HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-01-27, Page 6Eff, - t 0000a Nows-Rooril : .1 11 1-1 ___ . More Rallways Thilin Britain. 110WIS THIS ? __,� ,� ,- , ­- ____ -_ - _. - -_ - �- - . � - I .:1 - -4 - - 1. ­ - The mileage�_ of railways in actuitl We affer. One Hundred Vollars Re. I . I& T I I I L Tinada during I operation Ili 0 WJ, wad iard for 4oy case of Catarril that I IEPW , I I I increatwd i,is3, milking 24,104 miles iinnot be cured by Hall's Catarrh I I AEN now in operation, txceeding tile miie- , F. J. CHENEY & Co., I"- VzVV agt,, of urtj�at Britain gnd . N T L . , , Ireland by 'u"' I I , a 1,000. I Toledo, 0'. - I ­ I _ � � I NAXI'l Railway capital in Canada now We, the undersigned, llave known V,,, THAT PICTURE- GROUP. . �fs L graoulits to �1,308,461,4141, of which . Cherley forthe last 15 years, ;I,nd I A HUSOAND14 CONFIDII(NOW. " $647,334,647 is ictocks and $090 040,760 elleve him perfect I ly honorable' in , all All, itoybody tell me whyl I A I . I . . : I is furided debt. This i* u total li;crease *. 4�2% - T UTJOBAND says hill 4 .during tht. yptir af...�S,0�186.403. The 1181ne.5s transketions, and fir=641ly The Cltilee Lof it ft,l�'e'.' L I . faith In me . 1. _­­(,� We-sm . - , __ ,y whene'er,a rrout . number of passengers carried were - ble to carry-out aby Mjgition$ we see' I - : ­ ­ -U � Ax the, hohlrons * - iado by his firm. V� "It's, good of YOU, bul � I above. I �fitsil,309 tits ngainst 84,044,092 in 19,08, 1 . I the lotat passyllger'reyeaue b4ag $40,. � 106% -qLt ale; . He trust$ me 7rlth his 2&,21'.�',26. as compared with $46,654,158 WaIding, Kiiiiian 86 Marvin, L ThiLt awrtil posl� O" I happiness, I . Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0-. mine!" I reola certain .of my in, 11)0,q. The earmirig of 06,1$V1,256 --- love, . tons of freigir t r6resented an in. Hiallys. Catarrh Cure is taken iater�. . I Th(n some aner else l�li . I-18 trusts me with him , I crv,.j.,e ill 3.7,11 091, and the reventle, ally acting ,directly upon the blood name and farna, * Ot L . . I 1TWHE I I . -as a gain of $1,966,127 ' , say: "It's fille And yet -lis it n . 11 �93,714,7$3,, %% I ad mucou - at Me, is surfaces. .01, the Syptem. L Of You, liout look I - There were 005 killed and 2,160 in- , I am list one of 1,110,4g 1 L I ­ I I ­ -jured, on tile railways. Thirty-six of 'estimonials sent free. Pripe, 15c. per He thlulto I can take care - - - I . 'L I " ' L ' L 'R I . .11111 I mincing creatures of all the killed and 281. of the injured dur, Ottle. Sold by all druggisti. , q, whose Iool%s depend or, : I . . I I -re ban - except rim : !it- 1009 were passengers. I'llere are Take liall's, Faintly Pills tor consti- recular features. � , I mensyl I Boys sovght c1quor. 18',327� highway crossings in Canada. ation. I . �1 I'm tchanteAbl", YOU : L I . . �i I e:'llool Lof the.,e 1,079 are . ^ , "'.11 . I Woodstock, Jan. 21%, - T e I, I , ,p He trusts Me With his, (Totected. 167 by , � . . . boys were witn­s,ws 8.,turday !it the gatos, WO by over at, bridges, 37� : . � I . L. ; I children, . rolice c,jurl 1-.-roeveilings ,-,:�ji. ,-t till -pe by subways, 116 by bolls, and 117 �Lly '- . . The 011� why to human naturk . I �Tbsy are our Proudest . 0 . , vision clear deny? . , . boast), .. . . . ., botels of the elty, ellart-4 WXJ soll- watchillen. Worre'of Coll�ge PrWilents. 1: rito picture flatterg.all the rest, And yet, I wonder, isiter all, .- , ing liquor to nanors, The total mileage. of 'electric rall. But never flinds us at our best, What things be values meat? . It is with no unnatural pride tbilt � call, anv one tell why? Vor. since the day he marri � The Comwerci.d Ilot I prell-ri-ror ways earnings were $I4,82Ai936. Sixty- alifax Chronicle in its New ed ins. . ­ 14 -_ . I - pleaded guilt), nrjlL'Waa lined $20'a -id eight personii were killed and 2,K�19 in., The H , L "Vor better, or L ' Year edition calls attention to the a , for worsi%" costs. Decision Ili the chrirg�,,i v.--airst hired. . I output of Nova Scotia in University . Extr Touphes. He's trusted me with everything . five r He has -except hin 1pursq.1 the Royal and Bucking 1,111, If0tels - The following hint are to famey L � L 'I . presidents. No less than men .4 . r 1. was reovrv�,d until Tue,%I-,,y pext, - r <_� . L r . i ' iDevasiorls, ancr are not recommendee ., 1, The boys swore that 'wfiilo fitey � I I .Dorn or trained in. that province are for the e � very -day I Program of the Pealing Onions. - Illid _ r now 'presiding over as many leading - This Is a disafIriileflibleLproCeSo, And W L r L r . . been served with wine and gi li, DANGEROVS 1) A -X D RUYV. universities, Ili Canada and elsqwh4 one for which there are a few simple 0 . any, but r-6ure-1-it When cutting tile butter into remedies. they (lid riot drink ar�.. busy housewife. . . The men in question are: Dr. R. A. into the cuspidors. I Will Make Canada a Baldlicadt4d 'Na. Falconer of the University of Toronto, $quares, It often sticks r to All of tile studpnts have Leon ex- the knife. 110rhaps boot ot'all to to bold the 1)(:Iled front school. tion it Not Vhcc�ed. who, though born in Char) ottetilwil, L thereby Makin , . . , I I . 9 411 UneVerl pat, Tryr __.__�___ . I I I.. . . P.B.I., had a Pictou father, was part- covering tbe knife with paraffln pa, 011ion under cold water while peeling. t . Favors Temperince Candidates. AL Pasteur, the great French Phy- ly trained in rNOVU rScotia, and labored ­ A bit Of Potato On the end of the knife . . In the Pm�byterian College, Halifax, per, and the slice will be smooth will absorb some of the tang, and 4 Montreal, Jan. 124.-, Tho L1.TI)L-f'tp,1 sieJan of Pa0s, once. -said', "I believe before going to Toronto; Dr. D. M. and even. save the eyes. ]ant, the southern main. ePiscopal letter was issued yeatorday we shall one day i;'d the world of all 's wit b- . A nut and qPple sala Is Improved L Gordon of Queen , o WAS orn i.13, . 4 Mien used to say tii�t a pin held tight- . by the ICL W fm the civic eleetiolls bV Archbishop. disea,ses caused by germs," . Pictou, and spent most of his life ill . . addition of choPPe4 figs.. Ilse ly between the teeth will wor oil- Bruchesi. His gra(,(,,- slays that lie Dandruff is caused by gernii; a fact the Provinca before he succeeded Just a little to give a spicy suspicion ders, The reason for . this was never 'would be much grieved 6) know-tilat � Xin , lite mayoralty contest was being run ,accepted by all physiciaus� - I Principal Grant al . gston; Dr. , Use Parmesan cheese instead of the expI.&I'Lled, but Your old "beto' do wall" -till racial or national gyroull(Is, tile Dandruff is tho, root of all haft Walter C. Murray of the University ordinary 1<1nd In rarobits, with toma negro� Was Armly convinced of its ef. � of Saskatchewan, 'who, i tough born tOOs, spaghetti, orL any dish whery fleacy. ,randidatos being Dr. ,"eitiorin and evils, -If it w6re not.for the littil- ill New Brunswicki was �assOciat4`d, the cheese Is to be sprinkled oil. It, - . f;enator C:,sgrajii, ii,liglisb anti French ' destructive., . germs 'working with a with Dalhousie College for years bi�- e a And At Is no trouble to. gipt the pin i3peakin- Catholics respectively. yo can be bought already Powder d. rul and try it. * . . L other ;; ' Persistency worthy-. of 4 better cause, ,fore'taking ap the important orgf=� , is, the ­. I i'.-evinl referonce, ary wn,l­ e%- . . 110 refore. conveniently and more . �. ; . there would be ub baldness, zation ,work w engaging him at . . . - � �. . I eept to call UPO-) 01f. �],,(*'-*�rs to vot-�� sl ' L Saskatoon'; Dr. H., M. Torey of the evenly spread� I BrIcl .. for good temper I-.(,(- catitEdti.t,.s. Parisian , go . will kill dandruft - Celery salad is improved by the a.d. . . L get, Reatltydes. � . I University' of -Alberta, a native Qi I . , Blessed Is thesomelet -"�hich Is eat- . ______ -.--- . germs and remove dandruff ji, two Guysboro County, who was connected dition of small blocks of cranberry en at once after cooking,' Everything ' Brakem3n Killed_ . weeks or money I)ack. . . with .the faculty of McGill University Jelly. It adds* a tang to an otherwise else should be ready t6 serve before Port Stanley, Jan. '2-1.--T)!- won:t W, S. R. Hollnes parantees it, It � before going to Edmonton, and Dr. tasteless salad, . � the eg if are Put on to cook. . . snow storm of O!'.. wilitcr broke ovor will stop itching. .scalp, fallin hair A. Ross Hill of the University,of Mis- . I .. . . . � 9 � this plaeo Saturd V. 9 I, born. ill Colchester County, who : ­ . � . . Blessed Is the whisk broom or spice Ruff Cook, lig': Czj," of St.. Thr).111PS, and: make the ,hair grol;� thick arid . sour . . . . A Free Dinner. .1. 'liox with Perforated top with 'which � vi brakernan oli tht, abundant, ' . I I I . had experience -in several American To the Pt'r" Af'.4I`qLlVtt,1, . I . . - . colleges b . efore taking his. present traveler of to -day wbo grum, to �pririkle clothes in winter. I . . I .1 bles at, the rate char ,%N,F, instantly kill..(I ill tryiniv lo 1.v),-;-rl Tt puts life.' and lustre. into ibehair post, where he superintends thid work, � . ged ,ill the dill. Blessed1s the beef whic,li! to put lato , . I . .. ers, restauraitts, at t1w Snow l'If;w. I -IQ In;". his foo 11 and prevents it from turning gray. of 200 Professors and instructors and dePOts,'Otc.. It 1.1 boiling, water. Boll It -hard to retain . 4Af I tr g . � . - - . .und was dra,,gecl und.,r ill.- tL-iii,-C.S. It is the. hair dressing pat: eXcel- 3,000 students. .. I . . . '. Interesting to note that.,in the. early . the juices, for five minutea, and then _________._ , . - coaching days of the nine . , , I lonee, daintily lierfurned and free Nova Scotia .may repine over the � .teenth con .1 . . gently until done. . . Brockville Man Killed. from -grease stiic�klness . It is th p . Blessed 19, the. raw cabbage which , proiress of tho, aggressive western tury, the'rate charged'at eating 1)lao-3v I Ringston, Jan, 24.-." it Irc+rht. favorite With women , of t n provinces. but in the rugged mafi� .for, travelers was very -low-in lmau� takes two. hours and a halfffir'lliges. , Vaili Ivas Pulling out of I�iwrsl.oll , I hood of her, fisherfolk and the into,- cases the dinner wag -a bonus.tl�ro%vl Ill * -tioll at noon yviterday, William culture wlia k4ow the .social value 61 lectual leadershio which springs from Y � . . tion, boiled cabbage requires. five . Ix � . . . In b the transportatidn line to Jor. -hours!- , Moral to easy, , . I I ('101awl. r-ged 24, fell off tl,,- eir iri(l fascinating hair., - � ' , . her nll$ ty. valleys sho has; .no slight travel.' And the - surr�undlnp o: I . wa,, killod. His honjo was ill i3l'oe'k- .� ,large. boitle cosi§ - only - 55A. cents compensations, ­. I . thes4e, , � .� I . . -%ill(-. Coroner ]loss will hold ,.,I,. in- at leading druggists everywhere, . and � . . I I .. . I . . .. . as ,.Wayside laris,wgi; Ali attr.t,,t,vC. Salting Veol6iables . .. quest, . . . . the bill-of4are was bountiful. rhink A good rule Is to cook Qerground - I in Clinton by W. S. R. 11clitws. � The - . . . . I . I I .. % of an early - morn . Ing. repast of "wanes vegetables'In boiling water without � girl'wl,th the atiburn .bair is ort. every . 1. . I . . . � . I . i . Back From the Wars . . � Johimle-cake, 11'sh, flesh sail Iowllf palt; those which . package'. . � Snead Will Givil Eviderice. � . . . grow 01.1 top Of the I .. - � . thrown In with the- price . Boll. in boillag, salted Water. For in. , Madrid, Jan. 24. ­Th I . sptill:jll . . - New 'York,- Jan. 22.­mSnead, )ins- . � . I . ,of a: stage, . troops returning froin A1,4illa .wore . - . . bauid of the' myst Ions "bathtub" ' coach rlde! it;ls enough to make ono .stahco, roots. of 11 kinds, - . , er� � . . . a potatoes, . ' giovii a. cordial welcome whon they en.; . .1 I . . . . . 1. victim at .Orange, N.J. will return . stingy the -next', time be Is expectod to etc., -require no salt'until docked, But . . � I . tered the city Ili soleuin . � ! � . Pr(Wel"iVill � .1 � groin Canada to give ovidence in the �.tip -the .Walter Ili a .puliftia gabb. h yesterda-y. Madrid was gaily decked .. �`O�oleZLI'on' alf"'Forests. � 11 d4ilug- ,age, onions, squas , green peas, . � . . I _. . . I I . I . � tritil of his �aunts, - accused -of the wo- . -.or. - ' I � , . . I)eans, etc., should be salted wheir out., ,.m vvith colors. . I . . Ottawa, . .Tan. . 22'. -"That it is im- man's murder, . . . 1�* _ . on the Are. . I ., I . I . . , - . o . I . . . �s be. teken at once An ' . AIR% - . I . . . . . . . portant that s t e . ect the for. :1 ,� , examination .of the stomach. of r� * ,!�� . , � ... b . I . . . - . 1 4y this commission to prot , Irs.. Snead reveals tracps of z6urpl:I6 le I .1 , . . . . I a,,,;i4;� . im;�;e 4�, osts of Canada front fire, especially to which-, drug the d6enee 'alloge sh_ I wuu� . _. A . . , � A HINT TO LADIES WNEN . along the'line of �Rffi4srs, andthat in, ­' addict - * , . , . I. .. . . . . I . . . a/t, - , . " ed . .. . I __ rticular that legislation 'bq recom� , , I I � . . . - I . - � . . . � , . . . . � . � SNOPPING". ., . - - - Pmaended to bring the Dominion Gov� ..' '. :, . ,� I � . .;_.-.,. � . I . . . I -_ - - . ... . . .� I I I HIEN If you wanted ,anything badly -and. orpni6nt yailways.xinder the fire " lisws � - - - . J.. I ." � . . I T . I AR F ZN ' , , ' I . . . .1 :.I . A the several provinces, and. that I . I I - , . . when you got to the, store were per-� � . , . 7,77 . . .. suaded to take something 'eltie 'in- Government raili�ays, shall alsW be � ... ' . . . .. .. . I � � . I - I . 1. I made- liable, for.damage done by, . flie . � � . I . . . . . , . . . NTE �61 : . .. .. - mmirsiv I I stead, when you came away wonldn't Fl- - I � � originating ,from .their engines, and'-, C114ton Women. are Finding Rel icif ,at 7. . . . � ... NAU . . - you feel a little disappointed? A9 if , . . . I .. .. . MOTHER'ON -HOJ_ . 10,�Yps' '. . ' I.. . - . - -, somebody had " got one over you "", that the urden-of disproof. shall be . I Last. ...� .". . , . . . I � I . .1 . . . � . . . . . � . . . and not for your benefit, mind, but for % on their side." I . I � � '. ,- 16 . diles s i ecin that ­­A� . 'I, - �� �. . I I _ .. I . . . �. . I . . ,� 94GETTING ALON0.11 '. " - I . � . . __ � , � .��* � -,.,-, - ,**,* 1. .. I . I I I �� � dw . . I . . I . - V stab isized 1879 I IrOR WOOOPINGCOUGO, CROUP, ASTXXA, COUGHS, BRONCHITIS', SQR& , THROAT, CATARRO, DIPHTHERIA, valinsizpa Creseleas stoops the par,oxytals of Whooping Cough. -Eyeirdroa4ed. Croup can- not exist where Cresplenis is . used. It -sets directly on ooa� .&ad throat, inaltiall. 1)rcathiag ea$y ill the case of colds, soothes the sore Abrost and steps The cough. 100 Ab000 .to sufforcr4 at Astlims. � Cresollene is a powerful, iferinivide, acting both I's a , curative and a priv4utivc in Cont011icas diseases. Cresoleme's best rcoommendatiOn to I's thirty years of successful use. rev 194 by Ali Wastilato , 6 . 6 e I $cliff Postal for De� 10. IVriptive 'BooVet . I � Cres*'*- As"i" P", * , � '16 "t'r-blet's, -il-pir, I % - , � . 44% , .1; ...'hili - I , in-list.d lbricati..110:1 - Leem - Nil.. C. - - ,, itL4 1.kJ9 ot . Lim .7t MID;- I trVal, , Soo 11 1. jolnuary s7th, 1910 � lRepeat it, *_149hilorlip; Ourill Will 01. ways cure, my *ouglie and col4slis 1 � .1 - Big Mills 010*0d Vown�, . Mosilreal, San. 2I. -The large mills of the Dominion Textile Co. at Magog have beest, closed down. This hao btivii. brought ;ibout by the low state of wator in Lake Uemphrewtigag. Not PQttlnI;er. Ottawit, Jan. 2I. -,Hon. G. P. Gra- heal deities ihat David 11,ottinger has - been chosen to sue"ed Mr. Ilwtler aa ebairnum of the Le.11. bo4ril. Noth- itid haj� been dQue �,Ot. Oreat Britain to Arbitrate. Lon4ou, Jan. 21, -The Unite(f States and 4pai, gskf�,d Gn�at Britain t ' il acti As alediator it -A the rnatier oy lairuigra- ti.:% treati, The iuvitatiou litis Wen itoo I opwa. . . . ____ . � � I . .1 ­ I . .. I . . I I I RepeAt it :-I'ShIloble cure WIR al� Went on $pf4ee', T6;n IlAcided. ' ay$ cure my Coups JL;111 colds.1t I I Vancouver, B.C., ,Tan. 22--=X. Xellsi. * ay, an aged ward of the city, who . .. 1. � ... . I I . nine to British Columbia fifty ye4ra . I . , WHY BRONCH TIS IS SERIOUS. ent out Thursday and secretly -1 �go 'Inw Because it becomes- a"ehronit �so.it- a ed a large supply Q:f whisky, � i ill which lie regaled his friends in dition, that verges closely on coa- lie Old Men's Home, . l I sumption.. "Catarrhozorip" il; fbel ,Yesterday Kelloway committed sui- most pleasant, I simple and. certaill de by,cutting hiq. �hrqat.. arrhii . . .. . cure. Try Cat I zone. . I � . I . _­ ____._1_____1.__.__.________ __,_________ - - � . , . . . .. , . _ � . 11 . . , Ic a MoOney to � an . . . . ..On Mortgages of Real 'Estate at Current Rates " . 1. . I . � I . . I . . . . � , . . Aff Business- .. Stri 0 ctly Confidential . � � . . . . I . I ' . . I ' ... . Liberal Terms of Repayment I . . . . . I . I , A"% , Loans . I Completed quick . . � . I . . . . E --menses Moderate I , �1 , I . . . FuU information gladly given . . . I . I � . ., . . I I ­ I . � IN I I , \\\ . . I I N 11 I , I . � 111\� I , , I" 'N 1-1 . rl N.. . \\\\ \ \ � \\\\ � IS 110 �\� V � , � 111 w r m n , , E. - I . . ' I ' . . . . . : 1. � Loan. and Savings- Co.q. London, Ont. , . r I . . I . I . . . I . . . . . . . . . . - . . ., . I I - . -466 -, . . . . . 5 I MaKS- Itm. Aimai , ., worin. .- � . - .. �i, ^Irk : 1�11 . . , - .. ... I .1. . ­ I &W . ...o . . I I . . , . 11 �� . IS*" ..'Over' Its Cost � . .. . . i .. . . I . . I ­ '.. . . _ , "', '� - . On Y3- of a Ceint a Day-'. .-,. � I .b., �.. * . I ..� . ". . " . Nobody ever heard V'stock food" curing the bats or colic, rVialting I 0 ' I , . . . . liens Jay in winter, incrpasing the yield Of milk live Pounds �er colva day, ` , , � . or restoring run-down animals to Plumpness and vigor, . I. : :, " , .. � When you feed "stock road I I to Your cow. horse, swine or poultry, . . . . 1 -The above important resolution was - ­, . . L�k O-NIORROW lrJ a It 11day. - ,., , - .. ..� . .1 I 1. . . I. . . you are merely fee� .. I . 1thefir own profit! . I I I I .0 � . . . . I . I "IrAr , . ding tfieiii wbat you are growing on your own farm.. ' . .� -passed, yesterday. af tornoon fit the bom- ,than a fair share of the , aches ' r:a'nd'- '. � I . , , "Hoorgy!" , . . . - . .. . � . Your animals do need nbf more feed, but something to help their ; And when you -proved that the nservLitioil, � I . I - - they - . _ ' . ; .. �0,11110.13imvld seerns. as . EEL" , so they can get fat. . I I imion.bf co . . , p .'that aMict :' . . I I i'lli 'somebody pled . fine a YoUll . 2,&,4J ,and stay fat all year round; also to PreVerit disease, cure disease and kee ' � ains 81 t . bodies get all the good out afthe feed. You give them �somethlng which was represented ae in . � �.. . � . . . . . . . humanity ' . . . 1� explain .. I . sz. . I h ,� ' . . . i . P , � - . . . . .1 . . .. . In-ust, k,lcfpp 'up", must, 2#1,1d: .to ... � . . . .�,s one would Wish to t.ar�veji -W�in I . them upto the best vissible condit on. NO '-1tOckfWd"candoalltbcsc, being "just as good-" as. whai you . . . Wlly suell 4: robrile loy . . I � I- . things, lROYALP RPLE STOCK -SPEdIFIC can and does It- ,- . . 11 know ' I . - . I U111110 I . . . . . n1 Face I . . . . . I 1. . asked for was not as good-­mwas not I . . . I � � .1 . . . . .� s in spite 01 constantly aching � ; . we felgri? . - - .1 Yet VM afraid, io-tell the ' G�-and Cire . I I '. . to be compared even with the real I backs, or headaches,*. dizzy... spells, -\I I Wlly� , thus 1� _'we - say- truth, I - .: � . . . Nota "Stock F06d"'BUta"Conditioner" ', . , . I . . I Kooray, . ; ROVAL PUR ' . -1 I . bearin be so, I . . n, nor farm Products. Itincreases ' . Ifilam I ill colk"J.- * *. " -a holiday9 . . , yield of 1-Ailk frbrii three to.- before the specific ha * I . : . thing, wouldn't you feel still worse? g -,down pains,; .they must stoop I I . . I It really can t , , i3L9 STOCK Pli IFICcontains nagrai . This Is just the ca�e about Zarn . It. I Vpon� . lro� though , I Pounds per cow per XJAYL - . . . L . over when to stoop means torture.' I . . . . . . lie's honest, weeks. It* make,.; the mil c richer and .adds flesh faster than any oth L 5 Deeft used two . Buk. Like all good thialsa it, has I . .. . . . . ., L I I L -and tfrong, - . er preparation known. . I I . . . Vhcy�must walk' and bend-. rid . _ L 'NOW I well Young calves fed with ROYAL PU RPL I . . I . ' ' a Work iolidays .drag weari. . . E area large sit Sig wedts old as they would be when . . many imitations, When buying It �ust I FLOWERS$ FRUIT AND SUN- . ly, , 1 I . - Witli .nobody. L he ,"gets . fed kvioth ordinA materials at ten week%. L ."i . � . L . . . . . I I L . . YAng YOU . L . . . ... . wi I L I . L . . I I I "L I , .� -1 .1 - . RP . . . . � ask for Zam-Buk, and, -see that. L L . . t1 4acking ,pains ind many aches I . I . alo'llig, , I LE STOCK SPECIFIC buildi. up run-down animals and restores them to � . . I . . I .. . I sifix - I I I fz:611-1 � ,kid i I . . I . For jilp.- . . . I I . .1 . . . . . ­ � . . plumpness almost magically. Cures bots, - coli6, wbrms, skin diseases and debffit . I L J�et it. The name is protected b3r'law,: ' I . . IT. - � . I . . 1 ney - Ills; "Kiduys' 4pause -e. --flien L ELtl P%. . . . [SeVernianently-, , - . . . , , . . . I I I . Mot Atpriel ' L . , . -When with .his sist", he� . Dan Me9wan, the horseman, saYs- *-I have usedRQYALPURPLnST I I , and Is clearly seen on each packet.. * . � . . . .. .. . .. �. . inore suffering than any:bther organ . 'r .1 . tra treat..' '. 11 .0 . I "fell ,6ut"� , , , persistently in the feeding of'The Eel;I 2.02�, largest Winner of any pacer an SPECIFIC I .. . . . . . I '.. L .- - , . � . . Grand cir, it in 1; . I . , -- and'Henry Winters.' 9.09I. brotherof Allen Winters,'winn6r of $Sa�000ilfjrottl CU I 'Don't have anything else! Then you I . .. . -of" tile body. Keep the kidneys well - , . ,�.(l . I Oil suoh da�s tiley ,dr I ' Re kept house w1th ))Is . I . 190S.. 1.�n,g stakes , ; I . . .. . ,V: � . .L . _6i I � I,. . naught but oll.t.": , . I ii � � id.19019, These horses haye neVer been off their feed since'l commenced .uWng 'Roy . 'won't feel that someboOY has', made - a NPW IS' the U111610 Visit California and health is easily' rnaintained. R�id . I . And . . -it . . brother, I . . . Specific iltmost a -year ago, and I will always have it in my stables." . . .. . Purple -,,, .'. . . I I I � I L . . I few extra cents out of your lack ot - ' � ' SLonly 'that I , c%.,(yryW]iere,. U 1-4 - �, I Then -I don't 'know. just . ; , L f ., I I.. . . firmness. . . Mexico, , Florida. and the SullayloVa remcdy� .for kidney . I . . bounded. . . . . . . what- -about-' ... '' . .. : AIMMININIh, - . - . - . .. . 1. L. .. .. L % � , , . � . "Confusion worse con- � . .. I .: * . I. . . . South.. Rolina � trip tickets on hellig and cur�s tile kidneys and :is - . I . . . They quarreled With . I . I . I to.all -principal -Winter 'Rosorts� s - ale endorsed b I . ,, ' , . I . I 1. . founded.". . - ... .. . .. . 1. . . each otbor. L . . . . I . , .. I . . I . y Peo-Ple you know. . .. . . . . , L . . I . ..� .. I . I . . . t . I I . Mrs. J. Cook of Joseph St ' I 11he ('11110ren n1tist, a . 11 In tljelr . best .ToTe. boarded with his Uricle Strong, .. � . . rn , . � I . -NL . . I . ., Cl n- � - Re d' I., . . . .33ut . t . hey could never get .along. . . I I . P64M ... .. . L I �'W. YE ARS, - . 1, -: " Nt c g Wit, ,A,J,l l'y tll(�. tillle , reose.d. . ­ � . . . I : , - . . . . or . 1� . . . . . . I ton, Ont.' says .. t'r surfori.� ", I' ' 1 ` I I . I �. ,.L I . � I , .(- 's en "t � I . ., . I .. s � ,; e o iftem, . Now ill!-, old world. was never. made :,. � . .. 'STOCK AND POULTRY SPECkOMS - '� -� :'- � ­ . Consult X'rrand 'Trunk Agents - lor. a gvere attack, of la, grippe, nly."lia0k - wipea .i0hally's 110se-let dowli Kate's For quarreling and stflfe,, . . .. , . . . . . . I ' . . , ' . I I I . war, so tcn0i� and weak that � I - '' 7 hein L . . I L . L . ­ I I . .. . . OneS . packag; -of' ROYAL PUItp ' I S low. rates pert inmgL io' "7 'Ve, '*, " . The critic, varpink in. the . 0C ' , ..a I 0 .., L � shade - LE STOCK SPACIFTC%villlast one animal seventy . . . ' I I . . . .1 � .1 could scarcely get ' al-otind. A coW, RlacI;6d:,;hOt1 anti illending stocking, � I Sees llitle.good in 'life. - . . . I days, which is a 11ttle*Over two-thirds of s,cent a' a acka I I . . . of I I d Most stock fhods in fifty cent P. Ile % , � DAY sLate nind Is iliockitig - ' ' % ' ' last but fifty days and Are given three timesaday, WAL PURPLE STOCX,9paCjFr C : - . -"ShIloh's Cure W'.11. al fl . . ..I And therp is 'shrel sothethInig wrong . I ;L I Y. � 'Veributonceaday, andlasts,hAlf igiin as loP9. A#1.50 pail containing four iirnes the . -THE NEWS-REC-0001 '� ReVCat it : v . nual dull, bearing down pain bad . . ' With folks who cannot get along! . 149f w A ., wp�ys -cure -tfiy koughs ,%rid colds." - settled in. the -region of the kidneysi . I . amount of the fifty cent paclqtgewill last 280dnys: ROYAL,PURPLE illfncrcas� thevalue ' - I : . .. . . . I .Now, .4re.At evellts mitst have theIr' day, . . . I Of YOdr stock 250. . , , C[V0.B1N.G LIST ,, , L ,* , , '. . _ L They stiv. . � . . � . . 1. It is an Astonishingly quick fattener, -aulating the appetite and the . I L I stfi I I L . . , . . I aiid -Lextended around my sides. t%yl . . I . � relish for food, assisting nature to digest.and turn leed into Rest,,, A; � . it ,, . � silt, After shoa�- and tumult ci�ftses,' , A "Hard -Times" Party. will save many times.its &thoj fattener it is a lead&. I ;-V1 � - I . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... 7. . head would ache constantly .Ind thei:6 ' 1 -have to plok tip all the pieces. . §et , - - . F0 kher qp-ccific for pcost iflVeterinavy bills., ROVAL U L POULTRYSPECI- I . � . . . . . . . . I .1 the table with all the old, Ila., OultrY, not for stock. One 50cent package'will last tweilty-five I I . . .was oft6it - a dIZzy' f . . hens l7sOoduarycs, .. a vall co%tin9$I;50wffl.Iast twenty-flVe ile'nSL280 days� which is four tirnesmore � - L , � I.. .. . i eeling arid spot& -90. ,- , $1 11011daY. en ,you have, and for dollies - use material. for onlv,three times the cost. It makes a-" laying machine" out of your hens . , , * , .... . t aPpe4ring before In . sit t nover sq. . "Flooray!" - � I . . .. I . I Y. .. eyes.. 1 f 'y - -hes of old calico darned neatly ai - sUrnmer and winter, Prevents fowls lo.4111 flesh at moult! tiine, and cures Vulteldiseases. : 11 : . . . ­ . � r I . pate . . ,. . � . . . � Every paclingt, of ROYAL PURPLE �TOCK'SPFICIPPIC or POULTR SP . CIFIC is I FOR 1900-10 � . . . . I languid . and poorly in my general . . . . . I . I . . . . �L . .. . - AL "SCafloped" Suggestion.. . , each cover, V or decoration in - the, guaranteed,' . 0 � I - . . . - . . . . . . . . : . � health- and. 'although I knew iny sick- I . center h ra.g Ju,st use ROYAL PURPLE on ons ofyour allilliats and any othe 'another , . . - When oysters, potatoes, corn -any- , ave god robins in an old. I ration on i ' . � . � . - animal in the sarne condition : after Comparing results you will sayVjV�L PURPLE has I Inuch good reading' . - . . . . . . 1. -ness had weakened and disordeted the till . tin can, a -ad for souvenirs . present , .thent all beat to death, or else bacit comes Your money. - F11913-�-Ask . I . . I . � - kidil. 8, I found nothing t I Jig "escalloped"is Put Ili the oven, Lemp�y pocket-Vook9, . .Cne Woman re- Your merchant or write us for our valuable 32-paga booklet on cattle. . for little mTilney. . . . . . � . ey I 0 bellefit It is b6tter If' the milk and eggs are ­ . . . I I I . � . cently had, for L place cards, some per. . , . . . . and poultry diseases, containing Also 1; .1 . . . I .nie, .I learned of.� Booth's Kid mixed togetber first before' hildin,& to. , I . cookintedeines and f011 particularsabout ' _y - I . . . . Ile , 11 I I __ . : . . . Pills �throllgh an advertisemoit - and sonal. article belonging to each guest, ROY , PURPLE STOCK and POUL- ­ - . . . . .. . L . L the'd1sh. ' The nilxture Is, firmer and Thes i TRYI I Pt WIDEKLIES � . . . u procuring a - box -at -Mr. I-Iolme'.-s more 'evenly fl,a Vbred If- the moll3tening . e she had sUrrepti.tiouslY. obtained . SPECIFICS. . P 11) I , . . I . . . I I i . . . I I ' e . . I . . It was .� If You cannot get Roy-tl Purple ' _. - ... 1� . � I . � P.liayinacy, corn . 'be ,opared betore putting In.the Vak- from the familY.biforehand * Specifics from merchants or agents, we - . ? f. , News -Record wid Mail'and - I I .. raenced treatm. nt. It L In I � I I . . . . ­ I I - - W 1� I - "I I . . . . -e ........ I ..-L � I was a comparatiVelk. short time when ilig,disb. � -eCt. expees% prepaid, X 0 , .1, R'niph. h fun. Por a hard- Will sUpply-you dia aid 0� . . i I . .,;. $1.50 . L V` "L . . . I ty'L , , I * . on eecelotof Sizou pail foreittforPoultr -;# ;. . . . I �w ;, r , , ; I . .L1 . V. _ .", -Ree .'Globe. - � ,,A,i'�, "I " ­ I had beed relieved . of the headaches I . L . . I I times .par of ,course; the personal . - , . . News ,ord and . : 1: fri I �, ., " ' . ' . . Or Stock Specifics. . .. p 1. . ,/� . ,It . --A,.,, .- . . I � , article ihould be all old, d Bearded bit , MVJkq money a-7ting as our agent in' News -Record and Family ' :� and dizziness , My- eyes 0egan to . . . NeW Stuffing for Dates. I � N * �, "' ,::'Iii� 11111::: - , sto of Icing sugar and ' f w I L , you tridt. Write for terms. . . I Herald and Star with, , . C�,'.�",-'i I � ,� .ear andwere soon strong ',�,nd well. ' Mix R Stiff pa 0aring appArel. r dis L ' . I . - v � . , , , . I , ,_� � !! up.to_d �, Premium.. .-. * _; ' ' _. fa) - - , __%,t_e , �� ;1 �� ������������� -y it the i0ito of egg. Flavor.with vanilla , Between courses lat the guests darn .1 Poe sale by all ate rnerchitnts. . , ,� i ''i . ahel,�paia_gra,duAllyj . . I . _ofJ_M . I . . , __Jl.&gk itn 1,75 1 �4 . _p,,A_ I 1�', an-4nd-Avomen--alike I L , News -Record and - _- W_- 's, -'n-rm'-9wT�.4 I 2`4, sides and I strengthened. - -C - e gr -on W ld-st-oclfInjW__M. I � �_ .. 1. ­ I � ,:; W I am very Eii 016i P 0 o:: - .. r_-___,___ r W-A'Addh News -Record and Sun. , ... 1.75 ___.. � 1-1-...", "I'll, - -_ �� I . - [7-�-- . alfgAA . � News -Record and Free L . I grateful to Booth's Kidney, Pills for or sitinach coloring, Stone the dater, m seiited with a needle an'd __ I . . JW81 -.1 I ­ . ... 7 __-7- 11 1- I I . . . . . . ' 1,75 1 . L Will alt(I 0 t cotton for darning. Invitations writ- ' . Press .................. GODERICH . the�spcedv relief given me and . uff them 1*1th. the. mixture, LAI- . I . . L . . IONVIlIg It to Show.. Brush It lightly- ten on butcher's . Royal Parldo Sto3k.and Poultry Spoofflo and free.booklet are keDt in stook by W. 8, jR, Holkno , . News -Record and Adver- . , . . . . I gladly, - recommend them." Sold by , paper would: Prewe 1 I I I . � . ­ . . I .1 . . . . tiser ................. ! .1.75 tS dealers, Price 60 cents. The R. T, with white of egg ared uprinkle with the guests for something novel and � . I L I .. ­ . . . . . I I . . L c - d ,. I -anything but "swell." . . -wounninow News -Record and Toronio Monthly Horse Marke. 1300th Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont4i 9,01cated coco&n ut . . . . . � . P­:�Saturday Night � .,.,.. 2. 30 L - I'll Sole Canadian,Agerits. - . . .1 . I . - . . . . , , . . . .-L . � - . . I . News -Record an Varmsf?6 Public., 099 Markets will be Iteld In . I I . . A Curlouis Faot. . . T.Imely Tips. . . .0p.ApAp.0-0.4p.4&Ap.ip.ap.4p.47-AP.&APAPA;p� I . I . . I I It Is a. strang,6 fatt, and one I not gen . Hang the shire-bag"on, a brass rod - . . � . . . . . . . I News -Record and Farm GODERIPH I . � . .Orally known, that eggs which havt to keep It from "gging. . HEEP PosTED ON FARM NEWS and Darry ............. 1.75 L . . I ce-WeAkers"'Ahl When the Cork oftta` ,Lbottle Is bro- . . . I I k I . . lve At Voledo, Ohfo.� boom cooked 14oft may be boiled a see. . . . I . � . , , ', News-Reeor& 'and C&nA- Friday, Jan. 28th . ken, It Is . . �flian Farm ...... .... . . Windsor, Ont,, San. 22. -After one, L 9nd time without becoralriz* any. hard. ,unsanitary. *Use Iftstead, if . 0 k. . .. 1.75 � ' 4, the most remarkable vOYages in the or. Boiled eggs whick have not beet) a, new cork be not convortlent, A clear I % Priday, Peb. 18th glass Marble; the kind the boys 'Cal) . : The Ca d n F --- , DAmrm . annals of lake navigation, the sWam., , crocked tuay be throwit Into boiling . na ia , arm k ' ' I Ariday. Mardii 11th ors Britannia and Pleasure, of -tl)vL water and warmed througki, tasting a.4 'Llknick." L I q . . k I News -Record arid Mail and . I 1). W� & B. 1. Ferry Co., which left go6d as. -"nbw.11 . Two fneasu'ring-cuos are a great . . -Ar . L Empire ................ 4.25 � I I I . here Whdriesday morning, h ave. re4oh� I % convenience, - they should be Pf uril. 4 I . , Sind the - . I . L News -Record and Clobe. I I 4.25 . I `� ed- Toledo, Ohio, - - � . . I k . News -Record and News . ... L . -T&m size, and one need for dry, the 4 . 1 230 1 L � . 1. .. -12 " ", � The trip of the two ico-crughers has, L To Serve Geape-Fruit. - ather for wet measure, I . . . . I L News -Record and Star ,, * : : 2:30 *19116 I k - . 11mr1ml I L f 0611 6oen a continuous st-rugglp. After, a; %lowadays, tllt� ultra faablonable 4 ' Clinton NewsoaRecord " News-Rocord and WOW . . 3.25 1015"W&M 0 3-117A w tromphdous fight, tile two , hips reach., folk liever Serxis grape-trUlt ill the use a sp . News-Becord and Morning . 5 ,onge instead of a cloth at % . L * ' . . . I k . � I * .ed Ainherstbuig Wednesday nigbt. 8kin. it used It Is taken out -in cubes, eleanin,q tfine. It L3 more easily wrung I ' I I Free Press ........... I . . 8.25 . RICH �.IVVIKLKBIS , where they remained until 4 o'cloOi and Aervect on lettuce: ff 0�111 the olit, more easily keDt clean, and avoids . 4 . . . , 0 L . News-RecorA and Evonit g L . -ot--7 . .Tbursday morning. At the mouth of_ )nice to do;&.1od, It to atryed in rek, 61pping dirty water IF re '$I..5 � . , � - ,pyia the damage from 0 Free Press . . . .ir.l., . , . , 9.7ti . dOLD AND SIr,,VEa the Dotro+it River the 13ritannia ran, oupp. . . . . . which is often Bung from floppilig . k ,. on to the windrows, which threatezw 11 ends of the cloth. . News -Record and Adver- e hM191:7 being made ill . 4 Ttin CANADIAN FARM, published in Toronto, is the National Por, I indeff"it,e per 4 Weekly Agricultural Paper of the Dominion, tiser ................... 3.00 I . 6u- M to tie her up for at L k . . Tile iod. The boaLq will -now smash V, ": . money spent on its productioil makes it incomparably superior Pine and 0owganda Diatticts he � .The work and "Ina is via (11 raild ice in the Mfitifflee UjVP'r,L at Toledo,. -, �;0;00. 11.1 I - . roUto to Porou, i . - ,. - I At,11411 v4v�, % - MONTIft"r a e�� -e . , . . L I 11 I f to anything of the kind, SPecial writers fOV special depart- � . I Trunk - and T. & X. O.- It xilw �.y to - .,t order to save Waterfront property , I . GV4:- 411,1;2�t hl��.4ti,&6 4 I � News -Record and tippin- Matheson, thence via Slt,igh, Read, :rom disstitter. . I ; rq trients. All'original matter in every issue. ,Splendid and k - The rout1% io (1i wimida Ai I Via � of the chattering of the PROVED VST MOUNT FOREST. � reliable cirop and market Lr . cotes magizine ....... . 8,% Grand Trutd(. " 4 N. 0. Pailvav arid, The price . ' ,eports, Everything. up-to-date. � , b4atsi'lly the Cityof Toledo is said to Every doctor in this 04a triedhi '4 147inely amoolion 1), J1,200 a day. a The Root of . Neuralgic Headache. . Illustrated. Cboli:6 atid instructive reading for the If WhAt you want is riot in Temiskarnii., er i Uowgaiada Trans- - . _.. - . -1, --1'. . ., best to relieve Mrs. J. Withorn of A L farmer and his fatnil�. N ' faritior can afford to be without . k rt Co- 'I'll'OU411 fill(OL9 fistleft arid Negro 1�y6cfitd. '. net, L 0 L this listlet us know about it. po _ I Asthma; none succeeded. "Foryears Is an, Irritable condition of th � it. Every fartner will rnake trore inoney who reads it. we can supply you at less than baggage cheeked' through to latter New Orleans, La,, Ja�. 92.-A Spa- she states, "I was 4 dreadful sufferer;, yes cattiled li� cold. Rellet comes � , ' . .k 1. it Would cost yoll - to $(-lid diroeL Point. la . -,al from .Tackson, Miss., say tilat' nothing gav�B relief. At times I found quickly froyn Nervilifte., the greatpAill. � . , rtt==e__=�t� In remitting please do so by s wriff Hubbard of. Simpson County, It llecmillry to 111YO all, tll� door$' reliever of to -day. "'I congid6l: Nor- I , ribeLft diif� Tho Cailadian Parm 1� I Post,offtce Orde�, 'Postal VA'LIFORNIA, MEXICO, ifigs. . 4 All $UbSef I r, L Note . and a citi,ken, were shot dead � and window$ 00h to �get MY breath. viline a magical r6illedy for neural- 1! from now to P Ist of Jam, 1911. . jxe, a Order ov, Registered I AND Ay a 11, . k I tres Cgr0-Wb0m thPY were a' ftemPt- Whert,in despair I board of "Catarrh- gia," Vrites !Wrs. V : 0. Harris . of . . ter and address. V LORIDA. ug to arrest. A posse wns forme 4 11 I ap 4W 1 9 I 'I I I I d 07011C." I w*d it and no* am per. BtkItial6re, But I never Worry it Nor- __�_ k - Aid tile negro was run down and . L I. I : Round trip tourist 11okets oil ,sale., .iJli,,d. . featly Outsell." ... This Pr6v6s beyond v111116 ig in tile house. A low ApplicA_ 4. Our ClubbiV, tatO ig $1-50 'for thd tWO pAperl. Suhscribd W. J- Ulteholl 'StoffroL ticktts find surther informit. .. -.0. I � ". e th­ftj k I'doubt that my, ease ,of Agthma, 18 tiona hom yet failed to tur d pain. ma oiled find get (116 betiork of tile full tortil. . N6WiliaRecord . a CLINTON . tion frorn- �. . ... . . our"16 witk ca,turb0*6116- NOfft' I call also rt -commend Nervilifte tor . k al, OdY W PleAsabit tione so ab9olutely stiftne8s, rhoutnatism and tnuacular , . �94*016 C6016a otThe*6hii4fith lVatm t6U tion aithl* othts, "I 1.-.._-_--'-L ........... �­, ' .­ 1-1 ... .... �­ ­ ... " L ". JOIIX 'RANSPOTO, Cl,ty A:g,tfbt, Repeat It :-118hiloh's Curt vvjll eortfti.lil to th6roughly curb ; try "CAt- painit." In ude tifttly Afty Y66ts I' � k . A. '15. PATtISONO Do,pot Agent, vfays curb My COU&S khd ,:Wlda," arffi4zoikt11 y6ursb1f ; Wit parsitteeli. try Nervillne y6firaelf. 400ar4p4o.&I 4 L I . I . . . .. i