HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-10-20, Page 4�r I, - - ._.. s 1 ' -. . %-� I h" ,1' 1, 'r • 1� . yny �} pr ., rQy Q�(� lip 11fW11, 1dBeN � ,p, �F�, YI"i 1K7R I, il;a?dies* rO$Y�fio w� ii ix � -.. - --- 11 .�.,X„,r,- r . , • >pe crash �s 6f tb6 pollee I ;,r » �,.,, �.,. p 11, force i 1l o; ten d '� , r n at�d �t�, �It," vara ; ��!�`� ' ���%��#� • �� �" �#• �� alX� � ' • � • A ,� �' , V nrm t4atmuetaat �t►eekaucf flr#�taF . , . �r rib . ,. . tilme. las alaraya a 'welcomne vloit w ' —. � r, . • a --4--+ a4,lrc sera hath Pini a '!" ° ten n d you lI with Uarv'eet "'Phanka -,' a thp.mu,+ia of Zha pipediyln aearvleea laa'ther .that yYehould> cultivate s X . liinl ' Mc#i:wart of Cifgtoi ilea inters :held in ithig church vn i3umm•� It > d Dlresa- [al ing. .been, vi410 rrfenil0 in Btaalep Lar a " loot, ''both inorri'ing' and even, tlZantCPut 41 we 'Man thin a • time mma, t week the me ttme guest of 14irr Ing, at which the Bishop of Huron ars received, tmnjl,jfngly. Paul hack e { n a khorn In time tleah, Qul' +Lord I . TpDmrmano# Preach d two 1410 ,tflex Innes ret u r n d d; from his excellent sernmone, Prayed' to 'be 'd'elivered from' the ok and �om "wipe Were direct, simple 'bi'ktem4' cup, We should strive .. New Fatrf>s to tha , tat fast week. �eloolxa � g o Christian people. � hat°e such '#hankfulness as makes ale an hearty. n rtes tnormm�g he took for his ua look tan +khe bright aide a 'text, "While the earth .' Co` �r� # Mr S!V i 1 l f n mn. Swan of :�, S• No. 10 r'beet d _ and GeD, Baird APA" A; "No 1. altepded seedy mne and harvest shall ll not outlivaa tong. CoPO (that righthw'ilI the Teacher,,- ARsoelatloma onThursdamy cease. One of the mast beautiful a reamnf of evenin Sig'h'ts of Mature, the rainbow re- inti is of fans are in the :. : �: E, �, �� :• g and 11'rmday of last week, progress which is xnak•. ever in our business ex .-�,- r.--.,--....-.--,.-,, (fod g m ', though slowly, to the minds ns of this promise of and assures us of His faithfulness stir ocean duet ho d.s (ji A ,e, pierienre have we been able l{fiit►Fcllt heepin8 i't. Our whole lm fe time belief spirit w as the ruler of . to oiler our trade each su+ Mr, John Jones who cuss away harvest c�Youth ie this ` la ed- ,me world, amid rot chance or fate. We =- perior Jackets as we are Belleville, Toronto and Londa has o : g !the harvest, an idleIV 'to pthings, r tar six weeks vfsi'kin fxfends mn youth! will Field an # tmust o gether for good I o hs'that ' returned lookingas - though his age, A waste.£ul Ignorant old joys Gad. (Ill A belief in the for'- , , nowshowxpg, Nve Spare trip agreed with him', youth Will 11 IThe Bible Socle,y held' #heir an.. an old 'age of scarcity, . 'A yield •lyeness of Sins. We Will one day tmo efforts to'secure the nual meeting One! night recently fihekea 111 Yield a remorse old age in uendfak faults, mistakes, fail- when !the Rev. M'r, 'Couzens, of Heim- y p rt of many a. (IIi,) A "belief in zm- ' best that experience, skill naakes'the latter part mtserable jfe �'' mortality, twlmithou.a hope for a ' and manep could snake .the delivered an able address an life ms not svox#h 1 '� . he .Bible and the work of the so- This rule Is also !true of Institut- � living. I ) , e ciety. The old officers: were re- Ions and. Nation, The seed -time of I This buoyant' spirit 1s a valuable and we now oi'fer thew ka elected, the church In Eastern Canada is ,possession for dais Iii you for your oboosiu If F• Johnston% of Voronto, was largely past but the seed -time y e The man . Who has lit will float when a flood S home for a day last week before Western Canada Is now on, and 'trouble comwares. It eziabiea us leaving for Washingtan, b, C,, What the harvest of the church in to kr to ()very womami expecting to where he has received an appoint- Western Canada Will bt, depends 'and but Make t the world to conte I I I buy this season should she meat in the department of terol largely upon 'the members of the ' world.' he best , of R this these Coats bet suss aP institute. ute. . In the Carnegie :ire I ant tie Q fst, Similarly it is I. A general remark among peo- ' ` the church in T?le 1& that the Bishop is getting a The Methodist Church was sloe- =China and other Poxeign countries, firmer bald upon +their . affec#io their universal beauty ani ed here last Sunday on -account of :. 'The (recurrence of seed -t anniversary ime and with each visit. na excellence. y services In Chiselhurst year ' and the Presbyterian Church on. ac. harvest from year to lvfth- : The choir as usual did their park / count of similar services in H•il'a, out fail, proves that Nature fa not admirably. The solo parts in the ' z ruled by chance but that God is anthem' were taken by Miss Gladyd bot s e Green,. Both seF�>ic. were very, .behind (Nature, Herman and, Xr, 4 11 Come and tame a look, to successful, Guy.ornot to buy. Prices ---------;.- - --- ' At the last the great harvest of did exceptionally well leirVlrrPhalen i y 'th'e world will be gathered' in, added very much to the musid by e Londe4>~aro The evening 'text Was, 61r, ev4ry- his violin accompaniment. Rev. W, ( D1ias.A, Lawson spent Sunday `thing 'give thanks•" Should we I3, Dunbar assisted at the evening i + 7.50, 9.Q0, 10.00 . with Goderich friends, siva 'rtes lta for hunger, poverty,service, The church was ret -Sugar Beets are still in evidence sadness, Vekness, etc? The Apo. decorated with plants amid cut fla�v�- 4 1`3;0 " Ifi.00 going 'to the station #his week, givin of g amounted 4 •tle does not mean the g ere. The 'thank offering 1 ° The Telephone Co. have a strong 'thanks for a ben -fit received but "to $250• '' I 1$•0„x, gang of men A work around here. - . - .4 Geo, T.Angman has mavecl Into ----- i _- -_ --_ ^� the house he purchased .from his "-'" "' - -. -- - 1. :: ,the Harvey, . 1 _1­6I'll from' now to Jan l 191 . . Miss TT -1 .� - ---1-- • y • 'i �� ' • r i , - �, I - ��.� I � ". ­& " I,. ", '4 ,,-"I I -0 . I I... -1 .. I../, - � I I . . , . . ,' I 11 I � .. I I tri '' d� , W-1tn, low.. A . .I.. 1. -- -----, ... h de -, ---�----­ --­ . ..... ­ .. S. .,a, s,. p 1. The kind: thalt neither We,5, 'cracks, or curls. ; # , You will need some for your new home. Mounted on guaranteed. rollers, 0 0 Ul 1-1v"�r- , a It"` r 0 d11811 .*I 1-.11"". MIU, . . V-r,1111L�-�U`r; Y, f/.M '115.5" �/§ , - ,I' $''M ., i Jam. <t 1. t !. , ��1 t tyy,; z ��f `ll; n ,fir S { 5,, ' "I P P . , ... , 0 e r " t I`l I..W f�i- .. / ghlL,y/, y... kooks Well. � xr.� 44 - � / , 1 And Hangs "Alell. ­-__ 4.." A� The Fall` is a . good; • t me to piper, �P o have an assortment that you' will f n d contains the stile YOU aro looking for. Wall Pa peg Trim timed .Fee... Ines who has 'been in or from,* ho,wv e' , _ 1 for 35e TM� n ` . ,'this place for the past eight ,years t0 Jan. i; '.1912, - for ' - _. Dress Idiaterials that will Filnd Favor• this $1:55, rr TT has mnoved 'to Clinton. � ! y � V V 6 * Fall '+ . • .• . A ._k1d Winter J. Lasham has improved the Either rate is a rare opportun- IS Co1V111�1C1° e e looks an North St. here by Pullin iky fo obtain a better aequalntance10�*022YPJ" 1EVleat'so be FushiommaUle for F.zll �tl'ezr ? , down somyeoiQ buildings khat have With the two most 'needed, news- + A' o been an people . for pap�is- khat of your orvn district �����'e 1�� w, O many Years, and the. Great Canadian Weeltly, a 4 Sl'hia ie a queHtion that is often asked and is of intemest to The tV; P. M. S. of ` $ulxis. ani Send all orders to, Clinton New 4 every arotnan. W P were never in a better position to answer it Era 'office, CLINTON CLINTON * la we are this se„son. Alreedy large sbipments of. the very me :ti g on . T esday in !lent.Knox --------. 'To9@';'V• �g`iLL, C• Knox latest weaves and shades have been received from the best meeting- . ♦1. ” . :." makers. rete at' an i Mrs, Gauld.ofFor 'Noug 1i�!11��01+*.#*`****+4K40**#*#lk**aO�O��A1�����40*. moss gave an interesting address. •�or Ta* � said fur �ov�rR Anniversdry Services.—The Services.- RCfOPM Of Mirth Wit versary services of the Londesboro • � 1; • r'4 P1 _ blethodist church will be held on '-4 ` Lat4fthter, �CiV F'illl C10ibS Sunday Oc't. '30th: Rev, E, A, •Fear The Oktaiva Journal tsays that at :tie4�' Fall ;Lti�s twills preach at 10.04 a.m. Rev. :fir, khe Doming seseian of the f Tickets 2gc and 35e T. Pearcy, M.A., will preach at 17 vmcial Le'gisla'ture a strong pro- Shark's a k' Diagnols , tempt will be made to obtal z 1 g- l Shark's Back haven s Wing p.m, Mondey evening thanksgiv- Matte Cloth New Ring Blue Ing Day; +the annual fowl supper Islation permitting municipalities argument and ass'into ti Broadcloth Copenhagen will be -served in the basement of. 'to levy on bmmildf'ngs' and improve- ' politics, and' become recognized as Amethgat .time Church from 5.30 to 8.00 o'clock - ments a lower rate o Coarse Sergca Concord after which an excellent program f taxation ,.all important one by men of -all par ' Venetians C ';than.on the land,' ties. ea Leaf will be given 'in the church, lyTxss The Journal illu's'trates the at- ue inAseeing tnd it his great step�leto. 1 $tlrgandy Gc-KrIzde Hart, of Hensall, Elocu_ 'tmeting power' of such system of ward justice. in taxation taken bV state tionist. Air, F; J. Hill, of Wt. . assessment by citing an instance in ` the Ontario soloist, will take part in the :. ro_ which Vancouver; whiclm has adopt have been, gl ad +toatue , Itrwoulmn+ gram. Addressee ., are P ed it, get''s a building which .expected p U had carried out by a Liberal Provfnc- e from Rev. E, A. Fear and .Mr. John been lanned for Everett Wash. fal Go•c ernment; it wilt be'glad to , Wilford of Blyth; Rev. W.T:Pearcy 1.The Everett, citizen owned some see :int brought into effect by. 'a - -- df Londe ---To 'amid Rev. F. E: Clys- 1 VP d oTeearing that CommservakiYe one, 'The next.. best .. --- -- o s in Vaheou ""'� 'Adul'ts 35c ehfidren`20c. Rev.. ,7. bbujlding and imprgveznent a dopted by '-�gpr' Qv�� at la mfsfoxtune to lose It%/brother •wbn H, Osterhout, �• _ m4►ade Inquire and learned that wlll.'be'rEo. liav large p • was badly •wounded and afterwards A" B r D., Pastor: 'there was no 'taxation 1 vied' t e municipalities em- ' PRACTICI♦1 Sas ' a on po vexed to adopt it.., -If a . few U 1? D 1tagS, died in hospital. In' 864, the vat . A change. has occured in 'the vili� personal property' -'or buildin s municipalities Put the being over, he tn'oved into Canada age by (the purchase of Dr, That decided his course. Elplajn_• p once; it woud ver ssoom into As Told' Uy, County Ya Pis and •se'ttled'-at Walton { Callus's tactics' by Dr. Duncan Ing .it, he.. says : ra y n .be A Huron Coun- p generaliy'.adopted?'.. ty,.arzcZ•in ,Feb. 1866 he tvas info ted' ,Allison .of Belgrave; -Dr, MaeCal- The above informaflon decided.1 '------=-.. .Into Masonry In. Brl'tannia •Lodge. lum as 'been iii ,the village' for 'the matter for me. The buildingis No. 184, Seaforth, Ont. In 1.872 bro. 'throughout twelve. yeas ,and lzas had' I had planned £ar Hetvi Mr• Justice Teetzel, at .the. tilos John Dinsmore, of Ford•wich;took. Pattison tciok, his d'emnit tromp Br' r throughout •these Yvill'-Ile er ' tt avenue' o% the Fall e a dose of a liniment In place of a 'anaia Lodge and, mt years s.. 'very cotes In Vancouver, B.C.,ssizes in Hamxiilt6n in Medicine, called Pain Kin and h organizationg took part in ,tile: 'successful practice. Dr:. Allison: tYhere impxoyemen'ts are his address.'i(t the Grated. Jur de g, had of St, Johnts ' Lodge, - -comes Very well recommizended..1le from 'taxation. 'In that exempt,. elated 'khat he. has found in ' ' ' a narrow escape. The doctor ax- Brussels be a chartermem- fs a raduate of be compelled. to a n • mo I nor seven vicars' experience on tele rived' in time to administer an anti- y g Toronto Univer- :less than the Pisa y o more Pox Beizch ,that 75 per cent . the; her. Ips tlZis Zod a he success'! sky and basha ttva yeaz s experi� who holds Al, ..B ` and (snore dote and he is improving again, 1me1d' 'y office and was • w: M, 'ence in Medical work in Ontario lots on either side .of me - Ili herder ions emim . mord t3reater care should be talo in i for the year 1876-]87.6, In 1881 M' service hIs'g•raduation. r' rather -have built I would .and 'o'ther serious ere +taking medicine; when bottles are moved' to No 1876-1 76, and. d D • � and , ilt :fn Everett, but are dirertl criminal - cases lying around promiscuous) !tin f Alt- Mrs: Allison will arrive tto-day, and didn't, like the pxospect'og' a In Y. attributable. to liquor. will o.ceu anz.'annual'fine cos p Y g 'The departraent.at•• y. g 'St. ohars Ladg:e, became p Miss ,- 'Aolmes honse, t of m invest- n Toronto iias Much regret ruse a charter inieznbes of Teni le Lad' e Dr. 'Mae 141aan aviil.ietuain.in the mnen:t., So I arts ,oda y. o�Y under conside expressed when St. Thomaas. 'Two p g , x=lllage:'tlll' Ott.. 9th. a e aur s stem piing"' 3'self;to 'sand +the J nation a scheme, I it was learned in Wroxeter of .the years jater,. on 2 nd earj' r' in Y + which makes it udge,' whereby the hand- `' sad death of Mrs : Thos. Fillmore of 'ills organiizstion .of Crgatal'Lod a •November will .leave foi• .a "'• a profitable to jmold moors :ling and Irmana m h't ' 'Embro. Her death b (C`rystal, North ba of g course of s'tu ars ca: land idle and es-, a g• a of liquor Ile ems the result , k ' a, he, was xo- dY .in the London Rog pe taxation than to us din will be cen#ralized'a v - f h lied' e n her b to- a g it d e 1n la- in sin-. & d ktos S c bad iia o 1 `tie o 1 m p. g b , g c a. Di`z • , e 'ed . burned mea p e ha in i y n a the ed.. h sa.r e t ca h w rte and t n 's' o r h d at ; o mn 0 n'i• un a f. e 'lays previous, A husband and two mnember <a*hich'iie'dfd,:retainingh'rs ~-- ,. a'tion;enables IandourneraFm td{politicawh children survive. 1VIr. Fit rship.unkll 1900 • ��~' and 'th#iv o asleep influen s slj et o . tviIX t qe . I or toher conducted a baker there !more came to Saskatchewa when he ��� e I propose to build in era y ere for sev-1 om n, and in 1'9:01 f 0 040 0 e'O e.fi 0 0 i Vancouver and slee 1 years, i ed Sas4tatchewan an, No, 16, 0. . ' "000; p inEverett."I NEW.. PRIMER. The 'ma'tter fs.'sun-clear, fi'o tax The rev sed :'x'` Saskatoon. 0 WITH T$E CgU1;C$Es. w buildings And impprovements is ' to ever i, Imrst, readers are out' The Fall Fair season for 1910( is`he'l'Safrde of •cr 0 penalize• the'buflder and I' since .the new school' ever so °i't is safe to quote records, iminal audit was mprover,. Were' pu't omi the market •the eohla e -said to bonus rte's holdimig of. land been consi e •eeseee�esae�e��s�ea W. H. 'McCracken, the veteran, in se�aslan last tweelt at the c4surt . •vacant and idle. It 'fs to 'burden � d table o , , (grower of prize garden "sass" at house, eGoderich. 3udge. Doyle; ` ' . ONTARIO ST. CIM-RCFi'. . - `terprise and Industry- and. to in en them, espeelally to thepnewato Brussels, kook the following awards County Clerk 'Lane and Reeve Lee- ,to speculation Inn the Pat vite er. 'The word's were. fa + : prim, f, +which height have been more had, kis, of Brussels,., • •constitute . t T/a�st. Sunday 'mm cirning Rev...T, Rr, tunmties•-- ural appor cult,for r too diff, several Faire pitched on the board, wftlm Crown Attorne Se he Ooserzs took •ior his theme «Does' tarot to t° enable land speeu- to school the youngster just starting same date, As Mac is not twins h er• as clerk„ mt estalilmsh a tollggate . hoot amidl.in mmmany' schools they- e i �' ag . *PtLY to be a G"hristlan?" In the . 'ttveeni the mdle 'land and time ` be- were `discarded as ''bein _ i ey 1 ` could only be aft one place at a timne et*ening 'he preadhed a''special ser mnen't and enterprise which invest- al: The Ontario Educational nal As ie - hence both he and the Fairs WIs•s_ A mbSt" unfortunate accident l<mm'on Ito: •the 'young people. .of the Plit it to- use. P -would' ema'tran last Easter cationaI A Iso - !ed'i't: hap .engdr+to,Mrs,,Dr, , , • congregation'. , It is to enable Idle- demandedanear W F Clark nese to .live -upon.] '. Primer.. Premier Whitney- Listowel ., Sf ,was on Monday morning ' Next Sunda Rev. y A .tax .aa � t first .................. 30 he was eta g• Y j3r..lvledd� of rjpon land' _values, exemp'tfng ice.. aid' .that no new bank would be. Seaforth, ......... 48 Stan a ladder in Goderich will pre$ch'.''tlme Annual provement - Is to i r g that tb>Yt about Milverton a` the 'garden, §ather;hg ,some grapes Bducational i ermomis, own. gi ve to, labor Its the Government a end' n, June . th Ford'wieh,' , 42 when, 1a 'der �VUng'round P s Alt the The vising" nt clecfded .on, are she was rec' I'tated(. and a 'League meeting Mond'a' Ha?izilton Times sfng� It. And Che d Blyth, y , , discussing' they,did T'he P' �p to the ground', �venfn Itev. +Mr: O'sterlmoht,:'cif' :khe uestion sa s a ag 'hooka are jua+t out and th new_ ! Brussels - ... 32 Her collarbone'wa� broken'and she g , y This is no par era 'tell us.. that.•the « � r�aeh- 45 received+ severe 'br.0;'sea on toe. Londesboro, gave. a , very interest- ty question, For .mn'ore than twen- is • now Vv revised '-`'- and shoulder. ' • head ing .and instructive '3118smonary ad- ' st 1years'the Tinea has .been it .'w orse 'than formerly, But . 1. 'To�taI................ 226 ;. dress. The Meeting •~vas well at nchly .advocating the as to'be expected from, Tliexe:are six, prisoners In { 4teimd'ed, 'Miss .'Tillie Akam;'favo ` It has seen it• es rePosm, 'bunch of Sncomri et` om rile An average of about 38 prizes at fail at present. Four :of them' are red i through the the Education p encs loans' Ing - 'six Fairs is not often bea`ien In .the re 'tile audience with a solo: days of ridicule, enter the fine' h Department: --Wal Z 'classes of which he exhibits where Wing�hatu is Johix• McLeod, of O Tuesdfay.eVen f erton:TeleseOpe., k snkeng a month on a her oP•'the"Learme V $sed theHOuse +competition is usuaify keen: charge of drunkenness and dfsor, of Refuge,• A oo q mus ~^. ,III . t �.i A 100 am•d foo derly conduct, g d' feat pro- - Y trace, for $10.00 a BagPfetd 4 `foe:' Brown, , the gram' 'was 'given, also• seVerai 'ray 'side, was on the ro ram Last Mon- .jud f fsherman„' 'is awaiting aelee'tfons which were . , +day on Victoria ppars amen+t on g charge of p k, Brussels, be- Ing Property . at ; g damag were much enjoyed by the 'inznates, 'twecn two fleet footed youths in Young Kippemn. Isaac ' w Atha persons 'of Meredith Kemp and 'Aensall a' f Refreshments caasisting of 'grapes , amt• IrYdlan,,Wgs sent up'froln • and, home-made candyteas served ,;. 'BenrS<,grauter. The former Won, ' 'trial on a ew -days ag thef await 'to the inmates• after wich the Lea : 1.'in it seconds. case will !be li a e Wond' ' I . . $ t• Ills .g a members were 'treated by Mr;,�a n d JoLn B. McLauchlan was r.,new- iRoss hs !been, confined ink. ''t '!Vias,. tend Mrs, Mll'teh, The thanks of W Ing oici iriendship in Brussels du _ for some stuns 'awaitln the tall he JLeague ms also. extended to �vlr,: • ' (ing the past week. He came down "the London asyl. al g removal to G. I;: walker, who' furnished mr fwi+th a car of Western cattle for Miss hood, o'f 'RI th a carryall which eo.Mrgyed some Ithe Toronto market, . second; crop of ripe st Picked, , a of The Leaguers, The ebenin was wherries much enjoyed, by all;. rj c An Old Timer.— The and raspberries last week. V iU 1. �Chroniele Masonic The Metlmodist church, at Credit -V BAPTIST $(7RCH. - Published at Saskatoon, on, is being area+tl ' In a recent Issue had the 'following haven + y improved b Services as uSftal Wert ` Sunday � !sketch of Veteran Masons out g the floor raised, M y • when the pal it will be . tkhere, accompanied with their Por'- ..alsovwf has ,the r Harry v both Morningpanel eVenln oeeupfect �traita. Inasmuch as one patriarch sea+ts which mill adw,Windows and ollem a. stmmdent of W bd {n i�I miss Dot �����V� I L "fuss a former resident of Huron Co, thea great! the ,Singer end dancer f0 +the' sketch will 'be read with 'inter- nee of the clmurch to +� the Ladies Atde will hold a 'tea at 'esft by hn'auy in this section. Anti , r the . -Charles . Har ve of 'home -of . Mrs: 'H. 'Pena tea - t I th , . ! ' +dther old 'Mason is Bro. Robt. Patt 3Y the 3rd roam_ High Sk.,, an Friday, Oct. 21st fro 4 rthlllC() .-Anemb r of 8aska'tehewan n Lod a Arm stdrpbf I gz-d of hogs to week ally Invited, eight. a nm ill i a g .All are cord(- g g .)Prior, at Exeter, for cm• 16, Saskatoon. Bro; Pattison which he received $216, =,•- -► Was born in Yorkshire, England; in Judge l7rm le.meidr :a co - . 1. :-.!#27, amid came + `R9L.�'U , iter , to Canada in -1858. vision on t e. art o era . ? + s A Spending S ndi eaf ,. p n o so r , th .. g me considerable kiet on Sat rda Voterga ° - Itf os' in viewing the country he was +the result,• Added-,, �n n A Y,e dt eedl0g �„#Peai'� at Croe'secl the boundary and evextu- tenants '18�'Mr '13`• entity reached the Southern states otvhers'jf3 'r , atrutk-ofip-� the Hoop "�toere he +tD'ok up (and and' went In •ilttle iCu6t. . +Xor raising 'cotton, In 1861 on the -- w . I stunts 3 4o>2bl�reak of the American Civil War Pt mny not • ,ber anilse`11r ��IB 271.0 .tel 1t11 `�$1 We always have. tboml for mare' ' ro, 'PlAtisO n enlisted In the Con- ou't that the .�'4zG 04b tons bt floinrr ubber bere''and welcome, pVerb m5ei� • ° • ederaite Army and, reYnained fent se- raised+ o hayreaderA&I amfther valUed lnernbei�.r: P �t1m i ta'tme of Ontario this of aur ever increasing e]lentele, io—a ttri eerrriee unlit time coat (mf the d6di rtt are Worth mare money thail As trbeing esfely through thone the. e,,tiit whei t, i'op tri 'lney Cab . b it r3 eclat fladue$srnemmlt we are, pp►t5olr srtitmleaoriree times arithotit g On'tar�o,.fe atfll,.kittn,11#ulirmobe b>u a �✓�` , I'll tcb.8e d y arrl3nitietle aliYe' td off`br i"he ever, tb title tr W ekl�* 7dsfl dncl ?�?.>sir axox; With _ � - ��,#14-, ga Cher•-- & Terms a ash.. .One Pri ce Only. � '&W1N1v,S L — wm"r . I I L , . I * .. , I 1! --- '' � I . . .. � I- . . - 1. ­ . • .. I L.. 'L . * ' L , , , , , � . ­ . I 'I .. `T� e 1. I .. - -.---- 1------1-,---1 M,on' 1. I... L.. �.. � .. ........Y7 ­. --I � . Is .1. I . I � . , L :' . Aff” in . W.M � ­ . . : . ak , 1.1 ...... ­. I.... I.. L -1 . O .. • ; 1. pportuntties . . conn'ected'-with our sales is ctrl Saturday. forenoon � , g ng a grip'on those wha'stud househo economy. LVe the exact! y le offer srnaIl u g. y wh�.t we advertise; We . quantities only of each line, as w..eLcannot ..afford to sell larger lots at such: rice , so ' . on just enough to brin those who pit the forenoon ` g o can corns out 1n and, pay them well for comin .. g . �+ f Q ' a to ,. red a . �,o L rn r, 1] n y Six''only Wh1tc Bed' Spreads, 'manufacturer's seconds, slightly, imperfect; .regular price -$t:5o, •full ' � size, crochet and toilet patterns,. for: each �,I(QI • '. ScotchIankets - .Only three pairs, guaranteed , .. . wool and warranted noto`sh sed Scotch,' all pure • . b 8'z inch rink in washing,..ize 6� . Y eA, � these goods are well worth . think you will Sa so when you see them. To int a�' duce these splendid Dods va►e ' . . goods offer these three .paid' only Saturday morning at per pair...........,,,.,....L.... 8,11; • $x; Sofor$1, Eight people only can •partici ate in thi . bargain, Black Moir Skirts tfi p . s big , e best skirt of the Find we'':ever' saw at $ i.5o, , eight only for 'es,ch......., Loo - Kindly e • . y • .. R u tuber I . . . . That these paces are for'Saturday morning onIy'' and positively cannot be bought after 1z o'clock for less than 'regular' prices. . . oOr �tinery Department Is running to its` utmost capacity.' : The eo C here --they get suited without any trouble. be- .' cause our styles are correct and our prices right. . . New floats, Furs, 146sierY, Corsets Gtlo . New Dress Goods, Underwear, Flannelettes •. . Ne* .ace Curtains, Floor Ooverings ' . .. . w ET ,Mv . � - � - T ff ... , 1. 11 -it Z�,.- - - I - ,. I 1. .. i r Y.O. . . I I . . I .1 � : .1 I ... . ­ , X , . , , , , , , . , 1 I .- I— I N.L. i �io .. .. ­ ­1*4, �0 -- . . . .. . � , I , * 0 I .,"..-, � . The P6 , ole ,.& tone . .. ....I. � ,::. . I • n %tib: C.. r -. .., .. . 7. •rte.., rI'l l .. ....w'.Nl 1-1 , . ,..,,. . , ` :' ° . • Mks - 1. .. eav:a--7-im.effi J = eas1J•u. wua...uau.a..Jrtvu,.u-..au.xuar_.n..a.—.xsz.•..,ru.�-.wa.....—,..-....-- .......a.._.ia..-..,-..., .,.•..........ern... -.n. a ... .... ---- _.�_.._�_....— _.__._.�..�_r_.�____.....�.�...._.dnwY.,mnrw�.—r�mvecm-...m.•s.as_SAL.�r..u�um=.ssmebe�m..kwsan- =. r. ..—.,....�... •....-. rsu�eo�mSv-ruu