HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-01-27, Page 30
January 27tti't 1,910, 1 1 � CliAtain News-RecoM
. --.—�--,—.-----,-,"--,--,--.", _ _.., �, " _ , , ,. " .. , � , - , .'' ., - _ . ., " _ ---.--------- --- -,--.----- —
� : � — I . - � - 1-1 . � I - - . .
� . . . broke in two when partly bauled'out nnESS JS� WRECKED The wreck, as 1he bridge is co�sfdered _ —'-'-' _ " * "'
Of tile water, after several bodlea bad
� DEAD MAY NUMBER 75 )>eon tal . . EX ullsafe. This will cau,Ne considerable
4en twom it. The last body r,n
tuken from the first-cla5s day couch delay, wt-rame. ELK LAKE CITY BURNS
----- . 1) � efore it lito I ke was that of Rev. Ste. — . — I -
Accoroing to the,, 8 0 phexi Childerhouee of North Bay. The Forty-Elght !Believed W Be D004 TELEGRAPHIO 041F.FS.
..tatemen% , f botly was not bruised or out. Xr. Half the .East Side of the Town
Passengers at Spanish River, vw1dernouse, who was superintendent In C.P.8, Disaster. I 11',X-Preaident zelAY4 01 Nicaragua -Is Destroyed.
: . . � pi Presbyterian home miEsions, was I . : will go to ,Belgium.
I - . Oil. big way to visit points along the 'I Russia haa rejected tile U. S. Pro -
Although the C.P.R. Officials Only Soo line. He leaves a wife, iorawriy One of the Worst CatastroPholl In the posal to rieutraWe Manchurian rail- Drunker). Man Knocks Over aasollner
, Aim Xenneky of Pemillroke, and one ways.
Ad -it 31, the Statements of Sur� oun. 12 yeani old, � . History of Canadian Railra"ling It is reported that Roosevelt has Stove In Poolroom of Mining T6�vn
i vivors Point to Anything ,From ,QQ, � .kany anxiuu6 friends' of misoin- occurs When Soo Train Is D,sriiill- killed threezood bullS land two cows .
. - 0 on the Montreal River and Damage
I po3le are at N4iin and-tl-le --- V�-i4ue- -- - - - - ---- - - - ___ - nt--of-the white rhinoceros family a4d, ,
to 76 victims - Heartrending oqland Plunees-Down Z*106-41(Me I ,--Mountins�4o-stoo,0044A-Ahi�,Bg,%u
waiting for the recovery of bodies. It � � considerable lvssj�f P.- ;ill
. t$cenes Enacted at Sudbory- is feared that njuay are "oomed to at Span4h River -Two Cars Fall d Of the Toronto Ex- Fire Service Inadequate - Law�
. -disappointment, The opillim; is gen . has. been appointed - �
! .
Friends of Missing Await New*. - � .1 nto Water und Pa9sengers Prown. ' hibition. staff, . I
oral that the curreas has carried many manager of the Dbminion Exhibition lessness Rampant, . .
Tht� C.P.R. has issued an official away, arid that they will uever be North Bay, Oat.,Jan. 22.---A teTriblo to be'lleld in St. John, N.B. . Toronto, Jan. 24. --"Fire dpstro�ed
list 61 the dead, sho , wing that tiurty- recovered. . occurred yesterday after� Compl4nt is made in Siberian pa,
-one were either killed oe drowned ill I Several . people who Yiewed unidenti. 0,00"lent ' ll!�rs that Americart traders are demor. over half of the east side of Elk Lake
, noon on the Boo 'branch of this C.P-R-, , tribes in Karritchat- early yesterday morning,
'the, Spanish River accident. 'I hey . lied bodieo think one is that or Ben . alizing the native It originat.
aiao aeny that any of these were burn. Allen, a horse dealer well-known here� Ilea' Webbwood, 07 miles west Of 8*4, � ka, by running in cargoes Of liquor. ed in a pool room,. -where a drunken :
I r
. Y* ed. 1wenty are in the hospital at Abouts and auppowd to have hailed b Montreal will pujcba�e the Gagnon
� urz`* wkell express. No. 7 an routs maxi knocked over 4 gasoline stovd.
� L
6udbury. frojin Gqderich. A Sudbury hotel mail, to San.lt ate. Marit, was � dersoiltd, tak. historical library 16r the sum Of $91,- 1
howeven-, says he knows Allen well 000. The library comprises Over 8,000 Loss is over $100,M, practically no
Bodies taken from the dining-cor: and is .0 ing 4 I*avy toll in death, aud.iftilAry v ,, to Canadian history. ii�surance.
L Mrs. C. Houde� Soo. bsolutely sure it is not lie, ,. . olumes relatinE .
I S. J. Saunders, traveler, Orillia. but a Swede of this town whose nania among the passengers. A . andolph Macdonald, railway Coil- Men are obtaining a large qitlan-
I lie cillnot recall ad tractor and financier, died suddenly t9B P g "
; Father Chaillon, Parval, Quo. , , FOrty-eiglit 'passengers are TMort tity . of liquor from, lin , ,
: Bodies taken from first�olass � coach : Xr. Saunders,, one of ,the victims, killed. and 92. injured. early yesterday morning at. his home ,causing numerous figlits. Tile town ,1_
. was traveler for Green & Swift, Lon, Another report frOm, Webbw*od Says in Rusholme road, Toronto. Acute in, ficials appear to be incapable of .
Clara Trees, Bruce -Mines, aged 4. don Oat., and is survived by a wife that, .7 1 maintaining order. .
Patrick Keenan, Bruce Mines, aged e .5 were killed, but this cannot digestion was the �auso of deat.h.
Go years. live'ohildren and, widowed inoth r. ' be correct. - . A despatch bas been received at the The fire department was inefficient
' .0- S. Martin, furniture traveler froAl pieeding, along, Militia. Department at Ottawa from and the town
W. J. Robextson, Arnprior, *C.P.R, . The express was N the Colonial, Office, announcing the ac. - was saved by the ill.
Auditor. I Waterloo,. Ont., is reported lost, A wLith a good passenger list, when sud. be army council of the (4ividual efforts Of Citizens. '
E. �... fienimels, Beialmels Milling local undertaker has received a.tsle- denly, * . Many' thefts occurred . of
I graphic enquiry 'from Mrs. Martin at , ithout warning of any kin.d. ceptance by t lenry Pellatt, com.. , goods .
several of the cars left the rails and Qffer of Col. Sit E l'i had been saved from burnin-g
Waterloo, I W oil ,
. Cu., Lisb_,, -,,I). plunged down a steep embankment. manding the Queen's O.wn Rifles, To- buildings arid stood on the street.
. . Robert A. Booth, traveler for Amer. Agents of the railway company are . Two of the car,$ went into the Sparx- ronto, to take that. regiment to Eng- The firemen were handicapped On.
. 400�wail Awi,ing Co., Toronto. - 'North on the job seekingaettlements to avoii,l, ish River, adding death by drowninj land next autumn, for the purpose account of having .no ladders, A'obQdy
Rev. Stepliell Obilderhouse, damage suits, Several Who suffered to the horrors of railway accident. of participating in the imperial army was injured but many are left hom I e-
Bay. only minor injuries signed releases a less.
' - A dining -car is partially subinerged in noeuvres at Aldershot. 7 .
.Lhomas Aussant, hotelkeeper, Blind f nsiderations, The passengers oil and a fir.4-class c . ar is almost wholly .
River I . A number of merchants, who Bus-
' . through trains are still being trans- under water, and the death roll cannot Rev. Q. M. Atlas. Returns. tained a total loss, are llieparing to
, �
P Dr. Daniels (Indian), Whitehead, ferreo at tile scene" of the (lisasteft. be fairly estimated at Present, but Toronto, Tan, 22, -Rev- George M. open business to -day ill tents,
I .
owassan, Ont. and it is unlikely that the track ae of the Atl . d be About twenty stores were destroyed.
George McDougall, electriciau,Cop- .will every indication points.to 01 aB is back, as his friends sai
,be in repair before Tuesday. worst fatalities in the history of Calls- would come. 'Yesterday morning he Many people are -homeless." �
per C?iff. It is riot definitely known what 4ian railroado. arrived in the city and went straight The above desp I Utah was received
Mrs. Stantie (or Stankie), Massey, caused the wreck. Spreading rails is The cars Which went over the bridge to police headquarters, where he gave last .flight signed by, the Elk Lake
fint. (or Shawville, Que.). _ a theory that is being generally ac- I the first-class coach arid diner. !himself up to face five charges of Telegraph and Telephone Co. Several
Hiram Johnston, traveler for Rich Were .
cepted to,day. A point that i�; iioted Conductor Reynolds estimates 19 pas- theft and false pretences, - private wires reporting it oonflagra.
ardson Bros., Mattawa, Ont. is that the worst wrecks the C.P.R. sengers were in these two car$,, Of Ile declared that he had traveled tion also came through I .
One boy, 7 years, atout, fair, wore have lied have been along the north which one milli Only escaped. over 7,00 miles�to face these since lie There are" two ' 41k
�s, blue � town.sites at E
.overslioL grey sweater with shore of Lake Supepicit, arid it is be- of the passengers who were in the first, heard of them Dec. 21, at Tanta,,, Lako,oneoxx the southwest side of the
triminings, no coat, unidentified. lieved that Jack �W'facilhles for pro- first-class car, which is partially or in the interior of Egypt. - ., Montreal River, known as ,Ufmpthe,�
One boy, 12 years,. apparentiy Ital- per regular inslA4tioxi of tile roadbul wholly submerged, and how many are " Atlas was finniediately arraigned in and on, , on the northwest side ol
. iUll, Ulljoentitied. is probably accountable forAlie lxlis' dead will not be known until a diver, tile Police (,,,.,-it and pleaded not- the river, known as glic City, it is
one woman, stout, 5 feet 9 inches, adventuies. I 't I I thO latter section that is fires -wept,
"wore glasses, suborn hair tinged with . -who is being rushed on it special train guilty to ,,i' fivo charges without I .
The e,xpress was speeding along, at from Saillt Ste.. Marid, arrives at tile electing, It � NN,.,,, wli�,tnded a week - While the loss will be heavy, it I
. .
grey, about 55 years, wore black suit, about 4 wiles all hour when the cala. scene. . . . upon Ills owil b,J1 oi $1,000, Crown thought it will hardly run as high a:1
unidentified, mity occurred.. Clear 'and coherent Twenty passengers at least were in Attorney. Corley uovlat ing that it was estimated in the desli'atch. Insurane
. One woman, 5 feet, fair, weight stories of what follotved the first the second-class car, which took fire, unlikely that 4 wall who had come . will be practically nil, as the rate:i
about 140 pounds, wore crearn waist orninous crunchings and shak"191 and. which was b rne't I 1, ,adding addi� all. those miles to face,these chargefs lveh almo9t ,wh(l,il,fy pi6hlbitive.
. ,wizh btown spots, unidentified. cannot be had; for the survivors art., tional horror to tuha terrifying spec, would again disappear, . 'so ae
. Died in Sudbury hospital from in_ . A small ga fine engine* wao
all so shaken -up arid- shocked, and the t,cle. . Atlas says he can explain why -he purchased lZ spring, but it would bi
juries: accident itself was over so quickly, y escaped from the fiery went away and ca,Q show that all the powerless against the big blaze.
J. Henault, Matheson, Ont. . that they- have no really distiuct re. money which he got ecame PrOPer1Y . Tile Population. of the district in
S. Zounian, Chisholm, Mass. furnace of death is riot known as yet, ,� . - the 'fire raged would be ovel
Nicii. Nicholanko, St. Lawrence, collections Of what reall did happen, as there is no telegraphic. communica� into his poAsession. . . Which
N;..9.,. . There could riot haveybeen a worse �tjoxx with tile wreck. . . . . 3,000. The buildings are small Nvooden
( McLaughlin, Spot for tlie trakedy: The track level The accident happened between I EighUHour Day Committee. 3flair.g. The -weather conditions .Will
'i �, V. I . farmer, Barrie. or tile bridge crossing the Spanish and A, o'clock yesterday afternoon'. - entail .considerable hardship to tilbse
� Jwti (in relief train: I River is about 30 feet above the water,. . I � Ottawa, Jan. 22. -The special com I burned out, I ..
Frank Jzar, and when the cars left the.,.rails, tear- mittee considering Mr.tVerville's bil I . . ..
Killed outright in smash: I The river is. about 125 feet wide, and ing loose from the front part of the for all eight-hour day ou'publio waiks � . . . -
, I . .
the water runs as deep as 45 feet, The train, the crash of timbers, gro* aning . got down to work yesterday morning, . 'English Liberals of Quebec,
. I
George Melihenny, firemani North approach is through a mountainous of -girders and shrieks of twisting steel Sixteen hundred ,00ples of tile bill Montreal, San. 24.-W. D. Lighto'
- ,
Bay. stretch .Of barren country, AldlOugh was speedily followed by C
John Resbach, fireman, North Bay. within , - , the cries with.a circular letter asking for opin- hall, KX., 'speaking to the memb ri
W. Lavery, fireman, North Bay. a short distance of the bridge: ,of the injured passengeis, and the ions were sent out', . . of the Re&rm Club,' uttered a. warn,
is u longstretch ol-open . sanuy 11111111, moans and lamentations.of imprisoned '' The manufacturing and.marine and in Saturday evening , to the p(Zlitical
T. H. Watt, formerly of Pembroke, tile engineer a good vieNY-0i the transportation interests are almost leaders, saying they must pay mort
0 . ' i' . I . passengers in the shado* of death as "
Ont Elvdgl ge . the Water of the - Spanish River filled unanimously Opposed to the measure, attention to the representation. of tht
, .; was ranching in M ntana.
C.. Carey, Montreal. The'en,,Ine, and the mail and ex- . . I. .
. Joseph Kelly, Leavenworth, Wash I the doomed cars. � . The labor Organizations favor it, while I n lish speaking population of Quo'
. . press-cArs crossed the:bridge in s4few, The train was just approaching the' the agricultural and stock breeding Ebeeg both ,at Ottawa and Quebec. -
� H. Hosensea. .
Miss' 'The f wag derailed, large steel bridge.spanning -the river - k, are I
Ing: ,irst colonist car . interests,, 0 far its -heard frox1r. 156 -claimed that the English Liberl:
George McClellan, traveling C.P.R. but crossed the bridge safeli on the when tile accident hap�ened, and 'the riot pArticularly pronounced. als are the true interpreter betwee
ties, And co.ntinued'with the*preceu. cause -whether a broken rail or brok-
auditor. . , Prof. Skelton, ,of, Queen's, Who is, the French-Canadian. arid the o �.
,Ing cars some 20 yards bejond,- - en . truck -maty . never be known,:. as . making quiry for the committee us pro,vincos, and that i
Dr. McLellan, V.s., Sudbury. 'The s ' however, - the on ratio . if . Sir' Wi ri I
I econd coloiiist, car-, the track is torix up. . . to ope n of eight-hour laws Laurier is beloved all.over CUnad , i
� Josef Marrott. I collided ,with steel. superstructure of
' Laredrei Hopi. I the bridg I Conductor Thomas Reynolds was in.- in other countries, said that, in the is -because he has been lauded in t 4
e and swung across.the track, jured, , but ignored his hurts, and did United Stat 8, fed,d�ly .in seveiAl of -English provinces by the. , run is ,
. 11
and took fire, causHig the'aucceeding e ,
Sudbury, Jail. 24 -Thirty are'known coac,heh; to - go - tumblirig ''down the� everything' h4''could to mitigate the. the states, such a law was now in Liberals of Quebec.
. U be dead and with. 35 in colonist . sufferings (it the injured'passengers. force. He was instructed to -make -The f6undation of Mercier's natiorl,
�c;tr, of whom none are thought to bank. Orie ,of these. cars piungea - Physicians were hurri�d'tod t1- Scene � furiher investigations as to the ei� al party,: or �tatherhis ra6al pdrtyl
� have escaped, the death list totals 65. along and through the- ice, and all fr'om Sudbury as soon as word was. fects of operation .ot such staiutes.�,, - -brought"them to power at Quebec, bui .
This takes into ac . who we're on board were drowneo, wr ... . � .
�count only 17 re- . received,'� and a ecking train with, � . , , - li damaged. Liberallsin throughout th4 �
,covered from tile. first,class . couch , like rati; in' a trap, The next cat, & General - ' Superintendent Gutulius .. ,,a. C. ,Liberals Split. . Dominion,. and -practically wipe4 oul,
I .
' . first -elm coach and diner, also: went 9 �: . Ln lialt -
-which is cor%sidered short, of the mark. . . made record L tini fjoin North Bay. , Victoria, .B.C., Jan. ,22. -The latest of ix)litical existence. .tho-. I S -
The number in this car was estimated into.,the river, ,but fortunately � - tile it was known . that R. Burrows, development in the affairs o I . I I" . � -
;at 30, which means that some 13 Ventilators Were leAt a4uve the surface, - _�inanajer of thd Bell Telephond Co. . f -the., new Liberals. ' ' � � . '.
tud, thanks to the herolo.work.of the , , at the So Legislature.is a split 'in the.ranks ?f , .- , - I . . . : �
bodies arc- still missing from it. The 1 . � 0, and John Boyd, coutractor the Liberal �slde of tho- House, reprb. '. . .1 � I . .
� ' total death list wid not be under 75. conductor; eight of the nine occupants of the same town, Were on the train... sented by two members. On Thu - � CanipbOl For Butler's Job?
Were saved. . . . . I .. I. received from each to ra Ottawa ,Jan, 24. -It is reported'thal
� Drs. Cook and Arthur and their Oiie of the "most gruesome scenes Telegrams were key were safe; Mr. day John Jardine of Esquiz:ualt'tacitly the. Mini;ter 'of, Railways arid Cana][4,.
� At-aff of nurses in charge of the Geri- the effect that U took .possession of the leadership by. '
,eral Hospital have been the hardest was the'destruction -of thA seoond-cla�a '. stated that be had roceived aecondin . gAbe nomination of Eberts as has it in his mind to offqr the vacant
. , , I
i� which sma'alled int6 the ill)- ro_'�jurles and that I Speaker. Yesterday morning, hislone position' of 'dc&ty minister to A. W, .
WOrkea people in Sutibury r -ince the coacl !',uigrht i', . lie. would be
� . accident. Nk ith already -15 patient - right of the big steel bridge and-toolt home on the firpt train to tile Soo. .c . oinpanion, Brewster,, r�iased to.4ol, Campbell, Deputy Milii-,ter of Publia
� the building, s' In . fire, 'Those, witnessing it * could see , . t, Ste. Marie,.who, W.orks for Ontario,, .The ,positio -
� . . n was;
and b,A capacity for.. th - . ' John O'Boyle, &aul -lo,Nv him, Ills aciion having been the re6ently vacated by 6
t bones and the.. bodiet; 61 thi� vi upposed.to be- . . b' ot of warm'debate amongst.prota.; Wh '' do
. Only 30, they Wok in 24 of tile injured- C_ - Was a on -ole txainl has, . su Je 'O M; 1). Butler
� -arid gaye thein beds by slijiting some time dropping. qut o.i. the.: car - on. to .not been heard frolul.. MT. 013�oyle was ',inent 'Victoria Liberals in 6on-clave ,on gt�60 tlie Dominion Coal an
� . .. 1. I I . . . . 4 . 'I 9071 illos -
,of the convklescents to cots. .the brid I I in drydock sphenie I Co. general rvana� ok
ge. .. . . I . I � g r. .
- Thursday might, . ' : - - . ' Mr- Griallani. "is thinking- of divi. -
� . the,prime mover . ., . . � , ,
� Five of the injured t,t tile hosp I When the secon&clwi's " coach Btruck th6re. . . . I .. . . I I ,_ b a -
itai . I . . . � Brewster insiats that,when Jardine ing *up the work perf6rizi-d. y the
� liavo ginco. uied, und Dr. Cool, feels tPe..uprigitt-of th,�'bridge, tbp first- An auxiliflq. left Webbwood sLC^2.30 pliteied Public We it was as a Labor - former -(leputv minister, picking 4
almost sure that several others cian- cia3e coadL (drectly *behind it shot -yesterday atterlioun' and a -trai'll w'th, Liberal, and not as d' straight party mr.nagor of tile I
riot reeover. Hon. Frank, Cochrane right past the girder arid ro . 1.lod down divers left the Soo - at b o'clock, in. all I . - m* an. . . . I . . .. . I , ntercolonial- RailwaY
was a visitt)r to the hospital ye-ster- 15 feet- to the bank �of - the� rivor, -and . �endeavor% to rescue dead bodies from .� . . .. : 1rom-olle of the big -priVately-owned
day to sf�e .%1A, Brodie oi.Sudb i ,ha' then.another 15 fi�t!t in -the river. The the.wreck. . � .. . . .. I . . -1. . ,. I railways, and securirfg Mr. Campbell '
U -TY) 'M . . I Priests Petition Premier. . I ster of the. department.'
it, is b:-Ii(,evd will recover. `lhe C.P.R. diliffig car* out of which nlost of',th.e , It is belieVed* tliat',T, J. Anderson, . 'Jan -2�.-Sixieen priests of as doplity inini- 1.
� , I .
1611119(lo . .. . Toronto, I . The subioct his not been discussed
n trorki Montreal is helping to _,I*�' c 'i d,the first-Oass D�.- p. A. of the 0'. P. R " Essex County 'have forwarded a peti .
PeQ1 sea ,jed� P)llo-t�e ' *as' oil tile � -
� . coach, b Pullman only r4ilLd ),�en heard with Mr. barlipbell, but it i8. thougilb.
ultend thf- patienta, train'.and he has not Y.et i. . tion. to Sir, James Whitney, through . , . . �
. �
. . down t(j.die'.barAk of the river. . .. ' I I �110 wnl,!;Pqe11t- . - . .
A most, P.ppuulink scene greeted the I from -Hon. Dr. Roaunie; a9kirig that -tbb .1 . . - . . .
� 0110* Illan, ,who Ap . - . ,.
I . L,y(,,,; ox niKuy lioanbroicea relali'ves pannitty escaped. Th�'niembirs'of the lodge'of Chosen liquor' regufations. be 6o amended as*
and hundrec8 oi sight6c.,rs at tile . frilm 'tile. wreck, cifillb-'d up tho eni- Friends"at Bar 'Riyer were ayfaiting. U.'S: and Germany'Cannot A' do. I
� � . bankinait rrid-on 0 tbw bridge. Ili ,. � to banish licensed Pl4ces -from the .. . gr ,
bpenlsi) lbvt.�r briAlze yest-tvday, when ' . . the arrival of the organizer last night . vicinity of - churches; see'Ondly, to , Berlin, Jan. 24.-Tlic American noto. .1
sixtPen bu,de.i ol wrcok vietinis 'were a de.zed state -lie � kept on. walkLig ' six, i't -is believed that Ile Was on tile Provide a irifnininny liceni on the tariff is,xibt.qatisfactory to th i
. 1. e fee ',of e
and titeppe . off.the bridg,,,. bwng i I . .
iishcd Irorn the first:cIass uay coach . 14 ' Ill- * train. � . . . .$500,. and .thirdly that lloexiseB. be is- CrormAn Cov(miinellt. . -_ --"------ I
and laid t)ut on tAje m�. . stantly killed when he s1ruck,tho ice ' - . .. The Official Statement- ' sued - oil a population basis.' There' w1deb. was, delivered .t,). the Foreign I
Fi,iied" is thf, pityper wnrd, be- below. Another man P.1-0 managed to . I '
' Qflice Saturday night �v.ilg deciphered
I -I. Iiiab up,oa t ' tile bank o*, the livor . Moiltroal, pt are. in the Township of Sandwich H ast . .
'Citust, - s 'd cl 0 . , sTe x8_ -licenses to a population' or. in 'installments ycstc�.rday beilier ex�
We bodit : w, '! pulw.w and . ht .thirteen
sp.,�ar(,rl with 1,)cj4,f.,j ,it it,, i-,Itlulxlall but the moment he reched the toil - McNicoll, of the - i I amined page by page fiiclals�
Jan, .2 * '-Pl'e
� .. . . 1, ill re_ . -about 3,060, the..'petitioners, stated. . I I
manner by the nion e;jg,ig Ile Propped deud. I wied the following 2-_VI9(�I�t I . .. . .
C I R' lag
. . . . ?�t ter , . I ,oncerned. . .. .. I
a YL
,ed in the . I �V bbwood ��_ .. . . .1 .
. -k ot roscue. Muell criticism c! the . . . ____ � terday afternoon.. .. , L� . . . . 'Now Rhodes'. Scholar. . -
woi . gard to tile wreck _ I . . I . The first 'parauraphs of. the� note,
'conlpa,ly's j.eflon %as 1ward in riot Murdordd For His Savitigi. . ' Zq,ronto, Jail. . 22:---�Douglas Fraser which w,pie favorable the the Gerin -an
Tan. 24.-The.'alluring , "The latter half of the train from I . .
rRising the car by meaus oi tile crane New York, J has been awarded the Rhodes scholar. contontions,, gave the improssion. that
-or, tailing ill that .,,top, to have the fiction, that old John Forrari; an Montreal to Minneapolis, which left was ended, but 'as,
<1ivr1rs t;tk(, the bodic,6 aut by hand. Italian wine. merchant, whoso cellar Montreal oil Thursday- niglit'.1oft the ship for tilt., Province of Saskatche-. the controvemy '
lf,�aTt of "Littl,�, Italy- -track on Friday ufterliciola about four wan by the university board of Toron- the. .note proceeded it was perceived
The seene -oi ttie disastvr �,as fairly . lie� - W the I ! . I to. Fraser is a ybung man f that vi"efous poit,ts 'have yet , to be
�alive all day with C.l'.R. officiafs carried his. savings in his cloth 8'. miles west of Nairn, oil. the 'Algoma
, e I hi con ldc,rod; and. that Washington- coil-
- ridge .ckoss- eble ability, having completed - s s
vlc� branch,. jusl I �
froin Viet,-Pres;dam McNichol (lown. marked. hira yestprany as another . 4 east 6f the ,b ca Beene" tinnes to hold positioris to whioli 0or-
. t1in of the band of Itilliall niurdprers ' . ing the Spanish River. The cause is first two years in the.politi I.. i , . ' '
They st-Luned to give their greateat at, I . . I Many is riot 11lovi prepared to yield.
tention to keeping away innn tile lo. whose killings continue uncliecked by as,,ye - - . course with high honors. This schol. . .
a battled ,police. . . . One coach struck the '611d of the . qrshi�p is 'oPon'to men whose homes ... .� . .... 11
. <%lity pt,ople who were thero to learn I I . bridge and was dcgtroytd, 1116 next are in. Saskatchewan an4 who have Soven K.illed 'in Wreck� - -
- 'shey push.; Old Ferrari was.foUR,0+-yt,.-.,,L�rdi�y ly., . �. 'second Year in. the . .0incinnati, Jan. 24.' .
Ille vxtpnt of the disaster. . coach � going ilea the river. it their _Soven
e .re =�d are dead
,ed rc,latives ni victinis and newspaper ing oil the stories oi tilt, wine C�Jljjr. . . y .of Toronto. 'They, were, and fifteen injured as. thd .,result of '
Men elpan off tile right of way, and His feet were, -tied with rubb.,11 gag "About twenty passengers ar . .
�, ported injured, three or four seriously. seven. other� candidates. . .� I .. the wreck.of the. ft'Fotir- night ex. "
anen carrying cameras were w.tched tubing and a ll�g bandanna bound Ills , in Chieago� wh ' ' L
and tiogged by railway constablvi. ,arms, An ein;ty cbIorolorm bottle They have been* taken to Sudbury . ' oress fro: ich lext tile
hospital. - May Adopt CarQlan Labor Law. -,rd�k, two Miles West' of h6re yesteraay
At the C.P.R. office here ire hun. told h6w. the old mail hadbaeh killed I . . � .� tow
. . -One of the results morr I( rining
-dredg of inquirers from ail, 9ver the by it., fumes, . . . "Several bodies have been recoverdd Bostork, Jan. 22'. king, while, ru i ards the *
,country, but it was very aifticult to —, . - � . . from the wreck and more are suPPOsed .of the recent visit liere of the Canaw city 9t 50 Ini an hour., ..
get the names of those supposed to Earthquake In West Indies, to be in the coach in the river. dlan* Minister of Labor, Hon. Macken. While rounuing a, curve, the engine
. ly partly zie King, is a bill for the adoption of leaped from the. track and whirlhig
Tom. in a great semi -circle, plunged throu&1i
I , be missffigs, Kingstown, St. Vincent, D,W.I,, , � "The dining -oar was .On
'There are over twenty bodies lying e submer ed,,and. the .passengers escal)- tile Canadian labor law in tho, settle.. 0
-2 sharp earthqualt, , a ot.ch of its own: train. .
24, .x we sl)ocks ed. ge s eeper,'turned qver on its went of disputes, introduced in Legi6- a
in Suabury to -day, several of Uiern were it -It throughout the islaiid at slde.$) . � :_1 ... . . lature, yesterday. ... . . According to the Big Pour offl6als,
unidentified. Several jl�?rsons arrived 2.50 o'clock yesterday afternoon, In The engine, baggage, "prelts, Inail The meaBure replaces the prese tile acoident, was caused by a piece
. e o arbltraii ni
,oil the 8 o'clock train froin the west' Kingbtown,. tile protracted tr.lp r land, one, second,class car remained oil board of conciliation and on of iron dropping ori -one, 01 tne".racks.
� searching for friends but couid not eausied a parrio, but no damage was . 11 t .
get access to the,undertakera parlors done I . . the rails, while one seeond-class car by u state . board of labor. .1 ' -
. five,unkmown are lying. It , and one first,claAb oar, a diner arid a - I . I QUadruplets. ..
which the FoLt de France Martinique, jari� . . .
� sleeper left the rails plunging down - Can't Feed Sailors. Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 24. *A mix-
-tpllears that tile undertakers have 24.-Y,arthquake s6icks were felt hotd the embanknient, a &st�ialass oar and 'Victoria, B.C., San. 22. -Chief Stew- ed quartette of bi.biea, two boys and
been wopking steadily since the wreck, Yesterday afternoon,, a few minutea I
� I � il,�' diner going into the river; while the ard Petria of the Dominion cruiser two girls, arrived early yesterclay at
� and, therefore, -wanted sVeep, and ioro three o'clock. The mo�eniont was � sleeper, and tecond-class our remained Quada has resigned,.h-ecause the men the borno Of Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Wii-
� 1W ,would not bother with the anxious.. undulatory arid lasted one minute. on the ground, but the se.00rld-clasm , object to the short rations on. which
ones -last night.' go 'far ati is known. thz)ke was lAo . . son in tills city,. making it elillaron
� "Coine around to -morrow," was the clamago. . car was burned. they have subsisted for months past, to this couple in nincy.0-ars. Tile Wil.
. answer a Blind River man,got who is . . I I I'll I . Engineer Trelford and tilt. train lie %a�� lie cannot do better with sons were married 25 ,years ago,
)iere to find his son-in-law and grand. I Off,to the Indies,- . . crew, with tile exception Of Conductor westorn prices under -the Dominion - Two sots of triplets and one pair of
. Reynolds, escaped injury. 1. G,overnment)a allowance. twifis have previously been born to
� ,child. Now York, Jan. 24. -The meuibL-e,; � The nearest telegraph station to the . thiam. ...
Three bodies ware recovered from of. the royal commission on trade rela. � wreck is at Nairn, four milas distant, Confessed to Murders. I ,— ,
the dining -car bn Friday night, and tions be,tweou Canada and tile West but the officials are arrainging direal Colville, Wash., Jan. 22, -James P. Want the, High Fliors,
brought, to Sudbury. 'Tile Car was Indios left Yesterday on the royal milli communication, . . Ijogan,'idias Frederick Jahns, was Indianapolis, Ind., Jan, 94.-A ctim-
raised out of the water by rneans ,of packet Clyde for Jamaica. The com- Thomas Hey, O.P.R. eUitlis agent, convicted of tilt murder of Mrs. Agnes
the crane. Satnrda� abo& 200 111(m . paigh toolitain tho, international avia.
,. work Mission will visit Dominica, St. Lucia, at first toported badly injurtA, has lansens his housekeeper. whose body - ot *1 1911 for Indianapolis has
were on the job aiding in th, the barbadai. Martinique, Trinidau wired Ills ip.mily that he is ,4ain. Ili, took into the wooda and cremated. tion me
� of rescuing the bodie.,i and repaililig V;ntoserrat, St, Vincent, British Gat' ' been launched. By gelling 15,OOQ
the track. I. PAAsen,,z(,r# from the eastbiound Soo Logan confessed -that he killed two tickets at $1 each, it is hoped toraise
� , The submerged first-class coach . aila, I Antigua and St. Xitts� I. I express are bAng transferred around oWer persolra. I . I the 110cessaLv guarantee fund. I
. . .
. I
.. . I ...... . . I... . ... _ .11, � -11.1''.. . I I I �... .1. - .. I.. I., . . . � . I
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� __ . L I � I � � I - - - . — _.____1__-___".
� �
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. ' - '
� A subse'ription to The New's-Record for one year for .
� . I I . . � "' -
1 lei
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If .1
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I 91 Ill
� . . 01 � I .
� 11 . . , . I . .1 , "...." .
I . .
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. I
. . 10
Parts Faces Terrible Damage. From
Swollon River.
Paris, San. 24.-oThe,floods to -day
exceed allrecords and are fw3t reouxil.
ing tile proportions of U national W13-
ast(,r. Ili the northeant and west hun-
ureds are homeless and rullied. Ino,
dupluge will be� very great. .*
The rise in the wat-em continued all
day. At Paris the &.4ne -which regj6-
tewd,6.48 metres Saturday had reuch-
ed -7-40- at noon yesterday. Its nor -
Pr, Moro*,* 1001OL" Root� Polo, `
)J#&14pd MrR WilognI'S, Loor"'
Wheir. the sewers of the body -bowels-,
kidneys and skin ducts�-get clogge-0 tsp,,
the blood quickly becomes impure a*4
frequently sores break out over .the body.
The way to heal tlicni, us Mr. xtiowa
Wilson, wlio lives near London, 04t., .
found, is to purify the blood. 11�
. .
,.tile sharp cold. of Saturday lea V) 1, depressed condition. Xy appetite left
the hope of abatement of thL� floods, we and I wa began to. suffer from Wi-
but yestemay morning a heavy snow ge � stion. ,Quite a number of small sores
set ill, turning in the afternoon to aud blotches formed all over my skin. X
rain, which is still falling. I tried =edieirle for the blood and used .
A 4espatch from Ch-lons-sur-Marne � snany I;iqds of ointments, but without
says that a huge voli;;,o ot water is satisfactory results. What was ,wanted
sweeping down stream toward Paris. was a thorough cleansing of the blood, I
M. Lepine, prelect of Paris, after a and I looked about in vain for sppe fnedi.w
tour of inspection yesterday ufternoon, � cine ttat would accomplish this. I .
took tile gravest. view of the situation. At last J)r. Morse's Indian Root PHI&
"The weather bureau," he .,;aid, were brought to tny noticei and they are
cts a further rise of 30 cantime- oile, of thi'most wonderful mediclw* I I I
tres last night. I do not know what � b P_1`1�_
,4ve ever kli,own. Xy. blood was '
to do in the face of this situation." : -fio,d in it very short time, sores. heated up,
One Of ihe V14termaina serving five My indigestion vanished. They alway*
. .
- . . I
of the most populated districts in the have a place in my home and are ;ooked
south and east of the city, burst last upon -as the family remedy,FA �
Ill ht, and these fllstr,c�s are. now Dr Morse's Indian Root Pill$ cleanse .
Without water. It is feared that the the system thoroughly. �old by all
whole city will be in a like condition %lealers at 25c a box. . . 6
very soon, as the flood is invading I I .
the Pumping stations. The. compress- I . I . � I , .
led air factory, which supplied the- I .
elevators in Paris, hag also been. fore- `Mvr4eF In Chicago. .
ed to shut down, I Chicago, Jan. 21. -The decapitatecL ..
One 61 the great engines, Which and diserilboweled body of Anna Far -
pump. the sewage in the eastern sec- long, 25 years, old, clad in a night�-
tion of Paris, broke dswa on accolunt, gown, was found in a room in 4--re-
of the flood, and as a result the sew- wrt at r5o West l7th street yeaterdti,f.
.eta threaten to overflow 'the streets. The head was: missing. . .
Several quarters are without electric '-- - - - � I I
light and all the trolley lines to tho I .
eastern suburbs, are out of co I
. .nizilis, Fruit Growers' Officers. .
sion. -The main track of the Lyonii St. Catharines, Jan. 24, %The exe- .
railroad -has been partially out, � cutive of tile Niagara Penilisuia Fruit I
. . . browers' Associatlo,q Saturday elected �
- I
TFELFGRAPHIC'SkIEFS. th6 following officers. I . ."
. -1 President, Murray Pettit, Winona; . I
. vi6e-presidents, Robert Th,umpsou, 86. . .
ridward Payson W6ston started from Catharines, J. .W. Smith, Winona; .
New York. for Los Angeles this morn. Goo. C. Brown, Pelharu; H. 84. Cliiir
big, to be in readiness for, his next 'Fisher, Quaynston- secr,Aary-treaz;4ctx, _
walk from ocean to ocean, which lie Carl R -Visher, St. Catharines. . .
will begin an Feb. 1, , � Committee On statistics ,wltll W. lg� . . -
. Twenty-nin.e suit,9 for $10,000 each, � Buntizig, chairman, appointed as iol- I I
growing out of the Cherry bline d1sas, lows; Isiagara, A. Onsiow; Urant-huni, . I . .
ter, were filed ill Chicago oil Saturday W. H. Bunting; Loth, S. H. Ritten-
against the St. Paul Coal Cy� and the house; Pelham, Goo. 0, Brown; - ClIft-
. .
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. -Paiul'Raii-, ton, H. S'. Peart; 'North : Qriinhby'. � .
Way (;O. . I H. C. llo4,rt�; SaItfleet, R. H. Dur- �
The ineat boyvtt, which . had its I llum- Barton, 0. F, -Munro; SQU111. .
, ., . J�
first support in I ittsburg among the Qrl sby, A.. H..Pettit; Thorold, G. C.:" I 1.
street car men, hag spread W the great 131-owli. � . � .. .
industrial plants of the river vaileys. I 'I:i-axisj)oi-tation'comiiiittee as follows; ' I I �
Meatless menus,are reported in some W. 1-1, ,.&',uiitiiig, SC Catharineg, chair- . . I .
of tile Pittsburg hotlels,' land tney man, J. W, Sinitli, Winona; R� . . . .
. v � I . 1. 11holzipson * I . Rob -
pro. e popular. . ts., �i,,,n�nSt, Catharines; H. L'
er a; . I
,- Chi- C. W. F -Carpenter, Winona; kf. 8t. .
A cablegram from Chunk King I A. H. Pettit, Grimsby; I
na, announces the death there.of the* � .
wife of Rev " 3'. L. Stewart Methodist Clair Fisher, Queenston, .' .
missionary.' Mrs. Stewart was Ahe TO arrange for_better distribution. . -
fruit 'committee is as follows: J. W. I
,daughter, of Sohn Dunkin, a Wealthy Smith, chairman; S. , H.- Patteison, : . . .
,resident of Lofidon 'Ont., and waa 11'. B. Hz,,iry, Win. Armstrong, 0.11. . . .
married only. last S'ep�enlber. . .H4insborger, J, W. Culp� U, Emmett" - �. � .
� , The passage by the. Common Coun- W. Fretz, S. H.-Rittenliou4e,A. Rail- I . �
oil in Trenton,- N.J., of an ordinarice' storie, R.. Thompson, W. H.'Bunting, .
p.roviding that all' persons who ,call- W. E. McCalla, Titterington Bros., '. * I
riot get seats' oil troaey cars need riot. E. H. Smith,. One repreiebtative'eacti. -� . _
pay fares, has given "rise -to an un- of the xollowhig acimpaidos: Cun- Fruit .. I L . .
usual traction situatioin.' 'Crowded .Ontario �.nd., Western Co-operadve" ' - ' .
-cars suddenly have-b��coigae popular. Gtimsby Cu-opeTative, -Winona c6op- ,. .., � _ . . I ,
. .
The ..Prankfort, Gennally erative JTordan Oo-operative, Western,.. I . . . I
, ,, , Xleine I
,Presse states that it kiioWS Positively , Co-ope�ative, St.. Qathatines Cold Sior- �'..
_ " .
. . I . �
that Cook is taking the cure st.one age, . , . . : . . -1 , .
.of Heidelbarg's best,known sanitur. ,Institute meetings will be held as : ". . .
iums. He is said to be very W, ow- � :follows,,with subjects named -date& to - � . �
ing.to the after-effects of tile, excessive be airanged later: St� Davih, ..Bl)X*ay- - : .
-consumption of aicahol - a.uring Ills ing; St. Catharines, trkpisportation.. - . . I .
'Arctic tra.vq.:.�,, .,--,.-, 1. . . . � . .
. . � -.r- . I disteibution and marketing; - Jordan,, I . .
- * peaches and berries; Beawsv!Ae� Up- .
. .
� .� : - -.. Jos,,.Tdss.e Is Dead. . . 'I ples, pears and grap,�s; Win'onu,Bp)r,uj_ - ' - - .
, Victoria,, -,13.0., Jan. 24.-7-Joi. Tasse� , Ing; ,gorit ill, � t� � , - - . �
. . 11 P, a hes. .. . . . � I
cigar manufacturer, formerly -of Mont- .. I . I . . I . .
sreoi 'and,for. a quarter of a c*euxury _ � , " . I � . . . . . I
. I . �
.0118:01! tile illost pupWar . colbuiercial. �. I '. �.. . I I . . .1 .
dititamers of Canada, died 8aturda., . . � . � � I .1 . I . . - . .
night in'St. 19seph'* Hospital, of heurt I , - WATER IN YOUR BLOOD ? ' - . . . . .
Xlailure. I I I 1. . . . . . . . . I . . - ..
Rated as w9rtli easily $100,000 three. Lots of people have thin L i watciy- I . I . . .
teUrs. ago . , injudicious spedulation hau blood-th6y cat plentY but: don't . di- I I . I
ankrupted. him a . bout a year ago ' t When digestion. is�'Poor, footVia . : , - "
' * ,ry . und � ,,,,,!, ges , 'into nourishment-�4x . � I
and' constant will oubt6al _
tributod.to Tils demise.' . �-` , -,. . . . -not convertea I . . . , , , , � . :1
. . . . I .. � . . . - 'ronse dl " ose. - . .. I
. . — . quenco, the body xapi y,. f I . . I .
� I
. '"
..... Jealous -'I taiian , Stabs" Girl. - -, , strenkth. To. positively reliew health; , ' ...
. ' - .
. .
. .'Toronto,.. Jan. 24. -Charged with nothing equals Verrmane. It eiciteB" '* . '. I
feloni6usly Wounding Miirgi�.r� Harvey, shar'o I appotite;�-xri,akes the, '. stomaell.: .. : . .. .1 . � t
his 4weeth6art, and her. chum, Netfie' -digest, .forms ' life sustaining blood., .' . . . . I ..
13"rinett, in a fit of -jealous 'rage, bll- . Ahundant, stiftgt�li ii sure to follow. . . . .
cause the former. would not have au" It 'yor& need more Yttality, extra �n' . I
, thing . wore. to do with him', 'havi�g orgy, better nerves, tl . ioil. use Fertoz- � . . w .
heard that he was all LtaliAn, JOSOPLI '.1 one the m6dical triumph of the ligdu 11 I
I Sch�ll, ;it porter in. tile King Edward I 1.
barber shop, �was arrested .by D,�tbc, F itty cents buys- a box of fifty chbee- I..
- � � I . 6, : .
Live. Gutlide.oii Saturday QveningL- .7late coatiod Ferrozone,table.ts. ,. .. . I I
. � . . . I . . � . :
., . I . .. ... . .
. .
. .
___ . - -
. _..... I - �_ I
I � . . . ..
. �
. I � . . I .
P. ... I . . . : .
. .
Ga4vanized- R-Ust, . I . ....
. I . . .
I . .
. . I . I . . I
. . . . .
- . . I .
� . . . . .. �
- 1. B t Won' , S ,--., -I. , ". I .1..
. � U.' t ca *e, ..
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.... '. .
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� . 11 I . I .. . . 1
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. :::I T I IV , . . I
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. � I . I . . I .
� if I 1� it - if I � .
� I I. I I I . I . I . . . . . . �
I I - I.. I . I
— .--... . 4-4-40-1i I I . � . .
. I . I .
. . .1 � .
. I
. . . . I - .
. . . . When Frost ��. .
, Rxtrem� weather changes in Canada i's the � :Wire goes through its . . . . .. . � .. . �
: . reason why so.much Wire Fende rusts about, . doubleGalvanizingproc- .. .. ..7... , I .
12 or 15 years sooner thati it should; I . .. le . .. . . I . .
. . . . . . as, the Zinc not only. .. 11 .. . . � .
Naarlyevpry Wire Pence ij'.G�Ivan��ed tbo spreads over the surf'a�o, . . I .. . . .
. thinly t4y fiihi off the result of thchia weather ' bot goes into, the Wire, I . I . . .
I extremities. . I becoming a part of thc. . . . I I . . 11 ... .
I I I . Wire itself., . . . . ... . I .
. Two-thirds of the lite of a Wi : Fence de. . . . . � . .
. I .
re . . .
I rends u onits Galvanizir. Yet, because - The Frost Pence ivill I . � . .
,Z,,,c C..p gi . I I
t�, four timei inore than steel Wire now -endfire those awful - I �
.. � much wire is wiped almost clean. of its -Gat' weather vakiations frokl�l . . . . . I .
. .
. I
vanizing� . I � I . to to r's y6ars tonjer � . .
. And � , betides this. nearly A Wirai�a !�erel . than aay othte rence made. . I � .. . � .
, .r
,-coated "with Zinc, This 11 Co t I We are the onty exclusive Pence makeft -' � .
" a
peel off veim before the F,.., r.�'.'"�';, .. Ca.adi w.h. M.k. ..d Galvanize Wire, . I
to even;how signo of wear. - I gilk The Wbre tormcrly used for, the Frost Fai2oi . . I
. I WaB made under our own specificatiofts. It . . .
You ode, &II Wir6, because of its process of � waa the best ive coul , d buy. . I . . . . . I
tnanufacture, bas a greasy xurface. This Butw kntw that we could make better. se � .. I
I dirt and stale must be thoroughly removed we 0 .
before Galvanizirig will stick. . built* and equipped dur own Mills. Wa I
I . ariaw making the beat wite ever used foi- ' . . �
V6u caii't txpect Zind to adhere per. sL ,ence in Canada: l I . . .
mAnently- to greavyi scaly Wire, can yint ? -
� A Frost Ttnce will last froin to to is year , I ..
. But Fro,st Wire goes through three diffcr. . tonger than any Vedcc we ktiow oE . . �
ent " Pick6g" 1%nd� " Cleansinc" processes . I . I I
b6fore it ever teeii a Galvanizing Purnace. . Writo to -day forr fred booklet and samlAtt. . I . .
. . These three critleal Cleansings, titan th6 The' Proa Wire Fence Co., Lict. . � I
aftrfacb of Frok Wiro nit cloan as & pin. This . . Ujim0toft, On'tar16 . 121 . .
chableas Frost Wire to 66 Double-Galvahized,
I without fear of ptelihe off Agents Wanted In Con 0i,tricts. .
. .
. . . .
" " I I . . I
I .
� . I
'Irarosit, Fene-e. �*
. �
I . - I
. "Loet,lbeldors '
w, H. Stoapill, Vrtrnft,, Win. ,4tonlay. Holmesville,,Wfti, Addiaon.L6ndeslhoro .
. ". � .. 1. .I . � I . � . . . -1 I r I . I �. 1.
. �__ - I - -
. 11 ----.1.1 . . I I . I. . I .
, -
--- __
. .
I I .
� � . AS K MA I
1 I � 90
. I I .
I .
. I � .
. .
� �
I . � .
I . . .
I I �
. . (LONVON )
India Palle Ale . .
I*r . iltidt4!ect*tidutio4irttottioutvettddrig tft&t*ug&dt iDjhors, bAt c6okoare It tilt
ik, I .
wiiy y6ii Mit-patity, (teedom front acidity. palstabteatts-Likboat's Xte It Auttmok.
. ed by ootie, ttIutt1ttd by (e* KL gibbut half the otice of btat 1*1"tttd brithda.
__--J1 1',Ll,l'il''''I,-11,1."IiiiiiiNiiiijbij" I ., , _ ...'"., ,.- _, __ "... , .'''', , , , .
� - I
. I