HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-11-24, Page 3,•
— - _- _ .11 _. I 1. I . I .11 _-__1___-___-_ � _.. ^ _
VO 46 bio, 03 ,
. OLINTON • QNTAR10 T 1-:lURSD,AY NOVEMBER 24, 1910 . • W. Ii. Kerr, & Son, Editors and Publishers j
- w.
ves, of Baptist church
been, accepted by that gentleman.
'to be there
outsi a frac e.
MISS Isabel blcGvwan, a former
resident of Blyth, died in London
4 �' a �p^t
lunet to history and should not be
neglected. Everyone knows how
� �� �anK
and, he expects about
of the month. The vacancy in Monday evening. The deceased'
l t'iei% ni O � .V +
more attractive the, life of a
the pulpit of this church 'was cans Was 66 gears of age, The remains
by the of Rev. Bow- Were forwarded by 'George Logan
J $
--� �-.
person is the history of mere
c;'vents. There is a.sympathy and
ed removal
en to .Blenheim. Mr. Steeves gra- I ,Tuesday morning to Blyth, where
+ ,Paper given by J. M. Field; B. A., Ph. D., of �Gode-
humafx interest awakened, when
the career of -a Man is. discussed.
,Capital . . $6,2oo,000
duated from 'McMaster University,,
a little over,.a year ago, and the
the fungal was held. Wednesday'
m kh residence of her sister.
, rich at the lreCent meeting of) ,the West heron �
�'eaCherS' ASSOCiati0ll.. +
which can never 'be excited in any
Qther Way. The life of ,a great
Reserve . . . $6,go0,000,
Wingharm church 'Was his first
�_ ,-
man may be the centro -6f the most
. C y
The Methodist Sunda School are
rwaeticinb '«, ',. ,.y 1 Ch
charge, The congregation made
historical lebssons. `The scli lib-
racy should -furnish suitable his-
important events of an epoch. , A,
Assets $Q, ,oQo,Qoo•
every effort to retain his services l
bu't Mr. Steeves considered that
Miss Greta Ross of Seaforth Was
Several years a c t
8 he Education Ot•.
text -book Is put into the hands of
pupil. has been Airected•successive-
ly to the biography of Alfred
the London church presented a
Wider field for endeavor and so
'lifting on theBayfieldRoad and
line last week. She
paitaieut cancelled the exuriiinatlom
in history for the aptr.ince; Tae Im-
the pupils wake up the facts of
history in their chronological order
Thomas A. Becket, of Chaucer, of
Bacon, of Cromwell, of Gladstone,
decided to accept the call,
The pig htiilduig used by the Grand
Was the
guest of 'Miss Jean Thomson. ,
'Messrs, H, GQilmour
nxediate•occasion for its action wilts the
tseitiug of two ur threectifficultliistui'y
it would pretty certainly make
them hate history, and I ibelretm ke
and of Pitt cannot fall to have an
extensive acquaintanceil 'vih the
•Correa Correspondents throe trout the world,
p g
Trunk its freight, sheds were coin•
rank destroyed b fire short! after
P y Y y
and G. T.
Baird have been engaged this Week,
annd last Weer: in
papers that called forth considerable
criticism, I do not know whether
have no tspent. our time. in vain if
We have arr�used in 'them a interest
history t
current istory of he times in
which t men while the
Interest allowed on Savings accounts
midnight Monday, and only the hard-
eat kind of work qn the part rif the I
repairing wind-
mills and° um s,
1l2r, D. McE an who
they arrived at this decision b a• short
s r ceo of inductive reasoning, ng, by a de
in 'the subject, It is much better
to learn somethingabout the neat
t ed;
farm in whieli that knowledge,has
been 1 aired will be found better
at highest current rates, ,
firemen and' citizens prevented' " the
Waze from: spreading to adjoining
J i;
, , returned
l red
from, the West some time ago, is
escape Continued d c iticism rind
thus. pacify the diacontenta, or whethNx+'
and eventful periods than to go on
continuously in tho way suggested
y y
adapted than any other to retain a'
Courteous treatment accoxded•.to all
places Two loaded box care in a std•
again . occasional visitor,on the
the , felt that there were
y x. guild
ped,igogleal reasons behind their ac-
by the form of the text -book, The
permanent hold on the mind. The
study of the lives of great and
customers. G
xng�vvere burned. together with their
contents, and a. third loaded with lum- �
kitetios the result
relative significance and value .of
events is of far more importance
noble men mus: have ail excellent
effect on and fill
beg, was only saved by., apitgdid
work dune by Baggagemap William
.. Lveuurn
dieasC to they teach n o£ his
for in the ublicsclioels. So Iiin as
ublic sc
than their chronological order and
and does not in any waycorrebpond
moral pupils,
them With noble aspirations and
SneathRnglne, of the Grand Trunk,and
l. eel
J. I). Farrieb and son John
visited at Kintal on Saturday and
there is an' examination• last •
so long will theactuai subjects fit ex.
to it. It would be well to fix upon i
lvorthy ambitions,
Perhaps I should, before closing
hat the carwasburniuhen
Hall backed his en me down to draw
it away. It wire that one of
Sunday, . ',
Miss Elsie Linklater - returned
home last Friday after visiting
in Spite of the efforts of the.teacher
and the inspector to do their duty.
upon the most characteristic per-
i°fls, to cause thein! to be studied
�v th fulness and exactness, and to
this paper, say a. Word about the
teaching of the Bible in schools.
-4y own impression Is that it
' I
A number of our citizens are now
the brakes shoe was tight. • Baggage,
°man Sneath climbed up ola the car,
her sister Mrs. Wm, gR Yston
g .of
Sebrin ~tile,
u.examioatio subjects, arena- •
The no 4 Y ] pupil
turally loaked upon b the, u it as of
reserve chronicle , of the less
notable r.ei'
reigns until afterwards;`
should be taught .and as history; it
can be,be un an the ver y fjrst year
installing their winter's supply pg
g 1?
hay, Itis selling at $9 per ton.
and after were us, efforts, in which
his hands were burned many. tinier,
Mr, and Mrs, David Horton and
Mrs..Tames Horton of Goderich and
secondary importance and their lack
of interest in them will naturally in
y ii^
Tho times of of the,Con-
queror, of Elizabeth, 'of the Protect ,
of a child�s school life. Sunday
school 'teachers are not concerned
Wm. Taylor -of Varna shipped a
su ceeded ' f th b k d '
Bayfield �2oad were in our ne' h
press itself upon the teacher, even It •
orate, of ANN and of George III,
about teaching the Bible as history
he: car was haulengawe , ra_es, lin bgrhood on Sunday, ig you leave out of consideration his own are'turn ng points in our history, and it'he Bible dessone are not ar _
carload of cattle from our station d ay.
on Saturday, . In the meantime the fire in the Mr, Edward Shaw and his son J. tendency to neglect the subject. I He who understands these swell is, ranged with this purpose in view. �'� 4W%"0%1W%u'N'14
Rev. R. 'H. Bawers .and wife are fret t beds blazed fiercely, and 1- E. and 'Mr.. Percy Stewart are This. is the vitro one won d take;theo. ao far as: history is concerned," as' • Sermons are ethical or evangelical, .
this week visiting relatives - and though the town tire' department had working on the railroad, r busy j rstioally of the matter: does. it work. °well informed, 6Ven (though lie may ; so 'that ireferences to Bible history
friends at Westminister and Nap- four gfine streams ' laying on the Mr. James Chisholm ' has been. 'Out so in practice? My own experien. .,be unable to repeat . in due order are incidental. ,As a result, Well
cels that pupils. know far less of the .the list of sovereigns and tell their, seasoned pupils in our hi h schools AT
14 r. flames, it: was feared for a time busy the last Yew days putting in a P g. �,�8, �
Rev. Mr. Davidson of Mount that the blazed would spread. The de � cement. floor 'in part of his. Stable history of Great Britoin acd their own relationship to one .another. In have 'the vaguest kind of know- $ I
Forest preached in .the Presbyter- pertinent devoted all their time to ' on the Strachan place, rMr, country than they did ten years 'ago. shot t, it is . not necessary that a' ledge of Bible incidents, and out of
Ian church on Sabbath last Rev E. saving the houses, and finally their 'Parrish has been helping him . `' I rind them generally lacking in the Pupil should take -With him into the •a class of thirty pupils, a teacher If you have a pain or ache in
H. Sawers. reached at Napier. efforts were successfiul as the fire in On Sabbath last the la� _ most essential knowledge. of British world all 'the facts: of a school his- • do more than I ,expect he will our body an where, ousho� d
P p geure - o history. 1Noreover, it is, not conflned 'tory, but it is. necessary that he if b y �' Y 1
George Turner and wife left on 'the freight• sheds cgmmenced to burn gafion here had !Mie . pleasure . of if be finds. (three who Will under I try .the new wonder working.
Wednesday lace for 'England the itself .out,. The loQsa will amount to I hearing the Rev, NIr, Rase the , to this county.. The ridiculous answers should be provided With : a taste ,stand an all to: the story of remedy
sailed on the ,-'Empress of India?) several thousand - dollars, as ' there �' pastor for Knox church Goderiew i gleaned from the matriculation and for hiaiorical. • reading, and Ruth and Boaz, The Hebrews have
from Montreal they expect to visit was a large quantity of !;cods stored. Mr. moss gave an• .excellen't .serm h'.i. norxual entrance examinations �a year both the power and transmitted to vs their conceTition ELECTRIC RUB
in old London, There many friends. in the building, . . L and we hope to hear him' again ago and published by the Toronto 'the disposition to study the subject of 'God of religion, and of morality. .
some future time. g �. papets indicate that the condition is systematically for h.iurilelf. This , Their i)) Oughta, beliefs, aspirations? An•old gentleman who suffered wish them a pleasant voyage and general throughout the Province. I object is far more likely to be ob
safe return. Mr, :Percy Stewart has purchased have abked pupils in other countries twined b emotions, have entered into our from rheumatcsm in the knee
Mrs. James Sims, of Blyth, and a grand new pYano-cased organ ow mu history was taught in their Y judiciously selecting .and, inmost being and constantly affect said he couldn't understand what
Mrs, Hamflton, wife of Dr, Hamli- Blyth from Mr. J. Thomson Goderich, h Y 8 r dwelling- on the prominent epochs our•outWard life arid.. 'conduct, was in that. Stuff. It heats all
ton, formerly of Auburn, visited Horse Fair Tuesda of next week Several iii our neighborhood at- schools . I have been told that, there than by the .ordinary routine met- , Thbir 'ecs'taay of Joy, of triumph, the way it took out the pain and.
y was none l all after the Inspectors hod, f of hope; their passion of remorse, limbered up the joint. It cer^
last week at the hoarse of Mrs, This is the first this season.. tended the Bananna Social at visit and only a lesson now and again Tn s eakin of chronolo
Hamilton's sikv
ster, Mrs, Wm, Berry. Editor Elliott was on the sick Sheppardton on Thursday last. before it,. Gramm r and arithmetic p g gq, a felw of aoro~, of despair. have been fainly• ie niarveloua the way
Miss Mary 'Gibson, of Toronto, is lie't last week and the •'Standard" i Miss Lizzfe'Horton visited her f a t words m regard to the learning to embalmed •in our sacred music, and Electric. Lub. works. With it you
visiting at her home. cousin Mar have high sp o l.' Vilatioe eubjaot ,dates may not be. ainisa; The date can rub out your
g was no't 'issued, I Y Gordon of Sheep- in our high school: ;Will history not ' 'Itself a art from 'the . ;event, is f ,hallowed by the hnost tender and. g rr eum tismnetc neural..
M. A. Aikenhead, Who represents. Next Sunday afternoon Rev. Mr, .ardton on Tuesday afternoon -of I repeat itself with u,? Is riot hereto tits se °� , solemn associations of. religion. Sia, lumbagorn a , ,
the London Life Insurance Com- last week. P lit u, What I !have said In re, .
pany spent a i6v days at his home Small;% B, A,; will ' conduct asst= be founds probable cause ct the out. I gard to the study of periods of ;Their language and• their imagery . 5c aud only sold by ¢
here last week. Y versary services in , the .Jackson ' cry ifgainst the diflicdity of this year's : history. may apply.to the learning' have permeated our literature and
church, lith line Morris Township. examination paper in arithmetic. I. of dates: it is wise to take. these color our daily speech.
Miss Jessie Grainger has return- In addition to plan Auburn
ed to Clinton hospital after a few al Fa' Y •prizes at the My purpose in introduciaa my sub as fixed points. in the • anemor Finally'� should nothin V er coli:
Rev. Mr, Collins from Oil S'iriia s' ect thus is not' to censure the public y' 1 the necessity .f g
F i Ire Mi B Livingston, of i g j p ,There are other dates which. only ,S Home
days visit at tier home. Blyth, won the ►Silver, . Medal at will preach in 'the. Bapiist church schoolteacher or expose a neglect in t here would value a 1 tory that our 'scholars may be in- • •lz•
Mrs, Somers, of Blyth, was the Brussels 'Fair for best dfs la of on Sunday after next, teachin It is nierel to mark a glom• p and which sired With a love and admiration '
guest of her sister, Mrs. Grainger. Ladles work. She takes a y ii�eat dition gI would have merely
lies- ;even swell -instructed man would .for•'the country we live'in and the Phu? B.
g not care to burden his memory $
Interest in the Fairs; • • ' nation in denying that thiar course is ' with, t b great Empire of which Nye. form. a 4' HaMit'seturing Umiak .
I T e is tributary- to.. the. .
The rural Central office will.'be at 06nstatice the natural one. It is first of all a most 1 fact: we stud a fact being - ,part; and for the institutions by a%0%% %,,y,,%1"A%e%A&,&,,,w;,i,,�'�
Wingh am l F. Metcalf's store and an 'all night -Anniversary services . were held difficult subject to teach successfully+ ? sible of its fm ortan a •egg stn which we are', governed. Patriot.• . .
I service will be maintained, it. is on Sunday. Rev, '' Mr. Ford o there is no credit receivett ii' iniich ;. i�,e remember pi date.
and then ism.is one of the 'things which our
The call extended b the con re- 'the ate. The learn -
Y g , said, 'Mr. Metcalf .should.. • handle Clinton; preached in .the after'n f time is spent on ft,:'and it is directly in of an d 'teaching : ought to cuitivate�a ra-
..�_ a,�tion _ ..of Eger on stree B'a .fist eh �. bust les in._ , n_to-da P ates
con tiing, _,gym ._�y,._ates is_a,�'vearin m, -.... - -_ - ;
�t__.>_: _#�_._ le as_-aiidev: MI :(Rearm -n _�-,-theinteres.tscrrf thenzr-t>nca pupvis�to tPonal and° affentxoriate regacl-ftirK -`�°/_
4* f o . _00io and meaninglta labor to . a child, Vv VY
church, on on, tcl Rev. W. L. Slee he has had a ''vide. acquaintance in.the evening, utilize the time assignable to history ,vvlicist�. instinct rebels•at. profitless the country 'in Which we were born .
with the Work, Miss Nell Sutherland'; . of Sea- on the examination subjects. ,,ffort p and for the privileges•'ve. enjoy, .
Indications point to a lively forth, spent Sunday at the parents �' Whatever entera.intc pure literature J, lYI. FIELD.•
WINTER TER31 OPENS JAN. 3 hustle at the coming ;Dfunicipal liome here, . . may be -considered within the do- I Ido mat think that Canadian his- I . FiO11
t' . ][ t71t Npw_
main of History. I,t is for this teas= I unh j should be eta died ' as, History With the best' aud finest Raisins.
elections. ,: ,, it?rs, J. W; Bailey�of Clinton, spent pupil •iz a a fair XMow- and Ourranta you have ever -put ELLIOTT I Rev. '14ir. 1C21iler, ' .of' .Auburn, a few days the neat. of friends An that 1, Would include in a course .. ledge of the outlines of British ' . '
preached 'in the Methodist .church here,. g .of history the. fairy tales, folk lore .History. then bialy; of the events into your cake or pudding:, We
las't.Sabbath, Miss Jennie 'Love sent Sunda'. •aud legends.,o.f our own race. I do that help; to tn'alc•.e u have•the quality at the lowest
• • I Last Week F. Metcalf, and 'R... R. P y P .our text-
at Walton: not mean that I would teach them :. L0c l Ntew price.
Sloan were"at'Toron.to, attendin ashistor but as. an introduction' bq°ka might with advantage be re .
the^$orticulturai Sho'v, Both art Mr: Howard $sell and sister, of t° histor `You can ..begin verlegated to.: the ]iistoricaI • scrap
Toaovmo, o rT. Clinton, spent Sunda the uests y` y. heap. Of what oasible' interest or COMING SATURDAY NIGHT.
Canada's High Class commercial school, 1 enthusiasts in the work. ' Y g early -even in the second part .:of. a Best selected Raisins ..... .10
Absolutely superior instruction. Write to- • g y is com= l of their cousin, Mrs. D. Tudor, the•first book it can .be done inef- i value to us, can a the quarrels and ' 'The Jones &.M�rrftt Corned Co.
A cod share of pottier Y 11 lbs °i .. 1.0U
agy for Largo catalogue. , Ing to this tziarket for local and intrigues of a long line of miser- will show in Ithe Town Hall. Clinton ;
I.d ntailly-by'readings or stories re- sure French Governors? Ido .'not on Saturday night of this week. See Yew cleaned Currants S lbs .20
G,iderich Townsl ip lated by the teacher. It can be.,l y g 121ba •' 1.00
iriade°•a chief factor .'in elle level- think I have yet freed.m.yself from adv' in this issue, Our exchanges
--- _ __ : . Gardner-Perdue,=By: the Rev, -it .prejudice I formed. -as a sc ool- � the are - la 'n to full 1. import els, Lemon
h say y e p yi g., a ��fow ed Pe
0+++++0+++++++++++++++++++ ++++♦+i +++++♦?++ +0+♦++ .Jas E. Fond, of Wesley church;: epinent-and traming•.of •the imag- boy.:aggainst Canadian instar ac- ' Orange and Oitron per,lb' 1 -
+ Clinton, .on Tuesday Nov,' 22nd (nation.. Children � very early give` . .uired b weary ' Shelled Almonds per lb ...:....:10 • -
at q y . cagy lx°urs .spent .over BAZAAR. ' .
. '. .+ ,Ah,: home of the bride's 'father Mr' evidence of,•this- faculty. and ,derive the lives and' doin s o • , Shelled Walnuts per lb ..... ,• T
• •,• g f• French the Ladies Aid of Weble
+ tiVnr..Pordue, Mr. Ac?dbert Gardne>{, . corislderable pleasure from 7t. In- Governors'vl ose names T 'found. v Chuieh . Neap ]~;vaptirattd Peaches
The Morrish Clothin + o .+ to deed it has. been truly' said that Wfll hold a Bazaar of fancy art,- lbs for ...,, .. 25
+ •• , ♦ Mfas Florence Perdue. The .. y unpronounceable and. Whose aims cies and home Made coo ill lie 1
+ + Era joins in 'Wishing them!'a long inan.;is stale -telling animal, .and ;n*ere' uzean• and selfish:' Yet there birch on Tuasd'a ec tgi'
+ life' axed• a (ha rather malicious) said that woman c y, D 6 . -New our t, .yer Rand Prunes,
+ (happy one. ,� y is much that is romantic and thril-� � �- ---
See our Byer stains and
♦ ++ On the evening . of Wednesday. is a isle• -bearing animal. Certain, it ling in Canadian history. There is ACCIDENT. ' ' � Alnher,a. Grapes. -
+ � ' - + Nov. 23rd,, Pair View, the home of. is that ft is riot long after a child' a romance in the dfscovery.and set" , '
+ _* .. +. ' r slid MIs. H. C. Holland. was the has begun to lisp its first accents element df the 'coiner yIr. Lanxton, market ardner on Pruit on display in south window .
than 'ft be s to be told a stor el in acre chi~ g r
+ itS'
+scene of a. very haplay event'vheii g y .,At airous expl'oitrl and self-sacrificin I3uron Rd,; 'vas thrown out gf.liis+ ' ♦ their se'cond daughter, Olive Eva this stage it. is•'easy to direct asci lines of Cartier: and. Champlain rig on the road dislocating hie ^v Our 5 y � Pearl became: the .bride of Mr. excite the Imagination of the: child. and the discoverers of tile• vast in injuring g•
th g shoulder and in u��in elbow. A.do
AI ur Alexander's elsh eldest son -a faculty that is'too often given. land tyaters of our continent in ran out of a house at his horse caul I. J • . N � '
+ +. of Mr, Alexander Welsh. of the, Bay over to neglect. 'the devoted lives.: -the. Jesuit .ing it to bolt. The animal did no.t. ,
s r . field line, As the wedding march When 'the. child .has reached the 'missionaries- and the iutre .id get away, -14
+ rots being played" by liTiss Emma aecgnd book. some simple and fund French generals 'whoa valor long , • '
THE 1�t113 G1tiOCEIk
f , + Burnett, cousin of ,the groom, the amental historical ideas 'should: be, sustained an Unequal struggle, : a- JL DGIrTG AT WINTER FAIR. Phone- h8
+ Its astonishing how many parents come here- � bridal.party'took their places be- made, intelligible=a state, a nat,oii, gainst•the stronger and adjacent In order to'xnaIte better rovisw _
+ ¢ •, foie; a banl� of flowers and ferns, i a province, a :dynasty, a monarch, a English coloixies, with little•; help. ton for the accommodation .of visi- . -
+ with their boys to make clo hes :$electir)ri � , ' +. 'the: nuptial knot was .tied, by the premier, . a governor-general, a. from a disinterested uiotlier coon- :tors,;the Winter Fair .at Gueiph'vvill
+ Rev. T. Wesley Cosens. The bride parliament, legislation, the admin- try, The later facts and' events of open on Monday, December •5tli= 'Hi . C01'iCCSpOndentS
++ and say :— I looked charming in a pretty • gown istration of justices taxes and civil . Canada's History under British 'one dayearlier .in 'the week than ' --
+ _... .+ f'of,crepe de chine trimmed with sa-. and foreign war, The early his- rule,'with -the. Story of. the settle- previously -and Will remain open
+ tin,"her only ornament being a,lock- tory of our 'country, township and. ment of the different'. provinces, -until the Friday' write an one side of the paper
P y ' evening follow-
+ + et set with •pearls, ;the gift. -6f the 'town might be Introduced at the • are likelyAo prove of interest to f only.
+ !rig, as usual: The exhibits will be Mail in time to reach us Tues
+ + groom. She carried a - sheaf of same time, and. in matters of local any Canadian boy. all in lace 'b Monda noon and
+ ,c , . ', + .Bridal roses. Atter. the ceremon lmistor the teacher hna be assured It,nust not be au P y; Y day of each week, or. sooner.
Show me the. Best y y y• pposed that I judging of horses, beef cattle, Avoid all items.refleetinon
+ :V + all repaired 'to the dinning room ..of the hearty co-operation . o.f the eonsides history as a narrative ..of sheep, swine and poultry will. be in somal character but send ALL. th+
+ where a sum 'tions rebast arents. About this time too such inultifarious events. a
+ + p p st awaited P , ents. It is the.( progress that afternoon. and con- NEWS. '
+ +: 'diem, The numerous and costly stories as appeal to a 'child s love logic of event's. Historic intelli .-
+ "� gifts testify to the Tai h estee y of adventure tales of,.great bray= .once is rro't mere! • 2n.for a g time during the evening.. +(`hose Removals; Visitors,
+ Bo S ►�UttS Oil can' + g m in i y m tion rt-• -who evill have'the rivilegeI ate Lod a News, Fares,
+ + in which the o n
Y y u a couple are held, wry and noble sacrifice, may be specting events: It is the coin- is :year should <� -
+ . .. I; ,, ! The bl id's going away go'vn was a r _ad or mai rated, English oetr I tending the fair th',
+ i k , , i + p y Prehension o.f their'logie. 'The de- ,plan to be thereon Mondayassome • .
r x suit of blue broad:clotH -with it she is rich In stories of this kind and velo melt of this y of the' finest classes will be judged
p part of. histor
''. s,5 + wore a large black batt faced with way thus ro ae a valuable aid in ma ver properly on that da
+i �! •• t w i a �* y p. may.very pro err be left 'io more y, ;
+ give me for $5•.00, , , ,I its'- + ;,. - + old Gold Q,4ai,•in, • The young couple 'the teaching of history. Such advanced classes, Good teachers
+ ;;,,+ rx' a� ♦ will take up housekeeping. on the stories as those of Alfred the hoWeder,'vih ,Unconsciously keep TO EXTERMINATE THE HOUSE
+ � 'i �, . + groom's farm,,Fair Grove, Bayfield - Great, King Arthur ,of the 'Round this in rnind 'even Wftli y - , pu- PLY,
+ o .." 1.;;. 4 their £rline %nds:ey will beat home to Table,. King John '.and Magna Ails. ,I do not think, it should be Dr. C. J. Hastings, Toronto's new .
o Charts, the Spanish Armada and made the object of the lessons .at
+ We appreciate the demand . 04: 'l many o'therS Will be found most in- this early stage, 'The object should Medical'Health Officer, ears A earn-
+ for Boys' Suits at this figure i 1lta<liett . terestingg, and if properly handled be to create an 'Interest in the sub-
paignto exterminate the housefly,
' t should thrill the dullest pupil 'ject and all other things will ,be one of .the greatest (menaces to
and spare no pains to secure �"i� ,:,`,, Miss M. Lee is spending a • week p public Health, and one of the
I 1,,... 1 F ••1' With her friend !Miss E,;Kurkenc lives and incidents of this kind be added thereto, 'Through an inter rrtiatd h Issexninacursuf disease, must
for our trade the bP,bf BOyh ty ,1" ♦ Mrs, A. Waymou'th and 1Vtasrer long to tha romance and,poetry of est in history is derived a taste . be atarted, Dr. Aastingsreco,rmtnde
Suit that Five Dollars ever G�; , pent Tuesday with her history. •for, goo and wholesome reading an
Charles s y one of the foliuwing aixnple ra•
bon lit. '°A T do no'it think I aliould' place a and a foundation for. a love of the niediea for the extermination' of Yliea
t;i,G .w
sie'ter Mrs, N. Sundercoek. text-boolc•af•histo�y 7n the hands best literature, With a habit thus h
Miss.Mary Weaver .of boundary of pupils until 'the have at least formed 'there would be Mess •o Pour about `LO drops ei metallic
+$ line spent, a week With her. friend Y y on a hat shovel or other metallic art-
+ � � + Miss Sarah Gibbs,. reached'tlie senior third class, riding with the frivolous reading trice, incl alloy~ the fumes to spread
+ + . Even'then it should 'be uaed(merL . with Which our libraries abounds ' through the rooms fnfestad with flies.
. I as Supplementary to the teacher's As anotber means of giving life The fumes will not injure htunan be.
+ Londesboro work and guidance. Even. in the and reality to lessons on this sub-
+ � � + g y inga but will readily destroy insects.
'r '(Rev, A. E. Jones and wife Were higher classes We.should not be the . ject, occasional readings before a A teasljiionfal of formalins in a pint
vlsitors at the Parsonage slaves of text -books, especially in class of historical selections may of water, exposed in the room. will at.
Sults of Unusual' Merit Week, -Mr. Jones is now stationed history Will the routine work as deserve a prominent place. The tract flies and destroy thein, The
These Suits are made tosour special order b The . at Belmont. Re Was back to Aub- outlined in text -books have a dead teacher may with advantage give burning of pyrethrum powder is also,
y urn his old' circuit' last 'Sunday, ening influence on a pupil and his class a half•-houO$ reading oc•-, effective, The flies are stupxed and
Jackson Manufacturing Company,. who make nothing ' Rev. J. L. Small of- Blyth and Cause hien to lose all interest In the cassionai from some book which !I- may readily be swept up and burned.
B ' Cl 1. d d 'Ll 'Rev W T' 'P h d e b'e t Nearly all text -books lustrates the erk-d to 'vllfcli the
DUE o s of to ma a Ou y strott and .of food • , • cagey ext auge pul u a c . J
+ y g � g Bits last Sunday morning, . have drawbacks --they do not suit recent historical lessons refer. LL"`_"`
looking dor-able fabs tc5, John Tambiyn and .'vife here 'the Individual needs of teachers. Such readings should be largely .
•laic ' G I hit the are 1'kel to sacri- anecdotaUor dr rn ti ' th 1.
x u Alifromoderich last Friday.
A number from 'titre attended
n S oiy y i J*
fire the production of vividfmpreS-
the his-
s a c in er c sat
deter:. as It is more necessary that
they deepen
� � �
� �� �anK
the Anniversary services at Con=
Bions to enumeration of
should on intensify
stance last Sunday,
Spite of this the
ival acts, In i
it al p
he impression
t I session o ' om
p s e one char-
necessity it
Iiuisorporz4teil ili35i
Wires arest
been installed in the villa a and the
strep hedg heh re.
d ere:! '
'youo' would avoid vagueness
fore subordinate thenx to oral less-
10"! slieir
than 'ga over the
which Has yy con covered b ground
r..ap1t )I� rnro uM• , l ,Qoq,cio0 I
. C y
The Methodist Sunda School are
rwaeticinb '«, ',. ,.y 1 Ch
p lace is for reference
and homc study If they be used
historical lebssons. `The scli lib-
racy should -furnish suitable his-
Rest Fundi $4 4OZ-006
•• . a , ria �
__........ _.. .... .... ",, �'. mss Erste ,.vr tii.,Ir Iii,<, �.�„�,„� fn the class at all they should, be tot -teal readings for the pupils and ` 7 , .
.Dec. 25t tainment to be tri . 1 read aloud explained, amplified, they should be encoura ed to make lifa8 80 Branebes iii. Camila, wid dgoitq aril Correspolidetifl3 In all
• ' Mrs E , .n c dao - li;, cominentoa on,and made vividly in free use of it. I shoul however, the Principal Ci les ill the World. .
ter Mr albty is ~islet her g teresting before any of it is re- avoid the socalled Historical novels
.The Morrish Clothing Co W. 3, J. Melville t is week.. wired to be learned as a lesson. of Henty; Nclsonis Handbook of A GENERAL BANKING 9VSINESS,TRANSACTEII,
Holt to teven's sold a two year old Than, by way of giving definiten- ` History in seven graded tcadfng
E, drown last week,
f1 A Sgvftre• Deihl For Ever $U a�I.
MrO. F. ,Gibbs is ,the guest Of es, to tubal you Have taught, it is books will be found very in5ere�t� � A V � 1v �.'t S BANK D E P AT M E N
.. 9 Mrs. Vim. Lee of derie-h for a ort unreasonable to expect the ing, as well as the Children's I.n- . at u11131�uucttos. Interest ttilO�vCtl at iiigitieat etYrront rate* few li; a facts as given in the text- cyelopoodla, iublislied monthly in .
++++++++4+++++4..•N.....++++fN+++♦♦................' ays• ”" 1. oks'to be prepared. London, Eng and, tit $2.00 a year. .. 1.'Continued on page•five. � n ad.. ClintontiBlanch, C� E� DC�W�TNG, Manager- 7 should not of first 'v en elle Biograplxy.is valuablo ns, a
1 ' •
Q !