HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-01-20, Page 4j
4. M. too New s-R"ard
N, January 20tht 1910
dftON MENUS. Coderich Township Stanleg Township Death of Robert
T I hq� Wpy Nativipis Wrools With thit Council Ckam:ber. Mr and Mrs John Armstrong of near
_On Mouftnwcickthefollow�ng 1) - to Riviera. Man, are visiting tbeic Govenlock. -Take No Chances,
LjI"AQ8$jG. _0XV $
A writer bribe NPle , Or'* tell0ii of Nov- 60114 made, jhc• AVCeSSary declaration of Warty, friends in StApiq A HURON VIONSIER,
cilice and property qualification and Mrs Jas Heid is spendfugs.6 week in Wben-yon virrorooilyfirp yonrNOW Stilt, or Overcoat ari4 STICK
pral invooK with whieb he wits con- Cilliton with Mr# 004coto wbo'. halo Witli regret wware�c4lled Upon this witb,
too!; their, heats as members r one YOU KNOW to be reliable.,
fronted %vitfoil traveling In, Ceylon. The townstip 14 1 oil been Ill week to chronicle the dj.,atb�,of Mr Rob
menu. no says, jo Au, ludlapensublo, Ad- Al iss Mamie Reid, who spent the past ertUovvulockone ot the pioneers of
Janet to iii respectable Jullebeonor din- Weve, SainutV Sturdy month wit h trie"do near Lucknow"bas 0,uron vounty He was fief" in Vqt We are offering a Black or 13.1ile Serge Stilt of a guaranteed
uer table lit Ceylon.. As, a rule, the Councillols, W. H.. Lobb, Oeorge returned borne •rickbi-idge, Hod, kicotlAnd, June 10th, cloth, mode to vour measure for OMQ.0.6
Iludi Joln Bathwed, .1. W.. rd iss Georiltia Job oson Is spendin g,a '1824
bend writes, It out and froto Wltb,Mra Chao Johr 1,,,UAt1(1cIiud al� t4eafort,h Jan 14h,
An Polic . -1 servu You, few Wepha. neon, This 10 exceptionally good value.
his elementary knowledge of 140gilob
a The minutes of la,t Bahvlon Line With lits parents be came t� Cannois
.0 `she Is wrote,, springs a "list Of meeting •-were Also A 013ecild Black Melton Overcoat made to your Ine4SUre
Ttio annual mLoeting of the Blake in the township of
for $1000 Free qualistblouders, At 1-be-aninetline his read arid approved, zongrpgatinri wits held On Saturday for *aO.00
re. XeXiflop, In 1850- when the gold lever
fertile oriental Valli is ever apt to Cclumunications were read in ],its& When the business side of the relig, was prevalent, he WkIt to .0,01forniii.
add footnotes, which are perhaps his gard to Clinton Pot ltry 811mv and Ions a tfairs was transacted. Tbeaudi- l4is advefiturouti trip wits characterized
" $ -
bapplest . the Sick Ctildren's Hospital,' but -no tors report showed a handsome stir -plus by hardship j4nd danger '.rWQL years
At one lunch there figured aniong action was take D Agelit for British A mersciso'cl
Mr A 7 Doufflas and Mr P I Orikild I&Lter he returned and Opened a gene"- C*ql"x .and Dying co, rjontro
•were Apriniated, ,nano ere to replace alatore In Raw
W ith a p6eket diary is the dishes •.,roast beer,,, but it caused Yco—Rathwell—Th4t .1. 1 liar perhav As looney wits
I'- Holme's N, r, AT Donglaq and T Johnston whose not 80 P 01) tj fat Among tne new.settlers
our New Year's greetings the hostess: some consternation when receilve, $40 as, rent for ase of hall for Let to (it office expires, mocA of the goods were-suld in exclign- 'GEO. W4 BARGE,
be discovered the additional legend municipQ es 4
0 you. purpos .—Cmiled. Mr Robert Douglas who has been a for t e fartu produce The nearest MERCHANT TAILOR- CLINTO
w very stuall letters, "roast Wet, ' YCO—LOW-4katr the. salaries ofthe buying A coirload of horaes for the rallwayatt attime wits Woodstock,
smelling a p off'cers be as O.j� West left Seafurth station wit
little," the parenthetical several townshi h them and r ovenlock teamed all his pro
note being meant to Intimate that toe lows on Wednesday. duce there And brooglit back
The diaries are worth ON11. was Accompanied by a sauce Of Clurk, $105, The roads in this part of the town- forhitisture For twelve years be ear
from 20c to 35c each and savory Odors. Treasurcr, $80, ship Are pai4ked to the hrito with snow. "ted onalw,geAnd profitable business,
Krand Airs Henry Talbot spent a In 1804 he nioved to his farm ^ short
01) another Occasion there appeared CoVjKtor,' $80. few weeks, vleiting'in b1i 4 gan and 41Wtu"ce"Orth at Senforth, L where he
an accident policy -goes totR following aq4tiowledgroput of Oe. Assessor, $60, . C 1 13
have returned engaged in general, farming Being
with each one. ovielley: "Isteak "d kidney pie; no AuC.itcrs, $10; Mr Jno Steekle sold a valuable horse alaver offjujt$ arid flowers; he also
41do r ey." Members of the council board' $2 lately for which, he received the hand- gave specigi at tention to the I caltiva,
it wits altogether delightful. eon- each for each and every day's itting sorra, sum of $2$5 Pohn keeps the best Cion of these, for which he won many
that 's going prizesattheannuatf4li. fairs In ISN 11 W .0
tinues the writer, to tind at one dinner And. the several counc;llors acting as, M r James Delgaty who teaches in he retired from, farming
and moved
our old friend Welsh rabbit aiippar, Road Conimic sioners stall., be Z111;ir
paid $25 Zurich . spent Saturday and Sunday, bacK to town
Can'adian Almanac Ing an "Welseb rnoo.tsh, The ,;nine each, with bieJamily
To those who were well Acquainted -We are showing ar big range of warm shoe
g41nIn.Q translated-harloot lijution into The f lowing perscris w, re ap- Mr J W Horner bits disposed of his with hun, Ur Govenlock requires not
for 1910. "burrygod mutton," Our own boy, he pointed to fill the following nifiec's fino farm on, the Lake Road to his the tribute that friendships hand specially suitable for the hard cold of the mid•
adds, on the oveaMot'i of a hastily hu- Ft ace '% iewers. neighbor, Mr Joshua Snider and has woud write Howas amanof Stirling -4 inter season.
since bought the 100, acre farm of :air worth Oneof "God's Noblemen"
0 prQvl.,-.Pd dinner, was enable to, aectirzt- No. I, I aac Salkeld, 4ohni Sower. t.
plish it desse(,L Corl"filuentlY he lint b3. G. LaithwaitO.- Jobn-Oallinan on the 140 cen, fiav�Tn Asa neighbor be was obliging and
for which he p4id $70M We hate 6) thoughtful -The law ofkindues� was
the word pjatess' at the end ort the No. 2, John Sturdy, W. r. Hi k, lose Ur Horner and, family but wish in his tongue" `•The
a-citizen, he wets
Jas. Yujlh him continued success in his new home progresAveand popular Asalitfolmnd Velt shoes for Ladtek�, buttoned, laced aiul gaiters*
0 0 0 P E,R'S menu. Na. 3, Hall Rutledge, Alfred NafUJ, At the recent . ineeting Of the town- and father he wasterider, loving And at prices ranging from $1.00 to $1.75,
A COSTLY TRIFLE. AIL�X. Welsh, sbipcouncil the nfTleers for the year lovable As at Christian he was earnest
BOOK STORE NTcs. 4 and (,1, Ch's. Lovett, John were opp.)j itted as follows; and exemplory He was strongly Felt slices for men, some laced, some gaiters, prices
start at $1.715. running as high as $5.00.
Clerk, J 9 Harn ill attached to the Presbyterian Church
It Brought Bankr1uptoy to an English .:Woon, Robt, Acheson, Treasurer, John wRf,'id, but was broad minded arid. Catholic
CLINTON Iron King, No. 5, Chas. Lovett, C. Wi Wili. Assessor, %V U'Stogdilll He was a regular and interested Attend. Men's work shoes, -specially suitable for farm work,
it was a commoti penoy, postage liams, T. Churebt Auditors, John Beattie and George notatt,he means of grace, and was heavy wool lining, , Will . 'allis, inrake, at $2.4(),
stamp that brought Hobart, th(t great Pound Keepers, Baird Alt will receive the sante pay faithful in visiting ttke sick He was Boys' shoes, good and stron , "The Keep You Dry
British "iron kitig.11 to his ruin, At the IN ... 1, Isaac St 1. as to with the. exception (it the !nighty inpraverand in the scriptures Kind", heavy wool lining, A lilliains make, $1.7.2).
time of the wbitwortb period, when No. 2, W. F, Hick. Apseagor whose salary has been adv Ian- 'A man foil of the Holy Ghost And of f
ccd to $70 - He does good work Faith" For children and infants the choicest Of wi�rnj shoes
there was a big crisis In the iron trade, No. 3,. Andrew cGuire. lair Reid has- 6epu Treasurer for '30 Thisgood man whom God satis'lied prices starting at.75c reaching $1.1�),
G O. Coe or.
he had ageuts'tp all pacts of the world. No. 4 P. years and for the 'Past., two or three with long lire, enjoyed his faciiiied,, on -
who kept tiltil posied. Sometime -9 they No. 5: G: Ht Ilei, years baswanfed, to resign but he Is too Impaired until enjoyed
end Among his See us. for the best In Footwear.
telegraphed news. to hint lit' cipher, 0, John Connell, good a man to. let go dying, statements were these . wordF,
bot those In Vugland were nearly al. PathmastcXA, G', Johnston, Will. &i Clerk Mr HRrnwell' is bard to 1-1 know whom I have believedland aut
ways Instructed to write. At:that 0, 13eavers-,--,TEs. Harrison, Vin. J. lq,- beat He p(.r'orms, his duties with persuadect that he is alile to Keep that' REPAIRS WHILE YOU WAIT.
fairiness and thoroughness which j h
riod his principal agent, who was also liott, Goo.' Sowerby,'Jas. Johnston, aye cornzilitted t3 him against.
his chief partner, was In. Stietheld arid Sandy Stirling,. Thos, Harriz-on, Go). Miss Mary Stincort, graduate Purse thatday". and,
wrote hint from there Warning tilin to Montgomery, Jas, (lox, -Sain 14]onmer- Of F6.rt William, is visit -Ing her ullcl��, "Jesus, I -am resting, resting
so cw Mr. Thos, Stinsonof.the Sauble Line. In'theipy of whiit,Thou. ark, EDO
W. H. Watts&. Son sell out all Iron interests for the time son, Wal!er Weston, Arthir Noak q, FR JACKSON
Nicholson and., 'sistcr, the goodness
on accoutit ot (he Whitworth trists. LeflicN Cox, Ibrne, Vantel-ii, Robt. Mr. Chester I I ato finuing out
Hobart bad trequebt tits 6-tirritaWr." -Hant y, E d. Tre-wartha, i3ettlica Miss, Maud N i-Aic Ison, returnoa '-.wne Of T by loving heart"
AlWays Reliable
have everything needed in the Ity. and he "lid' been rece(ving-a lot of.. After visiting -A ith friends In, MLh- The follow -mg sons. and daughters CLINTON
Gilgi, G.. 0.. Cooper W. Colclotigh, WeretweaerItto miniatet, to him - and'
Shoe Repairing line to execute all unstamped 'letters of, no importiltsee.on- C. Iffiddleton,. C. Cooper;,
Robt. '94"" eiv.0 his parting'bjeRlPing: Mrs.A
which he bad to pay.double POst890. Thompson, •W, Johnston, rleo. Glad, to see Af r, Allied Westlake le(
orders with neatness and prompt- One morning In. anger. 4e gav4oro' Hol-' Out again alL,(r his recent Scott 'I 'lit the'M isiP6 Jean and - Phemi 0 01
Iers land, - John Tqolr�ca, Jas. McCabe, o;beafol-Eb,33hnnf Winthrop, Vvm
Iy. & trial will convince you that such Ietters were to be returned Jos. Jeris, 'Jas. Stoddart John Von. Of 14oticlon, Mrs (Rev) Qosenii of Clinton
. to the postman. ' The eery first ul" Asbt&, Jas. Mi ler, . D. 'Wrigpint,' Jas �; F6eve Glenn spent Wednesday night' Al eSTorrance of West Hall, Alan.,
that' our material and workmara- stamped letter . received . ed after this ,alas RbLpsoti, � Andrew $ Sheppard G co: with bis friend, Mr. W. J, Stinsi5ai Atlas Aguesof Portage lit Prarie The
from his parinvii. It was rejected I . A number of the youth and . beauty youngest -son James of Vonda., SfWic'.
ship are of the best procurable Meqted i's Prcetor, Pct'" M`acdougalI'Sr;,' Har- - oid not reach home until a few hours jj
1indsay, Isv, c Jon c.f Goderich township! brO'Jgllt a Sur- after his father's death
soon as It Arrived- ry YounLr, Chas, -F�%UBSTEU, PROS,, I
Prise party one moning last wt c4 Vu
anywhere. Consequently. knoWing nothing of ts�, Harry Sleep, J. McGee, ' Geo_
the existence. of the letter or the 41 . I Sheppard, Beni Pathwcll, Ed. NA isc, the home of Mr,'Finn. Pieco. � As
important private' news It contained. Picea is- llbatOilrigll, no d6ubt sortie ;A Scott, John � Pickett, John Jen'� favorable. -improsslons Were made.
tins, .John -Council, T4. ;l[iebfiufl P# fa -
more Iron deals, Mau 'even his mighty Mr. and. Mrs. John, Aimstro. of
-John Sillith. The township Council lliet in.
We also repair Suit Cases, Sat- credit was good for. The grent Pilot. Wound,' Manitoba are at resent
Hobart pledie.io, tilroself. best day. -forTudkeramith. Township,
droPla" 'Lobb Ye6 W That George Hol- p forth laht, 'Week and dealti J -A
with tile
prices came two days inter. sho Ho- land � z!rld George.Pi Gould be Audi= the guests of their cousitist, 21P, - and aalic intment of: officers a4d.*. otber
chels and Pocket Books, and can bart, once a millionaire, was hirolved tors � Mrs. Robt.' Armistiong of h0%.60shea0.
,�—Carried. busine,,s. NOW ON1111I.M11111111111M
et .
also clean and dye the same. In a hopeless, banicroptey from *hIch RAM Lire
wt.11—Hudie 7— That John, - A;
be, never r0loiervd. I;ondoti Tele- -i6d, number of young Mr. E. F. 'AlcOregor' wds'appointed.
graph,• Thompson be assessor:—Cari people of the clerk at an
Whl� t b vicinity spent a- very. enjoyable even- annual salary'- of $150. OR solm
Yeo—Lobb-7 hat J,'. It,. y e etime past we have been plannirij; this sale with theob-
treasurer.—Carried. Ing at the -home of Mr. � :Rob,t Arni- He succeeds Mr. A. Si 86titlie who ject of making it the "Greatest Salo" Ili the history of this
Our Stand sjtrongT' cue eve ing recently.
art -
co -'Hud" e—That G -Co. - W. An- qi received $200 yearly and WhD, wj,�h store. Although 1900 has been a record year in every depart -
his father before him,, licId rho ment still we'flbd ourselves entering'1910 with
Repeat it :""Shilofi's Cure will* 'd 'be colltetor,—CarrIL d. Linity spciit a very •- enjoy0le c;en- ffi��c thousands of
rows -dollars worth of 1901) merchandise that in'
Opposite the' Post Office wayi. cute my couilig and col'i Hudl,-�-Yco-4hat John : 211iddletort, ing,itt t* home of ,Mr.. Robt. Arne for lfhe long pN:io(� 61 dli,' must not be on our
strong ho evetift' yeard; shelves, whe-h our new sprijig goods goods start to -arrive., These
r, recentl
be re-appoinVed- for three y ars to the. good§%arp spread Over every depi�ftmnt and each dip4rtment
Board'ef-Bealtil -r-Carried.- A' cha4ge wss aIsc"madc Ili the wi. ninsf furnish- its share of'.'tho money -saving at
. . i - January;
op that
Lob1JR'at1Avbl1 --..That'. By -Laws* sessorship, Mr. Witliam, ^ChQsney, site- abaft yon here during the balance of. 3 anit�ary-
CC i numbers 1, '2 * and 9.now r�sjzAd -- be Leadbury,,, ceceing i1lr, :J, G. flitm.mell wlio was
pass;d' No.. I - fixing . s ilart, paid ninct-� dol Ladies :Mantles (aboub• tw6 dozen travellers sample
Cs If rs fc.r tlie work coats) all high grade coats and worth in the regular 0
to*nslip bificers, No: 2 appoiniing ("t- .(Intended 'for last Issue.), wl ich Mr. (h,s-,ey*1sto. ,.3o for sev.- Way from $8.50 to $15,00. Choice of the lob
Couch -o
0 flurs -a�urcr* and enty dollars.. Mr. Chesney. -eedca
and . No.. 3 for tr( Ji L .611droWs Jackets -worth from $4.50.to $0.00. Choice. of 0
n y Miss , CMra lWilson. and -%%�s E'va� and, -akoo succeeds'' Mr. Gemmel and 0
0(ve le I
collect -
V Batit
r to torrow-'� ino 0 !i6,11 the McC - fitcheon have* been atound the lot 2116
Fk. : � � - .1
STAPLE AND FANCY. DRY. GOODS Ing money in Aid: of the Upper Can 'I't petition -wat§'-presentcd asking for
A etiti,r n sig,zie bys,A -numbor 0 of mAntles -at wh
d oda Eib'e&elety and have dow, %Ml has had several years� experi�vie.- Balance of our reg., stock olesale prices.
ratepaye-is in ..regard to ..a rail -fence
.1ntoqzlr.'. (nod Miss Mary. the'. Aissolution: cf -Hanna?s 80fiobi 0
MILLINERY FURS cilu.�izg the road rbith ' ot- the' Mm,, Me -which . Women's Felt Boots I good -value at $1.35,* sp6cial for. San-
--MANTLE. cut section, 'west of L-`gffiOn _I 0
(on. is' I I'd
1111A On 6e th� becorno,'_ M,_ Smith), of Rc gini ting, I,ci 'par;- 0 uarT sale
.tints re. I- -1,r to was organized -.about twenty )-cais .0
passable,and urs fe, to traffic' (yr, ac- lit, .',lic.i.tends r6toriii
Balance of onr ken's hind Boys' Overcoats, Furs, Ladies"' ID
Ge west towards the felose of next ago. , Thii sel-mls were rift 1 , lien 0
count of Snow, was.prcswitpd.- tomont• properly placed and Hanna's *has been (11 Waists . and6kirts, Rubbers, etc. at nianufzwt i
council, gradua Iy delreasing In -school poDula- prices.
�Rathwell_-Veb-m-Tha�t the 'reeve wait' . Messrs. James and 4i
well . 1 -ave .-returned fzoni Aflierta. tion. Fc.r the past. - five years the
on, Chas. Jervis and try, to make, some 'wilcit-thety have a, share in- 'i, large Don't buy before Inspecting our stock.
number (A (fleg.ible-clftildren' -1n,*. the
ig arrangement in regard to . said !vnev. fail vection has �eol- '1,(ss than lour so
B I tchd gbl!lg hw".i hi, the Is
li� They 1.11
Carly, Splp�g no teacher wzs aigag6d virl(l it I-, Sma . II.Pro I fits and More Business.
'Lobb—Truth,—Thai the fOl'O-%1':-19 We are l'-foirmcd: that A -r. V�,r,,. now aMcod ibat bet 'djvtle(l 41111011g.
Mounts to -paid- rfi(. noun- 0-4 1 ft"9 .
E'Veti: exrerses Morrison Sr., has. sold his farm to tht surrounding sectiohs...
P. Rundle, uraw-1 T9 VC -his neighbor,: James Moirlson. The Pil'Will. deal vVith tbe� attcr.fts-soon
Dress Goods place consists of -100 acres and a,� their rew clerk farrFial'i/es ..bimerr
W. Andrews, 4aii'onery and t lie. self. with. !its duties. . 'Vlh�s Matid
.rOs price dgr6ed, on Is $5,300,
I Age 11.15.. •
The next ihontilly meeting: of tine' Wiltse was the last tcacner )L Han -
I of
Hund inal W6 11 0 critics Ladies' Aid of Bet , 1�el will be *held at na's.
Munivi'al Wcrll clection �.'�up:Fes ithi! , ; .
home of Mr... and'Mrs. Boyd on The council fice the precutear .s
Bargains, G. Tebbutf, Thursday, lie-- tw composed as follows
is stit(lrents
$145.—Carried. Reeve, Robert Mackay;.
• Yec—Lobb—That wo now adjourn toCouncillors,. I -Tolbert . Crich, Bell,
ltec-t the 11r8t, Monday in. Febroary at, J. F. Mackay and Win. Bervy.
Inn *1,80 Olcllool']_014 . . Seaforth
par a of Dress Goods, in plain and fancyI
cloths, suitable for suits and dresses, ill all the staple
N. W; Trowattha, Qerk.
shades, navy, green and brown. We are .anxious to
clear this lot out before stocktaking' andall must go
Bku cefleld.
at one price. Regular pr!ce of these goodsc
75c, 80c and 90c, for Saturday bargains. *5 2.
The annus! nstituto
meeting held 'olfage
was in our on
Monday last when a large number cf
farmers and others gathered together
W001 Blankets to Clear at 115.
to receive instrueltion, regarding tile
more - modern. ways. of firming which$
without -
a doubt is, i)ne'cf the mor.,t
profitable and indopendant industri-
is th6 time to buy Wool Blankets, j tact wbee'
es Ili Canada, to -day. 'rile ,addresses
delivered by Messrs. Anson Grob,
they are most needed and the 'price will Stilt you as
Preston, and. . R. W Oridrsofi of
well as the quality. They are nice clean blankets
hawa were ,,inch appreeitited by all'14
large size and would be good value at 3.751 for Saturm'
day selling $3.15.
Attendance, The one great thing
which is lacking at the evenlngmie6:
of the Farmers institute is the
inuEecal program, as the latter has a
Linen Towels 49c Pair
great tendency towards drawing a
larger crowd, and many who.would be
in attendance it i•muhical
were givtn would 4t, 9,11 Orob-
abililly too ivo many, valuable, aill use -
These are extra good value, puie linen) hemstitch-
ful Instruct Ions along other lines, As
ed edge, large size, regular 75c a pair, '
. now 49c, pair.
Coats at $4.90
Ladies' and Misses Coats; thtee-quartor 'length,
neatly trimmed, colors, black, brown, navyZand green,
just twelve costa, regular price $9 -and $10 for $4.90
!Higher priced C6at4iat5,.14WtPrI6d.
kalietion Sale Regililtoi,
Saturday, Jan. 22nd, at lot 6, L
R. S., Tile. orsmith, ad-cin*ng lfbioali
farm.farm stock -anti impletnents.M
,las, B, And Martha McArthuf, exec,!_
tors ; I hos. Brown, auctioneer,
P00tkuge it becomes a chronic. eon-
dition that veigesi closely on eon-
,slituptift.. .!'Oatarrhozonell W ."the
pinost pleasant, Simplot 4.114 certain
ture, Try Catarrhozone.
SPLI, MAL opft' ill
Solid $2.00 for the London Daily
Advertiser for 14 montlig' In advance.
Thla offer inust, be accepted More
January 1st, 1010.
... . ........ .......
Miss A Tyrenian Spent a few dAys in
Londesh6ro Attending the %i edding of
-a friend.
Mr'Chas Layton made A bosiness trip
to London and Stratford this week
hlr,� Jno Pennington of 41herta who
was called home on account of the ill -
res" of her mother, Mrs Perdue of
Clinton Visited her sister, Mrs Ino
bodswortb over Sunday - . ..
�, The many friends of Alm. Sydney
lohins Will he pleased to hear she is re -
coveting from A, severs attack of
plen't Ii -y
' Mrffesq-spent a few days at his-
home'in. Palmethton the past week
Miss Be.Atfice and Me Chas Walkey
returned to Palmer,, ton Thursday -last
after Fpendinga, plettaanb.week with
fd6nd-, bore
: Mr M *Pigeon of Stratford was in
town on Tuesday
De Fisherspenio Sunday with Palm-
erston friends
A sleigh load of our young folks
droveto'the home of Bit John Scott,
Roxilojo, spending a very pleasant
evening. Olt- their way home they
were in sore distress finding themselves
in It snow bank sortie distance. from .
(Inte"nded for list lisbi.e,)
The Misses Morrison - gave ao
feigl it 9 Party - on- Monday eve, -Ing,
I largo 61hbtr ftorn. here drove ov-
er to Winthrop to'attend a lowl sup:
pot, (n Montlay, eN enit g.
Ifiss Frahols Roberts, has charge rf
Miss 0ovenlock's room' in the Public
school. Miss 'Govenlock having, to rL-
jlloin holne through the illness of her
father, TUr. Rob in Goverlocir.
-, Mrs. it. S. Hays orktert,�Jklod 0,
number of her friend-, t4 a six :�Zlot
Wk. 04 Wednesday mining,
A number of youifg-lolks Went to
Vh*nton 60 Thuft&Y eVoftlhg of, Imit
'g"* "Pent it fevi hotirs P% :he
rink those.
i, r , crp;-
11117 the
.man Pima. in., , ilom`e 'it W6.
Smillie ,niillia on the Londch W)aj last
. Rev. N. Shaw of r, gtvionilvill.) 4nd
IteV. V: It. Larkin es0clianged pulrifs
dn' Sunday evening.
obstinate Indigestion Can, Be
Cured by a Fait Use of Dr.
Wildams' Pink Pills.
No trouble causes more widespread COME EARLY
stifferingand discomfort than indiges-
tion, The Ailment takes various
forms. Some Victims are ravenous,
for foodothers. turn sick And � faint
at the eight of meals : but as a rule
every meet Is followed by, -intense We are this tuotith offering'
gpaces in the chest, heartburn4 sick
eadachei-. dizziness and shortnass of
breath. Indigestion assumean ch.
stiassumesorM because Ordinary medi.
cine only subdue its smptoms—but
do not sure. So-calledpredigested
foods only nikkc the digested more
sluggish, And ultimately make the
trouble take a chronic roan.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure Indi-
gestion because they go right to the
root of the trouble. They make new
rich blood that invigorates weakened
organs, thus strengthening the diges-
tive aysteou so that the stomach does
ita,own work. That is the Dr. WII�
lianas' way -;the rational 'way— to
care Indigestion and the ailments
that arise from It. This'has bitch prov
ed time after tima in the published
cures 'wrotightby Dr. Williams, Pink
Pills.Miss ' Blanche Wallis, Dart-
mouth, N S., oays:—"I suffered greAb•
ly with mr � "Fad and stomach and
often took amling spells, I could not
eatadnanythlb 0 my, stomach and
while I "a urafl$, craved food I really
*'ded.i.j Aft, 'Witti:
kv, hild, th#- pain and
discomfort tbht-, followed.. I tried .lx
number of remedies but got no relief.
MY, Mothtrwah-u6lng Dr.-, Williams'
Pink Pills w• the time with so much
hk%nefit that abo Induced : ine t6 try,
them, Tne resalb was that soon. the'
1votible pasW awh.*,,and I havoc hinett
19oyed the best of health.,'
e. Willhimoe Pink Pills are sold by
ill medieW6 deideirs or will he sent
by InAll at 50 cents & box or six boxt a
`ow $9.50 by writing The, Dr. Williams'
substantial reductions in House
Furnishing Goods:, Come early
and secure some of the bargains,