HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-11-03, Page 8THE r.,..7..-FilEir***.t.: • ht aug er Of Carpets, Rugs Mats, and *Linoleum We are determined to clear up our stock of piece Carpets, in Tapestry, Brussels and'Weol Rugs, Mutts, hence this Great Slaughter bale.' This is the time of the year you should be an the look -out for bargains to • brighten up your home for Chr.stmas Don't miss this chance of getting one of the biggest bargains in floor cov- erings ever offered in Clinton. Terms of Sale -Cash only, No free sewing or laying of Linoleum. Free delivery • 01' $1.25 and 1,35.Brussels SLOB , 75c Wool Carpet 580 10 gond patterns in Brussels Carpets iu lawns, greens, reds and two tone effect. Some patterns have borders to match to make rugs of, reg. $1,25 and $1.35, skIe price ....LOCI 75c and 85c Tapestry 68e 15 good patterns ha Tatlestry Carpet, red, green, fawn or two tone, several with border and stair to match, reg. 75o and 85c, sale price 08c Deep Cut in Tapestry Rugs 15 Tapestry Rugs,with Seam or seam. less, in red, green, fawn, brown, 3z3i reg $15 for 11,00 3ax4 reg $18 for 14'OO 3x4 reg $12 for 9.00 3x3a reg $8 for 6.00 2x$ reg $8 for 6,00 • $1 Tapestry and Ortissels '9e: ew Store Having bought out the stock of B. Rill, have added a large stock of groceries, etc., and am prepared to 'sell as cheap a‘any store in town • Will take any quantity of Butter and UP, nt market price, cask or trade. A Call is Solicited, Roods delivered to any part of own* 8 good patterns In 2 ply's)! wool gar - pet in two tone effect, in brown, fawn red and green, one yard wide, reg 75e sale price 58e 50e Wool Carpet 89c 6 good patterns of Wool Carpet all good colorings and wilt give splendid wear, reg 50cs sale price . 39e $1.1.0 Wool 'Carpets 83c . 5 new patterns in all pure wool car- pets, 3 ply, two•tone effect of fawn, brown and green, one yard wide, reg $14,01.7.Ie price . .. • • . 83e Brussels .1tugsPt Reducrions .15 Ernes* Rugs in great variety of colorings and designs, sale prices as f°11"1315 00 15 patterns in the best quality of Ta - two tone colorings of all' the popular 3x3.& l'reegg*$2205ffoorr 20.00 pastry and second qualitaRrussels in shades and colors. reg $1 sale price..a9e 3x4 reg $85 for • .., . 28.00 • Wool Rugs at Cost Wool Rugg, all good patterns and de- eigoe, splendid bed roomeoverings at the following deep cute %xi regl$ for ......... .. 6 b0 3x8A. reg $20 for 7.50 . 3x3i. reg. SII for - r 8.50 3x4 reg for 850 3ix4 reg $13 for -.a .........., .....11.00 59e Tapestry 3.9e It splendid colorings in Tapestry Car. Pets in two tone colorings, in body, border and stair, reg 50c sale price -39e $2.75 Wilton Malts $2 50 Wilton 1V1atts. all new patterns bought for this season'e trade at a big discount. These Matta are sold reg. ulariy from $2.75 up to $4 while they last sale price will be . .2.00 Li u oleum Bargains 15 good patterns in Linoleum, all good colorings and designs zn 2 and 4 yards wide, reg 50c square yard,: sale price ...„ . ... .... ..... .39c • Numerous Other Good Values pace wikl not Permit usto Mention MILLINERY That's Right up to the Minute We pride ourselves on our Millinery Department the cause for which is the many compliments paid uS by our patrons. We strive to produce the very latest styles at popular prices and we have gained our. point, judging from the increased sales over our first season. Miss Baker has had a wide experience as bead milliner. in several large cities and is thoroughly 'capable of fill- ing your wants. Come and consult her before buying your Fall Hats. -Ladies-Winter Mantles - - - That Have Style •. • • . We are showing the largest ra.nge of Winter Cots for ladies and children that it has ever been our plea- sure to display, for style comfort and fit: Our convert - able collar in rough tweeds, in fawn, dark grey, brown, blue and black, buttoned up close to the neck,. at C.0 New Winter Clothing for Men, Boys and Children Our of Men's, Boys' and. Children's New Winter Clothing is complete in every detail in Over- csaa,-Stiits70-da-Pifircrtnireiriv-Far-S-WaWC6ar- Sweaters, Covetalls, Hats, Caps, Fur Coats, Sox, Ties, Braces, Neckwear, Mufflers, Shirts, Collars and assories. A call will convince you. that our styles, qualities and range of prices are such good value that it 'will pay you not'to pass this stcre when buying your Winter Outfits r is unbeatable both in ladies and childrens.' if you need • a new Winter Coat tor yoiirself or your children, .don't Ask to see our Special Winter evil, miss seeing our styles and prices, Coat for men at • .P.IU•UU • • !‘". 1.1.451, ;•*11`,tr-I' . •; ." • W. Q. Stnypi. A NASTY RATA,. Mr, Bruce Webber, of Winghara. the well known Bell Telephone Co. lineman, !pet with a nasty accident on Friday last. U was engaged pa stringing wires on the new farm- er's phone line on the lake shore. and while- at the top of one of the poles it fell over with him. iV11... Webber was badly shaken tip and one of his ankles severely twisted. Be .i.s doing nicely in the hospital here,- Kincardine Reporter.- Mr. Webber is Well-knoarn here having pitched for the, Winglaana Baseball team avlien they played here this summer and was also a Member of the Zurich team a year ago, TEMPERANCE CONVENTION. ll Foo'wing the field day Nov. 6th, 'when nearly, 100 pulpits of . the County of Huron will be occupied by representatives of the Dominion Temperance Alliance, a County Convention is to be held in th Town Hall, Clinton, on Monday Nov. 7th, 'with sessions at 2 o'clock a▪ nd 8 o'clock: Ben. H. Spence of Toronto will address the Conven- tion also two of the field secret- arys, Howard Russell, .of Toronto, ft talented singer will give select- ions at the convention. METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. highest nesacituurn temperature was 75 0 on the 18th, The lowest min initial temperature VOW 123 on the 20. The highest range 30 0 on the 18th and the lowest range was 5-n the 23z d. elle means were :neat 5e.68 ; uitn, 8- 070 and the range 18 01c , The total precipitation was 3.91 inches. Over 4 inches of snow felt ou 28 and 20th. Ground hare on. 31st. Foreat trees • bare OU 31st. Fall wheat is looking well,- Stratum running. FIELD DAY SERVICES. • Following the Field Day Services • on Sunday, November the 6th, in practically every Church ait. Huron County, to be addressed by repre- sentatives of the Dominion Alliance a convention of Temperaneer Work ers will be held in the Clinton Town Hall. on lViondayallovember 7th at 2.00 pan. • In. the evening at 8.00 o'clock, a Mass Meeting will be held at 'which re resentatives of the Alliance and otherfl11k. Th serlit5-61 Mr. Howard Russell, Toronto, who was awarded 'the 'Gold medal in the ' Governor General's competition of 1910 for solo singing, has been se- cured/ for this occasion, and he will render several 'vocal numbers. A SIMPLE METHOD OF WATER ' PURIFICATION. e • Our Specials For Cash -next Saturday and following 'week Will De Coal Heaters • No. 114 Famous Royal base burners, reg $40 for 36.50 2 No. 113 . • " reg 33 for 29.50 1 No. 5 Radiant Home reg 40 for 37.50 I No. 5 with oven reg' 45 for 42,50 1 Fairy reg 21 for 19,00 We have a number of Second -Hand &MOS at a big reduction - CALL AND SEE THEM Furnaces & Plumbing aSpecialty Harland Bros. STOVES AND IlARDWARE. • Y NOT GIRL SCOUTS? The Boy Scent ' 'movement. sug- gested originally We believe, '.• by* 'earnest Thompson Beton, and tak- en itia In England by General Baden Pewell, is growing In this country very rapidly, and will .probably' aeon be another picturesque fea- ture of our more or less Picture- sque • • \ • The boy scouts are a large army graded according to age and gen-. eral ability.t• • A bov is placed aceordina.t0 What he tan do and' the measure of hie honor. He Must be able to Make a camp, hunt and fish, walk long dis- tances,be familiar With wood -craft: rescue people in enaergencies, and prove his self-reliance in Many waye. Blit why confine the movement to the boys? Why not have girl scouts also? They could be taught, for example: ' To 'Wash dishes, 'To learn the use of a broom. To 'war simple clothes. " To avoid slang. . TO help mother. To learn something about ho W to take care of aVoung baby. To speak respectfully to their parents. CLINTON NEW ERA OVENS. tiOnden,8Uttgeoti, 001;a list, Specialist. will he at W. s. R Holmes' Drug store, ell Tuesday, NOV. 8th alastes pronerte *Uteri, deafness. catarrh and fading eyesight treated. Alt da. FIELD DAY. Sunday, Nov. Cth, is the day -aPe pointed for the Field Day on 'behalf of the Dominion Alliance. The pulpits of the County will be large- ly occupied by Alliance represent- atives. The pregran for the toWn of Clinton is as follows Presby- terian church 11.00 axn.,and Wesley 1Viethodist church 7.00 pan. The Rest. R. X. 'Hamilton, B.A. Baptist church 11.00 a.m. and Ontario St. Methodist chnreh 7•00p.m., Mr. J. W. Bengough; The annual • meet - It Ilag of the Huron County Alliance will be held in the ToWn Hall Clint- on, on IVIonday, Nov, 7th. There Will be afternopn and evening sea, gotta, at rind) the Secretary of the Alliance, the Rev. B li. Spence, will be present and speak. A.11 teraper- twee 'Workers are hereby advised of this Meeting. st3ETED HERD. On Monday morning the body Of the late Edward Bowers, aged 29 years, Was brought from 'Weston, and buried at Clinton Cemetery. Deceased was formerly a citizen here and Well known to everyone. For the past year or so he has re- sided at Weston. The funeral ser- vices 'were conducted by Rev. Mr. Dunbar. Deceased is survived by a brother and sister. The pallbear- were, L. Paisley, B. Ker, G. Cunn- Inghanie, W. 8. R. Mimes, 3. Do- herty and a Porter. A level teaspoonful of chloride of lime should be rubbed into a. tea- cup of water. This solution should be diluted with three cupfuls of •water, and a teaspoonful of the whole quantityshould he added to each two gallon pail , of drinking water. This will give :4 or..5 parts of free chOlrine 'to a million parts of :water and will in teb. minutes destroy all typhoid .and colon ba- cilli ,or other dysentery -producing organisms in the 'water. 'Moreover traces p fthe chlorine will rapi- dly disappear: This method of pur • ification has been tested with Tor, onto Bay .water inoculated with millions of bacteria. Every 'germ has been destroyed and it has been unnecessary to boil the water. This: method should be very, valu- able for Miners, prospectors, caMP- ers, and those living in summer re- sorts •where the condition of the 'waters might not be above, suspic- ion. Ma.cCAL L UM-WISEIVIAN. On Monday, Oetober 31st. the marriage of Miss Jessie Allan NV:Me- rman. to Ernest L. D. MacCalluni; M. D. formerly of Londesboro, was solemnized at the ' home of the bride. The 'bride attired in a gown of -white Persian silk, entered the drawing room; on the arm of her father, to the strains ofLohengrin's Wedding March, played by Miss lIelen Doherty. The ceremony was performed. by 'the Rev. Alex Stew- art, D. D., and immediately after the signing of the register the guests retired to the dining room where a dainty luncheon was serv- ed. The guests from a distance were ;-Mrs. Geo. Grant, St. Marys, grandmother of the bride Mrs Heriot, St. Marys; Mrs. Connolly; Seattle, Miss MacCallum, King- st.mie, Mr. and Mrs. Constantine, Zurich, Rev. and Mrs. Pearcy, Mrs. Adams and Miss Barr, Londesboro, Jack Wiseman,Guelph, and Merger et Wiseman, Ottawa, The town guests Were Dr. and Mrs. Stewart, Dr. and 'Mrs. Gunn and Miss Marion Gunn, Mrs. M. D. MeTaggart, Ifflas McCorvie, Misses Agnes and Eliz- abeth Chidley, and Miss Bess Doh- erty. Dr. and Mrs, lefacCallum left on the 3.07 train for Toronto, and Kingston sailing for England and the Continent on November the 18. TWO LETTERS. To His Worship, ' MayorTaylor,lintori nt. 511',- j.am' instructed by ,the Town Council to extend to you, your Town Council and Fire Brigade, on behalf of the Corporation 01 the ToWn of Goderich, a hearty vote of thanks for the magnificent re- sponse to our call for assistance upon the occasion of the fire at Goderich Organ Company's plant here on the eve of Oct. lst. Kindly accept this vote of thanks and con-. *Icy the same to the Town Connell and Pire Brigade of your town. Enclosed, by order of the Connell you find a cheque for $25.00. • . VVE are truly making "Business." The V famous author says: "Business is the: Art of Creating Values," tersely said. is it not ? We have for our customers. not only "value" but exceptional value in a box of Writing Paper. Ten styles of beautifully covered boxes, each contain- ing 2o sheets of paper and 20 envelopes. The quality is linen finish and the shape modern. People who have seen them judge the price to be 25c. We are ask- ing you 15c. THE Wo D. Fair eo. OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • : • THE' NEW . • • CATALOGUE i I .. . . * Of the Central Business College • • . • of Toronto oontains some special • • guarantees of very great inter- • • est to students who desire to at. • • • tend a first -:leas reliable school. 41/ of You are invited to write for it, • 4 Address ea : W. U. SHAW, President i •• • 295 longe St., Toron o • • • • • • , ID, '''imanazcaolineefs, • •-• • • from' the Town of Goderich, which we would ask you to hand to your jrenien to apply to their social Mind. Kindly ask the.Fire Brigade to accept this small amount as a token of our deep gratitude . for 'their assistance upon the referred toAoecacina s ltohna n king you on behalf of Town Council.; I remain, Yours respeetfully, Sgd. L. L. KNOX, - ' • :• Town Clerk. • L. L. Knox, Esq., Town Clerk, Goderich, Ont., • Dear Sir, • - --PermitliTe-ttr-conveyr-,through.- you, 'to His Worship Mayor Camer- on and your ToWn Council.,,our ap- preciation ef your favor of the, 26th inst. for the hearty vote of thanks tendered by your honorable body to. our Fire Brigade for ser- vices rendered at the recent re- gretable fire in your town, and also for the tangible acknowledgement to our boys by your cheque for $25 to -'he applied: to their social fund. At the tall of your Reeve our bri- gade responded Cheerfully and without thought of remuneration, whatever, and this 'being the case, your gift to them; is all the more appreciated and, no' doubt, they Wilt be able 'to use the same•in the manner Indicated by you.. I also wish to: say that I ani pleas- ed to know of the friendly. rela- tions existing between the sister. towns and I voice the- sentiment's of :every member of our brigade. when I say, that -should in the fra, tare occasion necessitate ' any as- sistance from, the Clinton Fire Company, or of the ei tizens, call again; • Signed on behalf 'of the Clinton ToWn Council and Fire Brigade, , JACOB TAYLOR, • • • ' 'Mayor. DAttnsici. THIEVES.. Tuesday a noon Mr. McLeod, of Ford 4 McLeod, caught two lads in their flour and feed store, at the till. The lads escaped by the cellar door, by Which they entered, but as one is well known there will likely be 'trouble ahead for them. 'This is net the first time as the boys were • seen to enter the cellar last Friday and knoney .hfis been, anissed fre- quently. A little "strap oir'wOuld do the boys a world of good. MINOR LOCALS. . The Clinton chopping mill on, Mary Street, next the Electric light plant, Will commence oper- ations Saturday and will be run daily. The Pastime Club held a pleas- • ant dance Thanksgiving evening., The orchestra was present. •• LIVING HIGH. The average cost of daily rations per prisoner in Stratford jail for the past year was 9-10 cents. -The arrests did not • receive eggs three times a day at this price. This must be the simple life. SPME REGISTER Tuesday, Nov. 9th- Farm' stock, implements, etc., lot 36, con. 8, Base Line, Hullett, sale without reserve, wetter Mair, hroprietor, 'Thomas 'Gundry, 'auctioneer. Saturday Nov. 12.- ;Auction sale of colts eciws, steers and heifers at the Clommercial Hotel. All cows guaranteed. See 'bills. Gee. Hol- land, Prop., T. Gundry, Auc, • • • • 1.0***.oimma****.****mommum******.m.awrimommorimm****fti -SP MIS to' the ist of Nov. only coinmencing Thursda.y, "October i3th. • FOR CASH • 2k lbs Soda Biseuits, reg 25c..20c 2i lietin reg 30e for ..25c 7 bars'Comfort Soap ,250 3 pkg 10c size Ammonia 25e 6 pkg 5c'size Ammonia, 25c 5o Na,ptha, Powder . . 30 10c pkg best corn starch 4 for 25c 21c M. L. Salmon 18c 30c Gallon Apples- •25c • 4 hottles pure Extracts 25c 3 cans Tomatoes 25e 3 cans Coen.. . .. . 25c .3 cabs Peas ... . . 25e 50c Brooms for 35c 30c Black or Mixed Tea 25c 30c Japan Tea 25o I lb Baking Powder 'best'.10e Jar Baking Powder reg 25c20e 3.pkg Corn Flakes 95c Nutmegs pet. dos 5c 25c pkg Quaker Oatmeal 23c 8 pkg 10c size Ouakei' Oatineal 25c . 9 ib Oatmeal - ... . 26e 40c White Wine yitzegar, gal 30c 40c Cider Vinegar. per gal....25c• 23 lb pail pure Lard . . .... -$3,40 Produce at Highest Price B. A. McEwen Groceries and China a++++++++•a++++' he Peerless Shoe 4. 4 4. 4.4. 4' 4' 4+ 4.,. 4+ 44 1. 44. 44. 1* for Everyone,. A very moderate -priced Shoe for Ladies. ..1.+ It is made of a choice selection of Don- - gola Kid, with patent tip, Cuban heel, medium sole, the very newest shapes, and the price is • .I - Only $2.25 I Call and- have a look, even if you don't buy. ;pi Our General Stock is Large • an _ Comp e e„ Small shoes foe the little chip§ • Strong Shoes for the sturdy boys Stylish Shoes. for their fathers Dainty S )es for the -tittle girls and misses. • Elegant Shoes for their mothers, Good Shoes and Low Prices 14 4.1 , JO e• • Ir. . 4 14 • ti• 4. ' • ÷ .1*4-144.44+++++++++++++++++ e- -a *.r. • ÷ 4. FRED JACKSON + ,I4 +44.44+444+44.4.44++++4.4444++ 444. Repairs While Ton Walt.