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20 Ladies Coats at Big. Reduttoti,
Friday and Sa,turclay9we are putting on sale Twenty LadiesTop Coats made of good quality Ben;40,
Cheviot and Fancy Tweeds. Colors, black, blue, brown and grey. Full length, warm weight and good
style. Regular $10, $12 and $15 value. For quick selling Friday and Sa„turday your choice for
is Chilciren's Winter Coats at Half Price .•
For quick selling Friday and Saturday we are laying out fifteen Children's Coats, sizes 5 to 12 years,
made of good quality Beavers and Tweeds, trimmed with buttons and fancy braids, full Length and good
styles. Regular $5 up to SS 50, Friday and Saturday your choice at exactly .„ . RALF PittLE
Special in PresGe(ids f0Saturda
About 300 yards Fancy Dress Goods in blue, brown, green, westeria, old rose, red, in Serges, Panarnas,
Broadcloths and Fancy Tweeds. ALL PURE WOOL, made of long, twisted yarn.and will give splendid .
wear. Regular 50c and 60c per yard, Saturday price will be,... .. .... „.... • alk
$5 and $ Hats for 3.
In the Millinery Department we have laid out a number of. Ladies' Rats, beautiftilly made and
trimmed, for quick selling. Remember this is oua first season and we have no old styles to make net a
sale. Every Hat is new this season.. Come early for these therwon't last long. Reg $5 and $6 for 3.05
'TAILORING T s ' • " that n A CLASS
There i a style and fit about our Tailori g p ts 't i - Y
ITSELF. We are putting on sale twelve suit ends•of'Worsteds and Tweeds .
all good patterns, browns, greys and blues. Regular $20 and $22, Made up with good linings, Fit•and
workmansnip guaranteed, for .. . . ... .. — . 416.50
DR, OVENS, London, Surgeon, oco.
list, Specialist. will be at W. 8. R.
Holines' Drug store, on Tuesday, Dec,
Oth &lasses property Pit ted. cleanest,.
catarrh and Muting eyesight treated.
All day.
A meeting will be held in the
Town Hall, Goderich on Saturday,
November 28th at 2 o'clock p. m.,
for the purpose of discussing the
advisability of sending delegates i
to Ottawa to loin the deputations
of farmers from other parts of Can
ada to urge upon the Government j
the views of the farmers of Canada
in respect to the tariff and reci-
procity with the United States. ,
This is a meeting of farmers, and I
the meeting will be Open for the I
free expression of opinion by any
farmer of the riding. Every far 1
mer is invited to attend. God save
the King.
e.- Vete5ft e 44.1,41:er,1,4 ,ter.tX., 6:10 -kr %, W 1 •
Of alt headaches are the result!,
of Eye Strain. If yoa are troubled
that way make it a:point to donsult
S. L. 'Taube at Counter% jewelry
store. Clinton, on. Thursday, Dec
Sth. - j
Last Sunday afternoon the body 'of
of Irene Johnson, aged 6, years, 3
months and 21 days, was buried in
the Clinton. Cemetery, The little
girl had died at the home of her
unele, Mr. John Moore, at Hensel'
after being ill only- three days, The
cause of her death was bronchial
pneumonia, The body was brought
to Clinton on Friday, to the home
of her uncle, Mr. -.Robert Sweet,
Mill Street,. from 'whose residence
the funeral was held. Rev. Dr.
Stewart. conducted the services.
Friends front a distance. were Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel SIveet and Miss 8,
Sweet of Exeter. Mr. Moore Wishes
to thank all the friends for their
kind sympathy, .
The junior League of Wesley
Margit •
.the hockey spirit is in the air
once more. .The 'annual Meeting
was held in the Pastime Club rooms
last Friday evening and a good
crowd of enthusiasts were.there.
W. Johnston was in the chair and
it was decided to enter two teams
in 'the 0. R. A,. if suitable dis-
*Letts ecoid be arranged for 'in the
junior and Intermediate series,
The officers chosen Were:
Managei', Jas. Doherty*
Seeretary, Mr. MeClure.
ComMittee, Messrs. McIntyre, A:
Clarkson and R Ruraball e
malmossimmiummiongammemesummuseimmums The captain will be chosen after
the players will get .on.the
' A 'committee teas appointed to
Make a canvas of the town so that
funds can be got to buy new uni-
, forms, the colors to be white with
Our Specials
For Now and all next week will be
Stoves and Ranges
A PREMIUM will be given to rvery purchaser of
a Range or Heater this week or next, The Premiums
will be displayed in our south window, and the purchas-
er of the stove can take their choke.
We have a nice lot of Second-hand Stoves mid' the
premiums apply to them also.
- -
Get a Fuel Saver -6 and inch with pipe cornplete ouly $t. Claimed to save from 20 to 25 per cent
of fuel.
Agents for Dr. IlesS Stock Food. Por horks—
It increases the appetite and improves the digestion, it
cures epizooty, coughs, distemper and all blood disor-
ders, and produces a fine smooth glossy coat and is a
wonderful flesh producer. For Poultry—Panaceo is an
evcellent tonic and egg producer,
Harland Bros.
STOVES ASH liiikleDIVAlit.
Church held a successful Bazaar
on -Tuesday evening which netted
a /dee sunt for their Missionary
fund. Tea -was served ab 6 o'elock
at whieh many Were present. The
booths attracted many, .
1 Our policemen made an arrest of
%tramp begar Saturday night
and he was rgiven a night's lodging
free. • • . •
. Order your Nee/ Era Christmas
•numbers for ybur distant friends
to -day. 'In all probability the ed-
itiOu Will be exhausted before the
day of publication -15th Decem-
ber ,
-Looks as if Indian Suramer had
really come in Oetober.
• Guelph Winter Pair in two weeks.
, Our beautiful Christmas number
• Wrapped, ready for mailittg, for
• 10 cents,
j„ Balanee of the .year free to new
' subscribers paying in advance for
EVideecee of al on g and cold Win -
•ter are reported by farmers who
see pasture on all sides preparing
i for 'the rigors of Jack Prost and
1 the cold north wind. Wild ducks
are changing their feathers, etood-
chueks aro Making their nests dee-
per lii the grotnid, and ?sqnirrels
are hoarding twia
ee the mount of
food kV other years, There Is also
a thick tovering on corn, while
animals are sporting a heavy coat -
1n g of fur.
We give in Ole home of the New
• Era an excellent tveriteup of Wire-
nipeg by hire M. A. Ames of the
Boivreanvine statesman of last
Week. It is Well worth perusing
• • ."`—'.'"---••••
• •
blue trimmings. .
'Providing the age limit is left at
20 -years Clinton can get together.
• a strong Junior team; ,
It was always decided to'havea
town league composed of the C..C.L•
Doberty's Factory Pastime Club
and the Bankers. : • .
The officers elected were:
President., Principal TreleaVen. '
Viee-Pres,, E, Dowding. '
•Sceretaay,...T. Leslie Kerr.
CoMmittee, C. 'Copp, R. Beast, A.
Clarkson and R. Emnball.
Manager tales of the. Rink is
putting up a. cup for the 'winners.
• Seaforth is entering a junioiteara
In the Q.11. A. -this, year and have
also elected their offieers.
and shows in a concise and yet coM
• prehensive manner the enormous
growth of the city. •
• Only 26 shopping days and then
Christmas. Shop early.
In a recent. interview, speakifig
of the Canadian Soldiers in South
Africa, Mr. -Villiers referred to
them as et fine speeimari of mart-
. hood, eturd y and strong, and as
brave aa any man Who shouldered
musket." 'I rernernber," he said
'One night in particular, While I
The special Christmas Number of
The New Era will be highly attrac-
tive and appropriate to the festive'
en.hristtnas Number this year
will be issued • With bur regular
weekly edition, on Thursday 15th
December. A copy 'will be sent
gratuitously to all present subscri-
bers and to ell new subscribers re-
v -ea evIdIe-the edition lasts. Ex.
tra copies will be sold at ten cents
each, wrapped ready or mailing.
Iready a number who have friends
itt the -old land are ordering copies
to be sent forward to reach the
)-tome friends before Christmas.
The contents of this splendid hol-
iday number must be seen to be
fully appreciated. The first page
ea devoted, to a three -.color photo-
engraving entitled " Christmas
',Morning" and is a charming pres-
entatlon of the -joys of that happy
"date On the Second page there is
a series of engravings which are re-
plicas of famous -painthigs of scrip-
tural scenes, With Chriatmas ecli-
'torial matter. The third and
fourth pages have a numbeeof the
very finest mountain views in the
Canadian Rockies with delightful
descriptive matter by Rev, G. R. B.
girtney, who succeeded by intrepid
effort in scelina the famous Robson
Moluitain to the suntrait, an eleva-
tion of about 13,000 feet. Follow-
ionfgaleyeoguettruilebeocyoslocroendt aeundgreahvriniagt-•s
peas scenes.. Then follows a highly
enjoyable Christmas story entitled
"Lowrie's Good -will." A full page
IS devoted to noted Cathedrals of
England. Excellent engravings of
Canterbury, My, Worcester, Lithe
Exeter, Peterborough, Yoilt,
salisbury, Lincoln, and Carlisle are
shown. Som'e r an of 'these his-
toric 'edifices have no doubt been
visited 'by a number of our readers.
A. page Is given to portraits of lit-
twieuobrarigarp-efaarcetdo Cbari
derianosr,inagll thoef
Christmas spirit. As a Whole the
forthcoming *number will surpass
may previous Christmas edition
which has been sent out by the New
Orders for extra 'copies should be
handed in at once.
was with the Royal Canadian In-
fantry during the Boer War, a
night march, which was started at
nine o'clock at night and did not
halt 'until six o'clock the next morn
Jug: This was at Sunnyside Kopps
and every moment of that march
we expected to be Set upon by
the enemy, But the Canadiane did
• not Mild.), although they knew
that if the Boers occupied the hills -
they would be wiped out of exist-
ence. The -Canadians came through
the march in better condition than'
.any regiment 1 have ever seen."
This is a high tribute from' a man
who has been through every
portant campaign from the Ser-
vian. Wet 'to the recent fighting in
Morocco. Mr. Villiers' Talk on
•Friday evening Noveinber 25th at
the Town Hall Clinton will be bril-
liantly illustrated by 120 pictures of
pencil and camera on the field of
batt1C. Mr. Villiers appears in
connection With the Collegiate
Commencement Exercises and the
interest aroused by his visit to
Clinton should ensure a •crowded --
house, Plan of Rall at Pair's, Ad-
mission 25c and 36e.
Thos Skelton, a former Morrisite•
Will be sent to the House of Refuge
Clinton, as he has suffered from -a.
•stroke that has shorn hini of . •his
intmory, (although otherwise cam-.
paratively well for a Man • of his
sdraucc.sd years„).and is idetermin-
•ed t� wander aWay.frora home.
Inspectors and Proineetters are
now flocking into the above reg-
ions and the splendid reports of
new silver finds. at Getwgancla and
Gold at Poreupine indicate that be-
fore long there Will be a rapid ex-
pansion in Yaides and that those
who now embrace the opportunity
of getting 'in will be richly re -
Warded.. The 8.30 p. m. . Grand
Trtink "Cobalt Special" leaves
Toronto .dally. Pull particulars
and tickets from 0 -rand Trunk Ag-
ents, or address e. D. McDonald,
District PassengeleAgent, Toronto,
Last Saturday afternoon a score
or more of farmers aesembled
the Council Chamber Brussels, to
disduss the question of rethietions
in the -tariff and sending a deputa-
tion to Ottawa in December to wait
on the Government to press for
the rbductions -closely related to
the faruthig • community. P. A.
MeA.rthur wee called to the ajar
and W. 11,. Fraser eras appointed
Short addresses Were giveit by T.
MeMill an, Jas. Bowman, Alex.
$eWart, A. HisloP, Jas, Meradzean;
P. A. McArthur, Welt. 'rase, Ed.
Pulton and W. el. Kerr on various
phases of the trade question.
Following revolution was carri-
ed Moved by Thos. lefeMillan,
conded by Edward Fulton, That
this meeting having met for the'
special purpose of Considering 'the
bearing of the Customs Tariff of
the country as it effects farmers
particularly and the large body of
consumers generally are extremely
desirous that substaetiall reduce
teons be made in those •lines 'of
goods. And in 'ieof the favor-
able approaches already made
hrough President Taft and the
Ameriean Government looking te.4
wards more favorable trade rela-
dons between Canada and the 'Unit -
d States ere eoesicler that the
Canadian Government, While not
sacrificing the best interests of
he Canadian people, should bend
their best energies towards secur-
ing a favorable reciprocal trade
arrangement, whereby Canadian
may have freer access to. the great
eonsuming markets of the Ameri-
van Republic,
In View of the atteedarice not be-
ing as large. as was hoped for no
tion was taken in appointing del-
egates by the Meeting, but another
meeting will be held n the Town
4Iitahlhatler2uosstoellosei,ortn Saturday, Dee,
to further dis-
desleLgtahtetotatter and arrange for a
St. Pauls Chnreh Bazaar today
in the town hall •
. ehristmas
..• Greeting eai'ds
We have ready a sample- book containing a
selectiondistinctive for their .beauty and refinement
supplied in -quantitiesof twelve and upwards with
your name and address neatly printed in'each. .
The Montreal Standard
The Toronto Globe
Please let us have your order early. •Most
3,ears the demand exceeds the supply, and this
yearlhe publishers promise rriti:h. •
ThelAto D. FairCo.
Often the- eheapest.4-2Itways the Best
006111.00.1104.00011109111101111001111.000 1
I It
: 1
4. e
: Of tee Central Business College
• of Toronto contains some special i
guarantees of very great inter-
wit to students who desire to at• i
• Fend a first clam reliable 801001. 0
: You are invited to write for it. •
• Address •
• W. 11. SHAW, rresident
• 295 Yonge: St., Toron o *a ,
49 lee
0111$0011•001040,' 'Isoteiolinatelliat
County Council Will Inieet in Gode
rich on Tuesday, Dec. Oth at 2 re- •
clock for their December session.
Among the first 1911 calendars to
enter ye editor's sanctum is that of
the Northern Navigation Company,
. top half of which shows one of the'
companyM fleet of steamers. •
. The Women's Association of Wil-
lie 'Church held a Congregational
Supper in the Lecture Room last
Friday evening. eupper Was .serv-
ectlefro reeled fepastale- untileight-02,
clock after which, several interest-
ing addressee. were delivered, Dr.
Stewart took the chair and opened
the program with 'a short address
in which he introduced Mr. Cate-
eron, of Lecknow, 'who spoke in an
entertaining manner on the oppor-
tunities: for' the extension of
church labor. After this Mr.
Scott spoke a few words on the
same subject. During the evening
Mr. Austin CanipbeIl sang two
solos, .
.Those Who have called into -the
blew Era effice ,a,ee indeed 'pledged
with our new Christmas number aud
"Many advertisers have already :sel
ceted space. NOW is • the time to
get YOURS before alethe good
space is taken up. Most advertie
ers will: be taking extra space, why
not 'use your extra space in this
number.. Our prices are reasonable
and it well be read by everyone lu
the 'family. Call and see us now. •
This college is recognized as 'the great
Practical training school of "Western Ont,
It is the lamed as well as the best, Our
• COLUSeEl are practical. our teachers experi-
enced instructors, our gradvates succeed.
Three departments. C 0 Ii ti hi 1101 A L,
StI0ItTliA/4 I) and eeeneee-
P 11Y. We have scores of applications we
eannor, meet. Calls °tiering 915. $55 and
$50 Per month are retraining unfilled. bot
our free catalogue and commence your
course at once-•
D. A. McLachlin
Messrs. Cook and Sweet are hav
jug their open air rink levelled and
fixed up by Messre, B. Oree and W.
Steep and expel to give their
patrons the best of service this Hee-
son, .
The parlor concert announced to
be held 'dile Friday evening at W.
Doherty,s has been postpuned..
• Chrietmasils drawing near. It
seems monotonous to say that the
time for Christmas shoppingis daily
becoming less. There are but 26
business days. If you do ybur buy
ing in 'the next seven of these days
you will,halre a Much better variet'y'
to choose from, much less crowd-
ing to contend with., and in every
way receive a better service than
if you postponed till the lasiseven.
Friday, Dec. 2ncl—Auction Sale of
farm stock and implements at 1,00
o'clock, at lot 21 London Road
Tuekersmith, 1 1-4 miles north of
Kippen, le and E Cudnaore, Props.
•T Brown And
26 grade Durham cow's all young
and in good: condition.. 2 to fresh- -
en' in D.epereber. . At Brucefield at
1 o'clock en Thursday. No v, 24.- All
ao WS guaranteed. See bills Geo.
Holland, Prop., T. Brown, Auc. •
111COM &.• S1011.:
Having bought the Gro-
• cery and China Business 'of
B. A. IVEcEvven we are in a
position to give you good
We purpose .carrrying a,11
lines kept here formerly.
. •
• Thanking those who fav-
ored us with their patronage
of the past. and ask for a
continuance, and will assure
all who- trade with us will
receive the best values arid
attention possible for us to
• ÷
In anticipating your requirements for cold
• weather we have made liberal provision for your
comfort, in heavy rubbergoods we are sole agents
for the celebrated Kant. Krack goods, these are
guaranteed not to crack and cost no more than
others. Granby Rubbers and Overshoes wear
like iron, we are sole agents. Williams warm
3:kt, lined shoes are the biggest success in leather
Williams patent Leggings are the farmers de.
I,ig4 we are,showing- a- big range of stylas, at
$1,25 up to $2.00. •
Mens, Womens and Childrens Felt Shoes
and Slippers ir)f• all kinds. •
See our Children" Corduroy Leggings at 85e
Repairs While You Wait.