HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-11-10, Page 44
What we soli AOxeirtiat r, a1A!
1411414,s1.,Rel1440*weary Ganslmatel
likilUnery and Dress -Making
We Mere fortunate to e -
cure fifteen Sample Coats
at less than wholesale prices
and will ,put: -them on sale
Saturday three and four
dollars less than regular
price. These . Coats are
made in plain tailored and
military style. Colors, black;
n vy and. green, all sizes, 34
to 4o; Price . . $10
Children's Coats
We can show you correct
styles in all wool hard wear-
ing cloths and popular col-,
orings from $4, $4,5o,. $5
2nd upwards.
White Bearskin Coats
For Small Children
Trimmed and untrimmed styles with bonnet
to match, from $4 and upwards..
Ter'toting Peapie,,, Gael hold their
regulsr monthly busies.* meeting on
Moseley Evening. The topic for neat
ellomtay seeding will 1* "Ganteliel
The Trimmer" and will be taken by
Mre. (Dr) Stewart and *there
MrArt.bur Baxter of Toronto, who
was visiting friends its Clinton, sang
Wilt Sundays services to delighted
Anatomies, Air. Baster• possesses aa.
excellent lyric tenor voice of the high-
est quality, and bre many years of
study, experience enables him to nee
the Mame to Jibe best .advantage. At
the evebii g . teev.ce Mr. Baxter sang
"Consteer the ,Miller" in which be
demonstrated the clear and brilliant
qualities of hiv t igb ve latera, and alsot.
proved himself versatile artist in tha
lee offi;iated at the organ.
Services as usual on Sunday next
troth Morning and Evetring ashen, the
Pnlpit will be occupied- by a Student
from. Woodstock.
The epeeist week of prayer, meow -
mended by the General Conference
Ovangelietio Committee will be ob
served with appropriate services in
the Ontario Street Church, Rev. E.
G. Powell will occupy the pulpit next'
Sunday. • The servioee will he cote
tinned each evening next weep with
the exception of Saturday' The topics
suggested by the Committee will be;
discussed anti a special musical pre.
gram will be given a 0or41al. invite•
tion le, extended to all the members
and adherents of the Church, who are
interested in a continuous revival.
Rev T. Wesley Cosens will preach
Anniversary Sermons in Main Street
Church, Exeter next Sunday..
At the Prayer (meeting on Wed-
nesday evening a 'very Interesting
reading was given by Mrs. McMur
ray and an. excellent paperwas read
by Mise • Minnie Ker, on "Judging•,
others." •'Tht pastor presided. .
The Tend les. Guild of Si . Paul's church
will.hold their annual Baz•i.ar in the
Town. Bail, on Thursday N..v. 24th.
An assortment of fancy and- useful.
artiolee will better sale.
Skirt Special $3.95
A special in ladies smartly•tilored skirts for-
merly prieed at $5 and $5.5o. Materials are most-
ly Panamas and Serges, colors navy and black, the
range of sizes is limited, but an excellent saving is
offered to you Saturday $3.05
Sji&ia1 R�li�ious car�ic�s
1.61111601.0•01110.11•04011;.1. WWI. ....n ...... *S. WYMA .
Preaeher of the Day, Ref D. N, McCamus •
of St. Marys
11 a.m., S.S. Anniversary Serviees
2.80 p.m., Session of Sunday SehooI
7 p.m., Inauguration of Evangelistic Campaign.
Sermon by Rev. D. N. McCamus.
Our Young People and the Revival. Rev. J.
Our Church Officials, Sunday School Teach-
ers, all Church Workers and . the Re-
vival. The Pastor
, The Mothers and Fathers of our Church and
the Revival. 3 p.. m. and 8 p. m. Rev.
T. J. Snowden, PhB.
Our Church Adherents and the Revival. 3 p.
m. and 8 p. m. Rev. D. Rogers,
Chairman of District
The Needs of the World Outside the Church.'
Afternoon, Rev. J. Greene; Evening
The Pastor
SUNDAY, NOV. 2011.
Sermons a. m., The Spirit Outpoured. p. m.
The Gospel Invitations. '
Advertise Now
Aube. -o
There will be no Service In the B .i,
tisk Church on Sunday next on a•-
comet of the Special Service • in Live
Methodist Church in the irftertli,oi,
`Nov. 15 is the day when the season
for shelving black squirrel ore is. •
A movement is o•r foot to ti'y and
orgat iz'a class of Boy Scouts at Mi.-
cheill. Why notorganize here?
Last Saturday was Guy Fawke's
The storm.- on Sunday; kept a few
of usat home from church. A poor
excuse was better than none.
In ,.the Stratford Hearld,. publish-
ed 'bY Mayor Dingman, the follow -
mg item p appeared Which speaks for
its , It seems that the. Gode-
rich Council thinks thanks and a
contribution to the "Odd" fund
meets the ease, although the fire
-men :--left-Strat€ord-•-about 11 -pin
returning ter the city in the morn-
ing h : which •meant being out all
be remunera'tedl iberally for their
will 1Gs y slut elrels in
w Web re *ere, last
*dig many tanto his tat
wThere orth,
Well Many an eye filled with
tante yesterday afternoon when the,
paws waw cIrculµted of the wttdden
death of "Bill" Connell. r The good, alai
ohsp had host of friends and they
wet a toad of him. Quaint and original,
he had always a good story for every
oeeasion, and there was uever 4 dull
tnornent when he was around. Be was
stbtrootpoughi ben
eut himself stud demi*. s
ed d. it in other*. His tastes were
he�iked wgmof polo better
thanaim t anything ' else whene
was in town and hnever hatny
trouble in getting u game, 'the boys
liked to play with hint. "1 never met.
hie like,' said ene of hie friends last
night. "He was one of a kind, 'don't
believe there was ever another joat
the seine. I have leoghed by the hour
at his c aver stories, he always hid a
new one for every occasion, I don't
where be got them all, he didn't re
peat and be never toldyarnsthatttny-
body else did. He was a fine, honest
fellow and the wand would be better
if there were morelike him.'
Cutler's planing mill at Welland,
was destroyed. by fire,.
Dominion Parliament Will con-
y'.ene Thursday of next week,. 17th
nig t The Men should certainly
.night work, in addition.to.,help, if
any, towards a social fund: '
From the Daily'Missoulian, pub.
lashed in Missoula, Montana, on
-Wednesday, Oct., 26th we Blip the
following item which refers to: the
death *of Wm. Connell formerly of
Clinton. He left . this town over 25
years ago and visited here about •4
years ago. Re- is survived by • a
brother, Thomas in the. West and
Mrs .Wm. , Coicleugh of Goderich
+township. ,'Following is . what the
paper says;— •
Death came'stiddeniy yesterday aft-
ernoon to William Commit-- known all
over western Montana as "Bill"• -•-and
in an instant his sturdy, generous
heart ceased to beat. Its lay down in
midst of friends and in their presence
his spirit trmokit:3 Hight, almost before.
they reaized that anything serious
was the matter. It was the way "Bl
" had expected to go; it was thew y
he had often said he wanted to go. A
sigh; • a gasp—and all was over.. As
was his custom. Mr. Connell had come
downtown flow hid home on Poplar
street to seen¢ the afternoon with his
'friends. • Some of them were planning
to goout to Connell's mining, claim in
Lostgulch, -just after election, on a
hunting trip. With the members of
this proposed party. hewas discussing
the details of the trip. , Making com-
plaint that there was too macer smoke
in the room, he stepped towards the
door, Before he - reached the door,
hie friends heard him fall. They rush
ed,to reach hien; he was unconscious
then. and doctors were- summoned..
Dr.-Hryant'was the first to arrive, and
there was but a feeble flutter of the
pu se left when he took hold of the
wrist of rhe stricken man. In another
minute the end came. It web va vular
trouble in the heart," .said the .doctor.
It is not uncommon with men whose
lives.have been spent in• vigorous, out
door wo+•k, and who later cease • their
activity." -Acting Coroner Lucy was
notifi'ld and took charge of'thebpdy.
7 h Knights of Pythias, of whose loJ•
ge Mr: Connell was member, will have
chard of the ferret al. which 'will probi=
ably be held tomorrow. Definite an-
nouncementwilt be made today. hirs
Connell was informed by friends of the
sad otcurance. W'Villiam Connell was
born b5years ago in Clinton. Ontario.
He came to Missoula in 1891 fro
Hamilton, N. D., where he had bee
farming for several years. With hi
on the inimigration were ElarveyJohn
son and George Wood. With sir.
Wood— who was afterward. deputy
sheriff -Connell found einployment'on
the Bandmann ranch, where he Work-
ed for aseason. He then went to Pri-
ckly Pear andengaged in mining. but
returned Ina year and went to Super-
ior, 'where he became interested in
several mining projects. A few years
ago he sold hie interests in the Big
klat'placers°and obtained a moderate
fortune, He retained, extensive hold.
ings in Lost gulch and had spent his
recent sun:mete in the development
of this property. He owned a home
740 Poplar street, (where he lived dur-
ing} the winters. In March 1906 at the
home of Harvey Johnson, Mr Conry I
Was married, tionneli was an abstew
ions man of correct habits in all re-
spects; He was fond of company and
had ri.host of friends with whom he
thoroughly enjoyed his leisure time.
He was quaintly original, extremely,°
Now to Pi'l'e time to ,look 'up muni
cipal timber for next year's Conn-
cit Boards..
Write a hand people can read
without the aid of an interpreter,
or session attending ,a guessing
school. it is not because you can-
not scribe .intelligbly but for the
simple reason that you'do not take
time•that your friends are at sea
when your epistle comes to hand.
$10,000 was the: tidy sum, .W m, Mc-
Kenzie, the Well known President
of the' ianadian Northern Railway,
presented the Winnipeg Y.M. C. A:
building fund: His 'liberali'ty' is
worthy of. 'commendation. . Of
course he's !wealthy but that fact
does not always tend to generosity.
It often tightens the purse strings.
'We do not fall in line 'Vary read.
iyy with the desire of eon of our
tournal!i,:tir. brethren to abump"
Cr George W. Rose for kis public
opinions rele ing to , the tariff
question with the United Statel.
The probabilities' are he knows
whale hp +tp talking about end if hie
attic* 'were in position to see. the
dtuation frotaa"his viewpoint they
might comae to. the same eon»
elusion. 'He i,itl`'no't likely to be car-
ried Tied off his feet, by the novel o
transitory lint his soundness of
tudgment in the past nay be relied
upon tor the timie to. come. It is
u t always a wise policy to be 'too
,ready to' apply the lash to public
No one Who loves the Eritish
throne and all that it means to the
Dominion of 'Canada. would tare to
have their loyalty ineaeured in
Burassa's hyper -critical half
bushel. Canada would ndt make
much progress if lthe Nationalist
sentiment were predominant. ' This
Is not the first time Mr. Burassa
has tired off his little disloyalty
gnu and' We are pleased' to note
'that • few reputable journals care to
ally at'henaselves with him,even •
they are. anxious in some instances
to throW stones at the Liberal Gov.,
ernment, The loss of the 'constitu-
ency is a bagatelle to the House
but it is an unpleasant feature
when the 'unity
We have objected;
orainion is
}ouches. up
do 'still object, to the ,policy • of
,pulling.. Ps. out of: active service
andtransplanting them to the Sen-
ate. 'Sad this not been done
Drummond and Ar'thabaska 'would
not have had a bye -election. 7n
our , judgnien't,. do Government.
Auld make appointments along
this line,
Accoraing to sentiments express
ed by Hon. George P. Graham the.
Hudson Bay ,.Railway and the Geor-
gian• May Canal are projects right -
on the ground instead of in. the air
as some 'would: affirm. •A new en-
larged 'Welland Canal Is also moot-
ed as an essential to the proposed
improved transportation situation.
.This is Canada's growing 'time.
• ..:..,-o-- ,_.
Campbell'ton,:'the New Brunswick
"town that suffered so calamitously
by fire recently, will be helped to
`their feet once.more by's •grant
from' the ' Dominion Governhtent.
$70,000:is%'he sum proposed and no.
one will 'be disposedto hurl many
rocks at the Government for doing
so. It is in a good.cause and' no
doubt the money will ;be well
Huron 'county should be well rep-
resen`ted at the.,next Winter 'Fair;
-to' be held at:Guelph, Decenrl er 5
'to 9 inclusive. . The prize list :for:
'1910 offers $1,6,000, 'the: best on re-
cord. We are aware of several
Htironians, who •purpose being ex-
hibitors and we hope their . enter-
prise will be rewarded in the'cap-
•ture.of a ,.goodly share of prizes,
Send'ing Hon. Mr. Lemieux; Can-
ada's Postmaster General, to Cape
Town, to the opening of .their Par-
liament 'was a'good move and by
reports he preweda first-class rep-
resentative. .die Was. working for
the k}iitting together of British
ties while Mr. Burassa was'busy
trying to - undo them in Quebec.
Bdth. are 'French' Canadians but it
would not be difficult to make - 'a
choice of where the ••sympathy.of
the thoughtful and optimistic.Can-
uck would 'be found in the- two pol-
,Over -confidence is a very • dan-
•serous oomanodiity .to :'bank on
Some enthusiastic Liberal in the.
Drumt'trtond Arthnbaska bye " elec-
tionin'Que'bec, trade a bet of $1,000
that Mr. 'Perrault Would be elected.
by a majority of 1,000. • It was a
foolish stake in . any event but in
this rase, particularly so. He lost
hie coin as a syndicate took the bet
and Mr. Gilbert was the choice by
about 250. The 'defeat may do the
Liberal party 'good in thoroQughly
wakening them: for , the• ding
If the. NE11 ERA were asked for
an opinio o the question Of the
immediat purchase or erection of
a Consum tire Sanitarium we
would advise delay. The County
Councif has shown that they are
not a 'unit on the Matter and the
probabilities are a Onion of Coun-
ties would better serve the purpose
aimed at, instead of each 'Co., In-
curring the expense. No serious
lose will be sustained by passing
the question over to another year
under the cireustanees and the Dee
ember session of Huron Co. Conn-
,. will iih9w their wisdom by dotnp
Don't hold on to office too
-long.... Quit while your stock is.
rood, Nevertheless 'cases could be.
cited' ;where linen of .usefulness
stamina and popularity have 'gone.
down' never to rise again 'because
they clung'to the post one year too
many. It'has been evidenced in
politics, school affairs, municipal
elections, churches and societies
arid in many instances the • man's
sun satellite it was yet day. Take
your to n' by all'm'eans •if the way
opens Up but don't wait to be push-
edi 'tint before you quit. 'Stop ,iso
that if you wish. to 'go back the
door 1s open pu�blie•`e"`a f,.4,
ciary is. perhaps ln'nch .'to. blame
for then seeking long terms as too
frequently, kindly candor is, with-
held frond the ''individual when • if
the true situation were understood
resignations' or declinations 'would
be .in order and good • fellowship
retained `Office blindness is a bad
"aihiaent" but' the "shadow test"
inigh't,•hol'd'goodt•if the seeker,aft-
er improved vision would read. 'the
signs of the• times and retire with
a. rose on his .boson instead' of a
thorn -in his breast.
The kind that neither fade.
cracks, or curls,.
You 'will I need ,some for your new home.
Mounted on guaranteed rollers,
Looks well
And Hangs Well
t ' The Fall is a good, time td paper. We •
have an assortment that you will ,find
contains the style you are looking far,,,
• 4
,,••,•••••••••••••••••••••He •••a••••g•o•••••••tr•g•trgg•
the Canadian'". tourier, of which.
Mr: John A. Cooper, B. A., a- form-
er 'Clinton boy, isthe able Editor,
contained'. an article last Saturday
on the subject "Where - Education
Fails," ..written by the Editor,
which hits the nail on the head in'
a style that 'should set folks think-
ing real hard. 'He cleverly . - shows
practical :reasons why many towns -
and' villages retrogress and popul-
ation.in rural communities decreas-
es year by year. He blatoes the
High Schools for educating the
youngmen out of the towns and be
lieires a remedy is to be found' in a
trinity of educational forces, Viz ;—
Domestic Science for -the mothers
and daughter; NatureStudyfor •
Teen and boys Who follow farm-
ing', ininingfishing, forrestry, or
ire residents of towns; and Manual
:Training in industrial life, Peo-
ple must Wake up to the necessities
of the case and by loyalty and ac-
tivity promote necessary changes
and 'improvements to _ meet the
arying eondition of affairs. "Beek
to the farm" should be the Watch-
word, and the rural schools and
homes should join hands in creat-
ing and developing this.sehtiment.
The Courier throws out the practi-
cal suggestion of a township ex-
perimental plot • instead of having
;them. ,a11 located at Guelph.. The
Editor's analysis of the relation of
„the country to the town and vice
versa suits us exactly . but as the
Whole article js so Well worthy of
thoughtful' pernasal,, The New Era
Will reproduce it next week and
advises every home to carefully
read and inwardly digest it in the
hope that early results will be man-
ifest. Editor Cooper deserves cred
it for the thoroughly •practical type
of the subject and Isnot fanatical `
nor over zealous when he urgently
and earnestly .dresses for action
before it is too late. More plower
to your pen, Bro. Cooper, and we
hope. your thought will ring loudly
in the ears of many Who are not
thoroughly aroused on so vital an
Wall Paper Trimmed Free.
Terms Cash.
One Price Only •
iiJinei.y and
•a l
Our Styles ,are.Corr•ect
our Prices Special -
• In making this announcement we
don't .wish you. to infer that itis any-
thing unusual, we make it to induce
those who have not yet done so, to
investigate and . make comparisons;
we are not afraid : of the results.
Be sure to sed our values in rail.
Coal s,at $6.50, $1.0, $12, $ i5
Children's and Misses Coats, very.
special at $2.75,:3.50, 4.50, 5',0
5.50, 6.00 and 7.50 •
We ;Secured •
Alarge line of Ladies" fJnderwear slightly ware-
house soiled. They comprise a good assortment
though some sizes are ;missing., It would pay you to
see if you can supply your wants here. Garments
worth 40c for 25c; worth 75c for roc; worth $1 for 75c
Hosiery. Growth
Referring entirely to our values and sales, the
result of putting in only those lines that are popular
for theirwearing qualities. See our north' window
this week for an indication of the values we offer in
MESS SHITS, strong and serviceable, from
5,75 to $t5,
MEN'S TWEED PANTS, two big specials
at $ i and $ f,50 per pair.
Shirts and Shirting, Overalls and Denims, Under-
wear and Socks. Collars, .Cuffs, Ties, .Braces
in great variety.
The People's Store