HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-11-17, Page 3..
r ay,'Nee. 7.7
H . chlta "-"Ill iaea lndigestloli—muddy complexion—^pinIptea
,had xsath-allose are tome of the effects of cots..
step' tion. The mild, .sensible.
reliable remedy
They contain the latest
discovered and Pleat eviipcuant known, which
empties the bowels without the slightest discomfort and without dis-
turbing the rest of the system. Constantly increased doses are not necessary,,,,
lac. a box. If your druggist has not yet stocked them, send 25c. and we veil mall thorn. 25
National Drug and CLemlcal .Company of Canada. Limited. Montreal.
Blood Oranges are delicious to
use 'when making orange ice or ice
cream. Net only do they give a
satifying.flavor but the color Is
Don't use scouring soap on enani
el bathtubs ; the enamel will soon
be Vent through if you do. Kero-
• sane applied with a ra g;'will remove
all spots.
' If a 1emon'is 'heated.,either by he -
bag plunged into boiling :water or
by being put into the oven for a
few Moments. the juice will be taore
readily extracted.
An 'infallible rule for all steamed
foods 1s to place them' over cold
pater, but when it begins to boll
never let the 'watec.stop 'boiling un-
til the food is done.
Eggs stuffed 'with sardines are
very !tasty. TheyMay ( 'be served
a cream'
d if
either 'hot or col ,
sauce seasoned with a little lentom
juice, goes 'weir with them.
• If apples are cored 'before they
are pared, there is less danger of
their 'breaking. A clothespin May
be substituted for the regulation
corer with good effect.
Cut a raw turnip in two and use
it to "grease" .the pancake griddle
It 'will do as well as grease and the
-pancake will be without the slight-,
estlgreasy taste.
An' experienced says that when
'using molasses she always cooks it
first. She lets it come to a boil nand
then skims it carefully. Then there
is no unpleasant raw taste.
A little minced sweet green or
red Pepper added to the croquettes
hash or snorning_dish of ego, whe-
ther poached, scrambled or served
as an omelet, will prove a tasty
but if there ds any life ]eft in the
roots :of ;Ton ohair, Parisian Sage
l will titimulate the hair bulbs and
cause your hair 'to grow again,Here
as one case. "1 alma: now using the
second bottle of your Parisian Sage
and Can notice a neev crop of hair
appearing. I an glad to .ay it is a
:darker color than fny hair was be-
fore I'becat:ie bald." Harry Reid.
10, Manhattan St, 'Rochester, N. Y.
Don't !wait till you are bald be-
fore using Parisian Sage, use it
'now. Kill the dandruff germ and
prevent baldness t W. S. R. Holmes
the druggist, sells Parisian Sage
at 50 cents a large bottle, and he
ikuaratitees it to cure dandruff.
stop falling 'hair, and cure all die-
eases of the scalp, or money back.
Parisian Sage is a delightfully in-
vigorating hair•,Flressingg ; it makes
the hair soft, :fluffy and beautiful.
sauce served in cups tmade of lemon
ehells, or in cock -tail glasses.
Sauce for Cocktails,
One cup ;tomato catsup, one-half
teaspoon onion juice. one-quarter
teaspoon 'salt, one teaspoon bone -
radish one teaspoon.sugar.,one tab-
lespoon lemon juice and threedrops
tabasco. Mix 'well and keep on ice
several hours !before using.'
'With Macaroni
Cook three-fourths cup tnaear
of i in boiling saitedr water 'until
soft ; drain; put layer in ;buttered
'bake ;dish, cover with. oysters,
sprinkle with salt, pepper, flour
and bits of butter t•repeatand cov-
er top 'with. 'crumbs. Bake a half
hour tin hot Oven.
Stuffing for Turkey. •
Season dried bread crumbs with
salt, pepper, parsley, thyme and
sage, and. jraoisten 'with bits of melt
ed butter. Heat one-half pint oys-
ters, add to dressing and stuff the
.Hints to Correspondent's
Write on one side of the,paper
• only.
Mail in- time to reach us Tues-
day of each week, or sooner. •
Avoid all items reflecting on per-
sonal character, but send ALL the
.Cheek of this ,list, It may assist
you to remember an important
Deaths, Marriages,.
Accidents, Church News,
Suppers or Presentations,
Removals, Visitors,
'bodge News, Fires,
Public Improvements,
Law Cases, The Crops,
School Matters.
All My Pimples Gone.
Girl Tells Mow A Blotchy Skin'
Was Cleansed by a Siiniple Wash
"I was ashamed of my face,"
writes Miss •Minnie 'Pickard of Al-
tamahaw.. "rt was all 'full of
pimples and. sears, 'but after using.
D. D. D. Prescription .I can say
that now there is. no ,sign: of that
Eczema, and that 'tvas,'three years
D. D, D. 'has 'becom!e .So 'famous as
a eure and instant relief in eczema
and all other serious skin diseases,
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, that its value is.sometimes over-
Lucas County -ss lookedin clearing 'up rash, pimples.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ; and . all other ;minor
he Is senior partner of the firm of forms of skin impurities.
P. J. Cheney & Co., doing business' The penettrating
in that it 1. sDtrikes
D. D. o
in the City of Toledo, County and sO penetra'tfthat it strikes to
State aforesaid, d the very root of ecaem'a. ,or.any.
other serious 'trouble the Booth
and that Said
arm ingg'
will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED Oil of 'Wintergreen, Thymol and
DOLLARS for each and every case other ingredients are so , carefully
of Catarrh that cannot be cured by . om ounded there is no wash' for
the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. I the akin made that can compare
FRANK J. CHCNEY. with this 'great `household.remed:
— —Sworn -to -before #ne and�subscrLb ��_. y
ed in my presence, this 6th .day ,of 'forever ks plcif salla trouble,
December, A. D. 1886. D. D. D. is pleasant to use, per
A. W. 'GLEASON, fectly harmless to the most 'deli-
Sea1.1 Notary 'Public. cate skin, and, absolutely reliable.
all's Catarrh Cure is 'Wisest in- I Waite the D.D.'D. Laboratories,
Dept, ,N. E., 49 Colborne.
ally, °and acts directly on the:'St, Toro
ccs of hie . nto, for a. free atrial, bottle, and
blood and Mucous surfaces
stens, Send for testimonials free prove its' -wonderful effectiveness.
sy For Sale by'all Druggists.
F. J. CENEY & CO, Toledo,0 gg...
Sold by all Druggists, 75c:
Take 'Hall's Family Pills for con-
Tom Jardine is.
NOW in Litneiig it
Ilulni►r Says Ue":'Alias°Glv n
the An thOrRies Neww Ae-:
• count of t iter.
The rumor that Tom Jardine is
under surveillance and.that he will
be arrested shortly on a charge of
Notwithstanding the various and
elaborate.sauces that are prepared
by the skillful housewife for the
improvement of the oyster. the
epicure knows that the native flay- t.
or is best. He always eats. his. oy-
sters from, the shells.,which are em-
bedded'in crushed ice, with only a j
drop or two of lemon juice or else
without condiments.
Nevertheless oyster cocktails
have become quite popular as a salt
ory tid-bit with which to begin a
dinner. They are dainiest served
on ice on the half -shell with the
pleNttaant habit at Westin P out Vera
Toothache—Collodion and pure
carbolic acid. Mix three or four
drops of each together and apl3ly
to the 'cavity of •the tooth,
The Alpena Mich., yacht:Vila was
wrecked off Yeo Island. The crew
Managed to-reach'Tobermory.
The Garden City Company has
been organized at Montreal to buy
a tractof land and build Model
By the sudden freezing over . of
Lake 'Winnipegmost of the fleet
of steamers have been caught in.
the ice and thecrews will be com-
pelled to abandon therm for the
that students were seen
drinking on • Thanksgiving Day
have Stirred up the Guelph 'Colleg-
iate Institute students, and . they
demand' that Rev. Mr. Arnold, who
v.ade.:.the charge, beasked to prove
ft or
S. Pinkie, a railway news agent,
was arrested at Bracebridg'e on .a
charge of robbing a Pole of $300.
.Good . Health
High Grede Butter Made at Kanas`
Agricultural Collage.
By L. .s:' MICHEL. 1Ksniee ;Atlricuitural
Who wouldn't selle.eam if lie did
not have to deliver it? The Kansas
State AgrIenkural College dairy, Man.
batten, Kan., needs more cream than
it can get from Its dairy herd and has
taken this method to go out Into the
highways and hedges and bunt it up.
The cream collecting Is done with an •
automobile dairy, wagon, which per -
rapidly, Then 1f she is a mother who
likes to' keep up to the minute in her
fashions she will appreciate a shopping
hag such as the model seen In the il-
lustration. Light gray velvet is the
fabric used, and it is hand painted in
i nft colors, The appearance Is much
iike suede, - but it is ever so much
newer and smarter than the average
bag of commerce. The handles are
also of the velvet. It is fitted with a
long purse between two open compart-
meats. •
Gifts In .Mourning Jewelry.
When mourning is worn there are
useful and attractive gifts to be found
in the' shops, Among them are black
ony,x beads, a necklace or a lorgnette
chain in gun metal. An umbrella•with
one of the new gun metal handles is
always. appreciated. Or what do you
think of a dull jet comb for the hair?
For Elderly Women.
If she is an -'elderly woman a Span-
ish lace scarf or Schu would be a.nice
gift. These scarfs come all the way'
in price from. $4 to $15. Down com-
whether of •silkoline or real
silk, are a good • choice, also a pretty.
shoulder shawl. If she is a really old'
lady a lace dress cap or a •pair of.
black kid gloves will suit, or a . fold.
ing knitting stand may be purchased
from $3 up. And for grandma .this
• present is indeed a useful one. Silk
or satin for a waist is another gift to
be labeled useful. . --r •
Furniture Gifts.
A lamp, a mirror, a sewing stand, a
magazine rack, a desk and chair, a
great easy chair or perhaps a sewing
chair, a handsome .library table, due
of the beautiful bookcases, any of the
beautiful rugs offered, a jardiniere or
a vase for flowers, a cabinet to hold
ah overflow of treasures, desk or .writ-,
ing table fittings to harmonize with,
other furnishing, a framed photograph. '
an old print or a fine reproduction of a
famous painting.
For Soiled .Handkerchiefs., . .
A handkerchief bag is fashioned from
' the Rich, ed
What need it ><s i D R
w a c_ _ .-..�
B1ood Dr, Willliams' Pink Palls
Actually Make.
Perhaps you have .already noticed.
that your daughter in' her "teens"•
has .'developed a fitful temper,. is
'restless and excitable. In that case
remember that the march of years
is leading her on to 'womanhood.
and at thistime a great responsi-
bility rests upon you as parents, If
„your daughter is pale, complains: of
weakness _ and depression, - feels
"all !tired out" after a little exer-
t:er-tion; if she tells of . • headaches, or
bacekachbs, or path he side, do
not di'+i;egardthes' rings Y`.Jur
r1angLn'er needs hells for she is inpst
probably anaemic—that , is.; blood-
less, •
'Should ,you notice any of these
-perjury is not',true, Since his rem signs, lose no time, but proem e Dr,
lease at'VPednesday's trial.he has.
0 Unheal-
thy Willgirlhood.lis b bowel tN foro leatou
healthy womanhood, . Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills .enrich impovisbecl blood
and by doing so they repair waste
and prevent disease. They give to
sickly.,drooPinr'. ,health, 'bright
had much to. do • with getting his Incas and charm, with color in the
"liberty, by Melling" the author- 1 cheeks, bright eye's, a lightness of
ities'a different scary as to life -{ step
and high spirits. A case typi-
movements 'on the night of the t cal of 'thousands curesdd through the
half, a fringed towel • twenty-three
inches long and twelve inches wide.,
!rb,ic ta_first,embroidered_in with small
flowers, such as violets or forgetme-,
nots. Damp . and iron on .the . wrong'
ossl t u
and stitchacv ,
side, then P
the bottom. The hoop at the top: is,
half of an embroidery frame six inches
in diameter, which is liemmed in by;
hand: , To suspend it use inch wide
satin ribbon.
een constantly around the town
.and eould•have been arrested at
any time. . •
How He.Go' Libert . •
I It is rumored that . Tom Jardine.
During Change of Life,
Mrs. Chas. Barclay
Graniteville, Vt. — "I was passing
through the Change of Life and suffered
from nervousness."
and other annoying
symptoms, and I
cn ruly,say that
Vegetable Com-
pound has proved
worth mountains
of gold to me, as it
restored my health
and strength. I
never forget to tell
my friends what
L diaE.Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound has done for me
during this trying period. Complete
restoration to health meats so much
to me that for the sake of other suffer-
ing women I am willing to make toy
trouble public so you may publish
this letter." —Mns. Cates. BAntif.A.. ,
R.F.D.,Graniteville, V
No other medicine for woman's ills
has received such Wide -spread and un-
qualified endorsement. No other med-
•of has such
a re
of cures of female ills as has Lydia E.
pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
V'or more than 80 years it has been
curing female complaints such as
inflammation ulceration, local weak-
nesses, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
'periodic pains, backache, Indigestion
and nervous prostration, and it is
unequalled for carrying wonfen safely
throh the period
cit 3ff
,It coats but little to
Pinkham's Vegetable Conipound, and,
murder and What he knew of his. iise of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is
brother's doings at :the same time.
Neither he nor the crotvn officials
say, y, h• owever .
Meanwhile Ed. Jardine is back in
jail and 'likely 'to .remain there till
his .trial, as there is no chance of
getting bail, so his counsel, L, P.
Dancey, 'says,
Mrs. Jardine. who is still suffer-
ing from the nervous trouble that
she complained of at the coroner's.
inquest, received the news of Tom's
freedom: while lying in bed. •She
seems 'to be dissatisfied. "I d'on'e
'see why' they couldn't keep them
together or free .them' both," she
said. .
Geo. Jardine thinks they didright
ia freeing his brother, He says
they should never have arrested
him at all. Wesley Anderson, the
father of the murdered girl, has
never all through the affair shown
and 'bitterness toward the :Jardine
family. It is plain to be seen that
Anderson either does not think Jar
dine is the guilty person or does
not want to see hint punished for
'it. He expressed himself as being
glad 'that 'Tom Jardine was at lib-
et,Y' • •iii 1'
VOW New Witnesses. .
Chief Pos'tlewaite and Inspector
Boyd, 'who have been on the case
almost 'constantly, had a few new
witnesses to show as the result of
their labors.
"The witnesses have nothing
Startling now," said Chief Pestle-
waite. `just a little more of the
same kind of evidence as given by
the 'others. We are running across
something of
the ease almost every
day," he said He also said this
morning with regard to the charge
of perjury against' Tom. "We could
street the whole Jardine family on
the same 'charge if we liked." As
e Matter of fact 'Tout's evidence,
was the 'clearest of the Jardines.
as Mrs.Batelaysays,it is "worth moon -
tato of gold' to (uttering womesi.
that of Miss . Grace Cunningham,
\V'innipe.g�Man .,who says i "I real-
lyof'n praise
cannot say enough
Dr. 'Williams' Pinar Pills, as they
have shade me feel tike a new. girl.
I was Pale and almost bloodless and
think that on an average I' missed
at Yeast three. school sessions a
week, 'because I felt like a broken-
down person, and 'too weak to • do
anything, The Doctor's medicine I
tools did little more .than. keep me
in hope; it certainly did not cure
me. Then I was advised to take Dr
Williams' pink Pills and they soon
made me feel • like , a new person.
Day by day I !gained strength and
color. and 1 have your medicine to
thank for it.' •Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills are sold
may be
b' all medicine
had by snail at 50 cents a' box or six
boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine:C0 .13rockville, Ont.
Photo by Kangas Agricultural college.
mita of covering a large territory In a
short space of time.
The farmers who live in the vicin-
ity of the Manhattan are paid Elgin
prices at their own doors. The college
can well Edam to pay this price, as it
gets 2 cents above the market price for
the best creamery, butter and sells be-
tween 800 and 900 pounds a week at
that price. No butter is shipped out of
Manhattan, as the demand there bas,
never been fully supplied. All the
dairy products are manufactured by
the dairy husbandry students of the
college. : '
Kidney Worms In Swine.
For kidney worms in ...hogs take one
tablespoonful of spirits of turpentine
:andput it in the slop and get them to
drink it. One dose will cure nine
times out of ten.
Tonio For Rundown. Cows.
. Powdered sulphate of iron. two .
ounces; saltpeter, .two ounces; nus
vomica, one ounce; dose, a heaping
teaspoonful in feed three times a day.
Dog Distemper.. .
• Give. tbe.dog ten drops of fluid ex--
gtractof uux veiniest and twenty drops
of fluid extract of ergot three tiriies a
Silver Eyeglass. Cases.,
A silver eyeglass case would be a
happy offering either to father or
mother. ' If father Is to receive the';
case a black leather affair with his
monogram, done in silver on one side
;would be .most, appropriate.
would doubtless . rather have lin all
silver case. If the head of the. house''
goes. in for athletics give ium 'a .golf.
bag—the one lie bus may be worn out
—or a dozen golf balls and perhaps a
new . putter; if. lie's fond of bridge or.
whist, some packs of handsome cards;
watch fob or a brass desk set—and in
plain dull brass they're stunning. For
the motorist there are auto records
and if money's no object piano'players
and talking machines are on the mar-
„ bas
or•� a, purchaser.
kat Waiting 1?
A Nut.'Set. For Mother.
Mother would be pleased with .a set
of six paper ice cream cups covered
with red crape paper and fieri with red
ribbon' and: a spray _ of holly.. These,
idled 'with homemade salted peanuts
ur :sandy, would make a charming . ad
dition to the Christmas dinner table.
Harry Reid Knows. %
'° 1.Ialaaioy
W. S Ii,..• Iloimes,the drugist
does not 'guarantee Parisian Sage
to 'grow hairr on ot'ery bald head'
Everything has its place in the great
economy of things, and the useful)
Christmas present is not barred out
In the great array of gifts spread opt
to choose from it is not well in evert •
case to be led away from the useful
by .the mere glitter of brass and drys-
Those are other useful gifts besides
collars and pajamas, bathrobes and
corset covers. Each person's home life
suggests hundreds of needs which do.
not touch too closely on the personal
and which yet may be numbered
among the useful.
Why Not Buy Mother a Bag?
Mother can never have too many
ahonbing bags. for the have an uta
You need it for protection from the
cold, and for appearance sake, .
We would like to show you how well
we are fixed to Overcoat you.
Plenty of good Overcoatings to show
you men. We chose them: tor their
beauty, their durability, and their
We expect you to choose them. for
the same reasons.
W e're ready to build you.something
in the top notch of style.. • *d
Sonaething that you will be proud to
$15 or more to pay.
The Coroner's jury at Montreal
returned a Verdict holding E. J. Per
vault, Albert Cheerier and Achille
Deronie'criminally. responsible for
the 'death of thirteen -year-old Co.
W. Barge•& C9
Just an outline
f the
is -
�l A strong
—sweet as a nut
. -white as snow
made' at a model
mill -
The Campbell Milling Co.
B, A. Me WEN..
• Merchant 'Tailors': •
Agents for British American .D.yeing
• anal Cleaning Co.. Montreal.
rord & McLeod
Haying secured a commodious (Train
Storehouse, we are now, buying all
kinds of grain, for .which. the highest
prices will be paid. •
Bran, Shorts, Corn and all kinds' of
grain, Seeds and other feeds kept on •
sora Mcie�d
W. f1 WATTS 8 SON.
store opens at 7.80 a in. closes'at S p m.
We are Practical Boot arid Shoe mak-
ers and repairers. Boots made to or-
der from one to three days notice and
repairing done while you wait.
Farmers Attention
cite Michaud. l We have on hand several pa rsfo
the Spring -wear. Come in ang see
our own make boots,just the thin
Heart Trouble them,
W. 11. WATTS & SON
Spells. Opposite Post Office
and Smothering Seel
Caused Dizziness, Weakness
Through one cause or another a large
majority of the people are troubled, more
or less, with some form of heart trouble.
Wherever there are •sickly people with
weak hearts, Milburn's Heart and Nerve
Pills Will be found to be the most effective
medicine on the market.
Mrs. F, Leslie Craig, 114 Erie Ave.,
Brantford, Ont., writes i--" It iswith the
greatest of pleasure I write you stating
the benefit I have received by g
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I
suffered greatly from heart trouble which
caused dizziness, weakness and smother-
ing spells.
deal of Dr.'s
but received no benefit. A
friend advised me to buy a box of your
.pills `which. I did, and before I had
finished one box I felt so much better I
continued'their use by tatting two boxes.
I highly recommend these pills to any
one suffering from heart and nerve
o 'Pills Are
c Heart t
50. cents per box,00 3 for $1.25
dealers, or mailedirect by The _at all
burn Co,, Limited, Toronto, Ont...
Genuine•Tegetable Fibre Parchment, for wrapping
butter—the best slieet.on the market, in packages,
.not printed :.
500 ,Sheets for 50e. '200 Sheets for 25c
g ette r S 1.1
Have yoar name, farm' and post -office• ,neatly printed
and .make 'a, reputation for' your product. We. use
only special butter paper ink,. guaranteed not to run
or to .injure the butter. . •
:1000 for $1,.76 1000 for $3.00. • 6.000 for $7.00
Wrap your butter, . and get ,.two cents per pound
more•. than if 'unwrapped. • • '
We also would be pleased to: supply you With printed
Letter Heads, Note Heads, .Bill . Heads, :Statements;,,
• Envelopes, Wedding Invitations or Announcements,
Posters,.. ,Circulars, Catalogues, Calling . Cards, in•
fact• anything in the printing line you may require.
the ellint
Theundersigned has a quantity of
choice Cedar Posts for sale,
Before placing
your er
for r
your seasonssupply of Cold, get
our prices, The very best goods
carried in stock and sold at the
lowest possible price. -
Orders may be left at Davis
i. lowland's Hardware store, or
W. J.Stevenson,
S �
Rt Eisetric eight Plant.
tur Era
S.C. Rat well
C. a care..
Men's Shoes •
for, Fall
$3,50. $4, $1.60:
and $5.00
For style, comfort and'dur-
'lit the
showing for Pall, are won-
1VeClinton for agents in
Derby Shoe for Men
There. is good shoemaking in
the 'Derby 'that will suit the
require la etnts of the most par-
dealer. See our window.
Try us for Repairing.
•S.C. Rathwell
Reliable Footwear. • for
all the family.
Music! Music'!
The long winter evening
are eoming, Nothing like
music to make them pass
quickly. in our Sheet Music
Department, . you will find
latest songs and instrument•
What about that
you were thinking of buying
this Fall ? We are ogents for
Newcotne, ,
Karn -Morris
Sherlock,& Manning
Pianos -
Come in and look them oyer.
C. Hoare
Tho Place Where Your Dollar
'�iits Duty
11ssM� 11rl YWINI M MAWI
Advertise Now