HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1910-09-29, Page 4Sept. 29th t'9tro
What we. sett Advertises u4,
Ladies' Beadyto•wear Garmmmt$
Millinery and Dress»Making.
• We have been receiving
congratulations all week.
,Everybody seems to ap.
pteive of our Millinery.
Our, Hats strike tasteful
people as true examples of
the styles for Fall, chosen
with an eye to ladplike ap-
pearance ani dignity.
That reputation we have
. . worked hard to create, and
harder still to deserve.
We cordially invite you.
::We'll be delighted to have
you, whether you wish, to
select your bat Hat now or
not; eo please :consider
'yourself at perfect liberty
tovisit our Show Room as
often as you please.
Parliament r aper
big.'Will aha delayed' instil 'about the
Jet of March rowing 'to Ibwfding and
remodeling operations on the
buildings In Queen'll Park,
$622,000 'was the 'amount of the
':estate Pt the late Dr. Andrew
Smith, head' of the Veterinary Coll-.
ege,'Toronto. 'There 'W.as a 'time in
Canadian History, not Very remote
either, 'when. a Man Who died Worth
$20,000 'Was a Marrs' but along With
the 'turn of years- Dame Fortune
has ensiledton 'a goodly nitinder so
that the record continues to grew
and in numerous cases, iorhugh
the 'Wisdom. )of the late Ross •q•eV-
enstn,snt,: the Province shares in
these +accumulations.
WE doubt Very Misch if religious
controversies In 'any denomination
contribute tet the upbuilding of ttie
spiritual •life xr tend to the broth-
erliness of humanity. 'There axe
enough inherent doubts and fears
belonging to (the '"mean 'family to
afford' +a lb'at le -•ground for many a
hard &fought contest Without draft-
ing in as 'allies these straw tussles
betWeen • literary ' combatants,
Many a i'prospective 'solver of good
seed' has been 'diverted from a life
of usefulness.and fruitfulness
by gathering thorns and briars
from; unkindly thingsthat Were
spoken and 'written concerning the
Truth. A little learning is often a
dangerous acquisition When applied
to the destructive rather than the
constructive:' POW. people are led
heaVellWardillidlreligat afforded
by such 'discussions,, great good
would bejdone if sofnebodyeouid
apply the "Snuffers".
There is`Something distinctive
about these.' Northway" Coats.
Not only are they natty, smart,
and stylish, but they possess an
individuality that instantly ap'
deals to the average dressed
There is another point -- a
strong one, too'; it is about the
fit. Watch "Notthway Coats
of the same style tried' on
women of different figures. You
will be surprised how well they,
fit, at the ease with which they
adapt themselves.
Just now is an excellent time
for choosing your Coat:.' A com-
plete showing of the newest':
models await you. Rememberse
__ seven yam- 'fie atyy'es to Dose
I younger generations Would *study
out the causes.ot 'their longevity
THEY have established a college and, preservation of health and
En England for the education of vigor in contrast to the many who
Imonkeys. This is a' good move and neverattain to the meridian.' By
a well planned program; 'of food,
proper exercise; 'freedom from
May fill a long felt want.
THM Dominion is 'the 'title of a wort
new monthly issue at Winnipeg.- y, undue nervous strain;'avoid-
'tthe Mid -Continent Metropolis, as ante of the perils Ito both the body
St terms 'it. If the initial number
Es indicative of quality for the fu -
and soul; Viand knowing''the Joy of
living "much knight be done.oto add
to !the length,' Value and happiness
tture numbers it will •be -'Ewalt .class oche hiiiian fainSly,
&sea s --ltelaanuteg eiben -.sayea- _
Canada is Neveryman's Land; the TRAVELLING at ta.' ace. from
land of opportunity; the mainstay p
of Empire. 2.02 3-4 Ito 2.04 1-2 the Eel atspeedy
-o- Taysease i.aseasies igeye t'he entries
the duan In the free-for-all pace at
SOUTH Wellington will likely''see
a lively 'Provincial political fight Detroit, on Thursday of last week;.
for the seat rendered vacant by Darkey Hal' pf Wingham, was 4th.
$1,500 tvas(the purse, The reporter
calls the Eel "thee wobbly phenotn,"
but he (gets there just the same.
Joe Downey, 'of Guelph, resigning
to except a fat office at Orillia
Asylum. The Liberals should +cap-
ture ft as it was lost to them large-
ly by Mr. Downey's personal popu-
larity and over confidente.
CANADA'S good name for high
Moral standing is not being improv-
ed by the almost weekly occurrance
of Murders and outrages of Very
dark colored character. The 'diens
hand of the law has a task on hand
that should serve out prompt just-
ice to the outlaws so that those
'who im,brue their isands in blood
May be taught the proper vet-
te of hurdan life, King Alcohol,
If the evidence is +true, is a to -
+partner in Many of these 'black
NO one • will doubt but that the
trip Of the Queen's Own Rifles to,
England! was a fine advertisement
/or +this Donsinlion and' is one of
tosany links that is drawing into
eloser touch the Motherland end
this lair Colony. Canada ean pro -
dace the "goods" in+ almost any
tOmpetftion with the strongest
either on' (this side or across the
'Atlantic. The 'generous praise be -
%towed upon the Catucks in tne Old
Land shows that blood+ is thicker
than Water and gives a 'home teel-
ing that is very enjoyable and like-
ly 'to be reciprocal.
"THERE were giants those
'days" while historically correat hae
an up-to-date exemplification in
'such grand old Public Men es Sir
'McKenzie Bowell„ Sir Charles
Tupper Lord Mount Stephen end
ethers, who although frisking
geound 'the nineties-, are clear head -
led and 'clean handed in closing ills
the ehapters of WOO Velinne. It.
ONCE. More Ian historic record
hobs up to encourage good 'cheer,
An Englishman, named Mires, who
recently shuffled off this mortal
coil, in Supposed financial straits
was fouudto possees $90,000. To two
men ,who Were in the 'habit of bid-
ding filta is. cheery Good 'Morning
he left +bequests . of $350.6 each,
Will you take the hint commencing
tomorroW morning? It Will do yon,
goof teen if you never get 'the
DOGS that go to the North with
hunting patties bunst Continue to
'Thai illes,a*ashase of the Muzzle laW
that had not been on the prograM
earlier in the year. Don't suppOse
the ,dleer will tind faun with the
Sections iof *he htinters, It is ad -
'judged that a Cate of rabies in the
Wildwood would prove very dims -
trouts to the .cleeizens of the fOrest,
big fairs 'should 'conduce to lin-
proved haetnoda marl 'Weeding out
of the eolsparatiVe feW who only
snow how to tern oat a third rate
ualify, It /these scoinnetitions
were localized 'at. district Fairs and
antlers' Institute gatherings the
ood :Would be Hatch extended are
aye no dotibt.
A NUMBER of the City Schools
nre installing a Writing master.
Not (before it is needed either as
tOeday yOu Meet With 'about 09
poor Heribell for 'every expert With
the pen. There in room for a hig
forward isuoVetnent atong the line
District News.
Continued from page 1..
was smashed, but no one injured.
The 'body sof Colin ° McIver, Who
Was .drowned on Tuesday Sept, 20
Was recovered Monday night about
6.00 o'clock, -When the crew of 'the
Aroldi,. which was dredging outside
of the tharbor, found the body
•floating near the dredge. The
body was recovered very close to
where the ainfoirtnnate lad fell • in
While out sailing with several cpm
panions ina fishing 'boat. rt is un-•
dei stood the survivors have not
given any "satisfactory explanation
as to how the accident; occured,
and there Will be an Investigation
into the 'circumstances, of the case.
--•.�. i-
Porter's dill
..:11'Ifs&.:�#,lain.�,.'Shatv.,.is•_apeadin_g ar.
few days at John •Cox's.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter. McDougall
and family., . epent• Sunday''
• • Messrs' 1$tesvart 'and' Peter Mc-
Dougall i eturned home on Monday
baying spent 'ten days in. Detroit.
Leslie Cox entertained a number•
of his friends on Monday evening,.
lest, ".All r:epor.t having a .very en-
joyable • evezzing.
Mr..Moore and two childesrn re-
turned Ito bier home in Munroe, on
Monday.h'aving spent a week:tesit•
ing her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
At the Sunday 'Sshool ,rally ser-
vice held in Bethel. church last Sun
day,.: Mr. A.'T.Cooper, of Clinton,
gave a Veryhighly and instructive
-addr.ess,.)vliich • was greatly :ape
dTin i`ui ocf is `visiting relate
ions at Detroit.
The Mission Band held its closing
meeting for the season, on S atpr-
day last, when Mrs. McLean of Bea -
forth, gave a very ere
.intsting ad-
dress, ' .
The :Children& 'Day service was
Yield in the 1'byterian Church on •
Sabbath last, when the sermon was
kddressed'to . • (the S. S. Scholars,
The childrenhad chagre of the
singing:and read responsive read-
ings. A special offering was taken
for neatly Sunday Schools in Ont.
'It?lss Annie Foote is visiting
friends at Bay City. .
The W.P.M. k its
nal thank offering Society tingwh n
the Rev. -Mr. Richardson of Rippen
gave a very appropiate Sermon on
missiom work, the :.offering, was
over $80.00.
Wm'McQueen has returned from
QGowganda where. he has had ;a
missionary station daring the sum-
mer. -
Miss Annabel Pertie has gone 'to
London to 'attend the, normal
John AlIen and Wife of Medicine
Hat, Sask.,ds visiting his brother
James Allen.
Rev. Jas. Foote who recently 'vis-
ited his lather John Foote.- of
Bannockburn,, has returned home,
his congregation at N. Bruce sup-
ports 'a 'forfegn'Missionary at Hon -
•con China,. ".There are not many
congregations has this honor,
Continued Traci Page 1.
Golden Russets, ,D Galbraith, "It GI
Heavy- Dratight-Brood mare accom.
partied hy. foal, foal not to- be judge
fielding or filly, 2yrs old A Mcguire,
Wise; Gelding or lyr old J
kitewart, A. Duncan; Team L Ander-
sort, Jae McBride,
A.gricultural Brood mares aceoes.
pealed by foil, foal not to be jupged
with mares. Anderstu, AV Perdue;
Foal J Massie, P Middleton; Gelding
or filly, 2ers old It Seotehman, Lind
may; fielding or filly, I yr old J Teat"
meal Stewart; Team As Hamilton, 3
prat rutiioss-roal Anderson,
NV Lott, faattels5a, Gelding or illivt
yr old W J -Sparrow;
Elliott and Son,
Roadsters. -- Brood in a r e *Doom -
pulled 'by bail, foal not to be judged
with Mare H. Darrow, A DleQuire;
Foal H Darrow. A McQulre; Gelding
or tllly, 2yr old EJ Trayer,S Jacobi;
'1'eam Wag,R.aY. Elliott and son; giggle
roadster 11 D McLean, D Nunro.
Carriage -- Foal S Cleave Gelding
or filly 2yrs old 3 .(Salman. J Schnell;:
Gelding or 1311y, lyr old G Little, Boo,
Cooper; Team,16 hands or over 3 .O
EcDonald, J Elliott; Single carrage
Alex eleleath, R J o h n e to n;
driver Mita McLean, Mita 1 eacter.
Pair Light l rahmas Beatty Bros 1&
and; Pair Dark Brahma& J S 11owrie,.
W B Battler; Pair Barred, Plymouth
Rocks SW Or t w i n, R Smith; Pair
White Plymouth Rocks 3 W Ortwin
1&2nd: Pain Black dpanish W B Bat,'
ler 1&2nd; Pair White Leghorns
Beatty Bros, W B Ba t t 1 e r; Pair
Brown Leghorns J S Howrie, W B
Battler; Pair Silver Spangled Ham -
Maga JS Ortwine; Pair Buff Oochina
W B Battler 1&2nd, Pair Black Brea-
sited Red (lames R Smith; Pair Red
(laps W B Battler i&2nd, Pair Rhode
Island Reds N Peck 1&2nd; Pair And-
alcohols J S Howrie 1&2nd; Pa r
White Wyandottee J W Ortwein 1&2
nd;PairSilverWyandottesJ. W
Ortwein, W B Buttler; Pair Black.
Minorcan. J, S Row r ie, 1+w $ Wig! ;
Pair Houdans R Smith 1&2nd; Pair
Bud Orphing tons J S Howrie, R
Smitn; Pair BlackLangshansJ8
Howrie, W B Batt 1 e r; Pair Silver
Bantams, any variety W B Battler,
Wm Heard; Pair Pekin .Ducks Snow-
den Bros, It Penhale; Pair R o u o n
Ducks J S Howie, Howrie. E 11 Wise;
Pair any other variety geese Snowden
Bros, R Sraith; Pair any other variety
turkeys Snowden Bras.
.Berkshire •- Aged boar, Snowden
Bros, It Penhale ; brood sow, Snowden
Bros, G Penhale: boar 6 menthe Snow
den Bros ; sow under 6 months, Snow
den Bros, R Smith.
Yorkshire -Sow 6 months, Snowden
Bros. •
Red Pigs-SnowddenBros took all the
Bacon Hog Special -Snowden Bros,
Grade Cattle -Milch cow, T Ander.
son, E El Wise ; Heifer 2 years -&John
Reid, 1 and 2: heifer 1 year, 3 O& W
Reid ; heifer calf, E H Wise, 3 (7 & W
Reid ; steer calf, John Reid, E E Wise
steer 2 year, T Anderson, E 11 Wise ;
steer•.I year. 3 0 & W Reid. E 11 Wise
Durham -Milch cow, Wm Reid, _E H
Wise : heifer, 2 years, Beatty. Bros, E
H Wise ; heifer 1 year, E H Wise 1 &
2 heifer calf, Beattie Bros 1 and 2 ;
bull calf, Beatty.•Bros, E H Wise.
Jersey -Milch colt, John Gardiner,
F Keegan. •. , - .
Leicester -Ram, 3 Stewart, C B Mid
dieton ; shearling ram, H Wise : rem
lamb C Middleton, J Stewart : ewes, .q
Middleton, Geo Penhale ; shearling
ewes and ewe lambs, O B Middleton 1
and 2 : fataheep, A Dunkin. -
Lincolns-Ram,Geo Penhale, Sno w
den Bros ; shearling ram, Geo •Penhale
Snowden Brea ; ram lamb, Geo Pen-
hale 1 and "2 ; pair ewes Geo Penhale,
Snowden Bros ; : shearling ewes,' Geo
Penale. Snowden 'Bros ., ewe Iambs G
Penhale, Snowden Bros.:
ewes, A Dunkin.
Early potatoes, Snowden Bros, Wm
Heard :late potatoes, R W Deigaty, -D
D Galbraith ; mangolds, • long red,
Snowden Bios, R Smith : mangolds
yellow globe, Snowden Bros ; inter-
mediate wangold"s,, P Middleton, G A.
Cooper field carrots, . 8 Cleave, R
Smith ; table carrots, A F Erwin, .S •
Cleave ;'• table beets, J Mcolure, S
at.444141 4,*! *7t'aeftrdsr
Conlin Thursday °et. 13th.
The Imperial Male Quartette Who
dye 'a concert; in the ToWn Hall,
Clinton, on 'Thursday October 13th
have 'been highly preised'Where-
averthey have given an entertain-
went. More particulars next Week.
tome -reside. S. Huston. Mrs 11t.Itoss
Pair Wool mittens, homearna,de, S.
Huston', Wmn. B. Battler ; pair wool
sox home*made, John Reid, D. C.
Gellsraith; table mat, Thos. Cam,
404.4144114S+04194.4114114********* *410 + ***** Ik*Mt1**
County Doingsl
A. i.Told by County Papers
Mr, Pringle 1111,0 paid the first
Odium:It of the loan voted him by
the property owners of the town. of
Wingham.' An addition 'to the
saa elove department is being built
24x32, In tine department, there
tire ten Machines, and ten More
are 'to ihe added+ in order to keep a-
breast of the business,
Thos King, of Wingharn, has sold
?his fine tchiver for 'a. handsoine fie
ewe Vvhich rumcor Places well tin to
Binevale was the purchaser.
'The Directors of 'the Blyth Fall
Fafr have engaged the eervices
of the 'well knoWo 33rd Regiment
Band +of +Goderich, and they will
supply the musical program on
Wednesday, Oct. ath.
The Howick Council held a spec-
ial raeeting on Saturday evening
last to 'consider the case entered a-
gainst them by Ferguson and Ma-,
ditch, which will come up a Gode-
After a eon:towhee tedious wait-
ing during the past three monthe,
Thos. Strachan, an old and well-
knOWn resident 'of Grey township,
is making a good recovery from an
'amputated' toe . .Strachan is
'pastel° years of age, ball is remark-
ably bright and active for a trfan
his vears and one of the oldilarireade
David Schnell, or Zurich, took
ist +and 2nd at Exeter for his awo
roadster colts,
met With a severe shaking up, fall-
ing +from a 'scaffold' in his new dri'v
ing shed 'which he is erecting, 12ft.
He was unconscious for about an
liour and leas very sore but isara-
Paid thefr taxes on or before the
15th inst, And received a reduction
of one and a half per cent. Coll-
ector Griffin considers the amount
Collected so far very satisfactory.
Up to the 15th the amount paid:
1.117 B:-..ank 'of Hamilton $5450 06
At Dorainiohn Bank 950 4a
At Bank of Oceranrece 440 $7.
$7465 74
WirearreTary T. Elliott, •of the. W.F.
A., reports that the Wingham High
School and Sea.forth Collegiate In-
stitute football teams have challeng
ed Listosvel C. I. holders • of the
Hough Cuts, land the games will.
likely be played early in October.
G. A. Deadman, of Brussels, is de-
veloping ihto a great honey dealer,
33etWeein Wh(at this busy bees have
giatbexed .and hpney purchased he
will handle over 50,000 pounds this
Tear. The jarger proportion of
'this 'toothsome and healthful
sweetuese 'finds 'a Market it the
NOat Conference at Exeter,
The Venerable Archdeacon Riche'
Huron, In the two former counties
cessftl and representative confer-.
ences have 'already been held et
Glencoe and Sarnia and now' the ,
next conference is fixed for Exeter
on Oetober lith and 12th,
The +Program' includes' live, pract-
ical *Subjects each As Bible study
Normal referent Huron 'College jabi-
lee,. ehurch literature and interden-
ominational tellowship,
The Archdeacon will 'deliver his
address ion the first day, and the
Bishop (of Hurces will preach on the
'first 'evening.
- At the Concluding session Miss 1'.
A. Connell, head 'deaconess of the
deaconess' home Toronto, and Can -
'on Hague 'will be the speakers; the
former +discussing +deaconess work,
and the latter 'describing the recent
The 'Rea, 'D. W. 'Collinss rector of
the Trivitt Memorial church has al-
ready aWakened a lively interest in
this gathering ritiona his Parishion-
ers, and Exeter people May • be
eounte'd upon to offer general hos-
pitality ato +all 'visitors and to roll
up a kood attetdance at all sess-
ions of the conference. . '
Friday evening, SePt. 30111, AMT.
retary of Education, 'Will give at
address ou fEducational Questions,
in 'Wesley Methodist Chureh.
J. 'W. :f.Lrekaven, }ailicipal of the
Collegiate Institute Will occupy
the +ellen.. iYlueic by the choir.
BAPTIST erfoRcit.
On Friday text, Rev. X. Juniper
will preach Morning and evening.
His eubjects will be tam. "SorneL
thing Wotth keepleg," p.m, an ad -
'dress especially. to young Men
"True to the Highest,"
Rev. X. juniper 'vp.111 prettelt
At lithe bvening ;service of this
Chinch next Sunday t large
"Male Choit" Will lead the singing.
Mr. Austin Campbell ef Toronto
VIII render a solo.
The Anrival Harvest Services
In St, tPaurs Church .are tote held
of Huron will be the special Preach.'
tr morning end eVerthig, and' spec.
'Music IWill be rendered. 0
uoou waaper
Looks Well t.
—A' AT D—
Hangs. Well t
The Fall is a good tiro.e to paper. We t
have an assortment that you will find E
contains the style you are looking for.
Wall Paper Trimmed Free:
00per Ori Coal
The neiwspipe organ which has
bean installed 4n the Ontario St.
IVIettlaodiat 'Church Was formally
opened on +Thursdaa, by Profes-
sor Bridgraan, of Stratford. The
vocal part of the program was fur-
nishecl.byldts. Humphrey, of Jack-
sonville, Florida, and 3.A.
'Webb, of Woodstock. Special sere
'Vices Were ialsosheld Jon 'Sunday.
when liberal offerings were receiva
ad toe the 'organ amid. The pastor.
Rev. T. W. 'Cousins, preached in
the Morning +from the text: "Thou:
islins whine +forth," and in the even -
Mg a special sone serVice Was elven
by the''Clioir 'of the church assisted
by Humphreys, ,The opeting
'services Were largely attended The
has been installed, and several lin-
aeo'velnents have 'been Made in the.
One Price Only
Terms Cash.
has been a decided success ;--it was a foregone cOn-
cltision Oat' it would be. It is not often such an op-
portunity occurs to buy such beautiful Gloves, 16 all
sizes, and in all the most -wanted shades, at a fret&
tion over hetlf-price. Supply your wants,
without delay, while the assorttnent is practically
comPlete. Price only 50c per pair.
DC/34001On t
14 mutually satisfactory, both to our customers and.
ourselves. , It is a rapidly, growing_concern.
ygu. get all the' iatest models from two of the lalest
Corseting houses'in the Dominion, And 'ranging in
price from 50c to .$2.75.
of Underwear and Hosiery, Flannels and Flannel-
ettes, Cotton and Wool BlanketS, plain and plaid
Blanket, Cloths, in all the popular colors and prices.
We Have Received
another shipment, and can now give all sizes in our
special Wool Pants for men, at $1 per pair.
We Have Added to This
another special line of Pants. Did we not quote the
price, you would estimate the value to be much
more than otir price
1.50 p
The People's Store