The Clinton New Era, 1910-10-20, Page 7P `i
MWTON "W X04 or.
Woo 011W
totolwe btu $941
TMO* WWW aR *t"Am, turlaaaa>rr
ba07 rot. an4 b" be WObored,,'" 00 VIP �kl>4 atlCt � aa. RW►
ab 00 VW I Mfl,R Fj
. � Y
he Lure �f
C M�
Qld grid young
delight in -the rich-
ness alnd delicious -
Hess of
i Pertectiou. Cocoa.
4 it suits, emery .
Tice Cowan Co. I3miRed.
TORONTO. 138 r
^1 pis palm over his blue white chin in
search of a possible slip of the razor -
Giovanni' came In to announcer that
he had telephoned and that the sl•
guoes brown mare would be at •thd
park entrance precisely at half atter
8. Giovanni still marveled over this
wonderful voice which came out of
nowhere, but he was no longer afraid
of it. The curiosity which is Innate
and childlilte in all Latins soon over-
came his dark superstitions,. He was
an ardent (hitholle and believed -that
a few miracles Should be left in the
hands of Gad, The telephony -had now'
become .a kind• of plaything, and Iiil'
lard often found bilin in front of 4t pa -
to Join thew 01 use MW
lr in omma, bumf' mmmunkats I I ,
gentiow" who WMVd oat oc tbm
window? a, u, oursomaster 0040
Positively 01111111e,',
There was warco one chalim is t
thousand ,of the mysterious siege 2
seeing the inquiry, Pot one in tarp thou•
sand of her answering it. And the
folly, of giving his club addressl That
would look very digulded in yonder
agony 'column. He would cancel the
He k dropped from he found oouund is
park entrance,
restive Marc. He gave her a lump of
snkar and climbed Into the saddle, Ha
directed the groom to return for the,
horse at 10 o'clock, then beaded for tho
brldle path. It was heavy, but the sit
was so keen and bracing that neitber
the man nor the horse worried about
the going. Only one party attracted
him, a riding master and a trio of
brokers who were verging on embon•
point and were desperate and looked
It II:illard went on. The part was
.not lovely; the trees were banvo. the
grass yellow and sodden..
"She is so innocent, so youthtnit"
He found himself humming the tW
train over and, over. She had's(Mg tt
Witt, abandon. ' tenderness, llghtnem
For one glimpse of her twel ]3e toale
the rise and dip khat followed, Tarda
ahead a solitary woman cantered east•
ly along. , Hillard had not Been her lie -
H urred forward faintly ca.
an ciutnrti was a rortnnace yv�g
tiently waiting for the bell to ring,
which Giovanni ,
fore. a sp
Mous, There was noihing famlolQar to
in. That he was without kith or kin
The .facility with
had mastered English amazed his'
his eye in her charming figure. She
is considered by many as an addi-
teacher and master. But now he need-
rode well. As he drove nearer > caw
teal piece oP good fortune, Born in
in one of the charming villas
ed no more lessons. The two when
that she wore a hes •eil< 31aQ
this veil hid everything but the Simi
filch sweep down to the very brow
alone together. spoke Giovanni's
he loved It
flash of 4 pair of eyes the- color of
the cliffs, educated in Rome up to
tongue. Hillard because
Giovanni because the cook spoke'
which defied him. Then he looked. a'!
s fifteenth year, taken at that age
om the dreamy, drifting land and
it badly and the. Euglfsh butler not at
her mount •Hal There was only one
rangy black with a white throat-fronk
trust into then )notsy, bustling" life
hich was his inheritance; fatherless
"You have made up your mind to g0.
Sandford stables, he was posltive�
But the Sandfords were at this mo-
id motherless at twenty, a college I
then, amleo?" said Hillard. Imerit
In Ciliio, so it signified nothing.
)nth who was forever mixing hL3
•'Yes, signor."
"Nell, I you. To �whom�
There always some one read to ear
alian with his English.; and befng�
ughed at, hating tumult and laving 1
shall miss
shall I talk the tongue love so `e '
excise your horses. He looked !.gain
er the: rider,- The flash a this eyes was
aiet, warm hearted and impulsive, 1
when Giovanni is gone? with a light,not
repeated, se, his interest vanished,
;t meeting only habitual reserve from
Hees which he did not feel.' IIillard'
and he urged the mare into a• sharp
is compatriots whichever way he
bad grown very Pond of the old. Ito-
run. m
amed. it is not to be Wondered at
mon in these seven years.
So he went back to his tentative ro.
fat he preferred the land of his birth
"Whenever the signor goes to Italia
mance. She had passed his window
i that of his blood.
he shall find me. It needs. but a word
and disappeared into the fog, and
The old house in which he lived was
to bring me to him. The signor will
there was a reasonable doubt of her
of in the fashionable quarter of the'
pardon me, but be is like --like a son"
ever returning from it. �Ttie
iwn, but that did not matter. Nor
"Thanks, Giovanni By the way, did
the fog -thus he ceould write it down
Id it vary externally from any of its
you hear a woman singing the,
In his book of memories and sensibly
mpretentious neighbors. A cools, a
utler and a valet were his retinue.
street last night?"
"yes. At drat"— Giovhunl hesitated.
turn the page. At length he came
.back to the entrance and,surrendered
Giovanni sought his own room at the
"Ah, but that could not be, Giovan-
and your ' digestive organs in that condition tvhesi they can
Beecham's Pills
eigners on board,
a jilt of land on the west
nd of the hail, squatted on a low ni; that could not Woo.
tool and solemnly began the business
"No; it could not. be. But she sung
which prov so destructive t0
,• "
if blacking his master's boots. He
well,,, the old servant. ventured.
vas still as lean and tall as a Lom-
"So thought"L I even ran out, into
Forfemafe�, Beecham � Pills ore Spec surta6/a SeeYrufructtona with each hos..
tardy poplar, this handsome old Ro-
the street to find out who she was, but
Prepared only by Thomas de and U.S.St. Americna,a. boxes 5 gentsd.
sold everywhere to Cr<aade and I1..America. in bo7cea 25 cents.''
keep centerpieces and like.embrolder-
nan. ' His hair was white; there was
she vanished like the lady inthe con.
les from showing the wrinkIds of care-
less use. -, Book cloth lines this tube,
sufficiently to mature a fair crop. Ali
through the winter the query was.
low no black beard on his face, which
3urer's trick._ But It seemed to me
"What makes the Cooked potato' have not nothing wrung was noucea at fust tato,,
the disease appear on had
Government team
and after the Government team
defeated the united press. forces
Pas as brown and creased as Spanish
that, while she sang !n• Italian, she her
a score 9 to 7 he complimented
ends In strings, wherewith
theltube after rolling. Place a sheet
evant, and some of the fullness was
self was not whop, of that raee,n
e have
colleagues, and said;
the' Government by a small
of blue tissue paper between. each two.
one from his chest and arms, but for
'"Buoniasimal" Giovanni struck .a
pieces after laying them within. This
Added. to the Loog LiP 1FT A UK
st due
to This Famous Remedy.
GFlanford Station; Ont -"Y havo ake>t
L di Z PiukXam 4
yegetaUle m.,
pound foryea!ro
and never ound
any medicine to
compare with it. I
hadulcersaud fall.
ing of the uterus,
and doctors did me
no good. I suffered
dreadfully_ until I
igbtly. He worked swiftly tonight', I not always said that the signor'. it .
but his mind was far away from his ears•are as sharp. as my own? No; the
ask voice was very beautiful, but, it wile
There was a pitiful story. common- not truly Roman.- :It was more like,
place enough -4 daughter, a loose liv- they talk in Venice.. And yet the sound
ing officer, a kutfe .flung from a dark ! of the volce, The hills have
alley, the sudden flight to the south. , always been Calltag to me, and 1 must '
Hillard bad found him wandering answer." �. •
through the streets of Naples, hiding "And the � �carabfnlert?"
from the'carabinieri as best he could. "Oh. I must take my Chance," With y'y'• -
Hillard contrived to smuggle him on the air of d fatallIM
the private yacht of a friend. He "What shall you dol'
found a peasant ^who was reconsider- "I have my two. hands, signor. Be -
Ing the advisability of digging sewers sides, the signor has said ft—I am
and laying railroad ties in the Eldo- r1Qm» Giovanni permitted a smile to
ratio of the west A few pieces of ail- stir his thin lips. '"Yes, I must go 2,
ver and the p�pot changed bands. back. Your people have been good, to. E.
With this Giovanni blandly lied his 1 me and have legally: made me one .of
- - 1 them, bot .my heart is sever• here. it is ----"
way Into•tbe VnTted ,S�ta�es, After dile always so cold. and every one moves
time he- applied for citizenship, and so, quickly.' Yds' can'tuot lie down In '%a � of .a Iver of �' .
through Hillard's influence it was ak-• the sun;, Your policey bah!, They beast �he,mare. . He was about to cross
corcicd him He solemnly voted when you on the feet You remember when .sq when tie wag hailed•
elections came round and hoarded his I fell asleep on the steps of the cathe- Hillard wheeled. and saw ICI
wages, like the thrifty man he was dial? They thought I was drunk and He, 100. was in ridlug trmwhss-
Some day he would return to Rome cr would have arrested mei".' "Why. 1a4 glad �' 900 YOU. , ez
Naples or Venice or Florence, as the "Everybody must keep. moving .bem you In the parkr
case might be, and then! It is the penalty of being rich" "Riverside. Beastly' cold too.
When the boots shone flawlessly he And I am loneso4o for my kind. I � me in a cup of good, calces•"
carried them to Hillard's door and have common with these
softly tiptoed back. He put his -face Thew enterec'�.tbecafe..
against the cold window. Be, too, had heeds of Sicilians and Neapolitans who - "How are you behaving •
heard the voice •How his heart hart pons into the streets from the these days?" asked Merriheta,.
him with its wild hope!But only for wharfs." Giovanni spoke sreornfally. "My habits are always exemplary
-Yet Jn. wartime the :Nespolitsyl answered Hillard. "Bat: yours?"
a moment It was not the voice he sheltered your pope." Men-lbew gulped his cofl'eef .
hungered for. The words weItalian. "Vanftyl They wished tomake an "Kitty KilligreW waves in
but be knew that the woman who
sang them was not impression- on the•: rest. of the world. weeks for Europe
_ It is dull here besides. There is no "And who the dew* is Sl* Ell
CHAPTER II. joy in. the shops. I am lost in these. grew?" demanded H1liard.
great palaces. The festa Is lacking. "Wbatt'• r'eproaclifu lly "You kava
os.raoT• 3MTU=olqy' Nobody bargains nobody sees the pro- heard of Kitty KdUgrew In R'be lick
INTER fogs in New York are praetor. You find your way to the ern. Maid? Where' have. Via bee
never quite so intolerable as streets alone: The butcher gays that Pippiai Prettiest soabVette thrift 1
their counterparts In Lon- his meat is so and M and you pay. the tom in a dogb•aaW"
don, and while their fre• The grocer marks his tins such . and "i any, Dan, dont ym ever tae
quency Is a matter of complaint, their such, and you coo not. question. 'and that sort? •I can't tvcall:wben Ox
duration Is seldom of any length. So the baker says that, and you pay, pay, wasn't a li my 101ig00va. vvhatb t
by the morrow a strong wind from pays What? I need a collar; it is attraction?' HItlata v—Pnv d aeayde' t
the west had winnowed the skies andquindle1-fifteen yon rayl I ober quat- big black cigar. "W at0sr aftr
cleared the sun. There were an ex- tordief. I Would give InteMst' to the tponr
hilarattng tingle of frost in the air and sale. But, not The Alar goes back "The trot i ie, �sclr. 3t'in a ackr
a' visible rime on the windows. H.11-
lard, having breakfasted lightly. was roto the box;. )~ pay' gam or I go
without It is the same everywheiw— continued next. weep.,
standing with his back to the grate in' very dull. &9 « ,
the cozy breakfast room. He was in Hillard was moved to laughter. fie
boots and breeches and otherwise very well understood the . ofd man'd .
warmly clad and freshly shaven. He lament: In Italy tsr there is one thug "►v
cockpit nn hia heels and toes and rap more than anotber-that pleases the na-
five it is to `mnkO believe to himself
suffered from, Heart Trm& that bre r� get the better! ora bar.
gain. A shrewd ptrocbase mltreris the,
and Nerrevoss for Six Yeas
Lost All Desire To" Live.
Mr. Regis Lavatiee, Sorel, Que., rvdtw'
"For sir years, at least, I suffered from
heart trouble and nervousness which tool[
from me all.desire to work and even to live.
When I found myself in this oonditlon
and getting worse I took the medicine
ghe doctor prescribed for we but without
evening I mac reading'ttie paper
when I sea your advt., i cut it out and
the nett day went tot a druggist and
procured e► hoz, sod sines that time my
oervous s7etem piss been in potfeail
"Be insured, gentlemen, that I wit
D&ON be without Milburn"s Heart enc
Nene Pills for they gays oro strength t'
work and owpoiift my mother, who ii iu
infirm rwwdow• amid cit whom I Am lbs 00
ou9 xrrNtxy em IWOA Wd Nor" Vit at
a)* pit bort, oft a 'betas! toe, $1.36, Ok 1i
M i Nem` an a
f� r �AIWN-�i0* !
gN•�'Pr �f.
. x
whore day. It t9 tall;;sd lkbUat; taugtieil
over find I)WO neat• tho history of the
` ��-- ���.-•-
Hillard pcesontLy left the house and
y toy': Bind : and .' Last Forever
hailed a Fifth avenue omnibus He
rooked with negative interest -at the
advertisements, at the peoDlu in the
streets.' at his fellotr travelers. One Of
these waS "thd his
$1,000for em! I've bought
ducks ibr a. dollar loan? a time:
Hillard squ�mg
ad a
utile. The world nearer holds vert
we Want t0 �.S>tld
much- romance in the sober morning.
fever from a female disease. The doc-
for said. I would have to ggoo to the
What a stupid piece of folly! The
'Idea of his sendlug that persansi lb-
your first order, because we know
thaj., satisfaction you will derive
quirt' to the paVert Tomm`ow lige
wfll open your eyes to the
would see it a iandwbctuod til between
that'that,you cannot do better
sa'snpiea of rabepSlrl romance,
tionaMe • ftltttgues wA dtvdrs saericL
Bud thatiron
t vwe � d not all sea"%
L cvarroatal. ye godsi -"" the blood
business, but thorou hly ''up -to
e WV
fu the
e wlio eimiled atgentie nae, to b1g0 eftVal,
lo etmated tratu, Tlaleodayt tuseet seamy In
lintour customers,ndo
laylnp; tva3 are, !call aerag •for
piaatlrf Ctbi� •'
vitt ttitivt406te be'ne0t�
e ai�riie�a+iilrtalal�cleclt 11114Tho.
"He says," exclaimed the visitor,
turning to his wife once more, "they
put 'em in than glass case becawi
sure to follow, To take promptly
,.UPOW Sow•iii t1'
_ �
124ti.v�11' t • �#µ1�� `�i`yt'r7w r
they haven't a pleasant odor. And I
r-15-001- medicine, If has
Stak Need � Via►:
I:1R ,,ftw i, also helped -other
y toy': Bind : and .' Last Forever
women to whom I
have recommended it," -Mrs. $F1�RY
CLARK, Glanford Station, Ontario
."sour.. excaai;[icu tdic vlsiLor, turn-
in to his wife, "' says they livid
Me. -"I was A geat sof:
$1,000for em! I've bought
ducks ibr a. dollar loan? a time:
W® �Gardiner,
wi d
fever from a female disease. The doc-
for said. I would have to ggoo to the
what have you ui 'em iii that glass
case for?" he'inquired, addressing the
that most of the sicknesses o£ life come•from inactive bowels and
wooden Stairways can Hever
hospital for anOperation, UutLgdia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound oom.
guide, again'
. Because they are about the
from unhealthy condition of the organs of 'digestion. If your,
from '
digestive system i3 not working right, your food does not nourish
letel cured me in three months."-
p yy
Mrs. S: A• WILLiAM9, R. F.D. slo. 14,
notable exhibit we have. Those birds'
1850. Labrador ducks
you -poor blood and weakness follow; if your bowels are inactive
Box 39, Gardiner, Maine.
were shot in
"0 now extinct.>,
-waste matter poisons the- whole system and serious. sickness is
Because your cave is a difficult r
doctors 'having done you no good, do
not continue to suffer without giving
"He says," exclaimed the visitor,
turning to his wife once more, "they
put 'em in than glass case becawi
sure to follow, To take promptly
Lydia E..Pinkhatn's vegetable Com-
they haven't a pleasant odor. And I
tl,e west shore
trip was not very smooth.- Sometimes
notably when
pound a trial. It surely has cared
.many cases of female ills, such as in,
don't wonder at it, They were shot
in 185ri „
dammation, ulceration, dpplacements,
the frail craft grounded;
the St. Andrews Rapids was, reached.
At last, the
fibroid tumors, irregularities, poriodicP
good cotuiitioli:
pains, backache,' that bearing-down
fieeling, indigestion, dizziness,- and ner.
Children o r y
Gentle, but quick; safe,
vows prostratlod• It costs but a trifle
to try it, and the result is worth mil
is to save. yourself trouble and expense.
but thorough, they enable the. bowels to carry away waste matter
there was a pause
the Hudson Bay Co. fleet chugged in-
lonely for.
lions to many suffering women.
naturally and tone up the whole digestive system. They will
good fifty y eai^s later a the
If you want special advice writs
injure the most delicate, . ,They help you get Your bowel$.
It is free and'always helpfUL '
and your ' digestive organs in that condition tvhesi they can
Beecham's Pills
eigners on board,
a jilt of land on the west
.take good care of themselves and of you.
which prov so destructive t0
To Keep Centerpieces. '
'a .Tttxg+e tabs or roll of art cardboard
Otd " ptrteip That Is eCausedher. by Toa:
Much Wt Weather-
D® Good Naturally
or heavy paper covered with linen and
embroldered.- er, rather covered with
Leet July' and early 13i August we
bad couddemble wet weather. The
Forfemafe�, Beecham � Pills ore Spec surta6/a SeeYrufructtona with each hos..
linen that has been embroidered—will
potato tops outTered badlyfrom a
Prepared only by Thomas de and U.S.St. Americna,a. boxes 5 gentsd.
sold everywhere to Cr<aade and I1..America. in bo7cea 25 cents.''
keep centerpieces and like.embrolder-
blight However, the vine recovered
les from showing the wrinkIds of care-
less use. -, Book cloth lines this tube,
sufficiently to mature a fair crop. Ali
through the winter the query was.
air 'Wilfrid was art a
and the whole is fastened and bound
"What makes the Cooked potato' have not nothing wrung was noucea at fust tato,,
the disease appear on had
Government team
and after the Government team
defeated the united press. forces
with inch wide satin ribbon, which
`to fasten
such a sweet taste?" And again On time. Should
sprayings of Bordeaux by
a score 9 to 7 he complimented
ends In strings, wherewith
theltube after rolling. Place a sheet
mitring the tuber a brownish streak .
or. blotch appears all. through the ru-
the foliage
should be. given every ten or twelve his
e have
colleagues, and said;
the' Government by a small
of blue tissue paper between. each two.
her,, resembling •a marble cake. This
days through the season! -National
working rarity .,.•
pieces after laying them within. This
`te seated mostly .beneath. where the
Stockman and b`armer.
wtn.keep their color from turning yet-
eyes are and about one�lghth of 'an
low it they are•laid away for any con-
inch from the., surface. The: 'potato
G: P. !'itched. .
A diversion from the rou
sidernblii length at time.
shows no outward sign of es-
tine of political meetings occurred . re-
��®, j
cent that the eyes do not posh as rap-,
idly .on a diseased potato as they do.
ceritly at Melville, Sash,, when the .
`oLf . the Government cars
t�IIiclJv stops coughs, cores colds; heals
__. -
'1�hese streaks are
dh. Lc '.ZS'Iig �_t"". !t'G'39"'•C$i'-$ti'-ark.g.3.ri]6•-0f..-,:.:.�e...+_ft1:
Uat�i►IId- lfil•IIL'Sp.....-�;a,.�-
_.,..__.............._..-_,...._...--•-....-.--•- -
about one inch Icing and' one.fonrth
baseball. Since leaving Fort William
has been pressed almost
,ince ' uery was, «What caused teat
Sir Wilfrid
beyond his strength, and was entitled
Pardee, M. was
rSOLUT & leo d
kin in t he tube r' In
Peculiar gtrea g..
to a rest. F. F.
the Government 'forces.
tardsgr, 1t. e. save
looking over, a history of fungoids and
fungous disease of the potato we. find
.captain of .
and R. H. patahin _led the .newspaper' •
Thomas McNutt, ex
Ilaying secured a dommodious (Train
buying all
that s very similar condition existed In
Speaker of the Northwest Territories
storehouse, we are now.
kinds of grain, for Which the highest-
in ireiand in 1&15, resulting In agree,
g i3lature, was^ umpire Hoti., G. P
p rices will be paid.
,�1` �rA C&
A.+«. - y •.
potato !amine there year was
s very•w�et year. and the natural moist
rahazri, Minister of Pailways and
Canals, Hitched for the Government;
Bran, Shorts, Corn and all kinds of
gin, Seeds and other feeds kept on''
climate of Ireland -gave d great im-
hand at the storehouse.
petus to this disease. . It has not heap-
peared . to any great . extent till lash
It bears no resemblance to the
• in -1
FO rd & McLeod. -
on the tuber os. the.
potato scab either
Mid trio '
foliage. In'thfs disease the leaves turn
Li '�%1'. P
a brownish Biac1C color. sad drop off.T
Your Soiititt'd
While the stairs stern magretati�
duet Bear 8lggatiire a!
some vitality: even .to sending out do
plicate leaves. tbdugh much smaller..
E'avetroughing: .
The disease is6 however.. carried down;
Plunibin slid Tlu 111 .11 li
u ,
to the. tuber and its seen there as
scribed. Ind seasons or in dry, sett
` ,
I would reg soliopt foe petirone oe
store opens at 7.30 a"fit. closes at 8 p m.
We are, Practical: Boot and Shoe inak-
ti ons no sista need .be telt as to the
of.,the Town of Clinton and vicinity..
ers and repairers. Boot madeto or.
see PwAftlle Wrapper Below
disease' spreading. but, in low
Repairint; of all kinds promptly:.
der from one to three days notice and
aectioszg care should be exercised.
, attended to
repairing done while you wait,
aa -aa •e,4
Affected. tubera should by no meat
resisting blights
kinds Oj Stow Repairs,
Farmers Attention
be ptantea. varieties
in general aro safer for planting
�+ of ou Short A t►tice..
We have on hand aey he pairs of ,
the thing for
our own_ng.
as to be sure that this > ° blight
no twicL In souse of �°"
Pipes; Elbows, etc., always ou
'! Jo
the spring wear. ,Dome in and gee
FOY 81LiOY:NEf3.
Y01t I,40HDsUMS
rope it to bad.. and no doubt, but that
introduced into this conn-
baud .
save orders et residence, 78'Victoria St,
W. H. lA'I"�` ,, . Oc�
` `
` {
rot F8marrAmON
r • f
it has been
try tbera A 'few: years ago we
received from England some varieties,
'Phone•No. 139,
w.. MVV E�3�3:
) Opposite Post Qffice
._._ � r .
Stak Need � Via►:
y toy': Bind : and .' Last Forever
f ►���
.no story, .c .
there has been history on
Pie lEied Er+�•. ' A few days ago, a
litt3e party of Icelanders filed out of
�j matter how you 'view rt,
tl edr amrch and marched %n tEtwe
VAnnitoaba for a short excur-
wooden Stairways can Hever
ai"• '. They were a reflective -crowd,
be considered economical.,
thinking .of the old days. .Thirty-five
Mars . ago the fl. men of ie they '
iewolied Winnipeg • From there they
Wood deteriorates rapidly
pushed out in barges northward to,
of Lake Winnipeg. The
under ordinary usage,
quires frequent,' and Often e7t;
; .,
tl,e west shore
trip was not very smooth.- Sometimes
notably when
'tensive, repairs t0 keep it in
the frail craft grounded;
the St. Andrews Rapids was, reached.
At last, the
good cotuiitioli:
Four days they drifted.
mouth of the rivet' greeted them; then .
till the Colville of
CbnCrete stalr3 will be as
there was a pause
the Hudson Bay Co. fleet chugged in-
lonely for.
good fifty y eai^s later a the
W sight and hauled the
On Sunday, Oev
day they are first put up.
eigners on board,
a jilt of land on the west
which prov so destructive t0
r ' r :� •,
20> 1878; at
coast known as Willow Point they
disembarked from the Colville. Pos"
wood, serve4o oitly to intensify
the streingth and hardness of
sibly this Sabbath DHy was•the most
depres sive that. they ever spent in
concmtd. Needing no repairs
their lives. _ From the crowded thor"
east to the trails of
Or hYdjntft2ti, COilCretC first GOSt
ough4ares of the
the wilderness was rather an abrupt
Indiana stalked out of the
is Inst cost. .
bush and Welcomed them with. mild
let us send yott aur slew illus
wonder. The night were hideous with
traced boo free--" What At,,JFarnrcr
the barking of prairie
years ago•
O' # Do Wig �orecrretc," PhoQraphs
That was thirty-five
low Point is now Gimili of the ice-
60 immi•
r,.•-•^" .M1
°" ,/'
arid diagrams show rtrasiy a xampies of
dxbcmte work as applied to the Cott-
larnders. one of rosperous
grant seiileis — Of the Dominion,
struction of farm utilities. Basch of
i Today these are '" least ten thous•
Icelandero ••*M Canada -- great
this Work You'll Mid you can do iii '
time. write icr,tbd basalt
t and
s many A6simi1hi%c1: Icelanders sit in
ton legislatures, publish newspapers;
tardsgr, 1t. e. save
r 6010e of the young chaps have wort
and played foot-
though it 0* Corti a OUA-
e Rhode .BCholerahipe
e ball. Socio is the makung of Canada.•.,'
+' '"
,�1` �rA C&
A.+«. - y •.
r W"tVot >letrPc'hetd.
n " yyhat lora of ducks ittCe these?"
risked the *isnot In ilia vtaitlzolagiccl
51-40I'�•Hea d
Mid trio '
lllwt#s'�itl ,�
Al so fort tbosb fives erpici= ..