HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-02-03, Page 131st Year.
e Clinton News,
Whole Number 1615
" The News -Record ranks high among
Weeklies and is just the paper to send to absent friends." --CITIZEN.
e 0
Wheat 1,to
S 2 $1.04.
Oats O 3
5c to 7c.
parng fl
Peas 35e to 820.
barley, 4ac to 50e.
;Butter 21c to 22e,
Eggs 25c to 28e.
Live Hogs $8.10, .
In a serious wreck on the T,, H. &
B. railway at Hamilton on Sunday
morning the engineer,, Henry Rumple,
wasinstantly killed, his engine jump-
ing the track and turning completely
over. Rumple's home was in Hamel"
ton and he was married only • four
months ago to a daughter of Mr.
James Perdue of Clinton,
The prospects are bright for a
liberal patronage of the beautiful
drama ''Richelieu" which will be
hall resented in 't teen awn Mitis and
to -morrow
evening, The
fain rings
up at eight o'clock when the doors
will be closed until the end of the.
scone so as to enable those who are
on time to obtain the full benefit of
the plot from the beginning. The man-
agers especially request patrons of
the play to be on time.
Onrcnstomers prefer our
handling the watches they
buy of us. There is the
advantage of purchasing
reliable goods at a hon ise
that has areputation.
We Repair, Reset and
jewelery of all kinds; and
our interest is as great . in
the goods we sell after we
make the sales as before. ,
Ask for ,PRICES.
W. �E..�Eellyar
Capital $5,00d,000. • Reserve $5,7oo;000. Assets .$47,oao,000
125 Branches and• Currcspondents throughout the World. .•
Every facility for the transaction of Banking in all it branches.
Interest allowed on Savings Accounts at highest current rates. •
Courteous Treatment Accorded to. all Customers.
Clinton Branch. R. E. MANNING, Manager
Among places in the west where
former residents of Clinton or dis-
trict have located is Aberdeen, South
Dakota. A partial enumeration would
be about as follows :
Mr. James Eagleson, formerly ..of
the Clinton organ factory, who is
showing the Aberdonians what first--
class painting and . decorating is.
Some of the best jobs In the city
have been done under" his supervision.
His son Fred. has .a good position in
a big store, while his daughter, Miss
Lulu, one of the many pretty girls
that have gone out from Clinton, is.
engaged in, one of Aberdeen's depart.
mentals. Mrs. Eagleson, it wit be
remembered, is a native of Bayfield,
and a sister of Mrs. Harry .Darrow of
that .place.
Capital Paid up - $3,500,000 Rest Fund - . $3,5OO,000
Has 73 Branches in Canada
and Agents and Correspondents in all the principal cities
in the world. .
Interest allowed at Highest Current Rate.
Clinton Branch
C. E. Dow
Ing► g Mara e
Mr.' D. C. McLaughlin is .a contrac-
tor and keeps a big staff of men
during the season.: He also owns a
factory in which be' makes sash,
doors, ete. =which ' enables him to
meet . any competition which . may.
arise. But even in the rush. season
"Dave," as he is familiarly known,
can- always take half an hour to dis-
cuss' higher politics for `which lie
stands- every time: He •lived for
many, years on the Base -Line, a hich
was probably • his birthplace, but his
partiality for• Clinton is made . the
greater from the. fact that his wife
was until but a few months ago a
resident of this town, a' sister of
Mrs and Miss Mason I i
ase � h
street. and of Councillor Thos. Mas -
An r s.
n rc t.n s'
to session
o f the Tc
g th Men's
Bible class ib o s w s el on
a held Sunday y when
the members of the Men's Bible class
of Willis church visited St. • Paul's.
Mr. Fleming acted as teacher.
The standing in the carpet ball com-
petition is as follows :
won lost to play
C. O. F. • 6 3 7
A. O. F. 4 3 9
I. O. F. 6 6 4
W. O. W. 4 4 8
L. O. L. 5 2 0
C. O. F. .667, I. O. F. .500, A, O.
F. .572, W. 0. W. .500, L. 0, L. .286.
Much interest is being manifested in
the hockey schedule arranged for the
Boys' Assoitation,' now being played
otf'by the four wards in town; in much
hes same a a that
o W, a the bas a 1
e 1
Yb league
was managed last summer; Also,
much interest is being shown in the
junior games,' north vs. south, which
aro being played off on the oper} air
'rink. To date the south have won
two games, the north one.
Rev. T.
W. -Charlesworth will
preach next Sunday. Subjects : mor-
ning, "Walking with God" ; evening,
"Under the Blood," The Lord's sup-
per will' be observed after the morn-
ing service.
To-nnorroiv (Friday} evening, Rev.
B: W. Merrill B, A. of Toronto, Gen.
Supt. of Baptist S. S. work for On-
tario and Quebec; will hold a Meeting
lin, the Baptist church at 8 o'clock.
-Io will . give an address on Sunday
school ;work. and conduct an: open
'conference on S. S. problems. Mr.
1Merrill .is an expert on all branches
of S. S. work and all should take the -
opportunity of • healing rim. An of-
fering, will . be taken to defray expen-
The News -Record'. had the. privilege
of reading. a: letter received a few
weeks ago by a friend, from Mrs. M,
Brock, who visits in Clinton almost
every summer, and who is .well known
to many of our' readers, Mrs. Brock's
hoino is in Ottawa, but she travels
considerably and is spending this win-
ter in the Bahama Islands, in. a
small town called . Nauss, and she
writes .interestingly, of life there. She
describes the excitement which'. is oc-
casioned by the : arrival of the mail,
which comes itr fortnightly, The
Christmas mail came in on Tuesday
before .Christmas • and immediately
everybody flocked to •tire post -office,
But they do not. live the strenuous
life in that favored land, so only the
the letters wore sorted out that day.
The post office, by ` the way, does
on, the well known drover.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Young " moied
into ;their handsome new residence,
during Christmas week and;nothing
would: afford them: greater: pleasure
than to entertain any of their loaner
'fellow 'townspeople who might chance
that way. Mr. Young; was also at
one time of the organ factory stall,
but is now associated with Mr. • Jas:
Eagleson' in painting and decorating
and +they have a • growing business.
His son William is doing Well in the'
real estate.business.
Mr. Wilson on has been in
in Aberdeen' thirteen years and
that they: ha fruitful' ones. may
Ibe accepted from the fact
that he has home, . a fifteen
hundred doll 'automobile and a pro-
11rwr.► �rrrr
r h &rooks
dor s 86..0
Morrish � CrOOkS.
Wish to call the attention of the public
' I
D,._ ale begin
to their big rssQlutron S to b 9
Saturday, February5t
on h.
A Money-SauingOpportunitg
See Advertisement on Page
hive been
as a fact
a cosy
fitable business. There. in no 'more
pieasurabl a way of seeing • Aberdeen
and the country 'roundabout than an
afternoon spent • in Mr. Eagleson's
auto with Wilson as the'chauffeur.
We. Pete Ker is in 'Aberdeen
but. his guilty look • when his friends
chaff him about "the little widow
1�ack in Clinton"' has given rise to an
impression -tat- h in ndretuning
h to to s
for some such season as brought back
"Dave" McLaughlin on his last visit:
In, the meantime he 'is storing yarns
racy of the soil whith when related
ifs Pete's-:iniuriitable style wi:'.! afford
his old Clinton friends hours of solid
enjoyment. -
Mr. Will. Eagleson .has the make-up
of a successi al politician but wisely
he applied himself to business instead
and has made good abundantly. 'He
has of this . world's goods a suffici-
ency, a fine residence, a handsome and
amiable wife and four pretty children.
What more could the heart of a reas-
onable man desire. He is another of
Bayfield's successful boys.
I Mr, and Mrs. William J. Anderson,
formerly: of the Bayfield Line, G•od-
erich, live en a hall section four sidles
from Aberdeen. They had a new
house. built last saintner and have a
big implement shed and large barn.
They have done will of late years.
lvtrs. Elliott, formerly of the Por-
ter's Hill district, has been at (Aber-
deen for aquarter of a century or
more. Her four sons are well known
citieens, They are Dr. John, James
A. William and George, They have
all been engaged in the horse busi-
ness. 1)r. John has had a big sale,
feed', and livery stable but sold some
time ago and will put up still larger
buildings. James A. is an auctioneer
after the style of Tom Brawn.
Mr. Peter McNeil, who .was spade
wise' in the cattle ;trade by bumping
up .against such veterans as Jllrt,
]learn•, Bob Fitzsimons and Tom
Mason, is Carrying on that line of
business at Stratford, twenty-two
miles tram Aberdeen, and rolling up
a bank account wbleh threatens to be-
earn corpulent. Ile is assisted by
lVlr. Mike O'Donnell, ton of Mr. Mar-
tin O'Donnell, who married a pretty
Stratford girl about a year ago and
has been steadily developing along the
Witt of good d izenship.
not open until .9..30 a. m. and closes
early in the afternoon, so the 'eager
inhabitant's• had to - Wart: until.' the.
next day,' when the postoillee ;peopla
a had "lime
' !
to leisurely sort 'them
out, ' • for their paroels • and papers:
Postmaster; Scott would consider
handling• Christmas mail'at •Hausa a•
real holiday, . •
The islands are composed mostly'of
coral, the roads ' and houses, being
'built of :cheat: ' The •houses have to
bo plasteredin order to prevent a
fungus growth from forming upon
them. Most of the houses are very
ancient and . are of a . peculiar archi-
tecture having' .been built by the
Spaniards. One thing that stifles a
s f ii.t'er is the absence of chimneys. on
the houses: As no. fires are needed
for heat, there is no need for: chim-
neys except 'en the cook house, which
is .usually situated at some distance
from -main part of the house.
As might be inferred, there • is little
or no cultivation of grain. Food
stuffs being brought' front New York.
Dry goods are brought:him England.
Fish are plentiful: and • good however,
they,with fruit
tui and nuts; form
a largo portion of the staple food of
the inhabitants, Of fruits there' are
many sorts of ".which the names even
art" : not familiar • to' us.
Nauss is a vet.? popular -re -rift '
tourist's beginning to flock in after
New Year's, fillingup the hotels,
which are conducted with a view • to
giving the most .comfort and pleasure'
•to• their guests.. i;ands play in beau-
tifully kept gardens, where meals are
served by softly 'moving natives to
guests reclitring in easy chairs, Every-
thing is soft, quiet, conductive to
langour and . ease. Seabatliing is Or
popular pastime. Mrs, Brock tells
of a bathe ac
favorite b n 1 cat, Hog
Island, where you eau go, have use of
'a bath house and after your dip aro
served with fruit, grapefruit and or-
anges ; you are allowed to cat thir-
ty-two but trust not carry any away,
sl" cf which will cost you the magni-
fieient sum of twenty-four cents.
The tenth annual At Home of the
Huron Old Boys of Toronto will be
held in the Temple Building on Fri-
day evening of next week. It promis-
es to be even more enjoyable than
usual which is saying a good. deal.
Mr, Frank O'Neil has bought Mr.
Robt. Holmes handsome residence on
I•Iigh Street, It is beautifully loeat•-
ed and one of the finest places, in
town. Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil and fam-
ily will move into their new home
the latter part of the, month. May it
be their. abode for many happy years.
The residence on Mary street which
they will vacate they have disposed of
to. Mr. James McNeil, engineer at the
electric light works, who will take
possession as soon as the present oc-
cupants -hove. The house is a nice
one, conveniently located and will be
a cosy, co
Y mforta lu house se for x
1Vl .
and Mrs. McNci i.
Bobby McLeod Of Bayfield, who ran
away from his home' .last fall and
hung about Clinton until an agent of
the Children's Aid Sod -ty took him
in charge, was returned to the auth-
orities les here last t s week by Mr. John
Smith of East Wawanoshwrftia whom
he has since been making leis home..
Poor Bobby will. be sent .to ..`the
Children's Ifostlital at Toronto for
=It will perhaps be remembered'•,hy
readers of The New_ S -Record thatl an
lenglishman named 'Wil:iams witiilSs that while a start will he made in a
wife and child lived in a, -state of comparatively small. way, the intinr
s.enti-barbarism• for some months i:a tion is .co gradually expand with
every prospect of it. developing into.
one of the most important manufae-
Wring .concerns that we have.
In short, Mr.- Frank O'Neil has 'de-
eided to hero manufacture • harness
for the growing western market. For
years he has earried.on a large and
increasing retail end jobbing. trade
at Moosejaw; Sask.,, with branch
stores at other pants in that prov-
ince. ' It is to. supply..these and the
retail trade generally that 'he will be.-
gin the r;auufacture of harness in
Mr. O'Neil leaves lii.a week
or ten
clays for St. Louis, Mo., to purchase
the latest and most unproved. mach-
ines. . They will be the best that
money. can buy which will enable Mr.
O'Neil to meet the keenest competi-
tion which may arise.
It is expected that `operations will
s s 'W. and d R. Hanna- of Mil-
verton were guests of their sister,
Mrs. S. S., Cooper, ,over• Sunday, and
her father from. the ,same place is
•ukaiting her today. He is a fine
specimen of vigorous old age.
.Thirteen or more l.)eal canines were
sent out of existence by the poison.
route last week and, so to speak, the
owners are camping on the trail 'of
the poisoner. Ten of the indignant
ones are : Frank Hall, Hiram Hill,
Fred. Jackson, F: Hill, T. D. John-
son, G. W. Davis, D. Kennedy,
Frank I3awden, Levi Trick and Wile
Ilam Wheatley. • ,
A very pleasant social was held at
the' manse on Monday evening under
the auspices of the Guild. Games of
various. kinds were indulged in after
which refreshments were served, the
company breaking up in good time.
The Women's Association held their
regular monthly meeting and tea in
the lecture room On Wednesday after-
The Waanon's Association of Willis
church purpose holding a tea -meeting
early in March. The tea -meeting is
to take the. place of tlae annual
bazaar. .
The 'News -Record is informed on
geed authority that Clinton is - to
have a new industry shortly, and
the Thies swamp. WillkL ns, who is U
worse than . useless character, is . now.
in' the county gaol and his wife in
tiro House of .Refuge. With her are
her two children, one two years old
but unable to walk and the other an
infant. An agent of the Society vis-
ited the I•iouse. on Monday and made
Arrangements- to- have the •children
placed in the Home. •
Wool 1 Siberia be too comfortable
for; Wfrlliariis ? '.
Bob Stevens 'and l 4 ly :Robinson
arose at a goodly. hour ;Sunday .mor -
nine', doubtless • with the ;best of iti-
tent�ions as to how the day should
be spent, but while sitting • around
the kitchen stove they became' en-
gaged •in a dispute as to the day's
supply ,of wood. One word led to an-
other and the more they talked the begin some time in May.
hotter. they grew. until Billy • (so ()NT. 5T etirIteir
Bob says)• grabbed • the poker and
Made a lunge at 13o1). Quite willing;• Thi quarterly love' feast and fellow
the latter seized a flatiron and., Per 1
ship meeting will. be held all Sunday,
the next.,
quarter f
o an hour there e
ti eu
'i 10 •1 k 11
was a r u la ,
house. .
lou c With. the
0 temper ei
g •,.
p •, }i •n •
< st tab' � t in s •-
pastor's s lett for c mo r g ser
"The l of
that one. or both of them -wase not Christ." ' Sacrament, Of the Lorci s
'and weapons they, had it is a wonder vice Will, be Ilio Retaaya
killed -and when they ,ceased hostilit- supper er : will be dispensed " at the
les because.: shortwinded' the heads it P t- P i,,
the -lose• of 11115 service, in the ev-
• and faces :of.' both were badly cut, pec- ening.tit )aster's sublet will• be,
1 a
eesita r :w
to hb h� >>
it . of of them a vi it ,
�I he 1 e SL G ucstaon An excellent
to a surgeon.When.they parted_. 1311
• ly started off, with • one. foot shod
and the other- bare, •for a warrant for
the arrest of the • wielder of 'tire flat
chpir leads in the service of song
The, -League meeting on Monday eve
ening was in charge .cf the temper -
arid aril missionary committees,
iron, This was obtaihed• and • Bob. g program Was
put into. the cooler,. but he retaliat- avlun'a mast iiitcrestin'
by swearing out 'a -warrant for' given, consisting of readings; recite-
edBilly and. both spent the .night behind
the bars. The next morning •they ag-
reed to -drop proceedings against
tions and papers, interspersed with
Music. Mrs. Gibbings sang a couple
cf colas in her usual pleasing manner,
cacii°other so. far • as possible aiid and the 'singing of three • of the jun-
al o muich -appreciated. Miss
were free man once more on payment 'ors was s •
of one dollar and costs each. It was Ker presided
an. unusually busy. Sunday for tiro The lady. teachers of 'the S. S: en -
and the Sergeant.
Mr. D. S. Cluff, General Manager of p p program, consist -
the Doherty Piano & Organ Co., re- splendid impromptu to
turned a few days ago from, an in- ing 91 solos and.apeeehes, was rin-
speetion of the Company's new branch dered, after which dainty refresh -
store at Winnipeg: Ile returns with
the enthusiasm of. contact with the
Great • West. Prospects f t
tertaitaed the male teachers and offic-
ers, with their wives, in the lecture
room on Tuesday evening.. Rev. T.
W. Cosens occupied the chair . and a
meets, were served, All present spent
a very .pleasant and profitable even-
rea es , rospec s or an ex en ing, n a"wishing
ouri hen condi
he S. S. is i fi t s
sive tradearer
beingrealized I -
ed and t n
der the•able management .of• Mr. at Mr. James Tucker will address the
L. Stanwood the beautiful store ` at.
280 fargravc St. has already attrac- Young Men's.Bible class neat" Sum-
ted.the favorable attention not only day afternoon.
A�.,POP.ULA.t3.�MAI.A.Y.LI' litiI`tCi•
-of-deizens-_of Winiepeg..b.ut_ el ..<
Western dealers , who see :the coni
plete line' and are promptly. supplied
from the stock: carried there for
wholesale, purposes.
The islands contain a population
of 15,000, 10,000 of whom are black.
Christmas was celebrated by the na-
tives, beginning at 5,15 a. tn.; by the
letting off of 0recrackers and blowing
of horns. This was brought. to an end
at 7 o'eiock by the rings ' of the
church hells suutttoni�ag thein to ser -
The normal teinperattu-e is 78 and
80 in tete evenings: But as the air
is seldom damp this degree • of "heat
is said to be quite enjoyable. Ono
evening when the temperature drop-.
ped to 60 the natives complained' '.of
It being very cold. 72 is considered
cool, and white and light sunrifer
dresses are worn all the time by 'the
Mrs. Brock describes a picnic which
was held on Christnrias by a. number
of visitors who went to a nearby is-,
land h a motor boat, flaking a hantw
per with their lunch and picknioking,
all afternoon,
The Company reports remarkable de-
mands for all their products. Not
only. had the factory been running to
its fullest capacity. to meet the home
demand for pianos, player pianos and
organs, but the receipt of an immense
contraet for foreign shipments has
now put their flan under the ncces
sity:. of running overtime as many
hours as possible to supply ate extra
demand for fourteen carloads of
pianos and organs.' Never were pros-
pects better, The superior quality of
the goods has been recognized at the
moment the revival of trade arrived
and fortunately factory equipment has
been perfected and all is in prepara-
tion to handle an immense trade. An
additional number of ski.led inechan-
les are being sought and applications
from these wi 1 be welcomed as the
working staff must be largely increas-
ed. .
The Toronto agency for Doherty
pianos, player pianos and organs has
been placed with the Burnett piano
-Co. 276, Yonge St, At these well
known wart' -rooms may be seen a
beautiful lino of Doherty instruments.
Dealers visiting Toronto should spec-
ially notice the beautiful Mission
Player. The general beauty of the
ease design is enchanted by the light
shed from, the. opalescent. electric
lights forming part of the structure.
Not less beautiful are the piano de-
signs shown, while the full Doherty
lino as exhibited at the Canadian Na-
tionsl may be•Inspeeted or purchased
there in future.—Com.
,Mr. A. A. Alexander, who bas filled
a responsible position with the Jack-
son Mfg, Co. for ;the past five years,
leaves on Saturday for Montreal
where lie has•, accepted the manager-
ship of the special order 'department
of Fashion -Craft Mfrs. Ltd. .
On Monday a number of his friends,
who could not . allow the dp-
portunity to pass• of showing
la' an- good
a •'r appreciation o£ asY in
tt i i
al and otherwise,
qualities, s is the i
cltualiiru oc,
presented him with an illuminated
'address and a handsome gold watch
suitably engraved and on Saturday the
members• of the office staff of ' the
Jackson Mfg. Co. and the male opera-
tives in the different departments pre-
sented him with a 'very handsome
travelling bag. The unique way in
witteh 'the presentations were trade
added to the pleasure of the reciiaicnt,
' On Monday evening one of
the Company handed Mr. Alex-
ander a substantial cheque ac-
companying. wit 'h was a, letter from
width this is a paragraph : t"Wo also
desire to take this opportunity of
expressing our regret at the sever -
Mice of your connection with tis You
have been a faithful and diligent mem-
ber of Our staff and wilt be greatly
Mr. Alexander took an active inter-
est in outdoor sports, itr baseball es-
pecially, and hone are More sorry to
see him go than his associates on
the diamond.
The News -Record joins heartily itt
the many expressions of regret at
Mr. Alexander's coming departure and,
wishes him the continued advance-
ment to whieli his Lability entitles
• Additi
i n ' local al
news 0page eight.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Erskine en-
tertained on 11anday. evening.
Several members of the L.S.C. en-
joyed a snowshoe tramp on Monday
Mi;s Violet Barge gave a pleasant
little party .to.a number of her young
friends on Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wallis were at.
home to a number of their friends on
Tuesday evening.
Mr.• Little, wits recently bought
Mr. Plummer's residence, is mosing
in re otn Hudlett this week.
Mr, and Mrs. P. Cantelon enter-
tained a number of their friends very
pleasantly on Wednesday evening.
Mrs. J.E. Cantelon entertained
her S. S. class, - also Mrs. A. T.
Cooper's class on Thursday ;evicening
last. -
An. Underground c g ound connection has peen
made between the "town's system of
waterworks and that of the piano and
organ factory.
Miss Annie Hailes entertained a few
friends Tuesday ,evening when a sleigh
ing party drove down front .Godericlt
and a .merry evening was spent. •
• Inspector Asquith spent Friday '
night •n
town and in company.
with Sergeant Welsh trade a tour of
the hetels at an unexpected 'hour.
At the progressive euchre party giv-
en by Mr. and Mrs, C. C: Rance • ort
Tuesday evening Mrs. Ai J.• Holloway
won the.,udy's • pare. ant! Mi. :elsel,
T. Jackson the gentleman's,
The big announcement on page time
of this .week's News -Record that•Mor
rish & Crooks are dissolving part- .
nership, will eome as a great surprise
to people of Clinton and surrounding
country. Mr. 1Lorrlsh has bought out
the interests of Mr. Crooks and will
continue the business under the style
of Tho Morrrish Clothing Co.
The name of Morrish & Crooks is
i.not only well and .tnost. favorably
known in Clinton and vicinity; but
all , through the. • West where . • Mr:
Crooks .has been travelling after• buvi-
ness .for this firm for some years,
taking orders for- 1 ligh-e lass ordered
suits, and who has been successful ial
building up. a most satisfactory bus.
It was through the 'travels • of Mr.
Crooks that lie became fascinated
with the road and the west, so that
when a most tempting .. unsolicited of-
fer was made by • a well-known whole
sale • firm of , • Toronto .tb' represenp
them .in the west,- Mr:, Croaks deeded
to make the .change which we, trust
will be, for the • best.:
This dissolution means that in or..
der to carry out the plans cf the firm
a bigsale their.
ofentire stock will
go`ou during,February coimnenrgng on.
Saturday of• this week of which an-
nouncement is.naadein their regular •
space •ori• this page,: and also on •page
three. . .
The annual. �S.,S, sleigh ride on Fri
flay afternoon .last was roost enjoy-
able, • the weather being all' that could
bo desired ands the. sleighing . good.
After the ride an excellent tea . was
served by the parents and teachers;
and a nice little program given.. by
the junior members of the school"
Rev. Mr. Jollifie began Sunday even-
ing, a series of sermons on "The Life •
and Character of Jacob,'" which will
be coritinu�ed several weeks• with the'.
exception of next' Sunday, when Rev.
Mr. Bates, a returned • missionary
from Japan, wilt ,preach- on both oc-
casions in the interests of missions.
Monday was Missionary night in. the
League , and a 'program- bearing on.
missionary' work was rendered.. After
the program. candy was served and a
short time spent in social:- enter
course. An admission: fee of five: cents
was charged ; proceeds •to go Into the
f .
missionary and..
,Missionary anniversary ;services will:
be held. on. Sunday, ' Svhen the .Rev,
0. J. L. Bates, 13.'A., missionary
from Japan,, will preach morning and
,evening. Appropriate niusitk will be
,rendered.•, by the_ choir. < _
Liberal offerings arc expected - for
the home and foreign work. . Every-
body welcome:
• The cruarterly love feast -'will. be .
held at 10 o'clock.
The largely attended annual meet-
ing of the Huron County Stock Show
was held in Clinton recently • for
the purpose of -electing- c.
offi ex5 . for
the ensuingyear and other business.
o ca b stress.
The following officers and directors
were elected :
President, Jas. Snell.
Vice, Geo. Hoare.
Secretary, C. 141, Dowding:
Treasurer, 'R. Graham. (b
Auditor, Jas. ^Fair.
Directors :
Clinton, W. Wheatley, D. Cantelon,
Jas. A. Ford, Wm. Smith, J. A.
McMurray. '
iiullett, 13: Churehi'1, ' Thos, Me-
1Vlillan, J. Carbert, Jas. Dale, Jas.
Leiper, II. hill.
Tuckersmith, Cleo: Dale, It. McKay,
A. Moat,
Goderici, Jas. Connelly, Robert
Stanley, A. Innes, J. Mcli'arlant',
Wm. Glenn, J. M. Govenloek.
Lucknow, J. McDfarntid, Jas. Fos-
Goderi:lt Tp., S. Sturdy.
Colborne, A. Young.
Brussels, Peter Scott,
Exeter, Harry Smith.
Hensel', Win. Eider.
The Spring Show for ipib promises
to be larger and better than ever,
and will be held as usual in Chilton
the first wank .in April. Further par.
tietllars later,