HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-11-03, Page 21100410 t I.
-.o . � I V ,4 t �,#_, *Vlr
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� - .1 I I i � --.--- , ,. I N_, III Par 0 '� . I - I . - I., I I I -1 . - -1 . I _. I 11 1. I � - . .1 I I I � . . I . .1 � - I .1 � -
_771-1-11.-- 1 .1 I
The Now -Urn
. I � .
, .
Greo Britian. so -also, had, the
unlog Jao-k a0vised containing the
to. p 'evevy
L OIM4 . Thursd*T 0
. ... �
I. I - : ��� - ... '.
. , I I I
I 101
, ..
twovrosses of Ot. Andrew's and'St.
Georoe and decreed that It should �
bo,carrled by the ships of both
� � -
.. .
1.11 I 10- .
pitries and 'displayed, frova
X"Q X 0 . 4 ,
iTer -*1 TPOr 7w-
� q of subpciiptlon
__14 ge t 41.00 way be cliV
i4liin _' if
� L. I I , , 'r '
. . 11
1. .
_ _ __ - __ __ � - - . .1..
� �
their inaintopa, be, thus' gave 4
ecimmon. $la% Bud ZL Common .name
to the "uritte country which by hip
I 011 11 PAK No pappr dls.coalaue4
, I
aid, uril the
=041 arrears are gf ova at
I to
am WW. 0", emu diflereat from, ordln*7
- * _ � preparatiom 71my accomplish
' without disurblag
� their = u the rest of the systorn,, and are therefore the
Blyth..... 1127
succession to thethrone of Bug -
land, had, been evolved out of two
: n of th , . e date,
. e publio er. Tb
010 44bpeription is paid is do- -
kkw f*r tho nurs4l; PAO, ther, as they do not affect the, Chad,
. �
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
seperate ,oud often antagonistic
CIA every . .
*_9ted ,bu the label. . ,
. I -
CompouwU4 IW4 oil NA -DRU -CO preparations. by 0*p6r1i OhOmW3. 11 ,
usm aotory, we'll gladly return your money. .
INSUSAN04 p , resenting u vire, in., .. i
countries. I presume it 7 Is )Qnly ,
necessary to draw attention o the
: A4irertlolng mtea.-I.rauslent
, I �
Osements, 10 centis per riouPaxel. line ,
I Zoe- a box. if your druggist has no yet stocked tbetn'.son4 25o. and we
, Diviston Court, Mee. . i
above .facts. I feel .sure Mr.
8.50 �
, .
!6ifftpt � ipsertionandOoente per line
Will, mail them. 1 24
Treleaven �neadt no -injustice to
: -
9 - . ti a. small
_or each subsequentinser 0:
� ., tioemento not to exceed one Inch
"Ver � " 1113tolen,"
"Strayed, Stolen,"
ra,d-Aanw "'d ck.*a C -op -W -f C-46. Lh*-4 -, - '. M.W.I.
I Scotland. Rig position amongstus
however, is one -of so many possi'-
I It 'was im-
uch as "Lost"
to, Inserted once for 35 cents, or one
� I I 1. 1. . I . 1. � . .
.... , , . I - 1. ... I . . I. � I -
__ ___ I I 11 -1
114 i -1,
. bilities, that consider
per ant that lie should 'be strictly .
11 .
amonthfor$1.Qommunications inter
� � . - . 1.1- 11 ... I I �".. � -
. ''. I
up._�to_ .
date in the matter.
I blication. must, as a parautee of
11011 faith, be accompanied by the
,walte brougtt him up to the crown
.attorney's office,,= -gave what
W,Ulia!ra'C. Xilling has been a -
. 61iief of WOOR:
� .
� .
Clinton, 24 - 10 - 10. James Doig, i
. I
game of the writer.
Ins Otor Greer . red a pat.
isf ,�e
tory explanation,
,pointed police of
I �_O - - - -
To insure publication current
- .
ague copy of advertisements shoulA 1b@
Preliminary ReprIng. .
I .
R. E. Cukliart, former Manager of
. �
Good F*6d -For Young Pigs. I
� !,
,ent In eaxly.
Contract rates - The joliowingtable
'The preliminary hearing of the
two prisoners will be held on Wed-
theFarmers' Bank at Athens, Ont.,
has been sentenced to three years
Bran, milk and p asturage are "some
of the bulky feeds well adapted ts) 1110
shows our rates for specified periods
uesck4y' . morning.at nine o'clock.
in penitentiary for robbing ,Ihe
real young pig. They bell) to distend
, � .
and space. . .
1 yr. Omo. .8mo, IWO
. It Is the expectatioii of the crown
. that on that occasion both will be,
bank. . . I
. the digestive systpm. which enable.
I �
I volumn $7500 $4000 $;25 W()o $10 W
0 (W)
. ..
- - - 0 - - - -
. the pig to ,use cheaper and coarser
Column 4000 2b 00 5
2500 1500 goo - 800
in that,event the trial *111 take
fe e49 to better advantage than the pigs
, .
I Coluyun 1800 1000 5 rso 200
place at the spring 'assizes nexti.
� I .
rai.e4 on concentrates. .
�11�.`. .
I Inch (I (p) 350 2 W ou
Zontrac- displiLy advertising 10C Per
In any case the preliminary bear-
ing before -Magiotrate Butler Will
I . .- .
' It is said that there are certain
. Poorly Fitted Harness.
Where the hair has been rubbed off
inch, per issue.
not be lengthy. L, R-Dancey,Who I
springs in gurope that give relief
and cure to Eczema and other skin
I 11
a t-vrse In 6laces bN- the harness, t e
�' .
I .
acted as counsel for the Jardine
boys at the police court hearing,,
digeases.. - If you knew that by
hair may be made t�rvturu by adkist-
- _ __ ________.1
Will Merely seek an opportunity f6r
hing in [these waters you.could
was .
Ing the,haruess to prevent further rub-
cross-examination. � I
b6 relieved froin'that awful
7 ,Utcl�l
ceepirig the place well ,
blug, and then L .
� I, it_
- 11W%
.� �
'" "'low" 7"' ,
* S'" ON 0N
: Amlwpq Time Table -
_��_,_ I
LOU404,:Huron a44.0raos,
Worth Passenger
. Lon4ou, 4epart..., - 8,80 a m 4.50 p at
� - - -
9140 UR
06atralla ......... 0.4
Exeter. * ........ o ... 963
LO -54
fl elleall 0 .... V...q..4 10.08
Kippen ............. 10,10
Bruceffeld .......... 10,9D
, 011nton.* ..... � ..... 11.05
, I
Rurou St., Clinton, . 1,
Lon . desboro ......... 11.18
� -1 .
Blyth..... 1127
7.00 ,
BeIgrave,. 11:40
Wlrigh�,t,m, arrive. - - 11.50
7.80 .1
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
. -e
Financial and Real Estate.. .....
� South Passengelt .I
INSUSAN04 p , resenting u vire, in., .. i
' inglia , epa .. 6.43 a, In %83 p In
aar--co o-paules.
. Belgrave ............ 054
, Diviston Court, Mee. . i
Blytb ............... 7.08
8.50 �
� Londesboro ......... 7.10
,()Ilnton .............. 7:50
I . ,
' , Brucefleld .......... 8.12
I Kippen ...... �.....* 8.2a
. He sall .............. 13.82
n .
4,02 #
itolau, surgeon. Eta
� � Exeter ... ........... 8.48
socclal attention given, to diseases of.,the
Em Bar, Throat, and $ova,
: Centrali� .......... goo
London, 10 00
Eyes carefully exa.mined, and suitable glassev
� arrive ... � ..
. preo-ozibe4. .
Buffalo and Goderlob,
- Office and, )Residence, �
West Passenger
$Two doors west of the Commercial Uotel
- am pm
p in P Irt
nurou Ot. .
Stratford ........ 10-W 32.20
5 2:1 10.20
. Dr, W. iounn
Mitchell .... I 0. 12>2 12,45
5.55 10,471
$eaforth..,:,:::10.45 LIQ
0,18 11,12
JDroW-GV111nsZ-X-V,P-91L-R' 0- 0-- EMU- .
Clinton ......... 1147 1.25
0.40 11.28
office-Outario Strtet, Clinton. Night calls at .
Holmesville..11:10 1.33
646 I1,88
front door of oMee or residence, Rat$ouburr
. Goderich ........ 11-35 1.50
7.05 1 1. Wr
street. .
East Passenger
Officehoureat s1VIt&I--ItosP,uA,;TtO0.V,ni I ., I
a in
fl- A *.1, : 1710 .
P m P m
9-40 450
. . I 1. _: i
3HAW, -
- DIR. J. W. r
�' (.LUN -FUiN V41�-w Crown Attorney Seager Will en- woulctricyou akeevery once? greased r a few weeks. . . . � 4 . �, . , . � - . � I .......... I � . - PHYSICIM, SURGEON. . o I I
P deavor to bring ofat only_ suffi_ take a trip to Europe at - . �. . I . . . Holmesville ......... 7.20 2,57' 5.W 0 ,
CLINTON ONT.. NOV. 3, 1910., � I would You not be Willing to spend I . � . . . . . . .. ' Clinton. ". I..... 1. 7.35 3 tro 5.15 ecouebeur, oto,, ollice and residence on .
I clent- eVidenm for commifial. our last cent to find the cure? I , � Mistakes' With the, Futato, .,. Acceptablq. Party Prizes, ' I Seatorth ...... s ...... 7. 52 .3.25 5.J2 tenbar.y k5t,. ovDosite W. Farran's residence, I I
11 __ "The evidence given by 'the two Y d not leave home for One reason why potatoe�a have de- Prizes that will surely please, arf -' Mitchell .............. 8.10 348 6.55 " - .. - . . ! .
I - - __ - ------- , , . perpons charged will be put in as But -you nee . . I $tratforct, ............ 8AU 4.,15 6,20 ' ' . ..
riven at the inquest,') said Mr. ,these distant Springs.' Relief if' generated in the past Is that the po- shallow boxes covered with b6cades, I .. L . I DR, Fe A. AXVX 11
= Seager. "Mrs.* Jardihe and other r1kht here in your own home town I tato growers of the United Stat'19 have fancy ribbons or art linens embrold, _--,� - I ]PENTIST " . .
I . I
Talk of Confes Witnesses will have to be heard. A Sim -Ale Wash of Oil of Winter planted their culls and screening,, Ain, ered 10 rlbpon work. . . C,.,wa und Bridge Work a ftectaity. . I .
I � . . - green, TIIYMOI and other ingredi- d the erroneous Impression that suet) These are provided with'varlous par. f avaduate of C.C,D.B,. Chicago, and.1ti0j).8, I
I ain. I Cann& isay'yet whether or P, I I). D. D. er thods In seed selection ivoulO pro- - titions to hold needles, pins, hairpins 0 1 . � I
- nagat any other witnesses' will be .4ts as compounded oniv n me , For'Sale or Re n t Toronto. . V
C ion in Gode'rich . Vregeription Will bring instant re- .1
s called than those subpoenaed,. for . duce as good -results as any other � Baylleld ou'RIondays, May Ist to Decetuble-_,r . I
1. . . to� that terrible -burning itch, . . . - auld safety pins. Sometimes the boxes � I . . . I . . I .
� I.. the inquest.71 ' 'ie' o nd - . - I � . I
. d leave the skin as sm ..
, . InspectQr. Greer returned to To- - - - - O__ . I contain safety pins only. Get gilt Ones
.� althy . I Farn) to IfteUt . 1. IDA. H.FOITLER9
. Case. routo, Detective Boyd remaining on �Une as that of 'a child. In all sizes, froib the tiny shield phis . -_ . I �
�1� " . I � I . it you,ha've nd.t already tried it, WRIVISYK11 MILT? to the, largest mad '.', "-, !.+'41"v.,*,�., , � � 1. ,� I . . .
.1 1. the job. � . J ., . 0 :., - ot 28,Oth Con. of Oodorich I)ENTIST. - 11� . .
�,,.. ___ . . Write- the D. D. D. - . Laboratories. . . . to 'rent � I
Z'... . . . "Nothing ne*,11 said. the .former, . I I . I Such a.box make pia a .T Aimly to Offloas over OINEIVE a6re. .
Tho OvIrs":`11flifflu" L
al Dept. X. E.' 49 Colborne, Toronto, . . . . .. __ _ ... ... I . . � . . T11 ho -c'... I. tl- 'URS, . HALSTEAD � . . I . I
"Everything is , �_�, I 309R comt, .1 . .
�e'.., Rumor That Thos. Jardine well', going -along Very, ee 'trial bottle, and e its , " , . gift for the- European traveler whe Clinton S., Godericb. � Special care taken to wake dental *reaa-
� . . 'for a 'r ful e Tev . it Is the old, Anglo-Saxon name -L I Tnant me painless 060 opskiible. . .
": is Expcctcd to Turn King's Were They Only Rattled? wonder f f ectiveness. as- I will travel leisurely enough to tal, � o . . . .
.. I I . sure you of instant relief. for Dandruff - and it's a good one, trunk. It Is a more convenient wily , .
,� . . "There is alwo For sale. by all druggists. , 110U§e. alld 1,0t 10r ftle- ,. '
, Evidence. ays the possibility . if you have dandruff you ha-ve to use tbese.articies in a hotel than . : _ . --_______-___ __.. .
* . . .
. .
� that these boys in giving evidence I . . I . . . itch dirt and the. little microbes -obi the more usual roile(j cases witt � . .. I . �
, . - - - � fi .
r�4 11 .1 17---O---- . . � I 0, next to �T,. THOMAS GUNDRY,
1. were only rattled.," suggested D. I . that are. part and -parcel of clan- I P 'IS. needles and so on so uelt in, theill.' . Tho convPnI6nt]N3ocated.hous 31110e . - I
:, Continued from page 1. XcDonald, clerk. of -the county, and . . I . 'I. . dTUff are Working .persistentl 11 . . . , I I 5IA1%,php1F, Rattenbury strcot,- Vontniulu-g � - ' stook and general Auction iev .
t: .. I I . I y .11 roo.yus. Tho housle k4 a recently re -built Ono, Live I
� , . . . j.. ; 1, -.-.--- .--. � - _ - . _ __
. Thos. Jardine was not mentioned: surrogate 'court. of Huron. , night and�". i1q. and sooner'oi later , . " ' mtdinexc0lentrovair. Agood.nonvetable-on .
I The Jardines Were removed Ao Mire Prc-= . I the preluisos. Apply to A . GODERIGH ONT . . ..
.. � Forest , �iELLUY;
il in the verdict of the coroner'sJury I. . .will'reach the very life of your hair . . . . House lor'Sale ' ' . ...- . ksl . . .
1. -which 0- 9 . -0- I . . ' NEW LIRA office, Clinton. prcrarl, Y, abtenan a -- .
i ur- . "Fleld'Stolle W
1: coupled the same of his br the county jail Wednesday evenin and destroy its �rltallty; - I - . . ._ anted, msto-ut saies a apecisati. oidets ,at at
. ther, Edward, -with the brutal in and In the event of comn�ittdl I , I will iection. Then yml)l be bald -Bald to stay A Oottagyp' and half Acres of land�. . I . . a to. Terrus reasonable. Farniers, sale noty I
1, der of Lizzie Anderson on Septemb remain there till Xarch. _� for not even thd -wond gou.d finit trewt�, hard awl s6i r, wate�, " - . I ___ . discounted. - �. .
I . -er 20. Yet he was arrested as an Inspector - Greer7s final visit was � . - . I I Auvenating properties in Parisian a stOne cellar tinde.r.whole house, will The Tcwu of Clinton will -p%y V.75 -per I . .. .. I . . . 7 .. ___. I �
� accessory, and occupies a cell in the made to the Anderson Home - -in ` . . . I . Sage can.groW hair after thb hair sell on tirne or Cash I .11111s I$ th",, pro. cord for field stona, f6r'rcai b0ding.
I . - - �-G. D. MoTaggart . M. D. MoTaggar
: . paitford, Thursday morning., ' , I one ok the lessons of the terrible bulb or, root- is dead. Parisian perty of tho lare.'Mrs Thorhas, Apply" Apply to, THOS, BEACom, .
� jail also. , . .. . . that swept bare -several hund- Sage cures, dandruff W. S. R I : RICH , - f3l, � I . chairman of Streev Com., I 1. .. .
' .0 I . .
. I ..._1.-_1 I I ' Holmes, the, dru .. to -.0 . . s ,
;. , The rumon that he is expected to . fire , gist, sells lt-ro- . , . . . . .
red square Miles of the best remain � AICTAgc %O ,
.� e at the coming . I � . . a, . - . . .."----% � I . . .. , . , � , ,gav,,., 31%, I .
I �Krn)Kingls evidenc . Americ T . .
� unded. Thomas ' ling wooded country. in Woo -commends.it an guarantees it;.- - . . . . . . . I I I
, . trial seems well fo IS) just south of the Lake of the d5 only.50 ,cents d large bottle. arid '. - . .
. reputation of be- Was Troubled . Wiffil Hi . . - - money back. - . Arl I'Valited . Property for. Sale .. . ILINT0111
, Jardine has the VV . -is that eternal .vigilance is neces .if it falls . . .� I ALBEA C
Ing 'the most level-headed member . . . I - your to pure G . --- � RT STI ,.
. . ' . I I .
. I
. of the -not overly-brillant family. _' saTy in guarding the. remaining �tim bandruff, Fallin � g Rair,and Itehing . � I . ._O_ . 1. House and lot on'Huron Street ; -jrkl . SankIng Bunlnoa.m � -
. . a , ' 6f the Scalp. '' ' . � I A Good girt Nvanied, nnd good wages Street; --. Gene
ore Information LiverForFourYears., ber lands of �Can'da. , . I 11 . . . . �
:1 I . " th . also lot on'. Ratfenbuiy .. transacted . .
. ,during the hour and a quarter that ; Some of,the'man chosen by 0 - - - - 0 - - - - paid, Apply to 0, CRICH- (it late Alex. � . � I
. . - - - . . - . . . . . . ; . the property of the . . .- . I .
: "he Was on Ithe stand than other Ontario GoVernmentas forest ran " . . . . I . I . .... . ..- � Mckenzie. ,Two ,tory, ten roomed . - NOTES biSCO-UNTED.. . .
. .
� mily who testif! Doctors.0ave'Himupo . Aers have. experience; and their I Cp - - - . I . � li, small - stable I I .
. . �nembers of the fa: - . . .6luable a's fair as they MILLET AS A. CATCH Ul! ,, - , , � - - . . . house With vera, - Dralfts iosued.' .Interest Mlowea on . .
. . . ' . I . . ''. Hard and Soft waft-_ ISO -9,111111 .. . a. . . . .�
, ed, and It is also true that much of I . . services are Nr I __ . I fioilSe 40.Let . ib,er . deposit .
ihis story contradicted their sworn .. . .., .. . . . .. . i4o in pro:tecting, Ontarlo,frorn such Lij to Follow or Replace . -, .. . 0 I , .. I � 4or , .1her infor- . . � L .
I � " ,;dkbaster* as has recently ,struck Waif . Another I . - .- . I of fruit trees. ,r . .1 . . . .
� R a I . I - e Ma. ion,. ap - - 1. L . . I
11 ,statements. MILBURN'S" LAXA-LIVE n .6 - on Mill St.,. ain eiglit ro6irt boliq t'' ' ply to. Geo..:D. MeTag
� I
. . . I , . .
. � . I � I . . . . -Minnesota. 'By .Providing extra -, . one That His,Sae eitroyed. es- - with good 6,11111mer kitchen and wood- gart.6r Tho�. Cottle.. I . I � � . . .
i, I . . CURED RIK �' -angers during. the summer Ainder Men d catch,crQp, beemucs .bec d cellar and bearing or -chard .-- , F 0 - - I .,
� What Ed. Said. I I . 1 . shed. a goo . . . I Thi,' MCKillop . MUtI141 . ' �
: - . !he supervision of the. pernlanelit. stiry,oixe of t4e; firht thitt Is thoug,Pt of ied fiv the All -,.R. I . .%
.. 'n Mr. Ea 'can not29 'ju kins Alta - t .. . _-ht . I . . ... � I . r I * V . � . .
" I ough in regara ' .kmpff-t I , _�
, I It -came-to light Thursday after- rry Grves,.. n I .. 4 - I ... exl�_ii.h' jd all ing6od repair,, oqcuP C1141i y Jo Salt' , - Firm.'Jumuraime _
- U at ,Ea. i ard1-ne,--nbW"'eh-'ffr9-- wrifw.- - 0.6y en . .re,c--.eiris-croV-dm-.-tia.t--t�-t--a-- -eq--4%�er14.n.g-.- -A:I.*Ii,�3t:-�lt.0�..M-RSI,-,1,444�PA, . . - . I . - , � ' . I .
;ill Ira . ' 'LL, Brucefieldi -or- N.QINV - .Town Provo .
, . ,edwith the mi er while standing to -y6ur wonderful'11ilburn's Laxa-Liver ch is being done,but it is a ques- ' u" I - apparent1v vANIP-1314, . . I . . Parm. ind Isolatied . I . I .
. tion whether enough of either class high feeding rLrlue% as It is � ERA OFFICE. . .. ... 1. tf . . . . . . .
In the hallway during the inquest, Pills. Foriifour,yeatg I was troubled ; � ' 1. . . , , . . The undersigned offers for' sale his , 4 I irty only. Inslured. . .. � - .
I . . are employed to..- furnigh the.pro, t6o'rich Woil. At the same time It 19 .. I I . . . siluat- . OFFICERS. ' .
� with my Liver, and at timm it would get . . . . . _ , _. ,arden 11roperty of tbree� acres. . . .
. �.. -passed this remark;"They can get . tection which is' required. There very useiiii to foUow,nuot]3er* crop or - - __._.________. . (, � A surveyj Clinton. There , � . . � I .
Tom� to -say as much as they like�l . -:so bad I could not inove'arourid. At� I . . - I . . . . � � 17ed in gofder � J.� B. McLean President, .Seaforth . '. I
! � is roonf for .doulit; too,, is to whe- ' lace . . ,
i � -
� L. E. Dancey, who Wednesday last the doctors gave me up saying it was .those employed.in th.e it'" catch cr6p.i.p.rep.. , onii that has .. is a comforUi,ble hoty4e with stone, . "
. . . e,'with g I 'Jas
I U.Ight undertook the defence of the . ther some of . . . AkdOW-Skle � . � . itable 'hard - conno";. Viee Prea., eodericii 11
I -me to.�&t.cured. . . - estivoyed. it m4tures quickly . . cell4r. on the plac, , . *-'Treas., Setifortb ,
I impossible for BU.mrrier)'eVen under. instruction of been' d' . , ". . tred Th6s. E. Hays, See.
- i ' . . - . . I and. sof t water, all kinds of . fruit � . . I I I .
: � -accused, is in Exeter. He has there father got me fout vials of your experienced. knen, .are. as.f�t_ for th(F - and. In combination with otbei fe6ds, . .I. - . �. . - � -�ation will . . , .. I b . IkECTORS. - . . . . . . . . "
� ... 7 -Liver Pills -but I tol& - ' . andIn good state. of culti i . . � I . . . . .
-tore not conferred with his clients Milb,m's Lixa work as they oiight to be. 1he re-. -has an tindoubted value, -- - , . a At lot 30; eon. -.8 (Bay.o. Line) fliillett,-Od . on re.ason�. 1. .. .1 .
. ,since they were remanded- to jail.. him there was no usa tryin'j- t.h& and . . I 1) be sold with entire ,9urfit". I � . . Jas. ' Connelly, - HPImesville; John � . I I
In the meantime a report is current that it. .was 61y a wate'. of -moneyj cord -fire referred"t,olias. -shown Th'ere tire many varieties, an'd in �e'n. Tuesda,y, Nov.. Sth, at IL o'clodk sharp. I abloierms. H.Joyners-- . - 11 6 I I
� . . I ..
. that. once*a;great- ,conflagration ' N One of Mi�re 10 yeaysln fdal to Sli, AbIttberv, . . . Watt; Harlock; G., Dale,' Clinton; M. ' .
I that the Jardines did consult Mr. however I took them* and to-diy, 6ix I era] tbe��. varletlefi constitute . Mare 0 v�ais, Heavy draf t Horse 4 yrs, - . . . ,� I I I . . ' Beech, - . , I .
Dancey prior to testifying at the me ' riths later I am a well. man and, gets A start,, i�bout the only thing.� the most. I � mportant groups of food Driver .3years, Heavy draf!4-riilly .1 .� . Chesney, Seafbith; J. Evans$ I . � .
r jhatca-n:`be done is to let it b,drn it 'till,, 2 vea 3 . Sale * . - ,woon; J., G. Geieve, Winth . r6p, J. Ben� ' *. . .
ink -uLest, notwithstanding their de- weigh - twenty-four pounds more than I plants, as they are.the staple diet of . ' rs, I F4rni for , . I .
. self out. 'The fire rangers, there� � ..YeArs; General piArpose 13 . neweis, Brodhagen, M - * McEwan, ' - .
q did. I woula advise all. Uver sufferers toi, -third of the world's 11 , .1-1dav, 1, years, Heavv . � -_ �
nial -under oath. . � I -; . about one um,", v , draft Pil ly. � Clinton. � . � .� . I
. that'Albert Jar- u ,the,,,-, . ,�... � ... fore, should be numerous, compet . - Centre*;part : 85 containing" 48 . . . . . . � � . . � I
I it -is well known fie . . .1 -they population- In the old 'World, they tire draft delding 2 years, B.Pavy draft bot I . . I . I . . 11
I dine, the brother next older than Milbumla Laxa-Liver Pills ar6.25 cents 1. erx and� earelul. If., they are, own a� cereals' -but. . in America al- Filly I yeni, Hv4v� draft 8brifig C ,olt, acres aind Nortfi 50 acres on,L ol; 36,3,0 'I- Each Director is inspector of losses In. �' .' . . .
. can * . I . , . . I . .
t �7,d., has been keeping a yial,t;� 5 vials for $1.00 at all -deilers, prevent that Which it is ihipos- gr , 1. iod hard wood bush 11 .. . ,. I
company , . � it gets at ,fair raost entirely as fiorage,. ..'Tbe, true wit- Tliorobred coNir in c;Nf,' tbor6briFd Reif.' , acres Or Inore lgc . his own locall.ty. - # . . I
or $ to stop -'once I I - -n, 1jr I nd, -,'61 - . ... . I .
, I ' - Pr 2 yeari old 16 calt'i thbp;ibred Holfat good Btu stablit , A . I .. �. ;
-with Rebecca Anderson, elder sis- 'il mailed direct on. receiPt of price I sibI6 ' ' � erneath, . 'AGENTS. I . ., I ,
p ter of the murdered girl, ever since � headway. .'. .. ' - let -,is sometlme§�'ealied'tbe brooln C.Orn - , 'og'JI-en and drivi shid small ., -.� '. . . .'� I
by The T.:�tftbum Co., timited, Tproato, I . � .. . , th6robred Heifer Calk, 5 Cows g'a I;d. 1.1 I ng. I. . . I I I. - .
. � .. I .- . I .
I I �. I . I I . . . � I .. . 'L ith,' I .
-h. , It - ,., . . . . . �tbe-fox Wl, , 1) I , I [Jai under lkolit. Sim Harlock; Ed, 1jinchtel' .
. � 1. . - ... ... - n�illet. Anottier yarif,ty 14 � . 11111,1111,!, ,r, . Orchard, Fvawe� House eel � . �. .
the tragedy of fair wee has OrAt I . . : , . . . � I I I . ____o - - - - . . . .. . I I HeifL -years in calf, Stee.r 2 good'well water at. 11.04is, I . . . .
� been reporled that tbey were to be . ' . .. .� : 1. . . .. - .. , 1. . .. . .. .. .� �t and KtIll oth6rs are the barn. vear14,5 Stepr� I year, 8 Heifers I year, e niid Spring -
. � . . . . _ . . . millL $ . I .. I � . I . I .Seaforth; Jainet Cumming, Egniond, . .. .
a I . . . . � . I I I . I ..-
married. . M �. __ . . ,. . .1 ' leantsbe Cbi- '��.well br.ed RO'Lstesp Heifere, O.Spring oreek*.ruprittig.' tIi'i;6uAb'tot 35.' For ille: J. W. Yco, Holmesvill .. - � I . . . .
. I . I .. I yard� or Japanese, the ,&fr . . e . .. I
. . I I I � 'BE WITHOUT I ;ox 88, y , I . I .- _.
. . . . 1W U1,0 NOT an , 'eafl ors'etit'taft. oalves, Sow due to,pig..4 oung Sows, 'IeP, apply:.to-.R. SCOTT. E
. 0, . . ., . - "I y . 3$ 06n. 13.11iffleLt. gin . Pa�yments may.. be made at'Toy,er &-,, � " .,. .. -1
. � - . ne,;e, .the Indl. and I
v. -DOUbt About Knife. . - . ,. i � .1 . . ... I E.rpS.. , I I des, 5 Fat. Pjgii� 9 B* d r glyth. -or on Lot � �
� I millet, -The fim tail varlpty Inclu _.AaRP,y,11!rT1 in e I I I . . �
- ar-C - .. . . . near Arms Hay .Load. � . �. . Brown'd, Cliliton., or to,R. .H. Qutt� ,
S. Morningstar, the gardiner w ' ' D - Foad ". - . I OWN 'rXHL ' . ,�Iy new, Blasiey-H . f� ._ , I ..
ho I .. I. � i I KA By 8, . . wmau.,aud nungarian millets I . .4 . . . .. I
-found a knife on his property .. . . . . . I I �. . � � � I �. I 1. the G4. * ' ' er., Massey -Harris Cultiva.tor hew, . I . . . . ' . Joderich , . -. . .�. I - . -'. � .
I �__ . � . irbir co mou17 grown in . _ .: -_ ,� . . . . � . .
. ,.w . - , --- I � . . I � - . . Alassey-Harris Mower. Hay Sale* or 1re
,which- witness declared to be like I . .. . , , . . . .b.,Atre' most in Rake,,Diac , Farin tor-
. . . . I . . . . - nt. I
. . . . I I . . . . ' '
one Ed. Jardine had carried, is This is scarcely the'timle-of year Mothers having once, -used Baby's 'this state. . . . Parrow 12 platp, Land Roller, 11asseY- - .. - -, . . .
. . . . - I ., --- . . . .., . .
the . . JA0O-B T�A Y LO R'
. still iinable to state whether he to talk about xnap.le s rup, that.de-i Tablets ifor their little ones - For'several yeam- Odst t1wre seems to Karris.Riding* Plow; I Walking Plrw, . . . . .. .. � I .,. . : . ,
the - . h , 01�"` -without them. - These*. hav ,n a considerab)e Increase in Set Iron Harrows', Gang Plowi 19buffler . Forsaie or to rent Lots .8 and 9. on 1, , , I . P-LINTON, .- . I
-picked it up before or after . licious article of ION whic . the'l Would not,be e bee . I . .. . I .
I date of the murdb'r. It was only In &Ple for6sts or (7ab are a n6verfailing r-em@dy interest in, millet as a pasture crop -in. RootPulper, Set. of .Scales .(2800 lbs-) the8rd-, Conoessilon*of Aullett, coh- .. . ___ '. . . . . I .
. the courtroom.,where he was called few remaining ras . Jor It . - -%V . hen",own for such '. Sdt Spring Tooth Harrows, Pea Har- tainiU� 1200 Rere%- - The farrii is situat-) ,-. , I I . I I .. I. . ., I ' "
sugar bushes of Eastern . the little Ills such as. constipa westorn Kant4AA4. . .
I -s, etc.i that a . vester, 'Feed Drill, Wagon, T6vBuggy, tetween S oi a -f O' r t hand Fire,, Life and Accident -.- T - -
I .
I to testify on another phase of the still afford. A ,bulletin (in the sub I - purpose 'about .tk�f�e the Osual Open, Buggy, Set Bobsteighs, Long .. - and '. ` . .. . . . 11 . I �
, tion, tolic; wormsi Cold ed'half way
. case that he recalled the knife, and Aect recentl:� Issued,by the depart- afflict so ,many ,little ones., And - ed should be us . . Olintonand vonvenient.t.6 ' school. . .. In . . . . .
. e . . amount .of se .. ed� " It Sleigh Without torAg11R,'C11tLer, Tann. postoffice. Thefarin is well.f6need I . . I -1 ..
;." produced it. No blood stains wer ment of Inland Revenue, however, then, too, they can -b6 given with. - 8 a heavy feeder and draws upon.the itig Mill with bagger, Clinton'Fanning and und rarained and in a first- Class. I . . . . .
visible. brings the subject'forWard. . This absolute, safety to the youngest " . e -
I .
. "What about the' kviie?ll Crown bulletin shows that - some'good A child ifor they are',sold -under the ,nitrogen elpment of the soil it is said Mill, Hay ,Fork �� pulleys rope..and state. of, cultiVation - ' There ard an the - Reai estate bought and sold' ' . . I
- Attorney Seager was asked, "or -done by �he -testing - ,t aiiiiyst - to. be, hard. on land. Those soils which slings. Hay Rack, Gravel Box, Wheel ri*s�s a --comfortable. h 6 d e e and , - . 11 ean . . ''. I � � .
,bave you dropped that?" work has been* .guarantee of a Go vernmen .. . If growth are Bari ow, set D6u6le..Hsrne0j set*Pl6w re' bank barn and other out build- � Money to I . .
i(I laboratory of the department - in to tontain no opiate or other harni. ,are best adapted, -for .4 � P I * �
t was turned over to Detective ng a kiLowiddge- of - the trick * . wanip hinds; or siough' Harness, set. Sinkle Harness, a quatit- goo( There are two �ood orchards. . , , - .� , . - I
� givi S 'ful 'drug. Concerning therniMrs. rich In humus. S - I I ity of H,%y, Mangol � dsi 3 dozen Grain I' pr . . � . I ,
- I 'o Chas., ,Whitley, d muel� .,�olls which can be I .. I . . I .
, of trade practledd, in regard* Teterboro Ont., - 1,1, s an - -Grind Stone 'aboutlCO Hens,
Soyd,11 said the crown attorneT Ttei'- operty will be sold or rented.pn, Office Issac Street, next door Ao� New. .
I . d Bags. reasonable term. For. further parii- , . Era . -, . .
"We have dropped nothing, I he maple sugar and syrup. In,March writbit.; � "I have used Baby)s' Own -drained s& a's ndt'to be too -wet -are bePt Whiffletrees, rNeO Yokes, ,Foilig, culats avply on the premises of- -ad- ... 1. I . . .. .
. - I I .
- __ -
,added. - e .. 19o5, the department tested 07 Saint- Tablets for my little girl and have f r, I this crop; though it may be-suc- . Hoes and Graifi,, many - other articles die,s... WM. MORRISON, Seaforth , . . - I . .
The fact that Neil McDonald, who .0 I I . . I . v I,- . .. .. � . I . . .
-gathered. from variT Z A e . .
of sF.rt I I found them; to be, , of greit vabie. . * 'its which do too numerous to Wdntlon- The abov p- 0. ,. � : I I � . . I . . . ,
. ip . . . . ,sfu ly grown on clay- so . I
lives near the scene of the murder, Plesiocalities and the tests showed, ommen& ce-, I I . . . I . � +**#+#q- - I
I took home and washed some soil- Ous others to ,whom I have rec gk too dry, . 1. I I will be sold -without -reserve as pr6pri- - � . � . . . .
! that only. 18'per,cent.'of the sam- ed It e Ta e s sa),r, e would not not . . . be� etorbas.rentedhishirm. TERMS— - .. - + * . '. I � . I., ... *. '. I..
td clothing on the morning after ples "Was.,genuin . e. , In May'of the ibe"Without them. S.. d by medi- . Clay Pot)$ are not good for millet All sums of:,$10. and'iindu, cash, over - I .. ,... . . . . ... � ' % - . + � + � I
I ' .. I ' ..
! the tragecty aroused considerable same yea . ' analyzed clue 'dealers or by maiL at 25 cents. cause tbey�lack id . hainus. Tbesped .that amount 12modths creditorifnii- Farm tot S:a�e - - . *. I :
1. , � . . 1. .1 HoWMany .+ I '. .
. r-orameryt. McDonald was not call". shoW4;d`69 Der c6nt.'genuine. .The ..A. ,box from�The Dt."Williams!. Medl_ must not .bb.,�dwu befafe the ground nisbing approyed joint-, notes. A dis- I I �O_. , � .. .. . . . . � .1 . ".. I * I
'. �ed act the inquest, butChief Postl'e- - I ies Went onfrorn Ie . ftr to ear cine C4., Brockville, Ont. , . ... . bey will either 120 acres,,In good state* of cult1v- 0 0, . . .
. ana yi I � ,_�� . has become warm. as t dount of 4 per. edrit,:, a,flowed for cash 0 , I
..- with var�ing results- __ ___ - , Kere' . I . I " I . I In In on credit amounts. Hay wn, Irian- ation, being lot 24 and 25, # in -a DoZe * ..
. - 0-41- . � .fail.to germinre or w.111'rema . �
1 .905. �Wlr;ilterblair, Goderlch-Tp. all -fresh =A * � . 0,
I . was A cl-t'get goldsand fatTigs, cAsh. 7 . . . . , .
35 per cent. of .purity. In I . . - that tile wee '] I . . . # * . �
tbeground so Ion.
I ! - I it,twas 87. �er cent, In 1910 the per- I , - __ * - Ain ry, auctioneer do is te� acres, which w I - C ,
. -1 .- =-MIFLI i . . f the land is rather proprietor. 'hos. G d . Wn, lei
- __. . � I.", 1.1,41, 1 �1. . centage was 85 'percent. for are , . � . . . . � � . .. . �ed.- On the proper y, s a concrete Twelvel and you., ount * i 11 .
I � it . commu C I 4 , thin -more seed' should be, sow.n. It ' j , .; ` - -0�
I , 11 71
1 .1 0. � I tests, while _xamination of I . 1. I . . I. barn 5 by 80, good. Btab- #, th 'm to, see if -you get
I .�, . . . ' 1. . house, .
. I 1� if . may showed 117 to . �__ . I can be either broadcasted or drilled, 'Fa * for Sale I . * �. , .
I - n - I . . . � . of _ rul . ling W pply to # tfien�, to. When you. buy * *
- U . I I �' be genuine -4 dolubtful and 11 adult- I Era. . . but in.rich land a smaller quantity � . � . S. � , ILTON, Clinton. . .0
i. !I.. , . ervted. It Will. therefore be seen i To the Editors, of'the New . ped ma plants . will tin - . I . a Wedding Ringand pay *. - I
11 - . - . - . y be uRed. as the acres Lot.17. Ist Conce�sion, 1-1 . - 0 * I .
. . . . . . . ' - - .
. � . I .
, ,
- .... � � , that the results Of the Watchful- I Dear 481r, .1 ..
I I . I :write in reference to the svm� - better.-Kausa14 Farmpr. , Hullet. Improved ftrm and within 2 : for i8K,.yoU can't count +�
I ness of the department has been a ' I . I I . I . .. . . mileF4 from Clinton. Apply to R, S. , I #
. gr,olv mar) Notice of Dissolut.1011, 0
; Scrofula disfiv,pares and ; - 0110ril im. ement, In purity, 7 ['a Your �paper, of address -�_____ __ I . theni yo�,take the deal- 0
� , and that to h a extent theinterest I given by Mr. J. W. Treleaven be" I . . !:!� ___"i" HAYS-, Barrister . S6aforth Ont. lin I - - I . - . *. J . * - . .
. 0 I . � . 0
. 1 __4 ;i. . . 1. I � . er's w0fd, .ind often vet X:
1, ; cause -3 Ef e-lon - im=ry. 1 ot the people are protected. The I fore Wesley Church 1jewgue at their - It is well to have on hand - ,.�. I . . I . - bas . .
I .0rincipal value of the tests is to , an disAolvea 1)3, Abe rotitemont of mt. Blair, I 7 14- or I 3-eii t,
A . 10 i meeting on the 17th inst. I feel . ' . . Tbo'law firn) of llroudfoob, gays & Blaft ,0 ess" we I
. I . . be . .
, . . - cure. the address Must have . been a reme.dy, simple,effective and, . I 1&r, J" L, 1�11101.ftn lins talcon I%tr. Blairls place
. I dran, become " show t I . . ' # Wedding Rings, and there *
1. . , chil hat the department I's tak Teacher Wanted .
. . an effective interest in promotin , both interestinj and instructive. easilyto applied, for. mosquito � 4. I . and the business will in futurobe carried on G # . .
FL � ., _ +
:1 d lively when the rity of the country's foo5 I must however dr . � thasanioplace undortho uninoof I'vou.4foot., . * 1
7. ! s2'6,,,an, . aw your atten- ' . 11ows anti I(Illorao. . # is ekacfl� i8K in every **.. . �
I sup and: that makers afid deal- Itio em s otMr.Tealea`v- - -Qoies, : Teacher wanted for 8,8. No. 10, -God. All mrsons in(Jobted to the old firul ftro TO 0 .
� ers ur considerable risk in prao- I ,e ' hen toward the -close of his Urn and n eS A ons quosted to sottio at its early 11 (Iftto oAL1)dA81b1o. # i 8K Ring, Test thenl. *- -
. I)t t # . #
. LrZss, he ' "'icati x # ally .,way . --�
i d I - "� tip to the ed rL,t Godorich. this Ist da'y of Oetpbor.
. , pu . n to the r ark 'tes, Stillgp'
a _I ' for I
- . JaU dosea of . er oh ToWriohip d ed #1 ,,,�,-v
. -�blr U i s e s,i ts uS ene t i
Pi nlyt b iuri
I tieing udultftatlon., . returned to foretell ,L I forty other re ei f till ek-410 I AX., 1010, 15RO . . you like.L � . �p . .
. I what might happen- should pertain EO I VDF OCT, TIAYS & BLAIR # . . , ,." -0 .
, ___o ---- . t1le Skill, be exp,r e as -.1 I * � - I .
anc State Tice 0
� . I I conditions come about in -Britian. aihneutS not a1w.a.ys datgers I
I . � I �
" ti. Asion . d, to have said & ed y I er' elsb, so"_,. . � . . *.
IS e 7 N11 4". W .re
th of ovem
and Sa Y._-
.. S C A Is r nn, li t I 0; 10 I I
He is reporte 'Eng- 40 n on . . ,.rvants Wanted
; - I . t'S L . land, might in the near future. ous, ,but which can be curecl ' . - Se . I __ . . . # W. RO*. Couritdr *,
. every day. The stwvad . . � gran't to Ireland, and to Scotland n .. - ' ' I he # . .
I L. by outward ipplicatio' . Such . TO " : .
"I., I N -0 . -and- to Wales, the same privileges . N014CE, CRVOITORS Two food servants 'wanted at t jali et
. I . , -in Can- . i 11�v House; . . - ,
body is fed; the swollen . 'a remedy, is Davis' Menthol , Hatten , : Jeweler, and Optic . #
. . I I of self Government that we or . *' I
i -0- adu ,eiii6y.11 -My I Xy I I suppose Salve(TheD.&L.),WhichtonleS Iu' Otto Inatter 6f Out eshttC I I # . . . . __ . I . I � * -
I 11 glands healed, and the d, I � our friend Wishes us to infer that, , L George Cottle., beeensed., - , # . * .
. ,L . I , . "England$l gave those privileges to 14 tits for 25 d6. at driiggisis- - NOTIOU is beroby,givoq that till porsons ba,v- Apples Jor Sale '. . 0 Issuer 6f #
.�, tainted blood vitalized. -Ch I I I L .1 , . # . #m
I... I Canada*. No doubt, In. fact, its a* . . ing 01aftna against tile ostme of Gootgo kJottio , __ L . . # . . L # - 11.
; . . 11 I . . I imte of mountain Honio.'P,Ibioro, CountY, r8tato
� Good food, fresh air and FOR, FLETCHER'S , . sure thing Mr. Treleaven knows - " '01 of Idaho. U.S.A., forinerl y of -the Town of C1111- Mr. D, Qp.otelon- will ship tie & car I Marriage Licenses. :, ,�' .
�.' I better, ,he has only fallen Into a I I I I ton In the County of Eturoo. labarer, doeoftuo'l, load of fkp�108 from Caledonia whieh . + I
� I. . n- I .CAS'rO R I A 'blunder ,common to Englishmen of . - , . *.. I whodled on or about the 25611 daY of May. A.D, t * � 44*
, scduls Emulsion co I I I 'O'"I"Otintain HoWo, aforesaid, IWO NQUIred are expected to rotkoh us oil or About I .
, I
I ( calling things British, OEngllshll -1. I . 'It - to send b, mail, postago ,)aid, to We riotidon & Oct. 22nd antl which wo will i 0##*#4#####+**+#**##.
. Major -Bruce Carruthers; the hero "English Army," "English Navy,') I -
I qtf,erscrch%la and many I Ift" Westefft!rrudt 06aipany. London. Ont., the lK1,75 pop barrel.- Oantelon Dros. - 2t 11
, " otllflax,N Rivert died at Xingston. "English, House of �Commons." . , . . I . I Administrator with nan-ativativa will hnnoxod, . . I I . ,�Ni. � . I . . .
� .
I � ' I I . .
A 6t Wod dis� I .... I I' of the p6tsopq pr )erbY of tbd deomeod. on or .
� �Slr Walter . about tho 8th dAY 5 .
� , . Eminent Englishmen, . 6 Noverabott A,D, 3010, full - - 4 "' .
I I 01 IWO&VIS PhMbbUtss Scott. Dr.- Davidson, Archbishop of 1 . psirtioulpro of their claims with tuo tMuro of . I I I . I I ^ .
, � Pon "LU 13Y A" D]9LtT0GI_qfS 0 �61 Grad . . the asiouritiog. If any,hold by them. I %.*ASTOR I A, - .
. . Tj E*oush Aemed Canterbury and Lord Rosebury In -v � iii R W, CUTL R1 .
I nod and Invigoftteathewhoro cladtd. The history of. the Union I I . ( And furthat takO notice that i%fiet the A&I I Vor ,Wants and ChildraL
� Send Ift., naTne of paper nod this atd. for I nervous srg,oth, makes ,. noW I I date, the cowpany will rropeod to dlAirlbUte Intot, bad -vapor Ranger. , .
e betWeeli f3eotlaricl and. g . . . � I I �, �� . the assets oftba Naid chtfitod AWOU90 thopar- Pa
I Blood itk o d Tebi&.Oufts Xoro- ngland Is ' 11 . . tiell antiti6d iharitb. having rega.rd Ansudi (Its, ,
our I)efititiful savings Bank abd Child's o1a P"a JifeNtea a4d Brain JM6ft, Deil. quite ,clear, Scotland e - All work guaranteed. the! Kind You Have Always 808ght - ".,
ifis it riter6d , ofi 11 I
� j Sia&cj�Dnolt. F-qch bank 000ta I", =Weaknc*- ZftiftfOne-ftm)l .equal term�, an4 Was, and, Is, in ri . 0,00; ** 1. . tribUtion bait to the. claims � of Wbi0b it shall
, .a 99,of 2bu8a or Bktesaea, . , 0 1. O,V �110h bsvb bad 216NOO# . . Prices reasonable, ' . � ' � �
Good Luck PennY. I I Orr "?A I I I �. � . , I I I I PAOUDFOOT, XATS & KILT4014AM, I �
I -
I. 10 .
-� - � � 1� Me, 7 -� I
L.", o
,I iA
I ` 1. I. W!".. 4s. _ � - " _.
i ma : more Bubseivant to P,ngl 11 Ven the , 4��
1 SCOTT & DOWNE F'rioo$lp 'box,Axror Una WHIpl6w ob and. . - GO&06114 Oat. I , , ��
I I I I I I , � Residttice near 1,, upptx , guature, 0
� , 126 Waltlngt6n SL. WW, I vM M d b all tl %040 Ift JaMON the, VL. In 1606, decreed that . #A ��. I . I ute the S, "
i-2.6=10. - rZ. ,,,, -10*01d the names Scotland and England I . .
. 1. I plain. D on; It. t of-. 11 Z%ttl I Solicitors for tbo "Id AdraloithIMOt
I : ; 11yXZ3aMZZ== . . , it C , . tMW gA G16aartch this loth day of 09tobbr.
I . � 'A wo - "' �.� a" should yield place to the name of . . . . t A.D. 1910. colle. - nfititute. I �
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