HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-11-17, Page 2W, I 1A Wit ,4 , _* . I - 4 " , - . I . � . 1-_ I The Now, UrA 'Nff to , 10 publiqW, I 4 . �olroryThu"4*y At `11E , Or` : vie. slow I 1�8* -. vilutwo uausl$ J Ob R"C"111AW #, s I # C"W"ITO t ftof.,%script'lour-41 per yearl MUMS . , vaii� e I 1.50 may be colli tad It I , , ►t as paid, ,NO ;ii4i�.pr discontinued 41 41' Aneork are Old, unless at the itloA of the publim I er, The date to .0, I , 4ch every Subscription lo, paid hi do. �W on the label,, � 11 MOM " FRUIT-TIVES to . . I . I . . . - W I -.- - -., ---. -, ­ . .. .1 I I I � - � 11 I . I I I � 11T�1� "'r , r AA:vertiping rate0i.-Trstioloat adver- ' . . It to all verr , %Isepionta, 10 cents per rionparol. line ! %-._"_.P" ,-beatifitul -to dg,ai� like ,to taix them In the row, All . !or fkst Insertion and $ Cents per line of 1myriads upon myriads of 11 * of tbesebulbs should be Planted a, Rgr each subsequent insertion, Small Th mocte eTo� star scattered in the grass and , , ., , a lFomous Medlolne bout 'three .'Inches dee I , , flower borderz, but why nQt have p, and four .4vertisemento not taexpao4t One inch inches apart. Some of ea . doo -be Planted. now., The . ' as 11 I 9f. IFIrult Aftes 10 Welt a little of , the reality. It '10 WaY ,a the Ire13 I uch ,,Pat" "$traypd " 118toleu," * Inserted once far 86 c;'uts, or one I' for Oa Small that YOU I English. and 9 )a , , 4nouthforSI.Oo u cat us intended . (be 4 price toth are both = ashamed .nish Ireoea flr careful conpider�tion, it has , ith the result in an * to balance it bulbous., and very effect,% j, [or ublication must, so a narantee of � a been , W way of Sweet wh.nTlunted In clamps, .,The bulbs - p faith, be acco p,. ,e determined that consideration, � rprioee at the tune of the year shc;ul I) Ranted about lour lu. 4 by the tileis, a au] 7. law of thewriter. . roughly ocientillo remedy. It is Vllexv Ithe call of the yarden comes, ch I I based on scientific t , es deep, and must be Protected t . � facts And it cures in "For flowers have been known to during fli't w ,.- U Insure pubUcatton in current f a scientific• manner.. heal inter. Of all the bulbs . sane copy of advertisernoutoolivu . , -14 bp, .In fact " Pruit.a4lvcs 01 Is, known to A: 1comnion lU,gWs despair.,, to be Planted now, the Lilies give �.., . i �ent In early.. be the most scientific remedy: . the 14rgest and most gli . ,9wery flow. , I Contract rates - The tollowingtable discovered for Kidney And All 'begin and' end 'with the ero, T-ney fit into all kinds of alrua , I I ; *bows our rates for sppeified periods T r lald'err I Itious, in' where ever vou, -plant a . �`. %ad space. oubles, Mr. Placey thinks go, arid 'sus in p0308`t small gardens 0=0 Lily, the place is lmiproieil, just so , I yr. emo. Swo, I 'UW experience proves it., thinks . ensa'14 seine - - _ � big ones aswell, and, the Scilla i I Inio I . its . cilla with much, I give therefore I ; , t Column $7500 $4000 $25 W $10 00 . . beautiful sky blue flowers poet- general description of some " y a i Column 4000 .0600 Vlverton, P.Q., March 17th. Ing through the allow. .$ flowers 01 - e of the . 1000 60() erica, should' be in very beat. The most gorgeous of I . i I Column 2500 1500 , 800 800 , I suffered for many years every garden, all Lilies Is the golden banded, Lil- 1 . Column 1800 1000 550 20() Trouble s with Sidney and A the small CNLt of fifteen 'tum Aur4t : t ]Inch (SOO 350 200 00 o and Fain in the Back, I took cents per dozen evervese canal or um. The flowers are , . : , every known kidney remedy and kidney 'It. They should, be planted enormous 'b nearly one foot a- ; . .. . I Contract display advertising 10c per Pill, but nothing gave me- relief, I was clumps, or 'in a ro1w around' the cross, 'The varl6dea of Lillum'Eli- . e clans, are.1the most generally use- -.. I . inch, per,issue. I advised to try "Fruit-&-tivos " and this flower, border., then, just leave fol, 4,11 round, * hardy lilies. The - �. W. H. KE!RH & AON fruit medicine cured me when 4ory other them! alone andthey will ace I I ate quickly, 'Chionodox(! ul� flowers are erect. The pretty An - remedy failed. I used fifteen boxes of aLuc!. -.---- 11 "Fruit, a-tivea,"' From the first', 14,prilit. liae, or (the glory'of the nunclation Lily, (Liliuln,Caridiclum,( - � ,:. . - snow,( 'S is abeautiful. illy for outside plant A -rives" -gave me relief land I am uoNv another pretty little flower with a . I ,white eye, flowering Ing. The. ,small Tiger lily (Lilium CLINTON NEW ERA well pain no suffering -and, every. even earlier Tinuing is I . . symptom I , Oq Of-kidacy Disease g than the Scilla and, costing also very effective ,. ,r. 3, 1910. . One. I lag fifteen CLINTON 6NT'..,N * cents Per 'dozen. Plant In clump . a .aA' the -cheapest of all the lilies, I CLARENCE J. PLACEV. and they will spread rapidly. 'The They anuitiply .very ratidly. L11- .. -___ _.- . bOo a box, ,0. for $2. earliest of 411 is the snow drop I luW Hellyri, 'is �ne Of 't e most de- . ,� , sirable Of the new k on size, ,05c. (Galanthus Xlvilas,( which actually I . 11t. t of price act hinds, It is ab- r.•III * * . * �!� • At dealers or sent by bloosquisdu . Ithe snow. ,T, solutely hardy, . I , � T11 I .1 . ,�. hey also - I I I I 06d � 0: d" , �� ..... . , &­ teA is the -result of care and experience 1In blending -must be the combination of fte, flavor, smooth strength 1 and richness. Because, , all these element,% are : -so generously included .in Red Rose' Tea it , i I well merits the term. 1 `"good tea," I WIWI %I, "KO - - � Qro" Tft"*%00W&y *04" � .I - ­­_ . "" 'S" PROFESS • 8841WONYVtoe 1i To,ble � � NAL .. � 144d ,,. . 60,.Tlurou slid Bru" ' Bruce, :�_ ------. -We - I Nestor 0, 'Puselager AUX10>0 % 1 OuSIOTSU ID10i WTJ%0ITO J.1, QT"r- Liondo opartI C 6 n t rolalv, : : :: 8-w% = 4I50 P.m C 10. , . I Pluoplo. gTo, I I 0. 4 'It. Exeter.............. IR -40 0.,63 5,48 5.54 I MOM$ X - "ougoll ............. Rippen .......... 10.09 6106 I . 0"RLES 8 RR - LAN Brucefteld .......... 19.W 6.19. R14AT4 4STATR,AN ' J) INS1 r CE, - v Clinton ............. Londooboro 11.05 6.85 Huron St., Clint , ,,,(a, ......... th............... BI'Tgrave........." Be grave.... ILIS 11.2T 11.1w 0152 7tOO I H, T, R.NOE' ..... ".. .# Win ham arrive. i I 1144 III$ 1� %85 ,1 X . I XOW� Public, -Conveyancer, I South , Passenger *. IF104acial and Real Estate. Wingliam,depart.. 0.43 s m 9.83 P m INSUB,MS AGE$T-Ropresentipg l4pjra Ia., suranco ­ I . BlBelgrave. - I - I I 0. - ytbo 0,04, . &'44 companies, )DIvIWIon COUrt OMee. ' ........ 0 .... ,l Lorideaboro... 7.08 7.10 8.50 4.04 __ *0 , Ulluton ..•. .." ..... Brocefield 7.50 4.2a, Xedi�,al.. . , . ......... I# liXippen .......... A I . 4 ensal) ............ &12 8123 8.10 4.80 4.47 4 52 , - . , Wt "a- W. T11,94%)?3ex 4 0 E ..... Oeutralla 8.48 5.05 Asian, Suryeon. Etc socoial %J diseases of the t"Ear. oll�gbilv9e.11t�4IM4 .......... London, arrive.,.... 9-00 1000 5.16 , 6.10 Eye, xcim Eyescarefany eXMIned. Bud suitable olapset, Buffalo and Godericib .. Prescribed. I . OJEOO And Re0dence. . West Passenger A Two door$ West or the CounneveA41 Iletsit am, Pm Stratford ........ 10-00 12.20 Pin, p,m 5 25 , 10.20 . apron Be,.. I / . ) 1 Mitchell..... ..... 10.22 12.45 6.55 10.41i . Dr. W'. Otuan . Seaforth ......... 10.46 Clinton ......... IINI 110 1.25 6.18, 11.12 0.40 11.28 I or. w. Gunn, X. R. V, P., L. A, 0, ff.. $m,pi. 1 , Holmesville" ... 11,10 1,83 640 11.88 Office-Outarip, Street, Clinton.. Nigitt earls, ab front door or, ofAce or residence, Rattaabur;p. Goderich ........ 11-35 1150 7.05, 11.555 Street. East . . I IL I . Passenger - 012100 hours At sp#41-1 to 3 p.m.; 7 to 9 p,oi . 1. I . Goderich... . ........ a in. 7.10 p in p 2,40 4.50 DR. 4- W- SHAW, 1. � Holmeaville. * ........ Clinton.... I I * 7.26 735 .2,57 5.06 3 M 515 -s . PRYSICIA31, SURGEON. . * , I I I - SeAtorth .... ::: ' ... TW - 3.25 5:32 coucheur, 06-,billee.and residence on lies;ibcurV 13t.., ouposito W, Ferran% residence, . . Mitchell ............. 8,10 $48 5.55 I., I . . I I , .0 . . . - 9, I ­t,;�-I,Vcs J,.Lmi cost.. fifteen cents per dozen. I I Stratfora. .. - I ....... 84 40 4.15 612 =-_--W_M====�_-===_,_ - _' ., of having lifies', s1i :BR. F. A, Axox . I * CLINTON SCHOOL. * r . elublumps andthese will alsospread feet 'crowned . . . . III . : * - ­ . I very rapidly. . in height, � . I with six I grass Is not dry, but moist with dew. I . I DENTIST . 1 * * * * * * I . � � or inose expanded flowers. Ground . . . . . MONDAY, . . 'Crocuse's are so well kno I therefore have a night pilsture for 00,1va and Brifl.gelvork.4spectaxly. ... I FRIDAY. . . . wn that , for lilies should be made moderate - , , . _­­ - - . . � I need not describe them, butj will , ly rich to: a Idept - do,-, days, and it furnishes dewy gTas of C.O.D.S., Chloago. and R,o,D,5. .1 . widely planted In rows near they h Of two feet, as 0 Toronto . . . A Grain Standard Board for the Alexander Marshall, v, say, that It p a Forl Side or Re n t•GraduAtoto ' Toronto District was appointed. known builder, died . suddenly Zif the,edge of -the ey. are deeper rooted'than most and relief from files, so the cows can_1111. . � . - . Bayfield oil'Aloudhys, )tiny lit to becculber, . . Fifty-three King's Counsel heart disease at his rooms on Me borders,. when in bulbs.* Plant the bulbs one foot ,eat It In comfort. If a night pasture I I . . , . , were - ,:lower, they 'look like great wavee . � created by the Ontario Go Caul street, Toronto, . . deep and protect them with a � I cannot be provided, and occasionally - . Farin to Rent . I . , Govern- I of ,blue, of 'gold, and of white.. J litter during the -winter. ny circumstances prevcnt, then I go to the , :. .. � 01L.R. F luitt , , mint. The Provincial Government decid _...., ,, -- . . W I - . Stuart Strathy of Toronto was ed 'to finatitute a test. case against . . _� meadow and cut tonie gr4ss and feed The Ostram farm, Lob moth con. of Goderlah I DENTIST., . . . I 1. � it an the manger. . � Ti).. SO acres is offered to ronl.T Apply to ' I lal) 40611 cool��. Or to URS, .1 rSTRAD Offloso over OINEIT412 r.tote . ; . . . 6inted to the Council of the Call, the London & Port Stanley Rail- � set back on the fire, where they sim- i QOWS Cotten Poet campound. it does 00t pay to, allow;Vows -to dry . . Clinton tr Goderich. . A *11,%sipagian Banker's Association. waY for operating Sunda cars, - . I . ". ?4 F. C. Wade, K.C., of Vancouver, Three hundred men out Of em- mored for another'bour. The contents , •- 7��,,,_ The great Uterine Tonic, a , and Up In dog days unless Jt�jls time for :, , . . special care taken to make dental Oest. , , _ I I - _130-Wr ParO, cilbetual Monthly them to dry up to prepare for another .11 . .. . I 0. ployment reeking t oenter Canada of the kettle Nvere allowed fo cool off "" allt 00 Painless as possible. , . -, 1. . kt . . . . addressed the members of the Tor- from! the United States have been gradually. in the morning a cake of _0 . . r_ onto Empire Club. .,-- .4, emilatoron which women can period of lactation. . �-_­_­ I . � - . turned back at Windsor. - . - . depend.- Soldiathree.d. ecs . 11011SC, and Lot for Sale. ; ----- ­ . I .. . clear green wax ht1d,formea, It was I , . of strength -No. i, ,,; r . - � -_ ' Lawrence Ryan, a brilli Wo. 2.1. .If they dry up then they stay dry � ant young sl;lmmc4 off, and reheated by placing .. 10 degrees strobgor 93- No a . physician, died in ..the. Police cells . - MAS 'GUNDRY- I I or sl�)cclai cases, 65 P6 &Z and become country boarders which The convoniouti0ocatea . house, nexb to T. THn an y c � . %OF I . . -arrested $team, I 'Sold all dmiggists, or sent pay noth Live stoek and gene � at Saskatoon, after being In a -p tl-glltl . covered and held over I AlurphPlo. 110-ttenbury streot, ctintaining nine . (8, h, 17012b C am I . � 1119 foil their board. After . . r , Quiekly sloris coxialis cures colds, heals foidrunkenness. , . ­ I 119 ,,Water. An ounce of parailln , , V�,opall on recolq of price. I . � . roams. The house 1,; a recently rebuilt one, ralAuction %i- . . , , . - . -.t�at -1rul I,, 1. .. . * meadow grass Is. cut an(l stored In the and in excellent repair. A good, new to on . . I GOD I the 1". .. 11 W,% - . . 25 cents. � . I . . was added-botif wax ancl paraft iiiere , . reepamNilot. A(dross: TN t.�oi)remises. A-Pply to A. $EPLEY, I .ER10H. ONT - I I I . t 1619000. 0110mr Mdsorl - burn oats, on, and at sheaf of oata* 1. .. I '. . . I I Jokah - (1-Acriv I . . . . melted and blended well, then- the . . d � - -- I. -_ - 1%%Xqto;:iXsa1es_ a,speuujj�. ()Ae.ejq.sj_Ayr _.... 7- .. - In the.manger reconciles a cow to tile NEIV ZRA office, Clinton, pri,mi s, y aDteuav4 Charles ,Hardy was sent. to the Rabies? Sores In Winter.. liquid was -im through a a I Central Prison for the assualt upon � � I . I , was i fin JacOuVenichcei; of her vocation and per-. .I Field Stone Witfkd. to, Terins reasonable. r%xiners, sale note ... ' ' ' . � -_ ed the late Thomas Border, I I 0___ . strainer into the candle -molds. q.,lien *tmq uow . , . . I . . discount I I I . .. A coroner's jury decided � . .. . . ers- OIL'ifttillan. aestinies. une suades her to stici, to liar job; . . . . --- . tL cold and fit -in they were handsome can- of my latest spee6gst's Is to destroy the . Then comes, the time for . . The Town of Clinton, will pay IS3.75. per. .-----­-_--�_ - that Al- I Mathet's Should Know About .dles of a light grqen tint, 1. Influence of -the the pig- a,q .11 -luck- brin' . � Al. D, MbTaggar : . bert 'Scott, switchman, had met an ...I sweet corn.. cord for field stone, for read brilding. Gi i .. accidental death in the G.T.R. yards ; � . -B k; . ' . . � . ,fere the byproducts of the canning. 4 -. A&ly to THUS. BE A00DJ,' . ., , . . at Toronto. I Zain u , , �I, .! As Christmas-- gifts the candles were ger. I � I .. . .. . ' ' . . I I I I � - .11 .. tied I' I I . � Not the unclean plit; -but t-116'sae'reti . � . . ­ ... . . . . . Ohairman of Street Com.' 1. . , . hes of trvo, four or more elephant is the _* . . . . AcTag -1 r? B .. . . . n bunches I I real ina-"ot.'ark I am - .­:. _­* . I ..... I � .• � . � I I �. • I Tosit . W-., -.--`::, 1. . . I . , . I '. Every. mother thould, realize that and tj6d witli holly ribbon. with a selling- to my efleilt 0.4"N , , .. I I I - . . . . " : Childr .. s nombers of ale- " l"'W" _­., ". , . . . I.. I - . . , . I .. . . �. BANKERS I i the skin of her. baby is. so tender spray of .holik run. throu 1---. , ...., . , .. . I I ., ;:: 0 '..., . . . . . . :___.%.-1;1...,:� - w0*. -N'.`0-, through tbe'bow. pliant charms in virgi ' white onyx ' - I, ,�. - , ".. ­'�.,. - - ... , 11 %, -, . ''Propeity for Sale: . . 4 and %.'.�.;��. M,� '. ......... .�.. - ... -, ,�'�"-���,'-,�:���,"�,,�-%�.�.l�1.11%..-.,.,...";�\. I ...,. . .1 � F. �- . I .. , '. . . 'LINT ; FOR FLETCHER'S I that the secretions of the body of- A card of:groetIn- was afso'attached solid silver. : . . ..' X-1. ,. I ALBERT ST, C -ON ..... "".,�.,��.'.��t���-'i.���.,.��,-�-,,,p- � " 1. I , 1, I �" I ..­�R., , �. '' . . ` . . I .,.,; N ** - a I ___ .., . . . _., . . . , .N `:_,��:� , �.. ".......­'...", . �wl. i �. �w­ . I . . ,,��*��; � -:_ ..,.\.�'-.',�.,','-,".���!','.--,��'.1, I , I ' � General . � . -:;?::, .,� �,��. 0, .. _.�,;: '. ... " . . .,_­­1�111111­. Mv...1.1 ­�§% . - ­ ;l I �;:,� .. -.�-�- "I 10 , ,�,��, �. I I . . . .�.�','�,*...`.,..,.��. i �-,,,-'. Banking , Business . - I .��, House and, on' -Huron Street, -, - all Of 'which may be removed. it. - . . I . . I -.'� � ".. -1. - "I I 0 A S T 0 R I A ''ten- lea'd, to rashes, eruptions, etc. with a-sultabld sentiment 'written on '' W I , .; . � .. . . , " .... 1. 1� 11 .g _ . . . ;1 ., '.0%."J., .­�� r -4 `.-..-',-"�.' - transacted , I . . I . . . . , . ;,-, __w , �-'."�,", also lot 6n Rattenbur . Alberta Conservatives have elect Zam-Buk. 'Scores of restless, cry- . ONE, ,F_�V.,1.1.1'1� ay � - ' 'Thb Farmer" . 1.111'1 ..., � I'll t, Street, . - . I S Mainst ��. � , .��'.1-.,74�;�q�"" I . . . ed E. M. Michener.. M.P.P.,as leader. ,Ing babies,'upon. examinatioh'ar6 If Used only bn ' special ., occasions . Py. 1, .,.,,.I:.... I I L % .�the property of the I Alex. I . . � '. ' ­ . An English Syndicate hag arran- found 'be suffering 'f tliese-baybevry candles will last a long The. draft horse is st1l)'thp ti3rtlnst,iy . �: , .%.� ,.. � �� - I .., '.` � Mckenzie.',Two. "tory, ten roomed. NOTES -Disco'UNTED , I ' . Ing . rom. some . , or the far and the haulep if frelglit � ­. , house with vera. h, small stable : DrAfts.iSsaed- Interest allowed on .. form of skin 4 . , time. ;The AameAs more steady and I I I ged a five-million-d011ar lumber jr-iftation or:"heati� . , , . I '. m citles, Ile -pl,6111ises to:.renlaln 'so �.:.A?.� ­_ ard and Soft'watt. Iso a -number. , - � I cenosite: I. bob 'cuff when Zam- n' that. of' any other varl- 1, - :- . . . . I merger in British Columbia., Don't let Ill Suffer orMiant tho, � I do . , . I Abraham Aaron of Hamilton' Bok Will'cure I : I Decause -he' is clit-.11 * � . , ,. of fruit .. ety. and e* - )er, 'more. efficient .'.. � I lit trees. * Por . '-her infOr- - I , was ven, when -in use 11) hot . . . p,....... . I . . . we�kt I I ,. L, 1111 any other. pow- A � . . _­.- swindled out of $160 by A pair of , Often, 16o,,- in .Winterl the little. her or In burnIng low. they d . o not aud-more rella4l" t Ii. , .. I .. I enation apply'to Geo, D. McTag- - -boguv'�ftaim-o-nd--o-harpe-.---- -_0u0_ I . - . --.--. . . I . . . . I I . . .:_flUff=JtQlu. ,.b��t�h��bln,l .& -_a tjl�c� . . . I . I ,4, er. I .gart or Thos. Cottle. ' . 411 . ,w, . . . A _ ManS1V,D,Qdor_buf__on.-,J 4. . I W=L 33RED ;ZASHY, . . The Mc]Killop 'AUWAI __ . . . I ' - ... I . . .. I - . . -t' I .� .- .... �� I . . I Fire. Ihsuranc,e eo,. . . hands, -or other Parts of � the body. traryi yield an agreeablo fragrance.. _� . I .. Dr. de Van's Female Pills Zarn"Buk. applied, after the bath-' . . .. - � - . , -Ywdttr*�-ilf"nv-----TITt.klh=l,v-and�-co,bs-r=Ulto�iec-��Pr., ,e.rty-4or-�Salie,z���n,r�all,,-�-r�,--,�.----�---��- -.1 -1 � . � regulator; These ... r-- . I . . , . I cos�, nothing but. b . SIC.; . Pills --are exceedingly Powerful in regulating the . I I. . . I '. I .:. I . wiling home, find - 1. I ''. ­ .. . __ . . . . . . m an �q , . ... - . � they make good feedfor cows; Bt OUIY. Insured. . . . will prevent all trouble I . I A New Vego*tablis.* T ' ' F -C' I 80'ated Tiiiwa pliq --- ' A reliable French regulat and at intervals during the day' " . I . I I generative Portion of the female system. Refuse _ ' ' ' � . � E.EDING OWS . . , - . . I � I . I Pa. .. . . , . - I ' I � I . . . all cheap imitations. Dr. do Va ,Mrs. L.- Wood, of 475 '; Aldxanddi .Uncle Sam Is literally rilmanIcking e' . % , - Before we.- had the factory � I - used to •'.' The und�rsjgned &iets' for sale his I OFFICIDRS.. . ... nis are sold at � , . . v- - . .. . I , . . I . . . . . . . . , 65abox.ortfireeforsio. Mailed =address. Avenue, Winnipeg, says, "I have cry corner of the , - . plant some acres . . . St. cat . I Tho Scobell Drug co.. dalutT and .. garden property of three .siluat-, J6 B. McLean, Presi4ent, ,Sea . . : as. Out.' proved the , ... - , 0 sweet corn to fe6d; now ,ad fn garden. SurvQy. - Olinton. The . Inas applied to children7g I HE SUMMER - value of'Lam-Bok uik whoh novel ;foods witbgl�'OhWc,6 IN, T , sorsa, , , . tempt I . I e', the byproduqts mentioned are used, 'fortable, 10 Jas. Connolly. Vire ,Pres,, . I � W. J. Christie of Winnipeg 69. Some , allpetite'.-of the, epletirb and also tlj6 I.' �. . � .., I , . .1. . � . , . and . p the stalks, .'. is a corn house with stone I Goderich : . been appointed chairman of the nasty sores ,broke out around . � . . I tbe'corn bindei ctiti§ u cell;lr, on the place, with stable,'bard Th . os E. Hayg, Sec.-Treas,,. seafortb I . . . . : Street Railway Arbitration Board. baby's mouth, and, 4 my verson df more bioderate *means, says *. .. - . . . ' from which the ears bat,o be6u picked and soft. water, all. kindsoffruit. tree . . I despite all the . I . I . , . . , . : The Fort William Trades t)reparations the -0coq' ii . � . . . . . , . . - : and iised, - they, refused 1. OusekeePing - Magazine. . Cows are now in pasiure. and the. - for the factor3;t, and. the fodder is. fed . and in good state of cultivation will Jas. Connellyi , Holm . . . . . . to ,heal. - I took him to St-Bon,iface . . after the factory -shUts down. I This be sold with entire outfit, on re6son- � esville;:- John . . Hospital 'And he remained there Ing agric a) experts to the ­ I Labor Council have Prepared a _ The bureau. of plant Industry Is send- wilt be kept. -there until 'Cold weather. Watt� Ha'rlock; �Gi 'Dale, Clinton; .. ticket for the municipal elections. agricultural utter, '. brings us to cold weather, but feeding able terms. , ff. Joyii.ers . '. � nton me: - Arthur Dargavel was killed . . for t,wo-we6 Grass Is the food of nature.for gro4vtb,, I . . '' . Chesney,' . .. ,, I .in weeks, At the end that Most ends of the In cold weather is a:aoth � I Sealbith; J. Evans, B�'ech- . . Sullivan township while diggin t1me he WAS no better, and . , bring-;. to us � I Another story, � . ... . __ woo ' 0n;J. G.'Grieve Winthrop,. . : � weagain foods which pec le of O heaith and for milk and - In brief, fied som J-� *n- - .-- ' g a . 7 . i 8rodh ' .. Cavin took 'himLlholne. I was then*aclviB- . other coun- : the 'major! . . ethlug'practl6ally . newels, I fox out of ahole the bank ca , ' * ' . . , -in upon him. . . ng ed Ito try Zam-Buk and obtained ii ,Qies find excellent� and. of, Yvbjcb we. • Q Of farmers feed .all .the time, hay at first; -use., night � Farm.Tor. sale .. . agen, .M. .McEwau'. . I . . nothing in . I - •clintoli.. � .: - - � . I . . . I I supply. The ..6ffect, f, the first are., � .. t6g, barn while they. are. in -pattnra; if.avallabl� in I . . . . . ! � Aqd� too, -plant * ' - * ,fly time. nihke . . . . . . I - ... I. . few applications *a O grow- wjthe pasture the day.: •. Otb,ers ,do � P . Centre: Vparf. Lot, 35 containing- '48 ", . . Children Cry a very. grati- Ing. wild.lu Other iands *are brought , I use of fresh c' Each Director is in I . .L and fresh 'Cut acies and North 50.acireR on Lot 86; 10 . hi� own I C . ins' actor of losses In , I I , .� . I . .. I ... �. rk Igtn and allitle,porg6verincere- and. trained_ breedilig' ' foe,�, and, the ton 1Y, qu�gtloq to .b6 dIs_ oats, la.th4ir ' acres or •. o a - . � . ., . . . with others: � , I , season,, and their season mote good hard'wood bugh , I I � lity. 1 . I R'S a g . . . . . . . FOR FLETCHE ed, In a, complote cur . 1. e,11, In cultivation, thus helping, M 6ther Nall .Cussed is, Does it -pay to. feed in t - ' . 4 when, the pasture Is not at Its - be , good, .BArn, stabling.. underneath, ­ * I AGENTS: -- .: � - . . . I -he I � eat; . � . �_ . , ,Ed.., . ZaM B k Will also be faund a sure tare to create. fruits 'and vegetables barb while .cows are -in pasture? I am finish with sweet corn" or other, bora- in cud Hog Peri and.di-iving shed small Robt Sniftlit I&Ock, Hinchiey , , .�, d, sores-chappedhands, - . . ... young girl of a , has never seen: before. _� firmly cobvinced that it does'pay, and. . its season. airy rules - wort., e.,cell�r ..under -Z,tb ', .Rachel Sinclair. a I o -"u that the world . I grebard, Frame Bona ' I . CAB rORVA ..�ur for cold, , at fros . bites, 4 ... .. I .1 .1 . .. S . 1), r both . Se ;, James Cumming, 4ZOnda . .. ; Selkirk, Mail., was found ulcers; blood -s - ood.wPlI water at House and Spring Vill , J. L be- poison&varlciose'sores, piles;. scalp, , * On6,o*f these. foods* is .tile udo, a experience a in y- .- t -e- wayal. -All -iiekn4wledge ithat-h e . hind a - woodpile. ,"C �-s " , ys a prom- .. . . , ­ W. Yeo, Holmesville -' * . . I dead I ac cr, sa . , . . . 3- -win, 5reek- running through' -L � . Inelif'dalryinati. I . � . I ter, ell cows are on dry feed, that reel t 35, For _' . . . .. .. I A .young man -Indworiu, inflamed piifell6s, . . Is grown .like cel ry And ' -. wh ptace , )PlY to It. SCOTT, Box 88, a Tozer & , sores, r vlant that I e � I apply PAYmentsmay be t' ' - - . . ... . . . . . . . 'It PaYi 00 give 'a-)Ittie hay a. ' sneculent feed, mike silage I Brown , . . who went to bring her mother to babies' eruptions. and. chapped .or,rootsj Is - Blyth..or on Lot 35 Con. 13 Hullett. 2m (i a,. Clinton, or to .1 . I . � . . . R. H her assistance is under arrest. f3laces,"clitsi burns, .bruises, and . . ... I . � .rdlish... Why, do.cows care foil It when useful. . . . .� . _. . ., .. , .. .. 1. . .. 6derich- I ... H. putto �.-'' I All -d I . . - . . : . " I -, .. . I , . . . I .1 . avabetter.d Engineer Smith was killed, found gists stores :sell at 50c.,60X, or .� I I . . . .. � - .. . � * '. as- a whole? Grass Is, Ia I . . FArla for Sale' . "0!Z onto, u Tor- . I . I � ... . .cially -June 'gross, and bay Is astrin- . A'Work Tray, . ... . - - . . JACO B. . 1. : that both crews and the despatcher post free from Zain-Bull Co. � . I � -1 . . . I � ss, espe- . I . JACO ' - I , The jury which investigated- -the skin injuries- generally. rug- . . .. grass 16 i allable and foo - * �L � . . railway wreck at Corinth,. 'Which I f rice' You ' . . I 'A linen covered work tr . I . . Qj� . 1111N ` I . ' Pon -receipt �o . I . ., '. , . . i, . El '.* ne tends to constiptition, I I ay bus four- West 73 acres Lot 11. I' - oncession, ' . � qT0 - .... . . . tailed to observe the necessary Pre- are warned agaifist 11arinf. . � I - .. . s . . - . .. . . . -I.. cautions. ul iml- . : . . . teen - spools of silk lacbd .around the Bullet. Improved farm an within 2 . . . . . . . .. . I ... tAtions and. - substitute' . . . watery grass alone to; looseness- There edge; I -.-- � . . 1. I . .1 SATURDAY. registered S, See the �.. I - , The middle the tray Is em- Miles from Clinton. Apply to . k I ' . ' . I . name 4,Zam,�Bukll .on I I �. b all' Instinctive 'call 'for something broldered In repousse . dalsy - I r R. S. . Fire'. "I Practical h1lethoas ,will be adopt- every package b6fore buyling,. � - - � slightly astringent to llainfice the Lasa. . *ork,..and .11AYS, Barrist.e .Sesforkh out. Im . Life and Accident . ... . . - . . . ­ I .1 ... I. I- . there. is a heart shaped pincushion. - I . . � 1, . I edbythe Government tofight, ­_ . I . - I .- - .,�.. . . tiveuess of grass. Hay'ls men.floned , . .. I � . . . . I . .. ..... - . . . . Imkirance ' .. ' I . , forest fires. 11 . - ,, I because itis the cheallest dry feed. . . . I I . . . - ,. . . . -.,V.-' I . . . . - .. I I I I . . - . - . I .. I . I As CHR1A9..'GJ"- S. * ' ,' �.. I . Teae-her Wanted - . I Children Cry .� . . ........ I ..4, . � Byproducts rich ,In -protein, so de. �. I . � . . - .. I. . . . . Real *StAte bought and sold �.* , . . Bayberry C . � dirable in winter, are.uot-ileed6d. now. MMM-AMO�wl. ­" - A . . I FOR FLETCHEWS I candles Tied in Bunchoi ., , . . Grass . -has all -the, protein needed. A I . I I . '. I . . Teacher w . . . . . . AjoneY t0joan , I ... . . . , , With' Holly ftibbon.' � , . � , I . - wanted for$,& No, 10, God- . . . . . I . . . I . I.. .CASTORIA- . � I . , . . � � . I . ., . little *crushed corn could be fed. In. � I .� erich Township, for 1011. -Applications Off[Ce Isaac Street` t . . .. I . No -table, Knights Templar - coin- . woman whose doctor pre- . - stena, but .k belleye.thp farmers Of the . received by the undersigned up to the I . . reet, next door ,to New I . . niandery 6f Detroit was entertain- scribed for h6r a three Inonths, outing * . . I I gorn, belt In general will find - hay . . 0 0 I 0 18th of Notember. State.6xp�rlence . 1. . - Era : ed in Toronto. . In tile country was dIsm4yed-.by .the . I . cheapest and also'sitlsfactdry,'.. It to . LONDON. ONTA010 , , ' and salaxy.-A. Welsh,I -' sec.-' 'reas,, - . . ... � .... ' ' . . The Medical Health Officer told prospect, for. beyond the Xlecessary : .. I . . what I feed -at this time I of y,ear. . .. � - 0 . .. Clinton P.O. .. , . . .1♦ I . , . . I . . I 1% ,� Pasture grass 1) I .. I . . I � . , . � *+#+*+*+*4.*+#+*+#+#+++*+*+ ! : � c.: . , N, �� I . ecome I. I . * ', L . ... I I . � � . . 1 7 . .1 IBusiness. . ' � 0 I . # - , I .� I olums of Toronto. � I *'Arid not' , !qvnnt ,,and. the Cles Interfere with + ..'.& sholocud "about the serious Condit -Ion of the money for the expeuses 'r irip r ". I I I ' of h ,bd , s d ily aad . .had absolutely not a Cent, L �I '. , o 6,.. . I Farm for Sale - - 1H ' - . t , - . 1� * ' even the strength to hold a 'needle," � ", � . � . � gri! P'Auiuht; . . .At 'n]L . � . . .... - ,-,­�.e�, I ,, - night tha ., - - SUS.McTs .� ., , , - .7 . . . . . I ; 11 � I . . .1 . . � . I , .m.o_ . � Electric Restorer . o.whimsically. r6marked't ", _�, . .� , .. �Ibq dnrinL . . I . . . 6 . , any r for I gh . . OW M - * . . . I . o •-the kind I .. , I . . '* I Phosphollol restores everynervaind �, woman With whom she'wa!q to board &A- , I - .. . . I . . . Resi4eiit and- Mail Courses '120 aereg� Ingood 'state dultiv- . 4o , ­ . � : -to its proper tension; a . . . ,weakness averted at once. ay and all . . . ON 1APM4. ►..-.!'- 0 . . . . Goderlph ♦Tp., all 25; con. 8 ? I ,vim and vitality. Premature decay :iu a farm, saY6 the Desigder. I . . UVO PLANT -IT COUILPS Fn I . I , . .. Catalogues Ffto I .. anon, beln& lot 24 and In a 0 ' ! 11 phbaphonot ,.*! I - I . . fresh . seeded` � D Zen .. I , mak ou a new man. Price 68 a box or tvr . But after a few days of rambling .1 . . � I , 1. W..Wastihrvelt. L W. waft.rVelto Jr.. CIA., . own, less ten acros, which Iii -plow- : . . . . . #., I I e ,,, - In - tmu 'Do used eltner, 11 a . I . ; t. oftsbarlues. one. 'a acid oth- ordinary � . I Facipal. . . I vice.plin ei. ed. -on t :. Twelvil i�d you. co " * Mailed to any address. the 64Van B,,�j the woods, sailing on the Ink 941ad or m, I . I tr'... a I er delightful outings she began . . I aily 'vegetable. It Is Planted In . . � I . -1 . � - _ . I cip I he property Isa concrete . C a unt 1. . . . . I . � housia, a barn 55 by 80; good, stab- , ab-, theme -to see if yoU I - The buying of land, in the north. now life- coming to her and I to feel bods and yleldg a Crop for eight or ton 'I Ti . . � ling Well Watered.. Apply, to . # '., I Atr-OS UP" TE � ft et t, �, L I Onged -to s,eat, . . _ . I end of Toronto, is believed to be W doing something. wh ,4. It comes from Japan and is - - . � them - i . . for a C. N. R. right of way. I . -_ JAS-.HAMILLTON, Clinton. I o. When y'otr -9u ' 1; There is an agitation for ell made the remark to')ier landlady,.g is here. It, I : y - " 4 110. She .as common In that country as celery . , . I .. . 1. a Wedding Ring and. -pay , . . #I I I 110fige for Sale, .'. . . , for 18'X YOU can't co . . " I e er Lras at Montreal: ,eap- daughter that she did w1gfi She J!6Uld can be grown from Florida � . . . , . � ", . ' , .,, .A iasis named n was Utl"Ze SOMO Of her time In making to Maine and from the Atlantic to the •, . . . I I I _�lo_ . ... Notice of, DISSolutiork , # . I count t . I * 'drowned in attempting Christmas if ts of something she c id Pacific, but has Pi,oved' especially SECUK . ys , . A Cottage and balf'acres, of land " . -�-__ . . # them, you take the deal- n . , good fruit trees, hard and soft water: � . 0 1 . 19 to cross the u - hardy and V1900118 In New --imm. I a stone cellar under Whole lipuse, will been ais9d)ved, Matagaint River on the lee. I 91, outdoors. ,,Why, 0 England, - er's Word and - Often k * I 1. I procure fr in make The, plant Is easily raised and Is ready . . - I . � The law firm of Proudfoot, Bays & Blatt hag I I• 'Mrs. Mary Ann McAl e of us the answer. sell on time or Cash. This ii. the pro. Mr. J, L. Hill'ovan has taken Mr. Blairi Place � . I �. bayberry Candles," w' bi, the retfremo�t of Mr. 131air. I I Ottawa Was founO for mark canulne . I 17K or 'Jes$.. Wj� a et # I - dead T.n1tween "They Will be lovely for Christmas et earlier than the . perty of the late Mrs Thom ell . Xingston and Coiling Bav n I 11 . I I A I Weddi-tig � . I I gifts, R d those You do not use for this asparagus. * to �0. ORICH , pply and the bilainess will in future be carried on 1� Ring . I . . . She was By shaving Its long blanch all the"'mOPIScO under nalnoof Proudicob, I ere 4 -, . . . 13v " . 'es and Xilloran. . Slattery. I 11 PftsonA Indebtedto tbeold firmayera * on a tramp with a roan named , Purpose ed Shoots JtJ thin shavings and serving' ' 18K in 6 t, , s, and there . so will bring you Ift extra money., . is exacti every *- I know, f6r I make tt nice It I -----I---"- . ." Tittle penny with Prench dressing it mak0i a salad * Carter's - I . . quested to settle at as early 11 date as possible. tax Riyng- . I A 1constable Who tried, to get to myself that way.,, I . . Test ' the * I With not Only a di I � I . 1.sthict flavor of its . � G1 DatcdatOdd0vich, this 1st day of October, M MOndtvllle to arrest 40 . rl 'OlUted AXII 1010. . , tque on a charge of murdering Isaac Laro- The mornings henceforth were a OWni. but a. crispness that Is unusual PROTTI)FOOT. RAYS &.13LAIR any Way you like, I rdering jos. together In plelt4ag- Pont and I an appearance that Is A G d 'I _ - " the fragr4ut bay- . most ate 00 gir wanted, and good wages I I . , . Laroeque had to turn back. The es In the pasture lots, .and on re tractive. . Paid, Apply to 0, CRICH ."e Seryants Wanted . I � boatman lost his Way In a blinding berri Little - LIVOr PM& -o'", --- W_W"IIII_ . i, snowstorm'. . turning to - -"-,-------,- . I * 't 3t . I I 'A. . . I � in MA IMUTA in briji fnr f4ijr hol1r.q. tl*." Qroan Unlucky Color, Says I � f S*naturoi W I . ' I --- 1. I . W, R6, Counter 016 house they Were placed , , learess, imust Bear a . I . . TWO good servants wanted At the. , '. .1 - - - . _­� - !t---- --- Green is unlucky. says IVime, 'do I . - I hOuse to Let Rattenbury House. . I ­ -wee'e"" Thebes, a rarls, whO. I 1 �4, .1 oat- I �-. I .1 . . . . I . . ♦. JOWC10ir and Optician,, I ­ ,­ ­ .1.. "prophetess,, in L ;101?-, -WO.".k . I 1. . I . * 14 IS COIISU)t6d, ff0qU013tly11Y wealthy and , , . I . ,on Mill St., an eight room house It # society of that city, with good summer kitchen and wood. It 16rhale * I . I... ror ClOughs and Colds 0"' , 'inewaro of " Pad-sladle ftappor below. .shod, 0 good cellar and bOatingorchard � . . lssuejr of .. . . . green," she says. "MXY meatiffig. is I ..I--.,- .1 I- .. . all Ingood repair, occupied by the Miss- . : 0 t .. 1. .. TrOuMed With a ONO? A hard told . � simple. happiness and success depend . . ftdalll "d.00 aAW , 09 �Stel`11119, APPIF to MRS JAN Mr- D- Cant01011 Will ship us a car Marflage Lfcenses. , - . , bronclliifig ,or soine on tho qtlailtity of rily&. one E load of apples from Caledonia which . W 8end4i tR 100 " "90X4 OAMPBOLL Brucellold, or NEW W I 11 I - .. , I. chronic lung troubled There is it forth. 11appinos, depends�on jig ERA OVFI;5�. Are expected to reach us on or about I medicine Made far . lit And• . tf Oct. 22nd and which we will sell at 40 I " thew CaSM-Ayer'A Chefty Ped6ral Your dodor knows brightness. That Is why the Anclonts MUM ___ _ . ..'........"'." I I 0###014666' # 'chose white 49 their mourning color. It 01211NE&L I 1�1 - $a.15 per barrel.- , CAntelon Bros. 2b I I 11 1. ­�� J all about it. Mk him what he ' ' � � -4116",,do '. , &A-1�41-__-"-4� . I 41lik I 111011h. .. , ".A., W L . ... ., n 4 of it No Medkihii VVomou sh6lutil Wear white as ranch as I M. loudasote, � V0001 zwqha , _­­ , , ,_­ . I ever bko file place of, a d Was sbaped, - FOA I � "a afta. ftep . 06M -Ulf 4 L I r " �r , J.t.,� ftlUt JJJn - , Toneas&finvigol I W* CUTI"Oe . I Ir-gtetn color - =_ Tnorvous at ASTORIA ' Xftp i ,dwe t A dwtor. possible., *hen the world reAN4.41YER, *Ziab touch with hhht the treed W+,- givop the 'attAth"'Who 6 Fie. I 1, UYO . F00 bON010009 _W eptomi inakoi how . . In 'thig ' . , - . I 1W Itk :from the 1111h, 0 green � - - 16od In o d VoInA-Quilee Yeiiii POMW and' J?ap1W H&AgWo ,VOi III&Iltit aild Childrm I to save 1110 . I , R, 0 1 . Fog #AW& klK oug b&a% nfcn&d dM Jlr4ft W&IV De*. . ftf I I _1qq goo MA ', A - I , klIfts find to ill started, . All work guAftuteW., ' , _­ , r -L. I I - .1. C WI Ids b* I I L it, - . . - 2 "-#L�i,4 I I L . Iran "9900PDX pon*4ft WMGM0 E*60GU 'AP; YW& PML Se "04W , 11,4tva gboto'edar'Flify 111to the question of . 463�_~* PMAVII tl' , Mt6rrhead, and JVw4 6 !&;;�M6% th KInd YOU HM Always .0 ught I �.. Act dboctly to the oft. GO* t , ftloo0porbox _f2buse orplaw. . a " D $ON I I % sixfor" I Prices tWOMbI06 .opt *Wy o" oft . !=t J L' , I d Ofid � ht6"**W*&flk A*1P6w.4adwW)o­­4 the lnfluenie# f Colors. precious stones I n= I _ . .r"bq,MXn$We P I I , l I I ) I L . I I . I I . . I 1, _ __ gkmdenee tlftrl y op �PM . i*, She Vda" the ____ -, - .., L. vague I I - -.4 , ­­_ OUR9 NOIC `hltA0A01Jt:- 0 0 i �iiawiiwoiwe . . I sioatura Of , - *Am - , . - � , . W 11 066 C0111via,w 14subut,141. 4114 I A . ( . . I I I I ! L I . . 4 I hhaw I I . &.--"'-.'(-----'--'--"�'-----'i"---'-L ------- __ _J-_-________1�k_ _____ - . __ ___-_.---r ...... .... . ­­­­ ­­­­ - ­ '- '- ­ - '