HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-10-20, Page 8'rage 11; . THE CLINTON* NEW Moe , gII. and Friday and Saturday we place on sale 50 pieces English Prints in light and daik colors, regular 10; 124C and zsc per yard, at one price Sc yard. Comeearly as posible for these. All Pure Wool Dress Goods Saturday soc Yard Saturday vee will show the finest range of all pure wool Dress Gocds in Venetians, Panamas, flax Cloths, Cashmeres, plata and striped Sergesi. Tweeds and Wale Worsted effects, in black, blue, red, brown, grey, westeria. old rose and reseda, that it has ever been our pleasure to display. You cant judge the values of these lines till yoo see them. Come in and look them over and pass your opinionon them whether you buy or not. Saturday all one price soc Yard. Millinery Notes Have you paid a visit to our Millinery Department? If not you havmissed a treat" Come to -morrow and see the many new styles we are showing.for fall wear. Tastes differ -- Ake know it,- and have -bought our styles this season to suit all tastes. This Saturday we will show a splendid' range of black beaver in large and small rims, very daintily trimmed, Any special orclereAuft with Miss Baker will have careful attention. New Fall and,Winter. Coats for Ladies Our new Fall and Winter rangePF-all and Winter Coats, Capes, and Rain Coats are now in stock, in all their glory: Never ,in our history have we shown a -larger or more exclusive range, at popular prices, in Tweeds, Beavers, Sealettes and Pony. Cloths, in blacks, blues, browns, and greys. Ask to see our special ines at $1.0.00. Boy's and Men's Overcoats AT THE :ANNEX . We are showing a sdrendid range of Men's and Boy's Overcoats, for Winter wear in 'heavy Tweeds, in browns and greys, plain and checks, double-breasted, with storm or college collars, from $5.00 up to $2o.00 When buying a• Coat, you should see our range. Ask to see our special in Men's at $10.00„ and Boys' at $5.75. Boys' School Suits and Odd Knickers. No mother should pass this storewenbuying clothes for her boys.. We have the right cuts and values. Give us a trial order. Come in and see them—we will be pleased to show you our lines '.:*. ;•44 • - • CLINTON NEW ERA DR. OVENS, London, Surgeon, Ocu- list, Specialist. will be at W. S. R. Holmes' Drug store, on Tuesday, Nov. Sth Glasses property fitted, deafness. catarrh and fouling eyesight treated, All day. NO SCHOOL. To -day and Friday there Will be no school in town on account of the East Huron Teachers' conven- tion. RETURN TICKETS AT SINGLE FARE. Via Grand•Trunk Railway Sys- tem' account Thanksgiving Day be- tween all stations In Canada also to Niagara Falls and Buffalo, New etork, Detroit and Port Huron, Mich. Good going Oct. 28, 29, 31, return limit No. 2nd, 1910. Secure tickets from' Grand Trunk Agents. THE DRUMBO EXPRESS.' Vol I. No. 1. of the Drumbo Ex- press came to hand last week which is eo'w being.published' by M. C. Kaufman, late foreman of the Clinton New Era. It is a bright looking paper and no doubt the new proprieter will do a good business there. • HAVE WE YOUR NAME? e - Many- new subscribers have been added to our list during the past Month. This week we are offering a still bigger tut in price, 'whieh should Increase it 80,11 more. $1.00 when paid' In advan&, will secure this great family paper to January 1st, 1912. Now is the time to be- come a •subieriber NO TURKEY FOR THEM. Thanksgiving Day falls on the' last day• of this m(onth, a Monday, but there will be no turkey for 'those of the Roman Catholic Church faith, as that day happens to be the vigil of All Saints day. The vigil is a last day and Catholics are not only bound to fast, but are not per Witted to eat flesh meate-, Ex. MATINEE AT BLYTH. .• 1- AFTER NIAGARA POWER. that On Tuesday, Oct. 25th, the last Report has it •Mitchell will and best eautinee- of the season will be held at Blyth Three classes submit a money by-law to the rate -payers on Nov. lst, 1910, to •will be 'called, A. B. and C. 'Races raise funds With which to install called at 2.00 p.m. sharp, • Hydro -Electric power. COMING. . LIGHTS TURNED ON. ' • Mr. Hughson, eye sight speeia- • 1list will again .visit !Ir. W. A. Itle- . The new system. alighting with -Connell's Drug Store; Clinton,- ore -the 'tungsten lamps'. weree .turned Wednesday andThursday, Oct. '26 on Tuedsay evening of this week. and 27. See special line of gold fit- 1 The whole system has1.18.1amps pf led spectacles with special lenses j which 110 were burning the rest •for $1.00. • • , • •J not being eonnected, are in Little. England, but .were done ' so the BROOMS DOWN. • next few days. At. the Molson's The price of 'brooms has dropped Bank corner, Bartliff's. corner and A day.or two ago the wholesalers at Fair's Mill clusters of four lamps Were notified 'of the fact by•the are hung. Messrs. Stevenson and'• brootd manufacturers. The rednet Nediger are to be congratulated ion is quite small, amounting to upon the system' and the town up - about 50c per dozen brooms. on getting together • and duina- GUN LICENSES. . like Berlin on a• smaller way with the are lights. It looked Some London hunters would like with their Hydro -Electric 'Power it to 'become law that everyone display. who earries &lg.= should have a 11- e cense. it seems assured that an ef- TECHNICAL EDUCATION. fokt will (be Made to have the game The appreciation of technical ed laws amended 'for thispurpose. ucation for 'business pursuits as Verniers and protectors of song provided for by private enterprise birds are behind (the •movemen , in our (country is well illustrated Which has Many supporters in Ont.-. by the success of the Central Busi arlo. If every amateur was coin- netts CelIege of Toronto, and its pellecI to -take out a license t several branches. These schools would. Imean a •prevention of Wilful are reported as more largely and shooting. One • other important widely patronized this term than 'teature of the license is that it weer before, which In itself is a would eliminate some of the work very good proof of the demand for of 'the "men who didn't ktoW it was this sort of technical . education. loaded? Our readers are refered to the AT THE DOMINION EXHIBITION notice found in our advertising col ;emu, which extends an invitation Quite a number of firms who are to allwho are interested to 'write well known toreadersof the "Mari for the new catalogue of this well - time 'Merchants" had Very attract- /mown sehooL ive exhibits at the Dominion Ex- hibition, which elosed recently in SAVING ELECTRICITY. St, John. One of the first to at -- 'tract attention on entering the Tungsten lamps are coming to main building was that of T. H. the front beceuse they save elect- Estabroeks, who had a very arti- ricity. In appearance, their only ;Ale booth with polite attendants, difference from the ordinary- eer- ie) serve Bed Rose Tea and Coffee bon, 'filament incandescent lamp is 'to all comers. Needlessto say It that the filamentes constructed of Was always filled. . Maritime tungsten Instead of carbon. Bnt Merchant," Sept, 29, in actual use, it has been proved that they use only about one-third BY AUTO FROM MOOSE JAW. as mueh current as a carbon lauip Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Ireert, , of to produce a light of the same 111u - Moose JaW, and Mrs. Etto SeheItz, initiating power. True, their first of Edmonton, and chauffer, have test is greater (approximately lust, completed a journey from three times as much), but this IS Moose Jaw to Winnipeg in eieee eouaterbalanced by the saving in teen hours and thrity-five rain- current effected. They have one utes in the doctor's car. The party Weak point however, This is the left Moose ,Taw 'Wednesday morn- ease with 'which the delfeate blg- ing reached Indian Head at lunch sten filament 18 broken. On this time, and speht the night at Wa- aecount great care has ot be exer- pella. Lunch on Thursday was a it taken at Brandon and Winnipeg iforae thislnliZstoartOgo, themt ha that,, tahliedy is an - was readied on Thursday' after- not be economically used as porta noon. The patty remained on -the bis mps. ''V'et„, when carefully outskirts of the city until daylight I handled, they hat a long lease of owing to a dense fo . The weath- ' life. In England, Where they are used much more extensively than here, it is quite common tor,tliere to last 3,000 hourieeed one instance is on record wherea tungsten lamp burned eontintiottely for aver 15000 homes, Even• when allowance IS ereesesreserumemesiimeeem'ammreessee,earesissessesomee . 11111111111111111101.••••••••••••111r 0111) Specials now AN RANGES—Happy Thought, Pandora, •The Canada Steel, Marvel, and they are certainly a marvel when you consider quality and price. For a medium sized Range they are certainly good value, COIL HEATERS—Radiant Home, McClary's Pamous Belle Oak, Royal Oak, Dandy, Acme. Jewell Grand Jewell. All of the above are high-grade stoves and all,guaranteed. Get The Best. A number of Second-hand Coal Heaters at good value. IFurnaces & Plu Mbiiii a Specialty Harland ros. stpotes AN*. IIARDIVAltg, er throughout waselightful and Very last time Was made, the dis- tanent.throUghout being about five hundred Wiles. The party is stay. • •Ing ,atethe Itoyeeeeiexantbra tied win start back on the return jonr- neY on Monday. A feW days, Will made, for more frequent breakage. however be.spentehickeii shooting. lama tungsten laneshows a Saving 3.11. Wellington, M. P. will join over the 'earbou of about fifty per the party. (winnipeg'Teiegrato,) „ tent, This is an economy riot to he Dr. Irwin mentioned, above hi despised and points to 'the much ion of tr, W. rrwee formerly, of greater use for stationary' lighti#g ParPoaele ' .0 • ' E 4 IlaVing bought out the stock of 13 HU!' 1 have added a large stockof groceries, etc., and am prepared to sell as cheap as any store in town. Will take any quantity of Butter and AM, at highest market Price, cask or trade. A Cull is Solicited. Goods deitTered to ally Dart of town. W. G. Smyth • 4, * * * CHINESE VERSION OF * A:MODERN SCHOOL MA'AM 4. * The folloWing version of a '1- modern school teaeher,as tran * slated from a Chinese poem, * It reads; • * Teaehee, t eaehee, * All day teachee, Nightee rnarkee papers * No one hugee, * No cine kissee, * Poor old maidee, * No one lovee. • * j. * PROPER BEATING. 4. * * churches and other public build- ingsThe lack of proper heating int where people congregate a this time is a proligic source of colds,. A building 'that has not had a fire since spring is a dangerous place for people to spend an hour or two.Janitors should not neg- leet their duty in this respect, . CHANGE IN LEGAL FIRM. With the departure ot Mr. Blair to Regina, a change has taken place in the law firm' of •whieh he was a niember. .Tames L. Killoran has entered intopartnership with W. Proudfeot, K. C, and B.C. Hays, and the firm -will now be Proud - foot, Hays & Killoran. Mr. Kil- loran has been practising in God- erich for some years and his repu- tation as a careful and capable lawyer is et -ell established, ' , NO PLACE FOR A. QUITTER. Is 'there one enterprise on earth that a "quitter" should leave sev- erely alone it is ,advertising. To Make a success of advertising one must be prepared to stick like a barnacle. on a' boat's 'bottom. He should know .before he begins' it that he must' spend money -lots of it. Somebody rnust tell him that he cannot hope to reap resells corn mensurate with his expenditure 'early In-tlre----gartre;---ATIVUMIng- does not jerk; it pulls. It begins very gently at first, but the pull is steady. It Increases clay by day .and year by year until it exerts an rairreekseirsdble. potvere-john tWana- HOW GODERICH DOES. IT. Cou-n. filunnings, as chairman of 'the Fire committee, suggested an acknowledgement by the Council of the assistance of the Stratford and Clinton, Fire •Departments at Organ Co's. fire, and the Mayor's suggestion that our own firemen should receive acknowledgement met with a 'chorus' of . approval; while coen. Wallace wanted some recognItion of work done at the fire' by a ntinnber of citizens, but after discussion it was agreed to Jet the matter rest till the I.action of the Organ Coe WaS11)1ade_1)12.1141C: SOOta:01111600000- 0000. 00003000'11141O s . . We S till Lead. • . : • List weM ek T°MT ,.L".'. .. W.. T' rewar- :I • Iv tha, Clerk of GoderIch Township 0 2 and Manager of Holmesville to • Poultry St ttion, in speaking of 0 • his adveresement in the New • 2 Era re Poultry, said it was pay- 41 i in him vvell. People were coni- • • ing with fowl he never saw be- • I• fore, but had told him they saw 'Al unsolicited. . . the advt. in the New Ere. That a surely 'would convince the most • sceptic, and the above Was given to • . Try a small &dye if yon want. •• sults, • to sell or buy and mem the the re- • - i0000000001111000000.110000.00 A poop CONCERT. • • Last Thursday evening the Im- perial Quartette, of London, porn - posed of Messrs. Pink, Riddle Web- ster, and Fitzgerald assisted, by Eddie Pigott, comic singer of Tor- onto gave a fine coneert in the Lown hall under the auspites of the Y. L. G. of St. Paul's church. The program was excellent particularly the quartette, 'Remember now Thy Creator," and duett by Messrs. Pink and Webster "Watchman what of 'the Night." The quartette were well received and !their singing has surpassed any visiting organiza- tion for sometime. Those engag- ing the quartette will lose no Mon- ey as they reek with the best of them. Of Eddie Pigott, many were disappointed that he did not give some of Harry Lauder's selectientl, but those he gave brought back a recall, His song "Oh Girls" capttir- ed the audience. Following was the program 'Quartette-eArmie Laurie. Salo -The sailors ReturnRiddle.,- Me.. Comic Song- Be Gosh,- Eddie Pigott. quartette -Up; Up and Away. Solo -For the King, -C. J. Pink. Comic Song -O'Brien,, -a, Pigott. Quartette -Massa In the Cold, Cold Ground. ... SolO-Nearth the Boning Webster. Comic Song-Efow do they XpoW--* 2. 'Pigott. Quaitette-Ilenlember now Thy Creator. Sola,--beatli of geison,-C. .7. PIA.' Comic Song-Posty,-,E, Pigott. Duett-Watchman what of the leek and Webster. coolie song -oh Girls, -E. Pigott. Quartette—Araon Matt, The Quartette sang at' Citelete the following rtielet. ; Ootober, ittth, Olt Si o) Rad ing .Sold Formerly at $1..s. offered today at 3W Land of the ... • Beside the Bonny Brier Bush . ..Ian Maclaren Days of Auld. Lang Syne St. Cuthberts Knowles Isabel Carnaby Fowler and others by. Barrie, Hocking, Oxenham, Pemberton, p.erard, Annie 8, Swan Rewvc • DFair Co. *OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS TF1E BEST AP • New I CATALOGUE • . ▪ Of -the Central Business College • of Toronto contains some special • • guarantees of very great inter- 0 est to students who desire to at- Atednddraesfisrst.clars reliable school: • • You are invited to write for it, e • • • W. II. SHAW, President 04: • • o . 295 Yoege St., Toxon o • • • 0 • essmioseoseacw'smaggsatimm000 DELIVERED -A GOOD HORSE. Last Monday Jas.. 'Hamilton de- livered a good heavy horse, weigh- ing 1,600 to buyers at Clandeboye and received a good price for him. The animal will be stepped to the West. Mr, Hamilton is noted for the heavy horses he keeps. HOUSE OF REFUGE. ' 1 Two new inmates were received Ais..lwe_e_k_t_rsn_:L_jayth, they being the Misses Armour agedWars and 57 years. The Ontario' street Methodist choir visited the Inst- itution on Sunday and gave a song service, which was Much enjoyed • by all. .110UAE SOLD. Last -Week :W. T. O'Neil disposed 'of his 'cottage on Dunlop St. re- cently oceupied by Mrs. Lappine, 'to Mr. Douglas IVIcTaerish, formerly of •Stanlee, but now residing • in Strathroy. Possession is given the first of the raonth. .Mr. McTavish is father tef nurse McTavish well- known 110 Many in toivri. MINOR LOCALS. Interea'ting news on every 'page of this issue. . • • The Be.ngough ebncert is postpori ed till Nov. 4th1 • ' What's the matter . with this phoice Canadian weedier. Is your stationery getting low. Order Some new printing now. • The Galt Reporter is to be • J7 ETAAL STRATFORD, OeiT. IS YOU purpose attending our school this winter you should register Noy. lst. Spend two months with us this term. Students are enteringeaeh week. We have three de - Commercial, Shortljanil and Telegraphy Our sources are practical, teachers are experienced and our graduates Succeed. The demand upon usfor hob:, exceeds the'sup, 121Y,4 Write for our free Catalogue. • . D. A. McLachlin • PRINCIPAL eb6Ytht,end" by the liquidator on Oet the 'fashion. See our sale register in this issue. The auction sales are becoming In the springtime Nature turns over a new leaf. In the autumn she paints the town red. - Those that the tricky canoe miss- ed will now be fair game for the hunters who saw something move and - The Nelson Merry-go-roend Is holding night performances in Lit- tle England, much to the enjoyment 01 'the 11 ren, contemplate. holding an Ifyou auction sale get your advt. in the New Era. Farmers have found at last that newspaper advertising is the only real way to advertise. Ingersoll with 6,000 inhabitants, has a local 'telephone service with 600 subscribers in the town and rural connection making 8e0 In op- eration on the one exchange. The rate is $20 for 'business and $15 for residences and rural services. The fowl suppers and teameet- ings are 'commencing to forra part of our evening duties. The ed a typesetting mechine, ,but the ntoxi New Ere,has install - start -off. did not improve the ap- pearance of our cop temporary. --Goderieh Star.-- "of course eoujd not do eterigletelf.....the--Star says so," . • ' • SPE CIA IS to the 1st of Nov. only cornmoea:toocRbint Tsihihrs.day, 2,1 lbs Soda Biscuits, reg 25c..20c 2i lb -tin " reg 30c Lor. .Sc 7 bars Comfort Soap .:.,. .25c pkg 10e size Amtnonia......25c (1 pkg 5c size Ammonia, 25c 5c Naptha Powder . ..3c 10e pkg best`corn starch .. for 25c 2)e 141.. L. Salmon. .. ..I8c 30c Gallon Apples.... ..... :..25e 4 bottles pure Extracts......25e 3 cans Tomatoes • . .... .....25c 3 cans Corti . . ... 8 cans Peas 25e 50c Brooms for .. . . . . 35c , 30c Black or MixedTea 25e 30e japan Tea... ...... 2,5e '1 lb Baking Powder 'best'10c ..Tar leaking Powder reg 254-20e 3 pkg Corn Flakes P.50 Nutmegs per' doz 5c 25c pkg Quaker Oatmeal .. 3 pkg 10e size Ouaker Oatmeal 25o 9 lb Oatmeal ...266 ' 40e White Wine Vinegar, gal 30c 40c Cider Vinegar. per gal....25c . 29 lb pail pure Larcl.........$3.40 • . Produce at High* Price Ei. A. 111cEwen Groceries and China 4••••••,,, 44+++++++++++++++++++++++4+++++++++++++++++++444+41: 4. . I he Peerless Shoe I : A very moderate -priced Shoe for Ladies. * It is made of a choice selection of Don* 4. •, gola id,with patent tip, Cuban heel, 3:* medium sole, the very newest * shapes, 4. and the price is .2. filY $2.25 - + Call and have a look, even if you don't buy. + . Our General Stock is 'Large *4.. • * ' and •Complete, 4, + * .÷ . Small shoes for the little chaps + , 4. Strong Shoes for the sturdy. boys Stylish Shoes for their fathers Dainty Shoes for the little &Is and misses. ++ Elegant Shoes for their mothers. 1 Good Shoes and Low Prices * - .{. for Everyone. 3: .1. Repairs While You Walt ' .I. FR.,ED JACKSON% .1 .+41+++*tf+++4++++++444,+4444444,4444„ 44+44. .4*44 4. s ...,,