HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-11-10, Page 8racti e: Top Coats Far Ladies and .' Full length Coat aipf rough tweeds, `serges, wor- steds and beaver cloths lluttoned close up to the neck, , military style, convertable collar, and in perfect bar- mony with outdoor ,weather is what you want for your° New Wintor Coat. Space will not permit of a detailed description of the many designs we are showing. but a call will convince you that our styles, qualities, and range of prices are such that it will not pay you to pass this store for your Winter • Top Coat, • Furs that Have Quality and Style Our guarantee stands behind every fur garment passed over our counters. When you buy Furs you want the best value for your money . You can get it bere—we buy from the largest and most reliable fur dealers which enables us to pass on reliable fur values to our patrons in Mink, Sable, Persian Lamb, Marmot, Grey Squirrel, Isabelle Fox, Canadian Coon, German Mink, Etc. If you have a Fur want of anykind it will pay you well to see our display. • We also show a large range of Ladies Fur Lined Coats, Astrachan, Bocharen and Electric teal Jacques MILLINERY We again in%ite you to our Millinery Department. If you have a Hat want of anykind Miss _Baker can fill your requirement and you will find our prices very reasonable. We pride ourselves on our Millinery Department the cause for'wh'eh is the �nan complirrp.nts paid us by our patrons. We strive to produce till very latest styles at popular prices and we have gained our point, judging from the increased salesover our first season. Miss Baker has had a wide experience as head milliner in several large cities and is tho•oughly capable of fill- ing your wants. Come and consult her before buying ,your Fall Hats. Mantle Cloths for Saturday Sellir•, 700 yards Nap, Ctirl and Plain Heavy Winter Mantle Cloths in black, blue, green brown, ane cardinal, 50 inches wide. Regular $1.5o and $2 per yard, Satur• day selling all at one price 9s3c yird 1 t'in yards Brocaded Mantle Cloths for capes. Re gular $3 and $4, Saturday selling ., ,..11.49. yard Ladies Winter. Mantles That Have Style We are showing the largest range of Winter Coats for ladies and children that it has ever been our plea- sure todisplay, for Style comfort and fit. Our convert- able collar in• rough tweeds, in fawn, dark grey, brown, 'blue and black buttoned up close to the neck, at $10 is unbeatable both in ladies and chi drens, if you need a new Winter Coat for yourself or your children, don't miss seeing our styles and prices, AT THE MEN'S STORE, New. Winter Ctothi'ng for Men, Boys and Children Our stock of... Men's, Boys' and Childret's New Winter clothing is complete in: every detail, in Over.. coats, Suits, Odd Pants, Underwear, Sweaters, Coat Sweaters, Overalls, Hats, Caps, Fur Coats, Sox. .Ties, Braces, Neckwear, Mufflers, Shirts, Collars and as oriel. A call will convince you that our styles, qualities and range otdprices are such good value that it will pay you not,to'pass this stcre when buying your Winter. Outfits Ask to see our Special Winter $10 Coat for men at. . .00 .kovi Wr ING•--IS1l . The. advertisement that ' starts. out 'with' a whine will get no bet, ter treatment than any other sort of *'beggar. MODERN VERSION. Jack ,Spra'tt cold eat no fat, - His wife COUR eat her till. "dile had a'bird's wing on her hat, And .Jack -he had the bill. IN THE SEVENTIES; From the Stratford Beacom, and ;roarthe column with the above beading We clip an item which Was published Oct. 20...1871: - The bylaw authorizing the grant- ing of a'bonus of $19,000 by the township of Tuckersmith to the London, Huron & Bruce 'Railway was defeated on Tuesday 'by a majority of 126. GOING WEST. By this issue .and also by posters it twill be seen that B. A. McEwen is seilingoutt and intends going West where an excellent position awaits. him, We are sorry 'to lose our young businessman,' but we join' in wishing Mr, !deEwen success in the West. LEFT TOWN. Wednesday Mr, and Mrs.. James Reynolds. who have occupied the Commercial Hotel for the past summer are moving to Goderieh where Mr. Reynolds takes over the Huron House. Many will be sorry to see then>;1 eave, both in sports and in their connection with St. Joseph's 'church. Mr. • Mecaughy owner of the Commercial will take- over the Hotel. and run it.. A'SOTHEREEE. 'The t is'towel Banner made the following report on the Hough Cup game :- A. very good game of football in the Hough Cup series was played in the Rink Park. Listowel on Mon -0 day afternoon. the challengersbe- ing a team from the Clinton High School. The game was a . very good one, although rather. ne- sided. and some good ball was play- ed. The Clinton team were unable to find the Listowel goal during. the game. and the score at the end of the time was 3-0. for Listowel, MINOR LOCALS. Crippin hangs on Nov. 23rd. Guy Brothers next Wednesday, The -cutters were on the go on Monday, 'The Clinton'Board of Trade is still sleeping. ' .. . CLINTON NEW ERA DR. OVENS. London, Surgeon, lieu. TAct.. S..eci+ilist. will be at W. S. R. !Holmes' Drug stare, on Tuesday, Nov. n Gt .sses property Fitted. deafness. catarrh and f.iuling eyesight treated. .A0 day. 'i! - - ;1JY TIROS.' MINSTRELS. This famous Minstrel company wi]l,appear in the Town Hall Wed- nesday night, Nov. 16. Mr. G. R. Gay, properitor and manager, has spared no expense in securing some of the best singers, dancers, acrobats and comedians in the min- ntrel business. Everything is new tram start to finish, the press and tmmblic say' it is the best he ever had. Des&t miss seeing them. You will get your moneys worth. Reserved seat tickets at Fair's Book store. WINTER FAIR. The Ontario Provincial Winter Fair will be held at Guelph Dec, 5 to 9. Prize lists may now be had from A. P. Westervelt, secretary, Parliament Buildings, Toronto: GAME LAWS BROKEN. We have been informed by a well • known citizen that the game laws are being broken every dayaround these parts. Whose business is it to look after this?' ; i FARMERS' MEETING:. A ineetin lf farmers ors and o' thers interested will be held In the town hall, Seaforth, on Saturday, Nov- ember 12th, at 2r o'clock p. m. for the purpose of considering the pro priety of appointing delegates to Trial For Edward Jardine :Thomas an dEdward Jardine, ac- cused . of the murder of Lizzie An- derson,. were brought up for trial before Police Magistrate John But- ler .Wednesday morning. The pro- ceedings' :were very brief.L.E . Dancey, acting for • ' the prisoners, e add r ssed the • court briefly, and was prepared .to accept' committal in the case of Edward Jardine, but would proceed -with the trial- of join the depntatuion from the west d other ars t an - pof Canada to Ot- tawa in December next. The ob- ject of this deputation Is to im- press upon the Government. and Parliament the disirability - P h islrab'li of e ' i ty r ducing the tariff in favor .of the farming interest and to secure 'as wide a measure as possible of reci- procity between Canada and the United States: This is a matter of vital importance to the farming community, • and it is desirable that at this juncture, they make them- selves • heard and their desires known. Those who are benefitted s tw„`ssm Our Specials For Cash—next Saturday and following week Will be Coal Heaters No. 114 Famous Royal base burners, reg $40 for 36.50 2 No.. f 13 reg 33 for 29.50 1 No. 5 Radiant Home reg 40 for 37.50 t No. 5 with oven reg 45 for 42,50 1 Fairy reg 21 for 19.00 We have a number of Second -Hand Heaters at a bi; reduction CALL AND SEE .THEM Furnaces & Plumbing a5 eci:alt. p y. tIarland Bros. l) IVES lf, It1 1it11WARC • Thomas, his brother, • as an acces- sort'... - Crdwn Attorney .Sea er•saidthere • was not "sufficient evidence again- st Thomas Jardine, and on behalf of the crown withdrew the charges. against against Thomas. who was then giv- en his liberty. Edward was taken back to the county jail to. stand'his ' trial at the .Spring 'assizes. • by and .who are interested in high thesecolumns in later issues for. tariffs arel eavina._iio stone unturn- information of value to intending ed to influence the Government to purchasers:' their way of thinking, and it behoo • yes the farmers of Canada and the RENTS '11017SE. . a w ne 1 consumers as well to use e r r -r ted h h s t g 1 v. Cdr bar a en their influence to stem the tide for u . 7o b e high rotectio i. This is not a o ey. ow will move i John as g p h pol- ey. and move into it assoon as itical movement:. it is business, and It is vacated by the owner.. we hope that there will be a large attendance at the , meeting on the BENGOUGH HERE. 12th..inst., so .that if deemed desir- 1 Last Friday evening a very able 'Huron may be creditably re- small audience. greeted: Mr. Ben= taws next month. All are cordi- presented on the deputation to Qt- Gough, Canada's greatest cartoon - ally at his entertainment in the. ally invited-Seaforth Expositor.' Town hall, but that did not stop W. DOHERTY PIANO ORGAN the entertainer.. who delighted the audience for over two �ioursin song 'CO. LLIMITED.' story and cartoon work. Several Readers interested in the sue- pictures were _ . excellent among cess of our' manufacturing inter- them being "The' Coon","En land, eats wilt be pleased toIrelandScotland,"Sir �a es learn of the and m satisfactory business being trans- Whitney" and Sir Wilfred Laurier acted bythis concern. For some 'after hearing the election returns. eighteen months business has been His local hits -Were good,beingFred increasing and the firm have been Jackson, the popular shoe man ;Dr. putting forth every effort to sup- Gunn and the rival 'bus men,. At. ply the demand. Their advertise- the close . of the entertainment Mr. ments for skilled mechanics are al- Farmer, secretary of the Tax Re - most continually' carried in many form League addressed' the audi- daily papers 'throughout Canada .ence and triedit oforni an •organi- and the, staff of workmen is being zation here, .If Mr. Bengough steadily increased, . The demand should•return (_gain in the near fu- now is for suitable dwellings to ac- ture a larger audience, no doubt. comodate'the superior class of me- Win igreet•hini, • chanics coming . to town. Some C. C. L. BOARD., idea of the immense.volumne of .business being transacted' may be The regular meeting of the Col - gathered from the • fact that ex- legiate Institute Board was held elusive of `several carloadshipments Friday even:flg Nov. 4th. A num- to Australia and local less than car •ber of accounts were passed and ordered to be paid. Miss Fisher's resignation was accepted with re- gret and the position of Commer- cial and Junior English teacher of- fered to Miss Fessenden, M. A. of Ottawa, at a salary of $1000 per an- num. Miss Macdougall's applica- tion for an increase of $100 lin her load shipmentsto foreign and Can adian points1 fifty-three full car loads have been shipped thus far in 1910 to Great Britian and the great west. Thus to our town is returned vast sums of money gath- ered from all parts of the world and distributed here in wages of the army of employees. Citizens • salary. Was granted on condition 1 directly and indirectly deriving' that she sign an agreement for a these 'benefits should openly show Year and a half. The property coin their appreciation, Nothing sue- mittee Was instructed to instal'the eeeds like success and it seems town water system. A colnmuniea- reasonable td expect . that with a tion was received from ,Mr. Carter prosperous Canada in future, Clin- offering scholarships for Huron Co ton will be the manufacturing The Board expressed its appreci- town of Canada's most famous P1- Mien of Mr. Carter's offer, anos and player pianos. In succeed ' ing issues win appear cuts• of -some . MtN`OR LOCALS. of the firms 'latest productions In Do your Christmas shopping ear - these lines and readers are invited ' la and your Christmas advertising to see the manufactured product also. and so be convinced that there is Two pamphietdealingg With nothing superior and few equal in Northern'Ontario_ lYndg and dairy our Dominion, The local ageney ing in Ontario have been received has just been placed in the hands they being just issued by the On - of fair. C. iloare. Theae• excellent Mario' Department of Argieulture. insttruttients Will be "bold with un-- Copies may be obtained on appllca- 1 qualified guaranteed. Watch tion to the Department. The inspector for the under- writer Association was in town Monday and Tuesday making his official test. In the alarm test, the firemen were throwing water in three kninutes. . PRIZE LIST OUT. -,_ The Premium List for the fif- teenth annual Exhibition of the. Huron Co. Poultry and Pet: Stock Show, to be held in the Town Hall Clinton. Dec. 20, 21, 22, has just been. issued :from'.the New Era Press. To anyone interested in the feathered "'"world lie i9 sFiaul`ci"'S"e oT'consid� erable. interest. There ,are ': num- erous Bilver•Cups and Goods Spec- ials offered . besides the. regular cash prizes, Lists may be obtained froin the .Secretary, Frank Hall. The entries for the show close on December 17th. • A TOTAL ECLIPSE. • There Will be :a total eclipse of •the _Moon on November 16.. The cause will be the moon getting so nearly in line with the centre of the earth and the sun as to .pass into the great shadows of the earth. The first contact of the moon•with the shadow will beat 5.44•p;m., and it will be entirely within at '6,55. At 7.47 it will begin to pass out, so within t that it� will beit o shadow h for fifty-two minutes. being mid - Way at 7.21. This eclipse comesat a convenient time : for observation: and will be well worth watching. I'f Mr0. 'C: aw o d Children i5', h I ••E. are truly making "Business." The famous author says: "Business is the. Art of Creating Values," tersely said, is it not? We have for our customers not only. "value" but exceptional value in a box of Writing Paper, , Ten styles of beautifully covered boxes, each contain- ing 20 sheets of paper and 20 envelopes. The quality is linen finish, and the shape modern, People who have seen them judge the price to be 2fic. We are ask- ing you 15c, THE We D. Fair eo. OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST •IN.N00.oMN.M.•.N..... T'E NEW .• CATALOGUE • 4 Of the Cep tral Business College • of Tornntn °notate -some t.oecial • =guaranty .s of very grP+st int er est tna,udents who desire to at • •..tend s. first ears reliable sf•honl, • or YOU st•e'ii,vited to write fur it. Address , ' W. H. SHAW, president • • • 1,95 S'ongc St., Toron o • • • •• • • • 0l111111•111iS•••0,-'+a•sa•aa ' 8• HE. DOESN'T. SEEK YOUR PATRO NAGE. • , The. non -advertising business meredo not seek your patronage: vour attention or favor -so why .should you confer them? The pro- gressive business men pay'attent- ion to you. thus .deserving to have your attention in return. They are icon their mettle." all the time, to secure Values for you that will stand advertising. The fact. that he advertises places upon business men the necessity to "make good -to, meet live competition -to buy well so as to be able to sell toyour profit as well as his own. He is placed 'under a perpetual test- and he must emerge always with vour • increasing friendship. He must work for you—with your ap tiroval ever in mind, He must find bargains for you; he must protect von in styles. inquality, in Prises. He is enlisted in vour service The. non -advertising business man is not: COUNCIL MEETS; Monday night was regular meet- ;ng of the town fathers, and all were present except Councillor Mason. They were in a very .re ' %ttent r+no'l. remitting hall rent to Bible.Society. $14. to citizens' Band and also gave Hall free to Temneranee Convention 'which met on. Monday, While this spirit was ,with them Councilor Jackson gave a few figures showing what the Hall was 'bringing in and the fig- ures for the past four years, -1906 $171; 1907. $194 ; i 9084219 ;1909, t910, to Nov,lst *Is; of course it was shown that shows were few and tar between. Owing to the flat Mill Co., using More space in ' the Thresher Auilding, they will be ask ed for more rent. The 'property committee reported°ons the Elec- tric light system and -considered the system would be complete with a few more lights. The Board :of •qealth was granted free use of .the Hail for the Tuberculosis Ex- hibit recently held, If the weath- er is favorable' the Waterworks committee will install the service at the Collegiate institute. and up to date there have been 165 ser- vices installed. The Municipal Act will be purchased for the Count' tefllors for refarenee, All the in- struments n- t -uin is of the White Dyke ar en h W i vk Band were asked f o"be returned to the Council, A 'kende was ,proposed to be placed on the laundry but the Majority could not see Why it should be placed, Connell then ad- ;lla teed after the accounts were INGERSOLI RHETORIC.. Last Monde. ' London Advertis- er speaks of Re K. J. Beaton, son of Mr. Beaton, of ''Clinton as fol- lows ;-At ol-lows;-At the evening session, Mr.. Kenneth Beaton of Toronto, a stud ent volunteer for the Chinese mis- sion field, addressed a rally of the city leagues'on 'The Epworth Lea- gue and the World Evangelism?' Mr. Beaton, though an, extremely young man, Is a thrilling and ,bril- liant speaker. He possesses a .re- -marks le e -•markable free command of langu- age, and Is gifted with unusual strength' and .power of expression. '1Ie=is-an i3rgersollian rhetorie--ad-- ap'ted to the message of Christian- ity. He referred to the founding of the Epworth League in 1885, about the time of the first Northfield Mis- sionary Conference and drew art-. tention to the fact that the stud- ent volunteer movement has sent 4,000 missionaries to the foreign' field. The problem of World evan- gelism is two -fold, •It embraces an effort to offer • every man in the world an opportunity to, accept or reject Jesus Christ, and it marks the awakening of an indifferent and apathetic home church to a life of active and earnest endeavor.' The Epworth League should be pomething more than a literary or social'.chib. It shouldbe the great educational missionary lines. The missionstudy class is extremely im portant in 'the solution of this problem. The religion. of Jesus Christ is bound to be more and more a factor. in the politics of the nations. Canada is God's last chance to show the world what he can do at : nation 'building. "Russia," said the spearker, "will never again be a first-rate world power ,because she has lost her footing on the pacific coast." He pointed out the superiority of Christianity over Buddhism.Hindu.- ism, 'Mohammedanism and Confuc- ianism, 'in helping mankind, and emphasized the need for increased missionary activity, South Ameri- ca, where in some provinces 80 per cent. of theeo.- le are 'illiterate and 5Q per cent. of the entire popu,. lation are illegitimate, he charact- erized as the Samaria of the church of the north. Japan, too, is a na- tion 'without a religion. Japan has imbibed the rationalism of Ger- many, the skepticism of England. and the commercialism of America. ' "China, the Rip Van. Winkle of the centuries, is just awakening front her long sleep ; Korea 'is cry- ing out for Christianity ; India• has now 'one million Christians, and in Turkey two hundred ' newspapers' have been established in one year. The mummied formsof acient faiths," • said •the speaker, "are crumbling to dust 'before the ad- vance of Christian evangelization. What we require is • enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is man clothed :with God." dCENTRAL ‘)atr • • STRATFOAD, This college is recognized as the; great' practical (raining school of 'Western Ont. It is the largest' as well as the bast. Our courses are practical. our teachers experi- enced itstructors, ourgraduates succeed. Three departments. 00 M M E R C I A L, SHORTHAND and TELEGIRA P B Y. We have scores of applications.we. cannot meet. Calls offering $45, $55 and $60 per month are rem•tlning unfilled. Get our free catalogue and commence your ooursa at once. D. A. McLachlin PRINh1PAL BUYING PROPERTY. A. real estate deal is being closed up !between W„�.,p'CoatetkoLOodc i eri„ J.Ra and nci's..of'town, for thefor- merit 'house for-merit'house and lots on Mary street now. occupied by G ,'L. Walker. Possession will be takenas soon as Mr. Walker secures another house.. GONE TO BERLIN: , This week. Mr. Win. 'Graham; Who is Agent here for the ` Dominion Sugar Co., of Berlin, secured ,'tile following Men of. this town to • go to Berlin to Work in the factory for the next month or so: Fred Edwards, E. Brown, C. Trowhill, M. O'Donell; w: Biggin, A. McBrien, J. Lawson, A: Cockley, D. Crawford, G. Jackson. G. Bayley, J. aWaon; . R. Sterling; g • NEXT MONDAY EVENING Every boy in town from the age of 10 to 18 years are cordially invit- ed out. to.:.a meeting of the ' boys association to be held in the Odd Fellows Hall, at 7.30 sharp on Mon- dayevening next the 14th inst, it will be a meeting of reorganizing for the'. winter program and en- listing new members. The Pres. Mr. T. Jackson jr., Dr. Shaw and other citizens will give an interest ing talk to the boys. The boysas- sociation of town has been asplen- did success so far and the Pres. hopes to further enlarge the asso- ciation and take in as members all the -'boys in town from the - ages mentioned above and hold semi monthly meetings for singing, drills, and interesting talk and de- bates. Let there be a big turn out and keep up the good work of the association. Stratford will supply extra cop- ies of the voters' • list at 50 cents each. +4 ++++++++++++-14+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4 +++++++++E ++++ ++++ +++++++++++++++4 ,..t. Ke.Peerless,shoe . 4 A very moderate -prig Shoe for Ladies. + It ismade of a choie selection of Don- 44 ,BolaKid, with patent tip,' Cuban. heel, medium sole, the very newest shapes, .. • • and . the price is ,t., • • enl $2.25 Only4. Call and have a look, even if you don't buy. • Our General Stock- is Large. 4.'and Complete. + Small shoes for the little chaps • • Strong Shoes for the sturdy boys Stylish Shoes for their fathers • • Dainty Shoes for the little g;rls and misses. ,, • Elegant Shoes for their mothers. Good Shoes and Low Prices ' I i - Repairs While You Walt. ++++++++++++++++++444444+4+++++++..14++444.++++0+++4 • FRED JACKSON '!»I+''l+l+e4[!•I•l�li�d� 4'!48 for Everyone. • 0 6