard to his hosiery. Tastes and requirements differ. We appreciate this and keep, therefore, a full line of the best Men's Hosiery made. 6 only, Boys' Fancy Over- coats regular $5 and $6, dissolu- tionsale price - 3 50 Children's Toques and Tams Children's 25c Toques and Tams for 50c • 44 60c Tams " '75c Tams ' „ , • Men's Rain Coats Men's $1.0 Raincoats, dissolution.sale 44 /I .750 5 00 4 00 • $6 90 4 90 2 -90 1 90 Fur Lined Coats, regular $100 for 75 00 65 00 49 00 it .5500 „ 42 00 Men's House Coats 4 only Men's House Coats reg $6 00 for• 1 only ••• 9(10 for 1 only •••.' 400 for I only " • 7.50 for ...... ,, . ... . 1 only. " 10.00 for ..... Men's Odd Trousers Men's 1.50 Trousers. for 200 • 2.50 ' " 5.00 " 15 pairs Odd Trousers, regulas 1.00 for 19 39 45 55 "QUALITY" Men s all wool Cashmere, regular 25c for, 90 for 29 • " 50c for 89 Men's Fancy Cashmere " 50c for 39 " 756 for 59 Heavy Bk Worsted " 25c for 19 Extra heavy wool •‘ 2.5c for 19 14 " 35c for 25 450 500 2 90 490 7 50 • Men's and Bogs' Cloves Men's 50c Wool Gloves. 39 55 $1.00 Kid Gloves 79 1.25 t• 95, 350 Buck Kid Gloves 9 50 75c White Kid Gloves • 1.00 1.50 Gauntlets for • . • • 3 dozen odd sizes Kid Glove, reg 50c and 75c for • 1 10 -1 44 1 19 829 '79 750 •• We do not want Profit --we want Money. It's your Clothing Opportunity of the year. Our Underwear PricesTell • a Storg of Saving Men's Fleece Lined, regular 50c for All Wool, regular 85c for Stantield's regular $1.25 for Hewson's regular 1;25 for Wolseley regular 2 50 for Union wear, regular 75c for Balbriggan, regular 50c for Boys' Fleece Lined, regular 25e for regular :35c for' Wool, regular 50c for regular 75c and 85c for Boys' Underwear in small szes, niostly drawers, in Odd sizes, to clear at Coats 39 58 95 95. 1 75 42 -39 10 25 39 59, 15 Leather Coats, 2 only, ragular 6 50 for Sheep skin lined Coats, 1 only. -reg 3 75 for 1 only, rev 7.50 for. Whip cord Coats, 2 only corduroy lined, reg 4 00for .... 2 00 Fish Brand Oiled Coats 4 only, reg 3.00 for' -,2 40 . - • 2 only, reg 4,25 for - 2 90 Men's Shirts 4 PO 2 no 5,75 Smocks and Men's $1.00 Overalls and Smocks 1.25 1.50 75 " • 79 95 1 25 59 There will he no better time than right NOV for a man to select -his spring shirts. Men's .75 Shirts for. , 1.00 125 " 1.50 " Men's full dress Shirts, laundered or unlaundered ' sore slightly•soiled, reg 1 25 for - .. . ' .50 15 White Shirts, odd Sizes, reg 75c and 1;00 for. Men's .50 Work Shirts, assorted patterns for .75 .. • .85 It d• 1 90 1,25 14 rof 44 59 79 89 1 19 Hats to Fit Ang Head young or old, large or small • vou can find a right Hat for any requiremen. We aresole' agents for: "The King" Hat. "Borsalit o" "Fit -A ell" 25 39 59 65 79 81 Men's 3.50 Borsa lin o hard or soft ...v.. 6 2 49 Ladies' 50c Hats for. 39 • Men's 1.50 Winter Caps 1 2F. " 1(10 tf If .75 61 " oW II ' 61 4 dozen Caps, odd sizes, regular 35c and 50c, for .15 I 19 89 79 49 39 Men's 25e Suspenders for 50c Suspenders' for 10 dozen Men's Supenders, swell -pattern, regular 350 and 50c, while therlast Men's .Ties • Rasrow Buy your Spring Ha.t Now Men'e 5c Tf ies for 50c Ties or • . - Men's 1.00 and 1.25 Soft Hats, dissolution sale price '79 1.50 . ., 1 10 175 " if 129 250 Stiff and Soft Hats .. 1 69 225 Tweed " 1 49 19 39 25 10 39 35c Ties for . ..... . . ..... , 25 6 dozen odd Ties to clear at .... regular 25c ond 50c 75c Silk Scarfs for 50 100 •• 75 1.50. 115 3.50 , ". 175 Our Prices are Tonics for the Ovr-Worked Purses. Clothes for Little Men • We want every mother to inspect our Boys' Department. We will tooth your pocket books as lightly as possible. Boys' 83.50 and 875 tcrpiete Suits for. - 2 00 5,00 and 5.50 3 00 3,25 'three•piece Suits for 2 49 450 " 885 6,50 plain or bloomer Knickers 4 29 7 50 all wool Hewson' 5 15 8.50 a nd 0 5C " 615 15 Boys' Single Breasted 8 -piece Suits, reg $5,00 and 6.00 for 251) Boys' Fancy Suits, $4.(0 and 5.0t) for 2 50 .. 6 00 and 6 60 for 850 50 pairs Knieker, regelar 50c and 60c for 85 40 pairs Knickers, regular 750 for ' 55 63 pairs Knickers, regular $1 00 and 1.25 for 79 • No Goods sent out on approval • Everything Cash Money Refunded ifGoods not Satisfactory. Bos' Sweaters Boys' 5(2c Sweaters for 100 1,25 150 Men's1'50 3.25 Cardigan Jackets 89 50 79 89 1 15 1 15 2 E0 Men's Carditian Jakets, reg $1.00.for 1.75 fot 125 2 25 for... 1 59 Children's Hose Children's all Wool Hose, reg 25c for • 19 , 50c tor Og 6gg “Lion Brand monnien & cnooxs "A Square Deal For Every Man." tri Sedtourd gad: ouNNvitit, CAN ourtm.o.