HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-01-20, Page 88 Of Personal Mention hL- w• 'Barrister Brydone Walt in Toronto , Miss Mabel Dunfoxd is spending a,fow week, 1 weeks, in, Brussels. Mitts I,ogeet of Toronto ie visiting her Mr. W. Jackson was in Toronto a -Oster Mo. Joe. Rattenbury: couple of days 'this week. Mr. Olbert Seeley was in h,pckneW., Mr. R. Dunbar of the Stratford Her - ,and district again for n. •couple of ald staff was in Clinton on Tuesday, Miss. Mabel Kerr returned on Friday from SSealerth, where she had Wen XL d. MI5. James Nnford nn -Wise Cleta spent Sunday at rho home of Mr. Noble Cleft of Seaforth. Mrs, Fred, S. Grant of •Gravenhurst, and -her daughter, Miss Ethel Sims, are visiting the former's sister, days: this week instal'ing gasoline engines. a • m • • d nursing for a couple of weeks. A representative of the Kemp Mfg. . Co.,. o 'Stratford was in town on Wednesday looking over the foundry. property.' Mr. John Crooks left on Monday on Mrs. Kenneth Erskine. his customary trip to, the west #n Miss F. E. ging of Toronto,. former- tbe interests of the progressive firth ly of Isle of Wight, England,. is 01 Morrish ee Crooks. visiting her friend; Mrs. J. C. Ar- Captain Peary Ferguson of 13ayf eld, tour this. -week. who Is as good natured; an he is big and his size -is above the aver Mr. 'W. McCutcheon .of London, the well-known clothing ltuyer for Suiallman 8e Ingram, Made a speer ial visit to town on Tuesday to purchase Lion Brand clothing. Rev. Dr. Medd of Forest was tbe guest of his brother, Mr. J. G. Medd, on 'Monday while on his way home from Londesboro where he conducted successful missionary ser- vices, Nes. john Hartley visited friends in Mr. J. A: Irwin, who has been a Casio* Now*,litsoorol FOR age, was in town last night. Mr, Hugh Simpson, brother of Mr, Wm. Simpson of town, who has been spending the past few weeks with relatives -and friends in Clin- ton, Seaforth and Hansa, left on Monday for his home near Moose= jaw, Sask., where he owns one of the best half-•seetioesin that hart of the country, plyth this week.. While there on Monday evening she attended a se- tial- gathering at which the A. Y. P. A. of Trinity church' entertained 'the. A. Y. P. A, of . St, . Peel's, Wingham. 'Mr. 'Will. -Eagleson of Aberdeen, .South Dakota, returned to town last even- ing frohoa another .visit. among . Bay - His Wends. n_ and old f eds. relatives. Held genial manner and big -heartedness make him a general favorite, and he it; warmly welcomed wherever he goes. Mt. Geo. E. Greenslade, the genidb isecretary of the Bayfield Fair, and Mr. Fred. Scotchmere, who recent resident et London for twenty-nine years,has rented the Newcombe store, and will open up with a stock of dry goods about March 1st. •We understand he has also rented' the Walkinshaw residence until recently' occupied by Engineer hlxeenwood. The Sartg htl y. Lemoi , Squeezers On a glorious Caiihdian winter duy' Not very long ago, - The sprightly Lemon Squee zers: v titl- ed their way ly returned from Sask., were • in Ore hill and dale through ice- and 'town yesterday. The were con snow, teuinpiates embarking :in, bust 1 nese in this county, perhaps in Many miles they envered, these ereey'y Clinton, and is, now looking over young folks, prospects. For distance was naught to etch as Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mousseau; whose marriage wasrecorded in The News -Record last week, visited . at Mrs. Mousseau's old home in'Hul- lett this week and also called on Clinton friends yesterday. They, .leave.taken up housekeeping on the: groom's farm near Hensall and the 'good wishes of Clinton and 'dis- trict friends abide with them. Dr. Kelly of Spokane, Wash., who is visiting at the parental halite in Goderich, was in town yesterday. ;The Dr., his parents then lived in. Blyth, received his Collegiate edu- cation in Clinton but located in the State of Washington . several -years ago. He has done well out „there but after all there is no place `that has greater bharhn 'than, the, 'sold ;home . county.: they, Clad in their moccasins, - snowshoes and toques, . Gaily onwar4 they, went ou that winter day. - With. their toboggans gliding swiftly along, . Soon to the forest hills they carte ; The hills that make ties merry y ,ung throng. Ever long to come back there' again. Many times they descended wl',11 won- ' derous•speed, But the ascent was slower, quite Till the maidens' .cheeks warp, rosy Indeed ',- And, alas ! one swain's ears v -tae white.+' • Orange Peel. 9. Tte-Stig at Mgt Egon • S. C. Rathwell, Shoes C, . Hoare, Music 1 We wish our friends and patrons = A flappy s and I'rOsperoU • ti • 11 HWELL• O. HOAR:E • 0. S. C. RAT THE PLACE WHERE YOUR. DOLLAR ALWAYS DOES ITSDUTY $, • e S New Year: • • • • • • • ••• t i • •people. We provide both. - J. B Hoover N••••••NN•••••••4••••. Nelson.Bati .It's the 1 Furniture That gives charac- ter to the home. The stateliest man- sion will not attract if improperly fur- nished. - 1 FOR EVERY ROOM Inour house we have . furniture that will add to its I Y in r. beauty and addition to its attractiveness every piece of furnitureltl re ]s builtsolidly and honestly. Long service is as much. of a requisite as beauty with most 'the cheapest Spot in Huron County to buy all kinds of fur- filters . s oover a� 27''"t7 N`.LT'7TR' 311 .A N 1 7n' trztinit E1..7t, XJT14000'1'0:RS 1910 A Pocket Diary An. Office Diary The Canadian Almanac The Teaching of The Lesson: All goodlin the borne ;some indispensable in the office. W. D. FAIR DO. Often Cheapest - Always the Best ($JQMi! nuunuuu r• le mnuuI1il uta ufiif I. Miss Cameron lett on Friday last for her bore in Marrisburg.. . Miss Harriet Wilson of• Seaforth is visiting Miss Helen Doherty. Mr. Will and Miss Daisy :Wiad':eton attended a dance in Goio.iah on Friday evening. Mr, Gu_y Miller, who has been at his. home here for some Weeks, leaves for Detacet today. Mr; Wm, Jac'nson attended. a mentng of the Ticket Agents' Association in Toronto this Week. Prof. •Brown was in Centralia :.rn Wednesday, haring ,gone there 10 play at. a 'wedding, Mr. J. W. Newcombe of Fort.Weltarn was in town this week. He looked well and reports business good.. Dr. Gandier is taking the practice el Dr: MWealluin of Londesboro this week in the absence . of the latter. Mrs.: Bert Langford - had the tM sine-. tune. -to -slip on the icy *ale one day last week, and fell braaein; flee .wrist. Messr`s,' J. •E; Cantelon and J. E. Hovey are : attending the tournament of the Hamilton Gen 'Club this week. • ' ' Miss . Read, librarian, and : Dr. Shaw, ' •'b,ttended a meeting of the Public Library Institute,, .in Meati Mrd on Wednesday. Engineer +Greenwood, left ' on i uessday foe Dunville, having. finished up for the present' the work in connection with .the waterworks. • J. Evans of Minnedosa, Man.,' is . 'visiting his sisters-in-law, the Misses Rudd and other friends • in town and vicinity: ' • •Mrs: Jacob ' Miller ,and Miss' Dell left Tuesday .afternoon., for •'ire ley,. „einem they contemplate spenling the remainder of the -winter. Miss Jennie Rudd .• has been coniined to the Louse for the past ween 'in `a very :severe cold. We •are glad to be able to report an improvement. Mt. Thos. - Cookhas been . lard . o.'E for for some little time owing to. a slight '. attack : of pneumonia. We are glad to report that he ,s reeov- • ering hicely: Me. and'Mrs. Geo. I3: •Viats m of Ls a hburn 'Sask., who have been • spending• a few weeks' ;Arita m th o later' parents, Mr. and: 13ra. Jacob Miller, left this vv..ek for Toronto. - King • Doherty, second youngest . son . of Mr. and Mrs. Will, Doherty, herty, i s Seriously 111 ith tAgtoid feed -. The many •friends of the winsome ' wee.Mddie are hoping for his speedy recovery:. Dr. McCalldm of Londesboro was ca n Satu.dav Kingston ton o Called to 1 ig s 1 owing to the serious . illness of his mother.' Ile found on Ms arise] that she was: -Somewhat betterand her recovery is looked for. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Gibb were cell- ed to Kirkton on Saturday owing to the death of the, lattar's father, nMr. John Wis ma Mr. Wfsoma e n, who was a° nephew of the deceased, d morningto •attt.s tbe left Mon a Monday, funeral; Mt. Robert • Holmes, Coit r.t1' or of Customs, Toronto, . was in town this week and was cordially greeted by the very numerous .friends he aws In Clinton, all of whom. were de- lighted to see that his official :Mites', agree with him•. Mi. D. Cantelon was in Toronto -this • week, The firm in which he h in- terested has 20,000 barrel; ia. s'.or- age at Toronto and Niagara rad we understand the intention i .o repack it all. As prices have been ' lately it'dons 'not looldas.if the big packers sviiL be made mi'.lionaires as the result of the past season's business, Mr. H. W. Cook went to Toronto Sat- urday, and will be .employed in re-' panang apples • is t'tat ..ity for is an expert on weeks, He severaliy apples, whether it is in packing, tee up an nr,. f .ri. packing orsileg Several members of his faintly lino in the city and Mrs. Cook has also been thdee••for some time so that he willbe quite at home. MAlex. Davidson of the Baler of Mr. vi Montreal, Stratford, came up on u Friday last to call on friends. 1 -le was not' feeling or looking well end upon meeting Rev. Dr. Stewart that gent1otht•n tea"fit' Itiiti, home and calf ed in a doctor, with the resile that he was declared to be suffering f' om Pneumonia, and is now lying ill at the manse. We hope soon to Ticar of his eonvalesccnee. Janus rx 2.itb. 1910 ter,,,.,, 2-0; Per €:C- nt. )-F- I- SALE • White waists, Fane ace Curtains mens,. Ladies Mantles, 1, pacts, Rugs and Furs - During the month of. January,we takestock and, in order.- to reduce' it as low aspossible we offering a SOPer centcash discount off the above lines; This is a money -saving proposition that you should �ould take advantage of if youany need White Waists, Fancy Linens, Lace Curtains,- Mantles, Car- pets, pets, Rugs and Furs. We have a reputation for•ilonest dealing and under no circumstances mark up goods for a: sale, and we live up to the letter or our advertisement. White'Waists A -100 Ladies White Lawn Waists, balance of this season's buying, several very dainty styles. in the lot, all sizes,. 20 percent off regular price Silk Waists - 25 w'liiteand black Silk Waists, regular. $2.50 upto.4.00 clearing -thein outat each LBO Fancy Linen 100piecesFancy Linen in Doilies, Lunch Cloths, stunners, Shares, etc,. clearing the lot at'2ll percent off regular price • Muslin Shams and .Runners• 50 Muslin Openwork Pillow Shaina and Side- board Runners,,, in several design9, clearitig them out at 20 per'''cent off Lace Curtains About.100 pairs et Lace Curtains leftfrorn this season'sbuying, all good d est as- esome are .slightly soiled fromdisplaying, choice of the • lot at 20 per cent: off , . • Tapestry Curtains 25 pairs Tapestry Curtains in red. green and brown. good •full size, while, they last 25 per Bent off regular price Ladies' Mantles • 50 Ladies W inter Coats of Beaver Cloth, . ill black, blue, green, brown and red. all this sea- son's styles, not an olp one in the lotand we guarantee and stand behind every coat, During sale 20 per centoff regular price Children's Coats 85 Children's Coats, beaver cloth. in red. blue, green anti brawn, every coat new this eeaeQii, all sizes, 20 per cent off' reg price. • 0 Per Cent. Carpets, Ru s, ff Every Fur Article In Our Store. - Matts ` Jap Mattings% Stove Mutts: IO patterns Tapestry Carnet; . all, good ,de- signs and. colorings, 20 per cent off 10 pieces Brussels,' 20 per cent off • . 20 pieces- Wool Carpet,: one yard. wide, 20 per cent off - 10. pieces Union Carpet,. 'one yard wide, 20 per cent off Fr, i 4 'only seamless rugs,- 3x4; • Red,- Green, Fawn and Blue, 20 per cent off • ' • 8 only Tapestry Rugs, 3x31, 3x4, 8tx4. goud pattern, 20 per cent oft' • • 9 only Axminster and Velvet Matta, all new designs, 20 per cent. off 5 pieeec Jap Mattiugs all different patterns' reversible, 20'pe.t cent off • 8 above Mitts oilcloth,. 30x86, . 45x45, 72172, 20 per cent off 9 only Remranta oilcloth length run from • It up to 5 yds long., clearing at 15c a yd 15 Remnants Wool ands Tapestry.. carpets length runfrom 2 to 10 yds, worth from 25e up to 75c per yd, choice at 18e per yd 20 per cent off all Carpet Sweepers Auburn.. Mrs `George Raithby, who has been seriously.111 m the Clinton hospital is, we are glad to -report, ;on the road to recovery. over shin clover is this �h., Mr. W. Mutg M Murphy in this vicinity. • Mr. J. Lansing of Michigan is again the guest of Mr. John Raithby. The Epworth League of the Metho- dist dist church intend to give a program contest on Tuesday, Feb. 1st, in the. C.B. ace• H Temperance Hall.. • Misses P Fer- guson and M. B. Erratt are captains of the sides and each one is „doing her best to furnish an A 1 program. Don't fail to hear it as both home and out- side talent Will contribute. he Bap- tist ch at t ` willlea The pastorP pand has 9uncta fist church next, y, chosen for his subject, '"A Manifold Invitation."` Mr: Will. McVittle has enea.lai° with Mr. John Hoare• near Auburn for the remainder ` of 4E0 *inter. 3rd 1 of the Snell . Geo.. S Mr: .and Mrs Line' spent . Sunday with Dungan- �• ends Missa Ethel ist present non # i visiting:' with Clinton and Mullett Wands. Miss Mable. Straughan, . who has been spending a week with her sis- ter, Mrs. Aaron: Bennett, hes return- ed Home. • Miss Pearl Toll, who has been oil the sick list, has' again resented her duties as teacher cf scho )1 scct`.on No.. 16: Miss Alma Mutch, who hag been visiting friends Is home again. Miss .Ella Walker has returned to her home 'in Wrotham, having. spent a pleasant week with ' her cousins, Winnie and L'izz`e Snell. t;, Lenon Road. Mr George Hanley is making ready to add to ins f.trtn next season and has let the contract for the carpenter work to Mr Milani Beard of liavfield and of themavoilrq to Mr W J Elliott of Clinton . Mr and Mrs Harry Thompson of the 10th con, Goderfrh township, visited at Mr. George I:lanly's_ the pest week Miss Pearl Wise has been visiting her cousin, Miss Clara Steep of Clinton Mr and Mrs Thos �Livingstone.tif IJullettvisittittat.1! ilftam Stanbut!y's on Sunda • y t The priceit for horses are beginning o mend and a number are moving Irlr William .Falconer made aside the other day at a good figure • Varna. The Stanley•I)istt ict L 0 L held their annual meeting in the Union Hall, Varna, on Jan`llth, with a fair attend- ance. The following offioers.were duly elected for 1930: Rathwell District Master, Wm li, at Deputy Master, George Beatty Chaplain, Rev. Wm Heade, line Secretary, D 0 Galbraith.. Fin Secretary, L Beatty Treasurer. J W Reid Lecturer, Robert. McMurray d The next annual meeting ill be held. w in Varna en. the 2nd Tuesday in Jann- ary,1911 " The annual meeting . of the Royal Scarlet Chapter of Stanley District L 0 L was 'held in Varna, Jan .14th, when , the following officers were el ectc d.for the year • ' W .Cin (3, D C Galbraith . Ex C in 0, Robert McMurray Comp Chaplain. Rev Win Hinde Scribe,Edmund Elliott Treasurer, George Beatty Herald at Arms, Robb McKinley 1turer, Robt Bayley lstLe , y le. Y 2nd Lecttkrer, Ones Foster let Conductor, Wm• Pollock 2nd Conductor, Wm Rathwell inward Herald, Itobt Mc0linchey: Outward Herald, Thos Stinson . Special meetings are being continued in the Methodist bhurch by the pastor, Rev W H Taylor The members of Rey Thos Davidson's family, who have been suffering from diphtheria. are, we are glad to report. now recovering nicely , Mr Wm Bennett, who has been ill, is improving Mrs W H Taylor, who has been out. feting from a very severe cold, is now on the mend. Mr Ralph Stephenson lost a valuable horse this week Owing to the inclement weather on Tuesday. Rev W H Taylor was the only representative from Varna to the S S Institute meeting, which was held; in Bey field on that day. An excellent session is reported • Mr. Harold Rogerson gave the r sda Young people a�party last Thursday evening. Mrs Wm. #e5 is improving ng nicely.cel y The News From onde sboro On Thursday last the.aiinual meet- ing the Londes- borohe shareholders of in . of t Weigh Scales Company was held in the office of Mr: John Brunsdon. The receipts of the year ainounted to $76, and after the weighmaster s com- mission and running expenses were paid the shareholders realized 12 per theircent tninvested. The money 7 following officers were appointed for the coning year: Sec. -Treasurer, Thos Millar , .'Weighmaster; Wm Lee Rev. Dr. Medd td R of Forest render missionary services in the Methodist church Sunday last, Many responded to his earnest appal to help in• the great work of sending the gospel of light to the benighted heathen. The collections and subscriptions ainount- ed to $153. The collectors will call on hoe not havingthe privilege those vile e f lac- P 0 P. in their names' on the gg subscription list Sunday. p Misss Bina Kirk of St. Thomas is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Lyon Mr. W. Cockerline of Pilot Mound,` Man., is visiting ,relatives in 'this vi- cinity Death ofTlios Lee—After a prolong -- ea ilMes robing-edilneS of several months, Mr. Thos. 5- -a Lee, sr, east. n f thevili ag , passed peacefully away at noon, on Tuesday. Mr. Lee had reached the age of 8& years and 3 days. We had been ailing : for some time, but was stricken with gangrene in this foot which hastened his death. Heleaves a daughter, Mrs. John Brown, to . mourn • the loss of a loving father . Mr. and Mrs. C. Watson entertained' a few of their neighbors Tuesday ev- ening last - Misses. Maud and Minnie Lyon rte- coinpanied by their cot;sin, Mr.Ben Lyon of Brandon,• left Monday to visit their aunt, ' Mrs. J, Spindler. of Luck_ plow Dr. E. 0. S. MeCallum was suddenly called to his .home 'in Kingston, owing to the severe illness of hie mother: Dr. Gaudier of. Clinton is taking his :work duringabsence Mrhis •J. O. Lounsberry was the recip- lent of afine pre- sented • Heineman piano' ian . sorted to her by her parents.1) Mr. W: Grantham gave an oyster supper: toa few of his friends' last Fri- day evening. An enjoyable time was -spent by all: • AIME • YOU GOING SO 'i'L1 Oft 1 'ES'tt THIS; WINT11.": • i' to plan your letrip Now to California, Mexico, Florida, or tho ;tunny South. Consult nearest 'Grand Trunk Agent regarding low tourist . rata. , Hullett Happenings. Miss Mabel Vodden is staying with 1 Mr. Arthur Allan; foreman at Mr. her aunt in Clinton who had the mis- Cteorgo Thompson's, entertained a few fortune to break her arm. of his friends to an oyster supper Mr. Bert Nattpurchased s , new last week. - driver from Mr. Jos. Carter, Mr. .1. Ferguson delivered a fine Miss Melville of .Seaforth is visit- bunch of fat cattle to Clintoh station ing at Mr. Jas. Fairserviee. ire day last week for which he Ye- s; ��di niM I0 uoseane p1IF' 'i 111 ceiv^d a nice sum. relatives on is 8 con. Mi-. John Flynn, son of Mr, and Mr. Frank Hibbert and Mr. George Mrs. Dominick Flynn, leaves to -day Webber visited Auburn friends on to take a eour.so in file 'Assumption u a.. ;5 nd 1 e •e ndw'cli. Sunday. i�C,o 1 g , Sandwich. Miss hassle *Ewan n spent Sunday f ilii» Richard Blake is getting flit with Miss Jamieson of the 10th eon, material on the ground for the erer•- Mr. Thos. E. Manning is visiting ac- lion of a new house the coming sun ' mer. .,.. Miss Woon of Clinton is visiting her Iiens i sister lvZrs 'Wm Stop visitingthe and 0 quaintanc5es in Wingnam.- ' • We are pleased to report that tiIi Thos, Fear *Sig laid upa few Vella' Sundereoek who has been vee Mrs,. 'c days this week but we are 'glad to hear siek with pleurisy is improving ni she is able to be around again.; ly. Miss Bertha Manning Mr. Geo. Connell of Owen ;out friends• at :Auburn, is visiting Lis sisiting in this townphip.