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The Clinton New Era, 1910-11-03, Page 6
r r With tbo "WtlteerA 000 v ..,.n..,,, •�«:r.,,<n�z�». ,,..' - , , .., . , milt tilpar" 9f" t4S>r � Robbed of $IA, WANT-S lE'tt'VMat, A,PU13UC�INSANITY 15 PLEA tt'avotii i jo. Oct. :�silc �r'U. from (jo,• ' lesaoia l<,tve'in tnirxl,the "ViCbat wilt Cliica o, ct�. J U. koatex, �_" _ thou7 fl Act lar, t3, wit't► N 6, `A and Its "7.'iraat lean nat-acknpw'ladge �' "a-` "�" umbus, Ohio, ways robbed of $10 -ow -He shall direct~" We caunot'WOm ' WA Demes '(aorh�nn Case is on For! w<irtii of jewelry in tiie ivbby of tuw _. .,n UpnlltUn"nn111111U1tI11ppItUlptUUlltplllpUtnlll141gU11t1f7U4r ,. LETT the way of peace and ,His gaidance i Great NorGhcrn ye •today. CASTORIAIT, all things until we have lieurncwl i Trial at Peterboro. Vv4er deelar(tt t.taat hu had the val• ER that we of ourselve$ know nothing We wish to gani the ubno Again, i I liable' in a sunt c t w when loo entered p "_'.''-'._.."�„ .the., h�atd:l. kis sF t tliu .>.iisloi�,,l � flohyV , link Satz do nothing. Thcn sec what 1 grip be ln� imposed on by unsarul�uleua deal. FRIENDS ALLEGE MADNESS l wizite lin rc; iattirda x' or Infants anti C�lildxeII. �smple, ordinary things Ile uses n era who substitute with cheap and worth st{�gc d to get it .t�,31zt the acorea nzan, a Hitcher of water' and, away had ditiappk,6troil. - less re arations deli ed to be imitations p p gn - F. 1 bSH ac, in the story, a sbetl>1erii s ►ocl, a Members of Family and Others Cite T dream many a time, a barley cake. of'Dr. Fowler's Extract of 'Wild Straw. y Thrown From « treet Car. ���W{{ You HaveI t a curd, be the wonderful Bowel Coglaint Acts of Madness on the Part of T,ott(ivn, 0,!t. 'S.--ltu,;}z Purvis, IGO ,� The, _G" the .dew, a eine, it Ag res.. g tTY, IFor Benefit of W€ Men Wb0' z worm, a ben and chickens, sparrows, Cure, l (l ford atr4ci, tried to board a rlurth• s air = i'Ought r to '.. If there seems to be de• Pharmaceutical eon rns are flooding . Youth Charye4� With: Murder- ere yth Aha ere Lcitind car at ttic± t:csi:er of 1, .1011 Alla S Define Case Will Go Over to the g Suffer from Fen le ills _ l lay In guidance Ile Is, saying, 1,11y the market with these cheap and worth, 4 tuft, l�ui„ htrcte a dui as rho car start• 11 stable re �Lio lkoi•Ai - (' +: time is not yet," but in due time He some of wvhfch are even. Next Assizes -Woman Died i w l,thr. tie: w r , ,,.i the platform, he A n d ' P I • c •' t me Is I '" less preparations, n prom Suffocation, Not Shock, was thrt,u ri ; � t e cruui:d rendered Minnea lis, MiTln.---"I was a great �imilatlrl, ih�2 CCd� n,itc I will say, • My i , hand. lab eUed "Extract of Wild Strawbe ung an.>. i�,us, ..all zlti�: sufferin, from sufferer from female troitbles which ly 41Z 51 r -ardallive!SO,f '��� Bears the ;then evening. came Ile sat"down' ,, Compound"' eta, but:' Petorharo tJet. �7, Is Jamey Gor• cvzleus.ion of i,.d ,.r,.ia, iii neck ^«" " caused a weakfness t7 I im Wild Strawberry P « ' ' „ �' was gashes,. L;�t. la.�t ziinht the zu�n ., .`i;' anti broken down + ri'P'?+"�:i-`-'_.r=°%x with the tweLvettnd spoke, ]3i91;re'+i1: Y • a i ;;"Wo cif a {.: i. . time, but that lit lvcultl the dare not usethoname. Dr.Fowhr, ham crazy? The defence aro of v,aa Stitt ailvA�, 11�. was taken to Vic e aonditxon of tile. s �� ;,Q.__ a -" 1. 1. �� desire for th g t L rove that when ho fired, I never a ain eat the Passover with in the hope that the public may be de- p ( system, I read so �•_,.�,_____.,, 5�.g�1���� � b which the Crown holds was meant for. loxia ti<isl.ztal�. °: •;• r� muchyfwhatLydiat i t , thein nor drink of the fruit of the cefved and led to purchase them, thinking P, G, Zviehary, the oillcei despatched' . �� E. Yintcham's Veg- pdDill0lE9�i�C ,�10R,C. 'ceftd- f r� Chars th i:.� Criminal Libel. �s.r �. ' o e 5e!eittel' w' vine till tine kingdom of God should the are getting the genuine Dry rel, and killed his mother r ', ettibleCompound y ge S ge to arrest hi neSSardFi_St.COi -Iitl Q� r „ instead, lie was not responsible for Philaavlpiih . ict. t:5 --e- A. Van �•fo ,line norNl�? 31• I clime (Lune ssil, 1.x181, tbas pointing Fowler's. ' had done for other Oplum._ Tp to a future fulfillment of the Fu ,oti a*r, his actions, and by the line: of defence Va17:cizL� r;, 4+ti.ti�r of 'l i;e I hiladel OTIC. Are you willing to risk your health— ; suffering women ] NOT NAIRC ! ! when the deilverance of Israel from rhes seven our life tm these no name they will probably try to prove that phia North .az:ericaa, way arrdeatal felt sure it would pe p y e yesterday b4'au. . f i>ccusatiocts lie sti ' ••�--- all nations would so far exceed the y r`' help me, and I must no reputation, likely dangerous, so" intent to anybody. nybody indiscriminately, and wttklout Ilad hriatell a�,alua ilohu N. Tenex, �� � � a sa it did help me r. p , y ° - �IdThSrlldG.r-!;'TCIi�R I deliverance from Egypt than the de Calked Strawberry Extracts? Chancellor Sir John Boyd is gresid- Eopuulican Ca A"Idaw for governor oil <�' + wonderfully, My Ilverance under ►lyses would not seem Fowler's E tract of Wild Straw- Ing, and W: E. Meredith, •K,C., is Penilsylvauia, ba.z nl on file latter' pains all left me, T worth. mentioning.. In comparison, (,ler. Dr, x , ALeJa�na berry has a reputation extending over ;prosecuting attorney. A, O Carroll ails dl can litics n T ztti the Nation' gree a perfPetly well woman.month>3 ��� s � _ �, g" , I w stronger, and witl>ln th I n I Kxiii, T. 8)., Then followed, stilt be- and G. N. Gordon of Peterboro are l• ubllc Gtllitie: C uitlznz Sion. Pile '41 d;d s_e•W' fossa verses 20,land 21 of our lesr;on, sixty-five years, therefore' when;yoii buy counsel for the defence. charge against `an ti albez�berg ii ,'I went this letter made public • to 1! rnarnB - p��Cwriu.amiuis' the washing of their feet, with its it you are not experimenting with a new The members 8f the Gorham family cainiinal lzbe 1. - show'the benefit women may derive /tam X"d - s U.Ziwt i,nf . great lesson of humility. Those who and untried remedy. have no hesitency in expressing the from Lpelia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Si&uvy,+�'t-esre $ UthIlil: that IIs taught. only literal foot It cures Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Collo, opinion,that•the, aecused is insane.. Ex Legislator Dead. Compound,"—Mr9. JoIINiG. MOLDA24 Yesterday afternoon P, C. Mehary,, St Thomas, ()ct. tJ.—NVilliam Shore, 2115 Second St., Nortll,. Minneapolis, A erfect nernedy Por Constlpa- �+ i; witshfng should consider His words to Stomach. Cramps, Seasickness, Cholera the officer whom Gorham shot at, tes- who r6presentcil Ea, t Xtiddlesex as P sour Stolhach,Diaishoea, 1 I Peter, •`If I wash thee not tbrni hoist Morbus, Cholera Infanturio, Summer tified, as' did also Capt• White of an Independent in the Ontario Legis- !Thousands of unsolicited and genii. tram So Wottns,Gonvulsions,Feverish- no part with me" (John xfii, 8i. He Complaint, and all Looseness of the the steamer Monarch, who was at the ltlture in 1tJ(iG, died late Monday night fns testimonial9 like 'the above prove Ods OF ev is ; 1ForOver washed thetfeet of �1Tndas as well as Bowels. Gorham home before the shooting,II at the home of his syn, Charles; in the efficiency of LycUa R Pinkham's nessandlL. of the others, yet Judas had no gat when the latter was acting in, such a! St, Thomas. Mr. Shore was a success- Vegetable Compound, which is made ac Simile Signature of ` Thirty with Iiim, and Ile saaidconcerning kim, for "`Dr. Fowler's' and insist on manner that his mother notified thel fes; candidate for the Patrons of In- exclusively from roots and herbs. „ ctustry any re resaiited the riding for Women who suffer from those din 1f "it had been good for that man if lie' getting what you ask for. Price 35 cents, police, I { � I U (Ir S bad not been born" (verse 241,• If the Manufactured only by The T. Milburn Patrick Gorham, a brother of the one t� vin. trre9singills peculiar to their sex should E4� 1'®RX. o be annihilated as some CO.,Limited, Toronto; :Ont prisoner, said the latter was erratic -� - not lose sight of these facia or'doubt I`7 wicked are t the ability of 'Lp(iits E. Finkham's d of violent temper• an , and to restore their teach, there is no force :in this saying Sifton Sneaks at Erockvilie. "ve Ith.ble Compo of ,,esus. Some time during the feast Annie Gorham, the ,caller s sister, health .mss �� ; f,-•o,� t,t, .1 .p � ,• I A Bold Threat. was the f rat witness called by the Brockville, Uc•t.' .s.�.--In an after• , �' ,-� •-� ds!; :j } Jesus indicated Judas as Ills betray n r Col. Oct. 25. Prediction by defence. She was at home when the dinxler speech at ti:e Canadian Club. If you want special advice W: ite n pu to 111(rs. pialtbant, at Lynn: Denver. , , er by dipping a sop and handing it to a national official of a labor union, shooting tool: place, oil the evening 1 last night, Mon. C iitiuru Sifton s k•' 1{iTitss. him. Satan having then entered into that the buildings of three local news• of May 20, Shortly after sig o'clock on the conservation of Canada's ua• sho`,vylltreatyourlette7rasstrictly LXACT (COPY 07 VIRAPDEB, : t couftclential, For 20 years ' sloe Judas, Jesus said to him, -That thou papers, whose pressmen are on strike,' her brother was acting in a very tiara, resources, coscrin* much the THE CCNTAURCOMPANY, ,E':Y,TORRC'Tt' `Joest do quickly," unci he went auk im- 'will encounter destruction before the strange manner. He throw up his, same ground that ho d'd at other drys been, lie 1piTag sielr women iz1 +a Z— tuediately, and it was night (,.John xiii, publishers win; has startled the Den- hands and screamed, and acted gener• c�utres ill ()zitarie recently: ile was titis way, free of• ch .rge. �oln'ii °ti 3UJ. Its has .been niglit with him oer Trades and Labor Assembly, ally like a porn who was crazy. give t; a flattering receltiou. hesitate Fsrite at once. J ever wince, and there is no. morning for The speaker was Albert B. Kreitler, Miss Gorham deniexi several of the .�_ him (Ina, viii, 20, there Is third vice --president of the Interns statements Capt. White had made a$ = - tiara, Printing Pressmen and Assist- to the prisoner making threats, and ni The 'Grand Trunk is applvina a* The Passover being ended and Judas . ants, Union of. North America, who . using insulting language to hi_ �' Sail, to have the charter amended having .gone out to do his devilish before the assembly. asking mother, '"� work, our Lord took bread, blessed, '� in the strike. The mother telephoned for the go• M so as to iv away with the oblige= brake and gave to the disciples acid "Z tell you the buildings will blow lice, and when i', C.' Mehary- came, -- � � give a third-class passer-. tion .t• . g Children Cryger fare said, "Tape,' eat; -ibis is My body," uP before this thin is settled the ; .rho witness told him, to' be careful, . Tllezi lie toot the cup and gave thanks way the publishers thing to settle it,' as her brother had a revolver. FQR FLETCHER'� Donn let ,anyone dictate to you, QOTla3 yt I and game it to them, saying, "Drink ye he said. He finished his speech amid When rho officer attempted d isr. get'what qou ask for—the genuine Il! sira�-^ rest Gorham thei latter fired, and his 0 A S "'�'" �i 1 Q I'D. 8 2. " Menthol Plaster, made _ f I all of -it, for Ihis is My blood of the mother was shot, Gorham said to for knany' years 'by Davis 8 Lawren THI s Now Testament, which is shed for his sister; "Annie, dict I shoot moth- miss Hattie lMegill, a trained ce Co., for the quick relief of back - many for the remission of sin §." , `Then W p qui er? l4ly God, I did rot. intend to shoot nurse, 'died suddenly at Aurora. ache, headache, etc. Get the gen 110 aided a ,word about ubi 61nl ing HAD IAEA�T Tl�®um ttnyiiody." You 'can't dodge them all. Mos uine. It lreiiceforth till tlls kingdom comer Sister Mssy St. Ddward of the -tail uYto 'bites, sunburn, bruises, skin �. The remains found in a vacant (verses 2G -2a1. Paul in his sratement L11�EY Wi13 A B�R©Ei°tl of rho Take street school, who, taught •q injuries. Some of ahem will attack Io't at Westmoilnt have. been'identi- s I- of this says that Jesus added. both in �,BURR>s =ART AILD IgERVE pM S Gorham, said the prisoner had been 'you this season sure, Have a tin ;fled as those of Cecile 7Vlichaud, a ' reYPererioe to, the bread and the wine. CUI2EI) SIM, a• very unruly pupil, and so backward of Davis' (Menthol' Salve on hand, "girl of Ithirteen.: Two mpn are. un- \1 G, •"TlYla da in remerilixance of 111[x" and ' and' of such a bad disposition that \ / he added, "'i or as often as ye eat this Mr. Elexander McKay, Poet Philips; she considered him mentally defeoi 25 bents.., der arrest on a chage of murder. N, f3,, writes:"Seeeng testimonials in Live. , Dr, Mason, M. P. P. , L'as't Victor Children q ,g lrrrad and driulc this cap 3`e do,show, the B:B.B. Almanso of bow many poor, The court adjourned at. 6 o clock, Is. was seriously injured in a 'rung- Children Cry c the I,oCd's death tilt IIs coma" (I Uor: sufferers had been helped by Miibur>i's and the trial ivili be resumed to -day'• way near !Minden.. FOR FI.ETCHER'S' ' • xi, 23 2M. Those w4m.. t meh dart fin _•_,_;.,,��„ $Cart and I,inTre Pills, I thought mine PeLerboro, Oct. 27.—As a. result. of a ' gave t been Ells'actual body nad biood would not be amiss. I am a' roan of second poairnortem conducted pester- Electric Restorer for Men C. A Z "j' IFS I A '�-- -- - «-- to eat gad drink should expialu how, fifty-four years, and have a family of five day at Havelock by experts to the restores every nerve is the body this eanK be while 3a set tbefe among' shildren. About 'two I? andvitinol roars ago I eat er6wn. oaf the &Ay of Mrs, Hugh De o its proper tension;.restores Laval 's'tudents at Quebec 'burned, _ --.� _ ... � o - , , , _• .,._- vin r azure d all n [ -__ an8-lif. wa8-_ hlye; a►}tLc1i-woi<_szliumedt _ng�q gvi Tim and vitality, P em eco and sex a ,���'`(M■/•y,, N �,""`lr at;6er'7it Toa f"'iI,111"'o'evTs°--'s il�uffererfroslt heart-tratitlpr• (-rikisass�averted :a:t rondo -->P-hoephonoL.,:wilt„ r'1Vlay.ax.�Ia'tkia>.1�o.;C'R mexin effigy,..:..... -, - o� ��.11. ,�'' �✓ ��� ��"' • n to dobe R1. �Yv, .° tlktt . a.burdw to mysist as well M Othetx, I - (ler1013,d luck a eliara[itai 'TA*Hfi OOffa;n make ou a now man. Price S8 a box, or two fqr �'--�r��++�� eating ec>slt gad 8r1o3r H9s bhwdd not lie °u my loft aids and some- gds That t>i,° crownroeee'itor ti tllti ar' >I�aiied to am address. 7r>,e scoboll lora, No better: tonic could' devised I� ] o1V` , rY' _ pE6o9i Aggs l r• co.,t. Cat]>,ri�ee.Ont. �� PUBUC L,M►`7 1a 3 boltfle4a{t is 1 1roi lot, p�rvrta '. m°sr l would .neatly nicks and was w k ck. tLeoedith o8 Lan- than erroviTn, 'which consists of I Is We is leve rewii! la ewie,`itnd nbrjoos gad run down. My father, a .dam. xeetohrclay bad irizl of Hugh De- Two children of. ,'Mr. George fresh lean beef, •Citrate of Iran, PUBLI very old man of eighty-five Tears, told me scca ed of the mustier .ai Loa Tremble, of North 'Gower were cure old Spanish Sherry Wine,. Just "A newspaper --yet an os�." 4�f0 aaa not two ws ' °z °f>tahTt°g that ke often heard is reootnmead. "wine, traversed W >� nest as,�eo •burned`,Ito 'death.in the house. enough of the latter .to stimulate The newspaper €sc the mart vvba sovrts open-rriiitided din- tis . W test we tiah0 rltio a rasa ; ; lidilbarn's Heart and Iyer" Fill, to be s -1%A Ia�t . devehiopments thrOw sat rile dKgeation unci enable a 'weaken- oa aril v�ro es tln and wakn�tbe it, and It, becontea ; gnat ware so thought it would do no es,liaxel3 new, l gist on thbe ansa.., wsiJ You needn't lose your hair.. Bear ed stomach to assimilate the'beef cumion is 4 part ot'eur body: lis wo 1�is w►osila, harm to Siva Uhem a t Wi , but I bad very Mr• JJILeeedUh. ine 'will keepit strong grid healthy andiron. Try this .invigorating --ai j>uctice -rad of dnre=7 its the taeatz act -ei gable aiffaiss. tittle faith in them; M wife went to �' It i$ uncieramod thwt The essamirm The Canadian. Bear grease is the po 'tonic if you are. thin -blooded; weak.. , wltk6 we ¢Aleft and :lilac. wo. got Li#m- ' T . A newspaper wick d�,te opinierie t►a an • • 1Jle sloe •god at ma ts!e boxes, and t� oy�wi " its• o'f neegti• itn�ad'e Ks.the effective thing. b0c a and"generally run-down. X1,00 per and modal Salinas --i the ociasag+e of t4s oe>k*ictioaa-w3toee' NW. � 4e dwaiis•0a us (,Jobe T4 60 •, .before I lad used the WA 4 the first box � lar. r bottle. Qu Jac. s+v; l�. ;, bots .who Lod ndedt -tlhe Mrs. Det• editoriab are .written by some We tianmot bagSn >a. eonekbsa in so I noticed a ebaago, and -before trio seewid line ltnd mcxayplaiued to thein that next . Ljox utas done I was Cured and am a well. )� been guilty of unu tural may be gioei led. Luise lsaya than 139 Ehu-Uord, . Conn_ OCL . 25:--Trfmt➢ vel► M *Bit Moa at the earlCos THE tNTERNATWM, , 9M& m mt Pekw and John. saying. "Go -and Oolkge. the aristoeratie how& of, soar Mrs. Fled Biggs, Kingston, Ong, . slibie dada, Dr. Crippen handy in fns- tht�eatr 's to d of hi appeal on Tuesday paepere us We Pamovec, that we 'may of wealthy Elxsoopahians, is e� a inyst;nious 'epideln>ia of the cuVeria w in Casedim Journalian..to-day--just.. mai natyy+e a • e t Text of the Lesson, Matt, xacvi, 17-50. ° mea they not" $ with To Twefve tnambexs of the Psi. Upsilon, a' ' bew a lesson .an thQwovdat and OvQQW man to -day." conduct lowurd her. Fuithm. if- .N -U 'stay ill ,bed •>bor .wesim $t 'a time. • I could not eat; and was pals and .thin such a newspaper as aggressive and iaWU046nt Canadiast' with' a Luke xxi i, 79 — ComrsteaattEti•y Pre- ' i� 1 mob wvhlam, Cllr wVAd navel, Iln. the most bainded them for two days. 'lies- I #veryone though I wile . going iatc tu"a Qvenl.,bort bvtvx?pu wmes:29 Price 50 cents per box, or.3 boxes for mvemW that death wcte due to ouffo boy, but a starting ;for Schaal • ,an people vdU eWa9 and reed with profit. different doctors, until a ad�isod . me io use Burdock Blood Bitters• to hi day, put 'a pli.•tol cartridge into his began biting on it. The. and $0 at air leeraon wa must• thlalk of 51.25 at gll dealerli, or mailed direct by T. Milbuin -Co., Limited, Toioato, option. not to sh OeX as heretod�aro be, keyed. ccrwtd" on, the dead roaoulsa,k as well Mathew, and tilers is rail(i and Trash': raatdv the Pne4wwAr. trAkmity house. quarantined. 1.50 a ear cartridge dead, the billet having gone through longe portion recorded by Johan ozidr C]ie TA�licala of Jona TiTr. olid wttb set 31 of that ehapAAW eomparv. vvbsa 80. Of The essiidecllly ng ea her wrlwm t I. •u T'hrt r wra>i floe' Totim�b D`ai Starr ether : feslyE l9' og When�I began to take it I only weighed our ieaoou, remembering that JWw xtv by P"er'S assuratua of Farmers Wa,bt. Hydro-Roiwr. orieailauL.tryI . l?> by two7—A •big deputation , Oct.. . for tits .year /6r $2.20. pull petted to bo s ng ,gain. 1< wiA teU every sof%ver of yyour wonderful remedy." from London, St. Thomas, Port Stan, icy and other .points to Middlesec to urge Mr, Pugs is :prei oUl u�.• How title roadlueze to (be withOf Berlin, Oct,25.-Tho farrn�a 01 Waterloo-Cciunty haws iiocmod aTa: o�r� 'ihe.. 'postmortem was ooc>elex�bed lar. Hlriwe $milli, Acis- � TORONTO DAILY STAR l;'y to expend a quarter of a million Port Stanley Harbor, They e - .. - 'wo � know ouLdeosvesi " flocv col) Se known Ttsi And yet with aN our vain tile' tiara >� will shortly Tait oc the Hydso-lileclrie ' Comiilieei,on tc .inspeoYoa' p, . W. T. Co iriul, prodty, a}¢�ogy, Qiitae�'s, Uaiwaexsitp, and tz ,boasting boar Ilfe i.et nog your heart ba troubled," to if Be, said: "Bou will find out Ott I ,now already, but do. I not thluiz of ybsiai- or, bediscouragod- Aber verse So of our lesion Too must ,Cyril the cost of: power to them:. The " farmers' axe very eaitiiusss►stic and ex. pent 'soon to 1Lay. t31orr . hymns LiBli:f.>d and statiouat•y machinery run by iiia gtixa paiven ap•����p• II: E. Ryon, Superintendent, P.ocsJ;•.: wood Asylum, Kingshost, the exhume• tioll ia3r�g plane . in ttw p>ieeenoe of Inspecetor IW&arn d the'pro Po-. he dwsrtmeq�, wino has haat ch ."ge of the eme. mom vjo SUNDAY o xm to sail. inrlt>sirs!ei, It -Ls to reed It. How often .wo breve think of -tile Wbsile•of John sly. xvLand XVIL Tbon in vem 31 hear aid quota IoC Lbo g 1,1 ©9 tltlpp�g {#�� Bald �QO� �eaas L1S/d LiriQ�lMs Clrrppen (�}Tl erft�l. g done on, but wbo coal understand itl tion from Zech- sill. 7, and,, London, Ont- 27.-13r. Crippen, whim Only by the rib Cen'wve fte any alerts• sword of tbet volae polo: YOU bait 10 tho s'tvoud o! F}ea iii: 74, wbi,h allyl' seen by Solicitor 2�e�ostan' yesterde•y n That's quite weal and cltoerful. ure gteaW a 11ttie of its' s,4gvYaoame. Lesson VL—Fourth Quwber For uny each dime of us have a siww ,end a mega the oe of Abaft, BURWK BLOOD •BITTER$ expraawd delight "t Miss I.O. ked boar eogaittal. He said wnoloti,g to t,,4. to w•rfte. to meds- • Nov. 6, 1' {1. la> , !! moa aPpiaoaelr OOd.. t•' Makws .listed ■flood and floor neva it *06 a very Sreat rohetf to him int r io lathe.•to tench, and may the Spirbt bay full eoetrol of us. that Jesus Ohriet • A Mysterious Diseaes: Blood MMtrae Good ljeahrh. doGd• He wilshQd , veri' much see MIft Lane" and had not, doubt she may be gioei led. Luise lsaya than 139 Ehu-Uord, . Conn_ OCL . 25:--Trfmt➢ vel► M *Bit Moa at the earlCos THE tNTERNATWM, , 9M& m mt Pekw and John. saying. "Go -and Oolkge. the aristoeratie how& of, soar Mrs. Fled Biggs, Kingston, Ong, . slibie dada, Dr. Crippen handy in fns- tht�eatr 's to d of hi appeal on Tuesday paepere us We Pamovec, that we 'may of wealthy Elxsoopahians, is e� a inyst;nious 'epideln>ia writes.- I ryas comp tely. run own my blood was out of orider, and I ;Qmoraing. mai natyy+e a • e t Text of the Lesson, Matt, xacvi, 17-50. ° mea they not" $ with To Twefve tnambexs of the Psi. Upsilon, a' ' to get so weak. I would be compelled t o Memory Verses, 26 -S8 -Baltica Tana, I then ttta0 we pneparer" whSca �� society, have been i tta4+ke$ ,iiia MAW. UWA they wase to -follow a uliar disease which has al-' 'stay ill ,bed •>bor .wesim $t 'a time. • I could not eat; and was pals and .thin Owtodgl a Exploded Whenrlla Bit, ' Oat. 27.--3osepti D� with' a Luke xxi i, 79 — ComrsteaattEti•y Pre- ' i� 1 mob wvhlam, Cllr wVAd navel, Iln. the most bainded them for two days. 'lies- I #veryone though I wile . going iatc Ngsiek, Dt:Y., ark eight year okl . Havazstrazv pared by Rev. O. M. llbarrts. tieeuins a yitcher of water. and . ��y morning a consultation of thr3i( Consumption. i teied everythingg,�ti, friend boy, but a starting ;for Schaal • This lesson, entitled "The Lest Sufi- I by him they would. find the ftiralsbed of the loading eye specialists and three tie had raetitionovs of Hartford,' wall different doctors, until a ad�isod . me io use Burdock Blood Bitters• to hi day, put 'a pli.•tol cartridge into his began biting on it. The. per;' is recorded by ,Suri, sad Lube upper' room. They. found as .leed'ing r o a bald., and it. was decided to ostler :tha "I did not have one bottle used when mouth. and exploded and. the boy fell as well Mathew, and tilers is rail(i and Trash': raatdv the Pne4wwAr. trAkmity house. quarantined. mZ appetite began to improve. '• cartridge dead, the billet having gone through longe portion recorded by Johan ozidr I used six bottles. -two his bruin. �� Iined tent pounds in weeks. When�I began to take it I only weighed Want a Harbor. >rrfnety-three po fids. It just seemed to me from ' grave as I never ex. two7—A •big deputation , Oct.. . pull petted to bo s ng ,gain. 1< wiA teU every sof%ver of yyour wonderful remedy." from London, St. Thomas, Port Stan, icy and other .points to Middlesec to urge Mr, Pugs Burdock B1ood.Bitters i,3 manufacturedw� CTO iters yesterday � ted' only by, the T. Milburn Co,, Limited; . l;'y to expend a quarter of a million Port Stanley Harbor, They e - .. - Toronto, Ont: See that their dg uree•allars anneara no eviery bottle. on left gatisfod with the success of their R.WT**'a 11 c'_t, fttouy �illri 'b 141N1T03A IIApD F ,.� wNfAT '%lhRNI1vBiHdA6 ww e �, MEAT wllfAt-„/ • e "POUNDS ed 2t5 Court Accommodation Roasted. Winnipeg, Oct. 2G. -•-Chief J ustico Howell, in ,addressing thio grand jury at the opening fall Asmiz,,s, ridictil-ui and deplored contlitiolla of court ac- commodation, in Winrii�og, and. prac• tidally asked that body to bring in a strong reelucst: for the construction of a new building, or provision for ex. tension. 'thirty Claimants to Estate, Toronto, Oct. 2G,•=-Thore al -e thirt3 elaiznalits for the cstalte of Felix Carr, tvh.i died in squalid circuzlistances oil. West bluoen sireot, thotkh he, had. $7,9f;1 ill the bank, and inter leaving it -to be surinimxi that lie was possess• ttdl of hiddeit treasure, The National ';Crust Co will investigate the claims. Worklno for Local Option, Ainhcratburr, 00. 2G. -At •in en- tlluAastir iret•ting of those interested the sill) nIi cion of a laical option �y1aw all denoininatioi,s wero repro• eut..sj. anti thrice Ihrt,.,h+ut unaninious. lv Il.�hi+l(etl to fake tint, iiectu nary s44,pe ,it bring the (ItTestion to a, vote at tl)v rounidpal elections oil Jan. 1, IOII. S mission. Montreal Teachers Dismissed. Montreal, Oi~t. 27. --Five teachers were dismissed Tuesday night by the Catholic school cotiirnissioners ws the result Of charges• Tnado some wve'eks ago that a 'few teachers on special subje Cts in the Catholic schools were 1'roomasons. McGill Professor's Death. Lotxion, 'Oet, 27.—David P. Penhal low, tbo botanist, and professor of botany at • McGill University, Mont, real, since Is83. died yesterday aboard the steamer 1,rtto Manitoba, upon which lie was a passenger from Mont- real. e Cotton loot Compound. ORDER. NOW For the Printing; you are bound to Beed next month, and -have it ready , when 'R you �iwant it. `4'Ve can dive you ?"the best service, , d >I Thp-i7 i+2 pP « ew e � + rI O Nice- ' ,