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The Clinton New Era, 1910-09-29, Page 6
U A ftPt.;2M 1910 A —.,, ,�# :_ ,. T.R.. m - ,�� -:nr cy' NOWMANY REALIZE ...-_ ..- ..,- n....... -b,•_+.._ ., - nryaAkism MAKING HERD BULLS ,�Yet,� people 7.haareusu " M �casionally '-�. • .n .-:n..-. -- �.., •+r -v-• .PA�...I'll BREEDS FOR : - ; .I .., ih'•.e•«..,..Mlr* THE MARVELLOUS , p v ep EARN THEIR KEEP, ilealtil.� .requ�eEST pmeluld of afaodtank,,.ex- rovim, that excellent combi- u LA MUTTON AND LAMB1 : ' ,u�Je,pC nation of beef, iron and sherry VALUE OF FRUIT --�— ' ranine, in if taken when the Sys- �� ".Hawn", . j �� •r From the dean Duluth farm north- rein is run down. from over. D4acu$eing the 'rape of the : ,-„_ lgstrating ilii Minnesota come photographs il- to what good use they are 1 utting lied Poll and ouernaey bnUs, and work or a sli ht cold, will p recent a more serious illness. breeds and their crosses for tide pro- duction of mutton and lamb, I. P. Ross says in Farm and FSresWe; The . 11 `� ,. 1., !a �;-t ; �. i r G. ' ,. ,It CURlN� MANY DISEASES I writes Joseph ltJ Wing n the Breeder's prevent breeds we treat of are the Sbropshires, �� + a r \ ,1 .,, •, _.- + ,ar �t.rf. ,_ _, exazette< aiFruic It as evident that theao brills are: mueh more than earning their Val and all thin -blooded $1.00 a bottle. Southdowna; Hampshire$ and Dorsets, the strictly ""Down" breeds, so called gi" _ - _ _ Wonderfui Success 01 �-tires" keep. They are doing very people.- iiecanse of tlietr origin in the general • ---The Famous Fruit Medicine ]:fruit juice consists of about 9x% W ater, 8°° of sweet matter, and only x% of an intensely bitter substance. Careful experiments show that it is this bitter 1 principle, which is the active or. medi- E emab material of fruit juice. 1. Under certain conditions, the bitter principle can be made to replace or t transform some of the sweet atoms in the juice, thus making a new compound which is much more active medicinally :1 than than the ordinary juice. ?: Many fruits were analyzed and it was found that -the juices of apples, oranges, useful Wong. Doubtless by means of this hard work they are maintaining theft virility and potency as well. They are good and useful members of Boris- ty on the Jean Duluth farm This is as it should be, A caged bail is subjected to the worst Possible conditions. His lack of movement, of stretch of masele, is bad for his viril- ity. Imprisonment sours his temper or makes him stupid. He cannot live a natural life In such environment, I#ulls "tire massed of huge muscles. it Is good for,them to have use, . Nor are they in- tractable,. rightly broken, nor difficult to manage. region of the downs or low rolling .4 concrete x euee xos#s amines 'T"nese hills of the south of Englund. Of S x these breeds the bean iqt our purpose ro are sightly, strong, permanent. your spare time. The book carefully and sfinply p Is probably the Shropshire. c Concrete is, in many localities, cheaper than tells all. The regular price of the book is 50c. i! Theso sheep have taken the firmest I bold, of any of the tnutton breeds in wood, for 'fence posts, and more durable than We are distributing iree, a limited number, how- a this country and Canada. The high stone, brick or iron. Our book, ever, and charging up the cost to advertising. o gnality'or their meat, We amount of 0�� That's why you et our co free, i£ you sin I high grade wool they will produce -tire What The: Farmer Can Do With y y g y copy � y g ram`s &sees constants canning to Z ai the coupon. and send it to -day, Do if now. 4 , y .. Concrete is sent FREE. 7 twelve pounds and the ewe's to eight A their hardiness and ability to thrive 4 It tells how to make, not only fence posts, but In almost any climate and at any alt , walks, curbs, horse: blocks, barn foundations, tulle, and their good, early and prolisc +, feeding floors, well curbs, drinking troughs, silos, motherhood commend them most high- 10dairies,, and many other farm utilities where figs and prunes gave the best results. l.r to the grower o! winter and spring ,`e These fruit juices, having been made There +fro certain classes of work lambs as well as of mutton generally, w cleanliness, strength and durability are required. i more active by to secret process of where cattle come. well in play. They Southdowns are well represented on x .,, Many of these things are simple and inexpen- changing the sweet principe into the are admirable.to draw the bay waatgonss this side of the .water, though not sive to make, and may easily be put together in bitter, are combin wit tonics an from meadow to barn eorbe ria axi of ammonia mw half an ourim %i • pearly so -numerously as are the . antiseptics and made into tablets. These has always splendid great oxen doing Fx*let•'s solution three times a day, tablets are to famous fruit medicine- this trick in Vermont They also Plow. Shape, The Southdown is file small -l- CANADA CEMENT CO., Limited '" Fruit -a -rives "-known in every part haul manure, haul ori stone and upturn Grub in Head of Sheep. est of the Down breeds, lite rams s.�l- of Canada for their wonderful curative stumps. There la an amazing lot of The best preventive of .grab in the doth going over 200 pounds or the ewes 51140 National $apk l3uilding MONTREAL qualities is diseases of the Stomach, 1s tfead of sbeep to to tar their noses over IM In color the face and legs . ' - Liver, Bowels, Kidneys and Skin, slow, reststless Power in a good team weekly and provide a dark sbed for are more of, a brown than a black. �- "" Fruit-a-tives " is the only medicine of either oxen or bulls. in old Mesa, them t0 inn. under during the mouth They aro credited here with being tine I� - 0, �- �,/ ,e, in to world made of fruit juices, Soc. co I have seen very splendid oxen, of Augtast hardiest and least subject to disease /•1 a box, 6 for $2.5o or trial size, 25a 5 gentle as horses well fed and cared of any of the Down breeds, but with 1 ", '"� for. drawing Immense -loads of stone Stomach worms In L -ambo. , �� , r , �°"�"`��� mmiiimioiziii --� or merchandise- forage. In France p'�IIg 'tobacco dust or .ground tit- what truth I ealinot say from expert- ' one sees the best oxeh nowadays. baceo stems 1s claimed by some breed- ence. They ax good grazers,. good J There it is the practice on some of the ers to be a 'preventive for this pest. breeders and mothers, but not disposed t j r MAKING BUTTER test farms to buy young cattle adapt This is mixed with salt and put where to breed quite as early as the Shrops. ed to' work, often of the Nivernalse sheep have free access to It. Their meat and wool are both of good . OIV THE FARMI breed, to work them on the ft►rin for a Bloody Milk. quality, but the rams rarely fleece over t , Gwen the cow a teaspoonful of post- eight or the ewes over. six pounds. In a �' j (/ ����' ,� "- ,1 , - dered sulphate of iron mixed with sag, districts where they abound the ar and salt �morning sill night to her farmer who has a special liking for The butter• produced on my place is =v feed of crushed turn or bran Continue them vitt do well to admit his ewes to N of the best quality. and I never fail in for a month to case the blood does not one +° still better, to two crosses o! • ! y , t fora m uth In .ase t. Dorset or Oxford for the sake. of the a half. 'Do'not feed corn. That am,^ CEI)Ak POSTS FOR 81L1E�� F: W•, CUTL E .. � receiving the highest market price for early breeding tendency, and in the mal.will do best on oats, bran and -hay.* Pai.rtter and Ra It is the manner in which a well - 9oouae and 'Thairaps In gigs.case of the Oxford atao for the yin- Green grass often fends to, itchiness oI The undersigned has a quantity of per Ranger. . known dairy farmer expresses him- Thumps come from overfeeding and creams of size, and weight, the 4kin• After clipping apply to the choice Cedar Posts for sale. All work guaranteed. self as to making butter on the farm Tack of exercise Scouring suggests Hampshires are, I think, hardly a9 ItchingPIItICES ICE iS0\aliLE ' Prices reasonable. parts as, required a mixture of Perhaps It would not be out of place.. that the slop may be from ;darty slop widely distributed 'as the Shrops .or one dram .each of diluted sulphuric ; reS1ClenCe nearly OppOSitE the ;, If I should give your readers my barrels. It is absolutely necessary to Southdowus in this country, though acid and carbolic acid in a pint of eTt�11�La�9 iiA��ir.�It}n. method. ' ."v keep the barrels,elean and•sweet for alar In the English water. A 11ttle menthol added is ef- Collegiate Institute. sour, docompost" slop often causes they sex$ very pop My equipment consists of a four � colionles. They. run to great weights tective Where itching i$'. excessive. — -- - . horsepower gasoline engine, cream fatal scouring. and their meat is held In high esteem, wash the affected arts before the first -� • • separator, churn, batter worker, a one P After a drink calf is a few days ,F i� er two shipping boxes and Preerentlore of Rickets. � but true #tet oftheirwool being often application of medicine, is. made. If old it will drink water, and it should New A �i�� S�l{.���� . Pound print PP g Stop, feeding con to pregnant and. eonaewhat coarse and small in amount the trouble continues give a table be supplied regularly the same as other g N A , a little, weighing scale. These are all nursing sows and to young pigs and rather works against their popularity. spoonful twice daily of a mixture of animals, ' It will suffer especially in essentials except the engine. In my there will be little if any trouble from $ • the o engine is a grand atl'air, but L They are:proliflc, but not early breed- equal parts Of powdered wood char- hot weather it it gets no•water. Save. Tt"O��et'it'igS • ; --- - this form ,ot paralysis, which is as'so- ers, good milkers and . good mothers.. coal and granular hyposulphate of all the better calves from the best pro- . 11 will not take space here to dwell on -_ ciated dvitb rickets. It comes from The lambs grow rapidly, but, soda.' during cows for future breeding stock., it The centrifugal cream separator is overfeeding heating' • and fattening meat hardly equals In quality that of the costliest piece and the last .one I sssrrltss. ' foods and SiVing too Tittle bone build-'� Veals are at a good :price at present, Saving received some of New Fall. world part with because with it I get • the other Down lamb: •To. obtain the ll a better tin Is a W gs, comdpose . . BEAN: CULTURE.' but it is poor'•economy to se ui ndTrouse dot Ing material: Special Imported o rs t e s and practically all the butter fat few- years„ heeding' them •-welL Tbeq for veal that in a short time will make .rweeds. we are prepared to boob` reach very heavy weights and am .Bog Spavin- Instructions For Growing of Vegetable a good cow. orders for the INCOMING SEASON. I do not feed fat worth 25 cents a ge I und_to_a_fLxer six cent a pound nal marihotedais beef. Poxtltiee. rife pact with antiphlogis• 3 Y j ♦ For Use During Green State, It will be to your advantage to select s less t7isu rice for a week and afterward rub. fn �*� y L y as�1 a These cultural instructions pertain to Profit of Well Mated Team, your suit early and get a good choice. calf when I-caa>--get feed t There fs 'in : Ii'tat� litr" Ixe?n�'- .lodine, 3t"' nt every`d'ay ftrr-9IiWther" - fi ..�. >v .,'--the-growl Although . you ma no Two borses,that work well together, g y "y' t want the suit 2 cents a pound that will meet file de- against . tYo1n oxen. I think, and r at le i alone roc's W`41-1, ^' ;zzr'', - me' gro ing«of-beans. for�nse�dsal:Itlga.--,...c �e`e iff, `-�freeuavd�hiave-a�uni-•r.for two mo_ntha, .we will hold your theteetove•no•kssened price. to the mar- week. Atte th t t . s....J�� ��q�;'':aY - mends of the growing animal- Then r ��", the green state or for axis shorts, as the a q i selecbtnn or "o.u. �~ I am sure to get uniformly better res . time until the skin has recovered -from �r '� b � - P form disposition will naturally accom- y ket for the. great cattle of sin years .: ^ �- it is generally known, says the Iowa The Fall and Winter Fashion` Plates ture and flavor in the butter. irritation. Inter it may. be necessary r plish more and be more ProAtable than are Here. Dropin and see them. We••aae• far tuo•,iinboknitnt to America, �: - N. a . ` " Homestead. I have found that cleanliness to all to buster the Part rePeatPdly if the , ,�� , , x r a rloorty mated span. , SATISFACTION' GUAlCtiN'I'EED things and at all times Is a feature of , � r. ,. K <.z � , w yy `, `i will not grow anyn tber and which too resolved• to be "Jn the fashion ut$ce less severe treatment :does not s ,S,r Bar We Eo evatii oarsetves of ulsnlY t p may be 11 i .(i �� �j the utmost importance in producing a expedients -and economics that would j i 11,11. :.:4,� ; . rr " 4 high grade article. The sides and ud- be �, This thins of the .enormous , USI FOL SUMMER SPRAY. 11,111 � ,�' � � '' I - ''' ��' m ins, H1.owever, this is a ; • s leis of the cows are thoroughly clean- great mistake, for fn: order to grow,a dormant, wasted and worse than wast'- .1. souriaDowiv pluzm wrNzaixr, Pro of attention I the llaii . Agents.for British American Dyeing ed with a damp cloth before milking ed power of idle bully .throngiyottt Effective at Baine Time Against Plant good crop of beans the soil must be ,Prop and Cleaning Oo.; Montreal. begins. This prevents dirt and dost Amba stiauld nece}y8 attention and pieeasee and injurious Insecta. results in early lambst, from a fairly rich or you will have a poor and seaipis the best preventive from failing off the cow into the milt[- �,�, , _ flock of Hampshires oneer two crosses crop. Beans will come into bearing of baldness. An occasional ap- A E`ruft.growecs •are desirous of using. I exercise especial care to see that the with a Dorset ram are desirable. earlier on light, sandy soil; but larger hands and clothes of the milker are. Fbegular@Ry In ^tiro ice• one spray that will.be effective against The Dorsets-horned, .with white plication of Bearine� Hair Pom ° ° 5 both plant diseases and injurious 1n crops and pods of better quality can clean and that the milk is drawn into The.�•fa. it creature habit se© faces --.are mostly valued for their tend. ade kee s the scab , i health sects so that• all can- be dealt with at be. grown on heavier soils, only. they P p n Y nothing but vessels that are scruPU comes .11� to be milked at the saime . ency to early breeding, and for that the same finis The department .of en- ., will be a~ little later in .cowing foto COnditi011.. .It Iiourishes the lonely sweet and clean. time each �a;P; And she expects bo be reason the use of the, rams on other After skimming andthe cream is cooled tomology of the University of 'Kansas, - bearing. This .point, should be given hair folicles and. Supplements I BEST S. . ICS T4 fed and in her reg�r tarn. theretom recommends the following: Dobrese has will I .very general: The consideration when planting for. mar- pp .. . sown to avoid bacterial action and" Any, r8antasFbf: her osier life .oar Dorset ram will impart this character- file natural oil Of: the :head cin 1 crops always b k as the earg i ince; six pounds; sulphur, tone water y pBearing not only revents fall- 191 V K ,~,_, , soaring, 'each. skimming_.thu3 being .habit8 wliL affect the :>„she re- istic very surely on. almost any breed, . `. -... Bail'toget6er-in a _l etiie,o- water for r ,,,� l... :a:.. , .. ,. scrubs ,.bu It .mnst.be remem _... even n.' :.,_.x., co6lisd fore befits added tA.thegath�. _turns. ..--.- .. o the best prices er and bot11 _ .._. :.. .... >_: _ phis_ih%_,b ..._ ._est, _ Beianspare v .ten s latex n:ew __....._:.-.._..__ `_,.. .. gu soar: strltm - ; N , z� hair:.,bit stimu _____ .. _ attY tdbes::not Jae ,.,. ;.;.. - d d.g . ..y t.., Four Trains, from Torouto.. erin c in xis cre;ilfii VesseY ?1--� was- --. ti. _ bererl that thl qu y g PI „round -: ,is..l ' g "osier aiid 88d tvv�u hounds:of,arseuate ")_,_. not be anted Until. the, : g > . : held in a little room with insulated - come .lu1Ty 3evie odd tu.'tire ewea-oi-tVtil,:... JPO CtS a lar at O'l1Y` ' . cite warm or`flie..seek' riiliy der -iiti - ._ _-_ _.s�.4Q_w1u :' '154 t5 W walls 1n one corner of my dairy room,, o! less any other breed until the cross is re q . drU Isis.. (i.0&` to 110.10` It should be applied now to peaaches. , the ground. Planting should .be done gg p p the vat being supplied with water and• `1j�fE NARY. peated in the second generation, To . , ice in warm weather. to control the rot •and to apple trees About the time •corn is planted or a lit I ` , obtain this advantage it is not neces, I .MOTH01 i Bala sleeper, carried on 10:10 m. to prevent worany.•a.pples• and to secure ' tie later for main crop. DAYIS I P P When ready to churn I add a quart smooth, s sary, therefore, to .start up a Sock of' train Fridays. metrical trait instead of Plant in rows: eighteen inches apart, ����� or two of buttermilk held in the coolet . For Coughing Norse. Dorset ewes; it Is not even desirable, fruit dtsflgnred by the scab. •This i$ having the seed in drills every four . -- --- ----�� since the last churning, stir thoroughly- --.,6`he.'--toTlowing_ Cemfdy_. will- reli also an excellent spray against insects inches or in hills about one foot apartacli ? ` ti'p�03' . tI1L L`001 Breezes and then place the cream vessel in a cough in horses: Give two drams mu- because arra the crossbsred f ewes the t and y N warm water tank or barrel where the which affect' the potato, For fruit . p in the rows. Cover the seed about two ` _ _...... "`����al. generally the hardiest 'The Oxford temperature is raised to 75 to 80 de trees begin spraying as the blossoms 'inches deep. The writer prefers plant- ' A simple effective remedy for many tittle O#, rile Grec`Lt 'I,al�es' Downs also Have this peculiar faculty, grecs, where. it is held and occasionally fall, then once each month until trait ins in hills, as they are easier to hoe ills e: well m sonic that aro not considered though not so icily :developed, and i conte: Acompouh Javanese vaMent ofbase, inand Sailings daily, except Friday rand hfi9 �n t0 �ppn, and. keep clean from Weeds. , AS $oar. I. conjunction with Japanese it2enthol and Sunday, frum Owen Sound stirred until it is slightly acid and be- their coarseness makes tem less de» y+ gins to have a glossy apPearance: — . suable as sires. as the plants are up commence Lu stir i Sore rugsmakinganefficaciousremedyfor Special train from Toronto"1:00 nm Then I gradually cool down to churn -YOUR ' the soli and give frequent but shad- sate Throat,, sail -ng days Bee Feeding Devioe. _� Butn%Brutses, .' g y When estenslwe feeding becomes low cultivations until the blossoms ap- {, 5traitre, sprain$.' i 1VIeals and berth included on boat, as well as for Insect Bites, Cuts, etc. Ing temperature, 58 to 63 degrees. For itching Skin of Horses, r After that all cultivation should x . It has been stated that bad flavor necessary in the apiary the device 1? Just the thing for•campers, hunters, as Most Pleasant :and Cheapest shown herewith will be toned very In ease of itching skin have the horse cease, as the blossoms are very easily well as for -those that stay at home:. 1. results from the use of buttermilk as eliuoed and cut the Brain ration -duwli 25c:, a box. , Itotttc toe West and a starter, but one is safe if the cream asefuL It consists of a paraffin cosi- knocked o#C, and of coarse this world the Nest of each churning is churned 1n season greatly diminish the crop of pods, DAVIS &'x.nwlt>~rrc1C,]f7ontreat: and the starter held in the cooler till Do not work among your beans _ _ . when they • are wet from rain or dew - wanted. If from any cause a churn.I � 4 . - -I- . I Ing is mach off in flavor I world not a1�t ' if the x011 is so dry that dost rises; as use the buttermilk of this one for a• {e that,would cause the leaves to rusts ferment, but would make' one of skim• earl Died.which often ruins the' crop. For s:•',:•. �t: r Bab N coltstant supply of fresh, tender padsWILLYIELD. H�milk Tbe eammercial starter is sand, :air :::.:: lR yBLOODWSEMEMS. DURED.but is not an essential. I : atj;,•. make successional. plantings until the. I have Pound that warm cream and —�---- middle of duly. j & K Established 20. Years ,, ya E. � t Keeping all pods picked while young Drs. ' speedy churning are fatal to fancy but- To Lydia E. Pidkha' m s �UpE � -1 Q`/� {�(� and tender will .greatly, prolong the ter, Many conditions combine to Influ• - . WAS TAKEN SICK 115 ft g” ging season. Great Improvements ANO NAMES USED WITH. In , *OUT WRITTEN CONSENT encs the time necessary to churn, Vegetable Compound have been made in beans during re- �" . I d'rder to get good results it usually re- cent years, and varieties have been t R,.b no was surprised at how the • quires twenty to thirty minutes. 1 Rockland, Maine. -"`I was troubled ' ^° slim Fi3EDii1i produced which are absoTutety free I 0 soreo healed-"! took your New stop the churn when to butter Is in for a long time with pains in my back ' tlrrom the Amet lcan ,Agriculturist4sentery. ttft;Tson ithwh I NT for a serious blood4. and silo, and was miserable in ever from strings and. tough fiber. Al- I disease with which I had been Iniilicore small granules, draw off the butter- y ed box with a oritl��d wooden float , for twelve, years. I nail consulted a scorn way. •. I doctored, P though seed of these improved varie- ,,. g of h sioians taken. tilt kinds of Ulnad 7 milk and rinse the butter with cleany<< • y M until I was lis- almost as large as the inside dimes• I �' {v Springs and other, r, water of about the same temperature t y ---• "� flea costs more than the common sorts. ' '*' , mo Ic l visited rot s cour%ged, and sions of the box, which in use is set you will be well repaid in the finer Q tntneraa water resorts, but only me'fogot a as the contents of the churn Usually thou ht I should �drd, Clise, Farrell, Oakland, Ma b e' " porury relief, They would hero mo fora y g in a super. For convenience In hang n, quality of the pods produced, , I j time, but after disoontinuing the meds- I one water is sufficient. The butter is ;Y, never get weiL I dling the feeder should be about two writes: --""My dear baby'was taken sick cines tho symptoms would break out 01 weighed and thrown on the butted i pn I r • read a testimoniaL Inches shorter In from one-half inch c again• -runnier; sores blotches, rheum - t+ last fall and wg got the doctor and he prince Rupert and Land Valves. attcpaths, l0osenosso>~ th©hair,swelltngs ` 1 worker, where I apply three fourths of 74 a ;f about Lydia E. + pe of the glands, prams of the bands scaling, , • - "'r about m's Vegeta- at the back and three-quarters inch at said she had d Bente She nearly died an opnce of salt to each pound of but a .. ;` g each side than the super's onside meas Y y Taxation of land values only and BEFOpbTAEATM> N7 tteha[leS9 of the Skin, (1qwpeptic stomach, AFTER tri LATM CNT „tx bla Compound, and ea P with it, but two'or three doses of Dr. the relief of im rovt rnents is steadily etc. I had given up in despair when a ter and work until the salt Is weal in- ss u - .: uremen and the front should be T P . friend advised me to consult yon, as yyou had cured him of asimilar disease s years ago, i 'butter the Sk2< thought I 'would . m, Fowler's Extract Of Wild Strawberry 4aining ground in Canada, particu- I had no hope, but took his advice. , In three weeks* time tho sorescommenced to,heal up eorporated with the butt and, j F ,;. try it. After t&k- partly cut awn as shown, In use the her iarly in tlxe vrestern stales, Wh oh anti I beeamo encoura ed. I continued the NEW nIFTnon TR ATMUNT for four months �E P y. brine elliminated. �a :?« 111 three bottles I completely cured and at rho onfl of thatme every $ m atom had disappeared. I was currd 7 ears ago # g" super may be set below the br0otj have been prompt to perceive the . and no signs ns of -any disease since, yy � -- `— r? way Cllr and ". g Y l/tyoy three years old, is sound and healty. I ter - s . , < chamber with, say, twenty , or twenty My two Iittle boys got a bad case of value of the principle. Prince Rupert I %inly can recommend your treatment with all my heart. You can refer an person to ` Tan a Horse. U`' �' ~ "" never felt 8b well a mo rivately, but you can use this testimonial as you wish.V, r. S, Tying five pounds of . sirup in the feeder. diarrhoea and two doses made a wonder- is the latest City to lnaittnlrato the f p A horse should always be tied to at In all my life. I recommend Lydia E. v ban and they, vete oompletety y this at the We tr+eatNERVOUS DESILTrY. VARICOSE VEINS, VITAL WEAKNESS. 81.00D, ° nkham's Vegetable This amount will be taken up by a s stem and It is doing SIGN end SECRET Diseases. URINARY, BLADDER and KIDNE aomplainU of teen hitching post with a strong strap or I,_ Compound to all strong colony in about two days, IC fuI a beginning of Its history. The our- onwn. rope which there is no Possibili of Co mbiads. Mrs, WILL d Me.J, 8 oared also, Y would not be without � ( and � Are you a victim? have you lost hope?' Are you intending to mar ? Ilan •„-,:,,,,w,_,.,�, � Columbia Avenue, 'Rockland Me. is essential that paraffin be used tree• pox© is niy expiaiued to be the y ry -' -Ift-^breaks.-_I# a.-horse,-OWO stieh a rand medicine $s' ,Ur, Fowler's elliminatiotl of the. land speculatAt ; EADER oublood been diseageO Have yoti an weakness? our Nkw 7Vimnob . -$aEkatshe a typiomko.,emald �ly,..tl4und the �rack;to prevent leaking. g y loose he Is apt to acquire the bad habit r n e ent f ort ri n t oris ""`"'”" """""" + cis of W�1� razvhsrt�t p>f,ix e a ho raposea to desalt his lots unused RicAxnX6 will Cure you, what It has gleno for others t will o for you, Cof Chation P cel wAakneas Qr de a g m y—AmeTiCali .d.g� .,, ree,,,,••No matter who has trental you write for an honest opinion Free of Chapel. of breaking at every opportunity. A have backache don't neglect it. To .... sadiEi-'life i'iic'".'feaall--,Z-value Wla3�h hrirgosreasonn't a Sooka""Free=`Mtusti ted-�6*•disewsos-Otrtiien.,.�„_-..,,..w,,.�.,.•�,,,,.,,„ g twice the price, as T consider 'its, wonder- P f - . M _ neck strap of rope which passes round pgre�lt permanelit ;relief you must reach caittes from the energy; and enterprise Met root of the trouble. Nothing we Fertilizers f`°" Watermelons ful medicine, and I cannot recommend of the real makers of the city. Tip NO NAMES USED Home ontFIMN CONSENT. Everything coofialenttdl.` the neck through the ring in ilio bit is 'Where stable manure is not avail- it too highly." Clueattoal;atand Dost of Home Treetnfent FREE. ' better than the ordinary strap fastened know of will do this so Bat sly and surely• . compelling the speculator to pay ' - as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com: able for watermelon glowing the , tuxes on the true market value Of t in the ring such as usually comes with Zit Fowlers Extract bf Wild Straw. 0R,.s,KNENvN EDY& KENN EDYoL d. Cure the c%use bf these m. Eieor a experiment station recom�. bis land lie must.either utilize it hibridles. If a horse has acquired the been on the market for overregains. achea'alid pallia and yoll will mends th$ following mixture of cam- ' cie1f or sell to those who will, habit of breaking loose try this pian become well and strong, mereW fertilizer: Nitrate of soda, 400 ' e years, so you are not expert- Cdr. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. and fool him when he tries it again. The `great volume of unsolicited pounds; high grade acid phosphate, when you use this old and tried -- t , . testimony constantly • ouring in picovos Po 1 O� �+ All -letters from Canada inust be addressed p For Enlarged Glands. `+ Miro Maize For Hogs. eonclusivel that Lydia E. Plnkham s lwttntisl mttrlato or sulphate of I to our Cana ian Corres 'V'e etable Compound, inade froln roots potash, Zoo pounds, This should be 'bj `not aete t an of the man sub. tV'ben lumps appear In the dog's neck d pon. you Depart- How fond hogs are of milo matzo is g P y . y Went ill ,Windsor, Ont. Tf. you desire to ltlxi herbs, leas estored health toy trioti• mixed ado, applied at the rate Of ?00 ,dltutes for this sterling medicine, but ask near Its chLNst the glances are enlarged., see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and tretit demonstrated by the fact that If a sands of women I, -pounds and upward per acre. bbr , A, good remedy for this ailment is to drove of bogs is turned on a field r inkhaln Of L Ma ixtut, of 800 undr'f for T7r. Fowlers and •insist en getting mix two drams of Iodine with two La oratory an our Windsor offices o which are for Correspondence and Mrs. �' y �r � later tneions a m e PO Laboratory for Canadian business aitly, 'l�tidress all letters as follows; ,', placated in Indian cork, F,Afilr corn And fnvit�eg all sick women to * ri#s what you ask for, Prase 3b cents, _ IiailO they will devour the etttirb Milo her fdr advice, .. i�ri© uilvb guided of,cottonseed meal, 800 pounds of high Ounces of vaselinO and. crib q. Iittle on DRS. ��N��L1Y & KF,TINIUY+ Windsor, Out. crop before #ouchln eftheC Of fhb Otho tiiOiSakld>9 to ilib>tlth #ice bigrade acid phosphate and 800 P4uneg bXainnfaotured only by The T. Milburn filo lump ovoit third lido and continuo pr�tafer our Drtvatoaddresa,�� p >l of ksinit 'tier• acre may be useaL .. Oo., Limited' Toronto, pato for several months it needed. . cr grains. Cl1arge. _._�:. - ....... •11_ ....w . r 11.M ,..14 . . .+-,.-._........,....fin-. .,.,•. _. �.r..-...... ..._,-..-. ...._ _...... ... ._1_._ ___ .._rte_.-._ "" z, C. A INy Y n a •r a 0 0 '& . bitter, are combin wit tonics an from meadow to barn eorbe ria axi of ammonia mw half an ourim %i • pearly so -numerously as are the . antiseptics and made into tablets. These has always splendid great oxen doing Fx*let•'s solution three times a day, tablets are to famous fruit medicine- this trick in Vermont They also Plow. Shape, The Southdown is file small -l- CANADA CEMENT CO., Limited '" Fruit -a -rives "-known in every part haul manure, haul ori stone and upturn Grub in Head of Sheep. est of the Down breeds, lite rams s.�l- of Canada for their wonderful curative stumps. There la an amazing lot of The best preventive of .grab in the doth going over 200 pounds or the ewes 51140 National $apk l3uilding MONTREAL qualities is diseases of the Stomach, 1s tfead of sbeep to to tar their noses over IM In color the face and legs . ' - Liver, Bowels, Kidneys and Skin, slow, reststless Power in a good team weekly and provide a dark sbed for are more of, a brown than a black. �- "" Fruit-a-tives " is the only medicine of either oxen or bulls. in old Mesa, them t0 inn. under during the mouth They aro credited here with being tine I� - 0, �- �,/ ,e, in to world made of fruit juices, Soc. co I have seen very splendid oxen, of Augtast hardiest and least subject to disease /•1 a box, 6 for $2.5o or trial size, 25a 5 gentle as horses well fed and cared of any of the Down breeds, but with 1 ", '"� for. drawing Immense -loads of stone Stomach worms In L -ambo. , �� , r , �°"�"`��� mmiiimioiziii --� or merchandise- forage. In France p'�IIg 'tobacco dust or .ground tit- what truth I ealinot say from expert- ' one sees the best oxeh nowadays. baceo stems 1s claimed by some breed- ence. They ax good grazers,. good J There it is the practice on some of the ers to be a 'preventive for this pest. breeders and mothers, but not disposed t j r MAKING BUTTER test farms to buy young cattle adapt This is mixed with salt and put where to breed quite as early as the Shrops. ed to' work, often of the Nivernalse sheep have free access to It. Their meat and wool are both of good . OIV THE FARMI breed, to work them on the ft►rin for a Bloody Milk. quality, but the rams rarely fleece over t , Gwen the cow a teaspoonful of post- eight or the ewes over. six pounds. In a �' j (/ ����' ,� "- ,1 , - dered sulphate of iron mixed with sag, districts where they abound the ar and salt �morning sill night to her farmer who has a special liking for The butter• produced on my place is =v feed of crushed turn or bran Continue them vitt do well to admit his ewes to N of the best quality. and I never fail in for a month to case the blood does not one +° still better, to two crosses o! • ! y , t fora m uth In .ase t. Dorset or Oxford for the sake. of the a half. 'Do'not feed corn. That am,^ CEI)Ak POSTS FOR 81L1E�� F: W•, CUTL E .. � receiving the highest market price for early breeding tendency, and in the mal.will do best on oats, bran and -hay.* Pai.rtter and Ra It is the manner in which a well - 9oouae and 'Thairaps In gigs.case of the Oxford atao for the yin- Green grass often fends to, itchiness oI The undersigned has a quantity of per Ranger. . known dairy farmer expresses him- Thumps come from overfeeding and creams of size, and weight, the 4kin• After clipping apply to the choice Cedar Posts for sale. All work guaranteed. self as to making butter on the farm Tack of exercise Scouring suggests Hampshires are, I think, hardly a9 ItchingPIItICES ICE iS0\aliLE ' Prices reasonable. parts as, required a mixture of Perhaps It would not be out of place.. that the slop may be from ;darty slop widely distributed 'as the Shrops .or one dram .each of diluted sulphuric ; reS1ClenCe nearly OppOSitE the ;, If I should give your readers my barrels. It is absolutely necessary to Southdowus in this country, though acid and carbolic acid in a pint of eTt�11�La�9 iiA��ir.�It}n. method. ' ."v keep the barrels,elean and•sweet for alar In the English water. A 11ttle menthol added is ef- Collegiate Institute. sour, docompost" slop often causes they sex$ very pop My equipment consists of a four � colionles. They. run to great weights tective Where itching i$'. excessive. — -- - . horsepower gasoline engine, cream fatal scouring. and their meat is held In high esteem, wash the affected arts before the first -� • • separator, churn, batter worker, a one P After a drink calf is a few days ,F i� er two shipping boxes and Preerentlore of Rickets. � but true #tet oftheirwool being often application of medicine, is. made. If old it will drink water, and it should New A �i�� S�l{.���� . Pound print PP g Stop, feeding con to pregnant and. eonaewhat coarse and small in amount the trouble continues give a table be supplied regularly the same as other g N A , a little, weighing scale. These are all nursing sows and to young pigs and rather works against their popularity. spoonful twice daily of a mixture of animals, ' It will suffer especially in essentials except the engine. In my there will be little if any trouble from $ • the o engine is a grand atl'air, but L They are:proliflc, but not early breed- equal parts Of powdered wood char- hot weather it it gets no•water. Save. Tt"O��et'it'igS • ; --- - this form ,ot paralysis, which is as'so- ers, good milkers and . good mothers.. coal and granular hyposulphate of all the better calves from the best pro- . 11 will not take space here to dwell on -_ ciated dvitb rickets. It comes from The lambs grow rapidly, but, soda.' during cows for future breeding stock., it The centrifugal cream separator is overfeeding heating' • and fattening meat hardly equals In quality that of the costliest piece and the last .one I sssrrltss. ' foods and SiVing too Tittle bone build-'� Veals are at a good :price at present, Saving received some of New Fall. world part with because with it I get • the other Down lamb: •To. obtain the ll a better tin Is a W gs, comdpose . . BEAN: CULTURE.' but it is poor'•economy to se ui ndTrouse dot Ing material: Special Imported o rs t e s and practically all the butter fat few- years„ heeding' them •-welL Tbeq for veal that in a short time will make .rweeds. we are prepared to boob` reach very heavy weights and am .Bog Spavin- Instructions For Growing of Vegetable a good cow. orders for the INCOMING SEASON. I do not feed fat worth 25 cents a ge I und_to_a_fLxer six cent a pound nal marihotedais beef. Poxtltiee. rife pact with antiphlogis• 3 Y j ♦ For Use During Green State, It will be to your advantage to select s less t7isu rice for a week and afterward rub. fn �*� y L y as�1 a These cultural instructions pertain to Profit of Well Mated Team, your suit early and get a good choice. calf when I-caa>--get feed t There fs 'in : Ii'tat� litr" Ixe?n�'- .lodine, 3t"' nt every`d'ay ftrr-9IiWther" - fi ..�. >v .,'--the-growl Although . you ma no Two borses,that work well together, g y "y' t want the suit 2 cents a pound that will meet file de- against . tYo1n oxen. I think, and r at le i alone roc's W`41-1, ^' ;zzr'', - me' gro ing«of-beans. for�nse�dsal:Itlga.--,...c �e`e iff, `-�freeuavd�hiave-a�uni-•r.for two mo_ntha, .we will hold your theteetove•no•kssened price. to the mar- week. Atte th t t . s....J�� ��q�;'':aY - mends of the growing animal- Then r ��", the green state or for axis shorts, as the a q i selecbtnn or "o.u. �~ I am sure to get uniformly better res . time until the skin has recovered -from �r '� b � - P form disposition will naturally accom- y ket for the. great cattle of sin years .: ^ �- it is generally known, says the Iowa The Fall and Winter Fashion` Plates ture and flavor in the butter. irritation. Inter it may. be necessary r plish more and be more ProAtable than are Here. Dropin and see them. We••aae• far tuo•,iinboknitnt to America, �: - N. a . ` " Homestead. I have found that cleanliness to all to buster the Part rePeatPdly if the , ,�� , , x r a rloorty mated span. , SATISFACTION' GUAlCtiN'I'EED things and at all times Is a feature of , � r. ,. K <.z � , w yy `, `i will not grow anyn tber and which too resolved• to be "Jn the fashion ut$ce less severe treatment :does not s ,S,r Bar We Eo evatii oarsetves of ulsnlY t p may be 11 i .(i �� �j the utmost importance in producing a expedients -and economics that would j i 11,11. :.:4,� ; . rr " 4 high grade article. The sides and ud- be �, This thins of the .enormous , USI FOL SUMMER SPRAY. 11,111 � ,�' � � '' I - ''' ��' m ins, H1.owever, this is a ; • s leis of the cows are thoroughly clean- great mistake, for fn: order to grow,a dormant, wasted and worse than wast'- .1. souriaDowiv pluzm wrNzaixr, Pro of attention I the llaii . Agents.for British American Dyeing ed with a damp cloth before milking ed power of idle bully .throngiyottt Effective at Baine Time Against Plant good crop of beans the soil must be ,Prop and Cleaning Oo.; Montreal. begins. This prevents dirt and dost Amba stiauld nece}y8 attention and pieeasee and injurious Insecta. results in early lambst, from a fairly rich or you will have a poor and seaipis the best preventive from failing off the cow into the milt[- �,�, , _ flock of Hampshires oneer two crosses crop. Beans will come into bearing of baldness. An occasional ap- A E`ruft.growecs •are desirous of using. I exercise especial care to see that the with a Dorset ram are desirable. earlier on light, sandy soil; but larger hands and clothes of the milker are. Fbegular@Ry In ^tiro ice• one spray that will.be effective against The Dorsets-horned, .with white plication of Bearine� Hair Pom ° ° 5 both plant diseases and injurious 1n crops and pods of better quality can clean and that the milk is drawn into The.�•fa. it creature habit se© faces --.are mostly valued for their tend. ade kee s the scab , i health sects so that• all can- be dealt with at be. grown on heavier soils, only. they P p n Y nothing but vessels that are scruPU comes .11� to be milked at the saime . ency to early breeding, and for that the same finis The department .of en- ., will be a~ little later in .cowing foto COnditi011.. .It Iiourishes the lonely sweet and clean. time each �a;P; And she expects bo be reason the use of the, rams on other After skimming andthe cream is cooled tomology of the University of 'Kansas, - bearing. This .point, should be given hair folicles and. Supplements I BEST S. . ICS T4 fed and in her reg�r tarn. theretom recommends the following: Dobrese has will I .very general: The consideration when planting for. mar- pp .. . sown to avoid bacterial action and" Any, r8antasFbf: her osier life .oar Dorset ram will impart this character- file natural oil Of: the :head cin 1 crops always b k as the earg i ince; six pounds; sulphur, tone water y pBearing not only revents fall- 191 V K ,~,_, , soaring, 'each. skimming_.thu3 being .habit8 wliL affect the :>„she re- istic very surely on. almost any breed, . `. -... Bail'toget6er-in a _l etiie,o- water for r ,,,� l... :a:.. , .. ,. scrubs ,.bu It .mnst.be remem _... even n.' :.,_.x., co6lisd fore befits added tA.thegath�. _turns. ..--.- .. o the best prices er and bot11 _ .._. :.. .... >_: _ phis_ih%_,b ..._ ._est, _ Beianspare v .ten s latex n:ew __....._:.-.._..__ `_,.. .. gu soar: strltm - ; N , z� hair:.,bit stimu _____ .. _ attY tdbes::not Jae ,.,. ;.;.. - d d.g . ..y t.., Four Trains, from Torouto.. erin c in xis cre;ilfii VesseY ?1--� was- --. ti. _ bererl that thl qu y g PI „round -: ,is..l ' g "osier aiid 88d tvv�u hounds:of,arseuate ")_,_. not be anted Until. the, : g > . : held in a little room with insulated - come .lu1Ty 3evie odd tu.'tire ewea-oi-tVtil,:... JPO CtS a lar at O'l1Y` ' . cite warm or`flie..seek' riiliy der -iiti - ._ _-_ _.s�.4Q_w1u :' '154 t5 W walls 1n one corner of my dairy room,, o! less any other breed until the cross is re q . drU Isis.. (i.0&` to 110.10` It should be applied now to peaaches. , the ground. Planting should .be done gg p p the vat being supplied with water and• `1j�fE NARY. peated in the second generation, To . , ice in warm weather. to control the rot •and to apple trees About the time •corn is planted or a lit I ` , obtain this advantage it is not neces, I .MOTH01 i Bala sleeper, carried on 10:10 m. to prevent worany.•a.pples• and to secure ' tie later for main crop. DAYIS I P P When ready to churn I add a quart smooth, s sary, therefore, to .start up a Sock of' train Fridays. metrical trait instead of Plant in rows: eighteen inches apart, ����� or two of buttermilk held in the coolet . For Coughing Norse. Dorset ewes; it Is not even desirable, fruit dtsflgnred by the scab. •This i$ having the seed in drills every four . -- --- ----�� since the last churning, stir thoroughly- --.,6`he.'--toTlowing_ Cemfdy_. will- reli also an excellent spray against insects inches or in hills about one foot apartacli ? ` ti'p�03' . tI1L L`001 Breezes and then place the cream vessel in a cough in horses: Give two drams mu- because arra the crossbsred f ewes the t and y N warm water tank or barrel where the which affect' the potato, For fruit . p in the rows. Cover the seed about two ` _ _...... "`����al. generally the hardiest 'The Oxford temperature is raised to 75 to 80 de trees begin spraying as the blossoms 'inches deep. The writer prefers plant- ' A simple effective remedy for many tittle O#, rile Grec`Lt 'I,al�es' Downs also Have this peculiar faculty, grecs, where. it is held and occasionally fall, then once each month until trait ins in hills, as they are easier to hoe ills e: well m sonic that aro not considered though not so icily :developed, and i conte: Acompouh Javanese vaMent ofbase, inand Sailings daily, except Friday rand hfi9 �n t0 �ppn, and. keep clean from Weeds. , AS $oar. I. conjunction with Japanese it2enthol and Sunday, frum Owen Sound stirred until it is slightly acid and be- their coarseness makes tem less de» y+ gins to have a glossy apPearance: — . suable as sires. as the plants are up commence Lu stir i Sore rugsmakinganefficaciousremedyfor Special train from Toronto"1:00 nm Then I gradually cool down to churn -YOUR ' the soli and give frequent but shad- sate Throat,, sail -ng days Bee Feeding Devioe. _� Butn%Brutses, .' g y When estenslwe feeding becomes low cultivations until the blossoms ap- {, 5traitre, sprain$.' i 1VIeals and berth included on boat, as well as for Insect Bites, Cuts, etc. Ing temperature, 58 to 63 degrees. For itching Skin of Horses, r After that all cultivation should x . It has been stated that bad flavor necessary in the apiary the device 1? Just the thing for•campers, hunters, as Most Pleasant :and Cheapest shown herewith will be toned very In ease of itching skin have the horse cease, as the blossoms are very easily well as for -those that stay at home:. 1. results from the use of buttermilk as eliuoed and cut the Brain ration -duwli 25c:, a box. , Itotttc toe West and a starter, but one is safe if the cream asefuL It consists of a paraffin cosi- knocked o#C, and of coarse this world the Nest of each churning is churned 1n season greatly diminish the crop of pods, DAVIS &'x.nwlt>~rrc1C,]f7ontreat: and the starter held in the cooler till Do not work among your beans _ _ . when they • are wet from rain or dew - wanted. If from any cause a churn.I � 4 . - -I- . I Ing is mach off in flavor I world not a1�t ' if the x011 is so dry that dost rises; as use the buttermilk of this one for a• {e that,would cause the leaves to rusts ferment, but would make' one of skim• earl Died.which often ruins the' crop. For s:•',:•. �t: r Bab N coltstant supply of fresh, tender padsWILLYIELD. H�milk Tbe eammercial starter is sand, :air :::.:: lR yBLOODWSEMEMS. DURED.but is not an essential. I : atj;,•. make successional. plantings until the. I have Pound that warm cream and —�---- middle of duly. j & K Established 20. Years ,, ya E. � t Keeping all pods picked while young Drs. ' speedy churning are fatal to fancy but- To Lydia E. Pidkha' m s �UpE � -1 Q`/� {�(� and tender will .greatly, prolong the ter, Many conditions combine to Influ• - . WAS TAKEN SICK 115 ft g” ging season. Great Improvements ANO NAMES USED WITH. In , *OUT WRITTEN CONSENT encs the time necessary to churn, Vegetable Compound have been made in beans during re- �" . I d'rder to get good results it usually re- cent years, and varieties have been t R,.b no was surprised at how the • quires twenty to thirty minutes. 1 Rockland, Maine. -"`I was troubled ' ^° slim Fi3EDii1i produced which are absoTutety free I 0 soreo healed-"! took your New stop the churn when to butter Is in for a long time with pains in my back ' tlrrom the Amet lcan ,Agriculturist4sentery. ttft;Tson ithwh I NT for a serious blood4. and silo, and was miserable in ever from strings and. tough fiber. Al- I disease with which I had been Iniilicore small granules, draw off the butter- y ed box with a oritl��d wooden float , for twelve, years. I nail consulted a scorn way. •. I doctored, P though seed of these improved varie- ,,. g of h sioians taken. tilt kinds of Ulnad 7 milk and rinse the butter with cleany<< • y M until I was lis- almost as large as the inside dimes• I �' {v Springs and other, r, water of about the same temperature t y ---• "� flea costs more than the common sorts. ' '*' , mo Ic l visited rot s cour%ged, and sions of the box, which in use is set you will be well repaid in the finer Q tntneraa water resorts, but only me'fogot a as the contents of the churn Usually thou ht I should �drd, Clise, Farrell, Oakland, Ma b e' " porury relief, They would hero mo fora y g in a super. For convenience In hang n, quality of the pods produced, , I j time, but after disoontinuing the meds- I one water is sufficient. The butter is ;Y, never get weiL I dling the feeder should be about two writes: --""My dear baby'was taken sick cines tho symptoms would break out 01 weighed and thrown on the butted i pn I r • read a testimoniaL Inches shorter In from one-half inch c again• -runnier; sores blotches, rheum - t+ last fall and wg got the doctor and he prince Rupert and Land Valves. attcpaths, l0osenosso>~ th©hair,swelltngs ` 1 worker, where I apply three fourths of 74 a ;f about Lydia E. + pe of the glands, prams of the bands scaling, , • - "'r about m's Vegeta- at the back and three-quarters inch at said she had d Bente She nearly died an opnce of salt to each pound of but a .. ;` g each side than the super's onside meas Y y Taxation of land values only and BEFOpbTAEATM> N7 tteha[leS9 of the Skin, (1qwpeptic stomach, AFTER tri LATM CNT „tx bla Compound, and ea P with it, but two'or three doses of Dr. the relief of im rovt rnents is steadily etc. I had given up in despair when a ter and work until the salt Is weal in- ss u - .: uremen and the front should be T P . friend advised me to consult yon, as yyou had cured him of asimilar disease s years ago, i 'butter the Sk2< thought I 'would . m, Fowler's Extract Of Wild Strawberry 4aining ground in Canada, particu- I had no hope, but took his advice. , In three weeks* time tho sorescommenced to,heal up eorporated with the butt and, j F ,;. try it. After t&k- partly cut awn as shown, In use the her iarly in tlxe vrestern stales, Wh oh anti I beeamo encoura ed. I continued the NEW nIFTnon TR ATMUNT for four months �E P y. brine elliminated. �a :?« 111 three bottles I completely cured and at rho onfl of thatme every $ m atom had disappeared. I was currd 7 ears ago # g" super may be set below the br0otj have been prompt to perceive the . and no signs ns of -any disease since, yy � -- `— r? way Cllr and ". g Y l/tyoy three years old, is sound and healty. I ter - s . , < chamber with, say, twenty , or twenty My two Iittle boys got a bad case of value of the principle. Prince Rupert I %inly can recommend your treatment with all my heart. You can refer an person to ` Tan a Horse. U`' �' ~ "" never felt 8b well a mo rivately, but you can use this testimonial as you wish.V, r. S, Tying five pounds of . sirup in the feeder. diarrhoea and two doses made a wonder- is the latest City to lnaittnlrato the f p A horse should always be tied to at In all my life. I recommend Lydia E. v ban and they, vete oompletety y this at the We tr+eatNERVOUS DESILTrY. VARICOSE VEINS, VITAL WEAKNESS. 81.00D, ° nkham's Vegetable This amount will be taken up by a s stem and It is doing SIGN end SECRET Diseases. URINARY, BLADDER and KIDNE aomplainU of teen hitching post with a strong strap or I,_ Compound to all strong colony in about two days, IC fuI a beginning of Its history. The our- onwn. rope which there is no Possibili of Co mbiads. Mrs, WILL d Me.J, 8 oared also, Y would not be without � ( and � Are you a victim? have you lost hope?' Are you intending to mar ? Ilan •„-,:,,,,w,_,.,�, � Columbia Avenue, 'Rockland Me. is essential that paraffin be used tree• pox© is niy expiaiued to be the y ry -' -Ift-^breaks.-_I# a.-horse,-OWO stieh a rand medicine $s' ,Ur, Fowler's elliminatiotl of the. land speculatAt ; EADER oublood been diseageO Have yoti an weakness? our Nkw 7Vimnob . -$aEkatshe a typiomko.,emald �ly,..tl4und the �rack;to prevent leaking. g y loose he Is apt to acquire the bad habit r n e ent f ort ri n t oris ""`"'”" """""" + cis of W�1� razvhsrt�t p>f,ix e a ho raposea to desalt his lots unused RicAxnX6 will Cure you, what It has gleno for others t will o for you, Cof Chation P cel wAakneas Qr de a g m y—AmeTiCali .d.g� .,, ree,,,,••No matter who has trental you write for an honest opinion Free of Chapel. of breaking at every opportunity. A have backache don't neglect it. To .... sadiEi-'life i'iic'".'feaall--,Z-value Wla3�h hrirgosreasonn't a Sooka""Free=`Mtusti ted-�6*•disewsos-Otrtiien.,.�„_-..,,..w,,.�.,.•�,,,,.,,„ g twice the price, as T consider 'its, wonder- P f - . M _ neck strap of rope which passes round pgre�lt permanelit ;relief you must reach caittes from the energy; and enterprise Met root of the trouble. Nothing we Fertilizers f`°" Watermelons ful medicine, and I cannot recommend of the real makers of the city. Tip NO NAMES USED Home ontFIMN CONSENT. Everything coofialenttdl.` the neck through the ring in ilio bit is 'Where stable manure is not avail- it too highly." Clueattoal;atand Dost of Home Treetnfent FREE. ' better than the ordinary strap fastened know of will do this so Bat sly and surely• . compelling the speculator to pay ' - as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com: able for watermelon glowing the , tuxes on the true market value Of t in the ring such as usually comes with Zit Fowlers Extract bf Wild Straw. 0R,.s,KNENvN EDY& KENN EDYoL d. Cure the c%use bf these m. Eieor a experiment station recom�. bis land lie must.either utilize it hibridles. If a horse has acquired the been on the market for overregains. achea'alid pallia and yoll will mends th$ following mixture of cam- ' cie1f or sell to those who will, habit of breaking loose try this pian become well and strong, mereW fertilizer: Nitrate of soda, 400 ' e years, so you are not expert- Cdr. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. and fool him when he tries it again. The `great volume of unsolicited pounds; high grade acid phosphate, when you use this old and tried -- t , . testimony constantly • ouring in picovos Po 1 O� �+ All -letters from Canada inust be addressed p For Enlarged Glands. `+ Miro Maize For Hogs. eonclusivel that Lydia E. Plnkham s lwttntisl mttrlato or sulphate of I to our Cana ian Corres 'V'e etable Compound, inade froln roots potash, Zoo pounds, This should be 'bj `not aete t an of the man sub. tV'ben lumps appear In the dog's neck d pon. you Depart- How fond hogs are of milo matzo is g P y . y Went ill ,Windsor, Ont. Tf. you desire to ltlxi herbs, leas estored health toy trioti• mixed ado, applied at the rate Of ?00 ,dltutes for this sterling medicine, but ask near Its chLNst the glances are enlarged., see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and tretit demonstrated by the fact that If a sands of women I, -pounds and upward per acre. bbr , A, good remedy for this ailment is to drove of bogs is turned on a field r inkhaln Of L Ma ixtut, of 800 undr'f for T7r. Fowlers and •insist en getting mix two drams of Iodine with two La oratory an our Windsor offices o which are for Correspondence and Mrs. �' y �r � later tneions a m e PO Laboratory for Canadian business aitly, 'l�tidress all letters as follows; ,', placated in Indian cork, F,Afilr corn And fnvit�eg all sick women to * ri#s what you ask for, Prase 3b cents, _ IiailO they will devour the etttirb Milo her fdr advice, .. i�ri© uilvb guided of,cottonseed meal, 800 pounds of high Ounces of vaselinO and. crib q. Iittle on DRS. ��N��L1Y & KF,TINIUY+ Windsor, Out. crop before #ouchln eftheC Of fhb Otho tiiOiSakld>9 to ilib>tlth #ice bigrade acid phosphate and 800 P4uneg bXainnfaotured only by The T. Milburn filo lump ovoit third lido and continuo pr�tafer our Drtvatoaddresa,�� p >l of ksinit 'tier• acre may be useaL .. Oo., Limited' Toronto, pato for several months it needed. . cr grains. Cl1arge. _._�:. - ....... •11_ ....w . r 11.M ,..14 . . .+-,.-._........,....fin-. .,.,•. _. �.r..-...... ..._,-..-. ...._ _...... ... ._1_._ ___ .._rte_.-._