HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-09-29, Page 5depto, 2 tlil191o, The Clinton gra aniammi THE What Shall .1t Be QUESTION This store is prepared to answer it ! The occas- ion may be what it will— it's our duty to be ready to supply you, and we can do it, too. With pleasure to you, because of the size of our display. With profit to you, be- cause of our ability to sell close. When the gift question presents itself, let us show you how easily we can match your ideas. W. H. Helly ar... "Jeweler and Optician: Births Marriages' & Deaths DIED PLE.A,'TZER.-4e. 'Clinton, on Friday Sept. 23rd Mary Ple'a'tzer, w fe of John Pleatzer, 'aged $0 years, 5 months and' 25 days. In Brueefield, Sept. 17th, to Mr. and' Mrs. TWoford, a son. o In Hamilton, Sept, Path, to Rev. 13.1T, Kahltn and wife a son, (form- erly,of Staxiley.) BORN OHQWEN, on Thursday, Sept. 29 to Mr. and 'Mrs. ,J, G. Chowen, Clin- ton, 'a son, Jervis—In Chicago, on Septtem- ber 3rd., to Mr ,an airs. A. E. Jervis Kimbaek ave., a d'aughter.(nee Miss Marquis,) ( • - • 'MARRIED PEARLY—REEB.—On Wednesday September. 21, 1910, (at Port Col- borne, Ont., by Rev, J. L.'Smail, B. A., of Blyth, Della Irene, eldest dao ehter of Mr. and Mrs. William Reeb Port Colborne, to Rev. Walter T. Pearcy, M. A.,Londesboro, Ont. CLEW—CRICH.—At the bride's re- sidence, in Seaforth, on Sept. 21st, by Rev. D. Rogers, Mr. CharlesGlew of Hullett, to Miss Neseie E. Crich, of Seaforth. STILE REGISTER . --o-- Auction Sale—of farm stock, crops, im plements, etc at lot 32. Con. 11, Hullett Sale at one o'clock, No reserve Ohas. H. Manning, prop. : Thos. Gundry, auc. Auction of heavy horses at his stable Isaac Street at 1 o'clock p m. on Tues day Oct. 4 20 Colts. OLIVER JOHN- SON anct H. IRWIN Pr opt ie tor s OHN•SONanctH.IRWINProptietors John Purvis. Auctioneer. saNt 41. Personal -Notes: * IIf those having relatives Or friends 44.. Visiting in town or going away notify us of the face each weak, we would announce it in the Naw ERA. vinimmensow X+++4444444444-1444-1411 Girl Wanted. Girlanted for general house work good ages Apply to 0. CRIOH Apples for Sale A few barrels of apples for home use for sale. Apply to R. R. SLOAN, 2in Porters Hill. Money Wanted —o— Persons having money to invest 'in farm Mortgages may secure invest- rients by applying to me. Some good Mortgages for sale. W. BRYDONE. 2t Appl'icat'ions -Wanted---- Applications will he received, for the position of Superintendant, and Chief Engineer of the power plant, for the town of Clinton, applicants to state salary and qualifications,address same to the clerk, on or before 7:00 o'clock, p.m. Tuesday. Sept. 20th. D. L. MACPHERSON, Clerk. House 10 Let -0- On Mill St., an eight room house with good summer kitchen and 'woodshed, a good cellar and bear- ing orchard all in, good repair, oc- cupied by the Misses Sterling. Apply to MRS.JANE CAMPBELL. Brucefield, or NEW ERA OFFICE. .0 ntr - . o a ctofi s: ,-Notice - +-,t►a a On Saturday the 15th of October a cor'ract for the erection of a snow 'fence between Hullett and Tuckersmith, the place known as R:.ns ord's Hill at Stapleton, will be letailContract will be let at- the above place at 3.00 'o'clock 'H.H. Hill Reeve Hullett. Robt.'McKay, Reeve Tuckersmith riIvate Sale Pivate sale of household furniture still continues. Mattresses, Carpets, rugs, curtains portieres, blankets, sheets, quilts etc, Walnut cherry- quar- ter cut oak and other furniture. 1 sewing machin e, 1 upright piano (almost new) 1 small coal heater 1 lawn -roller, sideboard, pictures china, clocks, brass lamps, and other articles too numerous to men t i o n. Every afternoon at the residence in Huron St. lately occupied by R. Ransford. also a number of good hooks MARGARRT ONEILL Proprietress Mrs. G. E. Roemer, of Kansas City was called lhere on account of 'the illness of her mother. Mrs. T. Trick. She was accompanied by Mrs. Frank Whedon, of St. Louis, sister of Mrs. 'Trick. 'Mrs. Trick is now improving as her many friends. would like to see. Mrs. Joseph (Webster and little daughter, Bertha, of Londesboro, are guests .of Mrs. Ed. 'Saville. Poultry for Sale • 10 Rose .Comb Rhode Island, Red cockerels. American strain, for sale at $I00 and $15U each,. J. C. PUWNEY 2c Blyth........ Wanted . Wanted at once at the Alexandra, Marine of General Hospital (4oderich two pulit nurser. • Apply to Miss Grif- fiths Lady Superintendent Goderich P. 0, 2t Lost Nichol band with cap of Buggy Hub the person returni n g same to this office will be rewarded. It Private Sale - Private bale of house hold furniture, including,' mattresses, hed'spring, hed room sets, two side boards, parlor suit Ismps, 3 stoves, other f u r n i. t u r e. Every afternoon during_ October: at 1-resinerrettr-ore.:OritaaitetStiati-1:4E5We' latelyvccipie iy-Mrst?t;e ..1V%c-1%ti HANNAH MoKENZIE Wanted Wanted°art cure's good .general ser- vant toMr vant pP y orth S .s.' Hall N t. Goderich. 2t Rifles for Sale Two els caliber Stevens rifles $8.00 and $8.00. BERT'HOVEY. For Sale A (good heater for 'sale—ArtSou- venir—Apply, to 11) 0. BOX 4, THE OLD RELIABLE BUS 11VIAN-,- --r,--- My 'headquarters are now at the Rattenbury House. The phone No. is 48. Ring the ''up if you 'want a bus or baggage tall,to any part the town. JOH COOK. Millinery Openings PLEASE REMEMBER THIS ON Sept. 3oth and Oct. 1st. The Newest in the trade will be shown to you. We expect a lot of the new School Books on Soturday, We can show you something Extra in Grain Bags,' Robes, Rugs, Blankets, etc. Do you want Rubbers and Shoes.—.This is the place. Lots of fruit jars on hand. . Highest Price for Produce. t R. Adams, Londesboro. There's No Place Like Home if it be cosy and comfortably fur- nished, Yours can be if you take advantage of our furniture offer- ing. Dining Room Furniture particularly is prominent in the offering and if you want a 'side- board, chinaeloset, table or chair, now is the time to purchase. `. 'a''`il ,F ,J/ u , i a„ri i I i,; i�, 1l/ tijuRid The Cheapest Spot in Muton to bay ail kinds of Furniture. HOOVER & BALL " t7NT 1tTS% IqkI e1ia If you have any trout- .le with your eyes—diffi- cultin seeing distinct or reading, aching ,ey+, tir ed eyes. If you suffer from headache, if. the child cannot see well at schoo' or if the child's eyes soon become tired, call and have them ex- amined 'most carefully.. No Charge • FOR Examinanion We have all appli- ances for careful ex- amination. 'All work • guaranteed satisfac- tory. atisfac-tory. 1-l. J. Grigg Jeweler and Optician. Issuer of Marriage Licenses Mr. Geo. Walker, made a business trip to Wingham and 'Harriston this meek, Mrs. John Hartley, •spent Sunday the guest'of Rev. and 'Mrs. Oster-- hout at Londesboro. Douglas Stewart and Dean.Cour- tice (left 'for :'Toronto ,on Monday, the 'former Ito attend the univer- sity, the latter to. take a course in practical science. • Mr. James 'Walker Is suffering from paralysis. • ' 'Mrs.'William ''A: . Brown, of De- ltrio't, and (son, Robert John, Who. have been (visiting for the past kn'onth at the home of Mr. 1'tobert Brown, Hullett, returned back to lth'e i't�(to day. rThursday. _ .fl'he Rev, F.' W. Eo_vey, Rector • of Burlington is visiting 'his brother Mr. J. E. 'Hovey. Mr, E. E. 'Manning returned Tues - ,day riig'ht 'fro(m, his trip to 'the Western States. Mr. W. R. Williams; formerly with the Soverign 'Bank' here has taken charge of /the cash in the 'Molson's. Bank, Victor French, formerly Mechan- ical superintendent of the New Era, but tfor the past ten years published a paper at lWetaskawin Alberta, 'is visiting friends in town being the (guest of his mother-in- law, Mrs. fW. Cooper. 'He is .on his way home !from Atlanta, Ga. where he went 'las the Western deligate to (the (Grand-Lodge'of Oddfellows When he (located in the west his present-honiie Was a village. of 300_ ,: nl abitaiats, .'now :. it is.:n -flourish-- Y cemnanitag4ar3 5110;'- n 1. fivar - bers rabaut ,a dozen Clin'tonians 'a- mong its population: 'Mr; and Mrs. D. French are also residents of the same place, .Land their' old friends ;liiere will 'be 'glad to know they are ienjoyqing a fair Measure good health. 1 i CANADIAN NEWS. • * * .. * '5 * y: Mrs. Ross of Cypress River, Man., was struck by an 'electric (rotor at Merritton and killed. The steamer D. R. 'Hanna was sun rill collision in - the St. Clair River with the Harvey H. Brown. The steamers ,Montcalm and Crown Prince Olaf were In collision' a short distance below Quebec, and both were damaged. J. Ransom Howitt was nominated by the conservatives of south Well- ington Tor the seat In theLegislat,. ure made vacant by the resignation. of Joseph Downey. prominently in 'all displays' 14 the drooping brim. While this. effect 14 really a dominant feature the vari- ations 'which are 'given to the de- signing of the 'brim Make it poss- lble•even 'in this respect to select a shape which will show individual- ity, small 'turban - shapes are also conspicuous, and in a variety of designs in which the drooped crown is frequently seen. Feather bands of all descriptions are• freely 'used on hats -of all kinds Beaded and tapestry bands are also for the 'brims of 'turbans. Wings quills and birds are used plentifully ostrich and aigrette and flowers still hold' popularity. Lace is in high favor and is used in ivany okays. 'Trimmings are mostly ar- ranged to give a simple effect, The wee tots and the young Misses have not been overlooked. For the former the smaller shapes are prominent while for the older girls the dimensions of 'the hat are frequently almost as great as women's. Couch & Co. The showroom in Couch & Co's, store was bright and rich with gay blendings of color,the firm • made an exceptionally large and elab'ora'te display of handsome hats. One was. a black velvet hart, With birds of Paradise trimming a very pleasing, one 'was a large hat 'trimmed in Kings blue, silk beaver and had a large osprey. Another was. one of military style. fur hat of black Iamb The 'handsome modle .of a large black Gainsboro Was shown, of silk beaver trimming with willow plums. and black ' lace and' a large jet buckle. At !1Vliss Oan'telon's. Miss Oantelon desires to thank the ladies Poi the town and vicinity for their kind attention and at- tendance at her Fall millinery open ing (held ion Friday evening acid Saturday., . . • ar The s'tic llywdco room' edits with autumn leaves. golden rod,. and green house plants was much admired by 'triose present. The cases were veryneat ly decorated' with persian satin and chiffon. Music was furnished. by one bf.: Mr. Walker's 'beautiful pianola and was . greatly appreci- ated iby 'all present. One' hat much admired was a high turban of oparldtte silk and soft crown of navy Panne velvet draped to right side finished With h grey wing tipped with red. Another'charmin'g model in.pea cock blue with crown draped to the pack With knotted' effect, the trim- tning 'being la beautifully shaded chantecler on side front. Ir wins . A visit to Ir\ns mllnery exhibit is full of interest, Miss Sipes who has' taken charge made some inter- esting comments on the seasons styles, In part she says :— - The season promises to be one 'fo decided novelty, and inboth large and small 'hats for both are now shown, shapes are particularly Vari- ed land. numerous this year, the small light high turban :is a feature of the seasons (trade,, 'in pressed shapes -beaver -is a big sellerand both smooth Wand •rough felts are selling...._ Satin topped 'hats with velvet facing are ;Favored in wide brimnlr- ed models and they are as. a rule incontras ting ,colors. Nearly all •S ' S ALED TENDERS addressed to the under signed,and endorsed Tender for addi- tions and. alterations to the Public Building, -Goderich, Ontario.". will be received at this of- -fire until4:00 p.m., Monday. October 24th, 1910, Mr the. work mentioned. ' ' Plans, specification and form of contract: can bo seen, and forms of -tender obtained at this Department on application to caretaker, Public Riiilding. Goderich, Ont.. and at the office of E. J:Lamh, Esq;,:Dietrict Engineer, Wooden, -.Ont,.. [fo eons tetide'rhurare 'nott.tietit: hair ton'dets- wiL not lu3 ennairlerCtl_itnlesa made—nA thH printed forms supplied.. and signed -with their actual signaturos,.stating their occupation and places of residence: in the. cases. of firms, the actual signature, the nature of the occupation, and place of residence of each member of the ffrm must be given. Each tender most be accombani'ed by an ad- copied' cheque' on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the , onourable. the Minister of Public Works. equal to ten per cent. (10 p.c.) of 'thy amount of the tender, which . will be for - lofted if the .person tendering- decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or fail to complete the Work contracted for.. If- the tender be not accepted, the cheque will be returned. . • The Department does not bind itself to a000pt the lowest or any tender. ' By order • • R C. DESROCHERS, Asst. Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, September 0, 1910. • Newspapers will not be paid for this advertise- ment it they insert it without authority from the Department. ' FASHIONS, IN MILLINERY FOR FALL AND WINTER Beautiful Creations of the Millin- er's Art—Hats to Suit all Tastes and all faces, from the Smallest to the Largest. THE ew Store • Having bought out the stock .of B. Hill, I have added a lane stock of groceries, etc., °and am prepared' to sell as cheap as any store in town. Will take any quantity of Butter and Eggs, at highest market • price, cash or trade. A Call is Solicited. Goods delivered to any part of town. The 'advent -of the fall Millinery 'is a reminder that 'win'ter is again 'at hand, and that all to soon, in- stead of .enjoying the evenings . in 'comfort on our (verandahs or in strolling about our beautiful streets 'We will 'be seeking the warrn'th from our coal fires (or furnaces 'Within our homes. '- However, we Will enjoy the sutin'. Iver While It lasts, and be 'thankful that our lot has been east in a land that possesses faculties for enjoy- ment Bauch as can be, found in few' communities. • just now. the 'attraction for the ,feminine mind is 'to be found in 'the tastefully arranged (millinery show, room's, where are to be seen the neW fall Models. in head gear, In- dividfiallty and therefore become 'ingness seems to be the keynote in designs which are showncand styles ,have been created 'which are suit- able to all types of faces, Sma11 medium and large shapes are all displayed, retaking it possible 'for a Woman to 'seledt a shape of any Size with (a feelingthat froma fashion standpoint m her millinery id correct, . ' One' feature ;Which Mande out W. G. Smyth Notice .to Pubii. Your .PatronageisSoiiieiited_ Eatretroughing Plumbing and Tinsniithing 1 would respeolfolly solicit the patronage of the Town of Clinton end vioinit Repairing of an hinds prtly attended to All kinds of Stove It irs got on Short 'twit**. ` Pipes, Elbows, rete., alw8yt4 on hand. 'Leave orders at resislenoe, 78 'Victoria Si, y �'PhoneeNNo. +1110, the 'brims 'droop and runny .'Are' the extreme mushroom type. , -1 Black, and 'black and White, light Navy, 'grey Mustard {bronze, dull Green and the royal tones are the predominating shades. As high trimminge are used, on the tn;ajority of hats and feather efficts are used Most exclusively, feather mounts plume affects, rose`Nte'e , • pom-poms, etc., are shown: The turban is handed down by' the earliest generations in Italy. These halts are hardly more than caps and fit 'down over the head 'in most 'comfor+table style, thero of r w s 'which are full ul l like beef -eater hat or Tam O'shanter having very deep coronet's Which are truth higher at 'the back and one side than at the Other. Large ribbon bows of Satin, cord ed 'and Toilette are used as trim- mings for the large shapes on the ibrim. Toronto Markets Fall Wheat , .t)5 New Wheat 8905 toto .91 Oats • . 4254to .5to ;4 Peas ,75 to ,76 Rye ,65 to ,70 Buckwheat ,.,.....,.r,. : .5 Bran Shorts $20 • Hay $.l7 20.00 Eggs 210 to 22c Buster 23cto to 24c ()Wickens. 11 to 12e Potatoes b0 to .55 Cattle, Exportersre (t- $625 to $6.25 Hogs Cattle, $5 6o to $8°76. 705 Sheep $0.00 to 9 25 $ 4,50 Lambs............. . $4,00 to $7.00 Wool 1.3 to 14c-, Cheese . llgo 12c Clinton Market Report Wheat, (new) ,., 00 to 0 95 Oats, (old).. 0 32 to 036.-. Barley : - 0 42 to 0 45 Peas Eggs Butter, Hogs Potatoes Wheat, (old) $ 1 072to07o . 016 to 017 1)17 to 018 8 35 025to'025 GRAND .TRUNK .'SYs EM A Chance to See the North t;ouutry at Small Cost. In • order to give the farmers and residents of Ontario an opportnnity of seeing the great possibilities of the North Country, special excursions will be run October` 3rd and 4th, at. the foliowing.low rates from Clinton TO RETURN FARE Cochrane.. $14 2U Englehart 11.35 Haileybury ...... 10.60 New Liskeard. I0,75 Proportionate rates to other points. TheTemiskaming Board of Trade will slicav Q.ialtnrs the.farms etc..--Retur-n- Limit Oct. 15th, 1010. Hunting Tour. Hunting time is drawing near: Ask nearest Grand Trunk agent about the Hunters' Excursions, ' • . ••' Secure tickets and full information. from A O.Pattison, Depot agent JOHN RANSFORD, Town Agent. Not 1 Man in is Normal Just about everyman that we ever make clothes for, has to have little toiichehbf 'the tailor's- art here and there on the : garments t� make him look= --J-13 ,'::R-IGHT.._- _ 3y.:.ilttiing;hini: nugly at one peln�, tdr ildr:.._ _ up at another. w -e can improve a man's appearance. wonderfully. These things cannot be bad, unless vour clothiug is MADE - TO. MEAS- URE: We -sort of pride ourselves on tins particular branch of Tailoring,' and are waiting to extend this advant- age to you. Talk the clothing question over with us some day, You will find it decidedly worth while.: G. W. Barge & :Co Agents for British American Dyeing and Cleaning Co.. Montreal. New Mantles New Sweater Coats New Dress Goods New Clothing New Blankets Don't buy ,seeing our big new stocks. FULL It*NGWOF NEW FALL DRESS GOODS, CLOTHING, ROTS, SHOES and RUBBERS AT LOWEST PRICES See Our, Men°'s Sweater Coats, at $i.00 Some Special Bargains in Clothing and Shoes now on out° tables, COME IN AND GET OUR PRICES.. Plumsteel Bros. SMALL PROFITS \MORE BUSINESS. ga s NOW 1 Sidcboarcis,-Tables,-- 1 and'Chairs Sideborrd and China Cabinet, Combined A beautiful piece of Furniture, with large mirror, lined drawer, bent glass door, leaded glass pan- • nels, piano -polished, at $23, $35, 1$2'7, $31 Hardwood Sideboards • Large bevel glass, 3 drawers, 4 ft. wide, 7 ft. high, Price $12.50 Extension Tables Round or square, 6 ft., .8 ft., 10 ft. long, $G, $7.50, $S.56 and $10 each • Leather Seated Chairs Made of oak ; 6 in set, 1 arm, 5 small, . •at $12, $14, $16 and $20 per set. Hardwood Chairs High backs. very strong, 50e, 65c, 75e and $1 each Boston Rockers—Large and comfortable,.high back,. at $1.75, $2 and $2.50 ark_fib'inolculutr-S.pseaaLpatte t _fe Dining Room - <+ at 40c, 45e. and tic per sq yam. Inlaid Linoleum—one-quarter inch thick, at 85e per sq yd. . ITT. Ch i1e -v _ Blyth ramilmoomaftwoommagiawmapiiimpa LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW For :,the Printing you .'are-. bound • t_ rrlentli; aif_1 ready when . you want it. .We r can give • 'you ,the best service. The New Era Printing Office DMMMMMUMMRMagii AUTUMN 1910 NEW AUTUMN Ki' MILLWERY El FA Our Display is Notable for its Style and Variety You will greatly help a vexy busy " department, by placing your orders as early in the week as possible. -I .. �iss:gittantelon iet Co. xi