HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-11-24, Page 10SUN�AtHCHOOL. Lesson It--Fotorth Quarter, For Nov. 27,1:910, THE INTERNATiONAL SERIES, Text of the Lesson, Matt. ,xxvl, 57.6$. Memory Yams, 64 -Golden Text,. Pet, tt, 23 --Commentary Prepared by Rev. i?. M. Stearns. A great awe should be upon us as .we read or write or thin,;: upon: these things. Behold the Son of God yield- ing Himself for our sakes to sinful men. See the hatred of men to God anti the proof that the carnal mind is enmity against God. As they came to take Him in the garden ..Ile went to meet them, saying, "Whom seek ye?" To their reply "Jesus of Nazareth" He said "t am." and they went backward and fell to the ground. He. allowed them to rise, to approach Him again and to. take Him and bind him and lead Him away to Anpas and then to Caiaphas.. All the dis~"pies forsook Him and fled, but a young man fol- lowed, having jest, a linen cloth about bis naked body, which he left in tbe hands of his pursuers as they tried to lay hold of him, and be tied naked. We shall have to ask Mark who that young man was, a8 healone records it 'Mark xiv, 51, 52). It was an oppor- tunity of feliowahip with Jesus which he, like the others, midge ed. Simon Peter and. John returned and followed Jesus, John going in to the palace of the high priest, for he was known to. him, but Peter remaining without un- titJohn spoke to the maid that kept. the door and brought; in Peter. Then he sat with the servants andwarmed himself at their fire: .But we must leave itis story till next week. In reply to. the high priest's ques- tion as to. Jesus'. doctrine -He replied "In secret have Isaid .nothing; • * ask them which heard me" (John xviil, 15-241. • They biought many Mee wit- nesses to testify against Jesus, but none of them agreed in their .testi, molly, pot even the two of verse 00. See Mark xiv, 50-59. To the high priest's question, "A.nswerest thou nothing? Jesus held Fits penee. for there was nothing to reply to. In. Ps. xxxv, 11, It is written, ••lealse witness- es did rise up; they laid to my *charge things that I knew not". Unless you - have been slmilaely lti.treated you can - dot imagine how hardit isto put in practice Ps. xxxTiIi. 13: "I as a deaf man heard not, and 1 was as a dumb' man thIt openeth not his mouth." When the. high priest said. "I •ad- jure thee by the living God that thou tell us whether thou' be the Christ, the Son of God" (verse 03). then . Jesus said, ".i' am, and ye shall see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of power. and 'coifing in the clouds . of heaven" (Mark xiv, 624 with verse 04). =-Then.Fheyndged=Him-•gµilty of=blae phemy and condemned Him to die. •'But .it was the truth that Be. Snake, and they shall yet see it, and if they' did not repent before they died they shall. have .to hear His "Depart from. me. • ye cursed." After they judged Him guilty_of death they mocked Him, .• blindfolded' Him,. struck Him on the• face, spit in His face and said, "Proph- esy unto lis, thou Christ, who Is he that smote thee." Even'the servants smote Him" with the .palma of their hands (Mark xiv, _655 ).. When morning and led Him bound was come they -b Iiim away and delivered Him to Pon- tine Pilate, the governor, that he might have 'Him put to death, their accuse- tion being_ that he was a malefactor. The result of Pilate's examination of :Ulm was a three or four folia testimony' 11,tltit..Ja ' found no fault in 'Him and. ac- cording' to the harmony, a sevenfold at- tempt to release Ilam. ' Pilate's wife •also sent him a message saying. "[hive thou tiothing to do with than . just than, for l have suffered many things this day in a dread, because of IIim." • When Pilate' learned that He was of Galilee, which was under FI'ero(I'4 jurisdiction; ' he sent: Flisu to tiered, hoping thus to be rill of this difficult. and perplexing case. But es .Iesus an- swered Herod nothing Herod with his Men of *Sar set tilnl at naught and mocked • Ilim and .arrayed Him In a :gorgeous robe and pent *Ellin again to Pilate {Lurie xxiii, 8-12). There .was no. imprisonment; there was no eem- •blance of a fair trial. It was potun- like scute of our modern , cases 'of' lynching,. except that it had seeming- ly the sanction of 'both 'church and state. • . But this. man was God, suffering all this and all that followed for me and leaving all His redeemed an example that we should follow in Ilia. steps; who' dill no sin, neither was guile found in Elis• mouth; who when He was reviled reviled not again; when Ile suffered He threatened not; but edtnmitted Himself to Ilim that judg- eth righteously (1 Pet 11.11=2:3). "He was oppressed, and Ile was afflicted. • yet HIe opened not Ills mouth. Iie is irought its a lamb to the slaughter, tits as a sheep before her shearers is .dutub, so IIe opepeth not his mouth" (Ise. lit1, 7). Being redeemed by Fits great sacrifices it is our privilege to ,;utter with Him, to fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in our Melt foe His body's sake. which is the church ([Loin, vtit, t7; Col. 1, 24), manifesting by HIS grace the orna- ment of a meet, and stttiet spurt, which is lu Ile: ,sight et (rami at great price (I Pet. Ili. 4i. Peter ospesket of himself fie a wit nese of the sufferings of Christ (1 Pet, v. It, nue he who once rebelled et the thought of Owlet Enffering tells ns to .rejoh ' it we are partakers of Ilia sufferings (I ['et. Iv, 12,`13). ' 35 VARICOSE VEINS CURED OSS5's NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. d' Confined to His Home for Weeks. - "Heavy work, severe straining and evil habits in youth brought on Varicose Veins. When I worked hard the aching would become severe and I was often laid up for a Week at a tune... My family physician told me an operation was my only hope -but I dreaded it. I tried several specialists, but soon found out all they wanted was my money. I commenced to look upon all doctors as little better than rogues. One day my boss asked me why I was off work so much and I told him my condition. He advised me to onsult Drs. Kennelly & Kennedy, as he had taken treatment from them himself and knew they were square and skillful. I wrote them and got THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT. My, progress wassomewhat slow and during' he'•flrstwnomth's-treatrnetA--I wassomewhat•-diseouraged --However I continued treatment for three months longer and wag rewarde with a complete cure. I could only earn $12 a week • in a machine shop before treatment, now I am earning $21 and never loose a day. I wish all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment. ' HENRY C. LOCUST. HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? BLOOD POISONS are the most prevalent -and most serious diseases. They .sap the very life blood of the victim and unless entirely' eradicated from the system will cause serious complications. Beware of Mercury. It may suppress the symptoms-our'NEW METHOD cures all blood diseases. YOUNG OR MIDDLE AGED MEN. -Imprudent acts or later excesses have broken down your system. You feel the symptoms stealing over you. Mentally, physically and • vitally you are not the man you used to be or should be. Will youheed the danger signals? READERyour blood been diseased? Have• you any weakness? Our NEW DIErnon you.Consultation will for it do itb done for others ' RE TREATMENT will cureyou. What as r ACharge, ou write for an honest opinion Free of has treated Free No matter who „pp Diseases of Men. . YY u traced onse Books Free -"Boyhood, Manhood, Eatherhocd. (I us ) NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT PRIVATE. No names on boxes or envelopes. Everything Confidential. Question Lidand Coat of Treatment E T ATMENT. FREE FOR HOME RE DRS.KENNEDY& KEW ED Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St..:: Detroit, Mich. NOTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- miess mentin Windsor, Ont. If you desire 'to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor . offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business' only. Address all letters as follows : DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address. T*b ooe For II'..s,. ;oomph E Wing says chat the great thing is tobacco fur ewes And Iambs. it won't hurt the old ram to have pis Chew aloe. Every ewe and lamb and ram on Woodland farm has all tbe tobacco it wants.' every day. Cheap. 1 damaged tobacco is bought and fed I sprinkkda well with salt. The lambs soon learn to love it. I.sperience of Dr. Miller last year showed that this would keep lames healthy. Afore, it will clean out the ,worms that may already be in them. indigestion, In Pigs. " Stop feeling corn and oats: Allow the pigs their liberty cm grass. heed It light slop of milk. middlings. bran and a very little cornmeal nn•i tiasseed meal. Add llmenntt•r at tog rate of • one ounce per quart at each meal •until the plgs ane doing well. then give' it once daily. Ste that the slop barrel and feeding troughs are kept scrupu- lously clean. When the pigs are well corn may be lightly tort. • LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW For the Printing you are bound. to need next month, and have ready when you• . want it. We can . Five you the best service. The N° a Printing Office ..i P1 CHILDREN LIKE BREAD RIME FI(OM: "CREAK State of Ohio, City of Toledo, - Lucas County -ss Frank. J. Cheney makes oath that he lis senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co:, doing business in !the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and, that said firm will Pay the sum of ONE ''HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of 'Hall's Catarrh Cure. 'FRANK J. CHENEY, Sworn to before me and subscrib ed In kny presence, this 6th day of wide in the middle. Fold this card December, A. D. 1886. and after padding each dap with cot - A, W. GLEASON. ton wool sew the daps to each side of (Seal.). • Notary Public. the hinge, Two small boot buttons" Hall's; Catarrh Cure is taker in- ternally, and acts directly on the blood and knucous surfaces of late. system. Send for testimonials free P. J, CHENEY & CO. Toledo,0 Sold by all Druggists, /5c. shot; and draw a pen through the open Take Hall's Family Pills for con- ins. stipation. -"`i FOR SALE By THT Et N1T TA • i.NK ''.0.1.1 UR • P. e4MPA LL B. A. McEWEN. Pu of *be WEST" FLOUR AND tl ,THERE'S LOTS OF GOODNESS .K IT TO LiKE Anowasimir edges together and turn up a quarter of an inch at the bottom and glue this to a round circle of card, so that you have a bag with a cardboard bottom. Next cut a piece of card twice the size' of one of the flaps and cover it in red' flannel, making a hole half an inch for eyes on the top flaps and you have something very like a. wide mouthed frog sitting up. Now fill the body „through the mouth hole with small • Feeditig Dairy Gatves. Young calves need whole milk. for the first few clays. The calf should always have the first or colostrum milk •of the cots and be allowed to nurse the' cow until the eighth or ninth milking. when the milk is suit- able for human feed. Feet] often with 'Kmall`amounts' to avoid overfeeding. Teachthe calf to drink. end feed whole milk for at least three weeks. changing• to a skimmilk diet READ THIS This is the time for Underwear and we have Stanfield's Unshr'ink able, Penman's, 'Ellis, and Fleece Lined and also Plain, for men, women and children. We have a fine lot of .float, Sweaters for men,: women and children. Something extrwin Table' Cloths and Table Napkins. Extra heavy stock of Shoes and Rubbers. We have a special ii -gallon Oil Can. We have'Ensilage Forks;. Scoop Shovels, etc. W 1-1 e have ar- ness Sapplies that you need. We have Coal Oil at 160, 20e and 25c. • Highest Price for Produce, P R. Adams, Londesboro. Advcrtise Now Liquid Cures ' Eczema d Where Salves Fail. ----0--- • Useful' Gift For Grandma. A useful gift for grandma or an in- valid friend is a cape made of plain or figured eiderdown or outing flannel thirty-six to forty inches wide. Fold • and cut material into a true square; cut from one point to center, then cut a round opening for neck.. ,Finish the edge . by hemming with some fancy, stitch with a' crocheted border or bind with ribbon.. Tie with bow at the neck. • Ribbon should match colors in ma- teriel. For invalids .there is no better wrap, as it can be rut on and taken off so easily and when. made of pretty colors gives a touch of brightness which isvery cheery and pleasing to the shut-in. In regard, to skin diseases, Medi- cal authorities are now agreed 011 this ; • Don't imprison 'thedisease germs in yourskin by •the use of greasy salves, and thus encourage them to multipy, A 'true cure of all eczema- tous d: iseases can be brought about only by using the healing agents in the form of a liquid. WASH'lHE GERMS OUT. A • simple "wash ; A compound of Oil of 'Wintergreen,. Thymol, and other•.1ngredieirts.....as_;lcombined.in: the D.D.D. Prescription. This pen etxaLes to the disease germs and destroys them, then soothes and heals the akin as nothing else has ever done. A trial bottle 'willstart the Cure, and give you instant relief. Write for it to-day'to the•D.D.D. Laborat- ories, Dept.'N. E. 49 Colborne, street Toronto. • For sale _ by all Druggists. Cook's Cotton Root Gotripounda The great Uterine Tonic, and ° only sato effectual Monthly Regul ator on Which women can depend. i3oldin thre.o degrees of strength -No. 1, 1 No. 2, 10 degrees stronger ; No. 3, for special cases, per box. yall e sentfron receipt price. Free etd a 000aMEDIOINICO..TGSGNTG,UNT. '(for lyiyindsots . •I Farmers Buying Autos, Not Bones. '� Wall street has been watching with growingi envy success of the auto- mobile the r. mobile: makers �,in disposing of the wares to the. farmers. For the mo-,. menu at least, securities are out of favor, although. if tine figures Just 'made public by the department of ag- riculture regarding the grooving pur- chasing power of the farmer -May be taken as. a criterion, after each farmer has his stable of motors there ought to be something left over to squander on stocks arid' bonds. According to the statisticians of •the department, the growth in average farm, value per acre for each crop covered is as follows: Per Cent 1910. 1909. Inc. Dif. Wheat $15.62 37.61 38.01 105.25 Corn 15 20 2.02 6.18 67.4 Oats 12.29 7.63 4.66 61.07 Hay •15.07 11.39 .8.68 82.3 Barley 13.40 8.32 6.08 61.06 Potatoes 68.59 34.78 13.111. 36.3 ' -New York Times. 'd PRESENTS CHILDREN CAN MAKE. Frog Pen- wiper for ra- ther ther . and •a Useful Gape Grandma Would Appre- O ciate. An Easy to 'Make Box. A. handkerchief box is a simple pres- ent for a child to make. Cut a piece of card six inches square. Then cut. four pieces each six inches long .and. two wide . for thesides and four more six inches long and three wide for the" However nice a botigilt Christmas present may be, it is quite certain that as a child's gift a mother or father, aunt or uncle --indeed, any grownup relative-weutd prefer somethhlg•made by the: tittle donor herself. In this column a few home -- Made presents which can quite easily be made by Children are described, and none of them costs More than a trifle to snake, 'first of all, 'there is the frog pen - wiper. To take thisgift a strip of light green cloth or velvet, seven inehes long by three and a half wide, is required. This must be marked into Tris Plias 'i'EITWIPZlt. • iHo(flffill loin - ME 10 d HANDSFRO1IIEF Bei.. ' lid flaps...TheSe phould have onelting edge straightmid the other rounded. Now on the square place a: piece of. cotton padding, scented with a good sachet powder, and over that a square. of . bright ' silk..; Stitch this down, binding 'with narFo w silk braid, d, and i 'and four s des .. ' e1 th • e h ll and con then p lid (laps. Next take a• piece of silk or. silkettethree inches wide and • n s,ard' and a• quarter ion and gather it top '.. and bottom.. .Item the four .sides on to the bottom and di•tiw up the pull around the sides with a ribbon draw- string , TIME OE FEW .PEOPLE Who Nave Hever Experienced A HEADACHE. - Headaches effect all ages and• both sexes alike, but the female sex is natur- ally the more effected through the higher nervous development and more delicate organization of the system. Burdock Blood Bitters has, for years, been curing all kinds of headaches, and if you will only give it a trial. we feel sure It will` do for you what'. it has done, for thousands of . others during the .past thirty-five years. Mrs: C. Meadows, Clarksburg, Ont., writes:-" For years t was troubled with sick headache and dizziness, and was also constipated. 1 was advised to try Burdock Blood Bitters. I only took thraa bottles of the medicine; now I feel like a new woman. I find' I am completely cured, and I can truthfully testify that it is the best medicine I have ever used. Burdock Blood Bitters is manufac- tured only I The T. Milburn Co., Limit- ed, Toronto, Ont. Two Gift Books. Take a piece of water color paper, any size, . fold in center, paint some pretty design, flowers or scenery,and diagonally the words in gold paint, "Guest 13ook," Use plain note paper for leaves and tie with ribbon to match color of design painted. Attach to this a program pencil and Cord. A baby book is made the same way, using blue forgetmenots scattered all over the cover, bice ribbons and blue or white pencil Knitted Wash Cloths. Almost all children like to crochet. They calx Make really useful presents ltd •sha(le of wash cloths of heavy w hite knitting cotton.. Make a chain of twenty-five or more stitches, ac- cording tel the size liked, and work in simple erochet stitch until the rag is square. A border of blue or pink cot. m worked intoa simple shell four divisions. The lower portion len can be. p ehoulcl be lined with flannel, Sew the, by the older children. 26 J11 Reports 12 to 18 Hours Ahead of .the Morning Papers Market Every issue of The Toronto Daily Star contains the .day's price quotations on the Grain' and. Live Stock Markets of Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Chicago and other. importantcentres ..the very same quotations that the morning papers wiil.print. next day --x2 to z hours later. The Toronto Daily Star market reports are moat accurate, and getting them every day you are always able to catch the market at its highest point and to sell your products at the highest prices prevailing. To be a daily and constant reader of the Toronto Star market reports means money in your pocket -a live paper for wideawake people. . • TORONTO DAILY "STAR L'iIc[I bin This paper and the x.11 g Toronto Daily Star C 1 eill Offer for one year for$a.ao , a Year 11 • Corn In Maxtor). The corn crop Is an important' factor In .Mexican .agriculture. Much of.' the` land is farmed' 'byrenters., • in. D>:1 - range, for instance; the' renter' sigett a contract to give the landowner one- half the crop clear of all expensed. The corn is. husked by men who get 60 Cents each In Mexican money per day. . By .the: time 'all expenses are paid the renter has little more than enough corn to last him until spring. • Then he is compelled to buy, of the �' , e of 40 to 60 " PAL C i tent. tan„d 1 la► do r. a per cent over prices he receivesfor i Me. Prices n •r . of the 11. P Meg : - leo d, o his p Cents a bushel in cI:GO ce i. are 'around 40 the fan and 00 cents in the spring. Electric Restorer. for 1. PhosplaoIiQI to its proper tension; r restores every nerve in tl vim and vitality. Premature decay and all weakness . averted at once. Phosphene, - make you a new man,. Price E8 a box. or tv • $u. Mailed to any address. The Scobell Co., St. Catharines. out. S - . Hints. to Correspondents Write on one side of the paper only. Mail in time to reach us 'Dies - day of each week, or sooner. Avoid all items reflecting on per- • sonal character, but send ALL the NEWS. Check of. this list, it ,nay : assist you to remember an important. item': i Deaths, Marriages, Accidents, Church News, Suppers or .Presentations, Removals, Visitors, Lodge News, Fires,. a Law Cases, The Crops, School Matters. CAWS i ■ ■Lis iVER PILL'S. URE. .131ek and relieve all the troubles incl-'" dentt to to a bilious tato of the system, such as • Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress atter • eating., hula in the. Side .Sic. While their•most • untamable success busbeen ahown'ln curing Headache, yet . Carter's Little Liver Pills are ' equally vale able i n Constipation, curing and pree venting this annoyingcomplaint, while they also correct alt disorders off the stomach, stlmnlatethe . liver and regulate the bowels. Even if theyonij slued. • • Achothey would be almost priceless to those'who suffer from this distressing complaint bettor:a. iiately their gooduces does not end hcre,and those who once try thcinwill rind these little pills vale,- able Insomany ways that they Will not be w ling to do without them. But after all sick head • Is the bane of so many lives that here le where Nye make our great boast. Oar pills cure it while ethers do not. • • Carter's I.1 the Liver PIlls aro very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetabie and do not gripe or purge, bat by their gentle action pleated ail Whp Also them. p08TDa ilEDISIES CO..1 XW ?088: .i,$- « tail It. �m9 X09 LS:�TSC@ Beautify Your Homes Money spent for House ,Furnishings will be returned to you in the shape of Comfort, Health and Happiness. This big' store is packed full of beautiful'goods. Every piece selected for Utility and Comfort, 'I've show new styles in Bedroom Sets with large square, round and oval mirrors, finished in oak and reahogney. New Parlor Suits, covered with silk, crushed plush, and Wilton rugs. Large Leather Morris Chairs for men. Cosy Rattan Rnckers for L'tdies. High Chairs, Uribs and Cradles for babies. ' A fine assortment of Parlor Pletureb, very cheap, ittclud ng the present Icing and queen, Also landscapes and Mountain Scenery in all its grandeur. prices reduced to Parlor Rugs in-Lnany sizes and patterns clear out present stock. We corry a select stook of Musical Instruments including Pianos, Organs, Aecordians,Harmonicas,• Violins, Bows, Strings Music Books, Etc. • When in Town -Drop in. • J.C � ,Blyth he'l --ems-' R�