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The Clinton News-Record, 1910-01-06, Page 1
The Clinton News -Record. .filth l enr Ct_I^1ION, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, iA"1UAk1 ottl. 19139. Whole Number 1611 Try a Subscription to The News -Record. It will do thee good. (/„ ' .,,1 11 ant a Put N 441 Itt�nt 1,t l • W. X. Ye11icir 1111,.,,, 1 YOUR SAVINGS , I. • I t• k. T'e ROYAL BANK of CANADA Clinton Branch. R. E. MANNING, Manager The MOLSONS BANK 15 11)1(1'1111.\ "1' 1.11 I I ti'J Capital Paid up - $3,500,000 Re.t Fund - $3,500,000 Has 73 Branches in Canada rtn.1 :11,4vnta and l'or•t•,••.pond4.nls to all the la lnt'ipi l I ilii)•• III IIt4. wur111, A GFNERAI, BANKING PUSiNESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Al :\I,I, lilt.\NI:111:-. Interest allowed at highest Current :late. Clinton Branch - C. F. Dowding, Manager READYMADE CLOTHINC pp�T ORDERED MOrrlsh Crooks CLOTHING •I • • • (1 • •Jan.lSth, • • • I910 • • • •• • • • ..,,, „ c close our hooky on .Itt11tiary 15th, \\ e \voti1(1 ate- A 0 predate a settlement of our A actou111. 1)11 or before that • (late. 0 l i A ,,,‘ Square i)eal for I:\ ern Mari.- MORRISH & CROOKS 111 k'O\•-' 1 \11'(11 I l I ()I 1111- k'� Succc+sors to Iloclgons lSrt1' Clothing Store \ 11,1 . ... .'\ 11 1' Till' 111(`1 cVt\('1:i1, I'1,. li•'c . \',,... til' 1t t 1..1 1 1:t11.• c.tL1 !., 1 ., t.)1Lun .if I.trk of , n. oui - 111 Ir.011 the 1.11'1.11'; 1'11 the . ,•1 111-11 ) .,1111.1 1.. 1.11 .\t•tc Yea t't9 \1 h. !h•• 1o1111 hall 11';15 11t1.1- a!it ',111:11111 i1,4111 'I.•o:'; in •,I;u'c ;t r,•, 11 hall I"•111 1:1.111. 11.•1.'11 ih'• IOW! .1,111.! ,141 I.1, 111.• 1.1.1 1,11 111.111• 14; 1.1• I1 111.1!k.. ,.1.' . "11.!1.•.1 ,ttt:ty 1111. ,. h, t:,. ••1.11 11.1:1. , 1!, 1Lr t..'. Land, '!. 'i't ,I:. 11,111 .. plain •! i!. 11'.1 1.. •I.. . i.f,.. ,.. 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',1 1,tt 111,' '1111 'I I • 1' • I.il'll.l "1 \I 111,, 1 ...Id', 1 ,.,.it• . .t!.. i;.t . „•,••1 1'.,• 1...1.t1•tt .,: I.,, u. 1.•.';11!,,'•1 .1 1111!1111''' ..I '•1 111'1:,1:, .11? :1,. •, 1 1•.1 ..1. 1 111,' 1.1,11 111,1 \It•: ' •4 11.1 . 1 .111.1 .tt'.'.i. 1 t\. 11 , I 11: and \II . 1, I' 1!• I a•'.:•,,1, : 111: , .111 \' 1 I.t . . .., I• '11...1 11,,i,,,: •1 \1, • It, ' .,:..11. it 1 \I... .. h• I. 11: I;..i.' \I:'i . 11. \I' 11 11 t .1 kk About People You Know. tt ' I' 1.4. .1.. 1! li. ! a „ • t\ 11 !.r• : , 11 .t .1 I i 1 1 Olt • 1 1 \i' I!a l.• R .111 . 11,•,:. 1• .�, . .11 1., n0tt1' '.1.l 1111,1 ,l :' \\ 1111111 ,•„ .1l,(!; , 1:.. 1,1111.•1111 1.1. i'1 ,I \i I! 1„ •!. .1111 '111: ! 1 1 • .11 \!. \ _t.. 11.1'••'111 I.•"1111 if 1 , 111.1 I. 11.1.'11'1/ ht :111111,1.11•• ,i. .1,1, ,11,'1 t1.t, ,0'11111111.11114.1 1.4 1..,, r '1 1,1 111". 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Ior •e\,•1,1; Month, Ili: . .1111 11 ,' 1.11 • .I:.• ¢]ad 1.1 ha', •• him ., '.1 n .11 .1 1'0 Ituu 11.0 in'� . 11' 11 11: 11 -11,1•::1 , ;I \,•.1,•111.11' f.1, I„ t„• .1 .,111 St' 111 tele• •',I .t I'ti.'. .11.11 1.11:11,1% 111/1:.. 1't .4 • h of t hr . 1I.' ha. i'.'t•n Iltit • ..•.1 sadot • f ,! r 1'.11t1v rly-ItCs ,11:11 and 11111 h1. mu: 11 1111s.e I in that au,l olh. i • It. , • 11” 1 1 \I.',.111•,'1 !01'1111.1 onia Ia'. 1 • 111 .1 \ 1' 1 • i1 •,1 4411',• tiii 1111nt 11 ,t1 111 • 11 1,, ,I d 1v 1110 \1 . (;""don \11-\a11d1.1 i. 111 ' t '1'.14.1111.4 ' \ 11 tt ,. :111'.11,1'•1 111111/. 1'Ip 111'1.; 11,1 \it kr.1 \11 , \1• \ o,i r* 111'.•11 T(1111:nt; 44 t' "L0.1 1 •'1 .•t ink 111: ,11 t 1t' lady s p.tl'- '.tl 1'.11111, 1"•014n'r of 11t and 111. 11 1111.1111 11 11 all,. Ieatr• 101144\• :•,I I;a11'111.,11 1+11.'1.• 1III'y \1, 114 :nal„' Ir'1t 111111,1 f01 1110 111 0.,4.111 . \I! 11 III I ..1t l• •'111 '•f \ 111 11111.1, 11,10,..1.1 101,, 11.1: hr. n \tstting he 1', 111 ill Ill( 1 1 I.1.. 111 11\ .,n 1101111,11' 1'\ • •uupant•'.I 1't ht ht; (,4111 • 11' 11 I•'..1t'I.`on of liavh4.111 \I 11•.1:1 11''tt',I.,c. 1''I111,1.1 of ih.• I.:,:,.11 1of 4.ri.t1,, 11111 t1ho Ila • 1„ • 11 1. ..I n,•, ,'I \l 111111 per f." on . 1 • Li-, h•' 11 Appoint oil 411,11)111441 1 '.1 • 1 41.' al 11.,1 ()let 11' .1i. I \i: 1 111; ti; •.i Y' i•1.11' I. •! • \ ih,.' :.t :Ilei •n ('1111', 11 Ii1.1 11.111. 1)0,11 '1. I . . 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