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The Clinton New Era, 1910-09-29, Page 3
• { P V d , r Sept.:Z90t 1910 T1141 eltates now an .1 � I- . 11 � I . ' ee _ e _ ��i __�S. Qf. �nt�r�s� to gat ana Be Merrvs _ � "RecA. P i SUNDAY SCH00l$ f '* . I ., I Luke xzi, 2�, and Isom. Vii... B Sheets AAO Wets for 5Oe, 24 a t6i 25c ,� - women, 'and try In butter till •II htl brown' g. y Lace.. chiffon- Wand marquisette ed, • 'Take 'the 'tomatoes, skin 'anO We shat] have one study some weeks . . later in the. latter of chapter ,%p starving roar li,-stop !f 14 Worlyilag about What xoet dare Axid dareriot eat tad! torr --at. thought- your mental ,outlook byhh Medical 11eVlety. AV AR1A.N.",-"-.-.". Put into aC Bble pan one axed .a Into ,...-..,,, Lescol] I.—Fourth Quarter, For t �. y EAtboarty morals of vilolesome food, taka half thin. pin s of lk and' a few very •shavings of lemon rind. When ,The 'waist line is• rising again. UCt• � i� iQ cannot understand the lesson of today Have your name farm and post -office neatly printed +. rented Milburn Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont ,%'boils is in half a cupful of Well p All -the olds laces are in great vo- __,. . I i . +< y I ! ! �' a - vt salt. ached' rice and .. saltsppoonful of 'Then cook until the rice is hats gue. �. , Jumper house ' style ars increas-� in favor, THE INTERN�:TIONAL StRIES a, great tribulation, for it is then that . affairs on earth shall be as in the days Or t0 ln�tlre elle butter. It soft and, swollen andabsorbed ing' ;,,; • 1 'half almost all'the milk. Now MIX in a [cupful of sugar and one-half , Th`e ttouch of black is. Still b. fea• ture of fashion. .. "^' Text of the Leaser, Matt, xxv, 1.12; p g VPrap your butter,, and get. two cents per pound His official ca capacity of gathering out - and you'll foci like; a new person. Sour stomach-• heartbturn--- the ounce of igelatin soaked and die- solved in the usual Way, When Whole 'is nearly cold' add "three There ore rn'anifold indications of the return of the emplace. M•i»ory Verses, i0 -1?: -Golden T�rxtw Luka xli, qQ--CQ.rn�ntrrt,rry Pr•p.red ,. V 1k d ",°'"""'"W, occasional lndlgealon-7 chronic dyspepsla—all yield quickly to 'tablespoonfuls of ,sherry or )alar- Dark blue'and black are'the'fav- by Rev. D. M,t3tearns. NA-ARCi-CQ Dyspepslai Tlblets. The properly, dtgested food asch#no or any other favorite es- oiite costume colors for coat suits.. .. _ . . . . restores ypw strength, your. stcxnach regains its tone, and soot; Bence, and When it 'begins to set Waists of black chiffon, marquis- We have no lesson rtBsigried from stir 'in lightly 'half a plat of ]hell; ettes and voiles are prominent. chapter xxlil, but let 'us not fail to BUT" requires oxo fntilerl214. whipped'vreami'and'turn'the whole New'toques and,'turbans general- note the summing up• of the religion 5('jc, a box.. your, dnegist has trot stocked thane] yet send into a tmouid, 'Serve it turned out ly 'have sharply Upturned brims. *rE',R , anti we will mall thein, 37 with a border of whipped Cream os of fife Pharisees as seen and judged Amon'g'sthe meJw shades for'this by the Jud of all the ear "All NAIpNM.Ottu4AND t:NElM14114A0. oM4"anuoo+w uM1neD. MOAtftasJI with a%om'po'te of fruit. fall is "pole nord," a grayishblue. u''1. if these receipes are carefully their works they do for to be Seen of . _ _ .. _ carr#ed out and due attention is The mushroom shape returnsvery man:' Our lives arse lived, from'our daidi to 'color ,and' flavor a careful strongly in fail millinery styles. standnotnt,. either ' before people for " 1-- - =^— cook may insure almost endless ,Two toned plumes and enorxrious their approval or before God for We . R. They're Cool end C lmfortabiw: varieties, 'booth an''flavor and ap- . 'pink poppies trim'some of the latest a ._ wt+d pies. might seem gloriiie pearance, with very little trouble, hats, pproval only. The latter is the only P A P E, , true way to live, according to. )EI Tim. A BQUDOlR TIMEPIECE. in .such pinafores -cool spa . TOMAT0 TIE: . Fall tailor 4n'ades very strongly #l. 15. but it is'ta be feared that many ' breezy as to neck and sleeves or, - reflect the "hoble skirt idea of a preacher has more regard for the -- . rather. lack of sleeves., and with fasct- A good-sized onion, one pound of Paris, • m•thin Naw su+d satin Mother Goose and Sate Green- ripe tomatoes, one ounce of 'butter, Plain colored'' chiffon and Yolle . approval o! his congregation than for i u 80 a g the approval of God, Let such con genuine Tegetable Fibre Parchment, for wrapping , pepper and salt,. a little sugar, a are very fashionable over •change g g e t On the market tri acka f S • Odd ' in Celocks.., away pictures on the front; big pock quarter of a 1pilr't of, nut brown sou- able"taffelta, aider the eight woes o! this chapter. butter—the best Sh e, a p , ' , . . ce and, brie pound and 'a 'half ofpo- and the time to which the "till" .or . h in :`the'new,coa't sults the coats - .a'toes,'are the materials required,,, range 'in length ,from thirt -si to "emit' Of verse '39 points, along with not printed x - Slice.a (good sized onion thinly fort, inches: y Luke xzi, 2�, and Isom. Vii... B Sheets AAO Wets for 5Oe, 24 a t6i 25c and pain in the back, and I Iconsulted doctors and. took every remedy Obtain- `-oo • . 'and try In butter till •II htl brown' g. y Lace.. chiffon- Wand marquisette ed, • 'Take 'the 'tomatoes, skin 'anO We shat] have one study some weeks . . later in the. latter of chapter 'the only medicine that ever slid me an real &Mas after using several boles I thought- your mental ,outlook byhh Medical 11eVlety. , are extremely fashionable for dres- cut them in slices, Place a layer of sy fall costumes. Mire onion'fn the n'An the bottom. of'the disBette part xxty but nothing In the first thirty- verses ' of this farreaching and 1" Still "I will always recommend your medl- t �. y a l seasoning of salt and' The narrow silhouette is being ad pepper then, a layer of 'tomatoes her ed 'to ",vhth every, prospect of one all important Olivet discourse. Yet we y .: . . dot I was., boxes for $ 1.215• x or '� bo Price 50c . � r l ' with White bread crumbs scattered its continuation. • cannot understand the lesson of today Have your name farm and post -office neatly printed +. rented Milburn Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont `ate.�'_v1•,� oo . -.. , r I' ` over and >a 'few pieces of butter. New Gainsborough 'hat models Next uIt a layer of onions, tomat- roll on the left side and, droo at, pp r 'fill 'dish `the 'front � except in the light of the p g great event, ■ of verses 30, 31, the coming of the Son and make a reputat Qd for your product.. We use ■ ,, i oe9, etc., and so. on the is Land back, : of wan in; glory at the close of the Only Special butter paper irrk, guaranteed not to run r almost full. Have ready some boil A'handsome tbstume of soft blue ed potatoes, (mash them with alit- chiffon i'tmibroidered' with aeon-• great tribulation, for it is then that . affairs on earth shall be as in the days Or t0 ln�tlre elle butter. tie utter, salt and pepper and. ventional design in. lvhite 'crystal spreads over the 'tomato to 'form a 'bead's. of: Noah. Iniquity cannot come to a I004 xor $1,75 2004 for $3.00 SOMI for $7;00 ;,,; • crust. Score'tvilth a Pork and` bales until a light •brown. ,The nut For early fall wear middle-aged head ;while the church Is on earth (II. . . • Thess. 11, 7, 8), but the Holy Spirit, ia_ ' „� 'i brown sauce should'be served' in a lvomen''are 'going to use the black - - chantilly coat lined, with chiffon p g VPrap your butter,, and get. two cents per pound His official ca capacity of gathering out - A . separate tureen, and; silk, the Church. .. -• - having been taken with more. tball if -unwrapped. '` - 1 . A PLAIN SOUFFLE_._ __.-.A.mong_Ithe hnost •- striking trim- _ - the church at-her:rapture to..meet.hee-_ _., _ .� rd then the trinity .of devil, /6' �! v a half, C}ne and] a half cupfuls of milk,ings for fall gowns ie embroider, ten ounces of flour,. -two eggs, one -kes done in very heaVv silks ancl''the ,evil beast IInd false prophet do their utr' .. , tablespoonful of sugar and flavor- metallic 'threads; : Sonne are en -..moat to overthrow the Lamb of and 'We' also would be pleased to supply you with printed Ing, riix the flour smooth With r'iched by', jewels. and to destroy His people Israel (Dan. Letter Heads, Note Heads; gill Heads, Statements, . , ice.. , .. some%of Ithe milk. Pour it into °a 'The ne'w',•waists to be worn with pan containing Ithe rest of the milk 'tailored suits,''as well• 'as the waists xii, 1, 3; Rev, xvii,. 14), who, shall never cease from 'the earth .(Matt. Envelopes, Wedding Invitations or Announcements, T, . „ and stir 'till it boils. Boil for d of .costumes itvill "'be of chiffon or few minutes 'till it beginsto thick- Isrrrgixisetrte 'in 'd'ark tones Which xxiv, .34; Jer. xxxi, 35, 37), but at Posters, Circulars; Catalogues, ' Calling . Cards,., in the coming, of Christ in glory. sball Y e':n, 'Take it coif st'he fire, beat in match't�he suits. receive Him tie their Messiah and be-fact anything in 'the printing.:line you may require. " , the sugar rand Flavoring and when Types of the. narrow skint now in cooled add the beaten yolks and coma thus a righteous nation to bless . . _ wopue in Paris are seen on, this side lastly 'the whites whibued stiff.' ,.o'�.&I,— !AI4-1 &I- n,..4..<L_ all nations (Teti Is, 1=3, 1.9-21). • Pour into 'a ,buttered pie dish 'and -- --- -- -' ' ' `."" .. may,. r— ii the -then•• m tpe ,ursz verse ux • . ran errszsiixovs oxocs, t7axzD's reyAA echo;, t pounced effects are seen oftener in The Gli:riton 1'e ra boli a twenty minutes in a hot oven, suits 'than In dresses. our lesson could refer to the cording Thero ie a perfect fad among smart ets, too, in which to stow away chow- FLATN SWEET OMELET, Broad-brftnraned' hoarse straw sail .of' Christ with His saints, the ten_ vires women for boudoir novelties. The iaie creams, pebbies. ho toads and gins could be, interpreted only of Israel, , p. ora trimmed in scarfs of coarse lin •very latest device of this sort is the other special treasures of the da . Two or three eggs, ten ounces of and there is something in favor of - y en embroidered in black , white. • mysterious clock, which is designed es Another kind of apron, of bins linen; •Putter, any preserve, one teaspoon=. gold or color, are touch, In evidence this in the vulgate and Syriac MSB.,' , .specially for milady's dressing room or ful.of znflk. Beat eggs With sugar 1 - .. with .,gay red and blue Russian em- and, a little of the butter. � .Add' at the French summer resorts: which give the last clones of verses i,. sitting room. broldery. and a chatelaine pocket bag, milk. `Melt rest of the butter in Early showing of 'fabries'for suits as "went forth to. meet the bride ' - . This el(wir. hes no visible connection is delightful. A design, more dressy.' pan and iwhen it bubbles up pour in are mostly tweed, and serge fn mix,- groom and the bride." But without. ����.�� between its hands and its works, for with ruffle at the foot and ribbon'tles the mixture. and] stir !a 7ninttte till ec1 colorings. Velvets will be ex- attempting to settle the interpretation , the dial is of clear glass And the hands der such as is iiltlsttaV it begins' to set. Brown lightly txemely Fashionable fair 'Wiliter. of it, there #s au abundance of. truth . SHOE + ND.: MUSIC EMPORIUM. and numbers are of gilt. over ffie shoal s wear, in dark colors with 'a fine - .A • I ed, will be liked- small maids then either rolh it up, in the pan, r which till may profit by. There are; Navin firsts read With reserve stripe ano'fher 'hue; , and there will be :till Ile come$" some ' s r or slip pit Wf.on to a war pdish, and stScarfs ow 'in favor. For da A Triumph For Women. It' Saves Ti,ma p gr dTgo 3`0 tsg2,uya all of them ro- C i _ - _ (�' The election recent] of dire Ells as it' slips quickly--tuxn...ax�.e_h vwea,r,.3vi'th•-talilbT-corrj,LU l'e'a~tne au ..a :8 �+•IT��-. . 0 !! y .Milo ucase--tubing : is •used--by-otic- .. , p" fessom but only some possessors. The Fagg- g"SPonng toihe presidenep of the mother for petticoats !or the little chi] over a other.1. pie scarf is worn. For afternoon . . !the •scarf of mousseline sots or wheat and tares will grow. together • 11IelSlfv National Educational association .is dreu.of the family. All tltat is -needed • FRUIT. BAVARIAN .. • till the harvest, which -is the end of the Shoes one of the most notable victories that is a hem and.a band, with any Voile, 1'or receptions ,the Targe• Mash, well any. fruit and pass 'it empire scarf ;sakes a pretty ac- age. Compare,the wise foolish ot. ' ,have come to women In receat._years. _ g_.that-_may..._be wanted, and'the_ tbrough a •sieve Ito remove seeds, com animent and for evenin . p g chapter vii, 21--?, and . note that 13e Men sShoes - Nuscl USCI This, together with the face .that she ski by done. pips, core, ]stones or skin. Sweet- wear luminous scarf of bright tones will have to say, to some very loud presidency of the national conference . en to taste and thexi 'add ilavox,, contrasting, with. the costumes are :professors, "I never knew you.;, depart t �]�[ • t e of charities and corrections was , Sneeze .Superstitions. , 'mg, such as orange or lemon juice. worn. from me.'- It is SvrItten. 'He'that win- f1:r Fa l.� 1.U11.1S�Ci awarded to lane Addams last year, t3smeze on Monday, sneeze for danger; : ; . .n liqueur: in such quantities as_ ' rieth, souls is wise," axil again. "They would seem to justify the oft repeated Sneeze on Tuesday,.:kiss a .stranger; will please, `adding it drop by drop .. , $ The long winter evenings sneeze on Wednesday, have a' letter; • almost Btirri;ig It in and tasting that be wise shah shine as the ht3ght• 3, $3.bU, $�� .�� •utterance that this is the' woman's age. are -'coming,. Nothing. like Sneeze •on Thursday, something better; till the idesired result is attained. . IGood Ilealth - Vor Zaby . mess of the firmament"•'(Prov. si. 30; . and $5.00 music to make them. pass. . And yet after all there is nothing re- , Sneeze on Frlaay: expect sorrow; Fox. one int of ul allow .one Dan . ail, 3).: By contrast we .can . p p p quickly,' In our Sheet Mucic markable about the fact that a woman Sneeze on ssturday, gay tomorrow;.. ounce of gelatin. Let it soak in , . !iL Very L]ttie, ,Cost„ . imagine who the foolish are.. 'See also For style, comfort and dur• Department, you ,will Hud -should be made president of this great Sneeze on. Sunday, on Monday, borrow; ]tali a�cupful 6.f cold.water for.one _ Almost �� Sneeze on Sunday morning tearing, .. . hour ,;and d'IssolVa• In ft half a - - in Luke xfi, 20, 21. that all are foolish ho.win:g �ioreFall,eare won• alsest.soiigs and instrument• educational association. Alm •t Bab's Own (Tablets only cosi 25 rho lay up treasure on earth and are „ . W i7iotit love'vrriil love you everittatinS. remarkable is the fact that this. honor cupful of bowling water. Where . eats a box; A box bought no.w of rich toward God., When we eon- . possible stir the fruit; axkl gelatin • ° , g n..1. dere hat aboub that ihas come so tardily to a woman. ;, may . save' baby s life;. 'Summer •sides that. there fs.none other name un- . 1Ve are Sole.agents in . '` on Ice till it, .be ins: to. set.' .'This is.. d n Broadly speaking. fire teachers of the A Delicious Cake. g complalats,' come -.,au de . ly,, ,and ' .de txioug mein where- Clintonfor floe utter to a cream tto prevent the fruit sinking tq the r heaven given a P T A N O. country are women. Teaching Is gen- "%feat one citp of b. _ o carry away'thousands of little ones Of bott m;.: • NoW'Stir in one pint of d 'by we. must be' -'sated (Acts iv,.]2).,and': � you were thinking of buying erally recognized as a woman's profes• and gradually . beat in three c'at's cream Well whipped and well drain every. year.: ;If the stomach an llerbT ►hoe , for Nr.ell olein Schoolthat- it is ,the blood that m. . an this Zi .1. .We are ogetite for •sa a the•Bostpn Co g { bowels ax.e. kept in order 'there Is. sioxi. angor, y ed and to n the whole into a mpuld.. .. ! atonement for-t11e,§oul,;(Lev a'v'ii, 11),.:;: �.::.- the erj. .om thes,e . tr ubles , •:,.,.. ,. Th ia- r .. odshoeYdakin ' in er threo times. ... ittle Mangfi 4: e s go. S Thi is true in branch.eave the . M e Sift•:togeih to sett.:, ,;This Bavaoi n is mas.t;d.e� 1 ded b the. devil ; ___W T - �A+.='- s every__ ah .... z et i h w es. w faolisii .sold: k11n .. •: H Y 7:nr...- ::...:,s•oDer .; tlturkluit�the. ;:._ en iso :sl$ ed :try hair ander rliciwas�nnadeavlth.sn @reit ab;s i�yzl,, __ar s..,t .o _ .:. ....�. __ -� ..ewCome,. gpfyettd ,ggiats�,llel-m;t4Br pLr,,. ..,_ 1? ..tt,� n._ v. xriedtcine in the World for prevent- must all: those_ be who, .turning their ...requireS eats of the,mostpar- The total number of representatives; . • . ' -e: g., strawberries or raspberries . from those de rtments is so much - or made with red currant juice or • xng and curing stomach and bowel .backs .upon the only way of righteous, tfcular. See our,mindoty:ar11MOrr1S With troubles,: ;They can' be given • wlkh • smaller than from the primary and pe'achesti' apricots, apples or perfect :safety to the •new-born nese .as Cain did, think'to obtain en-" Stanley �• .. pp �g ore m �� .'�., t,ineapples, • trance to the kingdom by their. own T us for Repairing secondary schools that the !urge ma- »p$ l; '+Oe°'�` o ?� baby•or the well grown 6hlld; An P . Sherlock &Mann jority of • men in the advanced • =I 4 0� 0.0 0 +� 0 0 APPLE SNOW .Occasional close of the.'Table'ts will 6D0d' words, by character,. by conned fig.. ., _- branches .has little effect neon the to•��411� re ulate'the stoxx>ach tinct:• 'bowels tion .with a so: called ch'rzcli'•or e°ea :Pianos Whites ofJtwo.e s, one -sour g m or. the Lord's •supper. , tal percentage of men and women pie, While--;gratingggthe apple pour and prevent summer • complaints.. by baptism S,_ C•: �athwell Come in. and look them over. But the principal reason for Batisfaa. llie'mOther tyho'keeps'these Tab- t)niy those are wise. who_ can truly p over one small cup'of su�ar.tokeep lets on hand may feel assured 'her tion at this election is not the fact that .ion Cna,Amr CAan, RerBxxt AND Ar,XOXD frrom discoloring, beat thoroughly . R say+ 'Thou wast :slain and hast reI I` - the pt this el is a woman, but ;that a. D TrON' 'to a/very sluff froth. little ones are safe. If you have, ns to God by Thy, blood," and Reliable. Footwear 'for. . not: ]got a 'box of the Tablets I get who „�rcome by •the blood of, the woman who was in every way quali- three rounding teaspoonfuls of baking • one 'tVithout delay. Do note Wait. ' all:. the .family. C. Roalre . Bed by her past service to the cause of powder. Add' one cup oP intik to .the'. ITALIAN CREAM. until ti'.ouble !comes ; it .may then Lamb and the word oP their testimony, . not loving their lives Hato the death education to hold this position of honor butter and sugar, alternately, with'the One pini :bf. cream, 'beaten to a -betoo late. .Sold]' by bnedicine • eligible to the residency flour mixture; lastly, beat in, the froth, flavor with lemon, vanilla or •dealer`s or -by itn4il at 25.cen`ts' a .:(ReV_V, 9; sit:: 11)•....A. lamp to no The Place Where. Your Dollar Does its Duty should be gi p and, being eligible. -should have been I whites of one dozen eggs; beaten dry. iia. ons -fourth 'box of 'g•elatit `nom 'from' IThe Dr, Williams'' Med- manner of use, except perhaps th dissolved in water,. one' eu of boil leine. Co., 'Broc1tvflle, Ont.. admired, without oil. Oil, Is a symbol. s' elected to witness the Bak fled Prostin an One hall th recipe in, Water; 'beat all _'togetheri set. on ! � � of the Holy' Spirit, and in Rom. viii, 9,, rn "�� . y !' ""'�' � rn ��M 1?'u Fol• once it is possiblea bo. g ice. A few .candied' cherries.or spectacle of the opposing candidates may be baked in two layer cake S. slices of •citron is an improvement when 13ears Intrude. the read that Christ any man have is." + . �-- going down to ignominious defeat about 11 .by it inches. The frill recipe or one-half cup.of Water instead�.of .,Bear fur has been so low in price the spirit of Christ rte is none of His." without'a pang of remorse makes a very large cake:, The ettke is one, let' set and pour over 'canned the last few years that. I have not That would 'seem, to ,settle the real' There were six of theta -sir brawny of very delicate texture. •Decorate the ' reaches and • pineapple,. then add tried to. catch them if -they would standing t; h wise and I4 l m .1 I icing with the split halves of almonds the cream to this -a nice dessert. That all, both . and foolish, Slnm- men-'all fightingagainst one woman, let my' camps alone and. keep out of • .. ' `Bnmswiek tiered and, slept, would Beem to' intik-• • The • - Em�or><ur�t s Bargains and the woman won. One admits a and ctiisins. ,�•� __ � mischief,,, writes a. New curt of satisfaction at the spec- trapper to The cur News. 'Tut they. ante that the vase, as; wetl as the took SPECIAILS• 14OW ARE t -Sugar, Tea, Rice, Barley, Meals of`differr grim - RULES FOR HEALTH. lab, were indifferent to the great event. quite often .break into. the campspo entkinds, Breakfast l+oods; Bananas,'Oranges,. Lemons, etc., Flour, . A. clean and cheerful house makes and then I have to kill. them, wheth- ming of the Lord. It we judge Bread and Cakes, Muslins, Ginghams, Prints, Gloves, hosiery and 'the. Co Parasol Da i a'happy home, or the fur. Is good,or. not If they do by lye few preachers_ whb seem . tv Summer Underwear; white and also black Skirts; Buggy Dusters; a ' rr ct int6 a, camp butter and coffeeknow or care any about Sts com- large stock of Whips, price from 10c up to $1.00 -that is buggy, vva Parasols this season have been love- - �. '. ,Frugality and •isobr fety froni'the 9 is Bar- best elixir of longevity, seem to be their first choice, but they long and therefore the consequent Son and binder rTelescope. A larg pink of travelling, come fora sat , iy; every woman will concede th e r nenerall` smash ,everything that will. Snit Case or Telescope. ° A large supV17 of E`orke, Rakes, Snaths, riot point. Perhaps the most fash- w z - .Rise ehrly, retire early, and fill . y blindness o! believers generally in this> to p P s, r break, and what they dote t eat they Scythes,.l3andles, Hoes, Faris (]cess, sure Killer, ZenolQum, Insect ionahle aha has been the s,luare. a ;, r the day ,with. Work: matter, It -Is evident that with few es pe ,�,,,, ;,„ ; will destroy, and :if they once learn .Powder, Machine and Separator oils, etc. Highest price always paid sunshade trimmed with deep drooping ` ;;;.,. ''�'' ; ,.. . �.,.s ;,,,� Cleanliness prevents rust,, the an are .asleep.; best Cleanliness r machinesenslast 'the 0 break into a camp the only' way to. cele a is a atYv sleep, for Froduce. fringe that is a fascinating peekaboostop them is the trop or ;,*ton." Blithhere is tk hwith is lawful, �, Scrofula dkfi' ares and . Enough Slee Ie airs• Waste and . '�""`W -- not matter it as to our bodies we are p Londeshoro flife-1©><i/�' ITllvi.' Q� d stxenlongest aens'apohm eh eleee best rkl;oft- husks. and If. or aslee are right tJsw coiner. • Adams,- : ,..: ,,. ,.,,, LIv4'S r , � ,,. �y p . ,�^<>.;�? .,. eros :and enfeebles: Suffered For Years From Palo icor we can say; "><'ateep, but my hear! �f , �� ;y C 11 E�' 1Ir.G A3 lD a t:.0111 a Cheerfulness makes love of life ; waketh" (Song v, 2)• The tiriso virgins' " 5; ',>' love of life is ,half of health. Sad- ' f.`. V .. �.. <l•`� � > F: t y .� ; 11 p .p n�1 ea ao�er Were ready and they went in with ... > f: f a kw`% �, f ,�,'t1CDE1g l?irid ltwel� ri1*i �< Hess and discouragement hastens �t■ ��o f7aY� aJIt1 . !1 y,y. y�� ��y p snit the clogs,. _} J: �. $'� �_F. 1`a{. iJ. t ... Y.. i7 ... to 'LIIV maGL1iY�M . .11 the comm oP old.a a and feeble- J ` Y �,, :: a .::€?.,:... 1 fr; 5 :. gY"11@Yl. Elxliili doaos Of g g Pain in the back is oris of the first Sig was shut (verse 1Q). ' o�i•�•d !•E•o4'�i'Drl'�•i l►rIIr��II•�rk•�►3r e•II•orIIr�rl,�r3r�ri+tri•�rIIr�,).�.3•�►�.*.i.�.t.#.j... r, r yi ; t f>w ?: y `Y< Hess. showing that the kidneys are not in the There is no readiness apart gomf _. I. �, sh s s,.s :..:.. and t a `.•I•; ; ; :: a ;4y .::. �.x : Water- and bread Maintain life condition .they should be, a r should His own • s �,3 <:Y>: ><:.:..y/Kz�.. •.:. :F . : i that which He Provides, :.;. • , f . r:K:. > 9 w, . ure 'air ,land sunshine are be attended to immediately for, if no. . i.x:>;^..?;s;;:s,':«.j,,<, :l�S...�4.,; Elrnulsinw, , i7 a indls , vhieh Se veBfreelYi .i.t.'.J�il''i^sa`>�+.,W',v';;• ,s %f0N.—�,+,�. �0 � d •'i pensable' t0 health. Sleeted, serious kidney troubles are likely righteousness, ' "� rt ���s,,, cn< to �o.low. Thele is no way of getting to all �yho receive Him. Then we cerci D <:; Y :=<;K x.0-1-,.,,.5�, By distragtlons and •amusements `kY:',,, ...•re:a;�:o/+Y,. ,,F'•',2:71`4,,s :,• -F- of :t a backache except through the - sa Y,will greatly rejoice MONUMEN s0 N , f every defy, The s+zxvc d Ii he mind 'Is refreshed anld invigor- .rid f h b p ! aiwaga y, -- , . , ,.:;'' f , '�, ; � ated ;. 'bu't 'abuse of 'them leads to• ludneyst and no medicine so efiectrve fbr the Lord, my Bout shall be toy M o f 1q>s' bod is fes - the stwoll'Bn , this p ens Doan s Krdne Pt11sY .. my CA tot He •hath Clothed tris With ♦ TT p ��•'�tt •� � �r�1 s . +� xs }�.., p. s diBsipation, and dissipation to vice. s d y U SPECIALTIES. I� ►' I . iss Ida JY Dort"ran, 2S Spring SrG.; the gartientn of salvation, rte ha rir 105 i• •, 'be Igensible dressed is to give <.. F r glands lnealecl ailed tine ,To ° Charlottetown,.>; I:, lvntest--� I have, ;.:, s ; ._ iteedom._�to ones_..tuovem,ents -and. received most" wonderful benefit frond covered m8 with the robe of righteous• t6tintezl boats 'irtt`Zi�lZtvd. z sufficient Warmth to protect again- toffs hose's Kidney pills. tress" (7sa: lei, ,I0). Thus accepted i>rI ,* + ' 01ri -ran+aat1 inn+. 4n ��,dfi m ass nronrsa SQUAMa srtaz� Good flood, f�Y'eslh air and screen for coquettish eyes. Indeed, a � pretty girl can do a lot of damage With Scott -'a :t:,173�4�5�05t COs- t such a parapulie. 4ue r tcrofula and niatny ' IlaIlia, too, has been a favorite, mate rin.] for the bummer sunshade, and the ' otht r blood G'Ii.3eases, model pictured is of tan raffia with a z+orc SAxra DV Ax,t', DAUGMS'rs fringe of beautifully blended colorings .,I of the kindergarten material. A girl . , set.,1 loc., rntite of raper a-ld this eel. for who is familiar with the use of raffia �J rur beautlfttl Savi}igs Tats and Cl ild•s ��,,�'� could easily ctltlstrnet a .parnsdl fdi r j 94ewli I i alt. r:acii 14111li: ttmtatais nc:a;;dx,u k e!> �, herself at small Cost. 1.l,j rCCJ 11 ill)li7NlY •s•� s's •4r , � ,160 r Oo , r : 1A , WOO, a ovon4o, !)zip i %yAdvertise In They NeVV Era I is :. r - ! i' Y. s..��; l c st sudden changes of temperature. "I Suffered for years from headaches If `you,194in your' living by your intelect, -do. nb't 'allow your arms and pain in the back, and I Iconsulted doctors and. took every remedy Obtain- legs to got stiff from disuse; if youearn your living by physical .y able but without. any relief,until I began taking Man's Itidney Pills. This was labor do not allow .your mental powers to i9et rusty, but enlarge 'the only medicine that ever slid me an real &Mas after using several boles I thought- your mental ,outlook byhh Medical 11eVlety. now entirely free from ail my dread - ful headaches and baekaelits. . "I will always recommend your medl- - -�-• dine to d,n7 of my friends who are troubled a dot I was., boxes for $ 1.215• x or '� bo Price 50c . � r A tit all detsleta or mailed 'direct by. rho 9'. Milburn Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont �6 t6 stow d lufis, cures t- 25 henry th8 ti�oat and 1uni,sY � • 28 conte, , Wh$notdddng dire,ot apCCify'i DO W+b w ' . .. :. _ �.��..... �.� ti,s.0 ..- ,v �.:,._. _., . ��n� a -.m . ..j �.. �.� ,. ..,.,�... —:�. w -. -..m: m. mpg ti W . �W-.d...,.._- . the Beloved, iii whom We have re" . dermptiori through Situ blood, we are'' p!Way reat1Y for�His call. _.. ; :;; Workmanship of the Best • It . t !l'o fees ]Reasonable. �l�ompt Delirrory ... _._ .. ., _ I jib • 1) 0 1 0 OPPOSITE POST OFI'%CE,, CLINTON, .,.bra.«•.i.�+taut.�,,.iri�i•����r�rt•dr4r�rt'#rirt►�##rt�1!�M�iririr�/►,'k1►r3•�3�'i`�+1;