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The Clinton New Era, 1910-11-24, Page 9
F� _._ . . TU CLINTON' NSW USA .. Thur sdar% No rembor 34 of .:WN x4triages a be4ths, aro deveioping. It'9s the, policy Ot apFreciation of him aerv'lces 'while In tho local aper to • add the n$•w ( charge of the parish fol+'•- the past tern BORN business bt onto � Xears.�and pray that the triesnd of it :ought to 'b Dobie. --In lDas't 'Sit'awanosh on , mines sto the to show policy of � mily i to th© epw ge hlfl box his Bamains ld su labor %oto 'C�r��y 'town has on hand t0 sell. For ln- ! y are about to enter, �/• iV` rNovember ugId to fir. and birs, iV, stance, which m and th'r Dobie. a daughter. ' ?colt at the paper and. the �• committee consisting of Messrs . 9 world is apt to think we have only Wm. Jackson, .I, Rrinsftrrd, C. 1'1. Bled -11i Mullett on Nov. 1(#h\ to tune or ?two doctors, no grocers,, Dowdigand a. 11artlevwas appolat• Men's Shoes, Women's shoes) Boys' shoes Ai () r, and Mrs. David Uoid, a daugh and so on, although 'we hate sever , ed to voider with the 13ishop in the CIiC1S') Shoes. ter. al. If it is valuable for some to ' 41ppointing of a, vuecemor to Rev, 0. • � boes of all kinds* appear in rink it should be for R. C>;unne. Makes and S1ZeS and each ohne Many -At e L Q Farb, to , gh- I all. If all our �b'usilress linen sud- BAPTIST CHURCH`. an� Mrs, Alfred. Qt'linny, a daugh� ' 'ter. onlystopped adv MA3 ertlsing the Out- The pulpit' will be occupied on aido ublie would think the town. hh /� p bu tday'next, morning and evening �J SPECIAL IAL i pale. -IIx Rullett on Nov. 18th, to had alnaos't Massed out of existence, y ho Re ,Collins from tail Springs , ; tion, P ' tvhich'tho business interest# of the ►oho is preaching in 'view of a call 13ix, sale commences •Priddy, Nov. 25th, and Mr. andd Mrs. Shepherd Dale a The newspaper is the :mirror in � Gifts Earl to t pastorate here, Come and Early , J town aro reflected, The non-adver hear him, lasts for 8 days. Hur.dreds of odd lines and li-rokea �Re g r On Nov, .15th, In God'e- tieing business men tvlio desire bus- ° Townshipi to, Mr. and Mrs.' Dan �'�Y.�i--ta�il.x iw. T. , sizes to clear at wonderfully lova prices. Don't Iteuger, a daughter. mess aught to rut a shoulder to fail to see what we are offering in this depart - MARRIED helping hand. to those who are en- anent during these K.da it will mean a big Savin } deavoring (axed succeeding? linbrin + y4 g g ,,';" l � Personal lei o t e s +�- for ou eke our Se�2C- Welsh-- • d--I'n ia•aderich Tp, ' trade to the 'Town. To si y ' on Wedn Fd, lilt the home o£ Nuletly and tAke everything as it "" �`� *t" the bride', ev, T. Wesley Cosens camel a nOt a praisoworth at„ ie those hsvinur reintiveo or erienao titude, y' �, visiting iu town or going away tions now and we virxll Mr, Alexin Gr Welsh. to Miss Olive notify ue or the fact oa h week�" we wont$ttnuoanoeitintile ivxw L4A, � Al:;0 some big money savers from, our Mantle Eva Pearl seco�,d daughter of Mr, • and Kira. . C. Holland, all of Gode- o q , e $ * y , , � , „ „ „ ;, „ , , „ , „ , , Department, put them aside for you- rich Townahig.. , Gardner -Perdue- In Goderich !.:' WITH THE CHURCHES. �.'i', bliss Clara Wiseman visited last See the Ladies\Coats we are clearing at .......,$49) until Christmas. Tp. on Nov, 22nd, at the residence Are now clloo,iri the j week. in Toronto find St, blary'a,,............................................ i5 Ghtldren s Coats at of the bride's father, by 'Rev". J.E, is O00At000000000600000 MissPearlO'NeilreturnedonThurs- i Ford, Mr. Addbert Gardner to Miss WILLIS C"STJRG'$ day fr(irn Owen. Sound wkaere she .was Florence, daaaghter Of Mr. Win, p: eseats .they intend t0 the guest of Ul s, G, D. Chidley, ' Perdue, all of Godericli. township, The Litprary n eetilal=. of the `young Mrs Ji)mes Fair alliaAlast Friday in Every -Day 'a Bargain Da�� H ERE People's Guild ivaq held on Monday $t, Marys with her slater ;aliss Dewar.' See Our 'Window DEATH. evening, The topic was f'St# Walter l;lve tot• Christmas, algid - Johnston--rr1, Hensall,:on 'Thurs- � Scott". ,tin -account of his' life was The two sewing clubs were enter S day Nov. 17th, Irenae Johnston, , given by Mise, M. McLgnnan, an in- tair,ed on nlonday Evening. One by r , Display for XMAS aged b years,•3 months and 21 arc hoving theta laid. -aside teresting paperon "The Lady of the Miss Jennie Uubertsonand the .other F uo-steel far days. , Luke" by 111isses E. Uhid)pv and W. by blies Jetvel B;irtlifL O'Nell,.and kin 47141'ess on The Glans of Mrs H.13, Combo gave a progressive GIFT suggestions, - � �- - till later on, Scotland by Dr. eive'rt. A solo was Five •Hundred Party on Thursday of SiIAGL PROFITS i(i �' I�illi5l L+1,5' DEATH OF PETER 'AYUNRO, rendered by.Miss K, Scott, and a read, last week - in was given by Miss J. Motais, Last Friday evening Miss Grace M There passed away on Sunday asst a RaIr Hartley will gime an address on Clufi entert'4ined in honour of her well known resident of Tara in the Missions at the ineFtfng.pext Monday cou4n Nlss ])'epees of Chicago., - - person of Mr. Peter Frapeis Munco ; � evening.'- after an illness lasting three weeks, bliss ICats Scott arrived home lastCa WWI 1'iltr. illunio was not feeling well kind M' .. L•trge congrogationsvterepresent ori week from .Toronto Where she had He11y�.r, left his work •kit the foundry -late one Sunday` last. At the evening service• been attending the Conseryatory of` SIG 'r NT Mr. Austin Campbell rendered the solo Music W. afternoon and expected to be' atile'ta ' Ierusaleni" 'hq Parker; 3n fine voice. , return next day, but he wk's seized by During Mr, C7ampbell'e sojourn in Olin j AIr VV. tx, Beaten of Zurich was in.IiY smea- a severe illness. which soon developed ' o'njton be has made many friends who re- town on Saturday, ° Jeweler and Optician into that dreaded disease phisneu !lines w greeverymuch.his departure. prai,,at . Mr. David Ross, of Sirassburyy. Sask-. During the itrat week of his illness. 1'y the loss mill be felt most keenly in is cokitrfbuting a number of well writ, • + ri . willis cliurch and Gpoir Where he has ring " EKES will glasses." the ease, and comfort ri ds suit from ten'letters to the Globe, in connection wearing ,'proper fitting glasses." When getting your eyes suited de. .i rendered valuable Assistance for. some Irotl'itt+L4'S 1}�lapie� with the proposed c9nstrue'tion of the mand ability, reliability, kind above all demand experienee-far experi- rendered �4nd Optician• time. Possessing an excellent baritone Hudson Bay Railway, He. contends en.ce is the chief thing in optical. work, - `"-'- S II!er (it hldl"1C[il• !t; >l i gejjis � voice of good range and tinder perfect tha.t the railway 6hould he built. and Junor's have ggot a nein furance in- control, Air, Campbe:l. has won for him � managed as.a governiiient road, and Ii TAiTS 0 THE OLD RELIABLE Bus �2AN-=• stalled in their liorpe on Ontario Street self much praise and consequently has not, as hefeara may be the'case, ftun- S, E f Toronto'' said Airs. Junor has •noes been a favorite soloist in Clinton, ed over to either the U. P. R„ G. T, R. Manufacturing •C ticcan and E s` t `eci�l' 6 J gat' a few .hope Ives entertained for tris recovery' tAt the Nirvex'rber meeting of. the W. or U, Nt. R,. Mr, Ross, a son of Mrs. g , p v� igh ,- ll is , who has had My bury 'HOU e . 'are noW at the) more rooms suitable #or either lady" as'he appeared , brighter i+, bI, S..af W)llcs church Mrs, ?innki Rosa :ti will ltinoiva for er SS years Practical Experience tn'Outtcal Work, will be at Rattenbury 'House. 'The phone No. i or gentleman, with or without board. mueti clearer,. but anhtfitinday evening Torran , w resid is 46. Ring ane up If you "want 'a ce took the Devotional' topic "(.Treat' ent of Clinton: q bus or baggage call to an ` _ he took asudden change which nff•aej Words of the• Matter;" After considr ' Rred. Stanley, 'son ai Mr, S , ; (/ounter rs Jewelry welr Store= Clinton of the town. y part ;1'. "ed his heart and bb Passed • •er bla is ' t p ey, JOSH COOS. ... •Z11fe(I ,,. p dock. 'r11y a duct scan, the 91T.'" re were HdImesville who learned- the' business _ l away a little after eight o'clock. Mr. appointed officers for ]91I:-I'residetit with Hodgens Bros, but hits been con. Thursday, Dec. 8 th, J 11Qunro earn$ to Tara in 1$70 to acre t Mrs, Stewart ; 1st Vice President_'. P pelted with the Anpleg ro,fore bf A �goed general servant wanted a position aa• moulder in W. A. Genn.. blra, McLeod; 2nd Vice Mrs. Graham gents ftirziighers, in .Toronto,.farsever= .' s r apply to l4RS, U, J. VALLIS liimy s foundry, _a position which he 3rd Vise- Alrs: Suitter; S'eci'etar REME11BER THE. DAY" AND DA'ITZ o 4 hiked far 34 years not ocaly to the sat Miss A •Cowing ;.�'reaaure-Miss qlr;. at years, has been Pik;ced in charge of t filled for of ea public. 111ie had deal. bZcTaggkirt • Leaflet Sec their Montreal tranch, and moved S. L. Taube'is the oldest optician in Canada, having been establish oIe(;ting of Huron county p y -., Miss J. 1 with his family to that city recently, ed'since 1872; and during.the past 38 years has given every satisfaction ings with hitn. II.e was the last em: Thompson• . Organist Mrs.' Gunn ; Huron boys always, make their mark to thoesands of -customers. His worlt�has been very highly recommend Whiter Tours To ,oilil("li• who of the old guard that remained Auditors- ilira, W. D. Pciir.and ]\liss E3.ity all those who have- had occasion to consult him rofessioxiallg, MEK100, COLORADO, CALIFOR- who served ivelI ,and fkiithf'rlli* in the in the world, J. Nilson; Executive llommittee Airs. If you have "eye troubles" don't fail to take adaantage of this NIA and PAUIFIU COAST POINTS '^ building tip of iiia GernIamv E'ouxidry F. i�c � wen, Mrs.' D. MoF+,ipen 111re. ( Mr J. Saunders, blacksmith, .was The council of the. Ctorlidration -of andlrnplemeatworke.duringits paltry Hislop, Mrs.. Torrance: . kicked by.a . horse *on Monday and :opportunity to have your eyes properly attended to. The Grand Trunk Railway System' the Ooanty of Huron will meet in the days:. MF• 'Munro: wn,s boar At Owen 'since .then has be unahle to leave the . is the popular route from all points coitnuil in the '?own 9f Goderich. at. Soiind.fn the Year 1857 :tine learned. his. .. ON'TAR, ICI ST, rCHURCH house- Gen. Trowhill is inchar e• of ALL..\VORIi IS AIISOLL'TELY G11ARt�rTTEED. . east through Canada via Chicago, 3 o'clock, on Tuesday; %the, Otb, da trade at McGill's fciundry at. Cliats, ' •' I his'nusiness. '.His many ftlends will of December next, y worth. Fifteen ears The League held its )nanthiy lit- villa for a s < FEATURES y ago he was tear erary weeting_Monday' evening.: needy recovery. All 'accounts fpr settlement' �ixust ried to,liitss Blizabeth McKown of -'Mr. J. 'Hartle Double Trark, FastService, Finest be placed with the" Clerk before that ..Clcnton, •1'ast'YOar Ire hui3t ki hpauti- , . „ y' 'gave'an address on J. Johnson returned on Thursday Ruadbed, Modern Equipment, .Unex. ileite. fill. new borne on tile • o Reading which was both Inter- I from the wilds of Algoma k e coip„r of Yonge eating and instructive. Next .Mon- sant two tiveeks with g ma where he celled Dinitlg Oar` Servicer A'll'ale-• 3t�d"I`lt,1fl70:: �" and:I,'vcr=straet�bsstincl- rave p all; till Clint da.ng_R. :.wa , axx kurting paz<tyw2neai�eof-xlee : _ meats of safetp and comfort. fir, LANE :tato it.last December where li Qn;oy�- �" - Ulei k ed •the' e.omfort.a. • of lxls home fol, only W'111rs church, is expected tb.. give He Billed .one o f the' , fleet footed' : TO THE :TUNNY SOUTH w ^� 10 months Deceased never took au a aniseionary address. on 'Werk a-• animals "tvhieh.'tipped the scales at, P, Ne more desirable route than via fiery- active part•iu public af%iars b".4 prong'�the .French. 3n Quebee.'+7 it 225 pounds. $e report9' :a scar - Grand Trunk and connecting lanes, TQ'lllllf'3'$ natural tQndepev being a love f 1 is hoped there will be a good' at- i city of deer; this year and dor Very Loty Rates. Secure tickets and full information .�.-. Tenders will be received Irv, the h'omewhere be Al WAYS preferred to be He served as a ilnernber of the 0ouncil tendance as these meetings are very helpful.. tlxe pperiod the party was there the hunters only spied four deer which from JOHN RANSFORD, Town Agent g Street Comm itUe of the hourtcil •for Pnow plowing for the.ensuink Winter, for one year kind was a'promirtept. xnernhei' of file f . 0:.%'; and: of the • ST, "PAUL'S CHURCI3. A izleNtin = of rile coli re aiioti was l g g g they subseqquezitly:got, A Yiioat en- ioyable cutin g is reported by this A U Pattison, Depot agent ( NOV. 14 1910. `!.'f:10:S.` B> AUCIM Chairman ATNsonie orders, IIs Teavesa wife, and- oixe st:n 12 years 'a 'held in the -'s.choolroom on Thesdav' ' man of. the 'rifle.-- 'Dungannon 4 l �� old, mother, two and ane sister, evening Iasi at w.liicii Rev, (' Il.. ' News. ,^ , �xll l I allt( • 111 r. 1}iinro will be will be very milaii xrriasecl.iu 1'ar<i, $e WAS.aIWpys a gond citixpn tin,? en'o ed the respect of everyone• Cxunne tendered his resignation .lis follows, The'Ohurcli Wardens of iat, Pari is r ..Miss MaMi.11ah, of Blyth,. was a "Visitor' .1i to;iv o A n .Tuesday. -- Live, Poultry iYaMe(I I+'or general. housework', duties. to continence s Dec, 1910.: Apply:. to In rlig- ion he was ,w: F,esl,vteiiaxr apci ivas a. stvuneh Abd .Chui•ch'Clinton Ont..Mr. '. Gentlemen.: John Hartley addressed 'the Oz#tario Street League 'Moeda y where the nndersigned will be gla(l to 'VIltS. AI, I); A1eTAGCIAiiT' active• I.ihc-rkI in.pa)itics. 'Clte.fixriert.l: uni?er. 9 asoisic , w4piccs having .�iccepted the offer of tlxe Rector of Christ Church Landon; .on evening. g The following prices are being paid at the Holmesville Poultry Yiitds:- waQ betcl:oti.'ti edne.,i ay ht 2.'o'clbc k.. to J?tra_eeinet.ery. .. 'ioade tv are by his. Ii4vdshf i the I3is- .ho) of Huron; 1 hegleave herewith to I IYiiss-Mxxinle Easoln'' Ives visiting 1 elatives`in •Seaforth 'this iveelt; g r , NOT. 1( Hens, 8 cis. a lb. live I Chickens, 9 ets." to 11 ets, a lb. live -- __ The HuIlet Tax Collector 1vi11.1-,e at I;VE RYONE�'B•HOULD. HELP. tpi'der xx,y resignation of St. Titul's Church, 4linton, ° : 'amiss Jessie. Ford. , is y sitfn with her sister at 'St.:'!`homes g Turkeys, I3c to 15c a ih, live ;;� the fallowing laices to C`ollect Taxes " p a , (AuburmNov. ,'b (Londesboro Nov. 30 Th&bi-usiness mien of 'Clint on tubo do no,t. ad't•ertise' fail to' show. the Aily.,I Iisk.you to accept for Ttiiir�elf iLnu to convey:to all the we.mbears of I •Mis'z'Floreii&e: Thylor., of Toronto, is visit visiting Ducks, I3c a lb. dressed Geese, Ile a Ib. dressed (Clinton Dec. 8. tJ.{tnburn Dec, 12 and i ondesboro on Dec. 1.1 :ill taxes not ce p ai eom osf'te strength �of the town- as. a 'purchasing centre. to the n.ety Sit Paa.l'a.�:angri'gation..nxy ndoat sin• yei*e thanks fir the uniform 'kindtzess with lxer.kzncle and aunt. Mayor and lllrs:.Taylor.. •W, All poultry to be ; p y delivered wit paid by Dec, Il will ks4 char ed 5, pier cent by order coulfeil, .:, areas of trade the . groWin Wing years tins?, con'sidetation .which I have re- taking charge rif .the par .,Mrs. H. Watts, returned. last tveelti after an .enjoyable. visit 'with crops empty on Alonday, Tuesday and tVednesday mornings, iVJ1,. IIbOX'.06llector _ - - - —'=-=- DR. CIfIPPEl�T PATIO TIIaJ ,ceived .since .isti;in it01. •. A:ltboul ix in on, sense I, an}• re917axx; her 'son,•:Hartley; tvho is.. the 'jun- for preacher on the Iona circuit. all the family. Buying all the year round. PENALTY, sxtlle'forthe severatxceaf the ties that . Miss Iva :Dodds Who has complet: N. W. TREWARTHA, H� e ">ir() i1 1t1 .if,, 1'!y' ,()iIl°t',)CIl -- ha.vefor more than nine years bound • ed her vocal course In connection Phone•4 on 14L, All Dr. 13ax't�ey Hawley Crippen was Banged at Pentonville +xi land us yet I'bei to assure you .that it -is 'rot without a profound feeling of. ice- with the "Toronto 'Conservator of Y Music" is now nroparecl •to, receive aeoounts . awing Die roust be closed by the Ist. bf December. B. A•, 1�IcEWEi4; Clinton .: , - ie , prison at 9.02 o cla.el �Yednesday morning for the murder of hie wife Bele Elmore, He broke' down, and egret thatI shall leave'St Paul s0hurch ?loci the :town of Oiinton.: i I am Gentleiiien i' t. u tt pile for voice culture sill . 'tone production, See perspnally at . Pro. Broivnis, residence each Toronto Markets had it not been for the help of at. tendants, Wlro supported him' hta Yourfaithfall . O. R. Gunne l Monday: - _ _ r(►r. 4a1e Fall Wheat .............. to would have been unable to wall to Moved'by Mr John Ilartely and se- .90 .00 Goose Wheat 8 t 8 aeaffold coaled b •b1r William Jackson and I 3' �•bndesUora TAE _Jones '.and Merritt kwo ed�Co. Miss Ethel Jones in her cute ,'Soirbret•te 14Taster klarold Jones ' The clever little`tioug :and dauco artist Stanley Warren , in hzs different songs and monologues.. A rig' roar frOm. start to finish. , Ira D. Tupper does thing§ in'bi"agie, mirth and mystery, with hatkAy songs and: say'ingi La France Sisters singing and dancing: comedieiane important Notice We are here to produce, a' refined and pleasing . , • . • . ; : Cate,.. . ...,,......,,. Barley ....... Peas o a a .39to.40 59 to ,60 A good Organ.• Goal Range, and a goad .Beater, for particulars enquire +, MRS. KAUFMAN, • �� °/*r '' carried unaninxousty that this con. I' gre axion accept .the rest natian of Rev. U, R. Gunne and that we also Continued from. page one, . Eight i+ioaos Wraimer'otto Reg, l2} ,C lu i0c'Y� Bit Ht,irtinOlr¢oeli Fast) iniad ;Youngest Aetrebs in Americkir: entert entertainment. Noth-' Ing said or"dobe.to of ...................... Rye ...................... 75 to .76 . 10 to .Ta and 30 horse polder boiler, we are now ( ` < �' ' pieces no button degire to place on .record our, high? rGc 3d Slneberiira 10c, a can wattle salts 12 lb Admission Ami ion •- Children 10c; Adults 20 cents. fend the roost refined. Buckwheat ............ Bran .. 5t to ,55 $20 Meal and.Flaked al hemi Ilorsea, drafters, .. , , , , 5 $7 0 to $0(3 ' $ We cater to . the wants of ailr cus- music , to make "them p.'ss ryuiekiv. In our Sheet blush, tourers. Mistakes ebeerfntiy. rectified. This is not a [medicine show, Shorts ................. $L2 UIL L Y V. I -W L Illy ...................... :617 to 20 :. Rathwell hggs • • • ... . . .... . ... • ..... 27e to 28c The 011nton 'Chopping Mill wilt• be'in' Butter .................... 23c to %c. daily operation on and. after • to -.day, Potatoes .......... . ..... . . 60 to ,65 having just installed it new Grinder. Cattle, butchers .......... $5,30to $8,&i and 30 horse polder boiler, we are now Cattle, Exporters.... •...$4,50 to $5.LO prepared• to do a first-class ;jolt.: Hogs`$7.40 to 7.65 h es.....• Besides Chopping Feed,; -we Roll ............... • P $ 5.10 Lamps... .... $0,30 oats, Make E rJh.h:t1)t Itlotu•, Corn . Feeders , , .. , , , , , .. $4,50 to $5.06 Meal and.Flaked al hemi Ilorsea, drafters, .. , , , , 5 $7 0 to $0(3 ' $ We cater to . the wants of ailr cus- music , to make "them p.'ss ryuiekiv. In our Sheet blush, tourers. Mistakes ebeerfntiy. rectified. .. . Satisfaetion Guaratiteed... ' Clinton Market Re0ort, Relklembelr the Stand, •111:t •'y St.;,. Clintow Whe it, (new)........ 80 to;a So Next to the T. 4iectrxc''Light P ant, � Oats . ................ 0 3n to 0 $0 where the nndersigned will be gla(l to Barley ....... . ....... 0 40 to 0 45 meet all old customers as well as many Peas .......... . ...... 070 to 0 75 n'eit Ones. Thanking you far past Eggs .................. A 28 to 0.80 Butler ............... 0 20 to 02i , favors. . I,, i Hogs ............... $7.75 i •liors•a!}tlaken Srr:i o��t ng Pr opo Potatoes ............. O. 35 to 0 42 ' .. The Choicest Woods are usad in the making of our Mirniture, hence its beauty anti durability. It is artistically dr. signed, too, and beautifully up. holstered. The workmanship throughout is Positively Perfect and will satisfy the most refined and artistic tastes, When you note the quality, also .compare= our prices with those asked age - where. 711 Chcapest spat In fiu tb t M bur ail kinds bf Farrrlltare n. p 'W .11:1D.>.A..1 U4tCJNN N.RI3'PAAKI CI i r . Tlxe•Story. Jan. 31•—CApj)en and Nelle. EImore ave a dinner party, r0 . 2••-Cripen wrote Ietter, 'si;n- ing. "Belle, it "BeElimorell resigning herposition as treasurer of iblus•- le Hall Ladies' Guild. The doub- le "L" in "EIlmore" aroused sus • picion. March 22 -Crippen inserted itadrr of wife's death in California, July 8 --Scotland Yard told of suspi cions Of Belle Elmore's friends. JUIV 11 -Crippen and his typist Lem neve, disappeared, July 13 --Body found ,in collar of Crippen's home, July 23 -x -Captain Kendall, of C. P. R, steamer Montrose identifies passengers as Crippen and Le - July 31--014ppen arrested at Fath- er Poixxt, Ott, 18 -Trial of "Crippen be till, Qat. 22-•�'Crippcn . sentencers to 'death. Nov. 2s• Crippen hanged, ` � IIQIaE ANI) AUSIC ENPOHIM11 .<. little Prioes, The regalar monthly meeting of the women's institute. :. Rathwell :;. " ®are one Consganee in the. -evening, ' Ilewi., J. L, 116 vg Ili usib rmers Some fahave been securing their turnills. this week. The Blyth Tvi't:phone 00 '-are still buav putting in Phones and putting ,lai John Hutton a new Bailer at the station and fixpect'to h,x,ve itplaced in his in up wire and. Spadini; shade trees around tilevi'llil;eT►xere will be a dozen Plxolr. seen es In the viila;e, �� TTip, �+ ,CJ U E R , . �g 1 tl'iusid 1�I.i lid a thrger•one that he has and tvitl give �'7ri4 vR L/aI° j +'verybadq must wear Iiub-. The long whiter evenirltr aee coming, Nothin like g "^ bArs this weather, the ues,. tion is where to b'xv the est. music , to make "them p.'ss ryuiekiv. In our Sheet blush, Advocate aucl tfoxne Ullgavine we fire se'lina agents for the' Merchants Rubber Co. -of Ber. . Department, you will find latest songs and instrument, t l Agetlt, Ql" fWrll}n l+`liCli ► S VeT , I. if 1+011 want a rubber that p, pals t'erfectly and wears well nils• What [about that ` try .Merchants. We have a „ rr „ vs� +, „ „ Globo ,• 4.50 011hono No, ,1.33), �'4,CO ♦ full line in stock. • . P.1 AN 0 ly- We haye the "ULEO"the don........,.,.,3.25 new shoe for women; Good• year welted, Price $3,50, . you were tbinkitig of. buying this IP&11 Y We are 'ogents for. All kinds of ttelt Goads in stack, the N'ewcome, Call and see oor Lines. Karn -Morris Try us for Itopa ritln. Stanley � Sherlock & Manning � ``° r C. Rathwell pianos Corns in and look thetxt`o. er. Reliable Footwear for . all the family. C. Hoare '. r The Place miere Toor Dollar I)Oes its oil 4MMMi4XRRMlfXlMAYXXAAAAUSIA . a>r»►Ir i~i+r�'1ri111 �1rr� a ifiton'.. Saturday.Eveni�ng Nov: 6th 'i0 for 255 S1110wr 10 lbs fbr 25c J.Lpan Mae Iteg. , 80 far do I,er lbs 20 1iq G, 'sugar saturdat Sox 1,00 Cash at LOU.11.SLABUYS The big store. Kith pile of if for the seasons gathering, Rev. Pearcy supplied the St. little Prioes, The regalar monthly meeting of the women's institute. An - drews pulpit in Brvth on Sunday morning find, the Alethod3st t will he held on Thursday Dec. let lit 2 €30 p. 'n', at the one Consganee in the. -evening, ' Ilewi., J. L, home of Mrs Lonsberry.. All ladies cordially invited to rtttend. Small supplied Burns unci I; nnic pulpits nn t+uilday, rmers Some fahave been securing their turnills. this week. The Blyth Tvi't:phone 00 '-are still buav putting in Phones and putting ,lai John Hutton a new Bailer at the station and fixpect'to h,x,ve itplaced in his in up wire and. Spadini; shade trees around tilevi'llil;eT►xere will be a dozen Plxolr. seen es In the viila;e, grist mill a short time. It is kinde Empire, ane year .., ...$1,55 L$Ew !Lilo, and Weekly .Gjobo for...... a thrger•one that he has and tvitl give ,..,, " t* FWilily If. & W. Stat',.1.80 hire• more power in the mill, Itlr, i3innsdon are shipping scrap irot iron this week, They have 1 a arf;e i dubbin u ,� ,• „ „ P ree Press .175 Partners �ar sin Advocate aucl tfoxne Ullgavine l)ttlicl• �. ,.2.30 and C7anadian I+;xrrn (the I Below will be found Y% list of papers which will be clubbed with , �y vv ■ V The Clinton NJE 'W IRA. o plllllll'uing e1� id Tinsmillljllg For Che year 101011. Those prices are for63sh with order. 14tt'i4 iretiistt llitigt S a Specially ThNl w` RRA and Weelclp Afail T would rospectfollysclfait the patronage kinde Empire, ane year .., ...$1,55 L$Ew !Lilo, and Weekly .Gjobo for...... of the Town of Clinton and vionity, ,..,, " t* FWilily If. & W. Stat',.1.80 Iteoalring orall 1d111ts Promptly;; ;; weekly Witness ..:...1.80 <Ittended to All kinds ofstove Repairs GO1i Olt Sun ..............i,8(l �� ;� Advertiser ,,.,,'Iso 81101st ,Notice* ,� ,• „ „ P ree Press .175 Partners PIPCsa, VbOwlf, CAC,, splays Oil Advocate aucl tfoxne Ullgavine l)ttlicl• �. ,.2.30 and C7anadian I+;xrrn (the t l Agetlt, Ql" fWrll}n l+`liCli ► S VeT , new farnlilr;,�jourttaI....1.50 N-t"vv Ett'1: andt)allp Netve,Toronto' 2 Sa'1'r`l100111 y, to 0 0411,4 (foal a ?laky 41 Star 642 25 Lea,vii orders at realdonce, 74 Victoria St, „ rr „ vs� +, „ „ Globo ,• 4.50 011hono No, ,1.33), �'4,CO ♦ •, „ „ Mail It 8.21 ,r �• ., ,r YvOel:'ress,Lon- • .J�,`if i don........,.,.,3.25 I