HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-11-17, Page 6Tato C. TB MINTON. i+iiiW 4 ..ItM/MtIM. i SUNDAY SCHOOL, Lesson VI I I.—Fourth Quarter, For Nov. 2O, 1910. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. rrext of the Lesson.. Matt. xxvi, 36-56. Memory Verses, 38, 39 -.Golden Text, Matt. xxvi, 45- Commentary Pre- pared by Rev. D: M. Stearns. It may have been. as some think, not far from midnight when Jesus went forth with His disciples over the brook cgedron on His way to Gethsemane. We think of another night which in some small measure foreshadowed this,.) prayed the same words. '''hen He one, when the king of Israel tied for 'iris life across this same brook, accom- panied by a few faithful followers, be- cause of the rebellion of his son Absa- lom. In our lesson we see the true (Bing of Israel about to be put to death by His firstborn (Ex. iv, 22) and about to enter_i_nto an agony the like of which ;was never before seen`by men oi•"1a gels on this earth. Possibly He had spoken the words of John xv and xvi on His way to the garden and had prayed the prayer of chapter xvii after reaching the garden. Of this we can- not be certain. But now He leaves the eight disciples somewhere in the gar- den, and, taking Peter and James and John, 13e was withdrawn from the oth= vers about a stone's cast and began to be sorrowful and very heavy, saying unto them, "My sent is exceeding soy- rowful even unto dbath; tarry ye here and watch with Me." Then. leaving the three, He went a little farther and kneeled, down and fell on His face on the ground and prayed the prayer ot. verse 39. Luke says that an angel from heaven appeared to Hite and strengthened Him, and. being in an agony, He prayed more earnestly, and His sweat was as it were great, drops of blood falling down to the ground. He came to the disciples and found them asleep and said to Peter,' `What, could ye not wateh with Me one hour?" Watch and. pray , (verses' 40, 414. Ile went away the second time and prayed the same prayer; Then Ile Came again to them and found them asleep again, and went away the third time and • e o Ells disci les • came the thttd tim t p and said unto them, "Sleep on now and take your rest; behold, the hour is at hand, and the Son of. Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners." Luke xsii, 46, 46, looks as if when Be returned to the eight He found them asleep also and said to them; "Why sleep ye? Rise and pray 'lest ye• enter .into . tempte- tion Fie••Can.read.itand.4ritalt:antl_ meditate upon it, but who can under- stand it? What was the cup from which He asked if possible :to be delivered and yet in the drinking of which He sub- ibnitted whollyto the Father's will? Was it the same cup as that of John xviii,. 11, concerning which He: said, "The cup which my Father hath given me. shall I not drink it?" It leeks .as if the devil did not know, what he waist doing when he Billed the Lorca Jesus. for it is written .in. Heb. 11. 12. that ,lesus took a body M. flesh tied blood that through death Ile might destroy him that lead the power of death -that LS. the devil, • We know that he tried to kill him at His birth, and possibly be tried to drown Him in that storm on the sea. Perhaps he thought that 'if he Could kill brim before be reached the cross. he would frustrate the whole plan of. redemption.. if that be so and we can consider Gethsemane ns the devil's attempt to kill Hitn in the gar- den; arden; then the Saviour's prayer may have been a prayer that Ile might not die in the garden, and: leave Ills great work uufinisht d, but . that He might. have .victory in the'garden• and go on to Golgotha arid . finish 131s work of - atonement for sin.. Thatwould ex plain the rensott' • why. , on angel strengthened Him, If We are, right in this supposition. then His. willingness todie in the garden. If ,His Father should so •will Its and leave Ills .ww!orkt unfinished in very, sight of the goal is the greatest instance of submission 'On ,record. 7'o be willing not to sue-, Beed with success in sight -who everi heard of such a thing? But the cup of dying ie the garden passed from 'Him, and• he was strength- ened supernaturally and event on glad-. lytto drink t t("e cup `fluff; 1I1S I'Ii.'th't bad prepared for HIm: In that light listen to. Heb. v, T. "Wile iu the days. of• His flesh. when Ile had offered up:, prayers and supplications, with strong.... Crying and tears. .unto Elim that was' able to save Ilim. from death and was. heard In. that •110 feared." • In 1 John' • v. i5. it is written. "1f we know that De bear, us whatsoever we ask' we; ,know that We have the 'petitions that; we desired of Hint," Re prayed, to• Mtn who Ras able tb save Him from" death, and • lle was heard; therefore' He was.'snved frnrii death In the gar--, eon Ili Order that He ini bt 6itisti Elis. Work of atonement .by dying on the n cross for :our sins;.` 11'thesi° thoughts are wren . may the 1 nrd. fot;i;ive us for., daring •,to tolerate t.hetu• • but :1 .- -hey are of fllti4,.irntc.'_ 1t• 4t1Fs _theta and giant 1115.. vletniw to. do Ws wilt add pet fact submission to. it, Nov see • tile agent .of the ileytl daring 'to .kiss our • Lord, and behold tatir :Lord sub- mitting to it knowing hitt) to be Who and what be wa•s:, 4ltnnn l'i'ter would. pave done ik tter withoitl :t sword. i hohowtt ity islanders of his and slut urs has our blessed Lord remedied`.. Are W0 helphig peimfe ti, hear,. nr lire we by lneo isisteueies h uderuig then) ,from hearing? .. Maru0ernent of the Flan. If n sant is to have htmw•y service he .. l onld !at' wwe1i fat'. Aft>wr 'oats ranee 'a Tali'. hecinidn a: w^veek or .rwo lirpvk tts. to turning him with the e�wves, twill inti. halt In goof condition. 1!e should then be tail' to attend to at least thirty.. If the 11,)('1.,15 ti 10tg' one sly not turn twvca nr<.three rams its together. It is taut tet 'divide. it. giving each. ram twenty ewes • in 0 st+patrate inclosure, as a target• niiuiber or raitns'is always the result.. n,•73'3.:73.0,(•2-7,M714�•r5�,�.'.Ya MEN -WE CAN CURE YOU FINEST MEDICAL INSTITUTE IN MAE-RICA_. OWNED A OCCUPIED BY DRS. K. & K. -YOUNG OR MIDDLE-AGED MEN who need•theservices of expert specialists why waste your xnoneyy in treating with doctors you i morn• nothing of, why -waste I your money with .worthless electric belts I or drug store nostrums, when you can get guaranteed, reliable, successful treatment these Master Specialists. Drs. K. $c K.. have treated patients throughout Canada for over :10 years and aro responsible flnan- dally. • They accept only curable cases and should your caso prove incurable it need not cost, you a cent. If you aro:unable to call at our omce for It -persona' examinatlon we will send a Question .List for you to fill tap from w ach wo can diagnose. your case and tell youivhcther you are curable or not. Then we will prescribe specific remedies for your individual caso which you can tole at home. Wo hive no cure-allremedy that we send to everybody alike as most specialists do,, but wo prescribe the rem- edies required for each individual case to complete a euro.• That's oneof tho secrets of our wonderfuksnceess when others fail. Send for our Free Booklet on Diseases of Men (illustrated.) CURES 'GUARANTEED OR NO PAY We Guarantee to Curo NervousDebility, Blood Diseases, Varicose Veins, Kidney, .$ladder and • Urinary Diseases CONSULTATION FREE. if unable to tall, write for a Question Blank •. for Home Treatment Ds.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich, + , ku' ' NOTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed }v ., '."t" to our Canadian Correspondence Depart - w" ` went in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address. ."s Y rsesi e-• Ye*.**twairge. -tee•, . --44idesebtrAisseitse LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW. For the Printing you are bound to needy next month, and have it ready whenizi'Srou+ 'want it. We can ive you thea~ best. service, forceful -they are net true. P111111114 Brooks of beloved tncnaory Wet care- ful to write, "Not .Isettriot" , One searches his serMons la vain to And a hasty imputation or thoughtless at- tack. We pabile speakers sometimes bane a trick of using illustrations of a; color that eh/ .gogd student of history knows will not wash. Labels are ex- cellent things, but they shouldbe prop• erly .applied. When we remember our own leanings from the perpendicular wo ought to be shy of tailing every Judas an Iscariot. It is a little con- fusing to think that some day the mag- nanimous sod will cover us *Ili without reproach. Among men of my eraft many a good "call" has been carefully boxed, its freight paid and the train started with prayer, only to be gagged by a zealous brother who forgot the parenthesis, "Not Iscariot." . I do not know where either of the Judas breth- ren may be, 1 leave that to those who like to Map the world above end that beneath. I do know that God's ledger is evenly :ruled. No confusion there. No auditing required. Judas, the true, has one page. Judas, `the false, an- other. In our ardor we quickly gum and affix our little tags. We use the terms "crank," "eccentric," "fanatic," "unbeliever," but God's directory of "Who's Who" retrains the. same. With him every Judas, is not :an Iscariot, I am glad the bigher Critics allow this little parenthesis to remain. It is a little gem of charity hidden amid the exhaustless mine of God's word. SATU,`? SLR -i >:. •fik W P R%is.D.D. GODS PARENTHESES. Test, "Judas (hot lscarfot). -John xiv. 22. In this matchless chapter of St. John; amid its pearls of comfort and hope. there occurs this little parenthesis that we skip over in our eagerness to feast our eyes and hearts on the words of our departing Saviour. The apostle, quoting Judas, takes pains to assure us that the speaker was not the traitor: Judas had seven namesakes in the Bible, and probably none of them rel• fished his cognomen resemblance to the betrayer. St, John realized that all future readers would confuse the speaker with his odious double, whose name was to be a hissing and a by- word, yword, andso carefully adds, "Not Is- cariot!" Good. A. parenthesis of God outweighs a paragraph of man. We are careful to place dollars and cents in separate columns, but we confound men, motives, errors and truths. • 'rha, Rarity of Charity. Accuracy is divine, llfathetnatfes arose in the r ouncils of God. To err is human -and human alone. Oecn- storm ly it is inhuman. 'Voltaire, Paine, -rinsing OfficeBurin, Byron -theta Wye loaf; stood Throe lbwEra ' is - y .0 , ..v .xw"...._ as conrrenient pegs to hang illustra- tions that leek -lint one feature to ho ..341a tai _ ssasiis� _ _ 1 Drewing' Inferences. "Mose," said the employer to his colored teamster, "can you draw an in. ference?" "'Deed. boss, dem mules can tate any inference you want if de tubs hold out." An ancient story, or course. But inferences and weakness of harneass go together. In drawing in. ferences one is apt to forget --"not Is• carlot," A.ti inference is defined . as "a probable conclusion towart'iwhtch facts point, but do not absolutely establish." When Hannah knelt praying in the temple her lips moved, but,her words were not. audible, Eli, the priest, in- ferred the godly woman was drunk and so accused her. When .Pan! was shipwrecked at Malta be helped gather the sticks to make a fire. A. deadly viper fastened itself on Paul's. hand. The barbarians immediately inferred that be was a bad man. "No doubt a murderer. He escaped drowning, but the viper is God's avenger on him for his crimes." When Paul didn't fall dead from the viper's venom they drew another inference --"he mast be a god." When John came "neither eating nor drinking" some inferred he "had a devil.". When Christ came doing both they inferred be was "a glutton and a wine bibber." Of John Christ said, "None greater born, among women." Of Christ God said, "This is any beloved'Son "Not Iscariot." Caught a1 Cold Which ,ncled in a . Severe Attack of Pneumonia.� All Skin Diseasgs Can be Directly Traced To . BAD BLOOD.. Therefore to get rid of these skin dis- eases it is absolutely necessary that the blood should be thoroughly cleansed of the accumulated poi•cae, and for this i Blood Biiters 1 onothing to equal Bur - This remedy has been on the market I. for over thirty-five years and when you use it you are not experimenting with some new and untried remedy. . Miss Stella Eichel, Maitland Forks, ` N,S., writes: -"I have been bothered with Salt Rheum on my hands for three years and it itched so I didn't know what l . to do. I tried everything but nothing seemed to be any good. I heard of Burdock Blood Bitters and bought two _ bottles of jt, and now I am perfectly cured and have no Salt Rheum on my hands any more. I cannot speak too highly of 'Burdock Blood Bitters." Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. • alutel,dar. ltpt'ac'17 Clarke Woods, who killed Hector ''Murray by striking him with a bot- • tie, was sentenced at Red Deer, Alta„ to ten years' imprisonment. The dead body at St, Thomas, identified as that of William Bran- dow of Kingsmill, turned out tobe that of Benj. Taylor, of Melbourne.. Brandow Is alive and Well. Had Severe Pains In .Back. - w° ' Felt As If It Must Break. Mr; Alfred E. Davis, Gorrie, Ont., writes;--" For some years I suffered from severe pains in my back, and could hardly work at all, and when I stooped -down to pick up anything felt as if my back must break. 1 was advised to try Doan's Kidney Pills and after taking two boxes was entirely cured, and I feel that I cannot speak too highly in their favor. "This was nearly four years age and 1 still remain cured." For ' Backache, Lame` • Back, Weak Beek, there is no remedy equal to Doan's .Kidney Pills for taking out the stitches, twitches and twinges, limbering up the stiff back - and giving perfect comfort. Doan's Kidney Pills are. 50 cents per box or 3 boxes for $1.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co,, Limited, Toronto, Ont, In ordering direct specify "Doan's." Too rnu'ch stress cannot be laid on the fact that when.a person catches cold it 1 must be attended to immediately, or. serious results are liable to follow. • Bronchitis, Pneumonia and Consump7 tion are all caused by neglecting to Cure S the strnplw, cold. .liirs. a. W. Bowman, ;Pattullo, Orit., write."Three years ago I caught -a; cold which ended in 'a severe attt ck Pneumonia. Since. that time at the be iniung of each winter seem to catch cold very easily. I have been so'hoarso 1, was unable to speak Ioud enough to. be • heard . across the .room. Last winter, however, i friend advised me to try Dr. Wood's Norway pine Syrup, saying it had helped her. 'I bought a bottle and before it, gran a e.l• I was completely cured, I also find it a good mcilicine.for the children when they have colds." .. Beware of the many imitations of Dr. Wood's Norway. Pine Syrup. Ask for "Dr. Wood's" and insist on getting what you ask for. tt ie put up in a yellow wrapper; three pine trees the trade mark; the price; 25 cents, Manufactured only by The '1. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. ' • nsrs.- 'ones" eyes lona reit as sue de- scends the steps. tier. neighbor "in- fers" that .she has quarreled with her husband. "Do you notice how often our pastor goes to Brown's? He knows on .which side his bread is but- tered." . Goslow in your inferences. You may later have to write with shamed face, Not Iscariot" , Your Neighbor's Name. We owe It to our neighbor not to do him an injustice.. A man's character is one thing, his reputation another. His character is what he is, hisrepu- tation is what you say he is. Jesus Christ had a good charaeter, none bet- ter. Ere Could say truthfully, "Satan cometh and llndeth nothing in me."; And yet his reputatiou during most of his publie life was bad, very bad.; Many men in public life have a good character and a had reputation. Wash4 ington was such a one. So was Lin- coln. •Want to make your blood boil? Just'read the journals of their time. S"ou are anxious that "not Iscariot" should fallow your name. If your morning's paper says a Iran in your town Was arrested for some crime, you 'feel like writing a note to the editor something tike this: • Dear Str-1 Lease Gait the attentiontef. the public in your next issue to be act that the John Smith who was arrested yesterday for beating his wife woe an- ether John Smith, not the one who lives In my Street and at my number. Respect- fully yours, 40I1N sldrrt'I., No. 10 Peaceful avenue. Catch the idea for yonesett-and your neighbor? "Not Iscariot," T. B. Coulson, ttf Eden bilks died from: 'injuries ausitained by a beans falling «upoii him. ;, MY FiOBBLB loveInewray hobble, II:'Chill .�'to may' forte; •Anda 1f I am careu .. 'Twill do • Yue no harm, It `hangs in tny'.closet Stretched over a 'broom ; For one thing I'm thankful,, It takes up no room;. ' I 'brush It, and press it, And itend'it 'with love And. if I groW stouter 'Twill fit- like a glove. • I love my new hobble, . Its cling is . so warm ; And If I ,don't wear it, 'Twill do true no harm! * * MOTHER'S +LITTLE -• • TREASURE What mother does not look • upon her baby •as.,a .iii le lyes- * sure, •Wb.at Another wvould•not' home, -the sick child brings. *' misery. despair and care. .But ' .rather suffer herself than see *. her precious little one suffer, * The well chiid,brin s joy to the *i mothers, there is no need for * your baby to be cross and• ail- ' ing•• even .during, the' much •* dreaded teething time, .'What * baby needs to keep him well is •. * Baby's Own Tablets. Thede * .Tablets pure all stomach and * bowel troubles destroy worms ''.'. * and make teething easy. Mrs *' Pierre M Cortiiier,. New Rieh- * * mond Centre, Que., Writes ;- * Baby's Own Tablets have been . * of great benefit to my little * one and now he sleepswvelland * eatS Well and is happy all the •* * 'tinsel' The Tablets are sold * • *by all medicine dealers at 25 *. cents a box or direct from The ,K Dr.., "Williams Medicine Co., * *Brockville, Ont. 1ti,"NF1.. Tb.0 Ulna ''h: Cu I:ave Always Boug tt, and which has been hi use for J131VCI.4 CO years, has borne the signature of and :has been j acii, tinder his per. .Sol;tal f-t1p�CrS'i:'n3On s;mce tsiufauey,. ., s K r'�• . .iioFa I3() ():iQ to tlecetvo oiV lit tills., ,A.11 Counterfeits, Imitations ring "Just -as•• ootP' are but, Jxperizuetats t.t:tt trill() with tnt:ei endanger the inealtiL or Tufaztts and Cltiltiron-1 xperiersee ar,ainst Jxpnrh ent. IreftifrAp IA Castoria it; ;t harmless substitute for Castor Oil, 'Pare- goric, Drops tuul Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It Contains tacit'.1er Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and alio;-s everii:USess. I.t curds Diarrhoea au•1 Wind Colic, It relieves Teething Troubles, cures. Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilator the Food, regulates. the Stotnaclt gaud Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Wile Children's ?Panaceas -The Mother's Friend. - i GA TO R IA ALWAYS 33can the Signature of The Kind You Hage Always Bough I n Use- For Over SO Years.. THC CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 McRRAY %THEFT,. NEW YORK C,TY. REVERIES OFA - REAL ESTATE IAN. • I' he does a small business the bier fish ignore him; • If he does a big business the lit- tle 'fish get no chance. If he in poor, he is not worthy of Iconfidence. • If he has made Money he has taken advantage of his , clients. If he is obstinate he• is looking for a'COnt aiSaion. If he is pessimistic he is' dis- loyal to the town. If he tells you apiece of proper-, sty .is low he is lying. if he tells you it is•hIgh he wants it himself. If he wants to Sell no one Will +buy. It he wantet'.to )buy the owner wont sell, • Before a piece of property •is sold 3;t is not worth buying, after it is sold investors Wish they , had known, If he finds' a custolner,•the owner tries to sell dircet and beat the commission. . Though much abused he is still in the ring. rent and is H e pays his office a gets three finals. When all is said he is a neces- sary fevil, ▪ Fremont Crandon, stores,•ag- ent of the G. T.1'. at Prince Rupert, died on his wttyY from Lindsay to his post, Y STAR DAILY _ ORT'N 1 EWS The sporting pages .of The Star are, conducted by sporting news writers who are right in the game -men ac%ve in athletic circles --so that it is not any, wonder that reported 'sporting events -no matter where: they are held -are most reliable -;- newsy -and the fullestyou will find in • any: Canadian : paper. Star sporting pnews: is always readably written -and you • The will always find it fair to everybody,. You- will enjoy reading The Daily Star sporting, columns and there is many a timely illustration :that gives an added interest, pa Subscribe now and tate advantage of our special rate of 5th_ a_ Year This paper and the •Toronto Daily Star to 'ether 10 for $2..00 . '02;2$4211ZigitaiMIOUREM=isi'- When Von NeedFarm=. Carpetsture, Shades Lest you forget -We wish: to remind you that we have a lar • •ge stock of these goods. Honest•-nladc Good5'.itsBoniest Prices 1 Dresser and Stand -Dressers with' 3 drawers, large beve' mirror, stand with towel rack .$9.50 PriueesS Dresser -Fancy oak finish, French oval bevel glass 20x40,. 3 drawers 50 Sanitary Mattress ft (T in wide, 6 ft 4 in long, fancyX2,wide . . stripe. .. .... ......... .. ... ,3.40, 3.50, 4.00 Velore Conches -Spring seats, 6 ft.long, 5.00, 6.00. 7•.50' Verona Conehes -Made for comfort:and beauty 9.00, 112.00, 15.00 Easy Chairs -•Covered with imperial leather, deep tufted, oil tempered springs........:....., 7.50, 9.00, 112.00 Brussels Carpet -Reds, Greens, Fawns, per yard 1.00, 1.25 Dominion Squares -Beautiful patterns, quality guaranteed Window Shades, Brass Extension hods, . and Curtain ' Poles- Priees lrtigllt. J: r1. Che!lew, = Blyth READ THIS This is the time ler U•n derwear and we have Stanfield's tlnshrink able, Femme's. Ellis, and Fleece Lined and also Plain, for men. women and children, We have a fine lot of Coat Sweaters for men, women and children. Something extra in Table Cloths and Table Napkins. Extra heavy stock of Shoes and Itubbers. We have a special 5•gafon 011Oan, We have Ensilage Forks, Scoop Shovels, etc; We have Har- ness Sapplies that you need. We have Coal Oil at 10e, 20c and 25e. Highest Price for Produce. R. Adams, Londesboro, 1