HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-11-17, Page 1.
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�� 7"�__7 VO4 0 V0.`0 CLINTON ON'�"ARIO THURSDAY NOVE I RE*R 17, 11914 P ' W. H. Kerr & bon, Editors and Publishers
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�„� . , --T ---.- _ I- -' g Xre,Thom,aa ° west wawaanosb THE ,NEW ERA CURLS` MA& � w�v. Yw VWYVVV v �. ...
,, on Tuesday morning ,
fall in .'the yard and misfortune to
R -Oval BUIRk Manning sr„ had. the MORN ���� �R��Y�D
dislocate her Council �e�t as per adjournment. N(��,HER� � .
oulder. , About 1I months a- members resent except Councillor �a �j • j ,r
right ,shoulder. Where jt, duca On 1 `a11 -IS
QF CiANAQ/Q go she fell and broke her +✓thigh. Wslson.
P a1ATtaD lees. Mrs. J, D..'Melvil fe some what Minutes of last kneeling read and The special Christman Number °f
mcoa o e 1 a resent.', approved on motion of Thom] .'The Naw Era will be highly attrac- A fete weeks ago we Hand -bags,
k'$01,200,900 vnw l t p -son and Watson. tine and appropriate to the festive. he CanAditan. Caruicfi these
a sale of large Handve *
CBpittll 'Mrs. Hill, sr., is laid Up . at Blyth l these
able to return home for a e' ttrpasuret a statement show- :season. �y rhe Ed #Ol' Of T proved so, attractive o
Th moth rice and style and sold so
R 6 and un a ed a balance on hand of $41,76' rev Our 'Chris'kmas Number thisgyear p .
Reserve .QQA,000 while,I 1% ceived and filed on motion of Alt will be issued with our . lar �hIVVrV • „ our order and are again ehowin
000 000 • L Syria of Bl tth 'Will so and +Thom eon. . 'weekly edition, on Thursday, 15th . d'a - attended a church o /!trade ieeases to. find wow ry k to do a large range.
no du i�catge �
!Mh'' ASSe#S X9.5► ► Rev. J. L. church y , the a Last ISun y.,I ..t .... g g til- ,d sea them .
cu Knox church pulpit next Sun- S. Kerr presented' a Petition slim December. A copy will be sent ' i
' 3L NTREAL Py self a d .others aekin ratuitously to. all present subscri- in a country town , fur I had joined' the town its doomed. Ten right - an csoellent .Xmas Gift, 9
BEAD OFFICE, Q day. ed by hind n g g the knlgration #torn the big city eouaa sten would hares saved3odor4:
- a in a stout here have sibs council to pass. a by ap- bers and to all new subscribers, re. : and had gone "home" for Thanks- 'ten determtined broad-minded pat --
Bev cal far er d ointin inspectors to see to. the ceived whale the edition 'lasts, Ex- , O n rim o u �r
not had their threshing done yet ra -co ies 'wilfbe sold at ten ents. sgiving• The hymns• andthg general moribund,
men can gave' any one4f the � � �llOU 1 � Gil�l101►� I.BS�
d and the machine men find. 'it hard ' des'truc ion of bad weeds on the t P service !was much sibs same as when morsbund .'towns and Villages of.
Correa ondente throughqut the Worl , ye the sifts: from one farme and roadways of the 'town- each, wrapped ready' for mailing. I 'was a Sunday School scholar in. Ontario,
P work !ko hno t u ship„ On motion of Watson and Already a number who have friends Tb;?r are just the thing to pro,
_...-- barn tto.another. that same congregation more than teot Y( from the a
Thompson the 1clerk •was instructed in the old. land are ordering copies quarter of a century ago, There —o._— pproaching
on Savings accounts Somre parties have. 'turnips and to .are a by-law to have pas4, to 'be sent forward to reach ' the a q g . an cold weather. There is more
Interest snowed K p pp were the sate fathers and mothers jm _y years ago I was speak • G n ins llomfort in wearin one
'` hi hnst current rates. some potatoe's out in the field and ea a!t'the next meeting'. home friends 'before Christmas, not all of 'course, for there'were B'
at g . e are ho 'in for Borne fine Cheques 'were issued in payment The contents .of•this splendid hot- ' Ing to an audience in the famous of these than you rvottiid imagine.
ustome accorded to all . they p g da number must be seen to be some vacant seats. Those -whom I fruit valley of Nova 'Scotia, the k t have them for both Ladies
• Courteous treatmentweather. � of accounts to the amount of $325,00 i 3'
customers. remembered! did not seem to have' Land,oi Evangeline, and I pointed, and (Is men
in all sizes,
Chan ,.'Manning has putt up a ori tndtion sof Aitcheson and Thmp- fully appreciated, The first page changed knueh, .for' what matters a ovt las /best I vould'that to an mind
is devoted to a. three -color photo- y
E. kitchen to the house lie -purchase 'combs .'council adjourned tto me.'et on engravin entitled �' Christmas few more wrinkles .and a shade Nova Scotia was backward only be-
R. , greyer' 'hair? But 'what . s'truck We cause'her hien were not encouraged .
lately, . N°v" 22nd, apt one o'clock p7m. N1on'of theieo a of hon hares- m1Qett YPreibly was the Rimited num to stay at 'home, :They were educ-
CL INTCI�I BRANCH George and John 'Manzi `,started on W, S. 'M, Croslie, Clerk, 1 y t ppy bei of pec le bdtween the a es pi;
for 'a strip to London 'the ret clay. On:the'second page there is g ated to 'believe that success could ttwenty and' forty years of •age.. E1- be 'won only by Igoing Ito Boston W*1MCCOMen `
Thursday to visit their father and a series of engravings 'which are re- ,miinatte the visitors and the rest or some other New En land cit . r
other friends, They have been six plicas, Brucefield t f famous paintings a seri� - g Ppm, B,
Mullett , years in Canada and feel as f they ci oro h +lural scenes, with Christmas edi- were under ttwessty or over forty, A 1'ady came to one after the meet -i '
'Mrs, W,, 0. Lan esb ug. , •0% And I 'was .led to wonder why ins' and thanked tole, for myy critic- O.VaR.. Telegraph. ,Agency
Mrs, W. Sloan to visiting friends can afford !the visit,
Egtnondvilie, is v'isi'ting at the torial matter. The third • and these people were content (to let ism, saying that it came. ome to
. Q tour'th pages have a nuviber of the their young.folk go away to -the big her 'because she had six brothers b
In Toronto. home of Mrs, McQueen., very finest lnountaia views. in the
E. Brown 'sold a tine 'horse to C. News reached our village of the cities to work and marry, and to .in tt'he United States,
e for handsome figure of • " ' " dearth of Dr, James Baird which Canadian Rockies, with delightful . add Ito the city's population. Here yet to-d'ay rural Ontario is .gets ,
tWalli * • + descriptive matter by Rev.'G. R• B.
king into much the salts condition
$225.00 * Itinney, who 'succeeded -by intrepid' were a number of people owning g
Bra'ithwaitA has taken a • CANADIAN NEWS. On Friday morning itlalst �'Hebad effort in scaling. the famous obs propertty'wh'ich waa growing slow- as rural Nova 'Sco'tia, .'The farmipg a �`
Mrs. M. •
strip to visit her daughter, Mrs. A. • * * * * been ill for some months with con- tNiounita'in to the sumhniti an eleva ly but surely less valuable, because population , is not growing as it
uinny near London, a surapt'ion. 1Ie was a native of our tion of .about 13,000 feet, Follow the population of the to an was. should', and many of the rural
Q''Miss L. Wheatley spent Sunday TUESDAY'. village, toeing' a son of 'the late. tug 'pages give colored' engravings dwindling,. And not only as t but schools have only half the pupils �
Kvith her friend Miss E.'Lyon, o- George 'Baird. He was a graduate of ayotUt'hful, boy scout and'Christ•« property' getting leas valuable they once had. The young sten
Miss 'Maggie Sheppard and r in {medicine of McGill College, and m0.as scenes. Then follows a hi hl ' the social life of the town Was be- gonq to
man spent Sunday 'with e t d •'n had' a large' . practice for some enjoyable Chrlst;lnas ator entitled eosniag less attractive.. and' things: or jj o'it 'or o the great Canadian
+cher, Cousin, N'. Hill • Two waitresses oho a drink ars outside 'Montreal; finding 9%owrie's Good -will;' Ayfull page generally.were showing retrograde .Went.. Is rural Ontario content to
.'their nit had a bee on Man- crazed m'an in Toronto, h a r is devoted to noted 'Cathedrals g rather than advancing progress. be IChe breeding -place and school-
Chas. Man g-,ber of men assist- Metho.'dist business then have de the 'work of a country pr sties hard �
da when a num .. s d raise a million dollars for he sold ills praetiee in Beptember •England, Excellent engravingg•s p Pett these people seemed to have house fora few large cilties or for c
y ' utting an addition to hi cede to s and came to this neighborhood to Canterbury, Ely, `Worcester, Lfch- no pangs of regret no ambition to .the newer provinces ? Is rural On -4
hnn in p missions.
house in Londesboro. visit his relatives, becoming ill he field, Eacdter, Peterborough, York, stay the.exodus,no visible desire tot tarso Willing to pass through the _ ,
Stevensand family 'have ' Valuable fossils ,Were presented returned to 0.Vlontreal; •there he has
Geo. Saxsbury, Lincoln, and, Carlisle are build up the community .as thous - distressing. . stages which have
moved to Leadbury. to the University of Toronto by been 3n the. hospital until his death shown. Some br. all 'of 'these his ands of newer comm'inities in - the ,marked tdhe recent,. history of the •
Dm now we have been having business keen,'
The s $e leaves a wife 'bu't no famil s
oil roads. Geor a toric 'edifices have no doubt been West are being built up, In other agricultural sections of the New T1�C8 V. • ,
has not Wade Very
good .The term's of the North Toronto brothers still survive him, g visited, by a number of our readers, words, the 'community itself. seem England States and of New York � •..-• ••
Both wheels and sleighs are on the annexation by-law were drawn by who Ye a surveyor in the Northwest a e Io, given to,.poxtraite of lit- ed like an aged man sitting ui an $tate ? Surely not, . Yet this i s yzdr .
ood for either, A P g p
go and it is not g ed a special committee., and rjr, tW after,, who is taken a post tie .bright-faced'Canadians, all of easy their lay 'the kitchen stove likely occur, the Govern -
t man .people have enjoy • raduate course in a hospi al in o a ear to be 'en•o in the calmly awaiting_ that inevitable dis-. m en't of Ontario •and the business P - r1arafllrig l
ye, y The Bloor,an I Parliament streets. K wh ml pp ] y g .
sleighrides. *Montreal. He has many relatives solution •'which comes to all Hien vaen of the. smaller towns waken up ..
viaducts were endorsed by.a.�nieet- Christmas spirit. Aa a whole the
and friends here who 7vere sorry to sooner or later.:. and take measures • to ' prevent it, I paino
ing of Ward Two electors at Tor- learn of his early death. A11 join forthcoming number 'will surpass tis time; to cry 'Wake Up, On- k �'� "-�-"" '
onto, any previous 'Christmas edition —o-- In the small of the back --a sure
in sympathy fol' the widow and ch has been. seat out by the New tarso.. t
Londesboro W,.'F, Nickle, M. 'P. P, . Will repre- and brothers of the deceased, : .ra t i
sent the Provigce at the Internet- Era: ),its pathos of it al's appealed to ,Mo-- �; indication of disordered kidneys.
has moved from' his A ver, successful anniversary, . Orders for exttra copies should be �1e'in a new way, The problem of These nfi&rinss .aro often borne
Amos Sp'hul here ,to the conal Milk Conference ' New York „was held in thePresbyterian church handed fn' ai once. the Ontario 'town and .village was Few will dens 'that there is.'baore _ ,
'house on King street
occupied by Mrs. J. The Departments of Lands, For- on 'Sunday last.,. when Rev. Dr: money to be made in agriculture in silenco and the enderance of tna
house lately P presented' In a new. light,, the ca�£crer is oft cased to ilio utmost,
Riley. eststand Mi es 'will supply free McCrae, •of Westminister, .had cause ? What'the remedy ? Who in Ontario to day that at any. other , ,
Miss L. Maines is spending a few 'seed to settlers who suffered by, chargge of .'the ,services. Notwith-' the +doctor ? stage In the history of the pro
,days with her cousin in Blyth., the forest Hires in the Rainy standing .the weather large and. Hymns for the young., viuce, There are also fewer pri- y
The afternoon train on the. C. P. The cause is complex no doubt, 'vations and, more pleasures.. The r d
Miss A. Lawson has returned 'River district, congregations were but both morn ,The
'education forms a lar
visiting friends here. The C.P.R.ideelared a quarterly 'ing and evening, On Mond',iy the It• for Toronto, leaves nearly 10 meiA, The High School is perhaps Agricultural College' has 'helped,:. I
bolts after g and .'there has been . a general ad �rg y�� �y
Miss B. Kirkeonnel spent Sunday dividend of 2 per. rent, fowl supper was held'. when the minutes earlier than on the of i, a ,the greatest. cause. It is educating . Vane in all farming. methods, . All ; I...ID E it FIEF'S
with friends In the village. John VanNestt . Bowmanville's church. was 'well filled. Atter the ,table. the young people d his su er a t ood ro ram 'was given Monthly Pairs will, be coni- g P . pie out .of the towns, that Ontario requires ,now Is that
EdwardManning • celebrate oldest citizen, is caead, Pp g g g imenced on 'Tuesday, Nov. 29Th and teaching ahem that the professions
p y the young jmen, shall be`taught to are a remedy for sliest excruciating
75th birthday on Monday and his Joseph Weigle of Sault Ste.'Marie of speeches end' singing etc., Revs. and 'continued- during the winter are accessible, and: offer'greatt re- to on the farm... Abolishing the relief. ' . sure ukk and
his p Richardson, Kippen, Larkin,*Sea- , wards, The IHg, School teacher is stay g PSB• r . 4
friends hope to see him! enjoy was accidentally shot killed �by forth and Dr. McCrae all ae ad-` season. , g present High�S.chools and, establish-
'soth. his thirteen -year-old son. a g b the Annual meeting of BI th branch not a fictive of.the •place lies 'little lastin ' 41ft
dresses. 'Music was. given y g y sympathy With.its progress or os m�agplish much.
. -A few
e yea would o,3 �`
--_.-___. a es' o th =alt rotelkee -- b _M.rc -_ G , _-__ of_!tbe Rible Society was held Thurs p ' - p g g
_____ -_ _ ___..__ _...,___. - a ��ie .tt_. _:A _ � cRliur-ch-choir-_also y . M _ v fi> _>� - - .ole uturE,�anil=�s be g� ,accom lash much. .A few years ago We .cell these andel a uarantee
'say eWening�f "r-vtW6 a the nt on13+ an e'-vzg pa—burst o-f�n#husfasm- - '
NS dA11T. 3� era have 'been reduced.owingto.the of Seaforth, who delighted her producing scholars 'who will shine' he o benefit.:or"Cefund`yowi motto -
WINTER TERM OPE I in'troductiont .sof tl?.e local .option audience.. Mise .'.Hart of Hensall Presbyterian church, t about teaching agriculture yin t
E by4a.W. ave several readings which .Were Trinity church 'sent .$13,00 t+b .the 'in
el anbig business 'college, the Mo- rural. 'schoo'ls, and at least, two test $0 pills iri.e deet box, price, ..1
• 4ELLS I a as h escaped, ' gave
a recia�ted' b ,ever o e SickChildrensHospi'ta1.,Toronto,ad 'Colic e the Normal Behools, the`' eooks'Were authorised: To -day .
Frank Fraser, 'who e c ped from highly PP y y a Thank��s_�fain Cog Sehand, Universi'ties.' The' .
the reformatory. ,at Shawbridge. present.. People were present from !; offering,'Highcol teachers in .the .village book stores odd.cop W. S. R: HOLMES,
"John McCaughey, formerly ofprogress Ies,of these teA ,.'books are.to be
• true., 'woe captured near Cardinal, all the neighboring towns it seemed. Blyth, has taken charge of the Com does not 'correspi.nd with the •pio fo d` uppon +Che ''bargain tables, a The ? X Stora •-.
Ontario as. though- far the night every. mercial Hotel at as succes ,gress of,the town; it depends rath- 'b t
road led Ito Brucefield. The + Clinton,* mute �trr use to a short-lived pro
TORONTO, ONT, The Owen Sound`$ Medford Rail Pr°- eor to he's son-in-law, Jam.ea 'Rey. er on the success ofhi's pupils . at' vincial ambition, It is hard to.say
way. Co,,is applying. -for power to ceeda of fibs anni'yersary services gone to Goderich to ,the .'greater centres .of•college edit- ivho should be hon edforthis crime
I caneda s 13isb rSlaes commeroiat rite to, were about $300. Holds who has - cation. 'His aim
1.Absolutely superior instruction. write to construct a line from Southampton run `the .'Huron -House.- Mr: McCaw , therefore, ,is to the. writers of the text books, .the •. 1 A
day for Large Catalogue. t0 Ori)lia. gghey will keep .egerything up -to,= drive the young -sten and . the Minister.• of Education or the pub-' � R WADY •
P'orter's R911. % da'te. young 'Wom'en bu't 'of town.. .lie school.'.'inspectors. There is a .
—• . - . These thoughtsgo led' me to wonder .culprit somewhere, If • the Ontar- For - ou NOW
. 9M• . 'Miss: Leggat, of Pittsburg, ` is
♦♦ `�♦� +*+;� ♦}��+++. visiting a,t John Torranee's'.' if the ,High_ School should. b- ab ll- • io A ricultu bo College is the se. the
♦+N♦;;�+♦♦♦♦�;+N+04++++♦+ 1 iahed or simply reformed, Abell- g -block, abolish it and use.
. • Mrs.. George . Weston and 'son, • . Rayfield lin With the beat and finest Raisins .
+ . . $ tion 4s impossible, perhaps, but re= money,toestablish the teaching of
* .+ Harold spent- a few days. at John. After several kneetings of the `forrri should be easy, Tne trustee and Currants'you have ever. put
• Cax�9 '1as't "tiveek. agriculture in rural schools:' Trans,
+ • * C•.ouimil. it '.'vas' decided ,to do no. board might .begin by sa 'in to the into. your cake or^pudding.` We1.
+'S ♦ Dou las : McDou all returned g y fer Jthe .; experiment plots to the
►,-.- The Morrish Clothe � �. >; -g. . road repaving.'this season owing to !teaclYers °No w,. gentlemen,. we de- I Centre of ever township, andb ` have the quiLlity at the lowest
. from `Che'west on Friday last, the shortage .of [stoney: ' . , the ' 'sire you to inculcate into every u e''. got yy a p, ring prices
♦ ORDERED CLOTI[ING ItE.lDY-1€lAD1C- C.4ITIIING .. Don't forget the anniversary ser Treasury. P t this t of education to fife farm
y, psi in your school that itis h'i buss er !instead of asicing'him to go .to
vices next Sunday'in Bethel church: The' fisli:erman have 'taken in their Hess to .so educate himself that he
+ b + ..
Services at 11 a. m.. and m: con- ,Guelph far it,, At any rate,, 'let us .
l?.e _ nets +until after.. the close Season. '
+ + ducted by Rev, Laws. 'phissl�et_ will 'help .the toipri and county tto ;_ do something. to 'save the situa'tivsi; $est selected Raisins ' 10
+ r /� Dr, Smith received a, telegram to become bigger. and greater.. 'kour 11 lbs " s x•25'
�j ��®�M COAT Social' on .Wednesday evening the attend the. serious illness of , his'
+ + courses of study mush be such that ---`o— New cleaned Clurrants 'S lbs . ,��
+ + 23rd instead. of, Tuesday the 22nd, sister at Sudbury. our young snen and women are fit- _C. Build .un the' agriculfurah comniu- 12 IN " ... • 1.00. '
i6 g" . + as 'was formally announced: A Thomas Jowett'who. has been ted to take ,part in the activities of nitiea,keepin thricult r o" i -. '.flew imported feels,°Lemon
This Nciv Oi,e 'coft�t T of + -first class program• will be given' dangerously ill for.some time pass- this town, and tat n the activities tion of. everyl; he'fam township g p•otvin orange and 01tron perlb 1:i. .
+ , QUAL TY • eonsistmgg • of ,quartetts cluetts, ed •away on Tuesday -.of last week of the big cities... -You will be held anck the firsstep-will-be takers to Shelled Almonds per lb .. .4U• ,. ..
+ 1S �(9il QIi'.tl 10'1 d•11 �(3llll�rt . ,solos, Violin music and recitations at the good old age of eighty four, responsible' for 'the young' people wards building the dcclinin ,�3hPlled `Walnuts per lb -..40
' by Godersch talent. also musical The -late Thomas Jots est was an old You drive out of town." The tea- .'to«Tns and .dilit'es Tlie ne ct steg' Ne�v Lvaporated Peaches µ
+ + aelecilons by:Tr. Latus and fasxiily resident of tiffs place and, greatly there 'tt=ould 'probably: thing the will be to make the to ti ns and vil� lbs for ...... ...:.::.... 2�
+ The combination collar + from Jaffa, This . promises to . respected by the' coinunity. • Mrs. 'trustees ,Were 'craay, b.ut- it would . lages '.help themselves in other d unea
+ . + one of the best entertainments ofWrightead•'to a valuable discussion, 1 ways: Perhaps .it might be .'vise to
Ne�v Dates, Figs,, an Pr
+ and lapel enables it to be Dr, Wri ht and John Jowett who
the . season. Dont miss it. Ile- See our Layer •liaiains and
• has ,been. absent, for a number of .Dr. eobertson, in his address to have a Provincial $oard of Trade, , Almeria Gra es.
'� 1 ears attended the funeral. r
++ buttoned close about. the 5: + freshmenta served at close of aril= Y the Y.M.C.A. contention iri:Toronto presided over ley, ' a Cabinet minis p
f g tast week'.. • said that •education ter, .to whom any discontented and Fruit on display in south.wiudocv.
+ ram
neck in military style, r f .,,. 4 should include three departments-'; discouraged 'town :or>vill'age could
protecting the throat and + Staiai)ey . Ilolenesvnlle domestic science, for -the, Women, , go for advice and assistance. . ��, P?M
i. who, managed ,the homes; 'natui:e • could inaintain a staff of 'experts, 6 �, Q � �
+ chest. 3 > Mr. Frank Layton, is finishing up John Finley ex -M, P, for East study for the; fariYteis, miners, fish- ::who were well up in industrial and W. •
* # s' � .the thresbi.ng of grain,dn, the line
you Will •Ste in and i , peterboro a rromits'ent' business ermen, foresters; and men n•towris ' commercial .possibilities; and these
I f y p ;. this week, , man, wh'o died on Sunday, was -an and manual training for' men m in- could the sent 'out to giV ex cert
+ f ,�`.Y' + Mr. Jaynes McLean and Mr, D. F. � e, i THE HUB 'GROCER.
slip on one of these coats .. ,y : >.: t f Camhachie organizers, of uncle of Mr, W, E, Finley..whe lie'es dustrial life. This in brief is. my advice as to methods beat suited'to
+ P ., :± Smith, o , g y + ,roar slue .place. Deceased vas a idea. Why should any .country •each. community, One town might Phone 48'
+ you will be surprised at $ of Grange lodges and Farmer s As- Liberal and life -ion's '1VlethodisE: support three .'High Schools which .be, advised to put iri a huge cheese - ----:•+-•�
+its warmth and well notice � . `F sociations were visiting on the line g
+ $ this week: They were guests of Mr The following is the report of exists for the Purpose of taking the factory, another a butter factory)
this we -Fraser, the public 'school here for -the county's best young folk and send-. another a canning.factory, another-
+ at once the absence of w . .,:A . . �' _
heavy feel- ' - - month of October; -4th class ins ern( away. to help build up a• knitting factory and so on...
+ that bulky or y . Frank Jenkins, Lottie Lavis, Har- other 'communities ? 'Still it is true t . ,The other, dayr, I (bought some ap-
1. ♦ Tockersurith old•Lavis, Carl Mair, Clarence Con- that the High Schools of Ontarlo; ; Plea in a Toronto. grocery store
¢ ins found in many "coats " , j. $. .The sad news recently eame to hell, •Ormand. Alcock, -Clifford Holl except In a few of -the wiser cities, Which had come all 'Che way across
of this character. �'. s' 4 'thee Home of Samuel Reid, of'thia' and, Arthur Farren. Sr. 3rd—Elva are simply depleting. the. rural cow- tthe'continent from Washington
be worn with s. ♦ township of the death of his, son, Proctor, •Verna. Jervis, Roy Mun- mnu sties of their finest human pro- .'Territory. United States apples
+ They can '' &lex, Reid of Grand Forks He has nings, Hattie Ostrom. Interrnedi- - ducts.
x' 1 ; .
+ comfort when walking or been.ilh for some' ime With t hoi8 1 from a•P.acore coast c state selling in
t, typhoid ate 3rd,—Alvin'Leuard, Mihton,Hol To'ron'to stores In competition with
`;j: —q-
+ the have d ;F %%s r. + ;fever. He passed away last Satur- �land,;Stewart Mair, Daniel Glid- .. apples grown 3n the greatest, Or
+ dClvlrig as y �•r ♦ day, His body was taken to Strat cion, Leslie 7fu11er, Jr .3rd Leslie, Other reforms might also High what should be:the greatest apple.
collar as shown in cut, ; � ♦ ford for 'burial. The funeral was Jervis, Clifton Procter..- Jr. 2nd— shade. Changing the spirit of IIs h
• _ j ♦ Held on tTuesda His parents with. g provihce in. North America—think
+ without choking or bind y Fred Livia, William. Alcock, Gertie School ,edification is not . the only of 2t. I asked the grocer why,
g. , $ a number of relatives from Tucker- Reid,. Part 2—Altalind• McCartney. remedy, The spirit of. the people; "Honest selection, scientific pack+
+ in or it can be worn as ? f, ♦ Smith,. attended the funeral. He Bruce'Holland, Emily Ford,Norman- !must .be 'changed-, They must be- ing, and co-operative selling, was,
+ g' r1 , ♦ leaves a'widow and two children, Mair,,Harry Ford, John Ostrom, sieve sn: their town and .county and the answer,
an ordinary style.• ,:• $ ag°d� 8 and 6 years. 'Much sympa- Sr, 2't,'1 Wilfrid Jervia; Willie Mil-. possess a determination to build it • What value has education for the
..� %r: ' �� ; shy ss expressed here for the aged her: Jr. P't. 1 -Violet Miller, . Cyril trip, The.knan Who buys a :dozen farmer and. the villager if it unfits
father and mother who feel ,Marion Al- farms, dispossesses them of people him to compete with producers and
so Proctor, Violet .'Huller, ,
♦ ' and populates them With sheepor
�• 5- + keenly the floss of their son, cock.—J', H. LoWer ,T'eacher..
t�ackera two thousand five lion••
Every man or boy cant. �„ t'f y file only iathe Irian whtrmuat be Bred stiles away? What value has
I * ♦ 'This week winds up the Beef ca
Lind Here an Overeoat �,. ... ' $ 'Ring of .'London Road and Tneker- fought. The kntan 'Who refuses to physaes and, trigonometry and al
I that will seemto have • . smith, which has 'been going c: for Auburn len his capital to enterprise and gebra and geometry If they do not
e in next ithe annual Meeting A Student frons Wood tock Will is another invest per on flwho smortgages
uld be which 'she is re ar d to
urs that .
♦$ been made Cslreelall •'""^ eVenpas 30 weeks. nub 1 M nday y I a g sea wt tis to takp from'
us if
; t him will be 'held in 'School House No. 4. Preach Sunda af'ternooss�in the taught a lessors. The retired far- t .e 41aVe 'but 'common sense �?"
or 11 . °�_
A. Rural Mail to Themselves,, --Six
neighbors on the London Rd, are
Baptist church.
inner who'goes to livein a small town I '
and votes down every suggeated•irn'
niEN'S OVERCOATS from $8.00 tO $`4 so .
'talking of forming a rural 'mail
,themselves and each one will have
a special day to 'go to Clinton for
Londerlboro ,
provemen't and ,development must
be educated to better sence.
The growth of the small towns in B a k.
BOY �a e` .l•1� tU 10.OU
the bna'il and delivered is to the
'The Melthodist Sunday School
Ontario 'depends 'upon the growth"I
• ,.
other five, This should, work out
fine. 'Those in't'erested are.-- W.g
are ualking preparations for their
An C iabn Entertainment
of the population in the rural •ills- Yneo oritted Y$li�i
trict ssurroundin it and upon,the rl► °
.. ,
'' SPECIALS--OuP $Oyu Overcoat at . and 1VYer. s
and Frank Fred t�'Root: and HenryMrs.
Stevenson, Fred LVott, and ry
on December 2a�th. ;
T..'Manning had the this-
growth of local industries, The
men in 'the towns can do much to Lapita1t PAn) 'u>Y $11,000,000 .
�. at X10. The best values we have ever
Ask To See Them. ' ^
fortune to fall Tuesday morning
and dislocate her shoulder. Mrs.
farmers and encouraging them. to
g` g
'adopt ouch !methods as twill employ Rest . Fundo • „ $4911009000
. ^.t . .. ..
Manningwho is -over eigh'ty years more people and. market more pro- �
feel a little a year ago and duc�tg.. The 'great factors here are ing SO BranCLes i11 Canada, and Agents and Corl�esllOndenta3 in o,1
y g
. ''
.. �• ttn. } f
The Standard 'i!i :than in Its day
, , changing . a
of sublication frons Wednesd y
to Thursday.
. fr ctured her hip.
Some of the new Telephones in-
struments were Installed in
good local markets for till aorta of the Prineiilal Cities in the World.
farm products and first-class facia- SACTIEIM.
Ities for shipping, A GENEAA , BAN1iI1V( B1 SINESS;,' ItA11T
,Dal ishi V @• VOIe
Rev. Small is to address the
minister at the Induction of Req.
Village this tt*eelt, and we are ani-
loudly awaiting the cow 1,tion of
Thegrowth of local industries de
on local patriotism shipping,S A V 1 NQS RANK C) � P A R �' M � N i°
a A uaro beat For EV'• f Do"'
Mr, Boas us as'tor of Knox church
G•oderich, Tuesday of Heart Week.
also by Presbytery
the line,
VVe Congratulate Mr; and Mrs:.
Bends .
facilities, supply of labour, and a Y at ail Branehes. Interest agOvred est highC$t current rate.
first-class BoaSd of Tra e. When
, I
.......................+µ .i i ......♦�♦4 +♦♦#� 1+
; was appointed
to assist in revision of the Psalter
Jahn Bedford who were made one
fihanksgiving Day,
local patriotism dies, thL town be- , ,� _
gins to fade away, Wh ntheboardy C:ititc ll $rant# 1rt y C EM DOWDING, Manage